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视差立体图像中的∑面描述 被引量:2
作者 汪明霓 《杭州电子工业学院学报》 2002年第6期35-39,共5页
关键词 视差立体图像 ∑面 浮画 异步生成算法 同步生成算法
我国大豆生产波动动因分析——基于省际面板模型的实证研究 被引量:4
作者 李维刚 张晓东 +1 位作者 宋继华 孙丹 《农业经济与管理》 北大核心 2023年第2期48-63,共16页
在我国大豆生产波动频繁的情况下,找出影响大豆单产、种植面积的影响因素是实现“提单产、稳面积”的首要举措。研究采用1999~2020年21个省份面板数据,在分析大豆单产、种植面积的变化趋势基础上,根据大豆单产增减趋势,把大豆产区划分... 在我国大豆生产波动频繁的情况下,找出影响大豆单产、种植面积的影响因素是实现“提单产、稳面积”的首要举措。研究采用1999~2020年21个省份面板数据,在分析大豆单产、种植面积的变化趋势基础上,根据大豆单产增减趋势,把大豆产区划分成增产区、减产区和波动区,采用改进的面板数据模型分别对三个产区的大豆单产和种植面积的影响因素进行实证分析。结果表明,机械化收割、产研结合、农药投入、小型拖拉机的投入是影响不同区域大豆单产的显著因素;机械化耕作是提升所有区域种植面积的显著因素,玉米种植面积、化肥投入、农药投入、灌溉条件、科研资金与人员投入、产研结合、机械化收割是影响不同区域大豆种植面积显著因素。根据分析,提出了相应政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 大豆生产 大豆单产 大豆种植
两面针总碱抗胃溃疡作用研究 被引量:15
作者 庞辉 何惠 +3 位作者 简丽娟 高志睿 韦奇 贾晓栋 《中药药理与临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期38-39,共2页
目的:研究两面针总碱对实验性胃溃疡的保护作用及其机制。方法:灌服两面针总碱7天后,用无水乙醇、束缚一冷冻法和幽门结扎法造胃溃疡模型,测量溃疡指数、胃液量、游离酸、总酸度、胃蛋白酶活性以及胃粘膜MDA含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)... 目的:研究两面针总碱对实验性胃溃疡的保护作用及其机制。方法:灌服两面针总碱7天后,用无水乙醇、束缚一冷冻法和幽门结扎法造胃溃疡模型,测量溃疡指数、胃液量、游离酸、总酸度、胃蛋白酶活性以及胃粘膜MDA含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、NO含量。结果:两面针组能使三种模型溃疡指数降低,对胃液量、游离酸、总酸度无明显影响,可降低胃液胃蛋白酶活性,使胃粘膜MDA含量降低,SOD活性和NO含量升高。结论:两面针总碱具有抗溃疡作用。 展开更多
关键词 针总碱 胃溃疡 保护作用 游离酸 总酸度
处理走航式海洋多参数剖面测量系统(MVP)温度和电导率滞后效应的方法 被引量:7
作者 任强 于非 +2 位作者 刁新源 司广成 魏传杰 《海洋科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期59-66,共8页
走航式海洋多参数剖面测量系统(moving vessel profiler,MVP)是一种集成程度和自动化程度都较高的海洋调查设备,能对海洋多要素进行同时观测,获得水平方向的高分辨率数据资料。由于温度和电导率传感器响应时间的不匹配,MVP下放速度过快... 走航式海洋多参数剖面测量系统(moving vessel profiler,MVP)是一种集成程度和自动化程度都较高的海洋调查设备,能对海洋多要素进行同时观测,获得水平方向的高分辨率数据资料。由于温度和电导率传感器响应时间的不匹配,MVP下放速度过快(峰值速度4 m/s)而造成非常明显的盐度尖峰现象。本研究结合Fofonoff(F)法、时间常数指数递归数字滤波(Giles and McDougall,GM)法和Grose提出的盐度尖峰订正方案,提出了一种新的方法,即MCT(match conductivity and temperature response time)法,通过对压力、温度和电导率传感器进行响应时间的匹配来减弱盐度尖峰。将SBE-9型CTD资料作为标准,发现订正后的资料与CTD盐度曲线的互相关系数为0.917,误差比订正前减小80%。对比35°N断面修正前后的盐度资料,订正后温盐跃层处出现的低盐区域消失。MVP的应用比常规海洋调查仪器CTD对于海洋现象的观测更有优势。 展开更多
关键词 走航式海洋多参数剖测量系统MVP 盐度尖峰 MCT(match CONDUCTIVITY and temperature RESPONSE time)'~r
辽朝南面官研究——以碑刻资料为中心 被引量:39
作者 杨军 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期3-19,共17页
碑刻资料证明,辽朝南面官的结衔总计包括10个方面的内容,依次为:功臣号、职、阶、官、散官、宪、勋、爵、邑(封)、赐。职是实职,官代表品级,其他皆为虚衔。官员在职、阶、官、勋四个方面的升迁并不同步,但官与职大致存在对应关系。根据... 碑刻资料证明,辽朝南面官的结衔总计包括10个方面的内容,依次为:功臣号、职、阶、官、散官、宪、勋、爵、邑(封)、赐。职是实职,官代表品级,其他皆为虚衔。官员在职、阶、官、勋四个方面的升迁并不同步,但官与职大致存在对应关系。根据碑刻复原的辽代南面官的散官系统,既不同于唐代的实职官,也不同于北宋前期的寄禄官。从门下省、尚书省及六部等机构的属官多作为官称而非职名来看,辽朝并未实行三省六部制,南面朝官的主要权力机构为枢密院和中书省。 展开更多
关键词 结衔
肺表面活性蛋白D与呼吸道合胞病毒感染 被引量:2
作者 朱亚非 包玲 《医学研究生学报》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第9期998-1001,共4页
肺表面活性蛋白(surfactant protein,SP)-D在机体肺部防御和先天性免疫方面发挥着重要作用。目前的研究表明,SP-D参与儿童呼吸道合胞病毒(respiratory syncytial virus,RSV)感染的发生、发展,提示SP-D可能成为治疗肺部炎症性疾病的有效... 肺表面活性蛋白(surfactant protein,SP)-D在机体肺部防御和先天性免疫方面发挥着重要作用。目前的研究表明,SP-D参与儿童呼吸道合胞病毒(respiratory syncytial virus,RSV)感染的发生、发展,提示SP-D可能成为治疗肺部炎症性疾病的有效手段。文中就SP-D结构、功能及其与RSV关系、对肺部炎症性疾病治疗方面作一综述,旨在为RSV感染的治疗提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 肺表活性蛋白D 生理功能 呼吸道合胞病毒感染
面条机搅拌杯多重倒扣成型注塑模具设计 被引量:16
作者 赵战锋 《工程塑料应用》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期73-77,共5页
针对某面条机搅拌杯产品存在多重倒扣难以脱模的问题,设计了单型腔模具结构。采用圆周式薄片侧浇口,并实现了流道废料自动切除。针对产品不同部位的脱模要求设计了不同的脱模机构:型腔侧扣位采用前模抽芯机构进行脱模,型芯侧外侧面多重... 针对某面条机搅拌杯产品存在多重倒扣难以脱模的问题,设计了单型腔模具结构。采用圆周式薄片侧浇口,并实现了流道废料自动切除。针对产品不同部位的脱模要求设计了不同的脱模机构:型腔侧扣位采用前模抽芯机构进行脱模,型芯侧外侧面多重扣位采用哈夫滑块抽芯机构进行脱模,型芯侧内侧面多重扣位采用斜顶机构进行脱模,产品的完全顶出采用推件板顶出方式顶出脱模。结合一侧哈夫滑块抽芯时,需先行将螺纹镶件抽出的特点,在该哈夫滑块的结构基础上,设计了复合式斜导柱+弯销+螺纹滑块脱模机构,实现了产品上各局部扣位的脱模。设计的模具完成了所有的侧抽芯脱模动作,实现了自动化注塑生产。 展开更多
关键词 条机搅拌杯 注塑模具设计 侧抽芯 脱模 哈夫滑块 多重倒扣 自动化注塑
汉语“面”的词缀化考察 被引量:3
作者 冯凌宇 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期72-76,共5页
"面"作为方位词缀,其词缀化的主要历程包括两个方面:(1)"面"义由实到虚:面部→平面、方面→方向、方位→"词缀",(2)"方+面"结构由松到紧:短语→复合词→派生词。而随着与各种方位语素的结合,&q... "面"作为方位词缀,其词缀化的主要历程包括两个方面:(1)"面"义由实到虚:面部→平面、方面→方向、方位→"词缀",(2)"方+面"结构由松到紧:短语→复合词→派生词。而随着与各种方位语素的结合,"面"最终成为词缀。而词汇化过程中,概念"从隐含到呈现"规律是双音"方+面"增多的主要动因。 展开更多
关键词 方位词 词缀化
论在“五位一体”总体布局中工会的定位、面临的挑战及作用 被引量:3
作者 武玉芳 齐敏 梁霞 《山东工会论坛》 2014年第1期7-13,共7页
"五位一体"是党中央对中国特色社会主义事业作出的新的全局性规划,体现了党对社会主义建设规律的全新把握。工会是联系党和职工群众桥梁和纽带,代表和维护职工合法权益,同时也承担着动员和组织职工积极参加改革和建设,努力推... "五位一体"是党中央对中国特色社会主义事业作出的新的全局性规划,体现了党对社会主义建设规律的全新把握。工会是联系党和职工群众桥梁和纽带,代表和维护职工合法权益,同时也承担着动员和组织职工积极参加改革和建设,努力推动我国经济、政治、文化、社会、生态文明各项事业不断向前发展的重要任务。新时期党和国家高度重视、相关法律法规不断出台、职工素质普遍提升及对工会的认同,都给工会发挥作用创造了机遇。但同时又面临着劳动关系日趋多样化和复杂化、劳动者利益诉求多元、思想状况日益复杂、价值取向多元和利益表达渠道不畅通等方面的挑战和压力。面对党、政府和职工对工会寄予的深切厚望,工会组织应从自身实际出发,从加强组织建设、提高工会干部整体素质、创新工会工作方式等方面找准定位,充分发挥自身优势,努力在新时期经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设以及生态文明建中争取更大的作为。 展开更多
关键词 五位一体 工会职能定位 职工利益 劳动关系 两步走战略
利用Micorsoft VisualJ^(++)使Web页面丰富多彩
作者 张天庆 于中华 唐常杰 《计算机应用》 CSCD 1997年第3期68-68,共1页
关键词 WEB页 Javaapplets COM 程序语言
Preparation and interface state of phosphate tailing-based geopolymers
作者 ZHANG Shou-xun XIE Xian +4 位作者 XIE Rui-qi TONG Xiong WU Yu-yao LI Jia-wen LI Yue 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期1900-1914,共15页
The long-term storage of phosphate tailings will occupy a large amount of land,pollute soil and groundwater,thus,it is crucial to achieve the harmless disposal of phosphate tailings.In this study,high-performance geop... The long-term storage of phosphate tailings will occupy a large amount of land,pollute soil and groundwater,thus,it is crucial to achieve the harmless disposal of phosphate tailings.In this study,high-performance geopolymers with compressive strength of 38.8 MPa were prepared by using phosphate tailings as the main raw material,fly ash as the active silicon-aluminum material,and water glass as the alkaline activator.The solid content of phosphate tailings and fly ash was 60% and 40%,respectively,and the water-cement ratio was 0.22.The results of XRD,FTIR,SEM-EDS and XPS show that the reactivity of phosphate tailings with alkaline activator is weak,and the silicon-aluminum material can react with alkaline activator to form zeolite and gel,and encapsulate/cover the phosphate tailings to form a dense phosphate tailings-based geopolymer.During the formation of geopolymers,part of the aluminum-oxygen tetrahedron replaced the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron,causing the polycondensation reaction between geopolymers and increasing the strength of geopolymers.The leaching toxicity test results show that the geopolymer has a good solid sealing effect on heavy metal ions.The preparation of geopolymer from phosphate tailings is an important way to alleviate the storage pressure and realize the resource utilization of phosphate tailings. 展开更多
关键词 phosphate tailing GEOPOLYMER interface state toxicity leaching
In-situ thermal Raman mapping and stress analysis of CNT/CF/epoxy interfaces
作者 HE Jing-zong CHEN Shi +2 位作者 MA Zheng-kun LU Yong-gen WU Qi-lin 《新型炭材料(中英文)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期703-714,共12页
A study of the interfacial behavior and internal thermal stress distribution in fiber-reinforced composites is essential to assess their performance and reliability.CNT/carbon fiber(CF)hybrid fibers were constructed u... A study of the interfacial behavior and internal thermal stress distribution in fiber-reinforced composites is essential to assess their performance and reliability.CNT/carbon fiber(CF)hybrid fibers were constructed using electrophoretic deposition.The interfacial properties of CF/epoxy and CNT/CF/epoxy composites were statistically investigated and compared using in-situ thermal Raman mapping by dispersing CNTs as a Raman sensing medium(CNT_(R))in a resin.The associated local thermal stress changes can be simulated by capturing the G'band position distribution of CNT_(R) in the epoxy at different temperatures.It was found that the G'band shifted to lower positions with increasing temperature,reaching a maximum difference of 2.43 cm^(−1) at 100℃.The interfacial bonding between CNT/CF and the matrix and the stress distribution and changes during heat treatment(20-100℃)were investig-ated in detail.This work is important for studying thermal stress in fiber-reinforced composites by in-situ thermal Raman mapping technology. 展开更多
关键词 Thermal Raman mapping Stress distribution Carbon fiber Carbon nanotube Interface
《庄子·秋水》“旋其面目”考辨 被引量:2
作者 郭剑英 《湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期124-126,共3页
《庄子·秋水》篇中的"旋其面目"一语,"旋"当训"还",系还返、回复之义;"面目"指与神情有关的面容。"旋其面目",即是回复其面容。"面目"不表"脸"或"头&... 《庄子·秋水》篇中的"旋其面目"一语,"旋"当训"还",系还返、回复之义;"面目"指与神情有关的面容。"旋其面目",即是回复其面容。"面目"不表"脸"或"头"义,"旋其面目"不能解为"转过脸"或"转过头来";河伯"顺流而东行,至于北海","北海"即黄河所入之海,在黄河入海口之东;河伯"东面而视",所视即为"北海",也用不着"转过脸"或"转过头来"。 展开更多
关键词 《庄子·秋水》 旋其 北海
Polyetherketoneketone/carbon fiber composites with an amorphous interface prepared by solution impregnation
作者 ZHANG Feng LI Bo-lan +5 位作者 JIAO Meng-xiao LI Yan-bo WANG Xin YANG Yu YANG Yu-qiu ZHANG Xiao-hua 《新型炭材料(中英文)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期692-702,共11页
Interfacial adhesion between carbon fibers(CF)and polyetherketoneketone(PEKK)is a key factor that affects the mechanical performances of their composites.It is therefore of great importance to impregnate the CF bundle... Interfacial adhesion between carbon fibers(CF)and polyetherketoneketone(PEKK)is a key factor that affects the mechanical performances of their composites.It is therefore of great importance to impregnate the CF bundles with PEKK as effi-ciently as possible.We report that PEKK with a good dispersion in a mixed solution of 4-chlorophenol and 1,2-dichloroethane can be introduced onto CF surfaces by solution impregnation and curing at 280,320,340 and 360℃.The excellent wettability or infiltra-tion of the PEKK solution guarantees a full covering and its tight binding to CFs,making it possible to evaluate the interfacial shear strength(IFSS)with the microdroplet method.The interior of the CF bundles is completely and uniformly filled with PEKK by solu-tion impregnation,leading to a high interlaminar shear strength(ILSS).The maximum IFSS and ILSS reached 107.8 and 99.3 MPa,respectively.Such superior shear properties are ascribed to the formation of amorphous PEKK in the small spaces between CFs. 展开更多
关键词 Polyetherketoneketone Carbon fiber WETTABILITY Amorphous adhesion Interfacial strength
“旋其面目”辨正 被引量:3
作者 徐山 《株洲工学院学报》 2006年第3期44-45,共2页
关键词 《庄子》 旋其 词义 身体动作意义 辨正
Semi-analytical solution for mechanical analysis of tunnels crossing strike-slip fault zone considering nonuniform fault displacement and uncertain fault plane position
作者 YANG Heng-hong WANG Ming-nian +1 位作者 YU Li ZHANG Xiao 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期2116-2136,共21页
The tunnel subjected to strike-slip fault dislocation exhibits severe and catastrophic damage.The existing analysis models frequently assume uniform fault displacement and fixed fault plane position.In contrast,post-e... The tunnel subjected to strike-slip fault dislocation exhibits severe and catastrophic damage.The existing analysis models frequently assume uniform fault displacement and fixed fault plane position.In contrast,post-earthquake observations indicate that the displacement near the fault zone is typically nonuniform,and the fault plane position is uncertain.In this study,we first established a series of improved governing equations to analyze the mechanical response of tunnels under strike-slip fault dislocation.The proposed methodology incorporated key factors such as nonuniform fault displacement and uncertain fault plane position into the governing equations,thereby significantly enhancing the applicability range and accuracy of the model.In contrast to previous analytical models,the maximum computational error has decreased from 57.1%to 1.1%.Subsequently,we conducted a rigorous validation of the proposed methodology by undertaking a comparative analysis with a 3D finite element numerical model,and the results from both approaches exhibited a high degree of qualitative and quantitative agreement with a maximum error of 9.9%.Finally,the proposed methodology was utilized to perform a parametric analysis to explore the effects of various parameters,such as fault displacement,fault zone width,fault zone strength,the ratio of maximum fault displacement of the hanging wall to the footwall,and fault plane position,on the response of tunnels subjected to strike-slip fault dislocation.The findings indicate a progressive increase in the peak internal forces of the tunnel with the rise in fault displacement and fault zone strength.Conversely,an augmentation in fault zone width is found to contribute to a decrease in the peak internal forces.For example,for a fault zone width of 10 m,the peak values of bending moment,shear force,and axial force are approximately 46.9%,102.4%,and 28.7% higher,respectively,compared to those observed for a fault zone width of 50 m.Furthermore,the position of the peak internal forces is influenced by variations in the ratio of maximum fault displacement of the hanging wall to footwall and the fault plane location,while the peak values of shear force and axial force always align with the fault plane.The maximum peak internal forces are observed when the footwall exclusively bears the entirety of the fault displacement,corresponding to a ratio of 0:1.The peak values of bending moment,shear force,and axial force for the ratio of 0:1 amount to approximately 123.8%,148.6%,and 111.1% of those for the ratio of 0.5:0.5,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 strike-slip fault tunnel engineering semi-analytical solution fault zone width nonuniform fault displacement uncertain fault plane position
Three-dimensional pseudo-dynamic reliability analysis of seismic shield tunnel faces combined with sparse polynomial chaos expansion
作者 GUO Feng-qi LI Shi-wei ZOU Jin-Feng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期2087-2101,共15页
To address the seismic face stability challenges encountered in urban and subsea tunnel construction,an efficient probabilistic analysis framework for shield tunnel faces under seismic conditions is proposed.Based on ... To address the seismic face stability challenges encountered in urban and subsea tunnel construction,an efficient probabilistic analysis framework for shield tunnel faces under seismic conditions is proposed.Based on the upper-bound theory of limit analysis,an improved three-dimensional discrete deterministic mechanism,accounting for the heterogeneous nature of soil media,is formulated to evaluate seismic face stability.The metamodel of failure probabilistic assessments for seismic tunnel faces is constructed by integrating the sparse polynomial chaos expansion method(SPCE)with the modified pseudo-dynamic approach(MPD).The improved deterministic model is validated by comparing with published literature and numerical simulations results,and the SPCE-MPD metamodel is examined with the traditional MCS method.Based on the SPCE-MPD metamodels,the seismic effects on face failure probability and reliability index are presented and the global sensitivity analysis(GSA)is involved to reflect the influence order of seismic action parameters.Finally,the proposed approach is tested to be effective by a engineering case of the Chengdu outer ring tunnel.The results show that higher uncertainty of seismic response on face stability should be noticed in areas with intense earthquakes and variation of seismic wave velocity has the most profound influence on tunnel face stability. 展开更多
关键词 reliability analysis shield tunnel face sparse polynomial chaos expansion modified pseudo-dynamic approach seismic stability assessment
作者 袁奥博 徐艳 《四川旅游学院学报》 2015年第1期36-40,45,共6页
关键词 海南旅游 饭店行业 过夜游客人数
作者 丛术平 王来 王庆林 《电脑开发与应用》 2014年第9期4-7,共4页
根据球面网壳的施工特点,采用VB6.0编制了球面网壳施工控制系统。根据系统的数据特点,采用MicrosoftExcel作为数据库。使用OLE控件调用AutoCAD软件,绘制三维结构模型图。使用Image控件和Line控件设计工具栏。系统根据施工误差对施工时... 根据球面网壳的施工特点,采用VB6.0编制了球面网壳施工控制系统。根据系统的数据特点,采用MicrosoftExcel作为数据库。使用OLE控件调用AutoCAD软件,绘制三维结构模型图。使用Image控件和Line控件设计工具栏。系统根据施工误差对施工时可能出现的问题进行预警,有利于提高球面网壳的施工质量。 展开更多
“面”字问题 被引量:1
作者 宋文田 《和田师范专科学校学报》 2010年第3期93-94,共2页
关于"面"字的古文字到小篆字体的发展变化和现代研究结论已经基本定型,都认为其所从部件是从"目"到从"■"的讹变,本文从古文字各个时代的形体演变实际情况出发,试图推演出它的演变阶段和原因,找到其讹变... 关于"面"字的古文字到小篆字体的发展变化和现代研究结论已经基本定型,都认为其所从部件是从"目"到从"■"的讹变,本文从古文字各个时代的形体演变实际情况出发,试图推演出它的演变阶段和原因,找到其讹变轨迹,同时也根据发现的"面"字材料推断出其发生讹变的两种可能情况。 展开更多
关键词 古文字形 讹变 演变轨迹
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