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释“舍” 被引量:2
作者 徐山 《黄冈师范学院学报》 2005年第2期68-69,共2页
分析了“舍”字的金文形体,“舍”字由两部分构成,其上方为甲骨文里的“余”形,下方为“口”。“余”的本义为房舍义,“余”在卜辞里已借为第一人称代词;这样,“余”的房舍本义则是通过另造新字“舍”来表达。“舍”的形体下方加上的“... 分析了“舍”字的金文形体,“舍”字由两部分构成,其上方为甲骨文里的“余”形,下方为“口”。“余”的本义为房舍义,“余”在卜辞里已借为第一人称代词;这样,“余”的房舍本义则是通过另造新字“舍”来表达。“舍”的形体下方加上的“口”,作为同源分化字的造字手段,用来表示该字读成上方部件的语音。 展开更多
关键词 古文字 考释
作者 林华东 《闽台文化研究》 2022年第2期44-49,共6页
闽南方言是古汉语的“活化石”,传承了古代汉语的许多语言特征。闽南方言随着闽南人的脚步走出福建,走向台湾地区,走向世界,成为跨省域、跨国界的汉语方言。生活在海外的闽南人特别珍惜闽南方言的保护,把它作为守望中华文化的象征;他们... 闽南方言是古汉语的“活化石”,传承了古代汉语的许多语言特征。闽南方言随着闽南人的脚步走出福建,走向台湾地区,走向世界,成为跨省域、跨国界的汉语方言。生活在海外的闽南人特别珍惜闽南方言的保护,把它作为守望中华文化的象征;他们不仅是口口相传,还注重书写记录,不时思索历史本原。新加坡华人口语中的“舍施”和“无舍施”,以及“丈夫”等词语,都源于古代汉语,体现了闽南方言的悠久和海内外闽南人共同对古代汉语的守护。闽南方言是联系海上丝绸之路沿线国家闽南华侨华人的重要纽带。 展开更多
关键词 丈夫 古代汉语 闽南方言 泉州
作者 杨先云 《湖南考古辑刊》 2022年第1期372-382,共11页
里耶秦简多次出现“■”“■舍”记录,从相关简文分析,“■”当是《汉书·扬雄传》颜师古注“厮,破折也”,表示破伤的意思。“■者”当是伤员。“■舍”不同于传世文献所载汉代“厮舍”,在秦代当是隶属县廷的官署,由“■舍啬夫”负... 里耶秦简多次出现“■”“■舍”记录,从相关简文分析,“■”当是《汉书·扬雄传》颜师古注“厮,破折也”,表示破伤的意思。“■者”当是伤员。“■舍”不同于传世文献所载汉代“厮舍”,在秦代当是隶属县廷的官署,由“■舍啬夫”负责■舍管理。“■舍”安置受伤的士卒,负责他们的生活起居,不仅提供住所,并按照秦律向他们提供分量较少的粮食。“■舍”记载时间仅限于秦始皇二十六年,当是特定官署,随后被废除。 展开更多
关键词 ■舍 里耶秦简
明朝立国前后的军中舍人与演武余丁 被引量:3
作者 张金奎 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期18-27,共10页
在明朝建立之前,为了保持军力,大批在伍官兵户下的男丁被以操练舍人或演武余丁的名义提前招入军中训练并参战,进而演化出多种名目的舍人和正军家下男丁可合法代之参战的制度。明初军役仅由正军负担的传统观点需要适当修正。明朝建立后,... 在明朝建立之前,为了保持军力,大批在伍官兵户下的男丁被以操练舍人或演武余丁的名义提前招入军中训练并参战,进而演化出多种名目的舍人和正军家下男丁可合法代之参战的制度。明初军役仅由正军负担的传统观点需要适当修正。明朝建立后,多种名目的舍人逐渐被撤销、合并,最后仅存散骑舍人和听差舍人,但提前入伍的祖制以幼官舍人营和随侍营的名义保留下来,只是其军事职能日渐丧失,逐渐沦为猥贱杂差。明朝中后期,由于卫军逃亡等原因,明廷重新捡起强征舍人、余丁入伍的“法宝”,不仅没有达到预期效果,反而引发了一系列问题。 展开更多
关键词 演武余丁 明朝
“舍”义辨——《孟子·滕文公上》“舍皆取诸其宫中而用之” 被引量:1
作者 纪凌云 《重庆三峡学院学报》 2020年第1期88-95,共8页
对于《孟子·滕文公上》篇"舍皆取诸其宫中而用之"一句中"舍"字的理解,向来存在争议。历代注家对"舍"字的不同训释均存在问题。句中"舍"字宾语的非典型性和"何不"连用造成的对... 对于《孟子·滕文公上》篇"舍皆取诸其宫中而用之"一句中"舍"字的理解,向来存在争议。历代注家对"舍"字的不同训释均存在问题。句中"舍"字宾语的非典型性和"何不"连用造成的对整个句子逻辑语义关系的误判,是对"舍"字误解的主要原因。句中"舍"字的正确训释其实正是其在先秦最常见的用法,即为动词,表"放弃/舍弃"义。 展开更多
关键词 评析 原因 释义
作者 倪屹 《吉林省教育学院学报》 2021年第1期174-178,共5页
渤海建国集团初期组织者乞乞仲象的"舍利"称谓问题在学术界一直存在争议。根据现存文献记载的三位渤海人被称"舍利"的政治背景,契丹社会称呼"舍利"的语境,以及对渤海王室族源相关问题的考证,可以推断乞... 渤海建国集团初期组织者乞乞仲象的"舍利"称谓问题在学术界一直存在争议。根据现存文献记载的三位渤海人被称"舍利"的政治背景,契丹社会称呼"舍利"的语境,以及对渤海王室族源相关问题的考证,可以推断乞乞仲象冠名的"舍利",既是尊号,也是官职,它只能是授自契丹,但具有契丹化倾向的乞乞仲象血统并非契丹人,而是粟末靺鞨人。 展开更多
关键词 渤海国 乞乞仲象
作者 曾南逸 沈瑞清 林诺舟 《中国语文》 北大核心 2024年第2期207-215,256,共10页
“厝房子”是闽语的特征词,本文通过比较闽语里与“厝房子”韵母完全对应的“■垫”音,及二者读音与古音的对应关系,指出这两个词(或语素)可能分别来源于古汉语的“舍”和“藉”。它们的特殊读音反映的是褐韵三等的一个早期层次*-io。... “厝房子”是闽语的特征词,本文通过比较闽语里与“厝房子”韵母完全对应的“■垫”音,及二者读音与古音的对应关系,指出这两个词(或语素)可能分别来源于古汉语的“舍”和“藉”。它们的特殊读音反映的是褐韵三等的一个早期层次*-io。明清福建文献显示,“厝房子”原本也被写作本字“舍”,后来在书写上俗字“厝”逐渐取代了“舍”。文章同时根据对应规律将Norman原始闽语*-io、*-o两韵,重新构拟为*-io、*-u、*-iu三韵。 展开更多
关键词 “厝”“”“藉” 闽语 䘞韵三等
Structure Design of Large-scale Fattening Pig House with Fermentation Bed 被引量:2
作者 刘波 蓝江林 +1 位作者 唐建阳 史怀 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第9期1521-1525,1529,共6页
The fattening pig house with fermentation bed had an area of 2 100 m2, and the area of fermentation bed was 1 900 m2 with a utilization rate of 91.4%, which was 45% higher than that of conventional pig house with surr... The fattening pig house with fermentation bed had an area of 2 100 m2, and the area of fermentation bed was 1 900 m2 with a utilization rate of 91.4%, which was 45% higher than that of conventional pig house with surrounding barrier. There was feeding trough around the house. The water troughs were set in the middle of the fermentation bed and of the feeding trough on the short sides of the house, separating feed and water. There were electric aluminum alloy shutters in both long sides of the house for ventilation, cooling and heat preservation. On both short sides, there were fans and wet curtains. The spray cooling devices were in- stalled outside the roof for cooling. The environmental control in the piggery, includ- ing light, temperature, water, humidity, carbon dioxide and ammonia, was realized to run by computer automatically. The coconut chaff and chaff configuration were used as mattress material, realizing the advantages of fermentation bed, such as no smell, zero emission, high-quality meat, saving labor, controlling disease, no drug residue, producing fertilizer, intelligent control, mechanized operation, etc. 展开更多
关键词 Fermentation bed Large-scale piggery Automatic control Non-pollution No smell
车字古有“居”音 被引量:2
作者 林亦 余飞 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期16-18,共3页
关键词 现代汉语方言 汉语语音 文献材料 差别 古人 反映 遗迹
利用楚简资料校读《孟子》一则 被引量:1
作者 李刚 《金陵科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第1期70-74,共5页
《孟子》"舍皆取诸其宫中而用之"中的"舍"字长期未得确诂,自汉赵岐至近代章太炎,异说纷纭。近年虽有学者引用出土文献资料,但仍未解决问题。究其原因,学者未能将有关材料综合考虑。王念孙将《荀子》"不是师法... 《孟子》"舍皆取诸其宫中而用之"中的"舍"字长期未得确诂,自汉赵岐至近代章太炎,异说纷纭。近年虽有学者引用出土文献资料,但仍未解决问题。究其原因,学者未能将有关材料综合考虑。王念孙将《荀子》"不是师法而好自用,譬之是犹以盲辨色,以聋辨声也,舍乱妄无为也"中"舍"解释为范围副词"皆"。从这一线索出发,结合《广韵》中"馀"及楚简中"■"字的用法,考释出"舍"可以作范围副词用,《孟子》中的这一"舍"字为"皆""全"之义。 展开更多
关键词 《孟子》 楚简
作者 杨琳 《中国文字研究》 2019年第2期130-141,共12页
《里仁》"贫与贱,是人之所恶也,不以其道得之,不去也"中的"得"一直不可解。出土文献中"得"或作"直","直"通"置",义为弃去、去除。《滕文公上》"舍皆取诸其宫中而用之... 《里仁》"贫与贱,是人之所恶也,不以其道得之,不去也"中的"得"一直不可解。出土文献中"得"或作"直","直"通"置",义为弃去、去除。《滕文公上》"舍皆取诸其宫中而用之"中的"舍"长期争议不断。出土文献中"舍"常跟"余"字混同,"舍皆……"之"舍"应即"余"字,当解作语气词"与(欤)"。《秦策一》中的"地势形便"令注家困惑。出土文献中"形"字最早见于东汉,先秦及西汉其义一般作"刑"。《战国策》之"形"本当作"利",因"利""刑"形近,故讹作"刑"。后因形象义另造"形"字,故又改"刑"为"形"。《应帝王》"汝又何帛以治天下感予之心为"之"帠"不得其解。据出土资料,"帛"乃"为"之讹误。"益"之赐予义乃其所固有,出土资料表明"益""易"为一字之分化。《维天之命》"假以溢我"应读为"嘏以益我"。 展开更多
关键词 地势形便 益之本义 假以溢我
Numerical Simulation of Natural Ventilation in Northern Civil Pig Houses
作者 陈文娟 董润坚 +2 位作者 周海柱 王洁 袁月明 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第3期156-159,185,共5页
With northern pig house as study objective,the 3-D numerical simulation of natural ventilation airflow field of five pig houses with different window area was done by using Fluent software,and the comparative analysis... With northern pig house as study objective,the 3-D numerical simulation of natural ventilation airflow field of five pig houses with different window area was done by using Fluent software,and the comparative analysis was carried out on simulation result and measured result.The results showed that the effect of ventilation was decided by the reasonable area ratio of window and earth and the ratio of length and width of window.According to this real pig house in experiment,there are the best uniformity of ventilation and the least area of having no ventilation by 1:10 of the area ratio of the window and earth in the pig houses,the smaller air retention zone by the smaller ratio of length and width of window,the better effect of ventilation;the results of simulation agree well with the results of measured,the max relative error and the average error was 11.1% and 7.7%,so the software of Fluent was proved effective in the numerical simulation of natural ventilation in the pig houses and the optimal design of pig houses' structure. 展开更多
关键词 Pig house Natural ventilation CFD simulation Window area
日本古代律令官人的出身方式探要 被引量:1
作者 邵峰 《通化师范学院学报》 2008年第7期27-29,共3页
关键词 出身方式 荫位 贡举一省试
Effect of Marangoni Convection on Mass Transfer in Liquid Phase 被引量:4
作者 余黎明 曾爱武 余国琮 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第6期391-398,共8页
Marangoni convection and its influence on the mass transter in the liquid phase were investigated. Marangoni convection was visualized using laser Schlieren technique, Orderly polygonal convection patterns and random ... Marangoni convection and its influence on the mass transter in the liquid phase were investigated. Marangoni convection was visualized using laser Schlieren technique, Orderly polygonal convection patterns and random interfacial turbulence were observed. The effect of Marangoni convection on the mass transfer rate was studied by desorbing ethanol from aqneous solution in the falling film. The experimental results show that Marangoni convection can speed up the surface real and enhance the mass transfer rate in the liquid phase.The liquid mass transfer coefficient can be enhanced by as much as 3 folds. The corresponding empirical correlations are given in terms of the mass transfer enhancement factor. Furthermore, in considering the Marangoni effect, the conventional mass transfer correlation was modified, The differences between the values predicted by the correlation and the experimental data are within ±8.2% and the average difference is 4.2%. 展开更多
关键词 Marangoni convection Schlieren technique enhancement factor Sherwood number
Plastic zone distribution laws and its types of surrounding rock in large-span roadway 被引量:14
作者 Li Chong Xu Jinhai +1 位作者 PanJianzhong Ma Chao 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第1期23-28,共6页
In order to study the distribution laws and types of plastic zone of surrounding rock in large-span roadway, we analyzed the distribution laws with different spans and lateral pressures using FLAC3D numerical calcu- l... In order to study the distribution laws and types of plastic zone of surrounding rock in large-span roadway, we analyzed the distribution laws with different spans and lateral pressures using FLAC3D numerical calcu- lation software. Based on the roadway support difficulty and distribution laws of the plastic zone of sur- rounding rock, we defined the large-span roadway and classified the types of large-span rectangular roadways. As a result, the distribution laws of the plastic zone on surrounding rock in a rectangular roadway with different spans and lateral pressures were obtained. The results show that the area of the plastic zone on surrounding rock increased with the increase of the spans and lateral pressures, and the plastic zone was symmetrical to the center line of roadway. At λ=0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0, the plastic zone presented "addle- shape" distribution, "ellipse" distribution, "thin and high" distribution and "inverse trapezium" distribu- tion, respectively. In addition, we classified the roadways into four types according to the different lateral pressures and spans, including small-span, moderate-span, large-span and extreme-large-span roadways. 展开更多
关键词 Large-span roadway Plastic zone Distribution law TYPE
Design of Environmental Monitoring and Control System for Large-scale Pig House with Fermentation Bed 被引量:6
作者 Bo LIU Huiyong ZHENG +8 位作者 Yingzhi LIN Shengbing LIU Hongyi ZHENG Chunzhong YOU Huai SHI Jianglin LAN Zhaolong LI Jianyang TANG Qinlou HUANG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第2期391-399,共9页
The design and assembly of environmental monitoring and control system for large-scale pig house with fermentation bed helped to solve the problem of environmental automatic control in piggery.The sensors would monito... The design and assembly of environmental monitoring and control system for large-scale pig house with fermentation bed helped to solve the problem of environmental automatic control in piggery.The sensors would monitor the temperature,humidity,light,wind direction,wind speed,CO2,NH3and other parameters.On-line real-time data collection was achieved.The expert system was constructed to control the temperature in piggery below 30℃,to control the air and mattress humidities higher than 65%.Under the conditions of different season or different wind speed,even in day and night,the control actuators were different.The actuators included fanning wet curtain,lighting,micro spraying,spraying,propeller fan,electric aluminum alloy shutter and spraying systems on the roof.The actuators were integrated,and they control the piggery environment simultaneously.The system also designed the remote video monitor interface,parameter-monitoring curved interface and operation interface,which provided a good man-machine interface. 展开更多
关键词 Environmental control Large-scale pig house Microbial fermentation bed
Research on Traditional Village Protection Development Planning Based on Value Characteristics——Taking Heshe Village in Jiangxi Province As An Example 被引量:1
作者 黄萍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2135-2138,2146,共5页
Traditional villages are the foundation of human history, the crystallization of agricultural civilization, the important carder of homeland feelings, and the spiritual homeland of the Chinese nation. In the important... Traditional villages are the foundation of human history, the crystallization of agricultural civilization, the important carder of homeland feelings, and the spiritual homeland of the Chinese nation. In the important period of attaching importance to the protection of traditional villages and making active plans for the protection and development of traditional villages, the planning of conservation has been stereotyped, which only cares about quantity and speed. Every traditional village has its unique value and soul, and ignoring its internal cultural connotation and value characteristics can result in the lack of scientific and comprehensive planning, making it unable not be implemented in practice. In this paper, taking Heshe Village in Jiangxi Province as an example, the value characteristics oriented planning strategy for traditional villages were proposed through the refinement of its value characteristics based on the scientific planning principles. 展开更多
关键词 Value characteristics Conservation planning Heshe Village
Development of Warp Knitted Products on RSJ Machine 被引量:1
作者 徐东平 李炜 冯勋伟 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第6期807-810,共4页
Products made by Raschel Jacquard(RSJ)high-speed jacquard warp knitting machine are used in ornament and apparel fabrics.However,most products are produced according to the existing samples.The capability of creative ... Products made by Raschel Jacquard(RSJ)high-speed jacquard warp knitting machine are used in ornament and apparel fabrics.However,most products are produced according to the existing samples.The capability of creative design is not enough at home.In this paper,based on the basic features,the knitting methods and the working principles of warp knitting jacquard machines,the rules for manufacturing jacquard products are summarized.The article provides the new thoughts for the development of fabrics,such as the pattern design,changing the cams,power-net and a special technology of without pillar,which were obtained from the practices in a factory. 展开更多
关键词 warp-knitted jacquard fabric RSJ knitting machine developing product
Effect of Cowshed Design and Cooling Strategy on Welfare and Productivity of Dairy Cows 被引量:2
作者 M. Samer 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第6期848-857,共10页
Nine cowsheds were used, the differences between each cowshed are orientation (east-west or north-south), cooling (with or without), and height (3 m, 5 m or 8 m height). Dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity, ... Nine cowsheds were used, the differences between each cowshed are orientation (east-west or north-south), cooling (with or without), and height (3 m, 5 m or 8 m height). Dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity, dew point, shaded area, air velocity, and maximum temperature were measured beneath each shed. The temperature-humidity index (THI) and the shading efficiency were calculated for each cowshed. The trials were conducted using 180 lactating Holstein Friesian cows; twenty cows housed beneath each shade structure. Measurements performed on cows were respiration rate, skin temperature, and rectal temperature; moreover, the milk produced by each cow was recorded, and the feed intake. High air velocities were recorded under high shade structures which enhance the aeration; consequently, maximum temperatures, and THI recorded beneath high sheds were less than those recorded beneath low sheds; also, skin temperatures, and respiration rates for cows housed under high sheds were less than those measured for animals housed under low sheds(differences were found to be significant). Thereby, increasing shed height enhances dairy cows' microclimate under Egyptian conditions (hot climate); consequently, the milk production increases. The best orientation is the east-west orientation, which is preferable for hot climates. The exploitation of cooling has significant effect on microclimate, cooling enhances the ambient environment and provides comfortable zone for dairy cows within which cows reach high production levels. 展开更多
关键词 Open housing system heat stress shade structure cooling strategy animal welfare.
Periodic Folded Wave Patterns for(2+1)-Dimensional Higher-Order Broer-Kaup Equation
作者 HUANG Wen-Hua 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第10期827-831,共5页
A general solution including three arbitrary functions is obtained for the (2+1)-dimensional higher-orderBroer-Kaup equation by means of WTC truncation method.Introducing proper multiple valued functions and Jacobiell... A general solution including three arbitrary functions is obtained for the (2+1)-dimensional higher-orderBroer-Kaup equation by means of WTC truncation method.Introducing proper multiple valued functions and Jacobielliptic functions in the seed solution,special types of periodic folded waves are derived.In long wave limit theseperiodic folded wave patterns may degenerate into single localized folded solitary wave excitations.The interactions ofthe periodic folded waves and their degenerated single folded solitary waves are investigated graphically and are foundto be completely elastic. 展开更多
关键词 higher-order Broer Kaup equation WTC truncation method periodic folded wave
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