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作者 郭丽 《文史杂志》 2024年第5期48-52,共5页
关键词 《三台》 题名 衍生
作者 郭丽 周阳 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2022年第2期81-87,共7页
《三台》作为乐府曲调诞生于北齐,在唐宋时期得到充分发展,宫调多达十五种;体制既有大曲形式,也有纯器乐演奏形式;所用乐器以弦乐器、管乐器和打击乐器为主,这些乐器多数来自丝绸之路,如觱篥、五弦琵琶等;《三台》还可配舞表演,宋代甚... 《三台》作为乐府曲调诞生于北齐,在唐宋时期得到充分发展,宫调多达十五种;体制既有大曲形式,也有纯器乐演奏形式;所用乐器以弦乐器、管乐器和打击乐器为主,这些乐器多数来自丝绸之路,如觱篥、五弦琵琶等;《三台》还可配舞表演,宋代甚至出现了雷中庆等专擅《三台》舞的舞者。降及元明清,《三台》仍然可歌可舞。直至现代,根据长安古乐半字谱破译的《三台》曲谱仍可表演。由唐代至清,《三台》流传从未消歇,宫廷宴飨、文士雅集,甚至边疆域外皆可见到其表演盛况。 展开更多
关键词 《三台》 音乐形态 流传情况
论《三台》词调结构──兼论慢二急三节拍形式 被引量:2
作者 庄永平 《交响(西安音乐学院学报)》 1994年第1期13-18,共6页
《三台》词调的慢二急三节拍形式,是唐代音乐中的独特的节拍形式之一。研究这种节拍形式,涉及到《敦煌乐》《五弦琴谱》《敦煌舞谱》等古乐谱译解中的一系列难题。本文译解了《五弦琴谱》中的《三台》曲,初步探讨了慢二急三节拍形式特点... 《三台》词调的慢二急三节拍形式,是唐代音乐中的独特的节拍形式之一。研究这种节拍形式,涉及到《敦煌乐》《五弦琴谱》《敦煌舞谱》等古乐谱译解中的一系列难题。本文译解了《五弦琴谱》中的《三台》曲,初步探讨了慢二急三节拍形式特点,以及唐代酒筵中呤、诵、歌、舞、乐配合情形。 展开更多
关键词 《三台》渊源 译谱 慢二急节拍形式
作者 郭丽 《社会科学战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期233-240,共8页
乐府曲调《三台》的本事有5种主要说法,分别是蔡邕周历三台说、高洋重建三台说、石季龙宴三台说、曹操建三台说和音乐特点说。蔡邕周历三台说中蔡邕“周历三台”实为“周历二台”,这使乐府以此为由制《三台》曲的说法失去了坚实根基;高... 乐府曲调《三台》的本事有5种主要说法,分别是蔡邕周历三台说、高洋重建三台说、石季龙宴三台说、曹操建三台说和音乐特点说。蔡邕周历三台说中蔡邕“周历三台”实为“周历二台”,这使乐府以此为由制《三台》曲的说法失去了坚实根基;高洋重建三台说认可度最高,但认可者都未能给出有力证据,通过考察高洋重建三台事、《三台》歌辞的六言体式与北歌胡乐之关系、唐人所言“近代《三台》”艳曲中“近代”含义可补证这一说法;据唐人言及《三台》时所云“近代”之所指可否定石季龙宴三台说,并进一步证实蔡邕周历三台说不成立;曹操建三台说过度放大了三台作为舞榭歌台的功能,判断失之武断;音乐特点说把以弱拍开始的乐曲演奏中常见的拍板三声误认为是《三台》演奏独有,以此作为《三台》本事并不可靠. 展开更多
关键词 《三台》 乐府 本事 《乐府诗集》 杂曲歌辞
作者 刘宇颂 刘天振 《南京艺术学院学报(音乐与表演版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期149-154,共6页
明清时期民间书坊编刊的诸多综合性日用类书中一般都有“侑觞门”或“酒令门”,专门辑录各类时兴酒令,以供四民采择使用。其中全用曲牌和部分用曲牌的酒令占了很大比重。其主要形态可分为“《西厢记》类”“曲牌串合类”“曲牌与其他典... 明清时期民间书坊编刊的诸多综合性日用类书中一般都有“侑觞门”或“酒令门”,专门辑录各类时兴酒令,以供四民采择使用。其中全用曲牌和部分用曲牌的酒令占了很大比重。其主要形态可分为“《西厢记》类”“曲牌串合类”“曲牌与其他典籍结合类”及“曲牌与其他名物合意类”四种,其游戏规则包含“顶真”“贯串合意”两种。这些含有曲牌的酒令在泛化词曲艺术娱乐功能、拓宽曲学知识传播途径、印证戏曲文化在民间社会的生命力等方面发挥了重要作用。日用类书中的曲牌由专业知识转变为日用知识,为当代戏曲文献研究、戏曲传播研究带来诸多启迪。 展开更多
关键词 曲牌 日用类书 酒令 《三万用正宗》
作者 高锋 官菊梅 宋联洪 《亚太传统医药》 2016年第15期2-3,共2页
三台刘氏后人所藏《三台刘氏天禄堂宗谱》,系清代四川三台儒医刘福庆的家族宗谱。介绍了刘氏宗谱的源流及体例,因其内容详尽,蕴藏着丰厚的社会历史文化信息,为研究刘福庆等人的家世、生平、文学、医学等提供了许多有价值的资料,可弥补... 三台刘氏后人所藏《三台刘氏天禄堂宗谱》,系清代四川三台儒医刘福庆的家族宗谱。介绍了刘氏宗谱的源流及体例,因其内容详尽,蕴藏着丰厚的社会历史文化信息,为研究刘福庆等人的家世、生平、文学、医学等提供了许多有价值的资料,可弥补正史传记、地方志的不足。 展开更多
关键词 中医文献 《三刘氏天禄堂宗谱》 刘福庆 民国
作者 闫艳 程婧华 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2022年第1期96-100,119,共6页
《三台万用正宗》是明代一本具有代表性的通俗日用类书,书中俗形丰富,反映了明代俗字使用情况,具有重要研究价值。本文主要对“粲”“灿”“餐”“迟”“痪”“寎”“卿”“龟”“龙”“验”10个字对应的俗形进行考释,这些俗字均未被《... 《三台万用正宗》是明代一本具有代表性的通俗日用类书,书中俗形丰富,反映了明代俗字使用情况,具有重要研究价值。本文主要对“粲”“灿”“餐”“迟”“痪”“寎”“卿”“龟”“龙”“验”10个字对应的俗形进行考释,这些俗字均未被《汉语大字典》《中华字海》等大型字典及相关字书收录,可补充俗字语料,探究俗字演变规律。 展开更多
关键词 明代通俗类书 俗字 《三万用正宗》
《三台万用正宗》涉医文献特色考论 被引量:1
作者 傅建忠 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期5561-5563,共3页
《三台万用正宗》是明代卷帙最为浩繁的一部综合性日用类书,其中的涉医文献内容丰富多样,且极具典型性和代表性。文章结合明代具体的文化背景和医学发展状况,从医学知识属性、知识类型、医学文体、插图运用等多个视角,梳理分析其涉医文... 《三台万用正宗》是明代卷帙最为浩繁的一部综合性日用类书,其中的涉医文献内容丰富多样,且极具典型性和代表性。文章结合明代具体的文化背景和医学发展状况,从医学知识属性、知识类型、医学文体、插图运用等多个视角,梳理分析其涉医文献的特色所在,具体表现为:突出实用,兼顾理论;类型多样,道教医学比重大;韵散结合,大量采用韵文体;穿插图像,突出表达效果。《三台万用正宗》涉医文献的编撰特色,对当今继承和传播中医药文化遗产具有重要的启发意义。 展开更多
关键词 日用类书 《三万用正宗》 涉医文献
作者 王琳夫 《乐府学》 2021年第2期262-276,共15页
“三台”既是曲名,也是曲类,其直接源头是唐武后所作的《三台盐》,与蔡邕、邺中三台、唐太宗无关,也不是胡曲。“三台”在曲类演化中具有明显的阶段性特征,是唐人口中的六言“艳曲”,宋人口中的“古文舞”,元时的“歌声变件”。经过宋... “三台”既是曲名,也是曲类,其直接源头是唐武后所作的《三台盐》,与蔡邕、邺中三台、唐太宗无关,也不是胡曲。“三台”在曲类演化中具有明显的阶段性特征,是唐人口中的六言“艳曲”,宋人口中的“古文舞”,元时的“歌声变件”。经过宋人推尊、改制,禅诗中的“舞三台”成了一种特殊的文化符号。 展开更多
关键词 《三台》 送酒 词调 唐乐
作者 沈笑颖 《乐府学》 2022年第1期106-114,共9页
唐大曲《突厥三台》由《突厥盐》和《三台》通过“犯声”之法整合而成,题名“突厥”二字虽有揭示内容之意,但不可看作《三台》同调异名之曲。其在排遍即歌唱部分采用《突厥盐》之调,入破即舞蹈部分采用《三台》之调。其形成过程在地域... 唐大曲《突厥三台》由《突厥盐》和《三台》通过“犯声”之法整合而成,题名“突厥”二字虽有揭示内容之意,但不可看作《三台》同调异名之曲。其在排遍即歌唱部分采用《突厥盐》之调,入破即舞蹈部分采用《三台》之调。其形成过程在地域上经历了“中央一边塞一中央”的流传过程,在时间上经历了“小曲一小曲大曲并存”的整合过程。其由中原旧曲与边塞新声整合而成的创制方式为宋、金继承,产生《伊州三台》等曲目。 展开更多
关键词 唐大曲 《三台》 流变
An iterative calibration method for nonlinear coefficients of marine triaxial accelerometers 被引量:2
作者 杨杰 吴文启 +1 位作者 武元新 练军想 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期3103-3115,共13页
Single-axis rotation technique is often used in the marine laser inertial navigation system so as to modulate the constant biases of non-axial gyroscopes and accelerometers to attain better navigation performance.Howe... Single-axis rotation technique is often used in the marine laser inertial navigation system so as to modulate the constant biases of non-axial gyroscopes and accelerometers to attain better navigation performance.However,two significant accelerometer nonlinear errors need to be attacked to improve the modulation effect.Firstly,the asymmetry scale factor inaccuracy enlarges the errors of frequent zero-cross oscillating specific force measured by non-axial accelerometers.Secondly,the traditional linear model of accelerometers can hardly measure the continued or intermittent acceleration accurately.These two nonlinear errors degrade the high-precision specific force measurement and the calibration of nonlinear coefficients because triaxial accelerometers is urgent for the marine navigation.Based on the digital signal sampling property,the square coefficients and cross-coupling coefficients of accelerometers are considered.Meanwhile,the asymmetry scale factors are considered in the I-F conversion unit.Thus,a nonlinear model of specific force measurement is established compared to the linear model.Based on the three-axis turntable,the triaxial gyroscopes are utilized to measure the specific force observation for triaxial accelerometers.Considering the nonlinear combination,the standard calibration parameters and asymmetry factors are separately estimated by a two-step iterative identification procedure.Besides,an efficient specific force calculation model is approximately derived to reduce the real-time computation cost.Simulation results illustrate the sufficient estimation accuracy of nonlinear coefficients.The experiments demonstrate that the nonlinear model shows much higher accuracy than the linear model in both the gravimetry and sway navigation validations. 展开更多
关键词 ship navigation single-axis rotation inertial system laser gyroscopes quartz accelerometers nonlinear calibration
An Angle Trajectory Tracking for a 3-DOF Pneumatic Motion Platform by the NI Compact RIO Embedded System 被引量:1
作者 Yuan-Ming Cheng Yu-Song Chen 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第1期14-21,共8页
An angle trajectory tracking of a 3-DOF (Degree Of Freedom) pneumatic motion platform by the NI Compact RIO control system was investigated. In this study, the positions of moving platform are changed by extension o... An angle trajectory tracking of a 3-DOF (Degree Of Freedom) pneumatic motion platform by the NI Compact RIO control system was investigated. In this study, the positions of moving platform are changed by extension or shortening of the three pneumatic cylinders. The response of pneumatic cylinder is relatively slow for motor actuator and can get a good single-axis trajectory control by traditional P controller, but the trajectory tracking of platform has a delay phenomenon for angle instantly larger change. To improve this situation in this study, Fuzzy system is used in the trajectory pre-compensation. By the angle changes and the angle rates of change in Fuzzy systems, the value of a pre-compensation output and each axis value are calculated using the Jacobian matrix after compensation in each axis. Through experiments, this Fuzzy pre-compensation method is proved to be able to improve the delay situation of angle trajectory tracking. 展开更多
关键词 Parallel mechanism Fuzzy controller Compact RIO trajectory tracking.
作者 李一凡 肖振铎(图) 《中国少年儿童(小记者版)》 2009年第5期44-44,共1页
关键词 《三只小鸟一戏》 小学 作文欣赏 作文指导
作者 李少白 《小学生导刊(低年级版)》 2016年第8期15-15,共1页
青蛙打鼓, 蟋蟀拉琴, 萤火虫跳舞。 三个娃娃一台戏, 快快活活到天明。
关键词 当代文学 儿童文学 童谣 《三个娃娃一戏》
3D stability assessment of stepped slopes in inhomogeneous soils 被引量:4
作者 LI Xiong-wei ZHU Jian-qun +1 位作者 LI Zheng-wei YANG Xiao-li 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第1期221-230,共10页
Stability assessment of slopes has historically been performed assuming soils to be homogeneous in two-dimensional(2D) cases. In real cases, soils are usually inhomogeneous, and each slope collapse indicates a three-d... Stability assessment of slopes has historically been performed assuming soils to be homogeneous in two-dimensional(2D) cases. In real cases, soils are usually inhomogeneous, and each slope collapse indicates a three-dimensional(3D) nature. Based on a 3D rotational failure mechanism, this work develops an approach to account for the impact of the vertical strength inhomogeneity on the 3D stability of stepped slopes. Seismic actions are taken into account by introducing the concept of a horizontal seismic coefficient. An upper-bound expression for stability factors is derived in the light of the kinematic approach, and the most critical solution is obtained from an optimization programming. In comparison with the previously published solutions, the validity of the proposed method is shown. A sensitivity analysis is carried out to discuss parametric effects on the stability of 3D stepped inhomogeneous slopes. 展开更多
关键词 inhomogeneous soil stepped slope stability factor 3D horn failure mechanism
Explanation for peat-forming environments of coal seam 2 and 9^(-2)based on the maceral composition and aromatic compounds in the Xingtai coalfield,China 被引量:2
作者 SUN Yu-zhuang QIN Shen-jun +2 位作者 LI Yan-heng LIN Ming-yue DING Shu-li 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第1期16-23,共8页
Maceral composition and aromatic compounds were determined on columnsamples to study the peat-forming environments of Permian coal seam 2 and Carboniferouscoal seam 9^(-2) from the Xingtai coalfield,China.The macerals... Maceral composition and aromatic compounds were determined on columnsamples to study the peat-forming environments of Permian coal seam 2 and Carboniferouscoal seam 9^(-2) from the Xingtai coalfield,China.The macerals were dominated by inertinitein seam 2 and by vitrinite in seam 9^(-2).Three maceral groups were selected as indicatorsof peat-forming environments.Two triangle diagrams were drawn based on the indicatorsto explicate the peat-forming environments of permian seam 2 and Carboniferousseam 9^(-2).The results indicate that the peat of carboniferous seam 9^(-2) formed dominantlyin wet swamps,whereas the peat of Permian seam 2 formed dominantly in dry swampsand open moor environments. 展开更多
关键词 Xingtai coalfield maceral composition aromatic compounds peat-forming environments PERMIAN CARBONIFEROUS
作者 赵江红 《古籍整理研究学刊》 2024年第3期55-60,共6页
过去学界认为日本内阁文库藏《七政全历》是单行的文献。文章比较了《七政全历》《重较台司历数命理璇玑》的版式、内容,发现《七政全历》其实是三册本《重较台司历数命理璇玑》脱落的第四册。又找到与《重较台司历数命理璇玑》关系密... 过去学界认为日本内阁文库藏《七政全历》是单行的文献。文章比较了《七政全历》《重较台司历数命理璇玑》的版式、内容,发现《七政全历》其实是三册本《重较台司历数命理璇玑》脱落的第四册。又找到与《重较台司历数命理璇玑》关系密切的《三台命书正宗》《全补台司历数袖里璇玑》,通过对后二书内容、体例的分析,进一步证明了《七政全历》与《重较台司历数命理璇玑》是同一部书。 展开更多
关键词 《七政全历》 《命理璇玑》 《三命书正宗》 《袖里璇玑》 星历
A Computer Modeling of the China Central Television Headquarters in Beijing
作者 Valentina Forcella 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第11期1353-1368,共16页
This paper deals with the computer modeling of structures starting from a point cloud. The CCTV (China Central Television) tower headquarters is the case for study because the shape of this building is non-stellar, ... This paper deals with the computer modeling of structures starting from a point cloud. The CCTV (China Central Television) tower headquarters is the case for study because the shape of this building is non-stellar, concave and multi-connected. It is composed of sowns and chains. The sown is the representation of a horizontal plane formed by dense points. The chain is a planar path modeled by rare points. The CCTV structure is defined only by the three orthogonal Cartesian coordinates of the points. The proposed computer modeling uses a sequence of procedures and the desired outputted 3D model is consistent. The first procedure is devoted to attributing points to their voxel and to estimating three values needed afterwards. The second procedure is devoted to analyzing clusters vertically and horizontally, to preliminarily distinguishing chains from sowns and to generating relational matching. The third procedure is devoted to building closed paths between all chains and all their projections on sowns. The fourth procedure is devoted to connecting points with triangles. The fifth procedure, still being implemented, is devoted to interpolating triangles with triangular splines. The results show it is possible to achieve the 3D model using the above mentioned procedures. These procedures are written, implemented and tested and they form a library of people's own software. The code is written using Matlab. It is not possible to obtain the required 3D model if the procedures are applied in the wrong order or one step is skipped. To conclude, it is possible to obtain the computer model of the CCTV using the provided sequence of procedures. 展开更多
关键词 CCTV tower cluster analysis Delaunay triangulation B6zier spline.
Relay camera videometrics based conversion method for unstable platform to static reference 被引量:4
作者 YU QiFeng SUN XiangYi +4 位作者 JIANG GuangWen LIU XiaoLin ZHANG XiaoHu ZHOU Jian SHANG Yang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期1017-1023,共7页
This article proposes a relay camera videometrics based method to convert an unstable measuring platform to a static reference to solve the problems of large error or invalidation caused by measuring platform instabil... This article proposes a relay camera videometrics based method to convert an unstable measuring platform to a static reference to solve the problems of large error or invalidation caused by measuring platform instability in photogrammetric and videometric measurements.The method installs a relay camera on the unstable platform and captures images of a reference marker fixed on a static reference or vice versa to resolve the 3D movement of the unstable platform relative to the static reference,based on which it corrects the error of the measured results and thus eliminating the influence of the platform movement.It finds new and important applications for videometrics by making high-precision dynamic measurement possible on unstable platforms.Verification experiments and numerical simulations have proven its validity and practicability. 展开更多
关键词 optical measurement VIDEOMETRICS unstable platform static reference conversion
Cross-coupled controller design for triaxial motion systems based on second-order contour error estimation 被引量:3
作者 ZHAO Huan ZHU LiMin DING Han 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期1209-1217,共9页
The cross-coupled control(CCC)is widely applied to reduce contour errors in contour-following applications.In such situation,the contour error estimation plays an important role.Traditionally,the linear or second-orde... The cross-coupled control(CCC)is widely applied to reduce contour errors in contour-following applications.In such situation,the contour error estimation plays an important role.Traditionally,the linear or second-order estimation approach is adopted for biaxial motion systems,whereas only linear approach is available for triaxial systems.In this paper,the second-order contour error estimation,which was presented in our previous work,is utilized to determine the variable CCC gains for motion control systems with three axes.An integrated stable motion control strategy,which combines the feedforward,feedback and CCC controllers,is developed for multiaxis CNC systems.Experimental results on a triaxial platform indicate that the CCC scheme based on the second-order estimation,compared with that based on the linear one,significantly reduces the contour error even in the conditions of high tracking feedrate and small radius of curvature. 展开更多
关键词 cross-coupled controller contour error cross-coupled gains triaxial motion system computer numerical control (CNC)
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