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《世经》帝德谱的形成过程及相关问题——再析“五德终始说下的政治和历史” 被引量:19
作者 陈泳超 《文史哲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期45-54,共10页
《世经》帝德谱关系到传统主流社会对于古代帝王世系的权威设定,同时又与两汉之际的政治、文化和学术颇多关联,历来受人重视。对于其形成过程,东汉以来都认为是"刘向父子"的共同创制,但晚清开始的疑古思潮对之发表了颠覆性意... 《世经》帝德谱关系到传统主流社会对于古代帝王世系的权威设定,同时又与两汉之际的政治、文化和学术颇多关联,历来受人重视。对于其形成过程,东汉以来都认为是"刘向父子"的共同创制,但晚清开始的疑古思潮对之发表了颠覆性意见,其中以顾颉刚《五德终始说下的政治和历史》最具影响,其核心观点认为:刘歆在五德相生的理论基础上,通过设置闰统和加入少昊,创作了《世经》帝德谱,使该谱同时符合"汉为尧后"与"汉为火德"两个命题,以为王莽篡权服务,为了弥缝这一学说与其他文献的矛盾,刘歆不惜遍伪群经。顾颉刚的这一说法代表了疑古派的高峰,但是也遭到很多学者的反对,钱穆就力辩刘歆遍伪群经之说为虚妄,指出《世经》帝德谱的材料皆有来源,但他没有对该谱的成因和过程给予明确的论断;最近出版的杨权《新五德理论与两汉政治》重拾旧题,在承认刘歆没有遍伪群经的基础上,却依然得出了该谱是刘歆创制并用来为王莽服务的结论,甚至还构拟了一个不同于该谱的所谓"刘向版"帝德谱。其实,《世经》帝德谱本质上即是为汉代寻找合法性依据,刘向很可能为汉室皇族编制了一套从春秋战国以来的家族迁徙路线图,以与《左传》记录相衔接。在这个过程中,刘向父子之间并没有原则分歧,只是由于所谓"新五德理论"先天具有的轮转特性,这些苦心经营后来被野心家王莽利用来作为篡汉的舆论工具罢了。 展开更多
关键词 《世经》 帝德谱 五德终始 刘向 刘歆
作者 王雨桐 《文史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期35-60,共26页
早期中國的歷史年代學與經典詮釋、數術占驗緊密相關,又反過來影響和塑造了古人的歷史知識。本文研究劉歆《世經》、圖讖中的甲寅元“殷曆”、《世經》所引《殷歷》等三種成立於兩漢之際的曆法年代學文獻,特别是其中關於文王受命、武王... 早期中國的歷史年代學與經典詮釋、數術占驗緊密相關,又反過來影響和塑造了古人的歷史知識。本文研究劉歆《世經》、圖讖中的甲寅元“殷曆”、《世經》所引《殷歷》等三種成立於兩漢之際的曆法年代學文獻,特别是其中關於文王受命、武王伐紂的年代考算;並且將它們視爲一個整體,考察其學術思想史意義。戰國秦漢時代,數術思維和占驗技術的廣泛影響,構成了“曆譜”之學的思想背景與知識資源。《世經》是劉歆以其三統曆推算上古歷史和《春秋》經傳年代的重要著作,他的思考方法、撰述旨趣還具有鮮明的經學特徵。通過分析上述文獻的技術細節,可以確認《世經》與圖讖甲寅元曆的周初年代學説關係密切,二者的依據和結論都有相通之處。相比之下,《世經》中的《殷歷》既立足於四分曆的時間框架,又使用了三統曆的星歲體系,成立時代應不早於劉歆。探討這些文獻的内容、性質和意義,有助於思考漢代經學、數術與古史建構之間的複雜關係。 展开更多
关键词 《世經》 殷曆 年代學 經學 數術
作者 孙锐泽 《文化创新比较研究》 2024年第22期65-68,共4页
关于鲁伯禽至鲁惠公的在位年,在汉代及之前的传世文献和出土文献中,较为完整的记载见于《史记》和《世经》。然而,《史记》和《世经》记载的鲁伯禽至鲁惠公的在位年,相互之间却有歧异。研究清楚鲁伯禽至鲁惠公的在位年,对西周年代学的... 关于鲁伯禽至鲁惠公的在位年,在汉代及之前的传世文献和出土文献中,较为完整的记载见于《史记》和《世经》。然而,《史记》和《世经》记载的鲁伯禽至鲁惠公的在位年,相互之间却有歧异。研究清楚鲁伯禽至鲁惠公的在位年,对西周年代学的研究具有重要意义。笔者结合传世文献和出土文献的记载,以及考古学和天文学的成果,对鲁伯禽至鲁惠公的在位年进行了研究。自鲁伯禽至鲁惠公,鲁国总共有13位国君,当总共在位305年(公元前1027年至公元前723年)。当然,笔者的结论也只是一家之言,并没有绝对性,只希望能为将来西周年代学的研究提供一些帮助。 展开更多
关键词 《史记》 《世经》 在位年 公元前 鲁伯禽 鲁惠公
共工氏考论 被引量:1
作者 葛志毅 郭胜团 《人文杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期80-90,共11页
共工氏乃上古的显赫大族,历时相对久远且颇有影响,但历来对其族的研究似注意不够。其族留下若干难解之迷,如治水平土本为其族特长,却较多视之为"水害";记载显示其为上古帝王之一,却以"伯"者身份留名史上,《世经》... 共工氏乃上古的显赫大族,历时相对久远且颇有影响,但历来对其族的研究似注意不够。其族留下若干难解之迷,如治水平土本为其族特长,却较多视之为"水害";记载显示其为上古帝王之一,却以"伯"者身份留名史上,《世经》置共工氏为王伯之间,应与此有关。与共工氏有关的记载仅限于零散断片,此外在神话传说中留下若干珍贵资料,此同为今日研究共工氏的主要根据。 展开更多
关键词 共工氏 炎帝 水纪 水害 治水平土 《世经》 《山海经》
以“汉”为“书”——班固笔下的“一代”与“始末” 被引量:1
作者 李纪祥 《文史哲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期31-53,165-166,共23页
一部历史文本,在作者设定中,必有其"始",亦有其"末";而在传世的文本物质样式上,例如册次、卷次、页次,莫不反映此种"始"、"末"上的序次编列。从孔子《春秋》开始,便对"始"与"末... 一部历史文本,在作者设定中,必有其"始",亦有其"末";而在传世的文本物质样式上,例如册次、卷次、页次,莫不反映此种"始"、"末"上的序次编列。从孔子《春秋》开始,便对"始"与"末"的书写笔法赋予了高度的意义性。《史记》继承了这一书写的特性,班固笔下的《汉书》亦然。这个课题对班固而言,不止是一个历史问题,也是一个现在课题。班固如何思考他的"现在"?班固立于"东汉"如何呈现"西汉"于《汉书》的书写之中?过去学界对于"汉德"的研究,多从"五德终始"入手,这是受到"顾颉刚叙事"的影响。如果跳脱"近代史学"场域,自"汉书本"《世经》入手,转向古今视野中的"编年"与"编统",则可以勾勒出一条"孔子"→"司马迁"→"刘歆"→"班固"的系谱构成。 展开更多
关键词 顾颉刚叙事 《汉书》 一代始末 “汉书本”《世经》 编年 编统
作者 周积明 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第11期116-122,共7页
王门后学是王阳明弟子的概称,但所谓王门后学,实际上只是一个代际概念。在学术观念上,晚明并无一个同质性的王门后学。各派弟子在"良知宗说"大旗下"拟议搀和",发展出形形色色的学说和思想路线。王学只不过是各流派... 王门后学是王阳明弟子的概称,但所谓王门后学,实际上只是一个代际概念。在学术观念上,晚明并无一个同质性的王门后学。各派弟子在"良知宗说"大旗下"拟议搀和",发展出形形色色的学说和思想路线。王学只不过是各流派自立宗旨、自立派别、争取门徒的最有效思想资源。王门后学最为后世诟病的是流于虚谈,不务经世,事实上,"经世"是王门后学旗帜鲜明的宗旨,无论是"主于道"的经世之学,还是"主于事"的经世之学都在王门后学中蓬勃发展,只不过他们所说的"经世"并非今世概念中的"经世"。王学中的泰州学派一向因平民意识而得到正面的肯定,但其"颂圣"意识以及以"颂圣"为主线的对道统谱系的改写,却往往被学术界忽视,由此显示了历史的复杂。 展开更多
关键词 王门后学 拟议搀和 经世 颂圣 道统
Economic polarized trends,function and expanded boundaries of the Yangtze Delta Region 被引量:5
作者 段学军 虞孝感 Josef Nipper 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第6期733-749,共17页
In the era of economic globalization,the concept of Economic Polarized Area comes into being as an effective vehicle to agglomerate the economic elements and sustain the economic lifeline of the region. Based on the r... In the era of economic globalization,the concept of Economic Polarized Area comes into being as an effective vehicle to agglomerate the economic elements and sustain the economic lifeline of the region. Based on the region's specific development mode and construction form the concept is working in such a way that it will contribute to guide the economic development of the country and will play an important role in competing with other regions or countries in the world. Due to the high speed development of the last 30 years,the Yangtze Delta Region starts to show the features of Economic Polarized Area. But,compared with other world-class Economic Polarized Areas,the economic strength and the ability of the Yangtze Delta Region to drive the country's economic development is still very low and the competitive power is still very limited. Expanding the boundaries of the Economic Polarized Area of the Yangtze Delta may extend the economic hinterland of the core area of the Yangtze Delta Region,will lighten the pressures from the limited resource and promote the rationalization of the industrial structure in the Yangtze Delta Region's core area. With regard to the reasonable boundaries of the Yangtze Delta Region,there are different opinions and controversial arguments in political and academic circles. Starting from the idea of increasing the competitive power and improving the economic strength of the Yangtze Delta Region,the paper firstly is discussing the requirements to become a world-class Economic Polarized Area. In a second step an analysis of functional complementation and economic collaboration between the cities of an "extended" Yangtze Delta Region has been carried out by in particular considering the feasibility of integrating these "newly included" cities. The final result of the study is,that the Region should be expanded from the number of 16 cities to 37 cities,and the appended cities should be divided up into two categories:Wenzhou,Jinhua,Yancheng,Huaian,Maanshan,Wuhu,Tongling,Chaohu,Hefei,Chuzhou,Xuancheng should be taken as Preferred Extending Area,and Suqian,Xuzhou,Lianyungang,Lishui,Quzhou,Chizhou,Anqing,Bengbu,Huangshan,Suzhou (Anhui Province) should be taken as Retained Qualification Area. 展开更多
关键词 Economic Polarized Area FUNCTION expanded boundaries Yangtze Delta Region
EVOLUTIONARY MODEL OF FREE ECONOMIC ZONES——Different Generations and Structural Features 被引量:10
作者 MENGGuang-wen 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第2期103-112,共10页
Free economic zone (FEZ) has a long history and plays a more and more important role in the world economy. Most studies, however, focused on the theoretical analysis of benefit and cost as well as the economic role of... Free economic zone (FEZ) has a long history and plays a more and more important role in the world economy. Most studies, however, focused on the theoretical analysis of benefit and cost as well as the economic role of FEZ in the less developed countries and little attention has been paid to the evolution of FEZ. This paper will improve the above-mentioned studies and put forward the structural and spatial evolutionary model of FEZ by analyzing the development of objectives, preferential policy, governance structure, industrial sectors and location of FEZs based on the international economic and political development. FEZs develop towards: 1) more comprehensive and macro objectives, 2) more industry-oriented and multi-preferential policies, 3) more cross-national and combination zones with administrative areas, 4) more technology-intensive and multi-industries, 5) more flexible location and larger spatial dimensions, 6) more rapid evolution and typologies, and 7) more economic integration to the host economy. 展开更多
关键词 free economic zone structural evolutionary model spatial evolution
作者 LIUAn-guo YANGKai-zhong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第4期289-295,共7页
This paper meant to analyze the spatial evolution of a large country in its process of integration with the world economy in general, and, to look into the possible effect of China′s accession into WTO on the future ... This paper meant to analyze the spatial evolution of a large country in its process of integration with the world economy in general, and, to look into the possible effect of China′s accession into WTO on the future development of its spatial economy in particular. Through an approach of increasing returns, external economy, product differentiation and path-dependence, with foreign trade costs incurred by different regions within the large country discriminated, a model of investment and employment flow is developed as a simulation of a large country′s process of integration with the world economy. The modeling indicates that in the process of integration, as there exist differences in foreign trade costs among different regions within the large country, either the spatial economy of the country deviates from its symmetric structure in autarky and falls into a core-periphery relationship, or the effect of industrial agglomeration is reinforced, amplified and locked in, if the agglomeration had been started. The economic gap on either the aggregate or structural basis between different regions within the large country will increase rapidly as the integration proceeds. 展开更多
关键词 increasing returns pecuniary externality trade cost INVESTMENT EMPLOYMENT
Overview of Past, Present and Future Marine Power Plants 被引量:6
作者 M.Morsy EI-Gohary 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2013年第2期219-227,共9页
In efforts to overcome an foreseeable energy crisis predicated on limited oil and gas supplies, reserves; economic variations facing the world, and of course the environmental side effects of fossil fuels, an urgent n... In efforts to overcome an foreseeable energy crisis predicated on limited oil and gas supplies, reserves; economic variations facing the world, and of course the environmental side effects of fossil fuels, an urgent need for energy sources that provide sustainable, safe and economic supplies for the world is imperative. The current fossil fuel energy system must be improved to ensure a better and cleaner transportation future for the world. Despite the fact that the marine transportation sector consumes only 5% of global petroleum production; it is responsible for 15% of the world NOx and SOx emissions. These figures must be the engine that powers the scientific research worldwide to develop new solutions for a very old energy problem. In this paper, the most effective types of marine power plants were discussed. The history of the development of each type was presented first and the technical aspects were discussed second. Also, the fuel ceils as a new type of power plants used in marine sector were briefed to give a complete overview of the past, present and future of the marine power plants development. Based on the increased worldwide concerns regarding harmful emissions, many researchers have introduced solutions to this problem, including the adoption of new cleaner fuels. This paper was guided using the same trend and by implementing the hydrogen as fuel for marine internal combustion engine, gas turbines, and fuel cells. 展开更多
关键词 marine power plants alternative fuels gas turbines diesel engines hydrogen engines fuel cells hydrogen fuel
A Framework for Selecting Indicators to Assess the Sustainable Development of the Natural Heritage Site 被引量:5
作者 WEI Jie ZHAO Yongtao +1 位作者 XU Houqin YU Hui 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第4期321-330,共10页
Sustainable world heritage management represents an approach for managing the resources of a property by integrating environmental, economic, and social issues. It aims to provide sustainable benefits for future gener... Sustainable world heritage management represents an approach for managing the resources of a property by integrating environmental, economic, and social issues. It aims to provide sustainable benefits for future generations, while protect the property and minimize the possible adverse social, economic and environmental impacts. Indicators of sustainable development, which summarize information for decision-making, are invaluable to learn the efficiency and effectiveness of property management. Scientists in many fields devised several conceptual models of environmental statistics and indicators, of which, DPSIR (Driving forces – Pressure – State – Impact – Response) is thought to be the best available one in identifying and developing indicators of sustainable development. Based on the DPSIR conceptual model and indicator selection criteria, the present paper proposed a methodology framework for selecting indicators to assess the sustainable development of a natural heritage site. The proposed framework included a multi-level hierarchical structure for various indicators and indexes, a modified DPSIR frame to identify key issues in property management and a set of indicators for evaluating the sustainability in Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable development naturalheritage DPSIR conceptual model Giant Panda Sanctuary INDICATOR
Globalization of Tourism and Third World Tourism Development——A Political Economy Perspective 被引量:1
作者 ZHAO Weibing LI Xingqun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第3期203-210,共8页
Globalization, which is characterized by the escalating mobility of capital, people, ideas and information on a universal scale, has become a sweeping theme in the contemporary world. Tourism and its associated econom... Globalization, which is characterized by the escalating mobility of capital, people, ideas and information on a universal scale, has become a sweeping theme in the contemporary world. Tourism and its associated economic activities are evidently not immune to such a wider context of the world economy. In the past one or two decades, a stable increase has been witnessed in international tourist flows, inter-regional and inter-organizational alliances, and foreign direct investment. These trends are especially prevalent in the developing world, largely because of their pristine nature, di- verse culture, inexpensive goods and services, cheap labours, and other resources. However, it has been cautioned by some scholars, especially those from the Third World countries, that tourism is an industry run by and for the rich, more powerful nations and their corresponding multinational corporations. This article, from the perspective of political economy, supplemented with views from development studies, made a normative analysis on the impacts of the glob- alization of tourism on the Third World destination countries. Specifically, these impacts have been detailed in terms of economic, sociocultural, and ecological domains. It was demonstrated that without appropriate planning and manage- ment, the costs of Third World tourism development may accrue to the extent that its benefits are burned out. To avoid this happening, some suggestions have been made. 展开更多
关键词 GLOBALIZATION political economy tourism development Third World
World Economy and the Export Dependence of China's Textile Industry
作者 张神勇 陆圣 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第5期623-627,共5页
In this paper,the current status of export dependence of China's textile industry and affecting factors are evaluated.A cointegration test for world economy and China's export of textile and apparel is conduct... In this paper,the current status of export dependence of China's textile industry and affecting factors are evaluated.A cointegration test for world economy and China's export of textile and apparel is conducted which suggests that a long-term cointegration relationship exists between the growth rate of the world economy and that of China's export of textiles and apparel.The world economy will enter a period of low-speed growth,and the growth rate of China's textile and apparel exports will slow down accordingly.On the other hand,China's domestic expenditures on textiles and apparel are expected to maintain robust growth.According to the trends of exports and domestic demand,the export dependence of China's textile industry will go down with fluctuations.The conclusion is useful to evaluating the performance of the textile industry and making relevant policies. 展开更多
关键词 textile industry export dependence world economy
On New Missions of the Belt and Road Initiative
作者 Zhang Yuncheng Huang Ying +1 位作者 Liang Jianwu Si Wen 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第6期144-150,共7页
The Belt and Road Initiative is in line with international principles of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, and aims to promote the world economy. It shoulders three missions: to continue creating glo... The Belt and Road Initiative is in line with international principles of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, and aims to promote the world economy. It shoulders three missions: to continue creating global development dividends, to global economic transformation, and to promote world peace and stability. It is a way for China to build a community of shared interests and a better future for humanity. 展开更多
关键词 Belt and Road Initiative community of a shared future for humanity China
Research on Development Countermeasures of Marine Cultural Industry in Dalian City 被引量:1
作者 ZHU Hui YANG Si-ting 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第6期906-911,共6页
Nowadays, culture, as a kind of soft power, has become the worldwide force that has an influence on the future world. The competition in the future world will also be the competition of culture and cultural productivi... Nowadays, culture, as a kind of soft power, has become the worldwide force that has an influence on the future world. The competition in the future world will also be the competition of culture and cultural productivity. The consciousness of cultural construction and cultural development has become the consensus of all countries in the world. Dalian is an important city in terms of opening to and cooperation in Northeast Asia. The development of marine culture and marine cultural industry is of great significance on promoting the growth of Dalian’s marine economy and the revitalization of the old industrial bases in northeast, which is also beneficial to the development of Liaoning coastal economic belt, the economic circle around the Bohai Sea and the construction strategy of the “Belt and Road initiative”. This paper takes the development countermeasures of marine cultural industry in Dalian city as the research subject. Based on the detailed analysis of the status and insufficiency, putting forward several specific development countermeasures of marine cultural industry in Dalian city. 展开更多
关键词 marine cultural industry development countermeasures DALIAN
Bayesian mapping of neural tube defects prevalence in Heshun County, Shanxi Province, China during 1998~2001 被引量:2
作者 CHI Wen-xue WANG Jin-feng +2 位作者 LI Xin-hu ZHENG Xiao-ying LIAO Yi-lan 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第6期921-925,共5页
Objective: To estimate the prevalence rates of neural tube defects (NTDs) in Heshun County, Shanxi Province, China by Bayesian smoothing technique. Methods: A total of 80 infants in the study area who were diagnosed w... Objective: To estimate the prevalence rates of neural tube defects (NTDs) in Heshun County, Shanxi Province, China by Bayesian smoothing technique. Methods: A total of 80 infants in the study area who were diagnosed with NTDs were analyzed. Two mapping techniques were then used. Firstly, the GIS software ArcGIS was used to map the crude prevalence rates. Secondly, the data were smoothed by the method of empirical Bayes estimation. Results: The classical statistical approach produced an extremely dishomogeneous map, while the Bayesian map was much smoother and more interpretable. The maps produced by the Bayesian technique indicate the tendency of villages in the southeastern region to produce higher prevalence or risk values. Conclusions: The Bayesian smoothing technique addresses the issue of heterogeneity in the population at risk and it is therefore recommended for use in explorative mapping of birth defects. This approach provides procedures to identify spatial health risk levels and assists in generating hypothesis that will be investigated in further detail. 展开更多
关键词 Birth defects Neural tube defects (NTDs) Disease map Spatial analysis Bayesian smoothing China
Economic Development and Small Businesses in Japan
作者 Katsuhiko Hirasawa Pei Xiong +1 位作者 Yutaka Takakubo JinYu 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2018年第4期189-203,共15页
Japan’s economy lost most of its industrial production force as a result of World War II. However, from 1955 onwards, Japan has achieved rapid economic growth, joining the group of the world’s most developed countri... Japan’s economy lost most of its industrial production force as a result of World War II. However, from 1955 onwards, Japan has achieved rapid economic growth, joining the group of the world’s most developed countries by the early 1970s. The period from 1955 to the early 1970s is generally regarded as a period of High Economic Growth. There are various opinions regarding the factors that enabled Japan to attain such high economic growth, referred to as the Economic Miracle. It can be said that Japan’s post-war economic development was the result of advancements in technological innovation on the basis of financial assistance from the United States, which established Japan’s position in the world economy, loans from the bank, and the introduction of technology from abroad. Needless to say, the “high growth of post-war Japanese capitalism has not been achieved only by giant companies alone. On the contrary, without small businesses, especially in their roles as subcontractors, it would have been impossible to achieve such high growth, which has drawn attention internationally” (Nomura, 1981, p. 126). The purpose of this presentation is to make clear the role of small businesses in the process of economic development. 展开更多
关键词 economic development SUBCONTRACTOR INNOVATION small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
China's New Long March --Economy Development Transition
作者 ZHOU Yu-feng 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第2期119-124,共6页
Whether and how China's rapid economic growth can be sustained, has recently become a hot topic of discussion all over the world. After 30 years of economic development, China has become an important power of world e... Whether and how China's rapid economic growth can be sustained, has recently become a hot topic of discussion all over the world. After 30 years of economic development, China has become an important power of world economy. Then, whether China's economy is able to sustain development and how it sustains development, will not only have relationship to the prosperity of China itself, but also influence the world economic and political future trend of international issues. This paper analyzes the necessity of China's economic transformation, path and existing problems of China's economic transformation, hoping to provide reference opinions. 展开更多
关键词 domestic and global imbalances barriers blocking transition well-ruled and true market economy
Review of Issues Related to Tourism Policies regarding Environmental Management and Customary Practices of Tourism in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
作者 Rehmat Karim Salma A. Durrani Azhar Hussain 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第9期1087-1093,共7页
The purpose of this study is to highlight the issues and problems of tourism planning, policy formulation and implementation in Gilgit-Baltistan-mountainous region of Pakistan-a place which is abound with worth seeing... The purpose of this study is to highlight the issues and problems of tourism planning, policy formulation and implementation in Gilgit-Baltistan-mountainous region of Pakistan-a place which is abound with worth seeing natural scenes and also hub of world's highest mountain ranges. Tourism in many countries plays an important role in improving not only economic conditions but it also has been used as a tool to preserve environment. Tourism policy is part of national development policy in many countries, but in Pakistan this sector has been ignored in terms of proper policy formulation and also it was not considered as a potential sector for economic betterment. Although Pakistan, particularly Gilgit-Baltistan is replete with tourism resources, haplessly policy makers never focused on this sector in capitalizing these tourism resources. It also covers the traditional practices of 4 As (Access, Attractions, Accommodation and Acceptance) in Gilgit-Baltistan. In Pakistan, there have been different laws and regulations formulated with the passage of time but they have not been implemented properly. In Pakistan, tourism policy was first prepared in 1983 but it was not enforced appropriately. According to ranking of WEF T&T (World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism) competitiveness index, Pakistan is ranked below average in policy formulation and implementation. 展开更多
关键词 Statuary policies customary practices 4 As environment Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan.
The New Normal from the Perspective of Macro History and Grand Logic of China's Economic Development
作者 蔡昉 《China Economist》 2017年第5期2-12,共11页
This paper attempts to explain the "new normal" of China's economic development put forward by XI Jinping, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, from three persp... This paper attempts to explain the "new normal" of China's economic development put forward by XI Jinping, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, from three perspectives. First, as the new normal is a natural phase of long-term development in the country's renaissance, recognition of it helps policy-making to hold a historical perspective and maintain a patience in the face of growth slowdown. Second, the new normal as the logic of China's economic development underlines the necessity and urgency of transforming growth patterns and growth drivers. Third, different from the "new mediocre" of the world economy, the new normal reveals great potentials of sustainable growth of the Chinese economy that must be tapped through structural reforms. 展开更多
关键词 new normal of economic development potential growth rate reform dividend
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