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作者 平雨 《出版参考》 1997年第22期6-6,共1页
季羡林先生在他论述东西方文化的著作中,认为文化虽然千差万别,但各有各的特点。特点相同、相似或相近的文化,组成一个体系。他根据世界纷纭复杂的文化就其共同的特点,分为四个体系:中国文化体系,印度文化体系,阿拉伯伊斯兰文化体系,自... 季羡林先生在他论述东西方文化的著作中,认为文化虽然千差万别,但各有各的特点。特点相同、相似或相近的文化,组成一个体系。他根据世界纷纭复杂的文化就其共同的特点,分为四个体系:中国文化体系,印度文化体系,阿拉伯伊斯兰文化体系,自古希腊、罗马一直到今天欧美的文化体系。这四个体系扩大来看,全人类文化又可分为两大文化体系:前三者共同组成东方文化体系,后一者为西方文化体系。 展开更多
关键词 《东方文化集成》 “送去主义” 季羡林 “拿来主义” 首领 21世纪 四个体系 东西方文 阿拉伯伊斯兰文化 宾格
卅年河东 卅年河西──《东方文化集成》丛书《总序》 被引量:7
作者 季羡林 《岭南文史》 1999年第2期4-8,共5页
关键词 《东方文化集成》 东方文化与西方文 “世纪末” 文化体系 东西文化 “送去主义” 思维方式 阿拉伯伊斯兰文化 文化交流 欧洲中心主义
作者 黄书元 张秀平 《民主》 2004年第4期41-43,共3页
历史是人民创造的,时势又造就了英雄。过去的20世纪,是英雄辈出的时代,也是人物传记图书的出版呈现五彩缤纷的时代。不同的阶级、阶层甚至不同的利益集团,都以各自不同的价值取向,众星拱月般地遴选各自代表人物树碑立传。这些个体... 历史是人民创造的,时势又造就了英雄。过去的20世纪,是英雄辈出的时代,也是人物传记图书的出版呈现五彩缤纷的时代。不同的阶级、阶层甚至不同的利益集团,都以各自不同的价值取向,众星拱月般地遴选各自代表人物树碑立传。这些个体人物传记图书,大都以时代家庭为背景,以传主的生平事迹。 展开更多
关键词 《东方文化书系·20世纪著名群体人物传记》 人物传记 体例 创作风格
Homo-urbanicus and Human-centered Planning
作者 Hok-Lin Leung 《国际大都市发展研究(中英文)》 2024年第1期43-52,共10页
Homo-urbanicus is a planning concept which treats a human being as a rational animal with distinct material,social and intellectual characteristics,and a human settlement as a space in which human beings seek and offe... Homo-urbanicus is a planning concept which treats a human being as a rational animal with distinct material,social and intellectual characteristics,and a human settlement as a space in which human beings seek and offer opportunities for connection.Human-centered planning is the application of classical Natural Law(balance between self-preservation and mutual preservation)to the matching of human needs and human settlements. 展开更多
关键词 Planning theory Homo-urbanicus Natural law East-west cultural comparison
作者 柯汉琳 《美与时代(美学)(下)》 2013年第8期5-8,共4页
柯汉琳,1947年生于广东省南澳县。华南师范大学文学院美学、文艺学教授,博士生导师;先后担任过华南师范大学中文系主任、人文学院院长、文学院院长、《东方文化》主编。兼任中华美学学会理事、中外文艺理论研究会理事、中国文艺理论... 柯汉琳,1947年生于广东省南澳县。华南师范大学文学院美学、文艺学教授,博士生导师;先后担任过华南师范大学中文系主任、人文学院院长、文学院院长、《东方文化》主编。兼任中华美学学会理事、中外文艺理论研究会理事、中国文艺理论学会理事、广东省中国文学学会副会长兼秘书长、 展开更多
关键词 中华美学 华南师范大学 山路 人文学院 《东方文化》 文艺理论研究 中国文艺理论 博士生导师
《甘肃社会科学》 CSSCI 1994年第2期119-119,共1页
冯友兰先生谈科学与民主一代哲学宗师冯友兰先生已去逝三年了。过去我对他的学术思想了解甚少。近日,广东中华民族文化促进会主办的《东方文化》创刊号,在头条位置发表了他的一篇遗文,题为《纪念新文化运动》,简短、明晰而新意迭出... 冯友兰先生谈科学与民主一代哲学宗师冯友兰先生已去逝三年了。过去我对他的学术思想了解甚少。近日,广东中华民族文化促进会主办的《东方文化》创刊号,在头条位置发表了他的一篇遗文,题为《纪念新文化运动》,简短、明晰而新意迭出。现摘其要者如下:科学的精神就是信... 展开更多
关键词 科学与民主 冯友兰 先生 《东方文化》 中华民族文化 客观实际 文化运动 学术思想
作者 康明村 《家庭医学(上半月)》 2003年第7期38-1,共2页
关键词 季羡林 仁者寿 《东方文化集成》 《四库全书存目丛书》 吐火罗文 史诗《罗摩衍那》 豁免权 学界 生物学原理 十年动乱
《中国出版》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第2期44-45,共2页
全国出版社校对科长岗位培训班(第二期)结业考试题(选登)一、选字填空下列句子各空一字,同时各列出两个供选择的字,请选择其中一字填在括号里,并简述理由。1.()巢之下焉有完卵。供选择的字:复覆选择理由:2.猜不透她这话... 全国出版社校对科长岗位培训班(第二期)结业考试题(选登)一、选字填空下列句子各空一字,同时各列出两个供选择的字,请选择其中一字填在括号里,并简述理由。1.()巢之下焉有完卵。供选择的字:复覆选择理由:2.猜不透她这话的含()。供选择的字:意义选择理由... 展开更多
关键词 岗位培训 考试题 校对 语病 《东方文化集成》 出版社 科技读物 《说文解字》 中国戏曲文化 生物防治
《中国出版》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第3期44-45,共2页
全国出版社校对科长岗位培训班(第二期)结业考试题解答(选登)一、选字填空每题两个答案,2分1.(覆)巢之下焉有完卵。理由:覆,作“翻倒”解。2.猜不透她这话的含(意)。理由:意,思想和意味。3.鄙薄世俗,不(骛)虚名... 全国出版社校对科长岗位培训班(第二期)结业考试题解答(选登)一、选字填空每题两个答案,2分1.(覆)巢之下焉有完卵。理由:覆,作“翻倒”解。2.猜不透她这话的含(意)。理由:意,思想和意味。3.鄙薄世俗,不(骛)虚名。理由:骛,作“追求”解。4.波上... 展开更多
关键词 岗位培训 试题解答 校对 语病 《东方文化集成》 出版社 《史记·项羽本纪》 科技读物 《说文解字》 中国戏曲文化
作者 朱桂玲 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1999年第4期108-109,共2页
改革开放以来,我国出版界出现了一股前所未有的“丛书热”。据《中国出版年鉴》1988年版统计,仅1986年至1987年间,全国出版各类丛书已达1500余种之多。另据统计1991—1995年“八五”重点图书出版计划中,总... 改革开放以来,我国出版界出现了一股前所未有的“丛书热”。据《中国出版年鉴》1988年版统计,仅1986年至1987年间,全国出版各类丛书已达1500余种之多。另据统计1991—1995年“八五”重点图书出版计划中,总计1030种(含12590卷、册)... 展开更多
关键词 图书馆 开发利用 基本特点 文献资源 人文素质教育 《东方文化集成》 《四库全书存目丛书》 学术性 科学研究 学术研究
The Actualization of Post-colonialism in Movies
作者 ZHANG Jie 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第5期397-402,共6页
The post-colonialism is a theory proposed by the eastern colonial academist Edward W. Said. With the understanding and the definition of post-colonialism, the paper is to analyze phenomena of the movie 2012 and Avatar... The post-colonialism is a theory proposed by the eastern colonial academist Edward W. Said. With the understanding and the definition of post-colonialism, the paper is to analyze phenomena of the movie 2012 and Avatar from several aspects. Firstly, the "other" is the first angle to be talked about. In the Westerners' perspective, they are the center of the world, and they dominate the world. Their rules are the accepted rules, and people of different origin or different cultures are all called "other". Secondly, it is the degeneration of eastern culture. In the complex of the degeneration of the culture, the demonization of the under-developed nations, the dominant language of English in the communication with the people around, feminization of the characters in the movies, and the updated colonialism of the colonized countries are to be mentioned. 展开更多
关键词 POST-COLONIALISM other Western world culture demonization the dominant language of English FEMINIZATION the updated colonialism
The Problem of Text and "Personality Context": Intercultural Approach (Oriental Dimension)
作者 Sergei Lepekhov 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第3期224-231,共8页
One of the central problems of society and a civilization was always the ratio of personality and common culture. One of these aspects is a hermeneutic problem of understanding and interpretation of the text, or as on... One of the central problems of society and a civilization was always the ratio of personality and common culture. One of these aspects is a hermeneutic problem of understanding and interpretation of the text, or as one of options, --a ratio of the text and a personal context. There are both generality and distinctions in approaches of various cultures to this problem. There are many parallels that can be drawn between the directions and results of the investigation of the European and Buddhist hermeneutic traditions. The European hermeneutics on the whole is known to be based on the presumption of the unique personal authorship of a text, a multitude of historical viewpoints and meanings. Thus, the problem of understanding and interpretation acts as a problem of combining differences. The mechanism of conveying the cultural traditions under such conditions inevitably turns into a mechanism of interpreting the message conveying a definite cultural meaning. Modifying the meaning of any message is supposed to be dictated by the very fact of the temporal distance between the moments of creating and reading the text. In a number of oriental cultures, we face a somewhat different understanding of the problems of authorship, communication, ontology, and existence and on the whole, with a different understanding of the very problem of understanding. Just like we admit that it is necessary to preserve all existing natural landscapes, in the cultural life, we must consider every existing culture and their bearers--ethnic groups self-valuable and necessary. 展开更多
关键词 comparative analysis of European and Buddhist hermeneutics "behavioral" and "existential"commentary on the text cultural tolerance
Discussion on the Inheritance and Development of Taoism's Simple Aesthetics Spirit in Contemporary Landscape Paintings
作者 Jian ZHAO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第10期111-113,共3页
Nowadays, the landscape paintings dominated by Taoism' s thoughts are highly controversial among people in the aspects of theory and practice along with the constantly intensified collision and blending of the easter... Nowadays, the landscape paintings dominated by Taoism' s thoughts are highly controversial among people in the aspects of theory and practice along with the constantly intensified collision and blending of the eastern culture and the western culture, and the interaction of arts. In the process of development from the tradition to the modem times, the original source of contemporary landscape paintings' artistic spirit should be traced, and the corresponding historical stages should be objectively and rationally analyzed, so that contemporary landscape paintings can better adapt to the present conditions, and then their real existence and creative development can be really realized. 展开更多
关键词 TAOISM Landscape Paintings Simplicity and Plain INHERITANCE the Contemporary Times
Integration Approach to Studying of Regional Music Cultures --On an Example of the Eastern Europe
作者 Irina Galushenko 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第4期476-479,共4页
The paper based on the proposed integrative approach to studying music cultures of the Eastern Europe. Come to light the factors of integration promoting interference and enrichment of national musical cultures. The r... The paper based on the proposed integrative approach to studying music cultures of the Eastern Europe. Come to light the factors of integration promoting interference and enrichment of national musical cultures. The region of national composer schools actively joined in world art process in the second half of the 19th century (Czechia, Poland, and Hungary) and in the 20th century (Bulgaria, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Macedonia) Theme of this paper is to identify the basic principles of this region. The purpose of the work, defining features of the musical cultures of the Eastern European region as a whole, also here highlights the commonality of the creative ideas of representatives of the region--Bartok, Janachek, Martinu, etc.. Method of developing is defined by their orientation to the disclosure of topic. The paper used the comparative-typological and integrated approaches and methods of analysis 展开更多
关键词 Eastern Europe region integration CREATIVITY DISTINCTION CONTEMPORARY
Research on the Cross Cultural Communication of TV Dance Show: Taking So You Think You Can Dance as the Example
作者 Hong wu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第10期78-80,共3页
In today’s global integration, TV dance talent show has gradually developed into a cultural industry, the trend of cross-cultural communication more and more significant. In this paper, Shanghai Oriental TV’s “ So ... In today’s global integration, TV dance talent show has gradually developed into a cultural industry, the trend of cross-cultural communication more and more significant. In this paper, Shanghai Oriental TV’s “ So You Think You Can Dance “ as the object of study, through the interpretation of the connotation of cross-cultural communication to analyze TV dance show across national boundaries. The entertainment dissemination form, the honorable person show dissemination charm and the audience participation the propagation effect three aspects analyze the television to dance choose the show program trans-culture dissemination the characteristic, then proposed that we must restructure the television to dance chooses the show program trans-culture dissemination the shape to need to pay great attention to cultural the compatibility, the dissemination mark innovation as well as the innovation proliferation. 展开更多
关键词 TV Dance Show Cross-Cultural Communication So You Think You Can Dance
Where Shall We Two Meet, in East or in West: When Po-shen Lu's The Witch Sonata Psalm of Macbeth Encounters With William Shakespeare's Macbeth
作者 Jui-sung Chen Shin-yi Lee 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第3期260-270,共11页
By using tai-yu (min-nan-hua, Taiwan Residents local language) to stage William Shakespeare's Macbeth, Po-shen Lu produced an experimental performance in the southern part of Taiwan in 2003. When producing Antigone... By using tai-yu (min-nan-hua, Taiwan Residents local language) to stage William Shakespeare's Macbeth, Po-shen Lu produced an experimental performance in the southern part of Taiwan in 2003. When producing Antigone in 2001, Lu was challenged by his critics in three aspects: (1) the tradition of tai-yu theatre of Tainan Jen Theatre and that of Western plays, (2) audience reception in Taiwan, and (3) the advantages and disadvantages of integrating tai-yu with Western classic texts. In spite of these criticisms on his theatrical productions, Lu has continued helping Tainan Jen Theatre transform into a professional theatrical troupe since he became an artistic director in 2002. By analyzing how and why Lu staged his The Witch Sonata--Psalm of Macbeth in the socio-historical context of intercultural adaptation, I propose to re-revaluate Lu's artistic contribution to the theatrical development in the southern part of Taiwan. I would argue that Lu is not only challenging Taiwan Residents reading of Shakespeare but also exploring the possibilities of tai-yu's theatricality, in a view to bringing new life to Taiwan's intercultural theatre. 展开更多
关键词 Lu Po-shen tai-yu William Shakespeare Tainan Jen Theatre intercultural theatre
作者 王凤霞 《天津社会科学》 CSSCI 1998年第4期113-113,共1页
关键词 东方戏剧 戏剧美学 美学研究 戏剧艺术 《东方文化集成》 戏剧批评 对话语境 民族文化 文化多元主义 西方中心主义
《语文月刊》 2008年第10期F0002-F0002,共1页
关键词 人物介绍 华南师范大学 《东方文化》 《语文》 实验教科书 CSSCI 课程标准 普通高中
Megadrought and cultural exchange along the proto-silk road 被引量:10
作者 Liangcheng Tan Guanghui Dong +12 位作者 Zhisheng An RLawrence Edwards Haiming Li Dong Li Robert Spengler Yanjun Cai Hai Cheng Jianghu Lan Rustam Orozbaev Ruiliang Liu Jianhui Chen Hai Xu Fahu Chen 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第6期603-611,M0004,共10页
Arid Central Asia(ACA), with its diverse landscapes of high mountains, oases, and deserts, hosted the central routes of the Silk Roads that linked trade centers from East Asia to the eastern Mediterranean.Ecological p... Arid Central Asia(ACA), with its diverse landscapes of high mountains, oases, and deserts, hosted the central routes of the Silk Roads that linked trade centers from East Asia to the eastern Mediterranean.Ecological pockets and ecoclines in ACA are largely determined by local precipitation. However, little research has gone into the effects of hydroclimatic changes on trans-Eurasian cultural exchange. Here,we reconstruct precipitation changes in ACA, covering the mid-late Holocene with a U-Th dated, ~3 a resolution, multi-proxy time series of replicated stalagmites from the southeastern Fergana Valley,Kyrgyzstan. Our data reveal a 640-a megadrought between 5820 and 5180 a BP, which likely impacted cultural development in ACA and impeded the expansion of cultural traits along oasis routes. Instead,it may have diverted the earliest transcontinental exchange along the Eurasian steppe during the 5 th millennium BP. With gradually increasing precipitation after the megadrought, settlement of peoples in the oases and river valleys may have facilitated the opening of the oasis routes, ‘‘prehistoric Silk Roads", of trans-Eurasian exchange. By the 4 th millennium BP, this process may have reshaped cultures across the two continents, laying the foundation for the organized Silk Roads. 展开更多
关键词 Megadrought Trans-Eurasian exchange Silk Roads Arid Central Asia MID-HOLOCENE
穷搜百代 不世之功——读季羡林先生新著蔗糖史
作者 葛维钧 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 1998年第1期89-91,共3页
季羡林先生为学堂庑之大,他的近著《文化交流的轨迹——中华蔗糖史》又给了我们一个新的例证。 知道季先生写《糖史》是在几年之前,也知道它将是七、八十万字的长篇巨制;至于先生为什么要选择糖这样一件平常之物来写它的历史,却直到拜... 季羡林先生为学堂庑之大,他的近著《文化交流的轨迹——中华蔗糖史》又给了我们一个新的例证。 知道季先生写《糖史》是在几年之前,也知道它将是七、八十万字的长篇巨制;至于先生为什么要选择糖这样一件平常之物来写它的历史,却直到拜读了它的第一编即中国编后方才明白,那就是,他认为,在这种看来微末不足道的东西背后,“隐藏着一部十分复杂的,十分具体生动的文化交流的历史”。关心世界不同地域和种族之间的文化交流,注意人类文明发展的规律和大势,一向是季先生学术活动的重要方面,而在近年,这种关心则表现得尤为殷切。 展开更多
关键词 文化交流 季羡林 “送去主义” “拿来主义” 蔗糖 孟加拉地区 研究方法 《东方文化集成》 印度 希腊文化
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