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晚清来华西方人与汉字拼音方案的发展及演变——以《中国丛报》为中心 被引量:1
作者 卞浩宇 《励耘语言学刊》 CSSCI 2016年第2期294-310,共17页
汉字发音历来是西方人汉语学习的难点之一.相对西方人而言,学习汉语语音最自然、便捷的方式莫过于借助他们原本熟悉的拉丁字母拼读汉字发音.为此,以马儒翰、卫三畏等人为代表的晚清来华西方人以《中国丛报》为交流平台,先后在该刊物上... 汉字发音历来是西方人汉语学习的难点之一.相对西方人而言,学习汉语语音最自然、便捷的方式莫过于借助他们原本熟悉的拉丁字母拼读汉字发音.为此,以马儒翰、卫三畏等人为代表的晚清来华西方人以《中国丛报》为交流平台,先后在该刊物上发表多篇文章及评论,不仅大胆提出汉字拼音化的设想,并就马儒翰公布的汉字拼音方案中的变音符号、元音和辅音的分类与编排、音调等具体问题展开较为深入地讨论.尽管最终并未就汉字拼音方案形成统一的标准模式,但这一讨论在很大程度上代表了当时来华西方人对汉语语音认识和研究的最高水平,亦为日后威妥玛、翟理斯制定“威-翟”拼音体系提供了有益的借鉴. 展开更多
关键词 晚清 来华西方人 汉字拼音 《中国丛报》
作者 张萍 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期49-52,共4页
《中苏友好报》创办于1952年10月,是中苏友好协会的机关报,由总会机关负责编辑出版,全国发行,是当时国内发行量最大的报纸之一。作为中苏友好的宣传阵地,《中苏友好报》伴随中苏关系走过了"蜜月"时期,记录了中国人民对苏友好... 《中苏友好报》创办于1952年10月,是中苏友好协会的机关报,由总会机关负责编辑出版,全国发行,是当时国内发行量最大的报纸之一。作为中苏友好的宣传阵地,《中苏友好报》伴随中苏关系走过了"蜜月"时期,记录了中国人民对苏友好、学习苏联的全过程,是中苏友好的宣传者和见证者。但是,1956年赫鲁晓夫的"秘密报告"出台后,随着中苏分歧的逐渐公开,这张以"友好"命名、片面宣传苏联的报纸,终因无法继续完成宣传"友好"的任务,于1957年3月30日出完最后一期,走到了终点。 展开更多
关键词 《中苏友好报》 苏友好协会 苏关系 宣传
建设一流中医药科技期刊的路径思考——以《中医学报》办刊实践为例 被引量:2
作者 吴楠 李华 《传播与版权》 2020年第2期58-61,共4页
中医药科技期刊是推广中医药科技成果的重要载体,创一流中医药期刊是行业共识、发展所需、未来所在。通过对《中医学报》在明确刊物定位、突出办刊特色,回归办刊初心、严把稿件质量,坚持强基固本、加强队伍建设,依托学会资源、对外开放... 中医药科技期刊是推广中医药科技成果的重要载体,创一流中医药期刊是行业共识、发展所需、未来所在。通过对《中医学报》在明确刊物定位、突出办刊特色,回归办刊初心、严把稿件质量,坚持强基固本、加强队伍建设,依托学会资源、对外开放办刊,优化审稿流程、注重约稿质量等方面对建设一流中医药科技期刊的路径进行梳理,认为除了加强期刊自身办刊能力,提升质量和服务,培育办刊人才之外,还需要在加强政策引导,完善评价体系,加强财政投入和基金支持,加快推进新媒体融合发展等方面加强努力,为中医药科技期刊的发展提供了一些借鉴。千里之行始于足下,中医药科技期刊应苦练内功、放眼世界,进一步提升学术质量和影响力,努力做优做强,跻身世界一流期刊行列。 展开更多
关键词 医药科技期刊 办刊实践 《中医学报》 世界一流 编辑
作者 朱昊 《自然科学史研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期418-434,共17页
第一次世界大战后,毒气这一新型武器开始为世界各国所关注。九一八事变后,面对可能受到的毒气威胁,中国民众产生了消极恐慌的心理,对于毒气的错误认识严重影响到正常生活。《中央日报》承担起官方对民众进行防毒宣传的责任,引导民众科... 第一次世界大战后,毒气这一新型武器开始为世界各国所关注。九一八事变后,面对可能受到的毒气威胁,中国民众产生了消极恐慌的心理,对于毒气的错误认识严重影响到正常生活。《中央日报》承担起官方对民众进行防毒宣传的责任,引导民众科学认识毒气,理性看待毒气。更重要的是告诉民众毒气可“防”可“消”可“治”,号召民众从心理上消除对毒气的恐惧,积极开展防毒自救工作,为民族和国家保存有生力量。 展开更多
关键词 抗日战争 《中央日报》 防毒宣传 毒气战 化学武器
《申报》与1874年日本侵台事件 被引量:2
作者 胡连成 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第5期51-57,81,共8页
在1874年日本侵台事件中,上海<申报>通过各种中外新闻渠道,以大量篇幅及时地、反复地加以报道;<申报>通过舆论促使国人警醒,敦促清政府采取外交及军事行动.通览这一时期<申报>对日本侵台事件的报道、评论,并对照其他... 在1874年日本侵台事件中,上海<申报>通过各种中外新闻渠道,以大量篇幅及时地、反复地加以报道;<申报>通过舆论促使国人警醒,敦促清政府采取外交及军事行动.通览这一时期<申报>对日本侵台事件的报道、评论,并对照其他历史文献,可以说<申报>所持立场基本上是公正的,报道基本上是客观的,基本上反映了当时国人的正义呼声. 展开更多
关键词 《中报》 日本侵台 清廷对策
《中医药信息》 1985年第3期12-12,共1页
〔香港《中报》四月十六日报道〕题:日本中药店迈向电脑化。在日本,有些中药店利用电脑寻找适合病人病症的中药药方。病人进入这类中药店后,首先填写一张测验表,表上印有高血压、荨麻疹等五十一种病症名称,患者可以在最困扰的病症栏上... 〔香港《中报》四月十六日报道〕题:日本中药店迈向电脑化。在日本,有些中药店利用电脑寻找适合病人病症的中药药方。病人进入这类中药店后,首先填写一张测验表,表上印有高血压、荨麻疹等五十一种病症名称,患者可以在最困扰的病症栏上打一个圈。随后,在“是否会头昏眼花”、“有无眼屎”等有关身体状况一栏中找出适当者,并打上记号。最后,将此测验表输入电脑终端机。譬如一个有肩部肌肉僵硬症状的病人,首先应该答复有关的身体状况,象怕热、夏天手脚也觉得冷、易下痢。 展开更多
关键词 终端机 处方 日本 《中报》 身体状况
史量才广告经营的现实启示 被引量:2
作者 代雅静 《经济研究导刊》 2009年第20期199-200,共2页
随着企业寒冬的到来,媒体的广告经营首当其冲受到影响。史量才作为我国报纸和广告经营史中非常成功的人物,最大的不同就是他接受的完全是传统的中国教育,其经营因循了儒商仁义礼智信的传统,他立足于传统文化之上的"仁"、"... 随着企业寒冬的到来,媒体的广告经营首当其冲受到影响。史量才作为我国报纸和广告经营史中非常成功的人物,最大的不同就是他接受的完全是传统的中国教育,其经营因循了儒商仁义礼智信的传统,他立足于传统文化之上的"仁"、"义"、"信"的经营理念对我们今天面临国际冲击下的媒体新发展有很多有益的启示。 展开更多
关键词 广告经营 《中报》
晚清女报中的国族论述与女性意识——1907年的多元呈现 被引量:15
作者 夏晓虹 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期118-132,共15页
1907年是中国女报界迅速扩展的一年,当年最少有十种杂志面世。其中影响最大的是《中国女报》《中国新女界杂志》与《天义报》。三份刊物共同的特点是,编辑均为女性,且都有留学或居留日本的经历。尤其是三家女报的同中有异及各自独特的探... 1907年是中国女报界迅速扩展的一年,当年最少有十种杂志面世。其中影响最大的是《中国女报》《中国新女界杂志》与《天义报》。三份刊物共同的特点是,编辑均为女性,且都有留学或居留日本的经历。尤其是三家女报的同中有异及各自独特的探求,使其在同一对话场域中展现出多元的样态。而无论是秋瑾主办的《中国女报》之提倡民族主义、期待"汉侠女儿"的出现,燕斌主持的《中国新女界杂志》之宣导国家主义、呼唤"女国民"的诞生,还是何震编辑的《天义报》之标举无政府主义、推崇女虚无党的实践,都从不同的角度与层面切近了女性与国族的关系论述,从而丰富了近代中国的思想图景。 展开更多
关键词 《中国女报》 《中国新女界杂志》 《天义报》 女性 国族
Visualization of uncertainty associated with spatial prediction of continuous variables using HSI color model:a case study of prediction of pH for topsoil in peri-urban Beijing,China 被引量:1
作者 檀满枝 陈杰 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期319-322,共4页
Hue-Saturation-Intensity (HSI) color model, a psychologically appealing color model, was employed to visualize uncertainty represented by relative prediction error based on the case of spatial prediction of pH of to... Hue-Saturation-Intensity (HSI) color model, a psychologically appealing color model, was employed to visualize uncertainty represented by relative prediction error based on the case of spatial prediction of pH of topsoil in the peri-urban Beijing. A two-dimensional legend was designed to accompany the visualization-vertical axis (hues) for visualizing the predicted values and horizontal axis (whiteness) for visualizing the prediction error. Moreover, different ways of visualizing uncertainty were briefly reviewed in this paper. This case study indicated that visualization of both predictions and prediction uncertainty offered a possibility to enhance visual exploration of the data uncertainty and to compare different prediction methods or predictions of totally different variables. The whitish region of the visualization map can be simply interpreted as unsatisfactory prediction results, where may need additional samples or more suitable prediction models for a better prediction results. 展开更多
关键词 Hue-Saturation-Intensity color model spatial prediction UNCERTAINTY VISUALIZATION
Comparison of wind data from ERA-Interim and buoys in the Yellow and East China Seas 被引量:14
作者 宋丽娜 刘志亮 王凡 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期282-288,共7页
We compared data of sea surface wind from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Interim Reanalysis(ERA-Interim) with that collected from eight buoys deployed in the Yellow and East China seas.The buoy... We compared data of sea surface wind from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Interim Reanalysis(ERA-Interim) with that collected from eight buoys deployed in the Yellow and East China seas.The buoy data covered a period from 2010 to 2011,during which the longest time series without missing data extended for 329 days.Results show that the ERA-Interim wind data agree well with the buoy data.The regression coefficients between the ERA-Interim and observed wind speed and direction are greater than 0.7 and 0.79,respectively.However,the ERA-Interim wind data overestimate wind speed at most of the buoy stations,for which the largest bias is 1.8 m/s.Moreover,it is found from scatter plots of wind direction that about 13%of the ERA-Interim wind data can be classified as bad for wind speeds below6 m/s.Overall,the ERA-Interim data forecast both the wind speed and direction well,although they are not very representative of our observations,especially those where the wind speed is below 6 m/s. 展开更多
Current research of hepatic cirrhosis in China 被引量:7
作者 Xi-XianYao Shu-LinJiang Dong-MeiYao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第5期617-622,共6页
Hepatic cirrhosis is a common disease that poses a serious threat to public health, and is characterized by chronic,progressive and diffuse hepatic lesions preceded by hepaticfibrosis regardless of the exact etiologie... Hepatic cirrhosis is a common disease that poses a serious threat to public health, and is characterized by chronic,progressive and diffuse hepatic lesions preceded by hepaticfibrosis regardless of the exact etiologies. In recent years,considerable achievements have been made in China in research of the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and especially the treatment of hepatic fibrosis, resulting in much improved prognosis of hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis. In this paper, the authors review the current status of research in hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis and their major complications. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic cirrhosis China
A Potential High-Score Scheme for the Prediction of Atlantic Storm Activity 被引量:3
作者 WANG Hui-Jun QIAN Zhuo-Lei 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2010年第2期116-119,共4页
A new empirical approach for the seasonal prediction of annual Atlantic tropical storm number (ATSN) was developed using precipitation and 500 hPa geopotential height data from the preceding January February and April... A new empirical approach for the seasonal prediction of annual Atlantic tropical storm number (ATSN) was developed using precipitation and 500 hPa geopotential height data from the preceding January February and April May.The 2.5°×2.5° resolution reanalysis data from both the US National Center for Environmental Prediction/the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) and the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) were applied.The model was cross-validated using data from 1979 2002.The ATSN predictions from the two reanalysis models were correlated with the observations with the anomaly correlation coefficients (ACC) of 0.79 (NCEP/NCAR) and 0.78 (ECMWF) and the multi-year mean absolute prediction errors (MAE) of 1.85 and 1.76,respectively.When the predictions of the two models were averaged,the ACC increased to 0.90 and the MAE decreased to 1.18,an exceptionally high score.Therefore,this new empirical approach has the potential to improve the operational prediction of the annual tropical Atlantic storm frequency. 展开更多
关键词 tropical storm empirical prediction seasonal prediction
作者 闫敬华 Detlev Majewski 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2003年第2期134-142,共9页
Based on the real case of a frontal precipitation process affecting South China, 27 controlled numerical experiments was made for the effects of hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic effects, different driving models, combi... Based on the real case of a frontal precipitation process affecting South China, 27 controlled numerical experiments was made for the effects of hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic effects, different driving models, combinations of initial/boundary conditions, updates of lateral values and initial time levels of forecast, on model predictions. Features about the impact of initial/boundary conditions on mesoscale numerical weather prediction (NWP) model are analyzed and discussed in detail. Some theoretically and practically valuable conclusions are drawn. It is found that the overall tendency of mesoscale NWP models is governed by its driving model, with the initial conditions showing remarkable impacts on mesoscale models for the first I0 hours of the predictions while leaving lateral boundary conditions to take care the period beyond; the latter affect the inner area of mesoscale predictions mainly through the propagation and movement of weather signals (waves) of different time scales; initial values of external model parameters such as soil moisture content may affect predictions of more longer time validity, while fast signals may be filtered away and only information with time scale 4 times as large as or more than the updated period of boundary values may be introduced, through lateral boundary, to mesoseale models, etc. Some results may be taken as important guidance on mesoseale model and its data a.ssimilation developments of the future. 展开更多
关键词 numerical weather prediction mesoseale initial condition boundary condition
作者 涂小萍 姚日升 +1 位作者 张春花 陈有龙 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2014年第1期87-92,共6页
Based on the tropical cyclone data from the Central Meteorological Observatory of China, Japan Meteorological Agency, Joint Typhoon Warning Center and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) durin... Based on the tropical cyclone data from the Central Meteorological Observatory of China, Japan Meteorological Agency, Joint Typhoon Warning Center and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) during the period of 2004 to 2009, three consensus methods are used in tropical cyclone (TC) track forecasts. Operational consensus results show that the objective forecasts of ECMWF help to improve consensus skill by 2%, 3%-5% and 3%-5%, decrease track bias by 2.5 kin, 6-9 km and 10-12 km for the 24 h, 48 h and 72 h forecasts respectively over the years of 2007 to 2009. Analysis also indicates that consensus forecasts hold positive skills relative to each member. The multivariate regression composite is a method that shows relatively low skill, while the methods of arithmetic averaging and composite (in which the weighting coefficient is the reciprocal square of mean error of members) have almost comparable skills among members. Consensus forecast for a lead time of 96 h has negative skill relative to the ECMWF objective forecast. 展开更多
关键词 weather forecast forecast method consensus forecast tropical cyclones operational forecast
Quantitative research of diagenesis:its effect on pore evolution of the Fuyu oil reservoir in the north Qijia region 被引量:4
作者 HAO Guoli SHAN Xuanlong +1 位作者 LIU Wanzhu WANG Qingbin 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第5期770-777,共8页
From observing cores of 18 wells,identifying 175 ordinary thin sections and 61 thin casting sections,energy spectrum analyses of 37 samples,homogenization temperature measurement of fluid inclusions of 11 samples,we d... From observing cores of 18 wells,identifying 175 ordinary thin sections and 61 thin casting sections,energy spectrum analyses of 37 samples,homogenization temperature measurement of fluid inclusions of 11 samples,we determine the types of diagenesis and pores of the Fuyu oil reservoir in the north Qijia region.We classified the pores and measured their plane porosity using CIA 2000,the software of rock image analysis,calculated the effect of different kinds of diagenesis on porosity,studied the controlling actions of diagenesis to pore evolution quantitatively,combined with burial history,thermal history and their diagenetic environments.Our results show that mechanical compaction and carbonate cementation are the major destructive diagenesed,developed during early diagenesis stages.The reduction in porosity by mechanical compaction and carbonate cementation are about 25% and 8%,while the destructive intensity of siliceous cementation and clay mineral cementation is relatively much smaller,i.e.,the reduction of porosity is about 2% and 0.2% Dissolution is constructive diagenesis,the increment of porosity is about 6%.There are four diagenesis evolution stages,during which the porosity reduced from 30%~38% to 2%~20%.Mechanical compaction and early cementation are the main diageneses in the early diagenesis stages,when porosity was reduced to 2%~10%.Dissolution is the main diagenesis of an A I substage of the middle diagenesis stage,when porosity increased 1%~8%.The dissolution of the A Ⅱ substage of the middle diagenesis stage affected by late cementation,raised porosity 1%~5%.The porosity varied slightly during the middle stage B. 展开更多
关键词 north Qijia region Fuyu oil reservoir DIAGENESIS pore evolution quantitative research
美国早期汉学视野中的中国文学观念——从裨治文的《中国丛报》到威尔逊的《中国文学》 被引量:3
作者 张源 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期70-75,共6页
早期英美汉学家对于译介对象的最初选取与侧重,在很大程度上决定了此后西方世界“中国文学”观念的基本面貌。英美两国传教士由于语言与文化交流方面的便利,以及工作与生活上的密切联系,其译介与研究工作很自然地彼此交织,并在英语世界... 早期英美汉学家对于译介对象的最初选取与侧重,在很大程度上决定了此后西方世界“中国文学”观念的基本面貌。英美两国传教士由于语言与文化交流方面的便利,以及工作与生活上的密切联系,其译介与研究工作很自然地彼此交织,并在英语世界共同发挥着影响。美国汉学在开山时期一方面呈现出兼容博杂的面貌,更由于其世界性的眼光发挥了不可替代的作用。当中国文学在整个世界文学谱系中重新加以审视,传统的经典再次获得了崭新的意义。 展开更多
关键词 美国早期汉学 国文学观念 伊皮法纽·威尔逊的《中国文学》
Geochemistry of Tertiary sandstones from southwest Sarawak,Malaysia: implications for provenance and tectonic setting 被引量:1
作者 Nasim Ferdous Atikul Haque Farazi 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2016年第3期294-308,共15页
Tertiary sandstones collected from southwest Sarawak, Malaysia, were analyzed to decipher their provenance, weathering, and tectonic setting. The studied sandstones have a sublitharenite composition and are dominantly... Tertiary sandstones collected from southwest Sarawak, Malaysia, were analyzed to decipher their provenance, weathering, and tectonic setting. The studied sandstones have a sublitharenite composition and are dominantly composed quartz with little mica and feldspar, and a small amount of volcanic fragments. These sand- stones were generally derived from quartz-rich recycled orogenic sources. They have relatively high SiO2 content with low Na20, CaO, MnO, and MgO contents. Values of Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) of these rock samples vary from 71 to 93, with an average of 81, implying intense chemical alteration during weathering. A felsic igneous source is suggested by a low concentration of TiO2 com- pared to CIA, enrichment of Light Rare Earth Elements, depletion of Heavy Rare Earth Elements, and negative Eu anomalies. A felsic origin is further supported by a Eu/Eu* range of 0.65-0.85 and high Th/Sc, La/Sc, La/Co, and Th/ Co ratios. This work presents the first reported geochemical data of Tertiary sandstones of the Sarawak Basin. These data led us to conclude that the sandstones were dislodged from recycled orogenic sources and deposited in a slowly subsiding rifted basin in a passive continental tectonic setting. 展开更多
关键词 GEOCHEMISTRY Tertiary sandstone PROVENANCE Tectonic setting SW Sarawak MALAYSIA
A novel recurrent neural network forecasting model for power intelligence center 被引量:6
作者 刘吉成 牛东晓 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2008年第5期726-732,共7页
In order to accurately forecast the load of power system and enhance the stability of the power network, a novel unascertained mathematics based recurrent neural network (UMRNN) for power intelligence center (PIC) was... In order to accurately forecast the load of power system and enhance the stability of the power network, a novel unascertained mathematics based recurrent neural network (UMRNN) for power intelligence center (PIC) was created through three steps. First, by combining with the general project uncertain element transmission theory (GPUET), the basic definitions of stochastic, fuzzy, and grey uncertain elements were given based on the principal types of uncertain information. Second, a power dynamic alliance including four sectors: generation sector, transmission sector, distribution sector and customers was established. The key factors were amended according to the four transmission topologies of uncertain elements, thus the new factors entered the power intelligence center as the input elements. Finally, in the intelligence handing background of PIC, by performing uncertain and recursive process to the input values of network, and combining unascertained mathematics, the novel load forecasting model was built. Three different approaches were put forward to forecast an eastern regional power grid load in China. The root mean square error (ERMS) demonstrates that the forecasting accuracy of the proposed model UMRNN is 3% higher than that of BP neural network (BPNN), and 5% higher than that of autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA). Besides, an example also shows that the average relative error of the first quarter of 2008 forecasted by UMRNN is only 2.59%, which has high precision. 展开更多
关键词 load forecasting uncertain element power intelligence center unascertained mathematics recurrent neural network
Cloacogenic carcinoma of anal canal:two case reports and review of Chinese literature 被引量:1
作者 Shaoliang Han Sheqing Ji +1 位作者 Shengcong Guo Wangyong Li 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第5期302-304,共3页
Cloacogenic carcinoma is a rare tumor of rectum and anus,which originating from epithelium of the anal transition zone of embryonic residuals.We described the medical history of two patients with cloacogenic carcinoma... Cloacogenic carcinoma is a rare tumor of rectum and anus,which originating from epithelium of the anal transition zone of embryonic residuals.We described the medical history of two patients with cloacogenic carcinoma of anal canal and reviewed of the Chinese literature(January 1994 to March 2009).In conclusion,cloacogenic carcinoma of anal canal can obtain good results with a abdominoperineal excision(APE). 展开更多
关键词 anal canal basaloid squamous cancer cloacogenic carcinoma
Metaphor in English Newspaper: Taking China Daily of 2010 as a Corpus
作者 CAI Yuan-zhen ZHOU Xiao-liang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第2期129-135,共7页
This paper identifies metaphors in newspaper English, specifically the articles in China Daily, as the research object. Many linguists have studies metaphors in newspaper English, but research perspective is only limi... This paper identifies metaphors in newspaper English, specifically the articles in China Daily, as the research object. Many linguists have studies metaphors in newspaper English, but research perspective is only limited to the classification of metaphor, and not analyses the trends for each type of metaphor from the diachronic approach, therefore, this paper aims to make up for this deficiency. Thirty-six articles are randomly sampled from China Daily in the year of 2010, to make up a small corpus. Then the occurrence frequency of every kind of metaphor of recent years in this corpus is analyzed. Finally, it is found that the occurrence frequency of orientational metaphors shows a decreasing tendency, while those of the ontological and structural metaphors are relatively stable. We have found two reasons for this trend appears. Firstly, orientational metaphors are used less frequently, because they often appear when it comes to the description of numbers, and digital change itself has a lot of direct expression Secondly, structural metaphor and ontological metaphor are relatively stable, because the former helps the readers to understand the new things; the latter can expressed lively 展开更多
关键词 newspaper English METAPHOR structural metaphor ontological metaphor orientational metaphor
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