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作者 王瑞平 姜凌 《江苏教育》 2003年第01B期43-44,共2页
教学背景: 2000年4月,我校针对小学课程设置结构不合理,门类过多,内容过时且相互割裂的现状,提出了课程之间应“综合——渗透——沟通”的设想,并着手进行这方面的实验准备:①成立课题小组,制订方案;②梳理各科内容及教学要求,寻找学科... 教学背景: 2000年4月,我校针对小学课程设置结构不合理,门类过多,内容过时且相互割裂的现状,提出了课程之间应“综合——渗透——沟通”的设想,并着手进行这方面的实验准备:①成立课题小组,制订方案;②梳理各科内容及教学要求,寻找学科间知识点的横向联系,将思想品德、社会、专题教育。 展开更多
关键词 课堂教学 小学 社会常识课 课堂评析 《人与动物》
作者 邓德明 《学语文(A版)》 2005年第5期20-22,共3页
关键词 叶广芩 《人与动物的故事》 初中 语文 现代文阅读 专项练习 参考答案
作者 何平华 《江苏教育》 2003年第01B期42-43,共2页
作为一门德育 课程,思想品德课也要讲究一个“悟”字。要让少不更事的小学生学会明辨是非,分清真、善、美与假、恶、丑说难也不难,现行思品教材在编排上环环相扣,考虑得相当周详。但在具体的教学实践中,总发现学生对所教授的内容只是表... 作为一门德育 课程,思想品德课也要讲究一个“悟”字。要让少不更事的小学生学会明辨是非,分清真、善、美与假、恶、丑说难也不难,现行思品教材在编排上环环相扣,考虑得相当周详。但在具体的教学实践中,总发现学生对所教授的内容只是表面地接受,不能深切体悟。 展开更多
关键词 课堂教学 小学 社会常识课 课堂评析 《人与动物》
作者 朱青生 顾振清 +4 位作者 管郁达 胡旭东 黄岩 陈庆庆 冯小哲 《艺术评论》 2004年第2期20-25,共6页
管郁达:今天请大家来,主要是因为《人与动物》这样一个展览,这个展览是由顾振清独立策划的,在北京、南京、成都、长春、桂林、贵阳很多城市都做过,做的时间比较长,影响面很广泛,媒体也炒得很热闹,在很多城市,一般老百姓也开始... 管郁达:今天请大家来,主要是因为《人与动物》这样一个展览,这个展览是由顾振清独立策划的,在北京、南京、成都、长春、桂林、贵阳很多城市都做过,做的时间比较长,影响面很广泛,媒体也炒得很热闹,在很多城市,一般老百姓也开始谈论“行为艺术”了。尽管他们还不清楚什么叫“行为艺术”。 展开更多
关键词 北京大学 行为艺术 座谈会 《人与动物》 艺术展览 艺术理论 合法化 艺术权利 法律标准
Patterns,Causes and Perceptions of Human-Large Carnivore Conflict in the Chitwan National Park,Nepal
作者 Parwati TIWARI Bishnu Prasad BHATTARAI +1 位作者 Jagan Nath ADHIKARI Binod BHATTARAI 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 2024年第4期838-849,共12页
One of the major management problems in and around protected areas is the intensifying conflict between local people and wildlife,especially large carnivores.Livestock depredation and human fatalities caused by attack... One of the major management problems in and around protected areas is the intensifying conflict between local people and wildlife,especially large carnivores.Livestock depredation and human fatalities caused by attacks of carnivores are found to be serious obstacles in conflict management.This study aims to explore the patterns,costs,causes and perceptions of human large carnivore conflict in the Nawalpur area of Chitwan National Park.The patterns of livestock loss and human casualties due to large carnivores(Panthera tigris and Panthera pardus)were analysed using the secondary data reported to Chitwan National Park from 2001 to 2019.To understand the people’s perception towards carnivores and wildlife conservation,150 victim respondents were asked,with one household selected from each grid.During 19-year study period,a total of 521 incidents caused by large carnivores were reported,which included 33 human casualties and 488 livestock depredations.Tiger was responsible for the maximum conflict incidents in Nawalpur.The total relief provided for human deaths and injuries was US$17524.41,whereas US$13702.18 was used to compensate for livestock depredation in the Nawalpur area by authorities of the Chitwan National Park.More than 64%of the respondents liked the presence of carnivores in their area and had a positive attitude toward the conservation of large carnivores,even though the carnivores were responsible for livestock depredation and human injury and death.People’s satisfaction with the relief scheme provided by the government depended on ethnicity,gender,age class,occupation,education,insurance,and livestock ownership,but they believed the scheme was not effective.Hence,an effective relief scheme and awareness about the process of relief funding should be conducted in conflict areas.Conducting awareness programs for local communities about large carnivores,their behavior,and preparing predator-proof corrals would be helpful in minimizing conflict in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 depredation human wildlife conflict leopard tiger relief fund
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