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作者 孙湘婷 《新余学院学报》 2016年第1期106-108,共3页
老酒的畅销小说《代价》紧扣当前中国发展的社会现实,描绘了我国城市发展过程中唯GDP论英雄的现状,并从长期发展的角度对这种评价体系给予了深刻的反思和尖锐的批判。论述了城市发展过程中民众所要付出的身心的代价:GDP成为城市发展的... 老酒的畅销小说《代价》紧扣当前中国发展的社会现实,描绘了我国城市发展过程中唯GDP论英雄的现状,并从长期发展的角度对这种评价体系给予了深刻的反思和尖锐的批判。论述了城市发展过程中民众所要付出的身心的代价:GDP成为城市发展的衡量手段的同时,城市高层领导所面临的尴尬处境;一些企业家为了搭乘发展的顺风车做出劳民伤财而自身却从中获利的举动;青年知识分子学成归来有着造福家乡的梦想,但是梦想实现艰难重重。 展开更多
关键词 老酒 《代价》 领导 企业家 有为青年
作者 郭妮 《湖北师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2012年第6期55-57,共3页
关键词 《代价》 文学伦理学批评 家庭伦理观
阿瑟·米勒《代价》的文学伦理学解读 被引量:3
作者 郭妮 《戏剧文学》 北大核心 2012年第11期92-95,共4页
《代价》是美国戏剧家阿瑟·米勒创作晚期的一部力作,从文学伦理学角度解读该剧中兄弟二人不同的家庭伦理观及成因,透过道德现象分析阐释兄弟反目的根本原因,认为该剧通过揭示美国经济大萧条背景下一个典型中产家庭的家庭伦理关系,... 《代价》是美国戏剧家阿瑟·米勒创作晚期的一部力作,从文学伦理学角度解读该剧中兄弟二人不同的家庭伦理观及成因,透过道德现象分析阐释兄弟反目的根本原因,认为该剧通过揭示美国经济大萧条背景下一个典型中产家庭的家庭伦理关系,表达了建构和谐的现代家庭伦理关系的愿望。 展开更多
关键词 《代价》文学伦理学批评 家庭伦理关系
作者 邱怀阳 《电影》 北大核心 2007年第4期136-136,共1页
著名音乐指挥家薛正平的女儿薛佳突然被绑架,刑警谭晓鸥与同事李毅得知此事,对此案展开了调查。 薛正平救女心切,主张交赎金挽回女儿的性命。根据绑匪提供的线索,他们找到了女儿,但薛佳已于前一日不幸被害,薛正平悲痛欲绝,以警... 著名音乐指挥家薛正平的女儿薛佳突然被绑架,刑警谭晓鸥与同事李毅得知此事,对此案展开了调查。 薛正平救女心切,主张交赎金挽回女儿的性命。根据绑匪提供的线索,他们找到了女儿,但薛佳已于前一日不幸被害,薛正平悲痛欲绝,以警察办事不利为由,拒绝与警方合作抓捕凶手,刑警谭晓鸥本着对被害人家属的同情和对刑警荣誉的保证,继续追查绑匪的踪迹。 展开更多
关键词 《代价》 音乐指挥家 被害人 女儿 刑警 绑架 李毅 同事
作者 林超然 《岁月(原创)》 2012年第5期8-8,共1页
至少到目前为止,阿成仍是一定意义上被理论中心冷落的作家,同他骄人的创作实绩相比,不多的学术关注显然是不对等的。阿成无疑是北方高寒文学的卓越代表,可与迟子建合称黑土叙事的双子星座。汪曾祺写于1990年的《阿成小说集〈年关六... 至少到目前为止,阿成仍是一定意义上被理论中心冷落的作家,同他骄人的创作实绩相比,不多的学术关注显然是不对等的。阿成无疑是北方高寒文学的卓越代表,可与迟子建合称黑土叙事的双子星座。汪曾祺写于1990年的《阿成小说集〈年关六赋〉序》高屋建瓴地勾勒了阿成小说的创作勇气、语言个性、地域底色、文化蕴藏及艺术品质,态度语重心长,论说提纲挈领,持证掷地有声,20年后重读越发服膺其对阿成小说研究史的那种奠基意义。 展开更多
关键词 《代价》 人生 小说集 语言个性 艺术品质 阿成 不对等 迟子建
作者 胡刚 《森林公安》 2005年第5期46-47,共2页
关键词 《代价》 胡刚 文学作品 散文 随笔 中国 当代作品
作者 濮波 《岁月(原创)》 2012年第7期6-8,共3页
1、独白和交响的疑似——泉子诗歌中的抒隋向度 泉子诗歌独特的风貌一意义凝聚和鹅卵石一般的核心力量来自于他那种天生的诗人气质——与世俗保持着刻意的距离,也与他诗歌的体态有关——往往是上不分节、没有采用全副标点(每一行的... 1、独白和交响的疑似——泉子诗歌中的抒隋向度 泉子诗歌独特的风貌一意义凝聚和鹅卵石一般的核心力量来自于他那种天生的诗人气质——与世俗保持着刻意的距离,也与他诗歌的体态有关——往往是上不分节、没有采用全副标点(每一行的末尾一般不使用标点,也有的诗整个地不使用标点),有的句子多达三十个字作为一行出现。 展开更多
关键词 诗歌美学 《代价》 诗人气质 核心力量 标点 世俗
毛泽东箴言 代价与收获
《当代贵州》 2011年第16期65-65,共1页
犯错误本身有两个方面: 第一是犯了错误,不好。 第二是犯了错误之后又会变成经验……
关键词 毛泽东 《代价与收获》 《毛泽东文集》 箴言
《当代贵州》 2011年第17期65-65,共1页
关键词 《代价与收获》 毛泽东 箴言 《建国以来毛泽东文稿》
作者 高唐浩怡 段亦清(指导) 《美与时代(美术学刊)(中)》 2023年第12期144-144,共1页
作品简介:《代价》:画中是一位天使,她活在现实世界,为了看起来和大家一样,她选择折断翅膀,不知对错。《融化》:我们活在世界上,谁都无法独立存在,每个人都在慢慢融化,融入身边的人群,融入周遭的社会。《超人》:每个人都是自己世界的超... 作品简介:《代价》:画中是一位天使,她活在现实世界,为了看起来和大家一样,她选择折断翅膀,不知对错。《融化》:我们活在世界上,谁都无法独立存在,每个人都在慢慢融化,融入身边的人群,融入周遭的社会。《超人》:每个人都是自己世界的超人,超人也会受伤,也会感到孤独,浩瀚宇宙总是需要他们独自面对。《躲进世界的角落》:这是我梦中的世界,一切无比纯洁透明。我喜欢这世界的角落,它充满了美好。 展开更多
关键词 作品简介 《超人》 融化 超人 《代价》
Application of a cost-sensitive method for churn prediction in telecommunication industry 被引量:2
作者 赵巍 何建敏 +1 位作者 王纯麟 陈金波 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期135-138,共4页
To deal with the data mining problem of asymmetry misclassification cost, an innovative churn prediction method is proposed based on existing churn prediction research. This method adjusts the misclassification cost b... To deal with the data mining problem of asymmetry misclassification cost, an innovative churn prediction method is proposed based on existing churn prediction research. This method adjusts the misclassification cost based on the C4. 5 decision tree as a baseline classifier, which can obtain the prediction model with a minimum error rate based on the assumption that all misclassifications have the same cost, to realize cost-sensitive learning. Results from customer data of a certain Chinese telecommunication company and the fact that the churners and the non-churners have different misclassification costs demonstrate that by altering the sampling ratio of churners and non-churners, this cost-sensitive learning method can considerably reduce the total misclassification cost produced by traditional classification methods. This method can also play an important role in promoting core competence of Chinese telecommunication industry. 展开更多
关键词 cost-sensitive learning C4. 5 telecommunication industry customer churn
Construction of the Evaluation Index System and Assessment on the Modern Agriculture Development of Bohai Rim
作者 李宝玉 李刚 +1 位作者 潘月红 高春雨 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第10期2213-2218,共6页
[Objetive] To make clear the regional agricultural development level.[Method] To accelerate the process of modern agricultural development of Bohai Rim,the assessment index system of modern agriculture was established... [Objetive] To make clear the regional agricultural development level.[Method] To accelerate the process of modern agricultural development of Bohai Rim,the assessment index system of modern agriculture was established preliminarily and the data of provinces and cities in Bohai Rim was evaluated and analyzed,regarding the comprehensive development level of modern agriculture as general target and the input level of modern agriculture,the output level of modern agriculture,the social development level of countryside and the sustainable development level of agriculture as grading index.[Result] The results showed that Bohai Rim just entered the developmental stage of modern agriculture,with the integrated index of 0.585.Viewed from regional perspective,Beijing topped the others with the index of 0.798,which was followed by 0.694 of Tianjin,0.644 of Shandong,0.606 of Liaoning and Hebei province had the lowest value of 0.595.[Conclusion] Among all cities in this region,none of them reached at the developed level of modern agriculture.There were ten cities,which were mainly located in Shandong Province,were at the primary stage while the most of others were at the preliminary or initial stage. 展开更多
关键词 Modern agriculture ASSESSMENT Bohai Rim
《福建艺术》 2012年第4期80-80,共1页
第15届上海国际电影节近日落下帷幕。伊朗导演克斯罗·马素米执导的影片《熊》获得最佳影片奖,这也是该导演在2004年凭借《代价》问鼎最佳影片之后“梅开二度”,再度捧走金爵奖杯。中国导演高群书凭借《神探亨特张》赢得最佳导演... 第15届上海国际电影节近日落下帷幕。伊朗导演克斯罗·马素米执导的影片《熊》获得最佳影片奖,这也是该导演在2004年凭借《代价》问鼎最佳影片之后“梅开二度”,再度捧走金爵奖杯。中国导演高群书凭借《神探亨特张》赢得最佳导演奖;加拿大影片《从未放弃的爱》获得评委会大奖;俄罗斯影片《指挥家》及墨西哥影片《悲伤成梦》分别获得最佳男女主角奖;日本影片《盗钥匙的方法》获得最佳编剧奖; 展开更多
关键词 上海国际电影节 最佳影片 最佳导演 《指挥家》 《代价》 《熊》 评委会 加拿大
作者 张慧 《新闻世界》 2004年第10期50-50,共1页
关键词 伊朗 电影评论 《代价》 爱情题材
Novel technique for cost reduction in mutation testing 被引量:1
作者 蒋玉婷 李必信 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第1期17-21,共5页
Aimed at the problem of expensive costs in mutation testing which has hampered its wide use,a technique of introducing a test case selection into the process of mutation testing is proposed.For each mutant,a fixed num... Aimed at the problem of expensive costs in mutation testing which has hampered its wide use,a technique of introducing a test case selection into the process of mutation testing is proposed.For each mutant,a fixed number of test cases are selected to constrain the maximum allowable executions so as to reduce useless work.Test case selection largely depends on the degree of mutation.The mutation distance is an index describing the semantic difference between the original program and the mutated program.It represents the percentage of effective test cases in a test set,so it can be used to guide the selection of test cases.The bigger the mutation distance is,the easier it is that the mutant will be killed,so the corresponding number of effective test cases for this mutant is greater.Experimental results suggest that the technique can remarkably reduce execution costs without a significant loss of test effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 mutation testing mutation distance sample learning execution cost test case selection
Caregiver burden:A concept analysis 被引量:14
作者 Zhu Liu Catrina Heffernan Jie Tan 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第4期438-445,I0006,共9页
Objective:Caregiver burden is used frequently within the nursing literature.It has not yet been clearly defined as there are different opinions regarding this concept.The purpose of this paper is to provide clarity su... Objective:Caregiver burden is used frequently within the nursing literature.It has not yet been clearly defined as there are different opinions regarding this concept.The purpose of this paper is to provide clarity surrounding the concept caregiver burden.Methods:An electronic search of MEDLINE,CINAHL,Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition and Academic Search Complete(ASC)of EBSCO,China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)and Google Scholar were searched with a limit of 10 years and published in the English or Chinese language.The paper adopted the framework by Walker and Avant.The attributes,antecedents,consequences and uses of the concept were identified.Results:At total of 33 articles were included.The three attributes of caregiver burden were identified as self-perception,multifaceted strain,and over time.The antecedents included insufficient financial resources,multiple responsibility conflict,lack of social activities.The consequences of caregiver burden resulted in negative change which included decreased care provision,decrease in quality of life,physical and psychological health deterioration.Conclusion:A definition of caregiver burden was developed.Tools to measure caregiver burden were identified.The findings from this analysis can be used in nursing practice,nursing education,research and administration. 展开更多
关键词 BURDEN CAREGIVERS Cost of illness Home nursing Mental health Quality of life
Multi-objective optimization of rolling schedule based on cost function for tandem cold mill 被引量:4
作者 陈树宗 张欣 +3 位作者 彭良贵 张殿华 孙杰 刘印忠 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期1733-1740,共8页
In terms of tandem cold mill productivity and product quality, a multi-objective optimization model of rolling schedule based on cost fimction was proposed to determine the stand reductions, inter-stand tensions and r... In terms of tandem cold mill productivity and product quality, a multi-objective optimization model of rolling schedule based on cost fimction was proposed to determine the stand reductions, inter-stand tensions and rolling speeds for a specified product. The proposed schedule optimization model consists of several single cost fi.mctions, which take rolling force, motor power, inter-stand tension and stand reduction into consideration. The cost function, which can evaluate how far the rolling parameters are from the ideal values, was minimized using the Nelder-Mead simplex method. The proposed rolling schedule optimization method has been applied successfully to the 5-stand tandem cold mill in Tangsteel, and the results from a case study show that the proposed method is superior to those based on empirical formulae. 展开更多
关键词 tandem cold mill multi-object optimization rolling schedule cost function simplex algorithm
An Air Route Planning Model of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Under Constraints of Ground Safety 被引量:2
作者 HAN Peng ZHAO Yifei 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2021年第2期298-305,共8页
With the rapid growth of the number and flight time of unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs),safety accidents caused by UAVs flight risk is increasing gradually.Safe air route planning is an effective means to reduce the ope... With the rapid growth of the number and flight time of unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs),safety accidents caused by UAVs flight risk is increasing gradually.Safe air route planning is an effective means to reduce the operational risk of UAVs at the strategic level.The optimal air route planning model based on ground risk assessment is presented by considering the safety cost of UAV air route.Through the rasterization of the ground surface under the air route,the safety factor of each grid is defined with the probability of fatality on the ground per flight hour as the quantitative index.The air route safety cost function is constructed based on the safety factor of each grid.Then,the total cost function considering both air route safety and flight distance is established.The expected function of the ant colony algorithm is rebuilt and used as the algorithm to plan the air routes.The effectiveness of the new air route planning model is verified through the logistical distribution scenario on urban airspace.The results indicate that the new air route planning model considering safety factor can greatly improve the overall safety of air route under small increase of the total flight time. 展开更多
关键词 air transportation unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) air route planning safety cost ground risk assessment improved ant colony algorithm
Cultural Connotation and Contemporary Value of Japanese Garden
作者 Wei LIU 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第10期1929-1931,1934,共4页
Culture is the soul of a nation, and also the basis of landscape design, the basis of historical inheritance and innovation. Japanese garden was born out of Chinese garden, but because of the difference of geographica... Culture is the soul of a nation, and also the basis of landscape design, the basis of historical inheritance and innovation. Japanese garden was born out of Chinese garden, but because of the difference of geographical environment and national culture, Japanese gardens combine Chinese culture with local national characteristics, forming a unique garden culture in Japan. Based on the research on Japanese gardens like pond garden, rock garden and tea garden, this study analyzed the cultural connotation in Japanese garden landscape design, made in-depth understanding of Japanese landscape development, explored the value existing in the contemporary garden design of Japanese gardens, with the aim to make use of the excellent experience to the garden landscape design in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Japanese garden Cultural connotation Contemporary value National characteristics
Assessing Creative Writing in a Postmodem Era
作者 Yves Renaud 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第11期1090-1097,共8页
How to teach creative writing at school? If the procedures inherited from writing workshops have undoubtedly proved efficient as regards text production, it is also clear that in Switzerland, as elsewhere in Europe a... How to teach creative writing at school? If the procedures inherited from writing workshops have undoubtedly proved efficient as regards text production, it is also clear that in Switzerland, as elsewhere in Europe and in the Anglo-Saxon world, the present use of evaluation grids with their numerous items prevents secondary school pupils from adopting the stance of an author. Why? Simply because the most innovative and "literary" texts are always surprising: They are "different", and could not possibly result from writing guidelines devised only to facilitate a mechanical evaluation itself conceived for the sake of some illusory objectivity... Now, in our postmodern age with its rejection of models, what is more difficult than assessing the quality of creative writing? In our approach, we suggest restoring confidence in the teacher, an expert reader if any, who, acting as a publisher, dramaturge, or mere aesthete, knows how to take his pupils' texts seriously, acknowledge their aesthetic value, and look at apparent clumsiness as a possible promise of innovation. The teaching of creative writing lies both in this specific reception of budding works and in the teacher's performative utterances that, then and there, make the pupil a writer. 展开更多
关键词 creative writing assessing artistic work DIDACTICS teaching French highschool
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