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《渔业现代化》 2003年第1期4-4,共1页
关键词 农业部 《优势农产品区域布局规划(2003-2007)》 水产品 发展
作者 徐诺金 《征信》 北大核心 2018年第4期11-16,共6页
徐诺金先生是国务院特殊津贴专家,对2005年以来中国宏观经济问题、应对措施与政策效果进行了长期跟踪研究和理论总结,先后撰写了《回归恒等式》《中国优势》和《优势突围》三部专著。《回归恒等式》构建了中国宏观经济研究的基本原理和... 徐诺金先生是国务院特殊津贴专家,对2005年以来中国宏观经济问题、应对措施与政策效果进行了长期跟踪研究和理论总结,先后撰写了《回归恒等式》《中国优势》和《优势突围》三部专著。《回归恒等式》构建了中国宏观经济研究的基本原理和分析框架,《中国优势》运用基本原理和分析框架证明了高储蓄、高投资和高增长是中国经济的独特优势,《优势突围》提出了利用中国优势破解现实经济问题、实现经济持续增长的政策建议。这三部著作回归了经济学富民强国的根本宗旨,根植中国国情和发展实际,坚持问题导向,提出了宏观经济研究的新范式和破解现实问题的新主张,思想连贯、前后呼应,理论观点与政策主张一以贯之,实现了理论自身及理论联系实践的逻辑自洽性,对宏观经济理论发展和中国经济发展实践都具有重要意义,可以称为中国宏观经济学三部曲。 展开更多
关键词 宏观经济学三部曲 《回归恒等式》 《中国优势 《优势突围》
《英才》 2006年第4期120-120,共1页
人力资本一直是公司能否发展壮大的关键因素,这一点路人皆知,但人力资本如何量化,许多人茫然不知。对人力资本,有着过多的神话和猜测。本书解读了许多具体的案例,从现实的情境中梳理出先进的观念和方法,它的原则和工具巳被万豪、... 人力资本一直是公司能否发展壮大的关键因素,这一点路人皆知,但人力资本如何量化,许多人茫然不知。对人力资本,有着过多的神话和猜测。本书解读了许多具体的案例,从现实的情境中梳理出先进的观念和方法,它的原则和工具巳被万豪、施乐、丰田等知名公司采用。员工的优势就是公司的优势,发现员工的潜力,就能看到公司的愿景。 展开更多
关键词 知名公司 人力资本 员工 潜力 愿景 书评 《优势何在》
作者 欣然 《农机科技推广》 2004年第3期15-15,共1页
2004年3月2~3日,农业部在京举办了《优势农产品生产技术规范》发布会,并利用卫星视频直播系统举行了水稻、小麦、玉米、大豆等四大粮食作物技术培训班。31个省农业主管部门组织全国2000多名农业技术推广人员,通过60个地方网站参加... 2004年3月2~3日,农业部在京举办了《优势农产品生产技术规范》发布会,并利用卫星视频直播系统举行了水稻、小麦、玉米、大豆等四大粮食作物技术培训班。31个省农业主管部门组织全国2000多名农业技术推广人员,通过60个地方网站参加了互动式培训咨询活动。 展开更多
关键词 《优势农产品生产技术规范》 中国 卫星视频直播培训 互动式培训咨询活动 农技推广活动
《农机科技推广》 2003年第2期15-15,共1页
《通知》指出,经过5年努力,在全国优先培育专用小麦、专用玉米、高油大豆、棉花、“双低”油菜、“双高”甘蔗、柑橘、苹果、牛奶、牛羊肉和水产品等11种在国内外市场上有较强竞争力的农产品,形成35个具有鲜明特色、世界知名的优势产业... 《通知》指出,经过5年努力,在全国优先培育专用小麦、专用玉米、高油大豆、棉花、“双低”油菜、“双高”甘蔗、柑橘、苹果、牛奶、牛羊肉和水产品等11种在国内外市场上有较强竞争力的农产品,形成35个具有鲜明特色、世界知名的优势产业带区,建立一批规模较大、市场相对稳定的优势农产品出口基地。这11个优势区域主要分布如下: 1.专用小麦:重点建设黄淮海、长江下游和大兴安岭沿麓等3个专用小麦带。黄淮海优质强筋小麦带主要布局在河北、山东、河南、陕西、山西、江苏、安徽等7个省的39个地市82个县市。长江下游优质弱筋小麦带主要布局在江苏、安徽、河南。 展开更多
关键词 农业部 《优势农产品区域布局规划(2003-2007年)》 区域优势 品种
深入推进优势区域布局 切实保障主要农产品供给——访农业部副部长危朝安
作者 徐乐俊 徐明 《农村工作通讯》 2008年第17期11-13,共3页
《全国优势农产品区域布局规划(2008-2015年)》(以下简称《规划》)日前已经国务院审批,正式由农业部发布。这是农业部在认真总结《优势农产品区域布局规划(2003-2007年)》实施情况、深入研究新时期优势农产品区域布局工作思路和重点的... 《全国优势农产品区域布局规划(2008-2015年)》(以下简称《规划》)日前已经国务院审批,正式由农业部发布。这是农业部在认真总结《优势农产品区域布局规划(2003-2007年)》实施情况、深入研究新时期优势农产品区域布局工作思路和重点的基础上,适应农业农村经济发展新形势需要编制的重大规划,对未来8年优化我国农业区域布局的指导思想、总体目标、发展重点和政策措施进行了总体部署,是今后一段时期优化农业生产力布局,加强农业基础建设、保障主要农产品基本供给、稳定发展现代农业、促进农民持续增收的重要文件。为了使广大读者更全面了解《全国优势农产品区域布局规划(2008-2015年)》,近日,本刊专访了农业部副部长危朝安,请他就有关问题作了全面详细的介绍。 展开更多
关键词 《优势农产品区域布局规划(2003-2007年)》 农产品供给 农业部 优势区域布局 副部长 保障 农业生产力布局 农村经济发展
《基础教育》 2006年第4期63-63,共1页
有一个人在集市上卖气球,他有各种颜色的气球,红的、黄的、蓝的和绿的。每当买的人少的时候,他就放飞一个气球。当孩哥们看见气球升上去的时候,他们都想买一个。这样,卖气球的生意又好起来。这个人一直重复着这个过程,一天,他感... 有一个人在集市上卖气球,他有各种颜色的气球,红的、黄的、蓝的和绿的。每当买的人少的时候,他就放飞一个气球。当孩哥们看见气球升上去的时候,他们都想买一个。这样,卖气球的生意又好起来。这个人一直重复着这个过程,一天,他感到有人在拉他的衣服,他转过身来,只见一个黑人小男孩在问他:“如果你松开一个黑色的气球,它也会飞起来吗?”卖气球的人被小男孩的专注所打动,和蔼地说:“孩子,不是气球的颜色使它飞起来,使它飞起来的是里面的气体。” 展开更多
关键词 《优势 散文 随笔 中国 当代作品
作者 胥加山 《环球市场》 2003年第5期52-53,共2页
关键词 《优势其实是劣势》 胥加山 中国 杂文 当代作品
作者 郭兆熊 《中国农资》 2016年第16期2-2,共1页
相信每位读者对《塞翁失马》的故事都很熟悉吧?好事可以转换成坏事,坏事也可以转换成好事。那么我们是否可以延伸下,在做企业、在用人、在选项目等方面,满怀信心拥有的优势可能会成为发展中的劣势,然而看着明显的劣势也可能转换成... 相信每位读者对《塞翁失马》的故事都很熟悉吧?好事可以转换成坏事,坏事也可以转换成好事。那么我们是否可以延伸下,在做企业、在用人、在选项目等方面,满怀信心拥有的优势可能会成为发展中的劣势,然而看着明显的劣势也可能转换成优势,到底是优势还是劣势?没有定论,它是变化的。 展开更多
关键词 杂文 《优势 劣势》 中国 郭兆熊
作者 策文睿 《素质教育博览(小学低年级版)》 2009年第7期70-72,共3页
关键词 小学 课外阅读 《优势与劣势》 策文睿
RFLP Detection of Genetic Variation of Maize Inbred Lines 被引量:11
作者 李新海 傅骏骅 +2 位作者 张世煌 袁力行 李明顺 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第11期1156-1161,共6页
Genetic similarities of 13 inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.) were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The objectives of the study were to detect genetic similarities among 13 inbreds and t... Genetic similarities of 13 inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.) were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The objectives of the study were to detect genetic similarities among 13 inbreds and to assign them to heterotic groups. By means of 24 probe_enzyme combinations (PECs) selected for locus specificity, clear patterns and reproducibility, 85 alleles were found with an average of 3.3 alleles per locus. The allelic frequency data were used to estimate genetic similarities among lines, and as a result the diversity index of 0.499 was obtained. Genetic similarities between the pairs of 13 lines ranged from 0.523 up to 0.802 with an average of 0.649. The UPGMA clustering algorithm analysis classified the 13 lines into five groups, which generally corresponded to known maize heterotic groups based on pedigree information. The authors concluded that RFLP_based markers could be used for investigating genetic relationships between maize inbred lines and assigning them to heterotic groups, but it seemed that a large number of PECs were needed to obtain reliable estimates of genetic similarity. 展开更多
关键词 Zea mays restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) genetic similarity (GS) heterotic gro`
Differential Gene Expression Between Wheat Hybrids and Their Parental Inbreds in Primary Roots 被引量:10
作者 倪中福 孙其信 +1 位作者 吴利民 解超杰 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第4期457-462,共6页
To provide an insight into the molecular basis of heterosis, differential display of mRNA was used to analyze the difference of gene expression between wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) heterotic hybrid A, nonheterotic hyb... To provide an insight into the molecular basis of heterosis, differential display of mRNA was used to analyze the difference of gene expression between wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) heterotic hybrid A, nonheterotic hybrid B and their parental inbreds in the primary roots. By using 5′ end random primers in combination with three one-base-anchored primers, it was found that 22.5% and 22.9% of 877 total displayed cDNAs were differentially expressed between hybrid A, B and their parents, respectively. Both quantitative and qualitative differences in gene expression between hybrids and their parental inbreds were obvious, indicating that the patterns of gene expression in hybrids alter significantly as compared to their corresponding parents. On the other hand, by using MADS-box gene specific 5′ end primer for DDRT-PCR, we found that nearly all of the displayed cDNA fragments were polymorphic between hybrids and their parents, and major difference occurred in qualitative level, in which hybrid specific-expressed and silenced genes are the major two patterns, suggesting that MADS-box gene may be important for manifestation of differential gene expression and wheat heterosis. In comparison with our previous results by using seedling leaves, it is indicated that differential gene expression between hybrids and parents is dependent on the tissues tested, and more differentially expressed genes were observed in the primary roots than in the seedling leaves. Therefore, it is concluded that the expressions of both randomly displayed cDNAs and transcription factor genes, such as MADS-box, alter significantly between hybrids and their parents, which might be responsible for the observed heterosis. 展开更多
关键词 differential display gene expression HETEROSIS WHEAT primary roots
Identification of the Parentage of Corn Variety Using SSR Markers 被引量:11
作者 沈童伟 陆徐忠 +2 位作者 刘勋辉 李莉 杨剑波 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期55-60,共6页
[Objective] The study was to explore the molecular interpretation standards on parentage in the seeds of corn variety. [Method] With 16 hybrids and their parents and 202 inbred elites as materials for screening primer... [Objective] The study was to explore the molecular interpretation standards on parentage in the seeds of corn variety. [Method] With 16 hybrids and their parents and 202 inbred elites as materials for screening primers, the artificial groups of two standard diad and two standard triad were respectively established as the verification materials. Genomic DNA of seedlings was extracted by using CTAB method. 137 pairs of SSR primers were selected for SSR amplification and product detection, which was used for the parentage identification of maize varieties. [ Result] Twenty pairs of corn primers with high polymorphism information content ( PIC value), clearly amplified bands and good reproducibility were screened from 137 pairs of corn SSR primers tested. The identification results of using SSR molecular were consistent with the actual situation. [ Conclusion] It is feasible to identify the parentage of maize variety using SSR markers. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE SSR marker Corn primer Parentage identification
Predominance diagrams for Zn(Ⅱ)-NH_3-Cl^--H_2O system 被引量:3
作者 丁治英 陈启元 +1 位作者 尹周澜 刘葵 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期832-840,共9页
The thermodynamics in zinc hydrometallurgical process was studied using a chemical equilibrium modeling code(GEMS) to predict the zinc solubility and construct the species distribution and predominance diagrams for ... The thermodynamics in zinc hydrometallurgical process was studied using a chemical equilibrium modeling code(GEMS) to predict the zinc solubility and construct the species distribution and predominance diagrams for the Zn(Ⅱ)-NH3-H2O and Zn(Ⅱ)-NH3-Cl--H2O system.The zinc solubilities in ammoniacal solutions were also measured with equilibrium experiments,which agree well with the predicted values.The distribution and predominance diagrams show that ammine and hydroxyl ammine complexes are the main aqueous Zn species,Zn(NH3)24-is predominant in weak alkaline solution for both Zn(Ⅱ)-NH3-H2O and Zn(Ⅱ)-NH3-Cl--H2O systems.In Zn(Ⅱ)-NH3-Cl--H2O system,the ternary complexes containing ammonia and chloride increase the zinc solubility in neutral solution.There are three zinc compounds,Zn(OH)2,Zn(OH)1.6Cl0.4 and Zn(NH3)2Cl2,on which the zinc solubility depends,according to the total ammonia,chloride and zinc concentration.These thermodynamic diagrams show the effects of ammonia,chloride and zinc concentration on the zinc solubility,which can provide thermodynamic references for the zinc hydrometallurgy. 展开更多
关键词 THERMODYNAMICS predominance diagram zinc hydrometallurgy ammonia leaching
Variation of SPAD values in uneven-aged leaves of different dominant species in Castanopsis carlessi forest in Lingshishan National Forest Park 被引量:3
作者 王英姿 洪伟 +4 位作者 吴承祯 林晗 范海兰 陈灿 李键 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期362-366,I0007,共6页
The greenness (SPAD) of uneven-aged leaves of dominant species in the Castanopsis carlessi forest at different altitude gradients in Lingshishan National Forest Park, Fujian Province, China were measured by using po... The greenness (SPAD) of uneven-aged leaves of dominant species in the Castanopsis carlessi forest at different altitude gradients in Lingshishan National Forest Park, Fujian Province, China were measured by using portable chlorophyll meter SPAD-502. In addition, the correlation between SPAD value and the concentration of chlorophyll and foliar nitrogen was also investigated. Significant variations in SPAD values were found between the uneven-aged leaves of different dominant species and different altitude gradients. Regression analysis showed that SPAD value was significantly correlated with the concentration of chlorophyll and the content of foliar nitrogen, indicating that SPAD value could be indicators for foliar chlorophyll and nitrogen. It is suggested that SPAD meter is a useful tool for forest assessments in decision-making and operational nutrient management programs. 展开更多
关键词 Castanopsis carlessi forest chlorophyll content chlorophyll meter dominant population forest nutrient of nitrogen Lingshishan specific leaf area
Breeding of New Japonica-indica Hybrid Rice Combination——Chunyou 618 被引量:4
作者 吴明国 林建荣 +1 位作者 宋昕蔚 阮关海 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第8期1691-1694,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to select and breed Chunyou 618 which is a novel combination among japonica-indica hybrid rice subspecies. [Method] Chunyou 618 is a japonica-indica hybrid rice combination developed from Chunj... [Objective] The aim was to select and breed Chunyou 618 which is a novel combination among japonica-indica hybrid rice subspecies. [Method] Chunyou 618 is a japonica-indica hybrid rice combination developed from Chunjiang 16A, a late japonica CMS line with dwarfness and early anthesis time, and C18, an indicaclinous wide compatibility restorer line. In addition, the concerning characters were researched. [Result] Chunyou 618, which is japonica inclining, proved high in pro- duction and in resistance to lodging with Cheng's index at 15. It is of moderate re- sistance against Xanthomonas oryzae and stripe virus disease, of moderate susceptibility on rice blast, and of susceptibility on Nilaparvata lugens. The indices of rice quality achieved departmental standard 4 and grade 4 of Cooking Rice Variety Quality, respectively. [Conclusion] Chunyou 618 enjoys strong heterosis, strong stem, good lodging resistance, large panicles, good cold tolerance, high yield and wide adaptability, which is suitable to be grown in Zhejiang Province as single cropping late rice. 展开更多
关键词 Japonica-indica hybrid rice Chunyou 618 HETEROSIS BREEDING
Spatial Characteristics and Change for Tree Species (Genera) Along Northeast China Transect (NECT) 被引量:4
作者 陈雄文 张新时 +1 位作者 周广胜 陈锦正 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第10期1075-1081,共7页
The 16 tree species on Northeast China Transect (NECT) were analyzed from the change of geographical distribution, frequency and dominance pattern and the spatial correlation at landscape scale in 1986 and 1994. Pin... The 16 tree species on Northeast China Transect (NECT) were analyzed from the change of geographical distribution, frequency and dominance pattern and the spatial correlation at landscape scale in 1986 and 1994. Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc. and Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hemsl. had spread rapidly towards west and east, respectively. The frontier form of species had close relation with its movement. The patch size of Pinus koraiensis , Populus davidiana Dode., Phellodendron amurense Rupr., Juglans mandshurica Maxim., Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr., Betula dahurica Pall., Picea koraiensis Nakai, Abies nephrolepis Maxim. and Larix olgeusis var. koreana Nakai decreased, however, Quercus mongolica Fisch., Betula costata Trautv., Acer mono Maxim., Tilia spp., Ulmus spp., Betula platyphylla Suk. and Fraxinus rhynchophylla increased. The frequency pattern of Populus davidiana , Betula platyphylla , Fraxinus rhynchophylla and Betula dahurica changed significantly. The dominance pattern of Populus davidiana , Tilia spp., Juglans mandshurica , Betula platyphylla , Betula dahurica and Abies nephrolepis changed significantly. The spatial correlation between Quercus mongolica and Betula dahurica , Betula costata and Picea spp., Betula costata and Abies nephrolepis , Picea spp. and Abies nephrolepis declined, however, the spatial correlation between Larix spp. and Betula platyphylla , Acer mono and Ulmus spp. increased. 展开更多
关键词 spatial characteristic tree species(genera) Northeast China Transect PATCH frequency DOMINANCE spatial correlation
The Effects of UV-B Radiation on Maize at the Seedling Stage 被引量:2
作者 解备涛 王庆美 +5 位作者 张海燕 李爱贤 候夫云 汪宝卿 董顺旭 张立明 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第11期2456-2461,共6页
In this study, maize plant seedlings were grown in soilless cultures, with and without ^-B radiation at a close of 5.4 kJt(m2-d). Three clays later, it was found that the treatment of UV-B radiation significantly re... In this study, maize plant seedlings were grown in soilless cultures, with and without ^-B radiation at a close of 5.4 kJt(m2-d). Three clays later, it was found that the treatment of UV-B radiation significantly reduced such characteristics as biomass, plant height, leaf area, and so on. Also, the photosynthesis of the maize was inhabited, the anti-oxid activity decreased, and the MDA concentration increased with the UV-B radiation exposure. The maize presented visible hybrid vigor under the control condition, while the hybrid vigor under UV-B radiation barely emerged in biomass, plant height, leaf area, and physiological metabolic index. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE UV B radiation Hybrid vigor Seedling stage
Study on the Characteristics of Main Vegetation Communities in the Limestone Region of Taihang Mountain 被引量:4
作者 弓运泽 周大迈 任士魁 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第12期1932-1936,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to study the characteristics of main vegetation communities in the limestone region of Taihang Mountain,so as to lay foundation for the further improvement of site conditions and the scientific... [Objective] The aim was to study the characteristics of main vegetation communities in the limestone region of Taihang Mountain,so as to lay foundation for the further improvement of site conditions and the scientific breeding of vegetation used to restore the mountain field in limestone region.[Method] Based on the investigation of various vegetation communities in controlled test area,forbidden region and barren hillsides in Daqing Mountain basin,Beishui Valley,Mancheng County,Hebei Province,the difference among controlled region,forbidden region and barren hillsides could be found through data analysis and composite score,and the modes of vegetation communities in controlled region and forbidden region were compared to select predominant species of arbor,shrub and grass in limestone region.[Result] Under the similar site conditions,nutrient content and physical properties of soil in controlled region and forbidden region were superior to those of barren hillsides,and persimmon had high nutrient content and better physical properties compared with oriental arborvitae in controlled region;soil water maintenance and litter characters in controlled region and forbidden region improved more obviously than that of barren hillsides,and shrubbery in forbidden region was the most excellent,arborvitae and persimmon in controlled region the second;the biomass and the coverage rate of vegetation communities in controlled region and forbidden region were higher than those of barren hillsides,and those of shrubbery in forbidden region were better than tussock in closing hill,while persimmon was better than arborvitae in controlled region.The predominant species of arbor,shrub and herbage were obtained through composite score.[Conclusion] From the aspects of soil nutrient,physical properties,soil water maintenance,litter characters,vegetation biomass,canopy density and coverage,controlled region and forbidden region were superior to barren hillsides,and the selection of predominant species of arbor,shrub and herbage considered both ecological and economic benefits. 展开更多
关键词 LIMESTONE Vegetation community Vegetation restoration Preponderant species
Study on the Water Balance in Three Dominant Plants with Simulated Precipitation Change in Maowusu Sandland 被引量:9
作者 肖春旺 周广胜 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第1期82-88,共7页
The distribution pattern and productivity of Maowusu sandland terrestrial ecosystem are greatly affected with the future severe global change, especially global precipitation change. Considering the predicative global... The distribution pattern and productivity of Maowusu sandland terrestrial ecosystem are greatly affected with the future severe global change, especially global precipitation change. Considering the predicative global precipitation change and the appropriate relevant strategy for the sustainable development of the China dry territory, the authors have investigated the response of water balance to global precipitation change by creating an artificial control of four levels of water supply treating 3 dominant plants in Mauwusu sandland. The results showed that the seasonal changes of water storage and moisture of different sandland layer depths were affected by different water supply treatments and different plants. The water storage of the three plant growing sandlands and the moisture of different sandland layer depths increased as water supply was increased. The moisture of different water supply treatments and plants increased with the increase of sandland layer depth. The water storage and moisture of the same layer depth of Hedysarum mongolicum Turcz. growing sandland were larger than that of Salix psammophila C. Wang et Ch. Y. Yang growing sandland, which were in turn higher than that of Artemisia ordosica Krasch. growing sandland in the same water supply treatment. Water supply significantly affected the seasonal changes of evaporation and transpiration of the three plant growing sandlands. With the increased levels of water supply, viz. 157.5 mm, 315.0 mm, 472.5 mm and 630.0 mm, the total evaporation was 123.66 mm, 258.68 mm, 376.30 mm, 458.57 mm, respectively, and the total transpiration of A. ordosica was 50.80 mm, 68.93 mm, 108.39 mm, 163.36 mm, respectively, and that of S. psammophila , 47.37 mm, 68.17 mm, 93.65 mm, 135.97 mm, respectively, and that of H. mongolicum 46.73 mm, 67.37 mm, 86.07 mm, 109.64 mm, respectively. Evaporation was significantly higher than transpiration in the experiment. 展开更多
关键词 global change simulated precipitation Maowusu sandland dominant plants water balance
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