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作者 张盼 孙健媚 《戏剧之家》 2019年第5期77-77,79,共2页
本文以央视节目《信·中国》为例,从题材内容,形式创新,嘉宾选取,思想升华几个方面总结人文节目在新时代传播的成功经验。节目通过书信载体,将感人至深的故事传达给电视观众,实现了弘扬中国精神,彰显文化自信的目的。文章在分析节... 本文以央视节目《信·中国》为例,从题材内容,形式创新,嘉宾选取,思想升华几个方面总结人文节目在新时代传播的成功经验。节目通过书信载体,将感人至深的故事传达给电视观众,实现了弘扬中国精神,彰显文化自信的目的。文章在分析节目内容和传播策略的基础上,对节目未来的创新发展提出具体建议。 展开更多
关键词 《信·中国》 人文节目
文化类综艺节目的时代标杆——以《朗读者》和《信·中国》为例 被引量:4
作者 赵轶 《中国广播电视学刊》 北大核心 2019年第7期126-127,共2页
在各种娱乐性综艺节目充斥人们视野的同时,文化类综艺节目凭借深厚的文化底蕴和新颖的节目形式而广受好评。由中央电视台制作并播出的《朗读者》和《信·中国》,以其丰富的文化内涵、精良的制作水准、彰显文化自信的社会价值而赢得... 在各种娱乐性综艺节目充斥人们视野的同时,文化类综艺节目凭借深厚的文化底蕴和新颖的节目形式而广受好评。由中央电视台制作并播出的《朗读者》和《信·中国》,以其丰富的文化内涵、精良的制作水准、彰显文化自信的社会价值而赢得业界的认可和观众的喜爱。本文从电视综艺节目的发展现状和方向入手,通过以上几个方面的具体分析,探讨此类节目之所以能引导观众审美方向和趣味的原因,解读以此为代表的文化类综艺节目的典型性、创新性和时代性特征,从而确定此类节目的标杆作用。 展开更多
关键词 《朗读者》 《信·中国》 文化类综艺 时代标杆 文化自
论微媒体时代仪式性电视节目与政治认同的重塑——以《信·中国》为例 被引量:3
作者 杨惠 戴海波 《中国编辑》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期73-78,共6页
民众的政治认同是关乎国家和社会稳定的关键因素。随着我国政治体制改革的深入,政府十分重视通过各种媒体平台的信息传播、通过各种仪式的符号展演来增强民众的政治认同和凝聚力。作为一档传播内容仪式化的电视节目,《信·中国》通... 民众的政治认同是关乎国家和社会稳定的关键因素。随着我国政治体制改革的深入,政府十分重视通过各种媒体平台的信息传播、通过各种仪式的符号展演来增强民众的政治认同和凝聚力。作为一档传播内容仪式化的电视节目,《信·中国》通过意识形态话语的生产、历史记忆符号的建构以及视觉修辞手段的强化,在重塑民众政治认同的过程中发挥了潜移默化的作用。 展开更多
关键词 微媒体时代 政治认同 仪式性电视节目 《信·中国》
《信·中国》:书信题材文化类节目的叙事创新——与《见字如面》的对比分析 被引量:1
作者 张步中 李晨 《中国电视》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第8期35-38,共4页
《信·中国》是央视在书信领域深耕创作的又一优质文化类节目。本文在与黑龙江卫视《见字如面》的比较研究基础上,从叙事学角度,分析《信·中国》在文本选择上彰显家国情怀与党性光辉,在主体设置上注重多元人物角色与功能定位,... 《信·中国》是央视在书信领域深耕创作的又一优质文化类节目。本文在与黑龙江卫视《见字如面》的比较研究基础上,从叙事学角度,分析《信·中国》在文本选择上彰显家国情怀与党性光辉,在主体设置上注重多元人物角色与功能定位,在方式上创新使用视角转换、凝练结构与纪录风格,在场域构建上善于营造历史原貌与沉浸体验等独特之处。 展开更多
关键词 《信·中国》 题材 文化类节目 叙事 《见字如面》
传承红色基因 展现信仰力量--谈《信·中国》内容叙事与传播模式创新 被引量:1
作者 万钢 《电视研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第10期47-49,共3页
《信·中国》以准确的价值引领和对共产党人初心与使命的生动呈现,被誉为"最好看的党课"。本文从《信·中国》坚守匠心,开启文化类节目新模式;以信为媒,强化文化内涵;内容入心,引发情感共鸣;样态创新,凸显信仰的力量... 《信·中国》以准确的价值引领和对共产党人初心与使命的生动呈现,被誉为"最好看的党课"。本文从《信·中国》坚守匠心,开启文化类节目新模式;以信为媒,强化文化内涵;内容入心,引发情感共鸣;样态创新,凸显信仰的力量以及融合传播等方面阐释了节目的创新之处。 展开更多
关键词 《信·中国》 文化类节目 融合传播 创新创优
小书信 大情怀——《信·中国》的传播学意义
作者 王志勇 《中国广播电视学刊》 北大核心 2018年第6期109-111,共3页
《信·中国》是央视制作播出的一档人文类节目,50封书信是从2000多封中精心挑选出来的。而每一封家书的背后,都有一个感人至深的故事。优秀节目有着永世不朽的精神,《信·中国》唤醒的是人们对精神的渴望。新时代同样需要信仰,... 《信·中国》是央视制作播出的一档人文类节目,50封书信是从2000多封中精心挑选出来的。而每一封家书的背后,都有一个感人至深的故事。优秀节目有着永世不朽的精神,《信·中国》唤醒的是人们对精神的渴望。新时代同样需要信仰,需要信念。在信息化迅猛发展的当下社会,电视节目如何更好地发挥正确的引导作用,这是一门技巧更是一门艺术。本文从昂扬鲜明的主题、书信背后的故事等三个层面,以大众传播视角对《信·中国》进行分析解读。 展开更多
关键词 《信·中国》 家书 仰力量 传播学 背后故事
作者 张科 《甘肃理论学刊》 2020年第4期56-60,共5页
党性教育是发展培养党员的核心内容,是党的建设的内在要求。中央电视台相继推出的《信·中国》《故事里的中国》《一堂好课》等文化电视节目蕴含着丰富的党性教育资源,是隐性教育、文化育人的实践样式。如《信·中国》节目中以... 党性教育是发展培养党员的核心内容,是党的建设的内在要求。中央电视台相继推出的《信·中国》《故事里的中国》《一堂好课》等文化电视节目蕴含着丰富的党性教育资源,是隐性教育、文化育人的实践样式。如《信·中国》节目中以“信”载道的内容和以“星”朗读的形式,是党性教育功能的电视化显性表达。充分发挥文化电视节目的党性教育功能,挖掘文化电视节目的隐性教育资源,为党性教育实践建设带来了启示,即坚持文艺育德理论的指导、坚持红色文化育人的路径、坚持叙事式的党性教育方法,从而为新时代推进党员教育和党的建设的伟大工程提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 文化电视节目 党性教育 文艺育德 《信·中国》
A Theoretical Framework and Methodology for Urban Activity Spatial Structure in E-society: Empirical Evidence for Nanjing City, China 被引量:18
作者 WANG Bo ZHEN Feng +2 位作者 WEI Zongcai GUO Shu CHEN Tingting 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第6期672-683,共12页
The existing researches on the influence of information and communication technology (ICT) are mainly focused on human activity, whilst with few efforts on urban space. In the e-society, the widespread adoption of 1... The existing researches on the influence of information and communication technology (ICT) are mainly focused on human activity, whilst with few efforts on urban space. In the e-society, the widespread adoption of 1CT devices not only affects almost every aspect of people's daily life and thereby reshapes the spatial development of regions and cities, but also generates a large amount of real-time activity data with location information. These georeferenced data, however, have relatively recently attracted attention from geographers. Adapted from Lynch's framework based on people's perceptions, this paper proposes a framework of urban spatial struc- ture based on people's actual activity, including five elements, namely activity path, activity node, central activity zone (CAZ), activity district, and activity edge. In the empirical study, by using one week's check-in tweets (from February 25 to March 3 in 2013) collected in Nanjing City, the five elements are recognized and analyzed. Through the comparison between our results and urban spatial structure based on population (and land use), we argue that ICT uses: 1) lead to polarize, rather than to smooth, the urban structural hierarchy, due to the dual role of distance; 2) enable a partial decoupling of activity and activity space node, which challenges our conventional under- standing of the role of home and the utility of travel; 3) blur the boundaries of activity districts and hence may play a positive role in enriching districts' functions, which should not be overlooked in the current urban transformation in China. 展开更多
关键词 information and communication technology (ICT) tele-activities activity space big data e-society Nanjing City
How to establish a first-class international scientific journal in China? 被引量:2
作者 Zhen-Xi Li 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第43期6905-6908,共4页
Hundreds of scientific journals are published in China. However, only scores of them are included in Science Citation Index by the Institute for Scientific Information, with impact factors of only 1 or less. Thus, how... Hundreds of scientific journals are published in China. However, only scores of them are included in Science Citation Index by the Institute for Scientific Information, with impact factors of only 1 or less. Thus, how to establish a first-class international scientific journal in China is an important but difficult topic that deserves extensive exploration. World Journal of Gastroenterology (WJG) sets a good example although it has experienced setbacks on the road towards success. Concepts and pursuits that affirm the overall development direction, innovation and dreams that provide impetus and aspiration for higher objectives, team work and unique pattern that assure excellent quality and service, and culture and environment that also determine the speed and direction of the development, are believed to be the major factors contributing to the success of WJG. It is recommended that the effective resolution to the above issue is to learn from Chinese examples such as WJG rather than from “how foreign journals do”. 展开更多
关键词 First-class scientific journal Concepts andpursuits Innovation and dreams Team work and uniquepattern Culture and environment World Journal ofGastroenterology
Progress of Chinese“Dove”and Future Studies on Flight Mechanism of Birds and Application System 被引量:6
作者 XUAN Jianlin SONG Bifeng +3 位作者 SONG Wenping YANG Wenqing XUE Dong LIANG Shaoran 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2020年第5期663-675,共13页
This paper introduces the Chinese"Dove"——A practical application system of bird-mimetic air vehicles developed for more than a decade by the Institute of Flight Vehicle Innovation of Northwest Polytechnic ... This paper introduces the Chinese"Dove"——A practical application system of bird-mimetic air vehicles developed for more than a decade by the Institute of Flight Vehicle Innovation of Northwest Polytechnic University(NWPU)in China.Firstly,the main components,flight capability and flight verification of the Chinese"Dove"are presented.Then,the methods for the aerodynamic simulation and wind tunnel experiments are put forward.Secondly,the design of high-lift and high-thrust flexible flapping wings,a series of flapping mechanisms,gust-resistance layout and micro flight control/navigation system are presented.Some future studies on the application system of bionic micro air vehicles are given,including observation of natural flight creatures,aerodynamics in flight,mechanical and new material driving systems,structural mechanics,flight mechanics,and the information perception and intelligent decision-making control,which are related to research of flight bioinformatic perception and brain science.Finally,some application examples of complex flapping movements,active/passive deformation of bird wings,new low-energy motion-driven system,bionic intelligent decision-making and control/navigation are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese"Dove" bird flight mechanism application system flapping wing flapping mechanisms
Impact of and adaptation strategies for sea-level rise on Yangtze River Delta 被引量:9
作者 WANG Qiu-Shun PAN Cun-Hong ZHANG Guang-Zhi 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期154-160,共7页
The Yangtze River Delta characterized by a dense population and a rapidly developing economy is highly vulnerable to sea-level rise. The data from the China Oceanic Information Network and the Zhejiang Provincial Hydr... The Yangtze River Delta characterized by a dense population and a rapidly developing economy is highly vulnerable to sea-level rise. The data from the China Oceanic Information Network and the Zhejiang Provincial Hydrology Bureau are used to analyze sea-level rise. The rate of sea-level rise in the delta was 2.4 mm per year in 1981-2015. The annual sea-level at Daishan, Dinghai, and Dongtou stations in the south wing of the delta were 4.3, 3.1, and 5 mm per year respectively over the same period. The 10-year averaged results at each station also indicate a perceptible trend of sea-level rise. Sea-level rise is contributed to a larger proportion of intensified erosion, ranging from 3% to 14% in the delta. Meanwhile, the 100-year return period of tidal level has decreased to the 50-year rank at Dongtou and Dinghai stations. Moreover, the arrival time of tidal bores at Yanguan is 4 min earlier under sea-level rise of 0.145 m than that of 0 m. The height of tidal bores and the velocities at the surface and bottom layers have an increase under sea-level rise. The maximum increases of high and low tide levels are 0.122 m and 0.016 m while the maximum increases of the velocities at the surface and bottom layers are 0.07 m s^- 1 and 0.05 m s ^-1, respectively. Sea-level rise will bring about the damage of seawall, thus the design standard of constructing seawalls should adopt a higher level to minimize the associated risks in the Yangtze River Delta and its south wing. 展开更多
关键词 Coastal erosion Sea-level rise Saltwater intrusion Tidal bore Yangtze River Delta Zhejiang province
A New Word Detection Method for Chinese Based on Local Context Information 被引量:1
作者 曾华琳 周昌乐 郑旭玲 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第2期189-192,共4页
Finding out out-of-vocabulary words is an urgent and difficult task in Chinese words segmentation. To avoid the defect causing by offline training in the traditional method, the paper proposes an improved prediction b... Finding out out-of-vocabulary words is an urgent and difficult task in Chinese words segmentation. To avoid the defect causing by offline training in the traditional method, the paper proposes an improved prediction by partical match (PPM) segmenting algorithm for Chinese words based on extracting local context information, which adds the context information of the testing text into the local PPM statistical model so as to guide the detection of new words. The algorithm focuses on the process of online segmentatien and new word detection which achieves a good effect in the close or opening test, and outperforms some well-known Chinese segmentation system to a certain extent. 展开更多
关键词 new word detection improved PPM model context information Chinese words segmentation
作者 XU Han-qiu( Department of Environmental and Resources Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350002, P. R. China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第2期126-135,共10页
Fuqing County of southeast China has witnessed significant land use changes during the last decade. Re mote sensing technology using multitemporal Landsat TM images was used to characterize land use types and to monit... Fuqing County of southeast China has witnessed significant land use changes during the last decade. Re mote sensing technology using multitemporal Landsat TM images was used to characterize land use types and to monitor land use changes in the county. Two TM scenes from 1991 and 1996 were used to cover the county and a five-year time period. Digital image processing was carried out for the remotely sensed data to produce classified images. The images were further processed using GIS software to generate GIS databases so that the data could be further spatially analyzed taking the advantages of the software. Land use change areas were determined by using the change detection technique. The comparison of the two classified TM images using the above technologies reveals that during the five study years, a large area of arable lands in the county has been lost and deforestation has taken place largely because of the dramatic in crease in built-up land and orchard. The conclusive statistical information is useful to understand the processes, causes and impacts of the land use changes in the county. The major driving force to the land use changes in the county ap peared to be the rapid economic development. The decision makers of the county have to pay more attention to the land use changes for the county’s sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 land use change remote sensing GIS driving force
作者 XUYon-peng DUJin-kang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第1期30-34,共5页
Southeast China coastal areas belong to subtropical monsoon climatic zone, thus easily affected by floods resulted from typhoons and rainstorms. Since the areas of river basins are small, rivers flood regulation capac... Southeast China coastal areas belong to subtropical monsoon climatic zone, thus easily affected by floods resulted from typhoons and rainstorms. Since the areas of river basins are small, rivers flood regulation capacities are low, and therefore flood hazard is grave. In this paper, taking the Yongjiang basin in southeast China as an example, the approaches and methods of geographic information system(GIS) applied to flood disaster control and reduction research on small basin are explored. On GIS help the rainfall runoff calculation model and the river channel flood routing model are developed. And the evaluating flood submerged area and the damage assessment models are built supported by digit elevation models. Lastly the decision support system on GIS supported for flood control in research basin has been set up. This greatly improves flood proofing decision making capacities in river basin, and provides valuable information and a mode for flood prevention and reduction in the medium and small basin. Meanwhile, the research indicates that technologies of GIS provide a powerful tool for flood disaster control. 展开更多
关键词 geographic information system(GIS) system of flood disaster prevention and reduction coastal medium and small river basins in southeast China
Pathways of mesoscale variability in the South China Sea 被引量:5
作者 庄伟 杜岩 +2 位作者 王东晓 谢强 谢尚平 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期1055-1067,共13页
The propagation of oceanic mesoscale signals in the South China Sea(SCS) is mapped from satellite altimetric observations and an eddy-resolving global ocean model by using the maximum cross-correlation(MCC) method.Sig... The propagation of oceanic mesoscale signals in the South China Sea(SCS) is mapped from satellite altimetric observations and an eddy-resolving global ocean model by using the maximum cross-correlation(MCC) method.Significant mesoscale signals propagate along two major bands of high variability.The northern band is located west of the Luzon Strait,characterized by southwestward eddy propagation.Although eddies are the most active in winter,their southwestward migrations,steered by bathymetry,occur throughout the year.Advection by the mean flow plays a secondary role in modulating the propagating speed.The southern eddy band lies in the southwest part of the SCS deep basin and is oriented in an approximately meridional direction.Mesoscale variability propagates southward along the band in autumn.This southward eddy pathway could not be explained by mean flow advection and is likely related to eddy detachments from the western boundary current due to nonlinear effects.Our mapping of eddy propagation velocities provides important information for further understanding eddy dynamics in the SCS. 展开更多
关键词 sea level mesoscale variability maximum cross-correlation South China Sea (SCS)
Design and Applications of Land Resources and Ecological Environment Information System: A Case Study of Zigui County in the Three Gorges Area of China 被引量:25
The design and applications of a land information system built upon ARC/INFO and ArcView are presented. The proposed system not only maintains all the advantages of the more conventional implementations but also enhan... The design and applications of a land information system built upon ARC/INFO and ArcView are presented. The proposed system not only maintains all the advantages of the more conventional implementations but also enhances them in the following ways: 1) the application program interfaces (API) are used to transmit data and messages among different parts of the system; 2) the integrated system can support studies on land evaluations and ecological analyses by efficient management of attribute and spatial data and 3) correspondingly, spatial records and attributive records are linked by the same identifiers (ID). A case study application in Zigui County of the Three Gorges Area in China demonstrates that the system could employ land-use maps and land property data to predicate and analyze the land utilization changes in the past, present and future. The ecological environment analysis can be carried out with the data of land, economics and terrain map used, showing that the system can be widely applied, especially to survey land and environment resources in the countryside area. 展开更多
关键词 attribute database ecological environment land resources spatial database
Two-level fuzzy evaluation for classification of credits 被引量:2
作者 王琼 陈金贤 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2002年第3期311-314,共4页
In this paper, classification models are used as tools to make final decision. Fuzzy method provides the mathematical tools for quantitative analysis and dealing with ambiguous concepts. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AH... In this paper, classification models are used as tools to make final decision. Fuzzy method provides the mathematical tools for quantitative analysis and dealing with ambiguous concepts. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to obtain the weight of each index and enables examiners to visualize the decision process and obtain more reasonable evaluation values to solve some problems. An example is given at the end of this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Classification of credits Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) FUZZY
LTE-Satellite: Chinese Proposal for Satellite Component of IMT-Advanced System 被引量:3
作者 刘思杨 秦飞 +2 位作者 高镇 张源 何异舟 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第10期47-64,共18页
As a complementary to terrestrial mobile communication systems, mobile satellite communication system can fill the gaps that cannot be covered by terrestrial network, and provides an irreplaceable solution for emergen... As a complementary to terrestrial mobile communication systems, mobile satellite communication system can fill the gaps that cannot be covered by terrestrial network, and provides an irreplaceable solution for emergency communication in disaster. To pave the road for future satellite/terrestrial integrated communication networks, ITU-R invited proposals for candidate Radio Interface Technology(RIT) for the satellite component of International Mobile Telecommunications(IMT)-Advanced. China proposed the RIT of Long Term Evolution(LTE)-satellite as a candidate to be considered as IMT-Advanced satellite technology. The submitted LTE-satellite candidate RIT is specified based on terrestrial LTEAdvanced FDD standards that are developed in 3GPP. Considering satellite requirements, a number of modifications to LTE-Advanced are made to adapt to satellite radio transmission environments. This paper provides a general introduction of the new characteristics of LTEsatellite. 展开更多
关键词 mobile satellite communications satellite/terrestrial integration IMT-ADVANCED
Transradial Versus Transfemoral Approach for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Elderly Patients in China: A Retrospective Analysis
作者 金辰 徐奕 +7 位作者 乔树宾 唐欣然 吴永健 颜红兵 窦克非 徐波 杨进刚 杨跃进 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2017年第3期161-170,共10页
Objective To compare hospital costs and clinical outcomes between transradial intervention (TRI) and transfemoral intervention (TFI) in elderly patients aged over 65 years. Methods We identified 1229 patients ag... Objective To compare hospital costs and clinical outcomes between transradial intervention (TRI) and transfemoral intervention (TFI) in elderly patients aged over 65 years. Methods We identified 1229 patients aged over 65 years who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in Fuwai Hospital, Beijing, China, between January 1 and December 31, 2010. Total hospital costs and in-hospital outcomes were compared between TRI and TFI. An inverse probability weighting (IPW) model was introduced to control potential biases. Results Patients who underwent TRI were younger, less often female, more likely to receive PCI for single-vessel lesions, and less likely to undergo the procedure for ostial lesions. TRI was associated with a cost saving of CNY7495 (95%CI: CNY4419-10 420). Such differences were mainly driven by lower PCI-related costs. TRI patients had shorter length of stay (1.9 days, 95%CI: 1.1-2.7 days), shorter post-procedural stay (0.7 days, 95%CI: 0.3-1.1 days), and fewer major adverse cardiac events (adjusted odds ratio = 0.47, 95%CI: 0.31-0.73). There was no statistical significance in the incidence of post-PCI bleeding between TRI and TFI (P〉0.05). Such differences remained consistent in clinically relevant subgroups of acute myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome, and stable angina. Conclusion The use of TRI in patients aged over 65 years was associated with significantly reduced hospital costs and more favorable clinical outcomes. 展开更多
关键词 coronary artery disease cost-benefit analysis percutaneous coronary intervention aged transradial intervention transfemoral intervention
ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL FLOW WITH GIS——Two Approaches for Regional Investment in China 被引量:1
作者 YAO Yong-ling ( Public Administration School, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, P. R. China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第1期2-8,共7页
GIS technology has been mostly concerned with handling physical data andmodeling physical environment. However, the retirements of GIS for handling socio-economicinformation in many cases are different from those conc... GIS technology has been mostly concerned with handling physical data andmodeling physical environment. However, the retirements of GIS for handling socio-economicinformation in many cases are different from those concerning phenomena in the physical environment.Analysis of capital flow among regions requires the transitions both from economic values tophysical landscape and from physical surface to economic explanation. Rapid growth of Chineseeconomy comes mainly from investment. There are two main ways for obtaining high growth ofinvestment. One is government expenditure which usually invests in regional facility and amenityblock, which is regarded as stimulus for attracting investment. The other is the creation ofinvesting center and corresponding capital source areas, both of which need the central city withthe highest growth rate of investment among regions. This paper presents the cluster areas of bothgovernment revenue and total investment, the potential situation of capital flow between centralcity Shanghai and its neighbor provinces by using Classification' and Interpolation' functions ofArcView GIS. 展开更多
关键词 capital flow geographic information system (GIS) regional investment cluster analysis
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