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作者 谭欣 《济南职业学院学报》 2013年第4期101-103,共3页
希腊美学思想的集大成者亚里士多德创立了延续两千余年而未衰的诗学理论,他承认了文艺的客观真实性,建立了艺术有机整体以及和谐的概念,并肯定了文艺的社会功用。然而其诗学理论随着时间的流逝和社会的发展逐渐显现出其特定的局限性。... 希腊美学思想的集大成者亚里士多德创立了延续两千余年而未衰的诗学理论,他承认了文艺的客观真实性,建立了艺术有机整体以及和谐的概念,并肯定了文艺的社会功用。然而其诗学理论随着时间的流逝和社会的发展逐渐显现出其特定的局限性。本文结合韩国著名悲剧电影《假面》,从摹仿说和悲剧论(包括悲剧的定义、悲剧的有机结构、过失说和净化说)两大角度试探讨亚里士多德诗学理论在当代的适应性与局限性。 展开更多
关键词 亚里士多德 诗学 电影《假面》 适应性 局限性
《假面饭店》:路西法效应与人格面具 被引量:1
作者 于晓玲 《电影文学》 北大核心 2020年第13期126-128,共3页
东野圭吾自认“将想象力发挥到了极限,一定能够直击读者内心深处”的小说《假面饭店》于2019年被导演铃木雅之改编为同名电影。与之前根据东野小说改编的电影一样,《假面饭店》展开了善与恶的激烈冲突,饱含着惩恶扬善的意旨。在构建整... 东野圭吾自认“将想象力发挥到了极限,一定能够直击读者内心深处”的小说《假面饭店》于2019年被导演铃木雅之改编为同名电影。与之前根据东野小说改编的电影一样,《假面饭店》展开了善与恶的激烈冲突,饱含着惩恶扬善的意旨。在构建整个悬疑故事时,犯罪者长仓麻贵走向凶残,暴力的过程和犯罪手法,印证着“路西法效应”,令人不寒而栗。而新田与尚美两个人从磕磕碰碰到相知相爱过程中不断交流的“人格面具”问题,又发人深省。 展开更多
关键词 《假饭店》 路西法效应 人格
作者 兰立亮 申璐璐 《外语教育研究》 2022年第4期82-88,共7页
三岛由纪夫的成名作《假面的告白》以哀婉感伤的第一人称叙事回溯了“我”从幼年时期、青春期至成年的身体体验和情感历程。本文运用精神分析理论对“我”的精神历程进行考察之后认为,“我”是性倒错者这一大胆告白呈现了叙述者试图通... 三岛由纪夫的成名作《假面的告白》以哀婉感伤的第一人称叙事回溯了“我”从幼年时期、青春期至成年的身体体验和情感历程。本文运用精神分析理论对“我”的精神历程进行考察之后认为,“我”是性倒错者这一大胆告白呈现了叙述者试图通过身体叙事冲破传统枷锁、实现自我身份认同的深层心理动机。三岛借现代个体言说的心灵史描绘出现代日本人在追求现代性自我的过程中,因传统伦理道德的束缚所经受的精神撕裂的苦痛,“我”的身份认同之旅体现了作家以怀疑精神冲破传统思想禁锢的强烈渴望。在此意义上,《假面的告白》体现了三岛在战后民主主义历史语境下对个体现代性的深入探索,从而在日本战后文学史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。 展开更多
关键词 三岛由纪夫 《假的告白》 个体叙事 身份认同
作者 严楹 《戏剧与影视评论》 2019年第4期42-49,共8页
关键词 后戏剧剧场 《假面》 阿尔玛 伯格曼 电视屏幕
东野圭吾推理文学的影视改编初探--以《假面饭店》为例 被引量:1
作者 许清泠 《西部广播电视》 2021年第2期144-147,共4页
自20世纪80年代至今,东野圭吾凭借其作品的高信息量、高情感密度,赢得了影视媒体的青睐,几十部作品先后被改编成影视剧,以及舞台剧、音乐剧。其中,《嫌疑人x的献身》《神探伽利略》《白夜行》等更被多国翻拍,实现了跨地域、跨语言的改编... 自20世纪80年代至今,东野圭吾凭借其作品的高信息量、高情感密度,赢得了影视媒体的青睐,几十部作品先后被改编成影视剧,以及舞台剧、音乐剧。其中,《嫌疑人x的献身》《神探伽利略》《白夜行》等更被多国翻拍,实现了跨地域、跨语言的改编。2020年9月,由东野圭吾同名小说改编的电影《假面饭店》在中国大陆地区上映,得到中国观众的广泛好评,实现了票房与口碑的双重突破。在本文中,笔者首先从理论层面,探究文学作品影视化的缘由、必要条件以及基本的改编原则;其次,从写作风格、创新性、人文观照等多方面分析东野作品备受改编者青睐的原因;再次,着重解析《假面饭店》的影视改编案例;最后,简述跨文化改编带给中国市场的机遇与挑战。 展开更多
关键词 东野圭吾 推理文学 影视改编 《假饭店》
作者 杜彬彬 《产业与科技论坛》 2014年第3期202-203,共2页
《假面的告白》是三岛作为职业作家后所写的第一部长篇小说。1949年7月由河出书房出版发行后,在日本社会引起了强烈的反响。三岛也由此一举成名,确立了其战后新晋作家的地位。根据野坂昭如的著作《赫奕たる逆光》可知该小说是三岛自身... 《假面的告白》是三岛作为职业作家后所写的第一部长篇小说。1949年7月由河出书房出版发行后,在日本社会引起了强烈的反响。三岛也由此一举成名,确立了其战后新晋作家的地位。根据野坂昭如的著作《赫奕たる逆光》可知该小说是三岛自身的自传小说。小说中主人公的细节及所描写的家属、住所、学校等与三岛由纪夫的年谱几乎一致。小说的主人公"我"钟情于受伤流血而死的年轻人,这种对流血而死的憧憬和死亡美学的形成与三岛由纪夫的体质、成长环境及所受的教育等都有着密切的联系。三岛的这种死亡美学也成了其今后文学作品的主旋律,甚至三岛的生命也是在这种美意识中而终结。 展开更多
关键词 三岛由纪夫 死亡美学 《假的告白》
作者 张馨月 《绥化学院学报》 2021年第6期115-117,共3页
东野圭吾作为日本著名推理小说家,其作品在受到众多读者喜爱的同时,也被改编成影视剧。电影《假面饭店》改编自东野圭吾同名推理小说,推理主线部分的削弱更突出了东野圭吾社会派风格的特点,多元化的人物塑造、群像化的叙事策略为观众呈... 东野圭吾作为日本著名推理小说家,其作品在受到众多读者喜爱的同时,也被改编成影视剧。电影《假面饭店》改编自东野圭吾同名推理小说,推理主线部分的削弱更突出了东野圭吾社会派风格的特点,多元化的人物塑造、群像化的叙事策略为观众呈现出了人的复杂与多变",人格面具"即片名中的"假面"贯穿了全片,也引发了观众对于人性问题的深思。 展开更多
关键词 东野圭吾 《假饭店》 社会派推理 “人格具”
作者 田唯 《艺术科技》 2018年第10期123-124,288,共3页
三岛由纪夫以独特、古怪、诡异的写作风格叱咤日本文坛,美与暴力成为其文学的代名词,他作品中美与暴力的交织点集中在对死亡多角度的书写。在《假面自白》中,三岛由纪夫将这种死亡叙事发挥得淋漓尽致,将各种关于死亡场景的特意布置,精... 三岛由纪夫以独特、古怪、诡异的写作风格叱咤日本文坛,美与暴力成为其文学的代名词,他作品中美与暴力的交织点集中在对死亡多角度的书写。在《假面自白》中,三岛由纪夫将这种死亡叙事发挥得淋漓尽致,将各种关于死亡场景的特意布置,精确安排虚拟与现实的人物的死亡描写,只为传达对死亡美学的艺术追求。 展开更多
关键词 三岛由纪夫 《假自白》 死亡叙事 死亡美学
作者 汪鹭雪 《视听》 2021年第8期69-70,共2页
《假面饭店》是根据东野圭吾同名小说改编的电影,主要讲述刑警新田浩介扮成服务生混入东京柯尔特西亚酒店,与酒店前台员工山岸尚美一起追查连续杀人事件的故事。作为一部悬疑片,该片的叙事风格独具特色。本文从叙事人物陌生化、叙事空... 《假面饭店》是根据东野圭吾同名小说改编的电影,主要讲述刑警新田浩介扮成服务生混入东京柯尔特西亚酒店,与酒店前台员工山岸尚美一起追查连续杀人事件的故事。作为一部悬疑片,该片的叙事风格独具特色。本文从叙事人物陌生化、叙事空间结构、叙事时间结构等角度,探析《假面饭店》的艺术叙事策略,揭露面具下的众生相,探讨人性的复杂性与多变性。 展开更多
关键词 《假饭店》 叙事策略 叙事空间 叙事时间 陌生化
作者 潘汝 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期194-202,共9页
人类存在的真相是现代艺术孜孜探求的主题。作为现代电影艺术的代表人物,瑞典导演英格玛·伯格曼深入绝望之境、危险地带,以影像的方式揭开语言的一切伪装,暴露出人类真实的生存状况,展示了"由白痴讲述,熙攘而疯狂"的生... 人类存在的真相是现代艺术孜孜探求的主题。作为现代电影艺术的代表人物,瑞典导演英格玛·伯格曼深入绝望之境、危险地带,以影像的方式揭开语言的一切伪装,暴露出人类真实的生存状况,展示了"由白痴讲述,熙攘而疯狂"的生存篇章。《假面》、《秋天奏鸣曲》、《傀儡生命》等作为伯格曼各个时期的代表性作品,以"恶之花"的形式绽放,表明了这位电影导演这样的艺术诉求:揭开语言伪饰的生命假面,穿越"性"在权力要挟下言说的疯狂幻象,让汹涌在那貌似欢快的奏鸣曲下的骨肉相残的惊涛骇浪直抵人心。 展开更多
关键词 英格玛·伯格曼 《假面》 《秋天奏鸣曲》 《傀儡生命》 存在的真相
作者 刘华 《广西民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期163-167,共5页
关键词 伯格曼 《假面》 言语 沉默
《假面·玛丽莲》:别样的梦露 被引量:2
作者 王倩 邱佳岺 《戏剧文学》 北大核心 2019年第2期60-63,共4页
在中国天津大剧院上演的,波兰华沙话剧院导演克里斯提安·陆帕执导的话剧《假面·玛丽莲》,打破了普通人对于玛丽莲·梦露的所有想象。对这部剧产生的神奇效果,本文尝试从戏剧结构和舞台意象来阐释,陆帕作品如何通过舞台来... 在中国天津大剧院上演的,波兰华沙话剧院导演克里斯提安·陆帕执导的话剧《假面·玛丽莲》,打破了普通人对于玛丽莲·梦露的所有想象。对这部剧产生的神奇效果,本文尝试从戏剧结构和舞台意象来阐释,陆帕作品如何通过舞台来完成探寻,现代人如何在一个异化、陌生的社会中,在复杂人性的束缚下,探究属于自己的位置所在。 展开更多
关键词 《假·玛丽莲》 戏剧结构 舞台意象
作者 祝昊 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2010年第10期31-34,共4页
关键词 三岛由纪夫 《假自白》 怪异美学
On the priority of salient meanings in English idioms understanding
作者 冯丽颖 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第4期45-51,共7页
Giora proposed that general principle of salience: salient comprehension of figurative and meanings are processed first and literal language be governed by a more meaning salience determines the type of processing in... Giora proposed that general principle of salience: salient comprehension of figurative and meanings are processed first and literal language be governed by a more meaning salience determines the type of processing invoked. According to the Graded Salience Hypothesis, processing familiar metaphors should involve the activation of both their metaphoric and literal meanings, regardless of the type of context in which they are embedded. Processing less familiar metaphors should activate the literal meaning in both types of contexts; however, in the literally biased context, it should be the only one activated. Processing familiar idioms in context biased towards the idiomatic meaning should evoke their figurative meaning almost exclusively, because their figurative meaning is much more salient than their literal meaning. However, processing less familiar idioms in an idiomatic context should activate both their literal and idiomatic meanings because both meanings enjoy similar salience status. 展开更多
关键词 the Graded Salient Hypothesis salience status idiomatic meaning literal meaning
Phase-shift- and phase-fi ltering-based surfacewave suppression method 被引量:3
作者 Wang De-Ying Ling Yun 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期614-620,737,共8页
Aliased surface waves are caused by large-space sampling intervals in three- dimensional seismic exploration and most current surface-wave suppression methods fail to account for. Thus, we propose a surface-wave suppr... Aliased surface waves are caused by large-space sampling intervals in three- dimensional seismic exploration and most current surface-wave suppression methods fail to account for. Thus, we propose a surface-wave suppression method using phase-shift and phase-filtering, named the PSPF method, in which linear phase-shift is performed to solve the coupled problem of surface and reflected waves in the FKXKY domain and then used phase and FKXKY filtering to attenuate the surface-wave energy. Processing of model and field data suggest that the PSPF method can reduce the surface-wave energy while maintaining the low-frequency information of the reflected waves. 展开更多
关键词 surface-wave suppression ALIAS PHASE-SHIFT phase-filtering FKXKY filtering
Stresses induced by post-tensioned anchor in jointed rock mass 被引量:9
作者 Alan Showkati Parviz Maarefvand Hossein Hassani 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1463-1476,共14页
A new analytical study on stresses around a post-tensioned anchor in rocks with two perpendicular joint sets is presented. The assumptions of orthotropic elastic rock with plane strain conditions are made in derivatio... A new analytical study on stresses around a post-tensioned anchor in rocks with two perpendicular joint sets is presented. The assumptions of orthotropic elastic rock with plane strain conditions are made in derivation of the formulations. A tri-linear bond-slip constitutive law is used for modeling the tendon-grout interface behavior and debonding of this interface. The bearing plate width is also considered in the analysis. The obtained solutions are in the integral forms and numerical techniques that have been used for evaluation. In the illustrative example given, the major principal stress is compressive in the anchor free zone and compressive stress concentrations of 815 k Pa and 727 k Pa(for the anchor load of 300 k N) are observed under the bearing plate and the bond length proximal end, respectively. However, large values of tensile stresses with the maximum of-434 k Pa are formed at the bond length distal end. The results obtained using the proposed solution are compared very those of numerical method(FEM). 展开更多
关键词 post-tensioned anchor jointed rock stress distribution analytical solution tri-linear bond-slip model bond length bearing plate
Reuse of waste frying oil for production of rhamnolipids using Pseudomonas aeruginosa zju.u1M 被引量:12
作者 ZHU Yong GAN Jun-jiang +3 位作者 ZHANG Guo-liang YAO Bin ZHU Wen-jie MENG Qin 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第9期1514-1520,共7页
In this work,rhamnolipid production was investigated using waste frying oil as the sole carbon source. By culture in shaking flasks,a naturally isolated strain synthesized rhamnolipid at concentration of 12.47 g/L and... In this work,rhamnolipid production was investigated using waste frying oil as the sole carbon source. By culture in shaking flasks,a naturally isolated strain synthesized rhamnolipid at concentration of 12.47 g/L and its mutant after treatment by UV light increased this productivity to 24.61 g/L. Fermentation was also conducted in a 50 L bioreactor and the productivity reached over 20 g/L. Hence,with a stable and high productive mutant strain,it could be feasible to reuse waste frying oil for rhamnolipid production on industrial scale. 展开更多
关键词 RHAMNOLIPID Pseudomonas aeruginosa BIOSURFACTANT Waste frying oil
《音乐世界》 2010年第16期2-2,共1页
关键词 《假骑士W》 电影 演员 艺术工作者
Optimization, Kinetics, and Equilibrium Studies on the Removal of Lead(Ⅱ) from an Aqueous Solution Using Banana Pseudostem as an Adsorbent 被引量:2
作者 Shridhar S. Bagali Bychapur S. Gowrishankar Aashis S. Roy 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2017年第3期409-415,共7页
Natural adsorbents such as banana pseudostem can play a vital role in the removal of heavy metal elements from wastewater. Major water resources and chemical industries have been encountering difficulties in re- movin... Natural adsorbents such as banana pseudostem can play a vital role in the removal of heavy metal elements from wastewater. Major water resources and chemical industries have been encountering difficulties in re- moving heavy metal elements using available conventional methods. This work demonstrates the potential to treat various effluents utilizing natural materials. A characterization of banana pseudostem powder was performed using environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy before and after the adsorption of lead(Ⅱ). Experiments were carried out using a batch process for the removal of lead(Ⅱ) from an aqueous solution. The effects of the adsorption kinetics were studied by altering various parameters such as initial pH, adsorbent dosage, initial lead ion concentration, and contact time. The results show that the point of zero charge (PZC) for the banana pseudostem powder was achieved at a pH of 5.5. The experimental data were analyzed using isotherm and kinetic models. The adsorption of lead(Ⅱ) onto banana pseudostem powder was fitted using the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The adsorp- tion capacity was found to be 34.21 mg·g-1, and the pseudo second-order kinetic model showed the best fit. The optimum conditions were found using response surface methodology. The maximum removal was found to be 89%. 展开更多
关键词 Banana pseudostem LEAD ISOTHERM Adsorption Response surface methodology
Anthropogenic Earth-Change: We Are on a Slippery Slope, Breaking New Ground and It's Our Fault---A Multi-disciplinary Review and New Unified Earth-System Hypothesis
作者 C. Allen 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第1期1-53,共53页
Human activity could be changing the Earth's foundations themselves, as we affect multiple systems interacting in feedback mechanisms changing the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, and even the lithosph... Human activity could be changing the Earth's foundations themselves, as we affect multiple systems interacting in feedback mechanisms changing the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, and even the lithosphere (solid surface) and asthenosphere (deformable semi-molten rock layer beneath). Anthropogenic movement of ice, water and sediment alters viscosity and movement of the asthenosphere; this induces earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanism and rifting, and may induce plate-tectonic-change. These processes may account for the timing of unexplained contemporary Icelandic, New Zealand, Chilean, Japanese and Indonesian seismicity, volcanism and magma movement. Climate-change and sea-level rise are creating: slip-planes from differential water pore-pressures and/or weakening of previous fault-planes; sediment-change and altered hydrology and reservoir-mass, inducing isostasy and further change in pore-pressure. Loss of plant biomass and diversity alter hydrology, precipitation and transpiration, causing isostasy and further sediment- and climate-change. Increased ocean-mass, temperatures and acidity, reduced oceanic oxygenation, and increased transport of (organic) sediments elevate the production and destabilisation of gas-hydrates, causing slumps and tsunamis. Isostasy and altered viscosity of the asthenosphere increase seismicity, slope and faulting, which are the prime triggers for slumping and tsunamis. Altered asthenosphere flows hasten subduction and rifting landward of subduction, enhancing volcanism. All of these processes predominantly coincide, temporally and spatially, in the coasts and continental margins, and the Pacific ring-of-fire, although response times and extents may vary from immediate to multi-millennial scales and from negligible to catastrophic. Contemporary Icelandic seismic and volcanic activity is explained by depleted magma reserves on the north-western side of the mid-ocean ridge as asthenosphere moves from the constructive boundary under deglaciating and rising Greenland. 展开更多
关键词 Anthropogenic climate-change volcanism TECTONISM vegetation-change sedimentation isostasy.
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