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高职营销专业《公共关系》实训教学方案 被引量:1
作者 周雅雯 《魅力中国》 2010年第19期204-204,共1页
公关能力是市场营销人才的专业核心能力之一,《公共关系)课程是市场营销专业核心课程之一。“公共关系学”是一门综合性的应用科学,可以建立社会组织与社会成员之间良好的沟通关系,在社会公众心目中树立社会组织的良好形象为主线贯... 公关能力是市场营销人才的专业核心能力之一,《公共关系)课程是市场营销专业核心课程之一。“公共关系学”是一门综合性的应用科学,可以建立社会组织与社会成员之间良好的沟通关系,在社会公众心目中树立社会组织的良好形象为主线贯穿始终。随着社会主义市场经济的发展,公共关系在理论上对社会组织尤其是经济组织提出的指导原则和在实践上对这些组织提供的全方位服务已经被越来越多的社会组织所接纳。随着公关营销时代的到来, 展开更多
关键词 《公共关系》 教学方案 营销专业 社会主义市场经济 市场营销人才 专业核心课程 社会组织 实训
作者 姜梦婷 《新校园(上旬刊)》 2012年第6期15-15,共1页
在《公共关系》的课堂教学中,丰富多彩的案例教学对整个课堂的教学效果起到推波助澜的作用,能使学生更加深刻地体会到公关理论知识的实际应用,从而体现了理论与实践相结合对这门课程的重要性。对于学生来讲,越来越多的实际性问题已... 在《公共关系》的课堂教学中,丰富多彩的案例教学对整个课堂的教学效果起到推波助澜的作用,能使学生更加深刻地体会到公关理论知识的实际应用,从而体现了理论与实践相结合对这门课程的重要性。对于学生来讲,越来越多的实际性问题已经出现在课堂中,生活中,公共关系所关注的组织和公众的关系不仅仅体现在课本上、课堂上,而且深入到了实际生活当中, 展开更多
关键词 《公共关系》课程 案例教学 理论与实践相结合 课堂教学 公关理论知识 实际生活 教学效果 性问题
作者 林慧 《现代技能开发》 2003年第2期53-54,共2页
关键词 实训教学 高等职业教育 教学方法 实训效果 《公共关系》教学
作者 蔡梦虹 《开封教育学院学报》 2017年第5期104-107,共4页
在"微时代"背景下,各个领域都涌现出一股"微动力",如微电影、微广告、微小说、微营销等;教育领域相应地出现了微课程、微视频、微型学习等。近年来,微视频课程作为新型的教学模式受到广泛关注。国外以可汗学院为代... 在"微时代"背景下,各个领域都涌现出一股"微动力",如微电影、微广告、微小说、微营销等;教育领域相应地出现了微课程、微视频、微型学习等。近年来,微视频课程作为新型的教学模式受到广泛关注。国外以可汗学院为代表的在线视频学习模式的风靡,激发了国内众多学者对微视频课程可行性研究的热情,微视频课程的内容及教学设计成为了重要的研究对象。 展开更多
关键词 微视频课程 内容设计 教学设计 《公共关系》
高职《公共关系》实训课公关礼仪模块教学设计探究 被引量:1
作者 顾庆华 季文慧 《内蒙古教育(C)》 2013年第2期29-29,共1页
一、高职《公共关系》实训课公关礼仪教学目的 公关礼仪部分教学的目的:一是使学生熟练掌握公共关系人员形态、服饰、交往等个人礼仪。二是使学生熟练掌握公共关系工作中的接待、落座、宴请、赠送等基本礼仪内容。三是培养学生成为公... 一、高职《公共关系》实训课公关礼仪教学目的 公关礼仪部分教学的目的:一是使学生熟练掌握公共关系人员形态、服饰、交往等个人礼仪。二是使学生熟练掌握公共关系工作中的接待、落座、宴请、赠送等基本礼仪内容。三是培养学生成为公共关系人员的基本素质。 展开更多
关键词 《公共关系》 公关礼仪 教学设计 实训课 高职 公共关系人员 模块 公共关系工作
浅议《公共关系》课程的教学方法 被引量:1
作者 薛文静 《现代技能开发》 2002年第10期43-44,共2页
关键词 《公共关系》课程 教学方法 公共理论 案例教学 公共技能 考核方法
行动导向教学法在《公共关系》课程教学中的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 袁甜 《当代教研论丛》 2016年第6期130-130,共1页
《公共关系》是一门应用性极强的课程,运用过去传统的教学方式不能完全达到开设课程的目的。行动导向是在教学领域中受到关注最多的教学理念,将行动向导应用于《公共关系》课程教育中,其关键点是要设计可操作性强的项目。本文主要探讨... 《公共关系》是一门应用性极强的课程,运用过去传统的教学方式不能完全达到开设课程的目的。行动导向是在教学领域中受到关注最多的教学理念,将行动向导应用于《公共关系》课程教育中,其关键点是要设计可操作性强的项目。本文主要探讨的是行动向导在《公共关系》课程教学中的应用与研究。 展开更多
关键词 《公共关系》 行动向导 应用研究
作者 杨芝兰 《大学时代(B版)》 2006年第4期64-65,共2页
关键词 案例教学 《公共关系》课程 教学方法 公关人才
《公共关系实务》课程项目教学实践探索 被引量:1
作者 李子慧 《广州城市职业学院学报》 2009年第1期84-90,共7页
文章从教学实践出发,总结了《公共关系实务》课程项目教学改革的初步实践,从课程的性质和定位、课程项目开发可行性、课程的项目开发和设计原则方法、项目实施情况等方面探讨了项目教学的经验和体会,重点分析了项目的开发设计和实施过... 文章从教学实践出发,总结了《公共关系实务》课程项目教学改革的初步实践,从课程的性质和定位、课程项目开发可行性、课程的项目开发和设计原则方法、项目实施情况等方面探讨了项目教学的经验和体会,重点分析了项目的开发设计和实施过程中遇到的问题,为课程的进一步建设提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 《公共关系实务》 项目教学 项目实施 职业情境
基于工作过程系统化理论的《公共关系实务》课程实践 被引量:1
作者 陈舒 《知识经济》 2019年第9期103-104,共2页
在高职院校教学发展的过程中,《公共关系实务》课程教学受到广泛关注与重视,已经形成了良好的教育模式,并且提出了"工作过程系统化理论"的相关课程体系开发建议,很多高职院校都开始基于此类建议开展课程教学活动,为高职院校... 在高职院校教学发展的过程中,《公共关系实务》课程教学受到广泛关注与重视,已经形成了良好的教育模式,并且提出了"工作过程系统化理论"的相关课程体系开发建议,很多高职院校都开始基于此类建议开展课程教学活动,为高职院校相关教学工作的实施提供帮助。针对于此,下文分析"工作过程系统化理论"相关内涵以及现实意义,提出几点针对性的《公共关系实务》课程教学建议,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 工作过程系统化理论 《公共关系实务》课程 教学
作者 贺绥世 《黑龙江财专学报》 1991年第4期111-113,共3页
《公共关系应用文写作》(以下简称《公关写作》),是近年来应用文写作领域呈现的一朵新花。我国公共关系学科的兴起,是80年代中后期的事,而公关写作的研究时间就更要靠后了。王正副教授抓住这一课题,从理论到实践率先进行探讨,短期内取... 《公共关系应用文写作》(以下简称《公关写作》),是近年来应用文写作领域呈现的一朵新花。我国公共关系学科的兴起,是80年代中后期的事,而公关写作的研究时间就更要靠后了。王正副教授抓住这一课题,从理论到实践率先进行探讨,短期内取得了可喜成就。这不仅为应用写作在这一新的领域打下良好基础,也使应用写作扎实地为经济建设服务,树立了良好的创新精神。 展开更多
关键词 《公共关系应用文写作》 应用文写作 评价
作者 曾灵芝 《时代人物》 2021年第29期279-280,共2页
课程思政一直是近来来高校教学研究的趋势,将课程思政引入教学实践是适应和体现新时代课程建设的内在要求,是在教学中实现塑造价值、传授知识、培养技能的有效手段。本文在分析《公共关系实务》课程开展“课程思政”的具体途径的基础上... 课程思政一直是近来来高校教学研究的趋势,将课程思政引入教学实践是适应和体现新时代课程建设的内在要求,是在教学中实现塑造价值、传授知识、培养技能的有效手段。本文在分析《公共关系实务》课程开展“课程思政”的具体途径的基础上,对《公共关系实务》的 “课程思政”建设进行了教学模式应用探索。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 《公共关系实务》 教学模式
实现《公共关系学》教学实践性特点的方法 被引量:6
作者 胡淑芳 《中国高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第5期90-91,共2页
关键词 《公共关系》课程 教学实践 课堂教学
《西安铁路职业技术学院学报》 2011年第3期F0002-F0002,共1页
田和平,教授,中共党员,现任西安铁路职业技术学院院长。担任《网络基础》、《计算机文化基础》、《创业与就业指导》、《公共关系》等多门课程的教学任务。在省部级刊物上发表论文数十篇,其中在全国中文核心期刊发表6篇。近年来主... 田和平,教授,中共党员,现任西安铁路职业技术学院院长。担任《网络基础》、《计算机文化基础》、《创业与就业指导》、《公共关系》等多门课程的教学任务。在省部级刊物上发表论文数十篇,其中在全国中文核心期刊发表6篇。近年来主持和参与省部级课题研究6项,其中主持研究的《铁路行业就业准入制度的研究与实践》获陕西省教育厅优秀教学成果二等奖;主持开发的“中小型图书馆微机管理系统”获得郑州铁路局科技进步奖,并在全国四十多个图书馆应用。 展开更多
关键词 和平 《计算机文化基础》 全国中文核心期刊 职业技术学院 《公共关系》 陕西省教育厅 就业准入制度 微机管理系统
Diet,ageing and genetic factors in the pathogenesis of diverticular disease 被引量:5
作者 Daniel Martin Commane Ramesh Pulendran Arasaradnam +2 位作者 Sarah Mills John Cummings Mathers Mike Bradburn 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第20期2479-2488,共10页
Diverticular disease(DD) is an age-related disorder of the large bowel which may affect half of the population over the age of 65 in the UK.This high prevalence ranks it as one of the most common bowel disorders in we... Diverticular disease(DD) is an age-related disorder of the large bowel which may affect half of the population over the age of 65 in the UK.This high prevalence ranks it as one of the most common bowel disorders in western nations.The majority of patients remain asymptomatic but there are associated life-threatening co-morbidities, which, given the large numbers of people with DD, translates into a considerable number of deaths per annum.Despite this public health burden, relatively little seems to be known about either the mechanisms of development or causality.In the 1970s, a model of DD formulated the concept that diverticula occur as a consequence of pressureinduced damage to the colon wall amongst those with a low intake of dietary fiber.In this review, we have examined the evidence regarding the influence of ageing, diet, inflammation and genetics on DD development.We argue that the evidence supporting the barotrauma hypothesis is largely anecdotal.We have also identified several gaps in the knowledge base which need to be filled before we can complete a model for the etiology of diverticular disease. 展开更多
关键词 Diverticular disease Dietary factors GENETICS COLON INFLAMMATION
Future of Public Relations Curriculum: Searching for the Ideal Undergraduate Public Relations Curriculum
作者 Jinbong Choi 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第10期989-997,共9页
This study analyzes the public relations curricula of 44 American colleges that have a Public Relations (PR) Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapter. Through content analysis, this study examines general requir... This study analyzes the public relations curricula of 44 American colleges that have a Public Relations (PR) Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapter. Through content analysis, this study examines general requirements, core public relations courses, requirements of public relations programs and strategic communication programs, and optional public relations courses offered by the colleges. The findings of this study reveal that very few public relations programs offer courses involving new media, crisis communication, and PR ethics. In order to keep in touch with the fast-changing public relations landscape, more PR programs should require and integrate new media, crisis communication and ethics courses. 展开更多
关键词 PR curriculum strategic communication American college PR ethics Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)
Identification of refactoring opportunities for source code based on class association relationships
作者 LIU Wei YANG Na +2 位作者 HUANG Xin-di HU Wei HU Zhi-gang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第12期3768-3778,共11页
In order to deal with the complex association relationships between classes in an object-oriented software system,a novel approach for identifying refactoring opportunities is proposed.The approach can be used to dete... In order to deal with the complex association relationships between classes in an object-oriented software system,a novel approach for identifying refactoring opportunities is proposed.The approach can be used to detect complex and duplicated many-to-many association relationships in source code,and to provide guidance for further refactoring.In the approach,source code is first transformed to an abstract syntax tree from which all data members of each class are extracted,then each class is characterized in connection with a set of association classes saving its data members.Next,classes in common associations are obtained by comparing different association classes sets in integrated analysis.Finally,on condition of pre-defined thresholds,all class sets in candidate for refactoring and their common association classes are saved and exported.This approach is tested on 4 projects.The results show that the precision is over 96%when the threshold is 3,and 100%when the threshold is 4.Meanwhile,this approach has good execution efficiency as the execution time taken for a project with more than 500 classes is less than 4 s,which also indicates that it can be applied to projects of different scales to identify their refactoring opportunities effectively. 展开更多
关键词 identification of refactoring opportunities abstract syntax tree class association relationships common association classes source code
Digital Public Relations in the Russian Governmental Communication: 2011-2012 Typology and General Situation
作者 Dmitri Gavra Alena Savitskaya 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第12期1127-1138,共12页
The paper deals with the development of digital public relations (PRs) in the Russian govemmental communications in the years of 2011-2012. Empirical study is based on the content-analysis of on-line public activiti... The paper deals with the development of digital public relations (PRs) in the Russian govemmental communications in the years of 2011-2012. Empirical study is based on the content-analysis of on-line public activities of Russian federal governmental bodies and regional governors in October-November, 2011. It has shown the coexistence of two basic models of governmental communication in the Russian Federation--old-fashioned bureaucratic and new interactive. 展开更多
关键词 digital public relation (PR) PR 2.0 government communications Russian government
E-tourism Usage Patterns of Tourism Business in Chiang Mai, Thailand
作者 Paisam Kanchanawong Chodok Charungkon Songsak Poonoi 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第2期193-198,共6页
The main objective of this research was to study the pattern and suggestion in ICT usage of tourism business in Chiang Mai. One hundred ninety questionnaires, referred from ICT usage pattern in organization which was ... The main objective of this research was to study the pattern and suggestion in ICT usage of tourism business in Chiang Mai. One hundred ninety questionnaires, referred from ICT usage pattern in organization which was divided into three sections: office work, communication/contacts and public relation/advertising, were gathered from tourism business in four districts in Chiang Mai. Results showed that of the tourism business only 54.7% have their own websites. Using ICT for public relations and advertisement purpose, hotel/accommodation was the highest users with majority as 29.3%; followed by tour operator with majority as 26.3%; transportation and souvenir was the lowest number of users with minority as 50.0% and 25.0%. For communication purpose hotel/accommodation business and tour operator business were high users with majority as 56.1% and 43.4% followed by restaurant business as moderate user with majority as 50.0%; and transportation business as the lowest user with minority as 31.1%. The paper suggested to owners of tourism businesses the following: (1) training on ICT application; (2) setting up center of tourism information; (3) low cost of intemet requirement from small tourism business because they lack technical person on ICT usage. Both the local and national governments should have important roles in supporting the small and medium tourism enterprises by providing good public facilities, technical expertise and easy information access. 展开更多
关键词 ICT for tourism e-tourism Chiang Mai
Managing Public Relationships via Corporate Blogs
作者 Kwanghee Kim Jaesub Lee 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第4期159-169,共11页
This research explored the organization's public relationship management practices in corporate blogs on the web. Content analyses of corporate blogs of large Korean firms over two years in a longitudinal design reve... This research explored the organization's public relationship management practices in corporate blogs on the web. Content analyses of corporate blogs of large Korean firms over two years in a longitudinal design revealed that relationship management strategies of openness, positivity and sharing of tasks were featured relatively strongly, whereas networking, access, and assurances were enacted relatively weakly. Further, most Korean corporate blogs utilized a tightly controlled top-down strategy. In addition, the use level of relationship management strategy was tied to the kind of corporate blogging strategies, but not to the industry type of the firms. Although utilized the same social media device, corporate blogs enacted different purposes and relational management activities in different countries, indicating that corporate blogs are largely cultural and driven locally. 展开更多
关键词 public relationship management corporate blogs corporate blogging strategies Introduction
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