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作者 孙刚成 《延安大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第2期126-128,共3页
一个国家的教育要获得发展,就必须突破农村教育发展这一教育发展的瓶颈。推进农村教育现代化实现期待政府、农民、学校、教师等多方共同努力。《农村教育现代化的理论与实践研究》从主体性、整体性理论视角深入解构农村教育现代化的各... 一个国家的教育要获得发展,就必须突破农村教育发展这一教育发展的瓶颈。推进农村教育现代化实现期待政府、农民、学校、教师等多方共同努力。《农村教育现代化的理论与实践研究》从主体性、整体性理论视角深入解构农村教育现代化的各方主体结构关系,紧扣教育热点、分析视角新颖、资料翔实严密、历史纵深感强,理论价值高、语言平实精练、可读性强。该书对于明确农村教育现代化各方主体职责,澄清思想认识误区,凝聚推进共识,确保教育现代化基本实现战略目标有着重要的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 主体理论 《农村教育现代化的理论与实践研究》 评价
作者 张社字 《河南职业技术师范学院学报(职业教育版)》 2002年第1期90-91,共2页
关键词 农村职业教育 现代化 《农村经济发展与职业教育》 中国 教育理论 书译
我国教育体制及农村综合改革方法思考——评《农村教育现代化的理论与实践研究》 被引量:2
作者 刘丽艳 《中国教育学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第8期119-119,共1页
百年大计,教育为本。如何建设现代化农村教育,避免走入传统认识误区至关重要。《农村教育现代化的理论与实践研究》一书创新性地集合理论与实践,深刻阐述了农村教育改革方案,是我国为数不多的农村教育现代化研究著作之一。首先,该书澄... 百年大计,教育为本。如何建设现代化农村教育,避免走入传统认识误区至关重要。《农村教育现代化的理论与实践研究》一书创新性地集合理论与实践,深刻阐述了农村教育改革方案,是我国为数不多的农村教育现代化研究著作之一。首先,该书澄清了农村教育现代化及其未来发展的认识误区。一方面,从主体哲学角度来看. 展开更多
关键词 农村教育改革 《农村教育现代化的理论与实践研究》 农村教育现代化 农村综合改革 认识误区 主体哲学 教育体制 理论与实践
农村留守儿童心理健康教育探究——评《农村留守儿童教育现状及问题实证研究》 被引量:15
作者 惠卫华 《中国教育学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第8期136-136,共1页
随着现代化进程的不断加速,我国农村剩余劳动力开始大规模向城市转移。由于诸多因素的限制(如严格的户籍管制、狭小的住房条件、昂贵的借读费、无安全保障等),进城务工人员不得不将孩子留在农村,最终形成了农民工与子女两地分隔的局面,... 随着现代化进程的不断加速,我国农村剩余劳动力开始大规模向城市转移。由于诸多因素的限制(如严格的户籍管制、狭小的住房条件、昂贵的借读费、无安全保障等),进城务工人员不得不将孩子留在农村,最终形成了农民工与子女两地分隔的局面,从而导致一个新的低社会经济地位群体——留守儿童的产生。近年来,由于留守儿童规模的不断扩大和这一群体本身的特殊性,一些教育者和研究者已经开始对其进行实证研究,这些研究着重关注了留守儿童的心理健康状况。 展开更多
关键词 农村留守儿童 心理健康教育 《农村留守儿童教育现状及问题实证研究》 现状及问题 实证研究
作者 赵天书 《信息技术教育》 2004年第6期4-9,共6页
在上期专题《农村教育信息化任重道远》宏观概览的基础上,本期我们选择了安徽,这个既是农村改革的“排头兵”又在中部地区具有一定代表性的省份,把该省的一个普通的小县——青阳县作为“一只麻雀”进行解剖,透析他们在教育信息化过程中... 在上期专题《农村教育信息化任重道远》宏观概览的基础上,本期我们选择了安徽,这个既是农村改革的“排头兵”又在中部地区具有一定代表性的省份,把该省的一个普通的小县——青阳县作为“一只麻雀”进行解剖,透析他们在教育信息化过程中的困难、期望与探索,以窥视我国农村地区,特别是中西部贫困农村地区教育信息化的全貌。 展开更多
关键词 农村教育 教育信息化 《农村教育信息化任重道远》 青阳县 安徽
作者 赵家骥 《教育与教学研究》 2016年第4期125-129,共5页
教育现代化已面临全面实现,然而对教育现代化的认识却还存在许多误区。《农村教育现代化的理论与实践研究》澄清了农村教育现代化的认识误区,用主体结构理论重新阐释了农村教育现代化。该书的突出特点包括:正本清源,视角新颖——用主体... 教育现代化已面临全面实现,然而对教育现代化的认识却还存在许多误区。《农村教育现代化的理论与实践研究》澄清了农村教育现代化的认识误区,用主体结构理论重新阐释了农村教育现代化。该书的突出特点包括:正本清源,视角新颖——用主体结构理论建构农村教育现代化理论体系;观点鲜明,实践基础好——指导四川两个农村县域教育现代化实践成效显著;易于阅读,操作性强——理论阐释、历史叙事与样例叙述有机统一,是近年来不多见的农村教育现代化研究重要佳作。 展开更多
关键词 《农村教育现代化的理论与实践研究》 农村教育 教育现代化 四川教育 书评
《连云港师范高等专科学校学报》 2019年第4期5-5,共1页
《农村教育研究》是经江苏省新闻出版局核准编印、由连云港师范高等专科学校主办的教育教学研究类内部刊物(季刊),2008年创办,16开本。主要面向城镇化和农业现代化进程中的中国农村基础教育和职业教育,研究社会转型过程中农村教育理论... 《农村教育研究》是经江苏省新闻出版局核准编印、由连云港师范高等专科学校主办的教育教学研究类内部刊物(季刊),2008年创办,16开本。主要面向城镇化和农业现代化进程中的中国农村基础教育和职业教育,研究社会转型过程中农村教育理论与实践问题,为推进农村教育改革、提高农村教育研究水平提供学术交流平台。欢迎来稿。 展开更多
关键词 编辑部 《农村教育研究》
作者 于百川 《广州社会主义学院学报》 2024年第3期78-84,共7页
《周凯笔记》是广州农民运动讲习所第六届学员周凯就学期间的学习笔记,是该届仅存的几种学员笔记之一,笔记较为完整地记录了毛泽东《农民问题》《农村教育》等授课内容。此前该笔记虽偶见于引文,但均为只鳞片爪,笔记内文无从得见。与已... 《周凯笔记》是广州农民运动讲习所第六届学员周凯就学期间的学习笔记,是该届仅存的几种学员笔记之一,笔记较为完整地记录了毛泽东《农民问题》《农村教育》等授课内容。此前该笔记虽偶见于引文,但均为只鳞片爪,笔记内文无从得见。与已刊金绍勣、冯文江等学员笔记相比,《周凯笔记》在课程内容、授课时间和语言风格等方面均存在一定的差异,具有独特的文献和历史价值。 展开更多
关键词 农讲所 周凯 学员笔记 《农民问题》 《农村教育》
Research on the Achievement Motivation of the University Student Village Officials in the Suburbs of Beijing 被引量:1
作者 YANG Xin 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第4期477-479,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the achievement motivation of the university student village officials in the suburbs of Beijing.[Method] The research made an investigation on 429 university student village officia... [Objective] The aim was to explore the achievement motivation of the university student village officials in the suburbs of Beijing.[Method] The research made an investigation on 429 university student village officials in the suburbs of Beijing by the Achievements Motive Scale(AMS).[Result] The achievement motivation of these student village officials was not on a high level,but they tended to pursue the success motivation rather than the motivation to avoid failures obviously.There was a significant difference in the achievement motivation between different genders,majors and jobs.The males' motivation for success was higher than the females'.The motivation of avoiding failures among officials in Humanities was higher than in Science and in Fine Art.And the university student village officials in professional and technical posts or in business posts rated the motivation to avoid failures more important than in basic management posts.But achievement motivations in different urban-rural areas,educational levels,political backgrounds,whether student leaders or not,and durations were no definite differences.Besides,it had a significant effect on these student village officials' achievement motivation whether advices and suggestions were accepted;if yes,the motivation was higher.[Conclusion] This study had provided stability and development for building rural talent groups. 展开更多
关键词 University student village official Achievement motivation Investigation
Agricultural Higher Education for Sustainable Rural Development in Turkey
作者 Ayzin Baykam Kuden Dilek Bostan Budak Ali Recep Nazh 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第6期652-658,共7页
Agriculture in Turkey has been playing a significant role in Turkish economy and agricultural sectors are the most important provider of employment. Additionally, agriculture is major income source for farmers in rura... Agriculture in Turkey has been playing a significant role in Turkish economy and agricultural sectors are the most important provider of employment. Additionally, agriculture is major income source for farmers in rural areas and education level positively effects their income level and productivity. Agricultural faculties, institutions and agricultural extension services are mainly responsible for farmers' education in Turkey. The mission of agricultural education is to provide education for young people to prepare them for life and also work for rural community. Also, the agricultural education is responsible for the development of practical and theoretical knowledge of people in rural areas with disseminating information and new technologies. Basic field studies on the national qualifications framework for higher education of Turkey has been determined by a working group of deans formed by the CoHE under the Bologna process. Sixty programs on agriculture, forestry and fishery were identified at the faculties. A small working group formed among the deans of the agricultural faculties founded ZIDEK accreditation society to accredited programs at the agricultural faculties. Also a report was prepared by another working group to recommend worldwide programs to the agricultural faculties in Turkey. Mass media plays an important role for disseminating the agricultural innovations to rural areas. In this respect, the primary goal of Turkey is the improvement of welfare of farmers in order to sustain rural development. For this aim, handicraft training centers to diversify the rural economy, agricultural publication services of MoFAL distribute publications in order to disseminate information and new technologies, Widespread Education Project for Farmers (YAYCEP) has been started and within the scope of the project producers who live in rural areas, education and extension services and projects for woman farmers and other extension studies have been carried out under the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock in collaboration with 26 agricultural faculties in Turkey. 展开更多
关键词 Rural development rural area higher education AGRICULTURE
Changes in Human Resources in Polish Agriculture
作者 Magdalena Kozera 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第8期937-943,共7页
In this paper some selected items of changes in the human resources in Polish agriculture at the beginning of 2 Ist century were presented, especially the questions of employment and education of the rural areas popul... In this paper some selected items of changes in the human resources in Polish agriculture at the beginning of 2 Ist century were presented, especially the questions of employment and education of the rural areas population, including farmers. The employment, as the first of the issues, was presented against the changes in the EU and the stable but non-revolutionary character of changes in Polish agriculture was underlined. To illustrate the connections between the process of changes in agriculture and the level of education some statistic data were shown. The disproportion in education level between the urban and the rural population was exposed with the emphasis on poor education of the farmers. The author also discussed the further prospects of human resources changes in the rural area to 2035. At the same time the importance of education in the process of raising the standard of life and work of people in the rural areas was stressed. 展开更多
关键词 Human resources quality of human resources EDUCATION employment in agriculture.
Problems and reconstruction of the development of rural preschool education in Hebei Province
作者 Yang Huiliang Hou Jiaying 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期90-91,共2页
as a part of the socialist education, preschool education is an opportunity for every school age children to have equal access to education. But in the current development of market economy, now rural preschool educat... as a part of the socialist education, preschool education is an opportunity for every school age children to have equal access to education. But in the current development of market economy, now rural preschool education appeared a series of problems. In combination with the basic characteristics of rural preschool education in our province, hope the popularity ofpre school education in rural and other areas to achieve the integration of urban and rural areas play a reference 展开更多
关键词 Hebei province rural areas preschool education EQUALIZATION
Analysis on the Causes of Existing Problems of Professional Knowledge of Western Rural Teachers Under the Urban and Rural Educational Planning Background
作者 Qin Bo 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期20-22,共3页
This paper adopts the self-designed questionnaire to make investigations and interviews with the rural middle and primary school teachers in Chengdu and Chongqing districts about the professional development problems ... This paper adopts the self-designed questionnaire to make investigations and interviews with the rural middle and primary school teachers in Chengdu and Chongqing districts about the professional development problems of western rural teachers, and refers to the educational literature materials in western rural areas. Through a comprehensive analysis, it is known that the professional knowledge status of western rural teachers is worrying, and the reason is mainly caused by the location, policy, economy, society, continuing education and teachers' own factors. 展开更多
关键词 urban and rural educational planning western rural area the professional knowledge of teachers problems and causes
Thinkings on Narrowing the Music Education Gap Between Urban and Rural Areas--On the Case of the Urban and Rural Music Education in Gaocheng, Hebei Province
作者 Huifen Zhao Lei Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期76-78,共3页
Nowadays, the development of quality education has always been attached great importance in China, of which the music education has been an important part. However, serious polarization of the urban and rural basic mu... Nowadays, the development of quality education has always been attached great importance in China, of which the music education has been an important part. However, serious polarization of the urban and rural basic music education leads to all sorts of differences, thus seriously affecting the overall improvement of quality of all people. To find out the problems and the reasons of the backward in rural basic music education, this paper makes an analysis of the differences between urban and rural basic education development through a survey and a study of basic situation in music education of urban and rural elementary school in Gaocheng, Hebei province, and then puts forward thinkings and suggestions about narrowing the urban-rural music education gap on the basis of the analysis of internal and extemal problems. 展开更多
关键词 music education the gap between urban and rural areas LITERACY reasons and suggestions.
Analysis; of the Ideological and Political Education in Rural New Era
作者 Ma Jianjian 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第5期393-398,共6页
Since the reform and opening up, many problems has exposed in the spiritual and cultural fields of China's rural economic, especially in terms of ideological and political work in rural areas lagged behind the overal... Since the reform and opening up, many problems has exposed in the spiritual and cultural fields of China's rural economic, especially in terms of ideological and political work in rural areas lagged behind the overall level of economic development. Based on the current situation through the development of a new stage of socialist ideological and political education in rural areas in-depth analysis on how effficient, this article targeted to carry out ideological and political education in rural areas put forward suggestions. 展开更多
关键词 ideological and political education in rural areas stams REASONS COUNTERMEASURES
Reflections on Talents Training Mode of Music Education Major in Local Normal Universities
作者 Mei Pang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第11期11-13,共3页
The local normal university is the cradle of training music teachers for rural primary and secondary schools. The talent training of the music education major in local normal universities has a direct influence on the... The local normal university is the cradle of training music teachers for rural primary and secondary schools. The talent training of the music education major in local normal universities has a direct influence on the basic music education reform in rural areas, and also decides the survival and development of the music education major in local normal universities. Based on the definition of the talent training mode of the music education major, this paper deeply majoring in music education in local normal universities. discusses the special quality and the training strategies of talents 展开更多
关键词 local normal universities music education talent training mode
Education Equipment Configuration and Funding Situation Analysis of Underdeveloped Areas of Information Technology in Rural Primary and Secondary School
作者 Zhongming JIAO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期28-32,共5页
In order to understand IT teaching conditions and living environment in the less developed areas of rural primary and secondary school, the paper uses questionnaire survey equipment to investigate education of some ru... In order to understand IT teaching conditions and living environment in the less developed areas of rural primary and secondary school, the paper uses questionnaire survey equipment to investigate education of some rural underdeveloped areas of information technology in primary and secondary school in Jiangxi. And it has analyzed 2011-2013 investment and construction of the status quo in education funding for information technology equipment. The results show: Less Developed Areas in primary and secondary school education information and technology education equipment cannot meet the needs of the development of education with lack of funding support, poor school environment and information technology teaching conditions. And this phenomenon has been analyzed, and effective measures are to improve primary and secondary school education in underdeveloped areas of information technology conditions and educational level. 展开更多
关键词 Underdeveloped Areas Primary and Secondary Schools Educational Information Educational Equipment FUNDING
巧发善用活页书 科技联通致富路
作者 何培华 《农村成人教育》 2000年第2期15-16,共2页
关键词 四川 武胜县 万善镇成人教育学校 《农村技术教育活页教材》 农业技术培训
Consumption Structure of Migrant Worker Families in China 被引量:5
作者 Guangzhong Cao Kai Li +1 位作者 Ruimin Wang Tao Liu 《China & World Economy》 SCIE 2017年第4期1-21,共21页
This study draws on a survey of migrants in 12 cities across four major urbanizing areas in China and investigates the structure of migrant worker families'urban and rural consumption. The results show that the struc... This study draws on a survey of migrants in 12 cities across four major urbanizing areas in China and investigates the structure of migrant worker families'urban and rural consumption. The results show that the structure of migrant worker families' consumption has been dominated by survival consumption. These families tend to live frugally in cities while engaging in conspicuous consumption in their rural hometowns. The structure of migrant worker families'consumption is mainly shaped by their income stability and wealth levels rather than their current income level. Moreover, migrant worker families with high educational levels and those who intend to settle permanently in cities are likely to allocate substantial expenditure to status and hedonic consumption and to upgrade their urban consumption structure. 展开更多
关键词 China complete urbanization consumption structure migrant worker
The attitudes of primary school teachers toward inclusive education in rural and urban China
作者 DENG Meng 《Frontiers of Education in China》 2008年第4期473-492,共20页
This study investigated the attitudes of primary school teachers from the selected rural and urban areas in China toward inclusive education.The results indicated that,(1)teachers’attitudes are composed of three dime... This study investigated the attitudes of primary school teachers from the selected rural and urban areas in China toward inclusive education.The results indicated that,(1)teachers’attitudes are composed of three dimensions:positive and negative effects of inclusion,and benefits of segregated special education;(2)most surveyed teachers demonstrated positive attitudes toward segregated special school education while supporting inclusion;(3)rural and urban teachers held significantly different attitudes toward inclusion,and urban teachers were more negative toward inclusion than rural ones;and(4)teachers’attitudes were not essentially influenced by resources,teaching years or relevant special education training. 展开更多
关键词 ATTITUDES inclusive education China’s urban and rural areas special education
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