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作者 侯刚 夏强 《音乐时空》 2014年第4期111-111,共1页
曾经有一部奥斯卡最佳影片《凡夫俗子》里的配乐片段引起了全世界人的注意。这首曲子无不渲染着流行气息的味道。因为它采用了当时已经兴起的回旋曲的风格,加上它特有的连绵起伏的旋律,不禁让人瞬间有一种温暖,被幸福包围的感觉。从... 曾经有一部奥斯卡最佳影片《凡夫俗子》里的配乐片段引起了全世界人的注意。这首曲子无不渲染着流行气息的味道。因为它采用了当时已经兴起的回旋曲的风格,加上它特有的连绵起伏的旋律,不禁让人瞬间有一种温暖,被幸福包围的感觉。从那时起,人们开始注意了这首曲子,注意了这位有着不平凡一生的德国作曲家。它就像一支画笔,为影片《凡夫俗子》增添视觉也达不到的效果。仿佛告诉人们,天是蓝的,地是绿的,水是清的,人与人之间是有爱的。 展开更多
关键词 《卡农》 鉴赏 大调 最佳影片 奥斯卡 回旋曲 作曲家 曲子
作者 佚名 《琴童》 2010年第10期20-20,共1页
一曲美妙的音乐背后,总隐藏着一段感人的故事。传说德国作曲家约翰·帕赫(he)贝尔创作的《卡农》的背后就有一段动人的爱情故事。让我们一起来听听吧!帕赫贝尔十几岁的时候就成了孤儿,他流浪到英国的一个小村庄,被一个教堂的琴师... 一曲美妙的音乐背后,总隐藏着一段感人的故事。传说德国作曲家约翰·帕赫(he)贝尔创作的《卡农》的背后就有一段动人的爱情故事。让我们一起来听听吧!帕赫贝尔十几岁的时候就成了孤儿,他流浪到英国的一个小村庄,被一个教堂的琴师收养,之后他天天听琴师弹琴,自己也学会了弹琴。在旁边的镇上有一个叫芭芭(ba)拉的女孩,不仅家里有钱有势,而且她也是镇上最漂亮的女孩。天资聪明的芭芭拉自从到教堂听了帕赫贝尔弹的曲子后,就爱上了他。但由于害羞,芭芭拉一直不敢向帕赫贝尔表白。后来,芭芭拉想到一个办法, 展开更多
关键词 爱情故事 《卡农》 芭芭拉 贝尔 作曲家 琴师 教堂 弹琴
A Sri Lankan Development Communication Model: Use of Traditional Forms of Communication
作者 Manoj Jinadasa Chandrasiri Rajapaksha Upali Pannilage 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第8期427-454,共28页
This paper explores the potentials of traditional forms of communication in rural development communication. Experimenting a local development communication model that can be used at the grass-root level communication... This paper explores the potentials of traditional forms of communication in rural development communication. Experimenting a local development communication model that can be used at the grass-root level communication at the community development programs in Sri Lanka is the research objective. This study is a participatory research. Live participatory observation, impact analysis using a questionnaire and direct interview tools were used to analyze the impact of the creative model. This research study was experimented at Rasnayakapura divisional secretariat, Sri Lanka from 2004 to 2005. Results suggest that the traditional forms of communication can be utilized as a useful instrument in the rural community programs more than the dominant use of mass media and conventional use of small group communication. Forms of traditional communication are rich in communication because of their closeness to rural life, credibility, Utilization of familiar signs & symbols, Participation of the same community, collective presentation, Utilization of past experiences, plot and the stories from their own life and psychological understanding (attraction, attention, rationality). Communicating a message through entertainment was the practice of this model. Finally impact analysis confirmed the success of the model. 展开更多
关键词 traditional forms of communication community empowerment development communication Sri Lankan Folk-Lore
End of Transportation of Spent Laying Hens: From Idea to Solution
作者 Avi Pinkas 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2018年第3期121-124,共4页
Transportation of spent laying hens causes them severe suffering. HAI-MESHEK (The Israeli Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Farm Animals) looked for ways to decrease the suffering and finally developed the so... Transportation of spent laying hens causes them severe suffering. HAI-MESHEK (The Israeli Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Farm Animals) looked for ways to decrease the suffering and finally developed the solution. Spent laying hens are brutally taken out of the cages, and with broken legs and chests pressed into small boxes for transportation to the slaughter-house. Removing all hens from the cages, transportation, waiting in the slaughter-house and slaughtering all hens is a long and hard-suffering time, which may take 8-10 hours. Hai-Meshek conducted a research, aimed at finding more humane methods of transportation. The findings from other countries were very disappointing. Even in countries having high level of animal welfare, about 30% of the hens arrived at the slaughter-house with broken limbs! The conclusion was that even better method, imposed by legislation, would not solve the problem: it is difficult to detect truck drivers violating the rules and the fine is negligible, compared to the savings by the abovementioned cruel method. The only humane solution is by preventing the transportation and slaughtering on farm. Spent laying hens are not edible, so they need not be slaughtered in the slaughter-house. Hai-Meshek initiated and participated in the development and the building of a facility for the humane killing of spent laying hens on farms. The hens aye electrified and die in 1-1.5 seconds. This method costs far less than transportation and slaughtering. The Poultry Council, which takes care to remove spent laying hens from farms, requires contractors to use the facility and they bring it to every farm in Israel. The facility is also used for killing sick flocks. No more transportation of spent laying hens is allowed! 展开更多
关键词 Spent laying hens humane killing kosher slaughter farm animals' welfare STUNNING transportation of spent hens killing sick flocks
作者 帕赫贝尔 《琴童》 2010年第10期4-5,共2页
"卡农"大家千万别把它当做是一位音乐家的名字哦,它可是一种音乐谱曲技法,就像赋格曲一样是复调音乐的写作技法之一。简单概括"卡农"的特点就是各个声部有规律地相互模仿。本曲的作者帕赫贝尔是德国作曲家。大家不知道吧,据说他还... "卡农"大家千万别把它当做是一位音乐家的名字哦,它可是一种音乐谱曲技法,就像赋格曲一样是复调音乐的写作技法之一。简单概括"卡农"的特点就是各个声部有规律地相互模仿。本曲的作者帕赫贝尔是德国作曲家。大家不知道吧,据说他还当过巴赫的哥哥的老师呢。《卡农》这首乐曲最早是作者为三把小提琴及低音乐器创作的小曲,后来被改编成了多种版本。特别是多次被运用到电影音乐中之后,就更加闻名了。传说帕赫贝尔当时创作这首乐曲的背后, 展开更多
关键词 写作技法 复调音乐 低音乐器 《卡农》 电影音乐 音乐家 赋格曲 作曲家
作者 桃子夏 《花火(A版)》 2011年第7期18-22,共5页
关键词 《卡农》 琴键 声部
作者 郑丽娟 《少年文摘》 2014年第6期4-6,共3页
不久前,在荷兰阿姆斯特丹大剧院,一个交响乐团的演出让观众叹为观止。这场演出演奏了包括帕赫贝尔的《卡农》在内的诸多名曲,让观众享受了一场听觉盛宴。让人震撼的,是这些演奏者是来自巴拉圭首都亚松森一家垃圾填埋场的二十多名少... 不久前,在荷兰阿姆斯特丹大剧院,一个交响乐团的演出让观众叹为观止。这场演出演奏了包括帕赫贝尔的《卡农》在内的诸多名曲,让观众享受了一场听觉盛宴。让人震撼的,是这些演奏者是来自巴拉圭首都亚松森一家垃圾填埋场的二十多名少年,他们从来没有受过专业的培训,也没有小提琴等昂贵的乐器用来练习,就是这样艰苦的条件,却弹奏出了美妙的音符。 展开更多
关键词 垃圾填埋场 阿姆斯特丹 交响乐团 《卡农》 演奏者 巴拉圭 小提琴 观众
作者 暮色 《小演奏家》 2014年第1期61-61,共1页
突然很想学钢琴,因为喜欢手指跳动所触发的旋律,那是心的旋律。想想看,在一个清晨或是傍晚,雨天或是雪天,坐在一面落地窗前,演奏着属于自己的乐音,我想这便是美好。那时,也许我会弹《卡农》或是《致爱丽丝》,抑或是《梦中的婚... 突然很想学钢琴,因为喜欢手指跳动所触发的旋律,那是心的旋律。想想看,在一个清晨或是傍晚,雨天或是雪天,坐在一面落地窗前,演奏着属于自己的乐音,我想这便是美好。那时,也许我会弹《卡农》或是《致爱丽丝》,抑或是《梦中的婚礼》,我知道.那饱满的音质印染着手指的满足。那跃动的手指演奏着的就是自己心中的渴望。 展开更多
关键词 旋律 手指 《卡农》 演奏 钢琴
作者 杨欣妍 《少年文艺(上海)》 2015年第9期105-113,共9页
1 初次遇见宁夏尔,是在深夜,我一个人捕捉梦的彩色颗粒,哼着安静的钢琴曲《卡农》,一个瘦巴巴的小女孩拽了拽我的裙角说:“姐姐,我叫宁夏尔,你能送我一块你口袋里的宝石吗?
关键词 开花 《卡农》 钢琴曲 宁夏 彩色
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