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作者 薛晓霞 《电影评介》 北大核心 2017年第1期69-71,共3页
陈木胜是香港著名导演兼编剧,他继《天若有情》《双雄》《新警察故事》《扫毒》等佳片之后,携动作导演洪金宝,著名演员刘青云、古天乐、彭于晏、吴京、袁泉等,共同打造了这部气势恢宏的民国战争大片——《电影危城》(又名《危城》或《... 陈木胜是香港著名导演兼编剧,他继《天若有情》《双雄》《新警察故事》《扫毒》等佳片之后,携动作导演洪金宝,著名演员刘青云、古天乐、彭于晏、吴京、袁泉等,共同打造了这部气势恢宏的民国战争大片——《电影危城》(又名《危城》或《危城歼霸》).此片以1914年南北军阀混战的乱世时代为历史背景,讲述了北洋军阀曹瑛之子曹少璘(古天乐饰)因才雄势大而秉承"强权之下无公理"的理念滥杀无辜,后因意外闯入普城杀害三条人命,被普城保卫团团长杨克难(刘青云饰)抓住准备绳之于法,可因曹家以强权震慑百姓,于是针对曹少璘"罚与不罚"的立场,展开了一系列人物之间的矛盾与冲突.整部电影实际上就是以杀人狂魔曹少璘为导火线,以强权与公理的较量角逐为出发点的一场考验人性的死亡游戏.其中,电影将精彩绝伦的武打动作、美轮美奂的普城场景与特技完美地融入其中,这不仅让整场死亡游戏更加扣人心弦、引人入胜,而且更是将人性当中的自私与恐惧展现地淋漓尽致.下面,本文就通过对曹少璘、杨克难以及普城百姓具体的行为表现来分析隐藏在这个死亡游戏背后的人性本色. 展开更多
关键词 《危城》 游戏 死亡 人性 电影 《新警察故事》 《天若有情》 武打动作
作者 邵红梅 《电影评介》 北大核心 2016年第20期20-22,共3页
关键词 《危城》 叙事 正义 隐微 军阀割据
作者 魏改霞 《电影评介》 北大核心 2016年第24期22-24,共3页
电影《危城》中的故事,发生在主创者以隐喻架空真实历史的所谓普城,这座普城正在因为一个人而成为一座危城,而这个人就是杀人狂魔官二代曹少璘。用影片中的原话介绍其人则为“狗军阀曹瑛的儿子,畜生里的畜生”。从历史解释探析,20... 电影《危城》中的故事,发生在主创者以隐喻架空真实历史的所谓普城,这座普城正在因为一个人而成为一座危城,而这个人就是杀人狂魔官二代曹少璘。用影片中的原话介绍其人则为“狗军阀曹瑛的儿子,畜生里的畜生”。从历史解释探析,20世纪初叶的满清王朝末代,末世军阀横行霸道,百姓则惨遭屠戮。影片《危城》以危城中的传统文化建构起了向时代精神影射的基石,同时,亦由历史解释游刃于传统文化与时代精神之间,为时代精神赋予了一种形诸于传统文化历史解释的现实观照。《危城》具象化地描绘了封建军阀强权下的微弱社会正义的苟延残喘,同时,亦以普城具体而微的反噬向观众阐扬了一种“人心惟危”的群体意识觉醒。 展开更多
关键词 中国传统文化 历史解释 时代精神 《危城》 观照 20世纪初叶 封建军阀 文化建构
《危城》 被引量:4
作者 郑大圣 蒲剑 +2 位作者 林黎胜 李镇 刘康 《当代电影》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期50-58,204,共9页
林希原作与电影改编郑大圣(以下简称郑):我先大概介绍一下背景情况。制片方是作家出版社旗下的"百城映像",作家出版社是官方最大的文学出版公司,这是他们第一次做电影。作家出版社出版的很多小说都被改编成了电影,现在他们想自己... 林希原作与电影改编郑大圣(以下简称郑):我先大概介绍一下背景情况。制片方是作家出版社旗下的"百城映像",作家出版社是官方最大的文学出版公司,这是他们第一次做电影。作家出版社出版的很多小说都被改编成了电影,现在他们想自己做。他们找到我,我就说想做林希的小说。因为我15年前就是林希的读者,我一直想这事,就是没机会。林希也是他们的老作者、 展开更多
关键词 《危城》 作家出版社 电影改编 出版公司 林希 郑大圣 制片方 小说
作者 程戈 《文艺争鸣》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第6期87-88,共2页
关键词 生态伦理 社会伦理 杨廷玉 长篇小说 《危城》 生活理想 文化情怀 思想感情
《危城》定档8月18日 “最热动作巨制”燃爆今夏
《大众电影》 2016年第7期9-9,共1页
日前,电影《危城》的定档发布会上,导演陈木胜、动作导演洪金宝携主演刘青云、古天乐、彭于晏、袁泉、江疏影、释彦能亮相。发布会上“火力全开”版预告片曝光,正邪之间上演激烈对抗,拳拳到肉、应接不暇。连主创都直呼“没看够”。... 日前,电影《危城》的定档发布会上,导演陈木胜、动作导演洪金宝携主演刘青云、古天乐、彭于晏、袁泉、江疏影、释彦能亮相。发布会上“火力全开”版预告片曝光,正邪之间上演激烈对抗,拳拳到肉、应接不暇。连主创都直呼“没看够”。影片将于8月18日上映,打响“绝地反击”战,誓将燃爆今夏。 展开更多
关键词 《危城》 动作 发布会 导演 电影 主演 影片
《大众电影》 2016年第8期9-9,共1页
即将于8月12目上映的动作巨制《危城》近日举办“高出天际”发布会,导演陈木胜携主演彭于晏,主题曲创作、演唱者信“高海拔”亮相。继宣传主题曲《钢铁心》火爆网络后,同名主题曲《危城》在发布会上惊艳揭晓,“摇滚巨人”信现场献... 即将于8月12目上映的动作巨制《危城》近日举办“高出天际”发布会,导演陈木胜携主演彭于晏,主题曲创作、演唱者信“高海拔”亮相。继宣传主题曲《钢铁心》火爆网络后,同名主题曲《危城》在发布会上惊艳揭晓,“摇滚巨人”信现场献唱双主题曲,实力高音live秀high翻屋顶,彭于晏也秒变迷弟,忍不住跟随节奏摇头舞动,直呼:“我要烧起来了!” 展开更多
关键词 《危城》 主题曲 高音 助攻 发布会 高海拔 演唱者 主演
《时代人物》 2016年第7期10-10,共1页
红唇、时姨、大长腿……这是江疏影在《好先生》中给人留下的深刻印像。原本冲着孙红雷阳张艺兴而来的观众,都被霸道任性却百般迷人的千金“江莱”所吸引。对比电影成名作《致青春》,如今的“江莱”与当年那个清新脱俗、长裙飘飘的校... 红唇、时姨、大长腿……这是江疏影在《好先生》中给人留下的深刻印像。原本冲着孙红雷阳张艺兴而来的观众,都被霸道任性却百般迷人的千金“江莱”所吸引。对比电影成名作《致青春》,如今的“江莱”与当年那个清新脱俗、长裙飘飘的校园女神“阮莞”桕距甚远。江疏影说,“阮莞”离她很遥远,“江莱”才更像她本人。她饰演的烈女“江莱”,是个霸道的富二代,性子特别烈,敢作敢为敢爱敢恨,颠覆了一贯的温婉女神形良。从大红至今才三年时间,江疏影已经塑造出不少令人印象深刻的人物形像,但她却说:“这三年只是一个热身,现在,一切才刚刚起步。”江疏影首次参演的动作电影《危城》也将上映。 展开更多
关键词 女神 女王 动作电影 《危城》 孙红雷 清新
Establishing the Method for Assessing Flood Vulnerability in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam A Case Study in District 6 被引量:1
作者 Tran Thi Diem Loan Can Thu VOXI +1 位作者 Nguyen Thanh Son Do Thi Hong Hoa 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2018年第2期72-82,共11页
Urban flooding has impacted siginficantly on people's living: economic development, environmental pollution, etc.. It has been the serious problem of many cities in file world, especially in urban areas in developin... Urban flooding has impacted siginficantly on people's living: economic development, environmental pollution, etc.. It has been the serious problem of many cities in file world, especially in urban areas in developing countries because urbanization is too fast but lack of adaptive management planning and infrastructure. In Vietnam, the big cities, such as HCM (Ho Chi Minh) City, Hanoi, etc. have also been influenced severely by floods. By early 2017, HCM City has 171 flooded sites assigned by the district level; 40 submergence points assigned by Steering Center of Flooding Control Program, and 9 tidal flooded points. The paper will establish a suitable method for assessing flood vulnerability in HCM City from natural, social and environmental aspects. The results of a case study in District 6 show that there are four wards with high vulnerability and 10 wards with average vulnerability. 展开更多
Mapping Seismic Vulnerability and Risk of Cities: The MASSIVE Project
作者 Charalampos Kontoes Themistoklis Herekakis +8 位作者 Emmanouela Ieronymidi Iphigenia Keramitsoglou Anna Fokaefs Gerasimos A. Papadopoulos Sideris Paralikidis Dorothea Aifantopoulou Anna Maria Deflorio Daniela Iasillo Chris T. Kiranoudis 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第8期496-513,共18页
MASSIVE (mapping seismic vulnerability and risk of cities) is a GIS-based earthquake preparedness system that was developed under the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism project (GA No. 070401/2009/540429/SUB... MASSIVE (mapping seismic vulnerability and risk of cities) is a GIS-based earthquake preparedness system that was developed under the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism project (GA No. 070401/2009/540429/SUB/A4), in order to provide civil protection authorities with accurate, and easily transferable tools for generating up-to-date maps of seismic hazard, seismic vulnerability and seismic risk of buildings, at the scale of the single building block. In addition, MASSIVE developed and ran state-of-the-art models to assess the risk for population evacuation in dense urban agglomerations given an earthquake event. The MASSIVE methodology was designed, implemented and validated considering two European pilot sites, heavily struck by recent earthquakes, which are the western part of the Larger Metropolitan Area of Athens (GR), and the city of L' Aquila in the Abruzzo Region (IT). The validation of the results using past earthquake records shows that the performance of MASSIVE is prosperous, achieving a correlation between the modeled and the on-site measured PGAs (peak ground accelerations) higher than 0.75, while the correlation between the on-site reported building damages and the ones predicted by the MASSIVE system has been of the order of 0.80. 展开更多
关键词 MASSIVE seismic risk damage assessment building vulnerability evacuation risk.
The Characteristics of Earthquake Disasters and Countermeasures for Their Mitigation in Metropolitans
作者 Gao MengtanInstitute of Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100081, China 《Earthquake Research in China》 2003年第4期297-304,共8页
Metropolitans are a result of fast economic development in China. Many metropolitans have emerged in the eastern part of China. Earthquake disasters in metropolitans are more complicated and serious than those in a sm... Metropolitans are a result of fast economic development in China. Many metropolitans have emerged in the eastern part of China. Earthquake disasters in metropolitans are more complicated and serious than those in a smaller city, and the impact of earthquake disaster on the economy and society is large. The characteristics of earthquake disasters and countermeasures to protect against and mitigate disaster in the metropolitan, as well as some key research fields in the earthquake disaster protection and mitigation, are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 METROPOLITAN Earthquake disaster Seismic hazard Countermeasure of disaster mitigation
China's Economic Growth Cycles over the Past 60 Years and the Current New Cycle
作者 刘树成 《China Economist》 2011年第2期12-17,共6页
This paper first summarizes China's economic growth rate fluctuations over the past 60 years since 1949 and examines the new developments in China's economic structure behind these fluctuations since reform and open... This paper first summarizes China's economic growth rate fluctuations over the past 60 years since 1949 and examines the new developments in China's economic structure behind these fluctuations since reform and opening-up in the late 1970s.In tackling the global financial crisis,China is embracing a new economic cycle and must draw upon its economic history to prolong the upward momentum in the new cycle.To do so means maintaining an appropriate growth rate in the new cycle.This paper also analyzes the importance urbanization and the housing sector will play in the new cycle and how to address rising housing prices. 展开更多
关键词 economic cycle moderate growth rates URBANIZATION housing prices
作者 蔡泳 施榕 +4 位作者 沈恬 裴蓓 蒋雪琴 黄红 商美丽 《Medical Bulletin of Shanghai Jiaotong University》 CAS 2010年第2期71-76,共6页
Objective To assess the HIV/STDs knowledge and risk behaviors related factors among female sex workers(FSWs)in Shanghai,China.Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in 5 districts(including 3 suburbs and 2 urba... Objective To assess the HIV/STDs knowledge and risk behaviors related factors among female sex workers(FSWs)in Shanghai,China.Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in 5 districts(including 3 suburbs and 2 urban districts).A total of 324 FSWs from 88 massage parlors and hair-beauty salons participated in the survey.An interviewer-administrated questionnaire was used to collect information.Results The average score of HIV/STDs knowledge was 15.2±3.9.Multivariate analyses indicated that limited education [odds ratio(OR):8.6,95% confidence interval(CI):2.9-25.6],coming from suburbs [odds ratio(OR):3.7,95% confidence interval(CI):2.0-6.8],monthly income less than 1500 RMB(220 US$)[odds ratio(OR):3.9,95% confidence interval(CI):1.9-8.1],without HIV/STDs-related education experience(OR:5.2,95% CI:2.8-9.5),and coming from provinces of low epidemic(OR:2.7,95% CI:1.1-6.6)were significant predictors of lower HIV/STDs knowledge.And 29.5% FSWs had sex without a condom when clients paid much more money,and 46.3% had the experience of condom broke or slipped during commercial sexual intercourse.Conclusion Health promotion should be conducted to enhance HIV/STDs knowledge and reduce risk behaviors among FSWs from suburbs with limited education in Shanghai especially. 展开更多
关键词 HIV/AIDS risk behavior female sex workers China
Selection of Risk Management Strategies in Informal Construction Sector
作者 Sarah Phoya Geraldine kikwasi +1 位作者 Nyamagere Gladys Sospeter Mikapagaro Novatus 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第6期408-415,共8页
The informal construction sector is unregulated and operates in a risky environment, thus the need for adoption of appropriate risk management strategies for its survival is essential. Therefore, the aim of this study... The informal construction sector is unregulated and operates in a risky environment, thus the need for adoption of appropriate risk management strategies for its survival is essential. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine methods used in choosing appropriate risk response strategy in informal construction sector in Tanzania. The study involved construction workers in informal sector in Dar es Salaam and Mwanza in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam and Mwanza are among big cities in Tanzania having more informal construction workers. Questionnaires were prepared in English, translated in Kiswahili and administered by research assistants on informal construction workers. Workers were purposively selected. Out of 1,000 questionnaires distributed 849 questionnaires were fairly filled equating to 84.9%. The collected data was coded and analysed using descriptive statistics mainly frequencies cross tabulation and Chi-square tests. The study established that majority of informal construction workers choose risk response strategies by using common sense followed by previous experience. Within the location, the methods significantly differ whereby Dar es Salaam was dominated by common sense and Mwanza dominated by previous experience. Likewise, use of common sense among respondents was significantly different between gender, age group, level of education and experience. This implies that apart from formal process of choosing risk response strategies, the informal construction sector has its own surviving strategies. The issue of location, gender and experience are essential for risk management in informal construction sector. 展开更多
关键词 CONSTRUCTION informal sector risk response strategies
Urban Redevelopment and Rehabilitation for Detroit
作者 Kasim A. Korkmaz 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第7期502-506,共5页
Detroit has been one of the leading cities in the 20th century in the US. Manufacturing, especially, automobile industry created and continued the thriving economy in Detroit, MI in the early to mid-1900s. When outso... Detroit has been one of the leading cities in the 20th century in the US. Manufacturing, especially, automobile industry created and continued the thriving economy in Detroit, MI in the early to mid-1900s. When outsourcing impacted the industry, people began to leave the city. That turned into a demographic catastrophe in Detroit. Economy had continuously fallen and many of the properties were foreclosed. After the housing market crash in 2008, a big economic crisis effected all country. After such a strong economic crisis, Detroit has been desperately in need of economic revival which has begun to turn around very slowly in last 10 years. In this paper, Detroit has been investigated through the experienced constructional problems. Sustainable solutions for Detroit are discussed in a broader aspect. The main purpose of the research is to understand the current problems in construction in Detroit after a decade of the economic crisis and bring sustainable solutions for urban redevelopment and rehabilitation for Detroit. Paper also details the problems in Detroit area, reasons behind the complications, components/parameters, constraints/limitations, solutions, people involved and expected results. 展开更多
关键词 DETROIT economic crisis urban redevelopment urban rehabilitation.
Seismic Risk Assessment and Maximum Magnitudes of Potential Earthquakes on Active Faults near Lanzhou City
作者 Liang Mingjian Yuan Daoyang +1 位作者 Liu Baiehi Lei Zhongsheng 《Earthquake Research in China》 2009年第3期319-327,共9页
The Zhuanglang river and Baiyin Baiyangshu river faults are late Quaternary faults near Lanzhou city, which pose a threat to the safety of the city. However, the cause of medium- strong earthquakes along the fault is ... The Zhuanglang river and Baiyin Baiyangshu river faults are late Quaternary faults near Lanzhou city, which pose a threat to the safety of the city. However, the cause of medium- strong earthquakes along the fault is rather complicated and even uncertain. It is important for us how to assess the magnitudes of maximum potential earthquakes and the seismic risk of the faults. The authors make reference to the method that Wen Xueze, et ai. (2007) developed to assess the magnitudes of maximum potential earthquakes in sub-areas of moderately and weakly active faults in the eastern Chinese Mainland, and brought forward an empirical relationship between the maximum magnitudes Mmax and the at/b values of the sub-areas' frequency- magnitude relationships in the Lanzhou area. By using this empirical relationship, the authors have estimated the upper-limits Mu of the Zhuanglang river and Baiyin Baiyangshu river active faults near Lanzhou city as Ms6.9 and 6.3, respectively. In addition, they have assessed the average interval recurrence time and the probabilities of destructive earthquakes on the faults. 展开更多
关键词 Maximum magnitude of potential earthquake Frequency-magnitude relationship Assessment of earthquake risk Active faults near Lanzhou city
危城 打斗戏是最大的看点
作者 郭宁 《大众电影》 2016年第9期121-121,共1页
关键词 《危城》 动作片 影片 电影
作者 JOJO 《大众电影》 2016年第8期59-59,共1页
陈氏烙印 《危城》中“陈木胜电影”的印记非常明显:虽然片中不乏重要的女性角色,但影片归根结底仍然是一部雄性荷尔蒙爆表的男人戏;故事背景和脉络很容易让人联想到五年前陈木胜执导的《新少林寺》——两部影片的故事都发生在军阀... 陈氏烙印 《危城》中“陈木胜电影”的印记非常明显:虽然片中不乏重要的女性角色,但影片归根结底仍然是一部雄性荷尔蒙爆表的男人戏;故事背景和脉络很容易让人联想到五年前陈木胜执导的《新少林寺》——两部影片的故事都发生在军阀混战的年代,内容也都是身怀绝技的江湖好汉对抗军阀;而影片对于勇气和兄弟情义的颂扬,又跟2013年的《扫毒》一脉相承。 展开更多
关键词 军阀混战 游侠 故事背景 女性角色 《危城》 荷尔蒙 影片 少林寺
作者 王妍如 《电影》 2016年第8期26-33,共8页
彭于晏的拼命是出了名的,不然也不能从一个胖小子变身男神。以前的作品都只是传说,真正见证他的拼,是去年在《危城》片场。当时绍兴正值夏季,闷热至极,站着就能浑身秒湿透,而Eddie却要戴长假长、粘大胡子、套上好几层厚衣服,在... 彭于晏的拼命是出了名的,不然也不能从一个胖小子变身男神。以前的作品都只是传说,真正见证他的拼,是去年在《危城》片场。当时绍兴正值夏季,闷热至极,站着就能浑身秒湿透,而Eddie却要戴长假长、粘大胡子、套上好几层厚衣服,在高高的酒坛“山”上,吊了近一个月的威亚…… 展开更多
关键词 男友 《危城》 “山”
The vulnerability evolution and simulation of social-ecological systems in a semi-arid area: A case study of Yulin City, China 被引量:5
作者 陈佳 杨新军 +3 位作者 尹莎 吴孔森 邓梦麒 温馨 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期152-174,共23页
Taking the semi-arid area of Yulin City as an example, this study improves the vulnerability assessment methods and techniques at the county scale using the VSD(Vulnerability Scoping Diagram) assessment framework, int... Taking the semi-arid area of Yulin City as an example, this study improves the vulnerability assessment methods and techniques at the county scale using the VSD(Vulnerability Scoping Diagram) assessment framework, integrates the VSD framework and the SERV(Spatially Explicit Resilience-Vulnerability) model, and decomposes the system vulnerability into three dimensions, i.e., exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity. Firstly, with the full understanding of the background and exposure risk source of the research area, the vulnerability indexes were screened by the SERV model, and the index system was constructed to assess the characteristics of the local eco-environment. Secondly, with the aid of RS and GIS, this study measured the spatial differentiation and evolution of the social-ecological systems in Yulin City during 2000–2015 and explored intrinsic reasons for the spatial-temporal evolution of vulnerability. The results are as follows:(1) The spatial pattern of Yulin City's SESs vulnerability is "high in northwest and southeast and low along the Great Wall". Although the degree of system vulnerability decreased significantly during the study period and the system development trend improved, there is a sharp spatial difference between the system vulnerability and exposure risk.(2) The evolution of system vulnerability is influenced by the risk factors of exposure, and the regional vulnerability and the spatial heterogeneity of exposure risk are affected by the social sensitivity, economic adaptive capacity and other factors. Finally, according to the uncertainty of decision makers, the future scenarios of regional vulnerability are simulated under different decision risks by taking advantage of the OWA multi-criteria algorithm, and the vulnerability of the regional system under different development directions was predicted based on the decision makers' rational risk interval. 展开更多
关键词 social-ecological systems (SESs) VSD assessment framework VULNERABILITY Yulin City
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