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从《泰》《否》卦辞及《周易》卦序解读先秦思维逻辑 被引量:1
作者 吴克峰 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期126-132,共7页
《泰》、《否》两卦辞"小往大来"、"大往小来",是理解《泰》、《否》两卦的关键,历史上都是以乾坤阴阳的性质来的解释;但如果深入思考,"小往大来"、"大往小来"还体现了思维的不同走向,即由特... 《泰》、《否》两卦辞"小往大来"、"大往小来",是理解《泰》、《否》两卦的关键,历史上都是以乾坤阴阳的性质来的解释;但如果深入思考,"小往大来"、"大往小来"还体现了思维的不同走向,即由特殊到一般和由一般到特殊的不同走向,而这正是反映了先秦思维发展的逻辑顺序。卦序中由《泰》到《否》以及《周易》六十四卦序的安排不是任意制定的,而是这种思维发展的逻辑顺序的反映。 展开更多
关键词 《泰》 《否》 卦序 思维逻辑
“否则”类连词的语法化梯度及其表现 被引量:23
作者 曹秀玲 张磊 《汉语学习》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期11-21,共11页
"否则"类连词的内部构成和历史来源各不相同,经过语法化成为现代汉语中使用频率很高的一组篇章连接成分,因前后小句之间语义关系的复杂性备受学界关注,但辞书对这组词几乎是互训的。事实上,"否则"类连词之间既有共... "否则"类连词的内部构成和历史来源各不相同,经过语法化成为现代汉语中使用频率很高的一组篇章连接成分,因前后小句之间语义关系的复杂性备受学界关注,但辞书对这组词几乎是互训的。事实上,"否则"类连词之间既有共性也有差异,这种异同来源于历史上各词所经历的语法化过程。由于语法化进程不同,"否则"类连词各成员在共时层面上语义功能呈现梯度分布状态,而语义功能发展的总体趋势是主观性增强,具体表现是"否则"类篇章对假设小句依存度降低、前后相对次序自由化、与话语标记的结合能力增强。 展开更多
关键词 则”类连词 语法化 主观性 交互主观化
“否则”的篇章衔接功能及其词性问题 被引量:4
作者 王灿龙 《汉语学习》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期17-23,共7页
"否则"是现代汉语中比较常用的一个词语,它在语篇中主要起回指作用。考察发现,"否则"语段中前面小句主要限于祈使句、已然陈述句或已然、未然不定的推测陈述句等。这类句子通常带有特定的标记词语。文章最后就"... "否则"是现代汉语中比较常用的一个词语,它在语篇中主要起回指作用。考察发现,"否则"语段中前面小句主要限于祈使句、已然陈述句或已然、未然不定的推测陈述句等。这类句子通常带有特定的标记词语。文章最后就"否则"的语法性质作了简略的分析,认为将其看作"否定代词"更符合语言事实。 展开更多
关键词 则” 篇章 回指功能 词性
古汉语“否”字用法的再认识 被引量:2
作者 袁本良 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第4期78-88,共11页
通过分析先秦至宋代一些典籍中的“否”字句,探讨“否”字句的结构形式、配置意义及语用功能,可以进一步认识古汉语“否”字的语法特点及其衍化规律———“否”字的性质关涉以下几个方面:自立性与粘着性、否定性与不定性、应对性与提... 通过分析先秦至宋代一些典籍中的“否”字句,探讨“否”字句的结构形式、配置意义及语用功能,可以进一步认识古汉语“否”字的语法特点及其衍化规律———“否”字的性质关涉以下几个方面:自立性与粘着性、否定性与不定性、应对性与提问性、替代性与述谓性、附前性与置后性;“否”字词性的衍化,可以从“VP否?”由正反是非问到单纯是非问的演变得到机制性的解释。 展开更多
关键词 定性 不定性 替代性 是非问句
“否则”表达的判断和推理 被引量:3
作者 刘板 《黄山学院学报》 2008年第1期109-113,共5页
关键词 判断 推理
作者 周延松 《长春师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2010年第4期89-93,共5页
"是"和"否"在线性序列上连续出现时代较早,大多用于句末,以肯定和否定连用表选择判断。明代"是否"始多后接成分,到清代其后接谓词性成分用例逐渐占据主流,基本完成向副词的转化。现代汉语中,书面化表达方... "是"和"否"在线性序列上连续出现时代较早,大多用于句末,以肯定和否定连用表选择判断。明代"是否"始多后接成分,到清代其后接谓词性成分用例逐渐占据主流,基本完成向副词的转化。现代汉语中,书面化表达方式"是否"和"是否是"因其主要分别后接谓词性成分和名词性成分,大致呈现出一种互补分布的状态,它们与口头化的表达方式"是不是"构成一种基本对应的关系。 展开更多
关键词 语法化 是不是 句法功能
作者 王元祥 《遵义师范学院学报》 2009年第5期35-40,共6页
关键词 反之 相反 语义关系 用法异同
作者 陈日兰 何彦霖 +5 位作者 江海燕 刘泓毅 韦秋娜 罗国馨 彭元霞 朱英 《亚太传统医药》 2019年第6期131-132,共2页
通过分析《易经》中有关内容.探讨利用易理指导临床针灸治疗痛证的取穴思路,并结合临床实例佐证针刺选穴结合易理思维治疗痛证的疗效。临床实践表明易理结合针灸对治疗痛证有切实的临床疗效,因此临床制定针灸治疗方案时应重视对《易经... 通过分析《易经》中有关内容.探讨利用易理指导临床针灸治疗痛证的取穴思路,并结合临床实例佐证针刺选穴结合易理思维治疗痛证的疗效。临床实践表明易理结合针灸对治疗痛证有切实的临床疗效,因此临床制定针灸治疗方案时应重视对《易经》理论的思考。 展开更多
关键词 《易经》 《否》 痛证 针灸治疗 取穴
刘定之《否泰录》的史料价值及其局限性 被引量:1
作者 韩慧玲 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期10-13,共4页
关键词 《否泰录》 史料价值 局限性
先秦汉语“否”、“不”对比研究 被引量:1
作者 余梅 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第6期13-16,共4页
先秦汉语中的"否"与"不"同源,二者都具有一般否定副词的性质。但"否"与"不"又有区别:"否"还是一个具有否定意义的特殊代词,它用在动词、形容词后面否定动词、形容词,或独立使用,否... 先秦汉语中的"否"与"不"同源,二者都具有一般否定副词的性质。但"否"与"不"又有区别:"否"还是一个具有否定意义的特殊代词,它用在动词、形容词后面否定动词、形容词,或独立使用,否定指示代词"然"或"否"之前的相关内容,这使它在否定的同时又指代所否定的内容;"不"则没有这样的用法。 展开更多
关键词 先秦汉语 同源词 定副词 定代词
“否則”型轉折複句與“邢氏困惑” 被引量:1
作者 濟寬 《文献语言学》 2019年第2期124-140,206,共18页
本文緣自兩個問題,一是邢福義《漢語複句研究》序言中所言關於轉折複句之困惑,二是吕叔湘《現代漢語八百詞》中關於"否則"的兩個説解。針對這兩個問題,本文利用訓詁的方法,首先分析了"轉、折"二字的本義和用法以及&... 本文緣自兩個問題,一是邢福義《漢語複句研究》序言中所言關於轉折複句之困惑,二是吕叔湘《現代漢語八百詞》中關於"否則"的兩個説解。針對這兩個問題,本文利用訓詁的方法,首先分析了"轉、折"二字的本義和用法以及"否"的用法,然後結合語法上關於"則"的基本認識來分析先秦文獻中"否則"的用例,從而發現:一、"否則"型轉折複句並非通常認爲的由前後兩個分句夾着一個關聯詞語"否則"構成,而是前後兩個複句共四個分句構成的二重複句,且語義上兩兩對立;"否"是四個分句中的第三個,即第二個複句中的第一分句。隨後調查了先秦兩漢傳世典籍中的"否則"用法和吕叔湘、邢福義著作中引用到的"否則"用例,證實了"否則"型轉折複句是二重複句。二、"否則"本來是兩個詞,"否"是動詞,"則"是連詞。在使用過程中,"否則"的用法發生了變化,它的變化有四種情況,最終成爲可以獨立使用的關聯詞語。三、邢氏困惑緣於未能認識到轉折複句是二重結構,吕氏思路雖然觸及到了轉折複句在語義上的複雜性,但未能給出合理的解釋,存在一定的局限性。 展开更多
关键词 複句 轉折 邢氏困惑 吕氏思路
Eye movements during inspecting pictures of natural scenes for information to verify sentences
作者 陈庆荣 蒋志杰 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第3期444-447,共4页
As eye tracking can be used to record moment-to-moment changes of eye movements as people inspect pictures of natural scenes and comprehend information, this paper attempts to use eye-movement technology to investigat... As eye tracking can be used to record moment-to-moment changes of eye movements as people inspect pictures of natural scenes and comprehend information, this paper attempts to use eye-movement technology to investigate how the order of presentation and the characteristics of information affect the semantic mismatch effect in the picture-sentence paradigm. A 3(syntax)×2(semantic relation) factorial design is adopted, with syntax and semantic relations as within-participant variables. The experiment finds that the semantic mismatch is most likely to increase cognitive loads as people have to spend more time, including first-pass time, regression path duration, and total fixation duration. Double negation does not significantly increase the processing difficulty of pictures and information. Experimental results show that people can extract the special syntactic strategy from long-term memory to process pictures and sentences with different semantic relations. It enables readers to comprehend double negation as affirmation. These results demonstrate that the constituent comparison model may not be a general model regarding other languages. 展开更多
关键词 natural scene semantic mismatch double negation eye movement
Enterolactone modulates the ERK/NF-κB/Snail signaling pathway in triple-negative breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 to revert the TGF-β-induced epithelial–mesenchymal transition 被引量:6
作者 Aniket V.Mali Asavari A.Joshi +1 位作者 Mahabaleshwar V.Hegde Shivajirao S.Kadam 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期137-156,共20页
Objective:Triple-negative breast cancer(TNBC)is highly metastatic,and there is an urgent unmet need to develop novel therapeutic strategies leading to the new drug discoveries against metastasis.The transforming growt... Objective:Triple-negative breast cancer(TNBC)is highly metastatic,and there is an urgent unmet need to develop novel therapeutic strategies leading to the new drug discoveries against metastasis.The transforming growth factor-β(TGF-β)is known to promote the invasive and migratory potential of breast cancer cells through induction of epithelial–mesenchymal transition(EMT)via the ERK/NF-κB/Snail signaling pathway,leading to breast cancer metastasis.Targeting this pathway to revert the EMT would be an attractive,novel therapeutic strategy to halt breast cancer metastasis.Methods:Effects of enterolactone(EL)on the cell cycle and apoptosis were investigated using flow cytometry and a cleaved caspase-3 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA),respectively.Effects of TGF-βinduction and EL treatment on the functional malignancy of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells were investigated using migration and chemo-invasion assays.The effects of EL on EMT markers and the ERK/NF-κB/Snail signaling pathway after TGF-βinduction were studied using confocal microscopy,quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(q RT-PCR),Western blot,and flow cytometry.Results:Herein,we report that EL exhibits a significant antimetastatic effect on MDA-MB-231 cells by almost reverting the TGF-β-induced EMT in vitro.EL downregulates the mesenchymal markers N-cadherin and vimentin,and upregulates the epithelial markers E-cadherin and occludin.It represses actin stress fiber formation via inhibition of mitogen-activated protein kinase p-38(MAPK-p38)and cluster of differentiation 44(CD44).EL also suppresses ERK-1/2,NF-κB,and Snail at the m RNA and protein levels.Conclusions:Briefly,EL was found to inhibit TGF-β-induced EMT by blocking the ERK/NF-κB/Snail signaling pathway,which is a promising target for breast cancer metastasis therapy. 展开更多
关键词 ENTEROLACTONE breast cancer metastasis EMT INVASION migration
Hepatic stellate cells and innate immunity in alcoholic liver disease 被引量:18
作者 Yang-Gun Suh Won-Il Jeong 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第20期2543-2551,共9页
Constant alcohol consumption is a major cause of chronic liver disease, and there has been a growing concern regarding the increased mortality rates worldwide. Alcoholic liver diseases (ALDs) range from mild to more s... Constant alcohol consumption is a major cause of chronic liver disease, and there has been a growing concern regarding the increased mortality rates worldwide. Alcoholic liver diseases (ALDs) range from mild to more severe conditions, such as steatosis, steatohepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. The liver is enriched with innate immune cells (e.g. natural killer cells and Kupffer cells) and hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), and interestingly, emerging evidence suggests that innate immunity contributes to the development of ALDs (e.g. steatohepatitis and liver fibrosis). Indeed, HSCs play a crucial role in alcoholic steatosis via production of endocannabinoid and retinol metabolites. This review describes the roles of the innate immunity and HSCs in the pathogenesis of ALDs, and suggests therapeutic targets and strategies to assist in the reduction of ALD. 展开更多
关键词 Alcoholic liver disease Hepatic stellate cell Natural killer cell Kupffer cell ENDOCANNABINOID Ste-atosis STEATOHEPATITIS FIBROSIS
Depression and chronic heart failure in the elderly: an intriguing relationship 被引量:17
作者 Ilaria Liguori Gennaro Russo +8 位作者 Francesco Curcio Giuseppe Sasso David Della-Morte Gaetano Gargiulo Flora Pirozzi Francesco Cacciatore Domenico Bonaduce Pasquale Abete Gianluca Testa 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期451-459,共9页
Chronic heart failure and depressive disorders have a high prevalence and incidence in the elderly. Several studies have shown how depression tends to exacerbate coexisting chronic heart failure and its clinical outco... Chronic heart failure and depressive disorders have a high prevalence and incidence in the elderly. Several studies have shown how depression tends to exacerbate coexisting chronic heart failure and its clinical outcomes and vice versa, especially in the elderly. The negative synergism between chronic heart failure and depression in the elderly may be approached only taking into account the multifaceted pathophysiological characteristics underlying both these conditions, such as behavioural factors, neurohormonal activation, inflammatory mediators, hypercoagulability and vascular damage. Nevertheless, the pathophysiological link between these two conditions is not well established yet. Despite the high prevalence of depression in chronic heart failure elderly patients and its negative prognostic value, it is often unrecognized especially because of shared symptoms. So the screening of mood disorders, using reliable questionnaires, is recommended in elderly patients with chronic heart failure, even if cannot substitute a diagnostic interview by mental health professionals. In this setting, treatment of depression requires a multidisciplinary approach including: psychotherapy, antidepressants, exercise training and electroconvulsive therapy. Pharmacological therapy with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, despite conflicting results, improves quality of life but does not guarantee better outcomes. Exercise training is effective in improving quality of life and prognosis but at the same time cardiac rehabilitation services are vastly underutilized. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic heart failure DEPRESSION The elderly
作者 宋泽民 《大学图书情报学刊》 2017年第5期120-124,共5页
关键词 《革书》 《否泰录》 伪书
Slow-pull and different conventional suction techniques in endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of pancreatic solid lesions using 22-gauge needles 被引量:3
作者 Jia-Ying Chen Qing-Yu Ding +4 位作者 Yang Lv Wen Guo Fa-Chao Zhi Si-De Liu Tian-Ming Cheng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第39期8790-8797,共8页
AIM To evaluate the cytological diagnostic capacity and sample quality of the slow-pull technique and compare them with different suction techniques.METHODS From July 2010 to December 2015, 102 patients with pancreati... AIM To evaluate the cytological diagnostic capacity and sample quality of the slow-pull technique and compare them with different suction techniques.METHODS From July 2010 to December 2015, 102 patients with pancreatic solid lesions who underwent endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration(EUS-FNA) with 22-gauge needles were retrospectively evaluated. EUS-FNA diagnosis was based on a cytological examination, and final diagnosis was based on a comprehensive standard of cytological diagnosis, surgical pathology and clinical or imaging follow-up. Cytological specimens were characterized for cellularity and blood contamination. The cytological diagnostic capacity and sample quality of the slow-pull technique and suction techniques with 5-m L/10-m L/20-m L syringes were analyzed.RESULTS Of all of the EUS-FNA procedures, the slow-pull technique and suction techniques with 5-m L/10-m L/20-m L syringes were used in 31, 19, 34 and 18 procedures, respectively. There were significant differences between these four suction techniques in terms of cytological diagnostic accuracy(90.3% vs 63.2% vs 58.8% vs 55.6%, P = 0.019), sensitivity(88.2% vs 41.7% vs 40.0% vs 36.4%, P = 0.009) and blood contamination(score ≥ 2 for 29.0% vs 52.6% vs 70.6% vs 72.2%, P = 0.003). The accuracy and sensitivity of the slow-pull technique were significantly higher than those of the suction techniques using 5-m L(P = 0.03, P = 0.014), 10-m L(P = 0.005; P = 0.006) and 20-mL syringes(P = 0.01, P = 0.01). Blood contamination was significantly lower in the slow-pull technique than in the suction techniques with 10-m L(P = 0.001) and 20-mL syringes(P = 0.007).CONCLUSION The slow-pull technique may increase the cytological diagnostic accuracy and sensitivity with slight blood contamination during EUS-FNA when using 22-gauge needles for solid pancreatic masses. 展开更多
关键词 Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration Pancreatic solid lesion Slow-pull technique SUCTION Negative pressure CYTOLOGY
Animal experimental studies using small intestine endoscope 被引量:1
作者 Jin-Hua Liu Dan-Yang Liu +7 位作者 Li Wang Li-Ping Han Zhe-Yu Qi Hai-Jun Ren Yan Feng Feng-Ming Luan Liang-Tian Mi Shu-Mei Shan 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第20期3684-3689,共6页
AIM To assess the feasibility and safety of a novel enteroscope,negative-pressure suction endoscope in examining the small intestine of a porcine model.METHODS In vitro experiments in small intestinal loops from 20pig... AIM To assess the feasibility and safety of a novel enteroscope,negative-pressure suction endoscope in examining the small intestine of a porcine model.METHODS In vitro experiments in small intestinal loops from 20pigs and in vivo experiments in 20 living pigs were conducted.RESULTS In in vitro experiments,a negative pressure of>0.06MPa was necessary for optimal visualization of the intestine,and this pressure did not cause gross or histological damage to the mucosa.For satisfactory examination of the small intestine in vivo,higher negative pressure(>1.00 MPa)was required.Despite this higher pressure,the small intestine did not show any gross or microscopic damage in the suctioned areas.The average time of examination in the living animals was 60±7.67 min.The animals did not experience any apparent ill effects from the procedure.CONCLUSION Small intestine endoscope was safely performed within a reasonable time period and enabled complete visualization of the intestine in most cases. 展开更多
关键词 Small intestine endoscope ENDOSCOPE Animal experiment Endoscopic examination Negative-pressure suction
Analysis of the Pragmatic Functions of Double Negative
作者 马崇梅 黄建滨 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第6期72-75,共4页
Double negative in English has three functions: to strengthen the affirmatives, and to affirm euphemism and to strengthen the negative meaning, which are analyzed in the present paper.
关键词 double negative pragmatic function strengthening affirmation euphemistic affirmation emphatic negation
Entanglement Transfer Between Cavity Fields and Excitons in a Driven Quantum Dot System 被引量:1
作者 ZENG Tian-Hai SHAO Bin ZOU Jian 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4X期645-648,共4页
We investigate entanglement transfer from two separate cavities to the excitons in two quantum dots separately placed in the two cavities. The cavity fields and the excitons are treated as two continuous-variable (CV... We investigate entanglement transfer from two separate cavities to the excitons in two quantum dots separately placed in the two cavities. The cavity fields and the excitons are treated as two continuous-variable (CV) subsystems. The time-dependent characteristic functions in the Wigner representation for the two subsystems are analytically obtained. Under the conditions that one of the two CV subsystems is initially prepared in a two-mode squeezed vacuum state and the other in its lowest energy state, we show that the entanglement reciprocation between the cavity fields and the excitons is realizable. 展开更多
关键词 entanglement transfer quantum dot logarithmic negativity
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