Like Cinderella in the fairy tale Cinderella, Carrie is beautiful, innocent and poor. But unlike the traditional Cinderella who mindlessly waits around for a handsome prince to come to her rescue, Carrie, the aspiring...Like Cinderella in the fairy tale Cinderella, Carrie is beautiful, innocent and poor. But unlike the traditional Cinderella who mindlessly waits around for a handsome prince to come to her rescue, Carrie, the aspiring Cinderella, resolvedly leaves the men she ever depended on and eventually becomes a successful actress. Sister Carrie, the most impressive heroine of Theodore Dreiser, is a contradictory character. Some accuse her of realizing her ambition with immoral means. However, some others take sympathy with her courage, determination, and aspiration. By analyzing the most distinguished quality of Sister Carrie -her aspiration, this essay is to illustrate from the perspective of feminism that women are not limited by their sex. Ignoring her own sex as well as the conventional attitude toward women in a maledominated society, sister Carrie, full of aspiration, takes an active part in creating and determining her own lives and her own futures.展开更多
文摘Like Cinderella in the fairy tale Cinderella, Carrie is beautiful, innocent and poor. But unlike the traditional Cinderella who mindlessly waits around for a handsome prince to come to her rescue, Carrie, the aspiring Cinderella, resolvedly leaves the men she ever depended on and eventually becomes a successful actress. Sister Carrie, the most impressive heroine of Theodore Dreiser, is a contradictory character. Some accuse her of realizing her ambition with immoral means. However, some others take sympathy with her courage, determination, and aspiration. By analyzing the most distinguished quality of Sister Carrie -her aspiration, this essay is to illustrate from the perspective of feminism that women are not limited by their sex. Ignoring her own sex as well as the conventional attitude toward women in a maledominated society, sister Carrie, full of aspiration, takes an active part in creating and determining her own lives and her own futures.