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李提摩太在《回头看记略》译介中的得与失 被引量:1
作者 关志远 《内蒙古工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第2期64-68,共5页
晚清至民初,西方来华传教士在中国除了传教之外,还开展了各种文化交流与传播活动,译介活动便是贯穿其中的主线。就外国文学中译的建树而言,应首推李提摩太翻译的《回头看记略》。作为第一部被译介到中国的西方现代小说,从译介学的角度... 晚清至民初,西方来华传教士在中国除了传教之外,还开展了各种文化交流与传播活动,译介活动便是贯穿其中的主线。就外国文学中译的建树而言,应首推李提摩太翻译的《回头看记略》。作为第一部被译介到中国的西方现代小说,从译介学的角度对其所采用的文化策略与翻译手法的得与失进行探讨和分析,进而梳理并揭示出它对中国近现代化进程、外国文学中译及中国小说的发展与变革产生的直接而重要的影响和开拓性的贡献,甚为必要。 展开更多
关键词 西方传教士 李提摩太 《回头看记略》 译介 得失 文化交流与传播 影响与贡献
作者 郁力 《现代语言学》 2023年第6期2724-2729,共6页
二十世纪初,《绣像小说》创刊,主要刊登西方著名小说的译本。这部刊物曾连载名为《回头看》的小说译本,原著是美国科幻作家爱德华•贝拉米所著科幻小说《回头看纪略》,也是最早引进中国的西方科幻小说之一。笔者对比英文原著与《绣像小... 二十世纪初,《绣像小说》创刊,主要刊登西方著名小说的译本。这部刊物曾连载名为《回头看》的小说译本,原著是美国科幻作家爱德华•贝拉米所著科幻小说《回头看纪略》,也是最早引进中国的西方科幻小说之一。笔者对比英文原著与《绣像小说》刊登的译本,分析具体译例,总结该版译本的翻译特点和语言风格,进而讨论影响其翻译的历史因素。可以看出,该译本受到明显的时代影响,翻译特点和语言风格都为其开化民众的办刊目的而服务。 展开更多
关键词 《回头看》 翻译特点 语言风格 时代背景
作者 张斐然 《湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2019年第2期106-109,共4页
作为美国作家贝米拉的长篇小说《Looking Backward》的首个中文节译本,《回头看纪略》的汉译发生、翻译策略以及文本接受显现了晚晴社会对于现代化图景和实现路径的想象。在实践意义上,其以社会改革蓝本的提供积极参与到晚晴现实变革进... 作为美国作家贝米拉的长篇小说《Looking Backward》的首个中文节译本,《回头看纪略》的汉译发生、翻译策略以及文本接受显现了晚晴社会对于现代化图景和实现路径的想象。在实践意义上,其以社会改革蓝本的提供积极参与到晚晴现实变革进程中来。在文学创作意义上,其为晚清文学垂范了"未来完成式"的叙事方法,提供了现代化的文学想象方式。 展开更多
关键词 《回头看纪略》汉译 想象 “现代化”补写 “未来”叙述
作者 李今 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期50-67,共18页
李提摩太汉译美国贝拉米的《回顾》,中国学界一般视之为乌托邦小说。实际上,从贝拉米在不同版本的前言、后记及自我陈述中,可见其写作意图的变化。小说的传奇故事只是他为“减少说教”而采用的形式,其实质性内容是提出一个国有化产业组... 李提摩太汉译美国贝拉米的《回顾》,中国学界一般视之为乌托邦小说。实际上,从贝拉米在不同版本的前言、后记及自我陈述中,可见其写作意图的变化。小说的传奇故事只是他为“减少说教”而采用的形式,其实质性内容是提出一个国有化产业组织的详细方案,并被普遍认为是“采用虚构框架的一部伟大的经济论著”。当该小说的思想激起强烈反响,催发了美国国家主义运动后,贝拉米又称其为“社会主义的最新阶段”。虽说美国学界也有人从乌托邦的发展流脉来评价这部小说,不过,乌托邦主义多被视为美国社会主义的一个组成部分。因此,该作被誉为“最有影响的美国社会主义文本”。1891年李提摩太将其缩译为《回头看纪略》,不仅出于传教目的,更旨在为中国输入“养民新法”,也并未视同乌托邦。无论是原作,还是李提摩太的改写本均混合了乌托邦、社会主义、基督教教义等多种学说的元素。对这一最早汉译社会主义文本的研究,并不旨在澄清概念,而是揭示“从一开始,‘社会主义’就不是社会主义者的专有名词”之混杂性,以呈现社会主义“落地”中国时的历史现场,触摸、反思其初心,认知历史“合力”作用的纷纭面相。 展开更多
关键词 李提摩太 贝拉米 社会主义 《回头看纪略》 《回顾》
作者 陈星东 《领导科学》 北大核心 2012年第1期56-56,共1页
年终是各项工作的总结收官期.少不了要回头看。但有的单位和个人怕回头“不好看”,只是简单回顾、应付了事,回头不见问题,满眼尽是成绩;也有的怕回头“看不好”,只是按部就班、机械执行,硬着头皮走过场。凡此种种不用心、不出力... 年终是各项工作的总结收官期.少不了要回头看。但有的单位和个人怕回头“不好看”,只是简单回顾、应付了事,回头不见问题,满眼尽是成绩;也有的怕回头“看不好”,只是按部就班、机械执行,硬着头皮走过场。凡此种种不用心、不出力的回头看.说到底就是怕看出问题、带出责任,不是揣着明白装糊涂,就是揣着糊涂装明白,不懂得回头看也是向前看的道理。 展开更多
关键词 《回头看也是向前看》 随笔 杂文 杂谈
作者 杨恩智 《时代风采》 2007年第6期58-63,共6页
关键词 中国 当代 散文 作品赏析 《回头无岸》
作者 朱慧玲 《语文天地》 2009年第9期3-3,共1页
关键词 《回头 是家的方向》 朱慧玲 高中 作文 语文教学
作者 毕淑敏 孙俊强(评) 《中学语文(读写新空间)(中旬)》 2008年第9期5-5,共1页
关键词 中学 作文教学 《回头是土》 毕淑敏
作者 张小失 《中等职业教育》 2012年第7期30-30,共1页
关键词 中学 课外阅读 阅读教材 《回头与不回头之间》
Coral Reef and High Sea Level at Luhuitou, Hainan Island during the Holocene 被引量:2
作者 黄德银 施祺 张叶春 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2007年第2期61-70,共10页
According to the field survey and ^14C dating at Luhuitou, southern Hainan Island, a subsiding area, the authors conclude the high sea level history recorded by coral reef in the Holocene. At least 4 sea level high-st... According to the field survey and ^14C dating at Luhuitou, southern Hainan Island, a subsiding area, the authors conclude the high sea level history recorded by coral reef in the Holocene. At least 4 sea level high-stands can be identified from the distribution of coral reef ages: 7300 - 6000 cal.aBP, 4800 - 4700 cal.aBP, 4300 - 4200 cal.aBP and 3100 - 2900 cal.aBP. The highest sea level occurred around 7300 - 6700 cal.aBP, and biological-morphological zones took their shape during the stage. The later coral reefs developed in ponds, depressions, and developed outwards on both sides of Luhuitou peninsula. The modern coral reefs are developing in out reef flat and reef-front slope. Moreover, the time of high sea levels in the northern South China Sea recorded by coral reefs in the Luhuitou peninsula can link up with that in other parts of South China Sea. That means the high sea levels in the South China Sea during the Holocene, which are relative to the warming climate, have the global background. 展开更多
关键词 coral reef high sea level Luihuitou HOLOCENE
《花木盆景(下半月)》 2008年第3期56-56,共1页
头戴纶巾,长须飘扬,身披战袍,好一个气度非凡的美髯公!忠,一臣,事二君,所以关羽谢绝曹操美意,过五关斩六将,长途跋涉,要回到刘备身边:义,桃园结义,不离不弃,相随一生。儒家,君臣之纲;江湖,忠肝义胆。天地有正气,赋之... 头戴纶巾,长须飘扬,身披战袍,好一个气度非凡的美髯公!忠,一臣,事二君,所以关羽谢绝曹操美意,过五关斩六将,长途跋涉,要回到刘备身边:义,桃园结义,不离不弃,相随一生。儒家,君臣之纲;江湖,忠肝义胆。天地有正气,赋之于人,他就成了忠义的化身,千古流芳。无论怎么说,人活着,是需要一种精神的! 展开更多
关键词 藏品斋 作品赏析 观赏石 《忠义千秋》 《回头风》
作者 徐玉春 张国雄 +2 位作者 解则晓 冯国馨 王春海 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2001年第4期226-228,共3页
A non contact three dimensional measurement method is presented in this paper.This system consists of a laser triangulation probe,a probe head and a coordinate measuring machine (CMM).The measurement principle of th... A non contact three dimensional measurement method is presented in this paper.This system consists of a laser triangulation probe,a probe head and a coordinate measuring machine (CMM).The measurement principle of the system is discussed,and a system calibration method employing a reference ball is proposed.The geometric model involving four frames is established to calculate the data points based on the reading of the laser probe and position information from the CMM.A measuring experiment for gesso free form surface using this system is carried out. 展开更多
关键词 free form surface coordinate measuring machine PH10 probe head laser triangulation probe CALIBRATION
Influence of the ambient air temperature on the electrical contact reliability of electromagnetic relay 被引量:2
作者 YAO Fang ZHENG Jian-rong HUANG Zhang-wu 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第3期485-489,共5页
The dynamic contact resistances of HH52P electromagnetic relays are measured under different ambient air tem- perature. Their diagnostic parameters are extracted and determined. It is found that the ambient air temper... The dynamic contact resistances of HH52P electromagnetic relays are measured under different ambient air tem- perature. Their diagnostic parameters are extracted and determined. It is found that the ambient air temperature obviously influ- ences some parameters. In order to research its influence on the electrical contact reliability of electromagnetic relay, the statistic analysis is applied to study the static contact resistance, the max of the dynamic contact resistance and the bounce time. It is found that the ambient air temperature regularly influences the three parameters. Thoroughly, the phenomenon is studied and analyzed in the point of material science so as to probe into the essential matter of it. 展开更多
关键词 Ambient air temperature Electromagnetic relay Electrical contact reliability Contact resistance Bounce time
Kinematics and dynamics analysis of a three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator 被引量:6
作者 刘善增 朱真才 +1 位作者 孙肇鹏 曹国华 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期2660-2666,共7页
Kinematics and dynamics analyses were performed for a spatial 3-revolute joint-revolute joint-clylindric pair(3-RRC) parallel manipulator.This 3-RRC parallel manipulator is composed of a moving platform,a base platfor... Kinematics and dynamics analyses were performed for a spatial 3-revolute joint-revolute joint-clylindric pair(3-RRC) parallel manipulator.This 3-RRC parallel manipulator is composed of a moving platform,a base platform,and three revolute joint-revolute joint-column pair chains which connect the moving platform and the base platform.Firstly,kinematics analysis for 3-RRC parallel manipulator was conducted.Next,on the basis of Lagrange formula,a simply-structured dynamic model of 3-RRC parallel manipulator was derived.Finally,through a calculation example,the variation of motorial parameters of this 3-RRC parallel manipulator,equivalent moment of inertia,driving force/torque and energy consumption was discussed.The research findings have important significance for research and engineering projects such as analyzing dynamic features,mechanism optimization design and control of 3-RRC parallel manipulator. 展开更多
关键词 KINEMATICS DYNAMICS parallel manipulator Lagrange formula
Cylindrical coordinate measuring machines: probe offset and workpiece clamping error
作者 QIU Zu-rong WANG Cheng-lin +4 位作者 SU Zhi-kun LI Hao-peng XUE Jie LI Xing-hua LU Yao-huan 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2019年第3期205-212,共8页
A cylindrical coordinate measuring machine for the detection of large-size rotational parts is introduced. The measuring machine can simultaneously measure the geometrical dimensions, form and position errors of the i... A cylindrical coordinate measuring machine for the detection of large-size rotational parts is introduced. The measuring machine can simultaneously measure the geometrical dimensions, form and position errors of the inner and outer surfaces. Since the maximum length of the workpiece can reach 2 000 mm , it is difficult to be clamped and adjusted and easy to produce clamping error. The eccentricity can be up to 1.5 mm, which has an interaction effect with the probe mounting offset. We mainly study the probe offset of the measuring machine and the influence of the workpiece clamping error on the measurement. A method of controlling the offset of the measuring probe is proposed. The effect of the clamping error is eliminated through the space coordinate transformation of the workpiece axis, and the axis is fitted by the least square method. Finally, a common fixture can be realized to meet the clamping requirements of the workpiece. 展开更多
关键词 rotational parts probe offset ECCENTRICITY cylindrical coordinate measuring machine
Classification of Ultrasonic Signs Pre-processed by Fourier Transform through Artificial Neural Network Using the Echo Pulse Technique for the Identification of Defects in Welded Joints of Structural Steel
作者 Renata Torres Melo Sotero Maria Clea S. de Albuquerque +2 位作者 Francisco G. de Paula Claudia T. T. Farias Eduardo F. de Simas Filho 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第5期286-290,共5页
It is due to the need to ensure the security and integrity of equipment, that the non-destructive tests have been increasingly used in the industrial sector. Among these, the ultrasonic pulse echo technique is the mos... It is due to the need to ensure the security and integrity of equipment, that the non-destructive tests have been increasingly used in the industrial sector. Among these, the ultrasonic pulse echo technique is the most used in industry, mainly for its simplicity and efficiency. With one transducer only, it is possible to emit the ultrasonic and receive the echo pulse. The ANNs (artificial neural networks) are artificial intelligence techniques that, when properly trained, align themselves to inspection tests becoming a powerful tool in the detection and fault identification. In this work, the echo pulse technique was used to detect discontinuities in welds, where ANNs were fed from the information obtained by digital signal processing techniques (Fourier transform), to identify and classify three distinct classes of defects. Results showed that with the combination of feature extraction by Fourier transformation and classification with neural networks, it is possible to obtain an automatic defect detection system in welded joints with average efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Non-destructive testing digital signal processing neural networks echo pulse ultrasound.
Trigeminal Ganglioneuroma in the Middle-posterior Cranial Fossa: a Case Report
作者 TingWang LinMa +1 位作者 Xin Lou BoBu 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2017年第2期123-128,共6页
GANGLIONEUROMA is considered as the most mature and noninvasive form of neuroblastic tumors. It derives from neural crest cells, and can arise from wherever sympathetic tissue exists, including neck, posterior medias... GANGLIONEUROMA is considered as the most mature and noninvasive form of neuroblastic tumors. It derives from neural crest cells, and can arise from wherever sympathetic tissue exists, including neck, posterior mediastinum, adrenal gland, retroperitoneum and pelvis. The two most common locations for this tumor are retroperitoneum and posterior mediastinum; infrequently it occurs in the intracranial re-gion,2-8 with only three cases has been reported arising from trigeminal nerve.2-4 The current paper presents a 49-year-old male patient with a ganglioneuroma arising from right trigeminal ganglion and extending to the mid-dle-posterior cranial fossa. We summarized the clinical and diagnostic characteristics of this extremely rare tumor, in comparison with the three reported cases in literatures. 展开更多
关键词 GANGLIONEUROMA trigeminal nerve computed tomography magnetic resonance imaging middle-posterior cranial fossa
回头是土 向前是金
作者 毕淑敏 《秘书工作》 2012年第3期55-55,共1页
关键词 《回头是土 向前是金》 随笔 杂文 杂谈
Solid-Pseudopapillary Tumor of the Pancreas:One Case Report and Literatures Review
作者 Shifu Hu Naiqiang Cui Erpeng Zhao 《Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CSCD 2009年第2期155-156,共2页
IntroductionSolid-pseudopapillary tumor(SPT)is a very rare primary neoplasmof the pancreas.Franz first described it in 1959.It is usually seen inyoung females.In spite of possible histological findings of malignan-cy,... IntroductionSolid-pseudopapillary tumor(SPT)is a very rare primary neoplasmof the pancreas.Franz first described it in 1959.It is usually seen inyoung females.In spite of possible histological findings of malignan-cy,SPPT typically shows a benign clinical course and a low malig-nant potential.The pathogenesis of these tumors is still controversial.It has been suggested that it might originate from ductal and acinarpancreatic cells,endocrine cells or pluripotential stem cells. 展开更多
关键词 solid-pseudopapillary tumor PANCREAS surgery.
作者 朱路平 《创新作文(初中版)》 2010年第3期10-11,共2页
关键词 《回头看一看 我们都在这》 中学 作文 朱路平
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