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作者 宋红梅 《百家评论》 2024年第4期16-21,共6页
陈谨之的长篇报告文学《国家公园》从生态保护视角对中国国家公园建设的前世今生进行了真实再现。文本在纪实基础之上,兼顾了科普性与艺术性的有机统一;成功塑造了我国生态保护领域的英雄群像;将公共性与地域性融合,弘扬时代精神,助力... 陈谨之的长篇报告文学《国家公园》从生态保护视角对中国国家公园建设的前世今生进行了真实再现。文本在纪实基础之上,兼顾了科普性与艺术性的有机统一;成功塑造了我国生态保护领域的英雄群像;将公共性与地域性融合,弘扬时代精神,助力国家生态文明建设,开拓了同类型题材关照的新维度,成为新时期讲好中国生态故事的又一力作。 展开更多
关键词 《国家公园》 万物共生 家园意识
作者 王雪瑶 《今古文创》 2023年第28期106-108,121,共4页
纪录片是传递文化品格与价值观的一种高品质文艺作品,极具中国文化地域特色的纪录片字幕翻译为传播中国优秀文化作出重要贡献。本文基于生态翻译视域,对中国央视纪录片《国家公园》进行案例分析,探讨其字幕英译的生态三维转换,经分析发... 纪录片是传递文化品格与价值观的一种高品质文艺作品,极具中国文化地域特色的纪录片字幕翻译为传播中国优秀文化作出重要贡献。本文基于生态翻译视域,对中国央视纪录片《国家公园》进行案例分析,探讨其字幕英译的生态三维转换,经分析发现,该纪录片字幕英译本体现出了生态翻译研究的内涵,有利于中华优秀文化的国际传播。 展开更多
关键词 生态翻译 三维转换 字幕翻译 《国家公园》
国家公园分区管控制度析论 被引量:29
作者 刘超 《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第3期14-30,111,共18页
对国家公园进行合理分区和差别化管控是我国国家公园体制改革的目标与要求。我国多个试点国家公园实施的分区管控制度呈现出功能分区依据阙如、功能分区类型多元、分区标准各异等弊端。国家公园分区管控有多种立场与标准,法治视阈内的... 对国家公园进行合理分区和差别化管控是我国国家公园体制改革的目标与要求。我国多个试点国家公园实施的分区管控制度呈现出功能分区依据阙如、功能分区类型多元、分区标准各异等弊端。国家公园分区管控有多种立场与标准,法治视阈内的国家公园分区管控制度建构需要综合考量国家公园的立法模式与立法价值。我国选择的自上而下的国家公园管理体制决定了我国国家公园立法应采取统一立法模式,拟制定的《国家公园法》应系统规定国家公园分区管控制度体系,针对特定国家公园的地方立法所规定的分区管控措施,应定位为《国家公园法》的执行细则。《国家公园法》应当以人的行为控制为出发点和主线规定二阶结构的分区管控制度:首先以人类行为控制程度进行管控分区,规定核心保护区与一般控制区及对应的行为控制制度;进而在此基础上以人类行为方式进行功能分区,划分为严格保护区、生态保育区、科教游憩区和传统利用区,并有针对性地规定行为管控制度。 展开更多
关键词 国家公园分区管控 《国家公园法》 人类行为控制 自然保护区管理 国家公园管理
1916年《国家公园局组织法》与美国国家公园管理的体制化 被引量:9
作者 高科 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期95-107,共13页
19世纪末20世纪初,一系列国家公园不断建立的同时,美国内政部主导下的国家公园管理面临诸多问题与挑战。在此背景下,美国一些民间保护主义者、联邦政府官员等有识之士开始认识到,必须设立专门行政机构来改进国家公园管理模式。于是,在... 19世纪末20世纪初,一系列国家公园不断建立的同时,美国内政部主导下的国家公园管理面临诸多问题与挑战。在此背景下,美国一些民间保护主义者、联邦政府官员等有识之士开始认识到,必须设立专门行政机构来改进国家公园管理模式。于是,在他们的推动下,国会于1916年通过了《国家公园局组织法》。该法宣告了专门服务于国家公园管理的联邦政府机构——国家公园局的诞生,确立了美国国家公园管理的使命和基本原则,为国家公园体系化发展和全国性管理政策的形成奠定了法律基础,标志着美国国家公园管理体制的初步确立。 展开更多
关键词 美国 内政部 《国家公园局组织法》 国家公园管理 体制化
人与自然和谐发展的设计图解——《国家公园游憩设计》评介 被引量:7
作者 吴承照 《中国园林》 2003年第12期41-46,共6页
《国家公园游憩设计》从人地关系设计的角度,系统总结了美国国家公园百年来发展的成就、特色和风格,从公园设施类型与体系、设计原则、乡土设施风格的创造、指示系统的创意、历史保护与重建、截流造湖的争议、营地发展与规划、特许设施... 《国家公园游憩设计》从人地关系设计的角度,系统总结了美国国家公园百年来发展的成就、特色和风格,从公园设施类型与体系、设计原则、乡土设施风格的创造、指示系统的创意、历史保护与重建、截流造湖的争议、营地发展与规划、特许设施等8个方面,探讨了国家公园可持续发展的方向和途径。 展开更多
关键词 《国家公园游憩设计》 风景园林 美国 乡土风格 设计图解
国家公园中央管理的逻辑证成和实现路径 被引量:1
作者 刘彤彤 《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2023年第4期53-66,109,110,共16页
中央管理作为国家公园管理模式的选择,形成权力上收中央的运行逻辑。国家公园的内涵和属性符合行政法上公共用公物的基本概念,从中析出的公共用公物权成为论证国家公园中央管理的理论支撑,自下而上的实践反馈和自上而下的体制沿革奠定... 中央管理作为国家公园管理模式的选择,形成权力上收中央的运行逻辑。国家公园的内涵和属性符合行政法上公共用公物的基本概念,从中析出的公共用公物权成为论证国家公园中央管理的理论支撑,自下而上的实践反馈和自上而下的体制沿革奠定了现实基础。然而,国家公园试点出现的地方立法权偏离政策目标、央地事权财权划分不清晰和不匹配等问题,依旧影响国家公园权力上收的进程。尽管我国现行法律规范对上收权力提供了重要指引,但法律原则性和无专门上位法的现状,难以为国家公园中央管理的规范化和明晰化提供直接的规范依据。当前,《国家公园法(草案)》进入征求意见阶段,通过对第五、六条提出修改意见,将国家公园中央管理的思路融入法条设计,成为操作层面加快行使中央立法权、明确事权上收类型和中央财政事权配置等方式的法律依据,进而实现国家公园中央管理从形式法治走向实质法治、从宏观宣示走向微观落实的体系化建构。 展开更多
关键词 国家公园 国家公园管理 《国家公园法(草案)》(征求意见稿) 央地权力配置
作者 王作全 《攀登(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第4期1-14,共14页
为了增强我国立法的系统性、整体性以及协同性,就正在制定中的我国《国家公园法》而言,保证该法从诞生时起其效力体系更加统一协调,首先需要明确该法在整个环境保护法律体系中的地位与效力。在此基础上,不仅需要建立健全调整一般法与特... 为了增强我国立法的系统性、整体性以及协同性,就正在制定中的我国《国家公园法》而言,保证该法从诞生时起其效力体系更加统一协调,首先需要明确该法在整个环境保护法律体系中的地位与效力。在此基础上,不仅需要建立健全调整一般法与特别法、新法与已有法律间效力关系的规则,以此调整规范法律间的效力关系,更要建立健全同步调整相关法律规定的立法程序规则,在立法阶段就同步调整好法律间的效力关系,保证每部新订法律具有更加统一协调的效力体系,以此增强法律的系统性、整体性以及协同性。 展开更多
关键词 效力体系 《国家公园法》 环境保护
作者 孙瑶 《新闻研究导刊》 2023年第3期75-77,共3页
新媒体环境下,每个人都或主动或被动地接收大量繁杂的信息、文本和数据,与纯文本信息相比,可视化表达更直观、简洁。越是复杂而陌生的说明性内容,越适合用可视化表达来实现。文章从可视化表达的含义和功能出发,以《国家公园在中国》一... 新媒体环境下,每个人都或主动或被动地接收大量繁杂的信息、文本和数据,与纯文本信息相比,可视化表达更直观、简洁。越是复杂而陌生的说明性内容,越适合用可视化表达来实现。文章从可视化表达的含义和功能出发,以《国家公园在中国》一书为例,探析可视化表达在科技类图书设计中的应用。可视化表达的过程是将准确的数据或文本信息抽象出来,经过充分地理解、归纳、整合后,将其转换为图形图像,再通过载体向读者传递。科技类图书具有专业性和学术性强的特点,其出版过程本身就是将抽象化的知识具象化的过程,好的可视化表达大大降低了内容理解的复杂度,突破了文本表达的局限性,能够辅助读者更快地获取关键信息,更容易与读者产生共鸣。 展开更多
关键词 可视化表达 科技类图书 装帧设计 新媒体 《国家公园在中国》
作者 杨锐 赵智聪 张振威 《国家公园(中英文)》 2024年第11期677-686,共10页
随着2024年《国家公园法(草案)》的审议,中国国家公园立法进程加速推进。全球国家公园运动中,原住民治理经历了从排斥到包容的转型,逐步承认了原住民价值,推动其在生态保护、文化传承与可持续发展中发挥积极作用。我国国家公园原有居民... 随着2024年《国家公园法(草案)》的审议,中国国家公园立法进程加速推进。全球国家公园运动中,原住民治理经历了从排斥到包容的转型,逐步承认了原住民价值,推动其在生态保护、文化传承与可持续发展中发挥积极作用。我国国家公园原有居民具有人口规模庞大,社区类型复杂多样,土地权属与权利行使多主体交织,基础设施薄弱且改善需求突出,深受传统文化与生态哲学积极影响等特殊性与复杂性,原有居民治理成效是衡量国家公园体制建设成败的关键。在辩证把握生态保护、绿色发展与民生改善三者关系的基础上,将原有居民责权利定义为“原有居民在履行生态保护责任下,所拥有的自身发展与参与决策的权利,以及所享有的物质与精神收益”。在强调清晰阐述、对等界定的原则下,对原有居民责权利在《国家公园法》中的充分表达提出建议:强化“保护第一、天人大美”特征、清晰界定各政府部门职责、完整涵盖多利益相关主体,以及持续跟进政策制定与执行。 展开更多
关键词 国家公园 《国家公园法》 原有居民 生态保护 民生改善 治理
作者 师仪 《电视研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期49-51,共3页
自然纪录片《国家公园·万物共生之境》,以生活在中国国家公园中的动植物为切入点,讲述了人类与动植物相伴同行、互为珍爱的动人故事。本文从意蕴生动的诗意影像、纵横交错的共情叙事和深刻入理的价值表达三个方面,对国家公园背后... 自然纪录片《国家公园·万物共生之境》,以生活在中国国家公园中的动植物为切入点,讲述了人类与动植物相伴同行、互为珍爱的动人故事。本文从意蕴生动的诗意影像、纵横交错的共情叙事和深刻入理的价值表达三个方面,对国家公园背后所蕴含的生态文明理念、人与自然的和谐关系以及生态文明建设的中国智慧展开探讨。 展开更多
关键词 《国家公园·万物共生之境》 诗意影像 共情叙事 价值表达
作者 朱军 《电视研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第10期69-72,共4页
中央广播电视总台推出的5集4K纪录片《国家公园·万物共生之境》,通过正在建设中的中国国家公园生态体系,讲述了人类与动植物相伴同行、互为珍爱的动人故事,聚焦人与大自然万千物种“共生”这一核心主题,对中国生态文明建设精神内... 中央广播电视总台推出的5集4K纪录片《国家公园·万物共生之境》,通过正在建设中的中国国家公园生态体系,讲述了人类与动植物相伴同行、互为珍爱的动人故事,聚焦人与大自然万千物种“共生”这一核心主题,对中国生态文明建设精神内涵深层把握,为广大民众从新的角度认识自然、保护生态提供了生动形象的课堂。该节目在阐释中国式现代化重视人与自然和谐共生、展现中国生态文明建设保护成果对全球环境治理的贡献方面,进行了一次国际化电视表达的有益尝试。 展开更多
关键词 中国式现代化 《国家公园·万物共生之境》 生态文明
Mating Calls of Six Forms of Pelobatid in Wawu Mountain National Forest Park,Sichuan,China (Anura:Pelobatidae) 被引量:17
作者 江建平 谢锋 +2 位作者 费梁 叶昌媛 郑明全 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期89-94,共6页
The mating calls of six forms belonging to four genera Megophrys,Oreloalax,Scutiger and Leptolalax were recorded in Wawu Mountain National Forest Park,Sichuan Province of China,using cassette tape recorder (Aiwa) and ... The mating calls of six forms belonging to four genera Megophrys,Oreloalax,Scutiger and Leptolalax were recorded in Wawu Mountain National Forest Park,Sichuan Province of China,using cassette tape recorder (Aiwa) and Sony tape with an external microphone.All recordings were analyzed with an IBM PC based 'SIGNAL' software analysis system (Engineering Design,USA).The range of analyzed frequency was set as 0-10 kHz.Acoustic analysis shows that the dominant frequency of L.oshanensis,M.minor,M.sp.,S.(S.)chintingensis,O.omeimontis,and O.schmidti is 4521.9,3456.4,2293.8,1076.5,1071.0 and 1849.4 Hz on average respectively;the note duration is 46.2,90.8,99.6,72.2,78.8 and 110.3 millisecond on average respectively;the note interval is 140.4,253.0,681.4,1517.7,461.3 and 619.5 millisecond on average respectively.One-Way ANOVA analysis indicates that there are significant differences among the analyzed six forms on the dominant frequency,the note duration,and the note interval (P<0.01).Multiple comparisons using Least-Significant Difference (LSD) show that the difference of the dominant frequency between S.(S.) chintingensis and O.omeimontis is not significant (P=0.917>0.05);on the note duration,only L.oshanensis is significantly different from M.minor,M.sp.,O.omeimontis and O.schmidti (P<0.01);on the note interval,L.oshanensis is not significantly different from M.minor,the same with M.sp.versus O.schmidti and O.omeimontis versus O.schmidti (P>0.05).Correlation analysis indicates that there are no significant correlation among the three acoustic characters of dominant frequency,note duration and note interval,and two environmental factors of the elevation and air temperature (P>0.05) except that the note interval is significantly linear correlated with the elevation (r=0.943,P=0.005<0.01).In the light of above,it is suggested that acoustic characteristics of calls are useful in distinguishing forms;the change of the note interval with the elevation may be a kind of strategy of reproduction. 展开更多
关键词 Acoustic analysis Mating call Leptolalax oshanensis Megophrys minor M.sp. Scutiger (S.) chintingensis Oreolalax omeimontis O.Schmidti
国家文化公园立法的现状审视与完善进路 被引量:3
作者 王敏 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期2332-2344,共13页
建好用好国家文化公园需要强有力的法制保障。既有国家文化公园立法层级较低且立法进程缓慢,立法理念以抢救性保护为主、预防性保护不足,有关国家文化公园保护的空间范围、管理体制、跨行政区域合作等关键内容付之阙如。为解决这些问题... 建好用好国家文化公园需要强有力的法制保障。既有国家文化公园立法层级较低且立法进程缓慢,立法理念以抢救性保护为主、预防性保护不足,有关国家文化公园保护的空间范围、管理体制、跨行政区域合作等关键内容付之阙如。为解决这些问题,应当分情形完善国家文化公园立法。(1)由国务院以“一园一条例”的方式,修改《长城保护条例》,制定大运河、长征、长江、黄河等大型线性空间的专门的国家文化公园条例,明确各个国家文化公园的空间边界,根据实际需要确立管理体制、规划、管控与标准、跨行政区域合作等制度规范,实现差异化、针对性管理。(2)对黄帝陵、孔府、卢沟桥等点状或面状文化遗产制定省级地方性法规,发挥地方能动性与地方特色。(3)在《国家公园法》中对国家公园内的文化景观做出规范,对自然生态系统和历史文化资源进行整体性保护。 展开更多
关键词 国家文化公园立法 《国家公园法》 “一园一条例” 文化遗产
Investigation of Macrofungi in Wula Mountain National Forest Park at Yinshan Mountains 被引量:3
作者 樊永军 闫伟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第9期1232-1236,1284,共6页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the fungi in Wula Mountain National Forest Park. [Method] More than 180 fungal specimens were collected from Wula Mountain National Forest Park from 2009 to 2012 for primari... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the fungi in Wula Mountain National Forest Park. [Method] More than 180 fungal specimens were collected from Wula Mountain National Forest Park from 2009 to 2012 for primarily studying the fungal species diversity. [Results] According to the classification system presented by Ainsworth et al. and with reference to the China catalogue of Macrofungi in species diversity catalogue of Fungi at Wula Mountain National Forest Park was written, involving in 80 species belonging to 43 genera, 22 families, 5 orders and 2 classes in the Basidiomycotina, and 6 species belonging to 2 genera, 2 families, 2 orders and2 classes in Ascomycotina, totally from 86 species, 45 genera, 7 orders, 24 families and 2 subdivisions. Among them, 49 species were edible and 22 species were medicinal, and 18 species were both edible and medicinal, and 7 species were poisonous, and 32 species were wood-rotting, and 5 species were mycorrhizal fungi,and 3 species were newly-recorded ones in Inner Mongolia. [Conclusion] There are still some specimens that have not been identified yet because of lack of literature,thus requiring further study for supplement. 展开更多
关键词 Wula Mountain National Forest Park MACROFUNGI Species diversity
Seismogenic fault and topography control on the spatial patterns of landslides triggered by the 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake 被引量:16
作者 WU Chun-hao CUI Peng +3 位作者 LI Yu-sheng Irasema Alcántara AYALA HUANG Chao YI Shu-jian 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期793-807,共15页
Jiuzhaigou National Park, located in northwest plateau of Sichuan Province, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and one of the most popular scenic areas in China. On August 8, 2017, a Mw 6.5 earthquake occurred 5 km to t... Jiuzhaigou National Park, located in northwest plateau of Sichuan Province, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and one of the most popular scenic areas in China. On August 8, 2017, a Mw 6.5 earthquake occurred 5 km to the west of a major scenic area, causing 25 deaths and injuring 525, and the Park was seriously affected. The objective of this study was to explore the controls of seismogenic fault and topographic factors on the spatial patterns of these landslides. Immediately after the main shock, field survey, remote-sensing investigations, and statistical and spatial analysis were undertaken. At least 2212 earthquake-triggered landslides were identified, covering a total area of 11.8 km^2. Thesewere mainly shallow landslides and rock falls. Results demonstrated that landslides exhibited a close spatial correlation with seismogenic faults. More than 85% of the landslides occurred at 2200 to 3700 m elevations. The largest quantity of landslides was recorded in places with local topographic reliefs ranging from 200 to 500 m. Slopes in the range of ~20°-50° are the most susceptible to failure. Landslides occurred mostly on slopes facing east-northeast(ENE), east(E), east-southeast(ESE), and southeast(SE), which were nearly vertical to the orientation of the seismogenic fault slip. The back-slope direction and thin ridge amplification effects were documented. These results provide insights on the control of the spatial pattern of earthquake-triggered landslides modified by the synergetic effect of seismogenic faults and topography. 展开更多
关键词 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake LANDSLIDE Seismogenic fault TOPOGRAPHY Spatial pattern
中国自然保护地法治建设的回顾与展望 被引量:8
作者 杜群 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2023年第1期32-47,共16页
回顾过去60多年的历程,中国自然保护地体系经历了类型化发展和体系化发展的阶段,形成了中国式自主创新的自然保护区、风景名胜区、森林公园的类型,以及受国际公约和保护计划影响的湿地公园、地质公园、自然遗产地等类型。每个类别的保... 回顾过去60多年的历程,中国自然保护地体系经历了类型化发展和体系化发展的阶段,形成了中国式自主创新的自然保护区、风景名胜区、森林公园的类型,以及受国际公约和保护计划影响的湿地公园、地质公园、自然遗产地等类型。每个类别的保护地都形成了独立的法制体系,发挥着卓有成效的法治作用。但类别化自然保护地体系在管理体制、制度建设和法体系方面仍存在不足,为此,中国进行了两次国家综合立法的努力。在高度重视生态文明建设的新时代,自然保护地体系化发展成为中国式现代化的发展内涵,应当合理选择自然保护地国家综合立法体例,抓住制定《国家公园法》这一契机,实现自然保护地治理向体系化发展转型并促进自然保护地体系建设的法治化。 展开更多
关键词 自然保护地法治 类型化 体系化 国家综合立法 《国家公园体制法》
Earthquake-triggered landslides affecting a UNESCO Natural Site:the 2017 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake in the World National Park,China 被引量:9
作者 WANG Jiao JIN Wen +3 位作者 CUI Yi-fei ZHANG Wei-feng WU Chun-hao Alessandro PASUTO 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第7期1412-1428,共17页
On August 8^(th), 2017, an Ms 7.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in Jiuzhaigou County, northern Sichuan Province, China. The Jiuzhaigou Valley World National Park was the most affected area due to the epicentre being l... On August 8^(th), 2017, an Ms 7.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in Jiuzhaigou County, northern Sichuan Province, China. The Jiuzhaigou Valley World National Park was the most affected area due to the epicentre being located in the scenic area of the park. Understanding the distribution characteristics of landslides triggered by earthquakes to help protect the natural heritage sites in Jiuzhaigou Valley remains a scientific challenge. In this study, a relatively complete inventory of the coseismic landslides triggered by the earthquake was compiled through the interpretation of high-resolution images combined with a field investigation. The results indicate thatcoseismic landslides not only are concentrated in Rize Gulley, Danzu Gully and Zezhawa Gully in the study area but also occur in the front part of Shuzheng Gully along the road network(from the entrance of Jiuzhaigou Valley to Heye Village). The landslides predominantly occur on the east-and southeastfacing slopes in the study area, which is a result of the integrated action of the valley direction and fault movement direction. The back-slope effect and the slope structure caused the difference in coseismic landslide distribution within the three gullies(Danzu Gully, Rize Gully, and Zezhawa Gully) near the inferred fault. In addition, the topographic position index was used to analyse the impact of microlandforms on earthquake-triggered landslides by considering the effect of the slope angle. The study results reveal a higher concentration of landslides in the slope position class of the middle slope(30°-50°) in Jiuzhaigou Valley. These findings can provide scientific guidance for the protection of natural heritage sites and post-disaster reconstruction in Jiuzhaigou Valley. 展开更多
关键词 Earthquake-triggered landslides Spatial distribution Landslide area ratio Slope position
Influence of Tourists′ Environmental Tropisms on Their Attitudes to Tourism and Nature Conservation in Natural Tourist Destinations: A Case Study of Jiuzhaigou National Park in China 被引量:5
作者 CHENG Shaowen ZHANG Jie +2 位作者 LU Shaojing XU Feifei ZHANG Honglei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第3期377-384,共8页
People′s environmental tropism has an effect on their understanding of tourism-nature relationship,and also influences their attitudes to natural resources utilization and environmental protection.Taking Jiuzhaigou N... People′s environmental tropism has an effect on their understanding of tourism-nature relationship,and also influences their attitudes to natural resources utilization and environmental protection.Taking Jiuzhaigou National Park of China as a study case,the authors conducted some quantitative analyses with the tools of SPSS 16.0 and LISREL 8.7,to explore the influence of tourists′ environmental tropism on their attitudes to tourism and nature conservation in the natural tourist destination.Three hypotheses and the theoretic model of influences of tourists′ environmental tropism on their attitudes to tourism and nature conservation have been tested and accepted based on the Structural Equation Model analysis on survey data collected in Jiuzhaigou National Park of China.Some conclusions were drawn as follows: 1) tourists′ human-prioritized concept influences their cognition to tourism-nature relationship.This concept has a positive influence on their supportive attitudes to tourism,but a negative influence on their attitudes to nature conservation;2) tourists′ human-nature coordination concept has a positive influence on their supportive attitudes to both tourism and nature conservation,especially to the latter.This paper generally proves that human′s environmental tropism does have an influence on their attitudes to tourism and nature conservation in natural tourist destinations. 展开更多
关键词 environmental tropism nature conservation natural tourist destination tourism-nature relationship Jiuz- haigou National Park
Tourism versus nature conservation: reconciliation of common interests and objectives——an analysis through Picos de Europa National Park 被引量:4
作者 LóPEZ Iván PARDO Mercedes 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第11期2505-2516,共12页
Nature tourism and particularly tourism in national parks have acquired significant importance in contemporary societies. Post-Fordist consumers have reevaluated the meanings of ‘nature' and ‘natural spaces'... Nature tourism and particularly tourism in national parks have acquired significant importance in contemporary societies. Post-Fordist consumers have reevaluated the meanings of ‘nature' and ‘natural spaces' and now avoid standardization to seek singularity. Tourism in national parks is a consequence of this tendency and has both positive and negative aspects. The purpose of this sociological research is to describe the most relevant conflicts in the Picos de Europa National Park(Spain) involving the park's conservation, local economic development,and tourism. Seven in-depth interviews and three focus groups were addressed to key local stakeholders.In this research were identified three chief areas of existing or potential inter-related conflicts and the main actors interacting with them. The first is on population, particularly, the negative consequences of depopulations on the local socio-economic development and the environment. A second source of conflicts identified is caused by the difficult conciliation between commercial exploitation and conservation of the protected natural area. More precisely, this specific form of tourism positively contributes to the economy of local communities whilst problems can arise for the conservation goals of National Parks. Thirdly, in this research is also analyzed the institutional governance and the inter and intra-governmental conflicts as well as with the Park's management body. These findings provide important information for the improved management of tourism and conflicting interests in natural parks. 展开更多
关键词 National parks Environmental conservation Nature tourism Mountain traditional economy Picos de Europa Spain
Recreational potential as an indicator of accessibility control in protected mountain forest areas 被引量:4
作者 Tomasz DUDEK 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第7期1419-1427,共9页
The article presents research findings related to recreational use of forests located in protected mountainous areas with forestage of over 80%. The study was designed to identify recreational potential of the Carpath... The article presents research findings related to recreational use of forests located in protected mountainous areas with forestage of over 80%. The study was designed to identify recreational potential of the Carpathian national parks (Bieszczady National Park, Bahia G6ra National Park, Goree National Park and Magura National Park; southern Poland) and to compare these findings with the actual number of visitors. The information received on the recreational potential of parks is important from the point of view of protection of natural resources and the financial situation of the parks. The calculated ratio may be an effective tool of management for park administration, that allows to reconcile statutory social and protective functions of national parks. The study determined the recreational potential of the forests with the use of recreational valorisation method designed for areas with varied terrain, and the evaluated factors included the stands of trees with their habitat and land relief. The permissible number of national park visitors, expressed as man- hour/ha/year ranges from 19.31 in Bieszczady National Park (BG: 19~ 35' E, 49~ 35' N) to 32.06 in in Bieszczady National Park (B: 22~ 40' E, 49~ lo' N). In 3 out of 4 investigated parks, Magura National Park (M: 21025' E, 49~ 30' N), Gorce National Park (G: 20~ lo' E, 49~ 35' N), B) recreation carrying capacity was not exceeded, whether or not the strictly protected area is taken into account. Only in BG was the recreation carrying capacity exceeded by nearly 24%, or by 85% if the strictly protected area isexcluded from tourism-related exploitation. The presented procedure for monitoring access to mountain forests in national parks, from the viewpoint of natural resources conservation, can be applied in other mountainous areas covered with forests and exposed to tourist and recreational traffic, and in forests facing particular risk of recreational damage, e.g. in urban and suburban forests growing in areas with varied orography. 展开更多
关键词 Forest recreation Recreational capacity Protected areas Mountain forests the Carpathians
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