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英国议会圈地后农场经营问题的讨论——以埃伦《圈地和约曼》为例 被引量:3
作者 叶明勇 《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 CSSCI 2004年第2期176-182,共7页
埃伦的著作《圈地和约曼》对英国议会圈地后租地大农场的经营问题 ,诸如是否比敞地制下的经营进步、是否提高了农业产量与劳动生产率等用计量分析予以否定 ,这种观点在国内外史学界都有一定回应。但计量分析往往看重单纯的数据分析而忽... 埃伦的著作《圈地和约曼》对英国议会圈地后租地大农场的经营问题 ,诸如是否比敞地制下的经营进步、是否提高了农业产量与劳动生产率等用计量分析予以否定 ,这种观点在国内外史学界都有一定回应。但计量分析往往看重单纯的数据分析而忽视社会中各因素之间的联系。事实上 ,租地大农场的出现是与新的耕作制的采用相伴随的 ,它们是面向市场的资本主义性质的生产 ,使得劳动力的使用更加合理和有效率 ,农业产量与劳动生产率也有较大提高 ,这无疑是英国农业生产上的一个巨大进步。 展开更多
关键词 英语 议会 租地大农场 敞地制 农业产量 劳动生产率 农场经营 埃伦 《圈地和约曼》
“牢”“栏”“圈”的历时演变 被引量:8
作者 胡海琼 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期90-92,共3页
“关养牲畜之所”义语义场中的3个上位词“牢”、“栏”、“圈”的历时演变情况大致是:“牢”最早出现,在先秦时期使用频繁;大约从东汉到隋唐时期,“牢”的使用渐少,直至僵化,“栏”、“圈”出现的频率逐渐增大,几乎替代了“牢”;宋元... “关养牲畜之所”义语义场中的3个上位词“牢”、“栏”、“圈”的历时演变情况大致是:“牢”最早出现,在先秦时期使用频繁;大约从东汉到隋唐时期,“牢”的使用渐少,直至僵化,“栏”、“圈”出现的频率逐渐增大,几乎替代了“牢”;宋元明清时期,“栏”和“圈”经过一个南北鼎立的阶段后,“圈”最终战胜“栏”成为通语中该语义场的唯一上位词,并一直使用到现在。 展开更多
关键词 历时演变 常用词研究
抗战文学的另类书写——论李广田的散文集《圈外》 被引量:1
作者 周龙田 《安康学院学报》 2013年第5期95-99,共5页
抗战时期的散文作为抗战文学的重要组成部分,可以说是抗战文学的另类书写。李广田的散文集《圈外》以作者的亲身经历展现了国统区人民艰难抗战的血泪史,一群中国少年抗日救亡的英雄史。《圈外》不仅描写了另类的抗战画卷,塑造了另类的... 抗战时期的散文作为抗战文学的重要组成部分,可以说是抗战文学的另类书写。李广田的散文集《圈外》以作者的亲身经历展现了国统区人民艰难抗战的血泪史,一群中国少年抗日救亡的英雄史。《圈外》不仅描写了另类的抗战画卷,塑造了另类的抗战主体形象,同时还以亲历性使其具有了文献价值。 展开更多
关键词 李广田 《圈外》 抗战文学 另类书写
作者 朱丹 《英语广场(学术研究)》 2022年第13期54-58,共5页
英国文学的乡村传统最早可追溯至中世纪乡村歌谣,圈地运动的兴起深刻地改变了英国乡村文学的叙事模式。吾文泉教授的新著《圈地运动与英国文学的乡村叙事》以英国350年的圈地史为纲,历时性地考察了圈地运动与英国乡村文学传统的深层关系... 英国文学的乡村传统最早可追溯至中世纪乡村歌谣,圈地运动的兴起深刻地改变了英国乡村文学的叙事模式。吾文泉教授的新著《圈地运动与英国文学的乡村叙事》以英国350年的圈地史为纲,历时性地考察了圈地运动与英国乡村文学传统的深层关系,勾勒出一幅包含感伤叙事、生态叙事、伦理叙事和象征叙事在内的多元圈地叙事图景。本文从15世纪下半叶的协议圈地到18世纪的高潮圈地入手,探讨圈地叙事中的话语批评建构的社会功能,再现历史事件的宏大叙事的美学特质。 展开更多
关键词 地叙事 英国乡村文学 《圈地运动与英国文学的乡村叙事》 话语批评
作者 朱小华 《作文(初中年级)》 2010年第10期30-31,共2页
关键词 《圈中之""》 中学生 作文 语文学习
作者 安伟邦 《百家作文指导(小学低年级版.全国小语会刊)》 2011年第7期56-56,共1页
关键词 《圈儿》 小学生 作文 语文学习
作者 肖七七 《西南航空》 2006年第10期84-89,共6页
关键词 成都 FIAP国际摄影展 《圈外》摄影联展 摄影作品
作者 劉樂賢 《出土文献综合研究集刊》 2019年第2期42-49,共8页
經仔細分析並參考以往討論成果,可以將馬圈灣漢簡第122號、133號分别釋讀爲“戊部孤單,糧食、貨財盡,兵器敗傷,箭且索”“□□□□□□敗,矢索,無以復戰,貨財、穀食單(殫)盡,車師因爲共奴所”。兩條簡文的内容密切相關:第133號的“敗”... 經仔細分析並參考以往討論成果,可以將馬圈灣漢簡第122號、133號分别釋讀爲“戊部孤單,糧食、貨財盡,兵器敗傷,箭且索”“□□□□□□敗,矢索,無以復戰,貨財、穀食單(殫)盡,車師因爲共奴所”。兩條簡文的内容密切相關:第133號的“敗”字及其以前部分,與第122號的“兵器敗傷”相當;第133號的“矢索”,與第122號的“箭且索”相當;第133號的“貨財、穀食單(殫)盡”,與122號的“糧食、貨財盡”相當。兩條簡文反映的,都是在彈盡糧絶背景之下的戰場慘况:第122號講的是將要彈盡糧絶而面臨戰敗時的情况,第133號講的則是已經彈盡糧絶且已經戰敗時的情况。 展开更多
关键词 漢簡 灣漢簡 西域戰事
Cone-shaped source characteristics and inductance effect of transient electromagnetic method 被引量:10
作者 杨海燕 李锋平 +3 位作者 岳建华 郭福生 刘旭华 张华 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期165-174,192,共11页
Small multi-turn coil devices are used with the transient electromagnetic method (TEM) in areas with limited space, particularly in underground environments such as coal mines roadways and engineering tunnels, and f... Small multi-turn coil devices are used with the transient electromagnetic method (TEM) in areas with limited space, particularly in underground environments such as coal mines roadways and engineering tunnels, and for detecting shallow geological targets in environmental and engineering fields. However, the equipment involved has strong mutual inductance coupling, which causes a lengthy turn-off time and a deep “blind zone”. This study proposes a new transmitter device with a conical-shape source and derives the radius formula of each coil and the mutual inductance coefficient of the cone. According to primary field characteristics, results of the two fields created, calculation of the conical-shaped source in a uniform medium using theoretical analysis, and a comparison of the inductance of the new device with that of the multi-turn coil, show that inductance of the multi-turn coil is nine times greater than that of the conical source with the same equivalent magnetic moment of 926.1 A·m2. This indicates that the new source leads to a much shallower “blind zone.” Furthermore, increasing the bottom radius and turn of the cone creates a larger mutual inductance but increasing the cone height results in a lower mutual inductance. Using the superposition principle, the primary and secondary magnetic fields for a conical source in a homogeneous medium are calculated; results indicate that the magnetic behavior of the cone is the same as that of the multi-turn coils, but the transient responses of the secondary field and the total field are more stronger than those of the multi-turn coils. To study the transient response characteristics using a cone-shaped source in a layered earth, a numerical filtering algorithm is then developed using the fast Hankel transform and the improved cosine transform, again using the superposition principle. During development, an average apparent resistivity inverted from the induced electromotive force using each coil is defined to represent the comprehensive resistivity of the conical source. To verify the forward calculation method, the transient responses of H type models and KH type models are calculated, and data are inverted using a “smoke ring” inversion. The results of inversion have good agreement with original models and show that the forward calculation method is effective. The results of this study provide an option for solving the problem of a deep “blind zone” and also provide a theoretical indicator for further research. 展开更多
关键词 Transient electromagnetic method Cone-shaped source Apparent resistivity Mutual inductance “Smoke ring” inversion
法国创新历史对我国创新型国家创建的启示 被引量:17
作者 黄宁燕 孙玉明 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期89-99,共11页
法国是一个具有创新传统的国度,目前是世界第五经济和科技大国。本文对法国200多年来在科技创新方面取得的成就和经验教训作了系统的分析。法国经历过两个创新辉煌时代,使其在核能、航空、航天、高速铁路和农业等方面今天仍是处于世界... 法国是一个具有创新传统的国度,目前是世界第五经济和科技大国。本文对法国200多年来在科技创新方面取得的成就和经验教训作了系统的分析。法国经历过两个创新辉煌时代,使其在核能、航空、航天、高速铁路和农业等方面今天仍是处于世界领先地位;不过法国在以信息技术为核心的第四次科技革命浪潮中丧失了机会,2004年初法国爆发的全国范围的科技人员抗议浪潮暴露了科研体制上存在的问题;目前政府正在努力采取措施,冀望解决创新中存在的问题,进一步加强法国企业竞争力、重新推动法国经济增长。今天,增强自主创新能力,建设创新型国家是中国立足国情、面向未来的重大选择。我们从法国200多年丰富的创新史看到,没有哪个国家能不依靠自主创新而立于不败之地的,即使她已经拥有了雄厚的科技和经济基础。法国的科技和经济管理体制在很多方面与我国类似,其成功经验和失败教训对我们都具有现实的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 法国 创新 科技管理 国家创新系统
Diurnal activity rhythms and time budgets of captive Qinling golden takin(Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi) in the Qinling Mountains,Shaanxi,China 被引量:2
作者 陈炜 申琦 +2 位作者 马清义 潘广林 雷初朝 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2期149-152,共4页
In July 2006, the diurnal activity rhythms of 13 heads of captive Qinling golden takin were observed in Shaanxi Provincial Centre for the Breeding and Conservation of Rare Wildlife (SPCBCRW) at daylight (from 9:00... In July 2006, the diurnal activity rhythms of 13 heads of captive Qinling golden takin were observed in Shaanxi Provincial Centre for the Breeding and Conservation of Rare Wildlife (SPCBCRW) at daylight (from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in July). The behavioral ethnogram was identified through observation at the sampling site, with the behaviors of golden takin recorded at 5 min interval using instantaneous scannable sampling method. The results indicated that the resting of golden takin took an important part in the daylight activities. Meanwhile, drinking and urinating and defecating were 1.92 and 0.54 and 0.92 times per head per day. Ambient temperature had a strong effect on the diurnal activity rhythms of golden takin. The diurnal activity rhymes were affected by ages of the animals effectively, which was expressed through differentiation of the time budgets. Moreover, different individuals in the same population showed some non-synchronously activity rhythms. 展开更多
关键词 CAPTIVITY Diurnal activity rhythm Golden takin Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi Time budget
Magnetic force distribution and deformation law of sheet using uniform pressure electromagnetic actuator 被引量:1
作者 崔晓辉 莫健华 +1 位作者 肖师杰 杜二虎 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第11期2484-2489,共6页
The distribution of magnetic forces and current on sheet and coil was analyzed in detail according to the structural parameter of the coil which was invalid.The result shows that the current direction based on simulat... The distribution of magnetic forces and current on sheet and coil was analyzed in detail according to the structural parameter of the coil which was invalid.The result shows that the current direction based on simulation result agrees with the principles of uniform pressure electromagnetic actuator.The reason for coil failure was proposed.Then the magnetic forces on the sheet were input into an explicit finite element software ANSYS/LS-DYNA to analyze the deformation law of the sheet. 展开更多
关键词 electromagnetic sheet forming magnetic force uniform pressure electromagnetic actuator numerical method
The Historical Status of Guizhou Province on Glutinous Rice Cultivation Sphere of China 被引量:3
作者 严奇岩 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第7期1071-1074,共4页
Guizhou Province is part of the glutinous rice cultivation sphere in our country.Its rice production and germplasm resources play an important role.The southeast region is the centre of the Guizhou glutinous rice cult... Guizhou Province is part of the glutinous rice cultivation sphere in our country.Its rice production and germplasm resources play an important role.The southeast region is the centre of the Guizhou glutinous rice cultivation and characterized by waxy wo,which is treasure of the original farming culture of southeast Guizhou region and an important symbol for ethnic cultural identity of the region. 展开更多
关键词 Guizhou Province Glutinous rice cultivation sphere Waxy wo Culture treasure
Lead anthropogenic transfer and transformation in China 被引量:1
作者 梁静 毛建素 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1262-1270,共9页
Information on lead redistribution and speciation changes in anthrosphere can help to analyze the whole lead cycle on the earth. Lead life cycle was traced based on the concepts of anthropogenic transfer and transform... Information on lead redistribution and speciation changes in anthrosphere can help to analyze the whole lead cycle on the earth. Lead life cycle was traced based on the concepts of anthropogenic transfer and transformation. Lead transfer and the distribution of chemical species throughout the anthropogenic flow were identified in 2010 in China. The results show that 1.85 Mt lead ore was consumed(besides 1.287 Mt imported concentrated ore and 1.39 Mt lead scraps. After undergoing transformations, 3.53 Mt lead entered end services in chemical species of Pb, Pb O2 and PbSO4, altogether accounting for over 80% of the total lead products. Finally, 2.10 Mt ore was emitted into the environment in such species as PbSO4(26%), PbO(19%) and Pb(15%). Lead transfer begins in primary raw material sectors, and then transfers to manufacturing sectors. Lead provides services mainly in such industrial sectors as transportation, electrical power and buildings or construction. 展开更多
关键词 lead element TRANSFER TRANSFORMATION anthrosphere REDISTRIBUTION industrial sectors chemical species life cycle
Effect of crack aperture on P-wave velocity and dispersion 被引量:1
作者 魏建新 狄帮让 丁拼博 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期125-133,235,共10页
We experimentally studied the effect of crack aperture on P-wave velocity, amplitude, anisotropy and dispersion. Experimental models were constructed based on Hudson's theory. Six crack models were embedded with equa... We experimentally studied the effect of crack aperture on P-wave velocity, amplitude, anisotropy and dispersion. Experimental models were constructed based on Hudson's theory. Six crack models were embedded with equal-radius penny-shaped crack inclusions in each layer. The P-wave velocity and amplitude were measured parallel and perpendicular to the layers of cracks at frequencies of 0.1 MHz to 1 MHz. The experiments show that as the crack aperture increases from 0.l mm to 0.34 mm, the amplitude of the P-waves parallel to the crack layers decreases linearly with increasing frequency and the P-wave velocity dispersion varies from 1.5% to 2.1%, whereas the amplitude of the P-wave perpendicular to the crack layers decreases quadratically with increasing frequency and the velocity dispersion varies from 1.9% to 4.7%. The variation in the velocity dispersion parallel and perpendicular to the cracks intensifies the anisotropy dispersion of the P-waves in the crack models (6.7% to 83%). The P-wave dispersion strongly depends on the scattering characteristics of the crack apertures. 展开更多
关键词 Crack aperture P-wave characteristics DISPERSION ANISOTROPY ultrasonic testing
Two Results on Uniquely r-Pancyclic Graphs 被引量:1
作者 施永兵 孙家恕 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1992年第2期56-60,共5页
In this paper,we prove that there does not exist an r-UPC[2]-graph for each r≥5 and there does not exist an r-UPC[C_t^2]-graph for each r≥3,where t is the number of bridges in a graph and C_t^2 is the number of comb... In this paper,we prove that there does not exist an r-UPC[2]-graph for each r≥5 and there does not exist an r-UPC[C_t^2]-graph for each r≥3,where t is the number of bridges in a graph and C_t^2 is the number of combinations of t bridges taken 2 at a time. 展开更多
关键词 graph theory cycle uniquely pancyclic graph r-UPC-graph -graph r-UPC[C_t^2]-graph
The Analysis of the Characteristics of the Dishpan Experiment and the Revolving Motion of Atmosphere 被引量:1
作者 陈刚毅 谢莉辉 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第4期254-258,共5页
In this paper we summarize the characteristics of the dishpan experiment, the principle of substance revolving, and the scientific basis of the “retrograde wave in only one direction” with respect to weather data an... In this paper we summarize the characteristics of the dishpan experiment, the principle of substance revolving, and the scientific basis of the “retrograde wave in only one direction” with respect to weather data and S. C. OuYang's articles in which the fundamental questions in the meteorological theory were pointed out. Furthermore, we discuss the systematic changes involving the concept, theory, and method that substance evolves. 展开更多
关键词 Retrograde wave in only one direction Dishpan experiment Eddy current Evolves.
A Simple Proof for the Bondy Theorem on Pancyclic Graphs
作者 赵克文 韩烽 李大超 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2002年第2期14-15,共2页
A new short proof is given for the Bondy Theorem on pancyclic graphs.
关键词 Bondy Theorem PANCYCLIC cycles
Neighbourhood Unions and Vertex pancyclicity *
作者 林文松 宋增民 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 1998年第1期122-126,共5页
Let G be a 2 connected simple graph of order n ( n ≥5) and minimum degree δ . In this paper, we show that if for any two nonadjacent vertices u , v of G there holds | N(u)∪N(v)|≥n-δ , t... Let G be a 2 connected simple graph of order n ( n ≥5) and minimum degree δ . In this paper, we show that if for any two nonadjacent vertices u , v of G there holds | N(u)∪N(v)|≥n-δ , then G is {3,4} - vertex pancyclic unless G≌K n2,n2 . 展开更多
关键词 CYCLE neighbourhood union vertex pancyclicity
New Vertex-Degree Condition for Pancyclic Graphs
作者 顾国华 宋增民 徐新丽 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 1998年第2期117-120,共4页
Let G be a 2 connected graph with n vertices. In this paper, we prove that if there exist two vertices of any there independent vertices in G such that the sum of whose degree is at least n , then G ... Let G be a 2 connected graph with n vertices. In this paper, we prove that if there exist two vertices of any there independent vertices in G such that the sum of whose degree is at least n , then G is pancyclic, or G is K n/2,n/2 , or G is K n/2,n/2 -e , or G is a cycle of length 5. 展开更多
关键词 pancyclic graph vertex degree independent set bipartite graph
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