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欲望书写与情感支点——论贺享雍长篇小说《土地神》的情感选择 被引量:1
作者 陈思广 《四川文理学院学报》 2011年第1期94-96,共3页
贺享雍在长篇小说《土地神》中一改往日凝重、写实的叙述策略,以恢谐幽默的手法,将农村的单纯与复杂,简约而不简单地展现出来,传递出他对乡村基层干部与百姓的生存欲望与生存困境的思考。不过,作品显露出的创作意图与创作实践及阅读接... 贺享雍在长篇小说《土地神》中一改往日凝重、写实的叙述策略,以恢谐幽默的手法,将农村的单纯与复杂,简约而不简单地展现出来,传递出他对乡村基层干部与百姓的生存欲望与生存困境的思考。不过,作品显露出的创作意图与创作实践及阅读接受间的不平衡现象,以及欲望书写难以摆脱的功利化、世俗化、非理性的艺术倾向,值得我们认真思索。 展开更多
关键词 贺享雍 《土地神》 情感选择 欲望书写 情感支点
乡村的抽象与还原——评贺享雍的长篇小说《土地神》 被引量:1
作者 向宝云 卢衍鹏 《阿坝师范高等专科学校学报》 2006年第2期75-77,共3页
贺享雍的长篇小说《土地神》就是从农民身处的精神境况出发,希望通过底层农民对生存的困境进行反抗、对自身的卑微进行抗争、对现实的强权进行反讽,在伤害与被伤害、侮辱与被侮辱、欺骗与被欺骗的怪圈中,展示历史、现实强权与个体农民... 贺享雍的长篇小说《土地神》就是从农民身处的精神境况出发,希望通过底层农民对生存的困境进行反抗、对自身的卑微进行抗争、对现实的强权进行反讽,在伤害与被伤害、侮辱与被侮辱、欺骗与被欺骗的怪圈中,展示历史、现实强权与个体农民之间的巨大张力,揭示出农民生存的伤痛和农村现代性的艰难。在这部小说中,我们既能看到历史强权的抽象,又能看到乡村现实的还原。 展开更多
关键词 《土地神》 生活叙事 乡村还原 贺享雍
乡村的政治经济学与隐蔽的权力经验——评贺享雍长篇小说《土地神》 被引量:2
作者 向荣 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 2005年第5期87-89,共3页
关键词 政治经济学 贺享雍 长篇小说 《土地神》 乡土文学 当代文学研究
作者 李琰 《江西电力职业技术学院学报》 CAS 2019年第3期147-148,155,共3页
幻想儿童小说《土地神的盟约》一书巧妙地运用了一些通俗易懂又有特色的华容方言词,为作品增添了一抹浓厚的地域色彩。分析华容方言在《土地神的盟约》中的使用效果,发现该作品不仅是儿童文学语言表达地域特色的优秀实践,它为儿童文学... 幻想儿童小说《土地神的盟约》一书巧妙地运用了一些通俗易懂又有特色的华容方言词,为作品增添了一抹浓厚的地域色彩。分析华容方言在《土地神的盟约》中的使用效果,发现该作品不仅是儿童文学语言表达地域特色的优秀实践,它为儿童文学语言表达提供语言范式的同时,还为现代汉语教学提供了鲜活有趣的语料。 展开更多
关键词 华容方言词 适切性 《土地的盟约》 举例分析
作者 李琰 《文教资料》 2019年第12期21-23,共3页
《土地神的盟约》是新晋童话作家方先义的作品,荣获大白鲸原创幻想儿童文学作品金鲸奖,是"十三五"国家重点出版物出版规划项目,也是一部传承中国传统文化,彰显民族精神的新神话代表作。该书运用了大量修辞格,语言浅显易懂、... 《土地神的盟约》是新晋童话作家方先义的作品,荣获大白鲸原创幻想儿童文学作品金鲸奖,是"十三五"国家重点出版物出版规划项目,也是一部传承中国传统文化,彰显民族精神的新神话代表作。该书运用了大量修辞格,语言浅显易懂、文白相间、气韵深厚,深受大众欢迎。分析其修辞格语用的表达效果,一方面可积累丰富的修辞格教学语料,另一方面可探寻儿童文学优秀的语言范式。 展开更多
关键词 幻想儿童小说 《土地的盟约》 修辞格
作者 贾平凹 《现代语文(高中读写与考试)》 2005年第6期9-9,共1页
关键词 贾平凹 小说 语言描写 行为描写 《土地神》 高中 语文 阅读欣赏
作者 赵新民 《现代中学生(初中学习版)》 2009年第11期8-10,共3页
路过陕南的一个山镇,我停下车去看望同学。同学是这个镇的镇长,正在附近的村里推广地膜技术,一户农民不愿意,他嚷叫得红脖子涨脸。知道我来了,他一脚的泥水踢踢踏踏地跑了来,就把我往路边的小店拉。他说:我得请你吃饭!我说我掏... 路过陕南的一个山镇,我停下车去看望同学。同学是这个镇的镇长,正在附近的村里推广地膜技术,一户农民不愿意,他嚷叫得红脖子涨脸。知道我来了,他一脚的泥水踢踢踏踏地跑了来,就把我往路边的小店拉。他说:我得请你吃饭!我说我掏钱呀。他说:我知道你有钱,可我要尽地主之谊!一进店里,老板就反映镇上的某个部门吃饭老打白条子? 展开更多
关键词 《土地神》 点示阅读 同学 吃饭
《中老年保健》 2012年第12期34-34,共1页
土地神 古时候有一个县官,任期满了,返回故乡。
关键词 幽默 文学作品 现代文学 《土地神》
The Application of BP Networks to Land Suitability Evaluation 被引量:14
作者 LIU Yanfang JIAO Limin 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2002年第1期55-61,共7页
The back propagation (BP) model of artificial neural networks (ANN) has many good qualities comparing with ordinary methods in land suitability evaluation.Through analyzing ordinary methods’ limitations,some sticking... The back propagation (BP) model of artificial neural networks (ANN) has many good qualities comparing with ordinary methods in land suitability evaluation.Through analyzing ordinary methods’ limitations,some sticking points of BP model used in land evaluation,such as network structure,learning algorithm,etc.,are discussed in detail,The land evaluation of Qionghai city is used as a case study.Fuzzy comprehensive assessment method was also employed in this evaluation for validating and comparing. 展开更多
关键词 ANN BP networks BP algorithm land suitability evaluation
作者 吉西次力 《中国藏学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期28-36,213,214,共11页
土地神在藏语中叫“萨达”(■),与“念”(■)、“鲁”(■)、“赞”(■)等是青藏高原本土的神灵。藏族文化传统中认为动土翻石、砍伐树木、污染水源、建房立柱等皆是触犯土地神的行为,会招来危害,因此在长期的生产实践中产生了各种禳解... 土地神在藏语中叫“萨达”(■),与“念”(■)、“鲁”(■)、“赞”(■)等是青藏高原本土的神灵。藏族文化传统中认为动土翻石、砍伐树木、污染水源、建房立柱等皆是触犯土地神的行为,会招来危害,因此在长期的生产实践中产生了各种禳解“土地神”危害的仪轨。民间祭司“莱坞”家藏的手抄经文《土地神广经》(■)为系统讲述土地神族系、分类、形象、功能、危害和禳解方法的仪式文本,其中列举的“土地神”种类庞杂、形象各异,掌管的领域非常宽广,从天地的形成、人类的繁衍、动物的生死、植物的生长,到瘟疫、地震、冰雹等。通过分析内容可知,其文本在形成过程中杂糅了当地文化、中原文化和印度文化,尤其是中原的五行占算是文本的核心内容。禳解土地神危害的仪式文本多托名为“孔子神变王”(■)所著,学者认为“孔子神变王”的原型是儒家先师孔子,佛苯都将五行占算和禳解术归入其名下,也从侧面表明了与中原文化的密切联系。文章从汉藏文化交流的视阈出发,分析和考证了藏族民间拥有深厚信仰基础的土地神文本中的中原文化因素,以此阐释汉藏文化间交往交流交融的密切关系。 展开更多
关键词 《土地广经》 五行 将军 四灵 汉藏文化交流
质朴的文字 鲜活的形象——贾平凹《土地之神》赏析
作者 陈鉴霖 《读写月报(高中版)》 2003年第12期10-11,共2页
关键词 贾平凹 《土地神》 散文 高中 语文 阅读欣赏
Improving Land Resource Evaluation Using Fuzzy Neural Network Ensembles 被引量:11
作者 XUE Yue-Ju HU Yue-Ming +3 位作者 LIU Shu-Guang YANG Jing-Feng CHEN Qi-Chang BAO Shi-Tai 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期429-435,共7页
Land evaluation factors often contain continuous-, discrete- and nominal-valued attributes. In traditional land evaluation, these different attributes are usually graded into categorical indexes by land resource exper... Land evaluation factors often contain continuous-, discrete- and nominal-valued attributes. In traditional land evaluation, these different attributes are usually graded into categorical indexes by land resource experts, and the evaluation results rely heavily on experts' experiences. In order to overcome the shortcoming, we presented a fuzzy neural network ensemble method that did not require grading the evaluation factors into categorical indexes and could evaluate land resources by using the three kinds of attribute values directly. A fuzzy back propagation neural network (BPNN), a fuzzy radial basis function neural network (RBFNN), a fuzzy BPNN ensemble, and a fuzzy RBFNN ensemble were used to evaluate the land resources in Guangdong Province. The evaluation results by using the fuzzy BPNN ensemble and the fuzzy RBFNN ensemble were much better than those by using the single fuzzy BPNN and the single fuzzy RBFNN, and the error rate of the single fuzzy RBFNN or fuzzy RBFNN ensemble was lower than that of the single fuzzy BPNN or fuzzy BPNN ensemble, respectively. By using the fuzzy neural network ensembles, the validity of land resource evaluation was improved and reliance on land evaluators' experiences was considerably reduced. 展开更多
关键词 back propagation neural network (BPNN) data types fuzzy neural network ensembles land resource evaluation radial basis function neural network (RBFNN)
Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks,Geographically Weighted Regression and Cokriging Methods for Predicting the Spatial Distribution of Soil Macronutrients(N,P,and K) 被引量:7
作者 Samad EMAMGHOLIZADEH Shahin SHAHSAVANI Mohamad Amin ESLAMI 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期747-759,共13页
Soil macronutrients(i.e. nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), and potassium(K)) are important soils components and knowing the spatial distribution of these parameters are necessary at precision agriculture. The purpose of thi... Soil macronutrients(i.e. nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), and potassium(K)) are important soils components and knowing the spatial distribution of these parameters are necessary at precision agriculture. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of different methods such as artificial neural networks(ANN) and two geostatistical methods(geographically weighted regression(GWR) and cokriging(CK)) to estimate N, P and K contents. For this purpose, soil samples were taken from topsoil(0–30 cm) at 106 points and analyzed for their chemical and physical parameters. These data were divided into calibration(n = 84) and validation(n = 22). Chemical and physical variables including clay, p H and organic carbon(OC) were used as auxiliary soil variables to estimate the N, P and K contents. Results showed that the ANN model(with coefficient of determination R^2 = 0.922 and root mean square error RMSE = 0.0079%) was more accurate compared to the CK model(with R^2 = 0.612 and RMSE = 0.0094%), and the GWR model(with R^2 = 0.872 and RMSE = 0.0089%) to estimate the N variable. The ANN model estimated the P with the RMSE of 3.630 ppm, which was respectively 28.93% and 20.00% less than the RMSE of 4.680 ppm and 4.357 ppm from the CK and GWR models. The estimated K by CK, GWR and ANN models have the RMSE of 76.794 ppm, 75.790 ppm and 52.484 ppm. Results indicated that the performance of the CK model for estimation of macro nutrients(N, P and K) was slightly lower than the GWR model. Also, the accuracy of the ANN model was higher than CK and GWR models, which proved to be more effective and reliable methods for estimating macro nutrients. 展开更多
关键词 precision agriculture soil characteristics INTERPOLATION artificial neural networks geographically weighted regression COKRIGING
Tenure of Urban Land: Structure, Form and Transformation in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
作者 Ivone Salgado Dirceu Piccinato Junior 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第1期108-121,共14页
The purpose of this study is to explore the urban morphological aspects of cities governed by the juridical regime of emphyteusis, a recurrent situation in the northeastern part of the state of Silo Paulo, Brazil, wit... The purpose of this study is to explore the urban morphological aspects of cities governed by the juridical regime of emphyteusis, a recurrent situation in the northeastern part of the state of Silo Paulo, Brazil, with special attention to the city of Ribeirao Preto. The concession of lands to the Catholic Church was a recurring practice in Brazil during the colonial and imperial periods, when the cities were being established. As these lands were intended for the formation of patrimonial goods to show the devotion of the residents to a Catholic saint, the lands were not allowed to be commercialized. The tenure reveals a relation in which there is an owner--the landlord--who has direct control of the urban land. This owner allows another--the leaseholder--the useful domain of the land, thus giving the latter the right to use the land, the obligation to pay an annual tax and the responsibility to give the owner a percentage of the sales generated from the land. In 1845, farmers donated a tract of land to be used to glorify Silo Sebastiao. This land is now the city of Ribeirao Preto, and it is this conjuncture that defined the structure and the transformation of the original urban form of the current city. 展开更多
关键词 TENURE emphyteusis urban land Catholic Church urban morphology concession of lands.
Evaluation of Intensive Urban Land Use Based on an Artificial Neural Network Model:A Case Study of Nanjing City,China 被引量:2
作者 QIAO Weifeng GAO Junbo +3 位作者 LIU Yansui QIN Yueheng LU Cheng JI Qingqing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期735-746,共12页
In this paper, the artificial neural network(ANN) model was used to evaluate the degree of intensive urban land use in Nanjing City, China. The construction and application of the ANN model took into account the compr... In this paper, the artificial neural network(ANN) model was used to evaluate the degree of intensive urban land use in Nanjing City, China. The construction and application of the ANN model took into account the comprehensive, spatial and complex nature of urban land use. Through a preliminary calculation of the degree of intensive land use of the sample area, representative sample area selection and using the back propagation neural network model to train, the intensive land use level of each evaluation unit is finally determined in the study area. Results show that the method can effectively correct the errors caused by the limitations of the model itself and the determination of the ideal value and weights when the multifactor comprehensive evaluation is used alone. The ANN model can make the evaluation results more objective and practical. The evaluation results show a tendency of decreasing land use intensity from the core urban area to the periphery and the industrial functional area has relatively low land use intensity compared with other functional areas. Based on the evaluation results, some suggestions are put forward, such as transforming the mode of urban spatial expansion, strengthening the integration and potential exploitation of the land in the urban built-up area, and strengthening the control of the construction intensity of protected areas. 展开更多
关键词 urban land intensive use functional area artificial neural network (ANN) model Nanjing City
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