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作者 陈恬 《戏剧与影视评论》 2019年第5期128-133,共6页
美国剧作家查尔斯·米(Charles L. Mee)以其风格独特的系列作品,两次获得奥比奖,并荣获笔会/劳拉·佩尔斯国际基金戏剧奖及美国艺术和文学学会的戏剧终身成就奖。在他的个人网站(www.charlesmee.org)上,他的全部剧本都可以免费... 美国剧作家查尔斯·米(Charles L. Mee)以其风格独特的系列作品,两次获得奥比奖,并荣获笔会/劳拉·佩尔斯国际基金戏剧奖及美国艺术和文学学会的戏剧终身成就奖。在他的个人网站(www.charlesmee.org)上,他的全部剧本都可以免费下载。这在版权观念深入人心的今天,实属例外行为。 展开更多
关键词 经典文本 难民问题 查尔斯 《大爱》 当代语境 阿尔戈斯 性别冲突
弘扬大爱 讴歌生命——赵季平先生六首声乐作品的分析与解读 被引量:1
作者 陈新 《音乐创作》 北大核心 2015年第8期104-106,共3页
赵季平先生的音乐创作可谓响誉全国。近三年里,赵季平先生创作的《江南一枝花》、《生命的歌》、《又到吴起镇》、《心容天下》、《生命的河》、《大爱弥天》等六首声乐作品.从内容上看,六首作品均体现出弘扬大爱、讴歌生命的创作主题... 赵季平先生的音乐创作可谓响誉全国。近三年里,赵季平先生创作的《江南一枝花》、《生命的歌》、《又到吴起镇》、《心容天下》、《生命的河》、《大爱弥天》等六首声乐作品.从内容上看,六首作品均体现出弘扬大爱、讴歌生命的创作主题。从六首作品的音乐本体入手,对作品的结构、旋律、节奏、音区、调式等音乐语汇的运用情况加以分析,并从中总结赵季平先生歌曲创作的特征,对于歌曲创作与表演实践均有着重要的参考意义。 展开更多
关键词 赵季平 声乐 《生命的河》 《生命的歌》 《大爱弥天》 《心容天下》
作者 陈强 《南方电视学刊》 2007年第1期71-71,共1页
纵观近年来中国电视发展潮流走势,一个显著特征就是,娱乐势力越来越强大,娱乐化倾向越来越明显。且不说综艺、益智、游戏、真人秀等娱乐节目是你方唱罢我登场,几乎将屏幕的大半壁江山占据,就连一些原本严肃的新闻社教节目也是大打... 纵观近年来中国电视发展潮流走势,一个显著特征就是,娱乐势力越来越强大,娱乐化倾向越来越明显。且不说综艺、益智、游戏、真人秀等娱乐节目是你方唱罢我登场,几乎将屏幕的大半壁江山占据,就连一些原本严肃的新闻社教节目也是大打“娱乐牌”,抢奇闻、挖八卦、搞噱头,大有将娱乐进行至底之势。难怪有人惊呼,中国电视已经进入了“娱乐化时代”。 展开更多
关键词 娱乐化倾向 《大爱无疆》 中国电视 娱乐节目 社教节目 真人秀 益智 游戏
作者 张晓锋 《南方电视学刊》 2007年第1期69-70,共2页
在这个收视率至上的年代,娱乐节目往往成为各电视台改版或创办新栏目的首选,而其它一些如纪实、文学、对农等节目形态却因难有轰动效应或者难获高收视率而备受冷遇。深圳卫视在开播不到一年的时间里推出一档大型电视报告文学栏目《大... 在这个收视率至上的年代,娱乐节目往往成为各电视台改版或创办新栏目的首选,而其它一些如纪实、文学、对农等节目形态却因难有轰动效应或者难获高收视率而备受冷遇。深圳卫视在开播不到一年的时间里推出一档大型电视报告文学栏目《大爱无疆》,犹如都市喧嚣中的一片绿荫,令人眼前一亮。不仅让人感受到深圳卫视勇于创新、紧扣社会脉搏的勇气,更让人看到节目所渗透的关注社会、关注民生的社会责任感和关爱意识,成为和谐社会构建中塑造责任传媒的有益尝试。 展开更多
关键词 社会责任感 深圳卫视 《大爱无疆》 传媒 观感 文学栏目 和谐社会构建 娱乐节目
作者 吕新雨 《南方电视学刊》 2007年第1期67-69,共3页
刚刚过去之2006年,举国狂欢的娱乐化浪潮浪奔浪涌,白浪滔天。新年伊始,可以预见它将再次冲击和形塑中国的电视版图,电视娱乐的泡沫化,已无悬念。值此,新生的深圳卫视在赶潮流之余,还能够独辟蹊径,拿出宝贵的五十分钟,推出以“... 刚刚过去之2006年,举国狂欢的娱乐化浪潮浪奔浪涌,白浪滔天。新年伊始,可以预见它将再次冲击和形塑中国的电视版图,电视娱乐的泡沫化,已无悬念。值此,新生的深圳卫视在赶潮流之余,还能够独辟蹊径,拿出宝贵的五十分钟,推出以“电视报告文学”命名的新栏目《大爱无疆》,算是黑马,值得关注。报告文学是一个久违的名称,如果我们对报告文学在八十年代所扮演的激动人心的社会角色记忆犹新的话,也许就能揣想出一些主创人员的壮怀激烈,这在今天的电视界已经弥足珍贵。这尤其体现在每一集作为开场的黑底字幕. 展开更多
关键词 深圳卫视 《大爱无疆》 电视娱乐 报告文学 社会角色 主创人员 娱乐化
作者 陈林 《贵阳文史》 2011年第1期19-21,共3页
拂去岁月尘沙,我们依然被他们当年金戈铁马,气吞山河的勇气所震慑;丈量人生足迹,我们依旧能触摸到他们那时铸剑为犁,改天换地的心跳和脉动。虽然他们正在逐渐衰老、黯淡、消隐,谢幕,甚至有些已经远离我们而去,但我们没有理由忘记他们,... 拂去岁月尘沙,我们依然被他们当年金戈铁马,气吞山河的勇气所震慑;丈量人生足迹,我们依旧能触摸到他们那时铸剑为犁,改天换地的心跳和脉动。虽然他们正在逐渐衰老、黯淡、消隐,谢幕,甚至有些已经远离我们而去,但我们没有理由忘记他们,而且我们也不可能忘记他们。是的!他们就是被称为"南下干部"的那群人。申云浦就是这群人中的领导者之一。 展开更多
关键词 《大爱无疆》 故事 文学 陈林
作者 徐少义 《吉林农业(下半月)》 2011年第12期61-64,共4页
2009年初秋的一个早晨,首都机场,艳阳初照。 一架呼啸的客机,划破了秋晨的寂静。
关键词 《大爱延伸》 散文 文学 徐少义
作者 杨智翔 《小学生作文选刊(中高年级)》 2010年第7期80-81,共2页
关键词 《大爱无言》 小学生 作文 语文学习
作者 余运桥 《政工学刊》 2013年第9期70-70,共1页
刚能记事时,我常惠小病。娘抱着我,通宵达旦地拿着木棍敲水缸:“伢,快回来啊,娘在,一路上你莫怕!”娘是在喊魂,古老的乡村就以这种方式传承着千年不熄的亲情。记工分年代,“黑五类分子”的娘从淤泥过膝的稻田赶回家,煮一小锅... 刚能记事时,我常惠小病。娘抱着我,通宵达旦地拿着木棍敲水缸:“伢,快回来啊,娘在,一路上你莫怕!”娘是在喊魂,古老的乡村就以这种方式传承着千年不熄的亲情。记工分年代,“黑五类分子”的娘从淤泥过膝的稻田赶回家,煮一小锅稀饭,喂面黄肌瘦的五个孩子,自己喝两碗清汤就往回赶。要是去晚了,娘又得戴尖帽游街罚站。 展开更多
关键词 散文 文学 文学作品 《大爱无言》
作者 赵敏 《党政论坛》 2009年第12期10-10,共1页
关键词 《大爱无边》 赵敏 现代文学 散文
作者 崔汉朝 《建筑安全》 2010年第6期I0002-I0002,共1页
当汶川地震的阴霾还未散去 大地又突然在美丽的玉树狂撒着野 安恬的玉树 仿佛风中被摧毁的百合 顿时房屋倒塌
关键词 《大爱无疆》 诗歌 崔汉朝 文学
作者 田也 《南方电视学刊》 2007年第1期66-67,共2页
深圳卫视最近推出一档大型电视报告文学栏目《大爱无疆》,节目播出两集后,引起了全国各地的观众和同仁的广泛关注。栏目组经常接到来自全田各地的电话,在电话中,我们这个栏目得到了他们的肯定与欣赏,这让我们感到无比欣慰。《大爱... 深圳卫视最近推出一档大型电视报告文学栏目《大爱无疆》,节目播出两集后,引起了全国各地的观众和同仁的广泛关注。栏目组经常接到来自全田各地的电话,在电话中,我们这个栏目得到了他们的肯定与欣赏,这让我们感到无比欣慰。《大爱无疆》之所以在如此短的时间内引起如此强烈的反响,收到如此良好的社会效果,主要在于: 展开更多
关键词 《大爱无疆》 启示录 文学栏目 节目播出 社会效果 电视报
作者 郭列亚 《广告主》 2008年第4期84-84,共1页
关键词 经营竞争 社会公众 产品性价比 现代营销 《大爱中华行》 民生理念
作者 王世福 《安徽科技》 2009年第12期22-23,共2页
晨雾遮住了星光, 雄鸡停止了歌唱。 辛勤劳累六年的沈书记, 第一次没有早早起床……
关键词 诗歌 文学作品 现代文学 《大爱留小岗——深切悼念小岗村党委第一书记沈浩同志》
Possible Mechanism of Effects of Etimicin and Gentamicin on Intracellular Calcium Homeostasis
作者 李忠东 王建昌 李培忠 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第2期131-134,共4页
Aim Intracellular calcium ([Ca^(2+) ]_i) is mainly regulated by mitochondriaand endo-plasmic reticula. This study was carried out to ascertain whether the elementary mechanismof the effects of etimicin (EM) and gentam... Aim Intracellular calcium ([Ca^(2+) ]_i) is mainly regulated by mitochondriaand endo-plasmic reticula. This study was carried out to ascertain whether the elementary mechanismof the effects of etimicin (EM) and gentamicin (GM) on [Ca^(2+) ]_i is related to their effects onmitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake and endoplasmic reticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake. Methods The effects of GMand EM on [Ca^(2+) ]_i in LLC-PK1 were determined with a fluorescent probe of Fura-2/AM. The effectsof EM and GM on mitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake and endoplasmic reticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake weredetermined by isotope indicator (^(45)Ca^(2+) ) . Results EM and GM at the concentration of 1mmol·L^(-1) had no significant effect on [Ca^(2+) ]_i(P. > 0.05) and at 10 mmol·L^(-1)significantly caused [Ca^(2+) ]_i to increase (P < 0.01). EM and GM at 1 mmol·L^(-1) causedmitochondrion Ca^(2+)-uptake to ascend dramatically (P < 0.05) and at 10 mmol·L^(-1) causedmitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake to descend significantly. EM and GM at more than 0.34 mrnol·L^(-1)significantly inhibited endoplasmic reticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake (P < 0.05 or 0.01). Conclusion Novariation of [Ca^(2+) ]_i caused by EM and GM at lower concentrations might relate to theequilibrium of their promotion of mitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake with their inhibition of endoplasmicreticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake. The elevation of [Ca^(2+) ]_i caused by EM and GM at higherconcentrations might correlate with their inhibition of mitochondrion Ca^(2+) -uptake andendoplasmic reticulum Ca^(2+) -uptake. 展开更多
关键词 ETIMICIN GENTAMICIN ca^(2+) homeostasis MITOCHONDRIA endoplasmic reticula
The Effects of Etimicin and Gentamicin on Renal Endoplasmic Reticulum ^(45)Ca^(2+)-Uptake and Ca^(2+)-Mg^(2+)-ATPase Activity
作者 李忠东 洪文清 李培忠 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1998年第3期45-48,共4页
Objective: To study the effects of etimicin (EM) and gentamicin (GM) on renal endoplasmic reticulum 45 Ca 2+ uptake and Ca 2+ Mg 2+ ATPase activity. Methods: Using 45 Ca 2+ inc... Objective: To study the effects of etimicin (EM) and gentamicin (GM) on renal endoplasmic reticulum 45 Ca 2+ uptake and Ca 2+ Mg 2+ ATPase activity. Methods: Using 45 Ca 2+ incorporation technique and peacock blue spectrophotometry respectively. Results: EM and GM (≥3.4×10 4 mol·L 1 ) inhibited endoplasmic reticulum 45 Ca 2+ uptake (the rate of inhibition: ≥17.4% and ≥25.5%, respectively); EM and GM (3.4×10 2 mol·L 1 ) inhibited Ca 2+ Mg 2+ ATPase activity (the rate of inhibition: 24.2% and 29.2%, respectively). Conclusion: At high concentration, EM and GM elevated intracellular calcium which may be related to their nephrotoxicity. 展开更多
关键词 Etimicin (EM) Gentamicin (GM) Endoplasmic reticulum 45 Ca 2+ uptake Ca 2+ Mg 2+ ATPase
Healthcare interprofessional team members' perspectives on human caring: A directed content analysis study 被引量:7
作者 Holly Wei Jean Watson 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2019年第1期17-23,共7页
Objectives:As Watson's Human Caring Theory continues to evolve and guide the discipline of nursing,the challenge is to find ways to integrate it into practice.The purpose of this study is to describe interprofessi... Objectives:As Watson's Human Caring Theory continues to evolve and guide the discipline of nursing,the challenge is to find ways to integrate it into practice.The purpose of this study is to describe interprofessional team members'perspectives on human caring based on the Ten Caritas Processes(R)/Caritas-Veritas Literacy of Watson's Human Caring Theory within the Unitary Caring Science.Methods:This is a qualitative directed content analysis study,taking place in a Children's Hospital in the United States between November 2017 and April 2018.Information redundancy was utilized to guide the recruitment.Data were collected via a one-time face-to-face individual interview.A qualitative directed content analysis was conducted using Watson's Ten Caritas Processes(R)/Caritas-Veritas Literacy as a coding framework.Results:Twenty-seven healthcare professionals participated in the study.Interprofessional human caring,based on the Ten Caritas Processes(R)/Caritas-Veritas Literacy,was referred to as performing lovingkindness to patients,each other,and self;maintaining faith-hope in teamwork;valuing intersubjective interactions and building trust among team members;cultivating heart-centered-caring relations;acknowledging and processing positive and negative feelings non-judgmentally;applying all ways of knowing in caring;encouraging reciprocal teaching-learning;developing caring-healing environments collaboratively;respecting human dignity of patients and each other;and being open-minded to the unknowns and believing in miracles.Conclusions:Watson's Human Caring Theory can be an underlying guide to enrich human-to-human relations and create a caring-healing environment.When human caring is applied in interprofessional teams,healthcare professionals find a caring consciousness to care for oneself and each other and promote patient care. 展开更多
关键词 Interprofessional team Ten Caritas Processes(R)/Caritas-Veritas LITERACY Watson's human caring theory Unitary caring science
Uncertainties in Quantitatively Estimating the Atmospheric Heat Source over the Tibetan Plateau 被引量:8
作者 DUAN An-Min WANG Mei-Rong XIAO Zhi-Xiang 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第1期28-33,共6页
As a huge,intense,and elevated atmospheric heat source(AHS) approaching the mid-troposphere in spring and summer,the Tibetan Plateau(TP) thermal forcing is perceived as an important factor contributing to the formatio... As a huge,intense,and elevated atmospheric heat source(AHS) approaching the mid-troposphere in spring and summer,the Tibetan Plateau(TP) thermal forcing is perceived as an important factor contributing to the formation and variation of the Asian summer monsoon.Despite numerous studies devoted to determine the strength and change of the thermal forcing of the TP on the basis of various data sources and methods,uncertainties remain in quantitative estimation of the AHS and will persist for the following reasons:(1) Routine meteorological stations cover only limited regions and show remarkable spatial inhomogeneity with most distributed in the central and eastern plateau.Moreover,all of these stations are situated at an altitude below 5000 m.Thus,the large area above that elevation is not included in the data.(2) Direct observations on heat fluxes do not exist at most stations,and the sensible heat flux(SHF) is calculated by the bulk formula,in which the drag coefficient for heat is often treated as an empirical constant without considering atmospheric stability and thermal roughness length.(3) Radiation flux derived by satellite remote sensing shows a large discrepancy in the algorithm in data inversion and complex terrain.(4) In reanalysis data,besides the rare observational records employed for data assimilation,model bias in physical processes induces visible errors in producing the diabatic heating fields. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan Plateau atmospheric heat source data bias UNCERTAINTIES
Red cultural heritage of innovation and practice the socialist core values
作者 Jingjing Lv Wei ling Pan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第9期33-35,共3页
November 2012, the CPC eighteen report makes clear the "three advocacy" that is "promote a prosperous, democratic, civilized, harmonious, advocating freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, promote patriotism, dedi... November 2012, the CPC eighteen report makes clear the "three advocacy" that is "promote a prosperous, democratic, civilized, harmonious, advocating freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, promote patriotism, dedication, integrity, kindness, and actively cultivate community ism core values". Shanghai University of Engineering Science actively exchange, in consultation with Chen Yun Memorial. Chen Yun Memorial becomes education base of Party spirit of Shanghai University of Engineering Science in January 2012. The two sides mutual assistance, resource sharing, innovation, and collaborate on a series of patriotic education, spirit of education, the socialist core value education as the core of ideological education. Make full use of Shanghai University of Engineering Science Chen Yun Memorial rich red cultural resources, cultural heritage and innovation red while actively practice the socialist core values, help young party members to establish a correct outlook on life and values, enhance the spirit of patriotism of young party members to enhance awareness of young party members in the party spirit. 展开更多
关键词 INNOVATION Chen Yun Memorial Socialist Core Values
Etymological Connections Between the Ancient People of laones and the Tacitean Suiones
作者 Arduino Maiuri 《Sociology Study》 2017年第1期12-16,共5页
According to Felice Vinci's revolutionary theory of the Nordic origins of the Homeric poems, the Achaeans who migrated to the Aegean Sea to found the Mycenaean civilization--whose language actually was an Ionian dial... According to Felice Vinci's revolutionary theory of the Nordic origins of the Homeric poems, the Achaeans who migrated to the Aegean Sea to found the Mycenaean civilization--whose language actually was an Ionian dialect, similar to that of Homer--were the laones, deriving their origin from Sweden. The Italian scholar offers significant analogies to prove his hypothesis, drawing them from several scientific disciplines, such as history (the movement appears similar to that of Varangians, who in the Middle Ages moved from Sweden to found the kingdom of Rus'), geography (the promontory of Cape Sounion, located 43 miles south-southeast of Athens, seems to be a souvenir of the same name), archaeology (the spiral shape, one of the most popular ones in the volutes of the Ionic capitals, was a common decoration also during the Nordic Bronze Age), and literature (especially a remarkable quotation taken from Plato, Critias 111e). In the author's contribution, he tries to check Felice Vinci's interpretation through a careful survey in ancient literature and linguistics, in order to verify the etymological connections between the ancient people of laones and the Tacitean Suiones. 展开更多
关键词 HOMER Felice Vinci Baltic Sea TACITUS Pliny the Elder
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