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作者 王娟 《新闻研究导刊》 2023年第17期216-218,共3页
《大足石刻全集》是一部集资料性、学术性、文献性于一体的优质出版物。文章从《大足石刻全集》的出版价值和意义、选题策划、选题实施三方面出发,剖析《大足石刻全集》实现精品出版的路径。研究发现,在选题策划方面,《大足石刻全集》... 《大足石刻全集》是一部集资料性、学术性、文献性于一体的优质出版物。文章从《大足石刻全集》的出版价值和意义、选题策划、选题实施三方面出发,剖析《大足石刻全集》实现精品出版的路径。研究发现,在选题策划方面,《大足石刻全集》认真学习贯彻党和国家相关文件精神;选准选题对象,做到认真分析其出版价值及实施要因。在项目实施方面,编辑切实践行“四力”;挑选精兵强将,组建专业工作团队;不断创新工作思路与方法,稳步推进各项工作。《大足石刻全集》是当代出版人持续学习创新的成果。当代出版人应大力传承和弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化,坚定文化自信,不断创新出版内容和形式,努力推出更多精品力作。 展开更多
关键词 《大足石刻全集》 编辑出版 案例分析 图书 精品出版
作者 张彦 《文博》 2016年第5期51-56,共6页
西安碑林博物馆所藏《大足金石录》抄本,是清朝嘉庆、道光年间著名学者张澍尚未刊布的遗稿之一。记录了大足县内摩崖碑刻、题记四十五则,以及22位大足籍历史人物的生平简介。它是张澍担任大足县令期间,对县内摩崖石刻亲自踏察、记录的成... 西安碑林博物馆所藏《大足金石录》抄本,是清朝嘉庆、道光年间著名学者张澍尚未刊布的遗稿之一。记录了大足县内摩崖碑刻、题记四十五则,以及22位大足籍历史人物的生平简介。它是张澍担任大足县令期间,对县内摩崖石刻亲自踏察、记录的成果,对于研究大足石刻的历史沿革及石刻内容等方面具有重要的史料价值。本文将对《大足金石录》的内容进行梳理,并对抄本的辑录时间、编写过程等相关问题作初步探讨。 展开更多
关键词 张澍《大足金石录》
作者 何捷 浦燕 《上海集邮》 2002年第9期8-8,共1页
6月18日,重庆市邮政局主办的题示邮票首发式在大足县体育馆举行。县邮政局在现场设临时邮局。 县邮政局启用“邮票首发式”、“体育馆”、“北山”临时日戳,“《大足石刻》特种邮票发行纪念”
关键词 《大足石刻》 重庆市邮政局 邮票首发式 宣传戳 极限片 集邮展览
大足石篆山和石壁寺碑文校补举隅 被引量:1
作者 邬宗玲 王斌 《科技视界》 2013年第14期18-19,共2页
大足石刻碑文是大足石窟的重要组成部分,而《大足石刻铭文录》是迄今为止收录大足碑记最多的集大成之作。然兹书校文亦有讹、脱、衍、误处,仍需进一步商榷。本文运用校勘学、文字学等方面的知识,并比勘拓片及收录大足石刻碑文的相关著作... 大足石刻碑文是大足石窟的重要组成部分,而《大足石刻铭文录》是迄今为止收录大足碑记最多的集大成之作。然兹书校文亦有讹、脱、衍、误处,仍需进一步商榷。本文运用校勘学、文字学等方面的知识,并比勘拓片及收录大足石刻碑文的相关著作,择其要者进行校补,冀为大足石刻文献的整理研究,贡其一得之愚。 展开更多
关键词 《大足石刻铭文录》 碑文 校补
作者 邬宗玲 王斌 《文教资料》 2013年第12期13-15,共3页
大足石刻碑文是大足石窟的重要组成部分,而《大足石刻铭文录》是迄今为止收录大足碑记最多的集大成之作。然兹书校文亦有讹、脱、衍、误处,仍需进一步商榷。本文运用校勘学、文字学等方面的知识,并比勘拓片及收录大足石刻碑文的相关著作... 大足石刻碑文是大足石窟的重要组成部分,而《大足石刻铭文录》是迄今为止收录大足碑记最多的集大成之作。然兹书校文亦有讹、脱、衍、误处,仍需进一步商榷。本文运用校勘学、文字学等方面的知识,并比勘拓片及收录大足石刻碑文的相关著作,择其要者进行校补,冀为大足石刻文献的整理研究,贡其一得之愚。 展开更多
关键词 大足石刻碑文 校补举隅 《大足石刻铭文录》
陈习删《大足石刻志略》的方志学意义 被引量:1
作者 赵辉志 《中国地方志》 CSSCI 2004年第3期22-24,共3页
文章在简要记述陈习删生平和《大足石刻志略》的基础上 ,重点论述了《大足石刻志略》与台湾方志流派渊源以及《大足石刻志略》对社会主义新方志 ,尤其是在当今续修体例及理论创新方面的价值。
关键词 《大足石刻志略》 陈习删 体例结构 生平 地方志 篇目设置
作者 赵伟明 《戏曲艺术》 北大核心 2008年第4期68-70,共3页
包括重庆大足石刻在内的石窟、石雕艺术则是古代宗教文化理念的物质体现,那就是"悲悯众生,哀怜万物"。这些古代文化遗产具有超越地域、超越种族的文化人类学意义,它们既是中华民族文化的结晶,也是全人类文化的杰作。导演排戏... 包括重庆大足石刻在内的石窟、石雕艺术则是古代宗教文化理念的物质体现,那就是"悲悯众生,哀怜万物"。这些古代文化遗产具有超越地域、超越种族的文化人类学意义,它们既是中华民族文化的结晶,也是全人类文化的杰作。导演排戏最关注的是这个戏承载了多少当代人所需要的思想。京剧《大足》具备了这样的品质。它虽然是古装戏,却通篇散发着能够让当代人思考,咀嚼的思想内涵和情感信息。这主要表现在三个方面:为理想而献身的牺牲精神,心灵向善的友善情怀,虔诚于信仰的宗教情感。我希望"凝聚我们的思想,创造我们的形式"通过我们的努力,排演出一部充满浪漫主义激情和理想主义精神的充满人文力量的京剧。让正义、希望、真理、仁爱、良善的理想在观众的心灵中复活。 展开更多
关键词 京剧《大足 导演鉴识 凝聚思想 创造形式
作者 陈明光 黎方银 刘贤高 《佛学研究》 2000年第0期379-382,共4页
关键词 重庆大足 《大足石刻铭文录》 石刻保护 研究会 宝顶山石窟 宝顶石窟 “三教合一” 石窟艺术 石刻艺术 博物馆
作者 谭显全 《新闻研究导刊》 2017年第14期240-241,共2页
传统报纸经历了辉煌后,在新媒体裂变式发展的新形势下,受到了强烈冲击,尤其是区县报,面临着报约版面不足、信息内容单一、传播方向单一、交流互动性差的困境。为此,如何推动区县媒体报网融合发展成了当下区县媒体人研究的重要课题。重... 传统报纸经历了辉煌后,在新媒体裂变式发展的新形势下,受到了强烈冲击,尤其是区县报,面临着报约版面不足、信息内容单一、传播方向单一、交流互动性差的困境。为此,如何推动区县媒体报网融合发展成了当下区县媒体人研究的重要课题。重庆市大足区委、区政府主办的《大足日报》积极做出尝试,在加强传统主流报纸媒体建设的同时,又高度重视以互联网为代表的新媒体建设,从2013年下半年开始,已经迈出了报网融合发展的步伐。本文围绕实行区县报报网融合的原因,就如何实现报网融合提高媒体影响力这一问题浅谈笔者的一些观点,并以《大足日报》为例,分享其在推动区县报报网融合中所进行的有益实践。 展开更多
关键词 区县报 融合发展 《大足日报》
浅谈野外摩崖碑刻的传拓技法 被引量:1
作者 唐毅烈 《四川文物》 1998年第2期66-70,共5页
关键词 拓片 粘合剂 碑刻 碑石 制作方法 《大足石刻铭文录》 上墨 塑料布 粗毛呢 放在适当的位置
《上海集邮》 2002年第6期8-8,共1页
关键词 新邮 《黄河水利水电工程》 小型张 《大足石刻》 邮票面值
Syllabus in the Light of Keeping Pace with the Times
作者 郝雁南 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第8期42-44,共3页
Drawing up of syllabus plays a very important role in directing college English teaching. With the fast developing pace of the situation and the increasing requirements for undergraduates' English level, the availabl... Drawing up of syllabus plays a very important role in directing college English teaching. With the fast developing pace of the situation and the increasing requirements for undergraduates' English level, the available Syllabus is obviously far from satisfaction. This paper, from six perspectives, expounds the inadequacies and drawbacks of the Syllabus. It points out that college English teaching and the Syllabus need reform and should keep pace with the times. 展开更多
关键词 SYLLABUS inadequacy and drawback keep pace with the times
The acute effects of vibration stimulus following FIFA 11+ on agility and reactive strength in collegiate soccer players 被引量:2
作者 Ross Cloak Alan Nevill +1 位作者 Julian Smith Matthew Wyon 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2014年第4期293-298,共6页
Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the effects of combining the FIFA 11+ and acute vibration training on reactive strength index (RSI) and 505 agility. Methods: Seventy-four male collegiate soccer playe... Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the effects of combining the FIFA 11+ and acute vibration training on reactive strength index (RSI) and 505 agility. Methods: Seventy-four male collegiate soccer players took part in the study and were randomly assigned to FIFA 11+ with acute vibration group (FIFA + WBV), FIFA 11+ with isometric squat group (FIFA + IS) or a control group consisting of the F1FA 11+ alone (Con). The warm-up consisted of the FIFA 11+ and was administered to all participants. The participants in the acute vibration group were exposed to 30 s whole body vibration in squat position immediately post warm-up. The isometric group completed an isometric squat for 30 s immediately post warm-up. Results: RSI significantly improved pre- to post-intervention amongst FIFA + WBV (p 〈 0.001) due to a decrease in contact time (p 〈 0.001) in comparison to FIFA + IS and Con, but 505 agility was not affected. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest the inclusion of an acute bout of WBV post FIFA 11+ warm-up produces a neuromuscular response leading to an improvement in RSI. Future research is required to examine the exact mechanisms behind these improvements amongst other populations and over time course of the performance. 展开更多
关键词 AGILITY FIFA 11+ Reactive strength SOCCER VIBRATION
First record of marine crab,Eucrate alcocki Serène,in Serène and Lohavanijaya,1973 (Crustacea,Decapoda,Brachyura,Euryplacidae) from India 被引量:2
作者 M.RAJKUMAR K.P.KUMARAGURU VASAGAM +1 位作者 李新正 孙军 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期832-834,共3页
This paper reports the occurrence of a marine brachyuran crab species Eucrate alcocki Serene, in Serene et al., 1973, of the family Euryplacidae Stimpson, 1871, for first time from India, based on a male specimen from... This paper reports the occurrence of a marine brachyuran crab species Eucrate alcocki Serene, in Serene et al., 1973, of the family Euryplacidae Stimpson, 1871, for first time from India, based on a male specimen from Parangipettai fish landing centre in Bay of Bengal, Southeast Coast of India. Although morphologically corresponding with what is currently defined as E. alcocki, the color pattern of the carapace of the present specimen is rather different from that of the Chinese material-only the anterior fifth of the carapace is marked with scattered red spots, the rest of the surface is yellowish, with four unusually shaped red blotches which almost look like Sanskrit characters. 展开更多
关键词 Eucrate alcocki BRACHYURA INDIA record taxonomy
Hospital ethical climate associated with the professional quality of life among nurses during the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic inWuhan,China:A cross-sectional study 被引量:1
作者 Wenjing Jiang Xing'e Zhao +6 位作者 Jia Jiang Qidi Zhou Jiahui Yang Yuqing Chen Lloyd Goldsamt Ann Bartley Williams Xianhong Li 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第3期310-317,I0006,共9页
Objectives:To describe the professional quality of life and explore its associated factors among nurses coming from other areas of China to assist with the anti-epidemic fight inWuhan and especially examine whether th... Objectives:To describe the professional quality of life and explore its associated factors among nurses coming from other areas of China to assist with the anti-epidemic fight inWuhan and especially examine whether the hospital ethical climate was independently associated with nurses’professional quality of life.Methods:A cross-sectional online survey was conducted from March 2020 to April 2020.The nurses working in Wuhan from the other parts of China were the target population.The Professional Quality of Life Scale version 5,the Hospital Ethical Climate Survey,and a basic information sheet were used to collect data.Descriptive statistics,t-test,ANOVA,Pearson correlation,and multiple linear regression analysis were used to analyze the data.Results:In total,236 nurses participated in this study,and 219 valid questionnaires were analyzed.The average age of the participants was 31.2±5.0 years.Most nurses were female(176/219;80.4%)and married(145/219;66.2%).In term of professional quality of life,nurses reported moderate(129/219;58.9%)to high(90/219;41.1%)levels of compassion satisfaction,low(119/219;54.3%)to moderate(100/219;45.7%)levels of burnout,and low(67/219;36.0%)to high(10/219;4.6%)levels of secondary traumatic stress.Regarding hospital ethical climate,nurses reported moderately high hospital ethical climates with an average score of 4.46.After controlling for socio-demographic characteristics,the multiple linear regression models showed that the hospital ethical climate subscale of“relationship with physicians”was independently associated with the compassion satisfaction(b=0.533,P<0.01)and burnout(b=0.237,P<0.05);the hospital ethical climate subscale of“relationship with peers”(b=0.191,P<0.01)was independently associated with the secondary traumatic stress.Conclusions:During the early stage of the pandemic,nurses demonstrated moderate to high level of compassion satisfaction,low to moderate level of burnout,and all nurses experienced secondary traumatic stress.Nurses perceived a high level of hospital ethical climate,and the perceived hospital ethical climate played an important role in promoting nurses’professional quality of life during a lifethreatening infectious disease pandemic. 展开更多
关键词 China Compassion fatigue COVID-19 Nurses Personal satisfaction Professional burnout Professional quality of life Surveys and questionnaires
Women's football:Player characteristics and demands of the game
作者 Vanessa Martínez-Lagunas Margot Niessen Ulrich Hartmann 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2014年第4期258-272,共15页
The number of scientific investigations on women's football specific to the topics of player characteristics and demands of the game has considerably increased in recent years due to the increased popularity of the w... The number of scientific investigations on women's football specific to the topics of player characteristics and demands of the game has considerably increased in recent years due to the increased popularity of the women's game worldwide, although they are not yet as numerous as in the case of men's football. To date, only two scientific publications have attempted to review the main findings of studies published in this area. However, one of them was published about 20 years ago, when women's football was still in its infancy and there were only a few studies to report on. The other review was more recent. Nonetheless, its main focus was on the game and training demands of senior elite female players. Thus, information on female footballers of lower competitive levels and younger age groups was not included. Consequently, an updated review is needed in this area. The present article therefore aims to provide an overview of a series of studies that have been published so far on the specific characteristics of female football players and the demands of match-play. Mean values reported in the literature for age (12-27 years), body height (155-174 cm), body mass (48-72 kg), percent body fat (13%-29%), maximal oxygen uptake (45.1-55.5 mL/kg/min), Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level l (780-1379 m), maximum heart rate (189-202 bpm), 30 m sprint times (4.34-4.96 s), and counter- movement jump or vertical jump (28-50 cm) vary mostly according to the players' competitive level and positional role. There are also some special considerations that coaches and other practitioners should he aware of when working with female athletes such as the menstrual cycle, potential pregnancy and lactation, common injury risks (particularly knee and head injuries) and health concerns (e.g., female athlete triad, iron deficiency, and anemia) that may affect players' football performance, health or return to play. Reported mean values for total distance covered (4-13 km), distance covered at high-speed (0.2-1.7 km), average/peak heart rate (74%-87%/94%-99% HRmax), average/peak oxygen uptake (52%-77%/96%-98% VO2max), and blood lactate (2.2-7.3 mmol/L) during women's football match-play vary according to the players' competitive level and positional role. Methodological differences may account for the discrepancy of the reported values as well. Finally, this review also aims to identify literature gaps that require further scientific research in women's football and to derive a few practical recom-mendations. The information presented in this report provides an objective point of reference about player characteristics and game demands at various levels of women's football, which can help coaches and sport scientists to design more effective training programs and science-based strategies for the further improvement of players' football performance, health, game standards, and positive image of this sport. 展开更多
关键词 Female soccer players Match-play requirements Physical and physiological profiles
New record of the genus Phycocaris Kemp,1916(Decapoda:Caridea:Hippolytidae)from Hainan Island,China
作者 甘志彬 李新正 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期664-667,共4页
The monotypic genus Phycocaris Kemp, 1916, which was established based on material from the Indian Ocean and previously only known from the type localities, Australia and Japan, is now newly recorded from the South Ch... The monotypic genus Phycocaris Kemp, 1916, which was established based on material from the Indian Ocean and previously only known from the type localities, Australia and Japan, is now newly recorded from the South China Sea. A detailed description of Phycocaris simulans Kemp, 1916 based on the specimen collected from Hainan Island is presented. Specific features and the differences between the Indian Ocean and the present material are described. 展开更多
关键词 new record HIPPOLYTIDAE Phycocaris China Sea
An extra embryonic phase in the true freshwater crab Sinopotamon yangtsekiense Bott,1967(Decapoda,Potamidae) 被引量:1
作者 吴惠仙 薛俊增 CUMBERLIDGE Neil 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期725-730,共6页
The true freshwater crabs(Crustacea,Decapoda,Brachyura) are highly adapted to life in freshwater and complete their life cycle entirely independently of sea water.All true freshwater crabs exhibit direct development a... The true freshwater crabs(Crustacea,Decapoda,Brachyura) are highly adapted to life in freshwater and complete their life cycle entirely independently of sea water.All true freshwater crabs exhibit direct development and lack the free-living larval forms(zoea and megalopa) typical of most other brachyurans.After a prolonged embryonic period(during which they pass through the typical brachyuran larval forms embryologically) the eggs of true freshwater crabs hatch to produce juvenile(hatchling) crabs.We provide here the first report and description of the continuous record of embryonic development from egg-laying up to hatching in the Chinese true freshwater crab Sinopotamon yangtsekiense Bott,1967(Potamoidea,Potamidae).Direct development(complete secondary embryonization) in S.yangtsekiense was observed to take 77 days and to include an additional embryonic phase(termed here the egg-juvenile-crab) that occurs in the embryo between the imprisoned megalopa and the newly-emerged juvenile(hatchling) crab.This is significant because the only other freshwater crab whose embryonic development has been studied in detail is Potamon fluviatilis(Potamidae) which takes 45-47 days and involves only nine embryonic stages. 展开更多
关键词 true freshwater crab Sinopotamon yangtsekiense embryonic development egg larvae
作者 盘妙彬 《诗刊》 北大核心 2010年第9期83-83,共1页
关键词 诗歌 文学作品 现代文学 《大足
作者 荣荣 《诗刊》 北大核心 2010年第9期84-84,共1页
“真好!”她向我晃了晃超大的相机 “阳光洁净,没有多余的阴影 它们一下子抓住了我!”
关键词 诗歌 文学作品 现代文学 《大足石刻》
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