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从超越视角审视现代人的生存困境——论林湄长篇小说《天外》的叙事伦理 被引量:3
作者 汪树东 《华文文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期87-94,共8页
在长篇小说《天望》出版十年后,荷兰籍华裔女作家林湄再次推出其姊妹篇长篇小说《天外》。《天外》延续了《天望》中的那种高蹈出尘的形而上的超越视角,在对中西文化差异的敏锐体验和细腻书写之上,更关注现代人在欲望和爱情、孤独和家... 在长篇小说《天望》出版十年后,荷兰籍华裔女作家林湄再次推出其姊妹篇长篇小说《天外》。《天外》延续了《天望》中的那种高蹈出尘的形而上的超越视角,在对中西文化差异的敏锐体验和细腻书写之上,更关注现代人在欲望和爱情、孤独和家庭、死亡和信仰的尖锐夹缝中较为普遍的生存困境,呈现出富有深远意义的神义论的自由主义叙事伦理。 展开更多
关键词 林湄 《天外》 自由主义叙事伦理 神义论
作者 王红旗 《中华女子学院学报》 2016年第4期51-59,共9页
《天望》《天外》是荷兰华裔女作家林湄,运用俯仰天地的特殊"边缘"视角,超越时空与文化的跨国界、跨宗教、跨文体的写作方式,以隐喻的诗哲性语言、博爱的性别关怀伦理,书写曾经领跑世界现代文明的欧洲这一片人文沃土,华丽表... 《天望》《天外》是荷兰华裔女作家林湄,运用俯仰天地的特殊"边缘"视角,超越时空与文化的跨国界、跨宗教、跨文体的写作方式,以隐喻的诗哲性语言、博爱的性别关怀伦理,书写曾经领跑世界现代文明的欧洲这一片人文沃土,华丽表层之下弥漫着自然与精神的重重雾霾,导致生存与此的人类患上极度的恐惧焦虑症。在这两部作品里,林湄关于灵魂与人性、时空与存在、家国与宗教、钱权与欲望、有限与无限等等哲学问题的沉思,以东西方人性的情感世界内核、婚姻家庭物象的文学叙事,走进了社会众生的一个个灵魂的秘境深处。并以一代代人的灵魂镜像群,寻找人类之爱的心性同构,探究"人类精神"生态之嬗变的世界性意义。 展开更多
关键词 林湄 人类精神 世界性价值 《天望》 《天外》
作者 戴冠青 叶婉婷 《世界华文文学论坛》 2016年第4期54-59,共6页
荷兰华文女作家林湄的长篇新作《天外》以华人移民欧洲的生存处境为背景,塑造了主人公郝忻这一在世俗欲望中挣扎的追求者形象。此形象集情欲中沉浮的追求者、红尘中逃离的觉醒者、人性矛盾中挣扎的思想者三个特征于一体。郝忻形象体现... 荷兰华文女作家林湄的长篇新作《天外》以华人移民欧洲的生存处境为背景,塑造了主人公郝忻这一在世俗欲望中挣扎的追求者形象。此形象集情欲中沉浮的追求者、红尘中逃离的觉醒者、人性矛盾中挣扎的思想者三个特征于一体。郝忻形象体现了林湄对人性困惑的审视和思考,传达了作家积极救世的人文关怀精神。郝忻是中国知识分子的一种缩影,在华文世界中是一个新的艺术形象,其典型性、真实性和动人性具有相当的社会和现实意义,引起读者对现实生活和人生追求的警醒与反思,也为中国当代文学提供了独特的形象审美价值。 展开更多
关键词 林湄 《天外》 郝忻 浮士德精神
作者 黄海燕 葛桂录 《世界华文文学论坛》 2021年第3期92-98,共7页
荷兰华裔女作家林湄的小说《天外》细腻描写了中年知识分子郝忻移居欧洲后,面对生活中的物欲、情欲以及文化困惑,模拟浮士德直面现实的勇气,不断反思自我、否定自我、超越自我,最终在中外混杂场域获得精神救赎的故事。郝忻一系列的反思... 荷兰华裔女作家林湄的小说《天外》细腻描写了中年知识分子郝忻移居欧洲后,面对生活中的物欲、情欲以及文化困惑,模拟浮士德直面现实的勇气,不断反思自我、否定自我、超越自我,最终在中外混杂场域获得精神救赎的故事。郝忻一系列的反思与行动对于华裔离散群体颇具启发性。将《天外》看作离散空间中华裔移民寻求身份定位的文化切片,引用西方后殖民主义理论中的“混杂”概念,可以探讨郝忻如何通过文化模拟策略并最终在中西文化杂糅的“第三空间”实现了身份改写。 展开更多
关键词 《天外》 华裔离散群体 混杂性 模拟策略
作者 朱鹏杰 《艺苑》 2010年第4期25-29,共5页
生态警示电影是新近兴起的一个电影类型,本文通过分析生态警示电影文本《天外来菌》的制作、传播过程,指出正是通过想象的方式,生态意识才得以从作者那里进入到受众的思维之中。在文本传播的不同阶段想象具有不同的作用,受众通过想象有... 生态警示电影是新近兴起的一个电影类型,本文通过分析生态警示电影文本《天外来菌》的制作、传播过程,指出正是通过想象的方式,生态意识才得以从作者那里进入到受众的思维之中。在文本传播的不同阶段想象具有不同的作用,受众通过想象有选择地接受并改造文本欲传达的信息,形成属于自己的生态想象,建构自己的生态意识。 展开更多
关键词 生态警示电影 《天外来菌》 想象 生态意识
作者 谢楚婧 《世界华文文学论坛》 2016年第4期60-64,共5页
小说《天外》通过叙事角度的巧妙转换,以独特的视角关注中国人文传统中的奴性与西方人文精神里的傻性之差异,描述人类生存的无奈与焦虑。小说通过对普通人生命体验和心路历程的刻画,体现大环境对个体灵魂与肉体的影响与制约,反映中国自... 小说《天外》通过叙事角度的巧妙转换,以独特的视角关注中国人文传统中的奴性与西方人文精神里的傻性之差异,描述人类生存的无奈与焦虑。小说通过对普通人生命体验和心路历程的刻画,体现大环境对个体灵魂与肉体的影响与制约,反映中国自改革开放后生活指数好转但物质与精神没有协调发展与社会弊端逐步暴露加剧,揭露现代人在拜金主义社会中遭遇的情爱苦痛、家庭危机、死亡恐惧和信仰缺失等困境。林湄在批判人性扭曲和乱象的同时,反思人与自然万物的关系,强调信仰是应对人性缺陷的基本方法与态度,展现其悲天悯人的情怀、探讨共同人文追求的同时,表达了建立健全社会机制、普世价值与道德意识的渴望。 展开更多
关键词 欧华文学 林湄 《天外》 悲悯
作者 绿肥红瘦 《电脑技术——Hello-IT》 2004年第11期58-59,共2页
关键词 《天外》 卡通游戏 游戏画面 人物职业 多人在线角色扮演类游戏 雷爵公司
作者 孔凡礼 《安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期1-5,共5页
石庞,安徽太湖人,清康熙年间难得的奇才。他不仅在诗、文、词曲、绘画、雕塑方面有很高造诣,对天文、地理、兵算也作过精深的研究。其《悟语》、《观物篇》二部语录体随感录,奇句惊人,巧思绝世,是他思想的真实记录。他的文学创作,才情卓... 石庞,安徽太湖人,清康熙年间难得的奇才。他不仅在诗、文、词曲、绘画、雕塑方面有很高造诣,对天文、地理、兵算也作过精深的研究。其《悟语》、《观物篇》二部语录体随感录,奇句惊人,巧思绝世,是他思想的真实记录。他的文学创作,才情卓越,别具一格,《四库全书总目提要》评其《天外谈》所收诗文:"纤仄佻巧,堕入魔道","小有才而未读书",是一种偏见,需加辨正。 展开更多
关键词 石庞 《悟语》 《观物篇》 《天外谈》
《编辑之友》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第8期24-24,共1页
关键词 《天外·壹》 书评 书介绍 洛兵
作者 叶子 《软件》 2004年第9期44-45,共2页
赛瓦:7月下旬,九城突然宣布代理了雷爵开发的网络游戏《天外》(Mystonline,简称 MO),并在8月上旬就风风火火地展开了内测。虽然名字与 MU 颇为接近,但 MO 却与前者风格迥异。
关键词 网络游戏 《天外五虎将》 游戏软件 游戏开发
《科学之友》 2004年第10期90-90,共1页
关键词 书评 《天外基因》 科幻小说 小说评论
作者 叶子 《软件》 2005年第1期57-57,共1页
关键词 《天外》 网络游戏 游戏开发 游戏软件
作者 宽容老天使 《电脑技术——Hello-IT》 2005年第4期48-49,共2页
关键词 《天外》 游戏介绍 网络游戏 游戏技巧
Abdominal neurenteric cyst 被引量:1
作者 Radoje olovi Marjan Micev +3 位作者 Miodrag Jovanovi Slavko Mati Nikica Grubor Henry Dushan E Atkinson 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第23期3759-3762,共4页
Neurenteric cysts are extremely rare congenital anomalies, often presenting in the first 5 years of life, and are caused by an incomplete separation of the notochord from the foregut during the third week of embryogen... Neurenteric cysts are extremely rare congenital anomalies, often presenting in the first 5 years of life, and are caused by an incomplete separation of the notochord from the foregut during the third week of embryogenesis. They are frequently accompanied with spinal or gastrointestinal abnormalities, but the latter may be absent in adults. Although usually located in the thorax, neurenteric cysts may be found along the entire spine. We present a 24-year-old woman admitted for epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, low grade fever and leucocytosis. She underwent cystgastrostomy for a Ioculated cyst of the distal pancreas at the age of 4 years, which recurred when she was at the age of 11 years. Ultrasound and computer tomograghy (CT) scan revealed a 16 cmx 15 cm cystic mass in the body and tail of pancreas, with a 6-7 mm thickened wall. Laboratory data and chest X-ray were normal and spinal radiographs did not show any structural abnormalities. The patient underwent a complete cyst excision, and after an uneventful recovery, remained symptom-free without recurrence during the 5-year follow-up. The cyst was found to contain 1200 mL of pale viscous fluid. It was covered by a primitive singlelayered cuboidal epithelium, along with specialized antral glandular parenchyma and hypoplastic primitive gastric mucosa. Focal glandular groups resembling those of the body of the stomach were also seen. In addition, ciliary respiratory epithelium, foci of squamous metaplasia and mucinous glands were present. The wall of the cyst contained a muscular layer, neuroglial tissue with plexogenic nerve fascicles, Paccini corpuscle-like structures, hyperplastic neuroganglionar elements and occasional psammomatous bodies, as well as fibroblast-like areas of surrounding stroma. Cartilagenous tissue was not found in any part of the cyst. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the presence of neurogenic elements marked by S-100, GFAP, NF and NSE. The gastric epithelium showed mostly CK7 and EMA immunoexpression, and the respiratory epithelium revealed a CK8 and CK18 immunoprofile without CK 10/13 positive elements, though neither CEA or AFP positive cells were found. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of an abdominally located neurenteric cyst with no associated spinal anomalies. 展开更多
关键词 Neurenteric cyst CONGENITAL ABDOMEN PANCREAS Surgical excision
The Long-Term Field Experiment Observatory and Preliminary Analysis of Land-Atmosphere Interaction over Hilly Zone in the Subtropical Monsoon Region of Southern China 被引量:2
作者 LIU Jian-Guo XIE Zheng-Hui +8 位作者 JIA Bing-Hao TIAN Xiang-Jun QIN Pei-Hua ZOU Jing YU Yan SUN Qin WANG Yuan-Yuan XIE Jin-Bo XIE Zhi-Peng 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第4期203-209,共7页
To improve current understanding of the water cycle,energy partitioning and CO2 exchange over hilly zone vegetative land surfaces in the subtropical monsoon environment of southern China,a long-term field experiment o... To improve current understanding of the water cycle,energy partitioning and CO2 exchange over hilly zone vegetative land surfaces in the subtropical monsoon environment of southern China,a long-term field experiment observatory was set up at Ningxiang,eastern Hunan Province.This paper presents a preliminary analysis of the field observations at the observatory collected from August to November 2012.Results show that significant diurnal variations in soil temperature occur only in shallow soil layers(0.05,0.10,and 0.20 m),and that heavy rainfall affects soil moisture in the deep layers(≥ 0.40 m).During the experimental period,significant diurnal variations in albedo,radiation components,energy components,and CO2 flux were observed,but little seasonal variation.Strong photosynthesis in the vegetation canopy enhanced the CO2 absorption and the latent heat released in daylight hours;Latent heat of evaporation was the main consumer of available energy in late summer.Because the field experiment data are demonstrably reliable,the observatory will provide reliable long-term measurements for future investigations of the land-atmosphere interaction over hilly land surfaces in the subtropical monsoon region of southern China. 展开更多
关键词 field observation subtropical monsoon reion hilly zone surface flux land-atmosohere interaction
Antifi brotic effects of green tea on in vitro and in vivo models of liver fibrosis 被引量:6
作者 Hye Kyung Kim Taik-Hoon Yang Hong-Yon Cho 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第41期5200-5205,共6页
AIM: To examine the protective effect of green tea extract (GT) on hepatic fi brosis in vitro and in vivo in dimethylnitrosamine (DMN)-induced rats.METHODS: HSC-T6, a rat hepatic stellate cell line, was used as an in ... AIM: To examine the protective effect of green tea extract (GT) on hepatic fi brosis in vitro and in vivo in dimethylnitrosamine (DMN)-induced rats.METHODS: HSC-T6, a rat hepatic stellate cell line, was used as an in vitro assay system. Cell proliferation, collagen content, and type 1 collagen expression were examined in activated HSC-T6 cells. Collagen was determined by estimating the hydroxyproline content. In rats with DMN-induced hepatic fi brosis, serum aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase concentrations, liver hydroxyproline and lipid peroxides were determined. Pathologic changes were examined by hematoxylin & eosin staining.RESULTS: GT administration prevented the development of hepatic fibrosis in the rat model of DMN-induced liver fi brosis. These results were confi rmed both by liver histology and by quantitative measurement of hepatic hydroxyproline content, a marker of liver collagen deposition. Accordingly, inhibition of proliferation, reduced collagen deposition, and type 1 collagen expression were observed in activated HSC-T6 cells following GT treatment. These results imply that GT reduced the proliferation of activated HSC and down regulated the collagen content and expression of collagen type 1, thereby ameliorating hepatic fibrosis.CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that greentea administration can effectively improve liver fibrosis caused by DMN, and may be used as a therapeutic option and preventive measure against hepatic f ibrosis. 展开更多
关键词 DIMETHYLNITROSAMINE Green tea extract HSC-T6 cell Liver fibrosis Rat model Type 1 collagen
Determination of Active Components in a Natural Herb with Near Infrared Spectroscopy Based on Artificial Neural Networks 被引量:7
作者 LIUXue-song QUHai-bin CHENGYi-yu 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期36-43,共8页
The non-linear relationships between the contents of ginsenoside Rg 1, Rb 1, Rd and Panax notoginseng saponins(PNS) in Panax notoginseng root herb and the near infrared(NIR) diffuse reflectance spectra of the herb wer... The non-linear relationships between the contents of ginsenoside Rg 1, Rb 1, Rd and Panax notoginseng saponins(PNS) in Panax notoginseng root herb and the near infrared(NIR) diffuse reflectance spectra of the herb were established by means of artificial neural networks(ANNs). Four three-layered perception feed-forward networks were trained with an error back-propagation algorithm. The significant principal components of the NIR spectral data matrix were utilized as the input of the networks. The networks architecture and parameters were selected so as to offer less prediction errors. Relative prediction errors for Rg 1, Rb 1, Rd and PNS obtained with the optimum ANN models were 8.99%, 6.54%, 8.29%, and 5.17%, respectively, which were superior to those obtained with PLSR methods. It is verified that ANN is a suitable approach to model this complex non-linearity. The developed method is fast, non-destructive and accurate and it provides a new efficient approach for determining the active components in the complex system of natural herbs. 展开更多
关键词 Near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy Artificial neural network PLSR Non-linearity Analysis of natural herb Panax notoginseng
Validation of Land Surface Temperature Derived from 37-GHz AMSR-E over Northern China
作者 ZHANG An-Zhi JIA Gen-Suo +1 位作者 WANG He-Song ZHAO Tian-Bao 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2011年第5期257-263,共7页
A validation study of land surface temperature (LST) obtained from the Ka band (37 GHz) vertically polarized brightness temperature over northern China is presented.The remotely sensed LST derived jointly by the Vrije... A validation study of land surface temperature (LST) obtained from the Ka band (37 GHz) vertically polarized brightness temperature over northern China is presented.The remotely sensed LST derived jointly by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (VUA-NASA) from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) were compared to the daily in-situ top soil temperature/infrared surface temperature observations from eleven/three Enhanced Coordinated Observation stations in arid and semi-arid regions of northern China.The VUA-NASA LST from the descending path exhibited a stronger correspondence to the in-situ infrared surface temperature than soil temperature observations,whereas correlations (R 2) of the latter ranged from 0.41 to 0.86.Meanwhile,the ascending overpass LST was generally warmer than the in-situ soil temperature observations at all stations,and the correlation (R 2) was between 0.07 and 0.72.Furthermore,the correlation of the descending path was generally greater than that of the ascending path at the same station.The descending path VUA-NASA LST was sensitive to precipitation and presented good agreement with ground temperature dynamics.The analyses demonstrated that the descending overpass LST was reliable to reflect reasonable patterns of temperature dynamics for land surface temperature in the region. 展开更多
关键词 land surface temperature VALIDATION AMSR-E soil temperature northern China
Effects of Condensed Tannins from Quebracho Extract on the Kinetic of in vitro Gas Production on Trifofium repens, Lotus corniculatus and Lofium perenne
作者 S. C. Vieira A. E. S. Borba 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第7期982-988,共7页
The aim of this work was to study the effect of condensed tannins (CT) on the kinetic of gas production in vitro, on the three main species of Azorean pasture: Trifolium repens, Lotus corniculatus and Lolium perenn... The aim of this work was to study the effect of condensed tannins (CT) on the kinetic of gas production in vitro, on the three main species of Azorean pasture: Trifolium repens, Lotus corniculatus and Lolium perenne, using Quebracho extract as the source of CT, and also to calculate total tannins and condensed tannins on the species studied. Lotus corniculatus, Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens were tested in vitro with the inclusion of Quebracho extract in doses of 0%, 2.5% and 5% DM. The total content in tannins was determined in the 3 species. We have found, in comparison with standard tannic acid, that tannins exist in the flower of T. repens (0.81 equivalents of tannic acid) and in L .corniculatus (1.07 equivalents of tannic acid) but not in L .perenne (0 equivalents of tannic acid). The concentration of condensed tannins in the 3 species was: 0.34 mg/mL for T. repens; 0.83 mg/mL for L. corniculatus and 0 mg/ml for L. perenne. We verified that a significant reduction (P 〈 0.05) of gas production happened for doses of 5% of CT in comparison with the other two concentrations: 0% and 2.5% of CT. The results of this study express a reduction of the fermentation rate, which implies a reduction of gas production, so, a reduction of methane emission to the atmosphere and an increase of exploitation of the protein by ruminants. 展开更多
关键词 Quebracho condensed tannins in vitro gas production Trifolium repens Lotus corniculatus Lolium perenne.
Islamophobia Abroad and Anti-Catholicism at home: The Making of the English Nation
作者 Kenneth Parker 《History Research》 2012年第7期461-466,共6页
One major feature of printing and publishing in England in the 16th and 17th centuries and repeated in subsequent centuries was that of travel tales to foreign spaces where Protestant males not only met believers in I... One major feature of printing and publishing in England in the 16th and 17th centuries and repeated in subsequent centuries was that of travel tales to foreign spaces where Protestant males not only met believers in Islam but also encountered other Europeans (mostly Catholics) in those foreign spaces. This paper will attempt to show those travellers' tales written by Englishmen of the early modern period as well as subsequently were not only based upon Protestant foundations but also contributed to the making of the nation. 展开更多
关键词 Islamaphobia ant-Catholicism travel writing Englishness national identity
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