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“失控”乎? “掌控”是也!——鲁肯斯《失控》管弦乐配器技法拾趣
作者 范哲明 《乐府新声(沈阳音乐学院学报)》 2017年第1期10-23,共14页
鲁肯斯的管弦乐曲《失控》是21世纪西方当代音乐的精品之一。这部作品不仅反映出这位欧洲"新生代"作曲家对于当代音乐创作观念以及美学追求的独特思考,同时也体现出他作为一位"少年老成"的管弦乐作曲家杰出的管弦... 鲁肯斯的管弦乐曲《失控》是21世纪西方当代音乐的精品之一。这部作品不仅反映出这位欧洲"新生代"作曲家对于当代音乐创作观念以及美学追求的独特思考,同时也体现出他作为一位"少年老成"的管弦乐作曲家杰出的管弦乐配器才华。本文仅以这部作品的音色创新和音响转接技术的拓展为观察点,对鲁肯斯有关配器语言和配器技法的新创意作出评析。 展开更多
关键词 鲁肯斯 《失控》 管弦乐配器法 音色创新 音响转接技术
作者 马宇洲 周雪娇 《电影文学》 北大核心 2024年第18期158-162,共5页
电影《失控玩家》(Free guy,2021)的商业片外壳下,暗含的是一部存在主义寓言。导演无不聚焦于个人的具体存在,通过电影镜头展现了主人公盖困厄挣扎的生存图景和极端隔膜的社会环境,在为观者带来异样的生存体验之外,也为心灵留下佶问。... 电影《失控玩家》(Free guy,2021)的商业片外壳下,暗含的是一部存在主义寓言。导演无不聚焦于个人的具体存在,通过电影镜头展现了主人公盖困厄挣扎的生存图景和极端隔膜的社会环境,在为观者带来异样的生存体验之外,也为心灵留下佶问。居于一个“他人即地狱”式的世界里,人与人的关系被异化,自我的精神世界被压缩,生存本身又有何意义--这正是导演在电影文本中传达的存在之思。因此,以存在主义关照《失控玩家》不失为一个合理的视角。 展开更多
关键词 《失控玩家》 存在主义 荒诞 萨特
作者 焦镜霖 《声屏世界》 2024年第19期126-128,共3页
随着科技的不断进步与发展,元宇宙概念的提出震撼了科技界,并在游戏、社交、内容等领域表现出强劲的发展势头。文章先阐述了元宇宙概念的发展和应用方向,然后分析了电影《失控玩家》是如何对元宇宙进行想象和塑造的,最后结合现实语境思... 随着科技的不断进步与发展,元宇宙概念的提出震撼了科技界,并在游戏、社交、内容等领域表现出强劲的发展势头。文章先阐述了元宇宙概念的发展和应用方向,然后分析了电影《失控玩家》是如何对元宇宙进行想象和塑造的,最后结合现实语境思考元宇宙的发展,以期为元宇宙的未来应用提供新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 元宇宙 《失控玩家》 数字技术 现实世界 虚拟世界
从《失控玩家》看电影的元宇宙建构与后人类想象 被引量:5
作者 彭伟 《电影文学》 北大核心 2022年第9期149-153,共5页
随着全球互联网巨头争相布局虚拟现实领域,“元宇宙”逐渐从概念走向现实。元宇宙不仅是互联网生活的下一阶段,更是触发后人类生态建立的原点和场域。电影关于未来数字化生存的创想由来已久,其中所涉诸如建构模式、空间样貌、身份代理... 随着全球互联网巨头争相布局虚拟现实领域,“元宇宙”逐渐从概念走向现实。元宇宙不仅是互联网生活的下一阶段,更是触发后人类生态建立的原点和场域。电影关于未来数字化生存的创想由来已久,其中所涉诸如建构模式、空间样貌、身份代理和人机情感等问题,对于元宇宙的研究都具有积极的价值和意义。本文将以电影《失控玩家》为例,从影片对于“自由之城”的元宇宙建构,以及智媒与人的乌托邦式虚拟共生关系等角度,对元宇宙影像化表达、叙事成因和启示影响等问题展开探讨。 展开更多
关键词 电影 《失控玩家》 元宇宙 后人类
两种“现实”的竞现:网游时代的“银幕世界”——以电影《头号玩家》与《失控玩家》为例 被引量:1
作者 姚怡然 姚新勇 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2023年第3期131-140,共10页
日益风靡的网络游戏促发了电影对其进行“再媒介化”的创作,由此诞生了一批“网游电影”,《头号玩家》和《失控玩家》即其中的两部代表性影片。与之前的电影对单一物理现实的呈现不同,这两部影片转向了对科技仿真现实与物理现实的共时... 日益风靡的网络游戏促发了电影对其进行“再媒介化”的创作,由此诞生了一批“网游电影”,《头号玩家》和《失控玩家》即其中的两部代表性影片。与之前的电影对单一物理现实的呈现不同,这两部影片转向了对科技仿真现实与物理现实的共时思考和同时表现,其中内含着“网游电影”之“一个银幕、两种现实、三重世界”的结构关系,亦显示出“网游电影”与传统电影在叙事、主题、意识形态之间的关联及差异。此外,“网游电影”在吸收游戏元素的同时,又受到了电影艺术的规约和再编码。 展开更多
关键词 网游电影 再媒介化 结构关系 《头号玩家》 《失控玩家》
你的目光一秒都不会离开——《失控的陪审团》 被引量:2
作者 刘誉 《北京电影学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第2期91-95,共5页
关键词 《失控的陪审团》 影片评论 剧情简介 导演 加里·弗雷德 人物塑造
《失控玩家》中“元宇宙”的建构对中国科幻电影发展的启示——访谈福建师范大学传播学院刘汉文教授 被引量:5
作者 刘汉文 郑泽坤 《现代电影技术》 2022年第3期37-42,共6页
2021年8月份在国内上映的《失控玩家》,使用了XR、AR、AI数字虚拟人等诸多高新技术,在电影中建构出一个名为“自由城”(Free City)的元宇宙世界。本次采访对象为福建师范大学传播学院的刘汉文教授,他多年从事影视政策研究和产业研究,关... 2021年8月份在国内上映的《失控玩家》,使用了XR、AR、AI数字虚拟人等诸多高新技术,在电影中建构出一个名为“自由城”(Free City)的元宇宙世界。本次采访对象为福建师范大学传播学院的刘汉文教授,他多年从事影视政策研究和产业研究,关注中国电影技术发展。本次采访,刘教授通过分析元宇宙在《失控玩家》中的呈现形式,深入剖析高新技术在其中如何发挥作用,并将分析成果观照中国科幻电影创作,对未来中国科幻电影发展提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 元宇宙 《失控玩家》 科幻电影
作者 杨晓敏 《电影文学》 北大核心 2022年第12期149-151,共3页
受到广泛关注的《失控玩家》在取得商业化成功的同时,也是近年来比较受到观众认可的科幻电影作品之一。但是从科幻实际概念范畴的角度上分析,这部电影不能算是严格意义上的科幻电影,它将当代的流行文化同科幻创作的类型化特征结合在一起... 受到广泛关注的《失控玩家》在取得商业化成功的同时,也是近年来比较受到观众认可的科幻电影作品之一。但是从科幻实际概念范畴的角度上分析,这部电影不能算是严格意义上的科幻电影,它将当代的流行文化同科幻创作的类型化特征结合在一起,创作出了一种并不算成功的科幻文本世界,本文试图通过对这种科幻文本世界的界定重新讨论科幻电影本身的概念和边界问题,以及重新找到科幻电影本身的艺术意义。 展开更多
关键词 科幻类型电影 科幻电影定义 《失控玩家》
作者 周晓晓 《艺术科技》 2022年第12期58-60,共3页
电影《失控玩家》在技术和文化上的多重“拼凑”,为“影游融合”带来了新的突破和可能性,成为新时代继《头号玩家》后跨媒介融合的又一力作。文章从数字技术、文化联动和跨媒介融合三个方面深入探索其审美价值,从美学的维度思考这部电... 电影《失控玩家》在技术和文化上的多重“拼凑”,为“影游融合”带来了新的突破和可能性,成为新时代继《头号玩家》后跨媒介融合的又一力作。文章从数字技术、文化联动和跨媒介融合三个方面深入探索其审美价值,从美学的维度思考这部电影在后疫情时代取得票房与口碑双赢的原因,为我国游戏电影的发展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 《失控玩家》 “影游融合” 电影 美学
作者 赵润晖 吴树锦 《视听》 2022年第5期89-92,共4页
影片《失控玩家》借助叙事中非玩家角色视角,配合人工智能(AI)对计算机逻辑的逆循环书写,成为元宇宙生态影像化的一次特殊实践。人工智能可被视为人类社会新形态的记忆抗衰减客体,即技术哲学家贝尔纳·斯蒂格勒所称的“时间客体”... 影片《失控玩家》借助叙事中非玩家角色视角,配合人工智能(AI)对计算机逻辑的逆循环书写,成为元宇宙生态影像化的一次特殊实践。人工智能可被视为人类社会新形态的记忆抗衰减客体,即技术哲学家贝尔纳·斯蒂格勒所称的“时间客体”。此类记忆抗衰减客体在元宇宙及其文化场域的变革之下,成为人类意识与记忆“破壁”的关键,也体现出元宇宙影像作为“大脑银幕”的要义所在。 展开更多
关键词 元宇宙 第三持留 《失控玩家》 时间客体
作者 刘星雨 《西部广播电视》 2022年第23期126-128,共3页
2018年史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格导演的影片《头号玩家》在上映后取得了巨大成功。区别于传统游戏题材改编电影,《头号玩家》中植入了大量的游戏元素符号,其互文性也不再局限于对其他文本戏仿与拼贴的传统模式,而是通过对游戏文本的重建... 2018年史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格导演的影片《头号玩家》在上映后取得了巨大成功。区别于传统游戏题材改编电影,《头号玩家》中植入了大量的游戏元素符号,其互文性也不再局限于对其他文本戏仿与拼贴的传统模式,而是通过对游戏文本的重建实现了游戏、社会、文化的多重互文,使影游融合类电影的互文性表达呈现出了新态势。2021年上映的影片《失控玩家》延续了这种互文性,也广受好评。本文以互文性理论为基础,对电影《失控玩家》中的互文性应用进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 影游融合 互文性 电影彩蛋 《失控玩家》
Ground response and failure mechanism of gob-side entry by roof cutting with hard main roof
作者 ZHU Heng-zhong XU Lei WEN Zhi-jie 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期2488-2512,共25页
This study is the result of long-term efforts of the authors’team to assess ground response of gob-side entry by roof cutting(GSERC)with hard main roof,aiming at scientific control for GSERC deformation.A comprehensi... This study is the result of long-term efforts of the authors’team to assess ground response of gob-side entry by roof cutting(GSERC)with hard main roof,aiming at scientific control for GSERC deformation.A comprehensive field measurement program was conducted to determine entry deformation,roof fracture zone,and anchor bolt(cable)loading.The results indicate that GSERC deformation presents asymmetric characteristics.The maximum convergence near roof cutting side is 458 mm during the primary use process and 1120 mm during the secondary reuse process.The entry deformation is closely associated with the primary development stage,primary use stage,and secondary reuse stage.The key block movement of roof cutting structure,a complex stress environment,and a mismatch in the supporting design scheme are the failure mechanism of GSERC.A controlling ideology for mining states,including regional and stage divisions,was proposed.Both dynamic and permanent support schemes have been implemented in the field.Engineering practice results indicate that the new support scheme can efficiently ensure long-term entry safety and could be a reliable approach for other engineering practices. 展开更多
关键词 gob-side entry by roof cutting ground response failure mechanism following mining states control hard main roof
作者 丹.比特纳 《中国经济周刊》 2011年第16期71-71,共1页
关键词 《失控》 书评 书介绍 《去最幸福的四国找幸福》
《企业研究》 2011年第1期80-80,共1页
关键词 《中国大形势》 《失控》 《富足一生东尼投资十大心法》 书介绍
Soil Erosion Changes over the Past Five Decades in the Red Soil Region of Southern China 被引量:18
作者 LIANG Yin LI Decheng +5 位作者 LU Xixi YANG Xuan PAN Xianzhang MU Huan SHI Deming ZHANG Bin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第1期92-99,共8页
This paper reports the dynamic changes of soil and water loss in the red soil region of Southern China since the 1950s. The red soil region covers eight provinces: Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, Guang... This paper reports the dynamic changes of soil and water loss in the red soil region of Southern China since the 1950s. The red soil region covers eight provinces: Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong and Hainan. From the 1950s to 1986, the annual rate of soil erosion increased by 3.4%. From 1986 to 1996 and from 1996 to 2000, the annual rates of soil erosion decreased by 2.0% and 0.32%, respectively. Field surveys showed that from 2000 to 2005, the area of soil and water loss decreased annually by 1.2%. This decrease was a result of large-scale erosion control activities across China. Although the eroded soil has been restored, the restoration process is very slow and full restoration will take a long time. Our report suggests that controlling soil and water loss is a challenging task, and additional measures must be taken to effectively control the soil erosion in the red soil region. 展开更多
关键词 red soil region soil and water loss dynamic change remote sensing field samplingsurvey
Venting Design for Di-tert-butyl Peroxide Runaway Reaction Based on Accelerating Rate Calorimeter Test 被引量:6
作者 魏彤彤 蒋慧灵 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第4期710-714,共5页
In order to design the relief system size of di-tert-butyl peroxide(DTBP) storage tanks,the runaway re-action of DTBP was simulated by accelerating rate calorimeter(ARC).The results indicated that under adiabatic cond... In order to design the relief system size of di-tert-butyl peroxide(DTBP) storage tanks,the runaway re-action of DTBP was simulated by accelerating rate calorimeter(ARC).The results indicated that under adiabatic conditions the initial exothermic temperature was 102.6 ℃,the maximum self-heating rate was 3.095×107 ℃·min-1,the maximum self-heating temperature was 375.9 ℃,and the pressure produced by unit mass was 4.512 MPa·g-1.Judged by ARC test,the emergency relief system for DTBP was a hybrid system.Based on Design Institute for Emergency Relief System(DIERS) method,the releasing mass flow rate W was determined by Leung methods,and the mass velocity G was calculated by two modified Omega methods.The two relief sizes calculated by monograph Omega method and arithmetic Omega method are close,with only 0.63% relative error.The monograph Omega method is more convenient to apply. 展开更多
关键词 di-tert-butyl peroxide accelerating rate calorimeter runaway reaction venting size
Coupling vibration analysis of high-speed maglev train-viaduct systems with control loop failure 被引量:4
作者 GUO Wei CHEN Xue-yuan +7 位作者 YE Yi-tao HU Yao LUO Yi-kai SHAO Ping HUANG Ren-qiang WANG Xu-yixin GUO Zhen TAN Sui 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第8期2771-2790,共20页
The risk of failure of the control loop can occur when a high-speed maglev train runs on viaduct.Meanwhile,the failure of the levitation magnets which balances the gravity of the maglev train could cause the train col... The risk of failure of the control loop can occur when a high-speed maglev train runs on viaduct.Meanwhile,the failure of the levitation magnets which balances the gravity of the maglev train could cause the train collision with track.To study the dynamic response of the train and the viaduct when the levitation magnet control loop failure occurs,a high-speed maglev train-viaduct coupling model,which includes a maglev controller fitted by measured force-gap data and considers the actual structure of train and viaduct,is established.Then the accuracy and effectiveness of the established approach are validated by comparing the computed dynamic responses and frequencies with the measurement results.After that,the dynamic responses of maglev train and viaduct are discussed under normal operation and control loop failures,and the most disadvantageous combination of control loop failures is obtained.The results show that when a single control loop fails,it only has a great influence on the failed electromagnet,and the maglev response of adjacent electromagnets has no obvious change and no collision occurs.But there is a risk of rail collisions when the dual control loop fails. 展开更多
关键词 high-speed maglev train control loop failure coupling vibration maglev control
Study on dangerous collision area of ships out of control in Sutong Bridge area 被引量:1
作者 Fang Jianhua Xu Yanmin +2 位作者 Liu Mingjun Zhang Jingcheng Li Bing 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2009年第1期83-86,共4页
Motion state of ship out of control in bridge area was analyzed.Motion procedure after losing control was divided into two steps.One is drift step within stopping period.The other is drift step without inertia,which i... Motion state of ship out of control in bridge area was analyzed.Motion procedure after losing control was divided into two steps.One is drift step within stopping period.The other is drift step without inertia,which is induced by wind and current.Mathematical model for motion of ship out of control,considering wind-induced drift,current-induced drift,stopping ability,etc.,was established.Dangerous collision areas for main pier and auxiliary piers were analyzed according to different calculation conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Sutong Bridge ship out of control dangerous collision area drift induced by wind drift induced by cur- rent stopping ability
An Experimental Analysis of Water and Soil Conservation Effected by Micro-landscape Structure
作者 汪洋 郑威 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2442-2444,2452,共4页
[Objective] This comparative experiment was to explore the soil loss con- trol effects under cultivation combination of different soil and vegetation types, and to provide scientific basis for the upcoming pilot proje... [Objective] This comparative experiment was to explore the soil loss con- trol effects under cultivation combination of different soil and vegetation types, and to provide scientific basis for the upcoming pilot project of ecological recovery. [Method] Both the rudiment of water locomotion functioned by micro-landscape structures and different spatial combinations of various landscape constituents are considered, thus, the combination of multi-soil type, crop species and site conditions is designed in three different experimental sites. [Result] Soil loss estimates in experiments in South Wello significantly depended on various soil type, slope, vegetation and type of con- servation structure; grass cover tremendously reduces soil loss; legume cultivation performed better than cereal cultivation in soil loss control. [Conclusion] By conduct- ing the data analysis of the experiment, a scientific reference is proposed to the agri- culture planting and protective mode for the alleviation of water and soil loss in Amhara Region, Ethiopia. 展开更多
关键词 Landscape structure: Runoff Water and soil conservation Site condition EXPERIMENT
New Algorithm for Real-Time CAC Decisions
作者 张鹰 陶然 +1 位作者 周思永 王越 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1998年第4期366-372,共7页
Aim To Put forward an improve algorithm for real-time connection admission control (CAC) decision. Methods converted equations of Cell loss ratio (CLR) upper bound were derived based on typical approaches to reduce co... Aim To Put forward an improve algorithm for real-time connection admission control (CAC) decision. Methods converted equations of Cell loss ratio (CLR) upper bound were derived based on typical approaches to reduce computing load. Moreover, the effects of usage parameter control (UPC) policing and bandwidth allocation functions were combined to deduce improver equations. computing load and admission region of the new algorithm were analyzed, while numerical examples and comparisons with classical non-parametic method were also included. Results Computing burden was reduced. More accurate estimation of CLR was obtained. The admission region of new algorithm was larger than typical non-parametric approach and was variable according to the burst length.Conclusion The calculation burden of new algorithm for CLR estimation is lighter than classical non-parametric approach. In addition to that, just as many information as what we can get in connection setup process are used for CAC decision. So it is not only a practicable but also an effective method that can be used in real-time processing. 展开更多
关键词 ATM networks CAC algorithm congestion and block control cell loss ratio
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