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子产生平、辞令及思想新探——以清华简《子产》《良臣》等为中心 被引量:2
作者 韩高年 《中原文化研究》 2019年第3期58-64,共7页
子产是"前子学时代"著名的政治家、思想家和文学家,以往学者对其虽有研究,然仍有未及。本文以清华简《子产》《良臣》等新材料为出发点,重考子产当生于公元前585年前后,他精通"六艺"之学,熟悉春秋时代各诸侯国掌故... 子产是"前子学时代"著名的政治家、思想家和文学家,以往学者对其虽有研究,然仍有未及。本文以清华简《子产》《良臣》等新材料为出发点,重考子产当生于公元前585年前后,他精通"六艺"之学,熟悉春秋时代各诸侯国掌故,又深谙治术,被晋人称为博学君子。除受家学影响之外,据清华简新材料,子产之博学与其曾转益多师有很大关系。子产深通"文章经世"之道,在为政中亦擅长文章写作和辞令。他在处理内政外交重大事务时,留下了多篇内容上鞭辟入里,文辞上精彩华丽的"书"体与辞令,为春秋时晋国的叔向等人特别称赞。另外,清华简本《子产》所载子产为政注意取法先王及三代,与《列子·杨朱》中子产礼法并举思想可相互印证。孔子特别倾慕子产,其一生功业受子产影响颇深。这些方面亦可由简本《子产》之面世而得其详情。 展开更多
关键词 简本《子产》 生年 师承 辞令 思想
对读《子产》篇与《大戴礼记》:兼论先秦儒家思想的两条路径 被引量:3
作者 高瑞杰 《殷都学刊》 2018年第1期48-53,共6页
《清华大学藏战国竹简(陆)》收录《子产》篇所述内容与儒家思想密不可分。通过对《子产》篇部分简文与《大戴礼》部分篇章的对读及阐释,可以理出儒家内外分殊的两条思想进路,即注重上下相通、内外求索的儒家思想倾向;同时,《子产》篇反... 《清华大学藏战国竹简(陆)》收录《子产》篇所述内容与儒家思想密不可分。通过对《子产》篇部分简文与《大戴礼》部分篇章的对读及阐释,可以理出儒家内外分殊的两条思想进路,即注重上下相通、内外求索的儒家思想倾向;同时,《子产》篇反映出的重法明刑的儒学路径,与《荀子》诸篇颇多相合,使我们可以从子产到荀子,梳理出一条迥异于叔向、孟子的儒学思想脉络,这对深入挖掘先秦儒学思想脉络、重估子产在先秦儒学系统的地位,不无裨益。 展开更多
关键词 《子产》 《大戴礼记》 先秦儒家思想 清华简
清华简《子产》与子产学派 被引量:1
作者 李凯 《中华文化论坛》 北大核心 2021年第1期28-38,155,共12页
清华简《子产》应是子产学派的产物。《左传》等文献给我们提供了大量的史实来解读该文本的概括性文字。《子产》中相当部分内容属于郑国高等贵族接触的机密;它回避了人们对子产的批评声音,明显是在树立典范;并且受周代“德”“礼”的... 清华简《子产》应是子产学派的产物。《左传》等文献给我们提供了大量的史实来解读该文本的概括性文字。《子产》中相当部分内容属于郑国高等贵族接触的机密;它回避了人们对子产的批评声音,明显是在树立典范;并且受周代“德”“礼”的影响较多,“出礼入刑”的内容并不是主要内容。该文本表现出弥补“礼乐刑政之所不及者”的色彩,应完成于子产及其同僚的门人之手,通过承告等官方制度传到鲁国,又经孔子之手传播开来。这一文字可视为官学与私学间的过渡环节,其作者可能与古人所谓“搢绅先生”为同一类人物。 展开更多
关键词 清华简 《子产》 子产学派 搢绅先生
子产不毁乡校 《左传》
《当代贵州》 2013年第18期59-59,共1页
郑人游于乡校,以论执政。然明谓子产日:“毁乡校,何如?”子产日:“何为?夫人朝夕退而游焉。以议执政之善否。其所善者,吾则行之;其所恶者,吾则改之,是吾师也,若之何毁之?我闻忠善以损怨,不闻作威以防怨。岂不遽止?然犹防... 郑人游于乡校,以论执政。然明谓子产日:“毁乡校,何如?”子产日:“何为?夫人朝夕退而游焉。以议执政之善否。其所善者,吾则行之;其所恶者,吾则改之,是吾师也,若之何毁之?我闻忠善以损怨,不闻作威以防怨。岂不遽止?然犹防川:大决所犯,伤人必多,吾不克救也;不如小决使道,不如吾闻而药之也。” 展开更多
关键词 《子产不毁乡校》 儒家 《左传》 孔子
作者 吴玉奎 《新高考(高二语文、数学、英语)》 2011年第6期8-9,共2页
公薨之月,子产相郑伯以如晋,晋侯以我丧故未之见也。子产使尽坏其馆之垣而纳车马焉。士文伯让之,曰:“敝邑以政刑之不修,寇盗充斥,无若诸侯之属辱在寡君者何?是以令吏人完客所馆,高其闹闳,厚其墙垣,以无忧客使。今吾子坏之,... 公薨之月,子产相郑伯以如晋,晋侯以我丧故未之见也。子产使尽坏其馆之垣而纳车马焉。士文伯让之,曰:“敝邑以政刑之不修,寇盗充斥,无若诸侯之属辱在寡君者何?是以令吏人完客所馆,高其闹闳,厚其墙垣,以无忧客使。今吾子坏之,虽从者能戒,其若异客何?以敝邑之为盟主,缮完葺墙,以待宾客。若皆毁之,其何以共命?寡君使訇请命。” 展开更多
关键词 中学 课外阅读 阅读材料 《子产坏晋馆垣》
作者 賈連翔 《简帛研究》 2022年第2期29-36,共8页
清華簡《心是謂中》明確提出“心”對“四相”“百體”具有統率作用,并將這種心與身的關係聯繫到君臣關係。“心”由統率“四相”而獲得察知能力,這又涉及中國古代“知論”問題。人由“心”獲得“知”之後,再由“心”去指導“身”的行動... 清華簡《心是謂中》明確提出“心”對“四相”“百體”具有統率作用,并將這種心與身的關係聯繫到君臣關係。“心”由統率“四相”而獲得察知能力,這又涉及中國古代“知論”問題。人由“心”獲得“知”之後,再由“心”去指導“身”的行動,進而形成了所謂“身命”,這是“天命”觀在向世俗化發展過程中形成的對立概念,因此不可避免地帶有現實政治關懷的特點。同時《心是謂中》與《子産》同編爲一卷,《子産》中所論的政治主張,似可理解爲對《心是謂中》所表現出的政治關懷特徵的進一步闡釋。簡文不少内容可與《孟子》《五行》《管子》和《荀子》等相參看,可據之推測其思想形成早於荀子時代,更接近於孟子時代,成篇約在公元前四世紀初至中葉。 展开更多
关键词 心説 知論 身命 《心是謂中》 《子産》
作者 李松儒 《简帛研究》 2021年第2期31-44,共14页
关键词 《心是謂中》 《子産》 字迹 合編
作者 王彤伟 《中国语言学研究》 2023年第1期88-93,共6页
关键词 子产以幄幕九张行 量词 “张”
作者 中村未来 《儒藏论坛》 2019年第1期42-58,共17页
子产在任郑国宰相时期,因坚决推行经济政策和成文法而在历史上颇为有名,其许多事迹可从《左传》中得以窥见。子产被认为受到了孔子的敬慕,孟子以后的儒家文献,对其的评价则主要说他是'惠人',而未涉及其政治活动,并没有触及他的... 子产在任郑国宰相时期,因坚决推行经济政策和成文法而在历史上颇为有名,其许多事迹可从《左传》中得以窥见。子产被认为受到了孔子的敬慕,孟子以后的儒家文献,对其的评价则主要说他是'惠人',而未涉及其政治活动,并没有触及他的其他施政业绩。清华简《子产》是一部新出土的文献,该竹简书写年代与孟子活动时代几乎为同一时期(战国中晚期),本稿拟考证,学界几乎一直未论述过的儒家文献中对子产的评价,并通过其与清华简《子产》中所呈现的子产形象的比较,分析两者的不同之处及其产生原因。结果表明,虽然清华简《子产》中确实包含了儒家文献所主张的子产是'惠人'的形象,但同时还记述了子产形象的另一面,即一如《左传》和《韩非子》中所呈现的那样,他也曾课税,并制定了刑书。儒家文献中将倾力推行各种行政政策的子产刻意评价为'惠人',正体现了儒家的显著特点,当时的儒家思想将孔子之后延续的法政、刑罚置于德、礼的下位,这种评价的形成或许是以儒家思想作为其背景的。 展开更多
关键词 儒家 清华简《子产》 惠人 教令刑
Delivery or previous cesarean? A comment on "Antepartum hemorrhage from previous-cesarean-sectioned uterus as a potential sign of uterine artery pseudoaneurysm" 被引量:2
作者 Shigeki MATSUBARA Hironori TAKAHASHI +1 位作者 Daisuke MATSUBARA Yosuke BABA 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第8期723-724,共2页
Uterine artery pseudoaneurysm (UAP), an im-portant disorder causing postpartum hemorrhage, hasbeen considered to occur after "traumatic delivery"such as cesarean section (CS). Our recent study (Babaet al., 2016... Uterine artery pseudoaneurysm (UAP), an im-portant disorder causing postpartum hemorrhage, hasbeen considered to occur after "traumatic delivery"such as cesarean section (CS). Our recent study (Babaet al., 2016) confirmed that UAP can also occur after"non-traumatic" delivery. 展开更多
关键词 浙江大学学报 英文版
Observational study:efficacy of aspirin and low-molecular-weight heparin in the management of recurrent miscarriage
作者 Yuehong Tang Ting Wang +2 位作者 Ai-e Cao Huizhi Lian Chunping Qiu 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2024年第8期730-736,共7页
In the present study,we aimed to assess the comparative efficacy of low-molecular-weight heparin(LMWH)in combination with low-dose aspirin for the management of recurrent miscarriage and scrutinize alterations in coag... In the present study,we aimed to assess the comparative efficacy of low-molecular-weight heparin(LMWH)in combination with low-dose aspirin for the management of recurrent miscarriage and scrutinize alterations in coagulation function following such treatment.A retrospective analysis was conducted on clinical data obtained from 97 patients with recurrent miscarriage treated at our institution from January 2019 to June 2020.Patients were categorized into either the study or control groups based on the administration of LMWH.The control group comprised 48 patients treated solely with aspirin,while the study group included 49 patients treated with both LMWH and aspirin.Comparative evaluations between the two groups encompassed pregnancy outcomes,coagulation function,adverse reactions,and blood loss during delivery.Results revealed a higher term birth rate in the study group(83.67%)compared to the control group(50%).Post-treatment,the study group exhibited lower prothrombin time,plasminogen activator inhibitor,and D-dimer levels than the control group.Moreover,the study group experienced fewer adverse reactions and reduced blood loss during delivery in comparison to the control group,demonstrating statistical significance(P<0.05).The combination of LMWH and low-dose aspirin exhibited noteworthy application in the management of recurrent miscarriage.This therapeutic approach not only fostered the enhancement of coagulation function conducive to pregnancy but also diminished the incidence of adverse reactions observed with aspirin alone. 展开更多
关键词 Recurrent miscarriage Low-molecular-weight heparin Aspirin Full production Coagulation function
Exploring the Feasibility of Producing Superheavy Nuclei in the Proton Evaporation Channel
作者 LI Luqi ZHANG Gen +2 位作者 CAI Junjun ZHOU Lilin ZHANG Fengshou 《原子核物理评论》 CAS 2024年第1期346-351,共6页
The feasibility of producing superheavy nuclei in proton evaporation channels was systematically studied within the dinuclear system(DNS)model.Due to the Z=114 proton-shell,one can synthesize Fl isotopes in proton eva... The feasibility of producing superheavy nuclei in proton evaporation channels was systematically studied within the dinuclear system(DNS)model.Due to the Z=114 proton-shell,one can synthesize Fl isotopes in proton evaporation channels.We only considered the case of evaporating one proton first and then n neutrons in this work,other cases were ignored due to the small cross-section.The production cross sections of unknown isotopes ^(290,291)Fl in ^(38)S+^(255)Es reaction are the highest compared with ^(50)Ti+^(243)Np and ^(54)Cr+^(239)Pa reactions,and the maximum cross sections are 1.1 and 15.1 pb,respectively.^(42)S+^(254)Es is a promising candidate to approach the island of stability as the radioactive beam facilities are upgraded in the future,and the production cross sections of ^(291−294)Fl in that reaction are estimated to be 3.2,6.0,4.0,and 0.1 pb,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 DNS model superheavy nuclei fusion reaction proton evaporation channel production cross section
Degradation of limestone calcined clay cement(LC^(3))mortars under sulfate attack
作者 Cheng Yu Zhen Li Jiaping Liu 《Low-carbon Materials and Green Construction》 2023年第1期34-47,共14页
Limestone Calcined Clay Cement(LC^(3)) is a newly proposed low-carbon cement,which can effectively reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions of the traditional cement industry without changing the basic mechanica... Limestone Calcined Clay Cement(LC^(3)) is a newly proposed low-carbon cement,which can effectively reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions of the traditional cement industry without changing the basic mechanical properties of cement-based materials.In this study,the degradation process of mortar samples of limestone and calcined clay cementitious material under sulfate attack is studied by both macroscopic and microscopic analysis.The results show that compared with pure Portland cement,the addition of calcined clay and limestone can significantly reduce the expansion rate,loss of dynamic modulus and mass loss of mortar specimens under sulfate attack.The addition of calcined clay and limestone will refine the pore size distribution of mortar specimens,then inhibiting the diffusion of sulfate and formation of corrosive products,therefore leading to a significant improvement of the sulfate resistance. 展开更多
关键词 Limestone Calcined Clay Cement(LC^(3)) Sulfate attack Expansion Sulfate penetration profiles Corrosion product
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