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作者 王鹤亭 张政 《安阳师范学院学报》 2024年第6期51-54,共4页
儒家经典著作《论语》在政治主张、道德观念等方面的论述,在新时代背景下,对推动高校思想政治教育的深化,实现立德树人教育目标,具有十分重要的研究价值。结合《学而》中阐述的实践与认识的双向运动过程和孔子所阐述的“君子观”“好学... 儒家经典著作《论语》在政治主张、道德观念等方面的论述,在新时代背景下,对推动高校思想政治教育的深化,实现立德树人教育目标,具有十分重要的研究价值。结合《学而》中阐述的实践与认识的双向运动过程和孔子所阐述的“君子观”“好学观”等价值导向,研究挖掘《论语》中所蕴含的符合新时代发展的思想政治教育价值,具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 《论语》 思想政治教育 《学而》
试论对《论语·学而》第一章的解读 被引量:1
作者 庞明启 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第1期17-21,共5页
依据程树德《论语集释》中的有关引述,分析了古代学者对《论语·学而》第一章三句话的注解。根据各家的不同解读,认为这三句话之间有两种逻辑关系:一种关系显示三句话的重心逐渐由"学"转到了"教";另一种关系则... 依据程树德《论语集释》中的有关引述,分析了古代学者对《论语·学而》第一章三句话的注解。根据各家的不同解读,认为这三句话之间有两种逻辑关系:一种关系显示三句话的重心逐渐由"学"转到了"教";另一种关系则显示三句话的内容始终没有脱离"学"的重心。从整体来看,《学而》篇第一章是紧紧围绕"学"来展开的,指明了学习的途径、品格、目的和境界。 展开更多
关键词 《论语》研究 《学而》 注解 考据 义理 逻辑
《学而》篇意蕴探微 被引量:3
作者 刘伟 《孔子研究》 CSSCI 2017年第6期50-57,共8页
《学而》作为《论语》的首篇,这应是编撰者有意为之,目的是告诉人们必须通过学习才能立足于世、成为真正的人。这十六章有着非常清晰的内在逻辑关系。从个体、家族和社会不同层面,告诉初学者"学什么"以及"怎么学"... 《学而》作为《论语》的首篇,这应是编撰者有意为之,目的是告诉人们必须通过学习才能立足于世、成为真正的人。这十六章有着非常清晰的内在逻辑关系。从个体、家族和社会不同层面,告诉初学者"学什么"以及"怎么学"。只有学会"为人"、"修己",掌握基本的学习方法,才能真正做到"学之为己",从而为践行"修齐治平"的入世理念打好基础。这也正是把《学而》列为首篇的根本原因之所在。 展开更多
关键词 《论语》 《学而》 篇章结构 内在逻辑
作者 宋钢 《甘肃高师学报》 2010年第4期50-52,共3页
关键词 《论语》 《学而篇》 辨析 评述
作者 唐根希 《鲁东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2019年第5期17-23,30,共8页
“学”“君子”,是人的天性,是值得追求的人生。“学”作为觉悟,是觉悟于先王之道和心性之善;“时习之”表明了“学”的在世性和实践性。“悦”源于“习”,是生命力的源泉和生命本能的冲动;随着“习”的本能皈依于“学”的觉悟,“学”... “学”“君子”,是人的天性,是值得追求的人生。“学”作为觉悟,是觉悟于先王之道和心性之善;“时习之”表明了“学”的在世性和实践性。“悦”源于“习”,是生命力的源泉和生命本能的冲动;随着“习”的本能皈依于“学”的觉悟,“学”就“不亦说乎”了。“学”因为“悦”而成为生命的本质存在,是人的生命灵性即自主、自觉、自我意识的表征。作为“仁之本”的奠基性存在,孝弟的爱欲从宗法的亲亲升华为普世的亲仁。孝、弟及孝弟与仁的关系,如同学、习及学习与悦的关系。“学”是为了造就以仁为己任的君子,因而是一场深刻的政治启蒙和思想革命。 展开更多
关键词 《论语》 《学而》 君子
《论语》导读——学而第一 被引量:1
作者 安德义 《中学语文(教师版)》 2001年第2期52-52,共1页
1.1子曰~②:“学而时习之,不亦说乎~③?有朋自远方来~④,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠~⑤,不亦君子乎~⑥?”【注释】①《论语》原来没有篇名,后取篇首两字为篇名。②子:指有学问有道德的男子,相当于“先生”。《论语》中指孔子,以下皆同。曰:... 1.1子曰~②:“学而时习之,不亦说乎~③?有朋自远方来~④,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠~⑤,不亦君子乎~⑥?”【注释】①《论语》原来没有篇名,后取篇首两字为篇名。②子:指有学问有道德的男子,相当于“先生”。《论语》中指孔子,以下皆同。曰:说。时习:时,按时,名词用作状语;时习,意即恰当的时候进行温习(或演习)。③亦:也是。说:通“悦”,高兴、快乐。④朋:“同门曰朋,同志日友”。即指同学,泛指朋友。自:从。⑤人不知:指自己有学问有道德,别人不知道或不了解。愠(yùn):怨恨,恼怒。⑥君子:君子在《论语》中有三种含义:有德者,有位者,有德又有位者,此指有德者。 展开更多
关键词 《论语》 《学而篇》 高中 语文 阅读指导
作者 宋钢 《江海学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期120-120,共1页
关键词 《论语》 断句 释义 《学而篇》 忠信 君子
作者 周宝银 王云鹏 《学习与探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第9期185-191,共7页
《学而》的产生来自于孔子与执政者的对话。孔子曾经多次会见执政者并教授以执政方略。其中,“道”是孔子教授内容中的重要范畴。孔子的“道”,从狭义层面可以概述为“内圣外王”之道,并且强调由“内圣”至“外王”的指向过程。“内圣... 《学而》的产生来自于孔子与执政者的对话。孔子曾经多次会见执政者并教授以执政方略。其中,“道”是孔子教授内容中的重要范畴。孔子的“道”,从狭义层面可以概述为“内圣外王”之道,并且强调由“内圣”至“外王”的指向过程。“内圣”之道旨在个人修养;“外王”之道旨在政治实践。在春秋以至于战国时期,邻国百姓的归附是衡量政治实践之成效的重要标准。“学而实习之”要求执政者学习、实践“内圣外王”之道,旨在使邻国百姓归附,达到“有朋自远方来”的目的。 展开更多
关键词 孔子 《论语》 “内圣外王” 《学而》
作者 桑东辉 《武陵学刊》 2018年第6期141-142,共2页
毋庸置疑,学习是古今中外永恒的主题。中华民族历来有重视学习的传统,所谓“学不可以已”,“学而时习之,不亦说乎?”在灿若繁星的中国思想史长河中,与学习有关的经典名著比比皆是,脍炙人口的有《礼记》的《大学篇》和《论语》的《学而... 毋庸置疑,学习是古今中外永恒的主题。中华民族历来有重视学习的传统,所谓“学不可以已”,“学而时习之,不亦说乎?”在灿若繁星的中国思想史长河中,与学习有关的经典名著比比皆是,脍炙人口的有《礼记》的《大学篇》和《论语》的《学而篇》。以“劝学”为主题的论著就更多了,如先秦荀子、西汉贾谊、唐代韩愈、晚清张之洞等都著有《劝学篇》,《尸子》《吕氏春秋》等也都有《劝学篇》。 展开更多
关键词 中国思想史 学习思想 史论结合 近代 《劝学篇》 《吕氏春秋》 《学而篇》 中华民族
作者 王嫕 《佳木斯职业学院学报》 2021年第2期95-96,共2页
在教育尚未普及的年代,孔子超前的学习观和进步的教育观给后世留下了宝贵的精神财富和文化遗产,也体现了一代哲人敏锐的观察力和奇妙的洞见。其中,“仁”作为儒家学说的核心,渗透在孔子教育思想的方方面面。《论语》是记录孔子及其弟子... 在教育尚未普及的年代,孔子超前的学习观和进步的教育观给后世留下了宝贵的精神财富和文化遗产,也体现了一代哲人敏锐的观察力和奇妙的洞见。其中,“仁”作为儒家学说的核心,渗透在孔子教育思想的方方面面。《论语》是记录孔子及其弟子言行的语录集,也是孔子教育思想和生命情调的集中体现。《学而》篇作为全书之首,具有统摄全书的奠基作用。本文主要从《论语》中《学而》篇的具体文本入手,以求浅析孔子教育思想中的“仁”及其所折射出的生命情调。 展开更多
关键词 孔子 《学而》 教育思想 “仁” 生命情调
Review on the conceits used in "The Sun Rising" 被引量:3
作者 YU Qiao-feng 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第7期46-49,共4页
"The Sun Rising" is one of the most outstanding metaphysical poems of John Donne. After a general introduction about the metaphysical poetry and the author, this paper mainly aims to analyze the arresting and origin... "The Sun Rising" is one of the most outstanding metaphysical poems of John Donne. After a general introduction about the metaphysical poetry and the author, this paper mainly aims to analyze the arresting and original conceits and images used in "The Sun Rising" and comment on their effect on expressing the author's feeling and reflecting his emotions. 展开更多
关键词 metaphysical poets John Donne CONCEITS LOVE emotions
Trojan Terrorism:Revenge Colonists or Condition of Evolution? (To the Problem "Your/Alien") 被引量:2
作者 Menshikova Elena Rudolfovna 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第4期191-208,共18页
Thinking about the problem of terrorism, the author finds its origins in the myth of the Trojan War, treating it as a battle for space, which was the primary basis for the civilizational leap--the expansion of the Gre... Thinking about the problem of terrorism, the author finds its origins in the myth of the Trojan War, treating it as a battle for space, which was the primary basis for the civilizational leap--the expansion of the Greek world to the east, which led to the flourishing of Greek culture, creating a precedent of justified colonialism, provided strategy and tactics-the causal apology of violence-all subsequent wars, colonial campaigns, which was no exception for the migratory flows of the XX century, as a result of which the word "terrorism" sounded with by force of the song of B. Brecht. The theme of "space"-chucked away, lost, taken away, destroyed, compressed, anarchic, empty, boundless, virtual-remains vital in our time, when the limitless possibilities lead to the limitation of man himself, his emptiness, and "complete shortuess" (Platonov), when the treaty as the basis of human existence is rejected, and when you become the Other yourself. The metaphysics of "violence" is buried in anthropology-in ignorance of one's limits by man, in denying the boundaries of "another's," in unwillingness to ask a question mad find the answer, in laziness and, in fact, in the loss of oneself. 展开更多
关键词 MYTH space TERRORISM Own/Alien's TREATY another happiness
作者 王波平 《学习月刊》 2014年第4期42-43,共2页
孔子在《论语》中提出了“礼之用,和为贵”(《学而篇》)的社会主张,这里的“和”就是和谐的意思.亦即中和两者之间不和谐的地方.使相互关系能和平相处、均衡发展:儒家把中庸思想看作是最高的道德.其中“和为贵”的思想就成了中... 孔子在《论语》中提出了“礼之用,和为贵”(《学而篇》)的社会主张,这里的“和”就是和谐的意思.亦即中和两者之间不和谐的地方.使相互关系能和平相处、均衡发展:儒家把中庸思想看作是最高的道德.其中“和为贵”的思想就成了中国人几千年来处理人际关系、民族关系、社会关系的传统原则. 展开更多
关键词 和谐社会 《论语》 《学而篇》 和平相处 人际关系 中庸思想 均衡发展 民族关系
《道行般若经》疑难词句试释 被引量:1
作者 辛有年 《励耘语言学刊》 2013年第2期51-74,共24页
关键词 自恣 何而 学成 无不 摩诃僧那僧涅
Galileo and Kepler: On Theoremata Circa Centrum Gravitatis Solidorum and Mysterium Cosmographicum 被引量:1
作者 Raffaele Pisano Paolo Bussotti 《History Research》 2012年第2期110-145,共36页
This paper deals with two case studies: (a) The role played by geometry and physical objects in Galileo's Theoremata Circa Centrum Gravitatis Solidorum comparing with Archimedean approach-mental experiments, and m... This paper deals with two case studies: (a) The role played by geometry and physical objects in Galileo's Theoremata Circa Centrum Gravitatis Solidorum comparing with Archimedean approach-mental experiments, and method of composition and de-composition, circumscribed and inscribed figures on centre of gravity studies; (b) The complex network of relations, which in Mysterium Cosmographicum, links the experimental part of astronomy to the theoretical aspect and, in the case of Kepler, the metaphysical aspect. The authors focus their efforts on understanding why Kepler reached such a strange, genial and original connection between practice and theory. The aim of this paper is to discuss the relationship between physics-mathematics (-metaphysics) and between experiments-observations-theory in the work of two scientists, Galileo and Kepler. 展开更多
关键词 GALILEO KEPLER centre of gravity Theoremata Cosmographicum ASTRONOMY RELATIONSHIP experimentsand theory
The Theory of Ideas and the Process of Thought Formation
《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第7期350-355,共6页
Twenty four centuries after Plato's formulation of the theory of ideas, it is revealed to us today in all its modernity and far-sightedness. In fact, confronting some of the elements of the theory with recent scienti... Twenty four centuries after Plato's formulation of the theory of ideas, it is revealed to us today in all its modernity and far-sightedness. In fact, confronting some of the elements of the theory with recent scientific discoveries, one cannot be anything but astounded by the magnificent capacity of the Athenian philosopher's investigations of the perceptible and metaphysical world, a true precursor of the times 展开更多
关键词 theory of Ideas principles of formation thought formation PLATO
The Fault Line in Chinese Reflective Thinking 被引量:1
作者 Jim Platts 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第10期945-957,共13页
Behind what is called "Needham's Grand Question" (why was China overshot by the West in science and technology?) lies a deeper question of how China came to lose the capacity of deeply reflective thought clearly... Behind what is called "Needham's Grand Question" (why was China overshot by the West in science and technology?) lies a deeper question of how China came to lose the capacity of deeply reflective thought clearly present in the ancient Chinese philosophers. This is a loss felt by all Chinese as a psychological sense of hollowness, a loss of identity, made worse by the seeming inaccessibility of the ancient Chinese wisdom to the modern Chinese mind. It is clear that at some historical point China suffered an extreme psychological blow sufficient to traumatise it at the threshold of reflective thought, unable to look inwards any more. The paper identifies that point as the utter devastation wrought by Kublai Khan and the Mongols 750 years ago. What devastates reflective thought is wilfulness, the insistent focusing of all attention and energy on external, material things, and Kublai Khan was wilful in the extreme. What confirms this as the crippling point is that, in response to Kublai Khan's Mongol invasion the Chinese, over time, not only completely altered the geography of China itself, moving their capital to the North (Beijing), but have ever since fought to establish as "China" all the territory over which Kublai Khan ruled. China is clearly not free of Kublai Khan's shadow. But even more precisely, in the process of doing this--and showing their own wilfulness--in building the Forbidden City in Beijing they built it in the shape of the Chinese metaphysical model of the universe, the Chinese version of the Tree of Life metaphysical glyph But it has an error in it. And the error is precisely that in where it places things, it makes what would have been the attributes of reflective thought subservient to wilfulness. The model itself thus shows the hollowness of the Chinese mind from that moment on. The outer form--the "appearance"---of the ancient wisdom was still there. But the content--the "substance"--of it was not. And with no reflective thought, true creativity disappears. 展开更多
关键词 Needham's grand question Kublai Khan the Forbidden City the Tree of Life reflective thinking wilfulness psychological block
作者 李长伟 《教育科学文摘》 2019年第1期9-10,共2页
无论古今,教育次序之于学生的成长至关重要。当探察《论语》中的教育次序时,会发现两种相反的教育次序:一是《论语·学而篇第一》第6章:“子曰:'弟子,入则孝,出则弟,谨而信,泛爱众,而亲仁。行有余力,则以学文'。”二是《论... 无论古今,教育次序之于学生的成长至关重要。当探察《论语》中的教育次序时,会发现两种相反的教育次序:一是《论语·学而篇第一》第6章:“子曰:'弟子,入则孝,出则弟,谨而信,泛爱众,而亲仁。行有余力,则以学文'。”二是《论语•述而篇第七》第25章:“子以四教:文,行,忠,信。”很明显,两篇章所展示的“教育顺序”是相反的:《学而篇》是先“行”后“文”,《述而篇》则是先“文”后“行”。 展开更多
关键词 学文 泛爱众 行有余力 《学而篇》 学生的成长 《论语》 子以四教 次序
Emptiness (Sunyata) for Caring the Self in the Middle Path: Reinvestigating the Middle Path Philosophy of Ngggrjuna
作者 Mathew Varghese 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第5期347-361,共15页
Classical Indian Buddhist philosopher Nfigfirjuna is known for his philosophical interpretations of the central conception of Buddha's teachings, the philosophy of Middle Path (Mfidhyamika). Notably he had introduc... Classical Indian Buddhist philosopher Nfigfirjuna is known for his philosophical interpretations of the central conception of Buddha's teachings, the philosophy of Middle Path (Mfidhyamika). Notably he had introduced the unique concept of "emptiness" (gnyata) to explain the Middle Path philosophy: the philosophical meaning of "emptiness" is dependent co-arising of various elements that support the worldly experience. This study investigates how this concept is used in explaining the subjectivity of a human person and how it is used for interpreting the unique process of human existence. The discussions on subjectivity are imprecise in modern and contemporary philosophy. But Ngrjuna's philosophy enables us to explain subjectivity conclusively, without it having to be explained using metaphysical positions. Sunyata may introduce a new definition for the concept of non-self: not for negating the self but for caring self from the problems of life by making it centered in the Middle Path (madhyama-pratipat), where one may naturally be able to use his wisdom (prajh) as the guiding principle: not mere knowledge (na). Sanyat is understood using fourfold (catus.kot.i) logical analysis, not twofold analysis employed normally by other philosophers. Here, the Buddhist notion of self as the co-dependent evolution process of five aggregates (pahcaskandhas) is reinterpreted using the unique method of tetralemma (catus.kot. i). This critique explores the Western philosophy's conceptions on "human reasoning, "logocentrism," and the objective analytical method of modern science." After careful cross examination of the rival philosophical positions, it reasons out why the "rationale of nature" is always superior to "human reasoning" and "logocentrism," 展开更多
关键词 wisdom subjectivity Middle Path co-dependent co-arising five aggregates LOGOCENTRISM
Philosophy and Theology in the Islamic Culture: Al-Farabis De scientiis
作者 Jakob Hans Josef Schneider 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2011年第1期41-51,共11页
In this paper, the author refers to the Latin translation of the Kitab Ihsa 'al' Ulum of Al-Frabi made by Dominicus Gundissalinus in the Xllth Century in Toledo, Spain. This text under the Latin title De scientiis w... In this paper, the author refers to the Latin translation of the Kitab Ihsa 'al' Ulum of Al-Frabi made by Dominicus Gundissalinus in the Xllth Century in Toledo, Spain. This text under the Latin title De scientiis was one of the most influential texts of the Arab and Persian world in the western Latin Europe. It is an introductory text into all until known sciences written for students and laymen (illiterate) who want to study one of these sciences. The text of Al-Farabi discusses the seven liberal arts, all of the works on physics of Aristotle and includes some reflexions on metaphysics, political philosophy and theology. There are two important points: (1) All sciences have a theoretical and practical aspect. All sciences are sciences of principles and causes and their application to the practical world. (2) The so called prima philosophia is the political philosophy and not metaphysics. In this respect, Al-Farabi subordinates theology as a science of the religious laws to politics as a science of civil laws. In the same respect, he combines, under the famous sentence of Plato that philosophers are the governors and the very well companions of mankind, politics with theology 展开更多
关键词 Muslim philosophy political philosophy seven liberal arts medieval philosophy THEOLOGY PLATO ARISTOTLE
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