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翻译家陈羽纶与《实用主义》 被引量:1
作者 卢晓静 《闽江学院学报》 2015年第6期65-71,共7页
陈羽纶先生是商务印书馆资深编审,《英语世界》的创刊人。除了丰硕的编审成就,他在翻译领域亦有建树,但有关他在哲学社科类译作方面所取得的成果却缺乏系统的研究。陈羽纶先生的经典译作之一是威廉·詹姆士的《实用主义》,这部美国... 陈羽纶先生是商务印书馆资深编审,《英语世界》的创刊人。除了丰硕的编审成就,他在翻译领域亦有建树,但有关他在哲学社科类译作方面所取得的成果却缺乏系统的研究。陈羽纶先生的经典译作之一是威廉·詹姆士的《实用主义》,这部美国流行的哲学著作在陈羽纶先生的笔下既做到了忠实于原著,风格简洁,语言地道流畅,又符合中国人的汉语阅读习惯。因此,从译文风格、词汇、词组等方面对陈羽纶先生的译本进行分析,能更深入地理解他的翻译思想和哲学文本的翻译策略。 展开更多
关键词 陈羽纶 翻译 译文风格 《实用主义》
作者 卢晓静 《文教资料》 2017年第20期72-73,共2页
西方哲学名著英语原文的遣词造句与普通书面英语不同,而且哲学本身具有逻辑的思辨性、意义的抽象性及术语的概括性,增加了翻译的难度。本文基于清代翻译家严复的“信、达、雅”的翻译标准,比较《实用主义》两种译本在选字、组词、炼句... 西方哲学名著英语原文的遣词造句与普通书面英语不同,而且哲学本身具有逻辑的思辨性、意义的抽象性及术语的概括性,增加了翻译的难度。本文基于清代翻译家严复的“信、达、雅”的翻译标准,比较《实用主义》两种译本在选字、组词、炼句等方面的特征,指出西方哲学作品的翻译可以在基于忠实的基础上对汉语译文进行对应和变通,实现哲学著作翻译风格的简约,符合中国读者的汉语阅读习惯。 展开更多
关键词 中国哲学翻译 《实用主义》译本 译本比较
实用主义美学:为通俗艺术辩护——舒斯特曼《实用主义美学》简析 被引量:3
作者 袁春红 《云南艺术学院学报》 2004年第1期48-53,共6页
关键词 舒斯特曼 《实用主义美学》 通俗艺术 审美合法性 身体美学 实用主义哲学 审美经验
作者 吉焕焕 《International English Education Research》 2014年第10期119-120,共2页
The practice of four-character Chinese idioms alteration used in the signboards by substituting character (s) with their homophonous words has grown into a general trend. Fifty-one altered idioms are collected. The ... The practice of four-character Chinese idioms alteration used in the signboards by substituting character (s) with their homophonous words has grown into a general trend. Fifty-one altered idioms are collected. The majority of the modifiers are medium-small store owners. Idiom alteration for specific purpose differs from the idiom misinterpretation. Speedy economic growth and material wealth pursuit social context stimulate the idiom alteration behavior which enforces the pragmatism value orientation. By modifying idioms into four-character structures of strong practical effect, the obvious pragamtic value of the businessmen and of Chinese are manifested. A causal analysis method is used. 展开更多
关键词 idiom alteration UTILITARIANISM VALUE traditional culture
新实用主义美学的新视野——访舒斯特曼教授 被引量:44
作者 彭锋 《哲学动态》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期62-66,共5页
关键词 《实用主义美学》 舒斯特曼 20世纪80年代 世界范围 美学思潮 高雅艺术 分析美学 审美经验
实用主义与生活美学——舒斯特曼美学述评 被引量:7
作者 彭锋 《文艺争鸣》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期38-43,共6页
日常生活美学或者生活美学,是20世纪末到21世纪初兴起的一种美学潮流。生活美学的兴起,是时代潮流变化的产物,其中哲学潮流的转变在其中扮演了重要角色。总体说来,实用主义思潮的兴起.对于生活美学起了推波助澜的作用。本文以舒斯... 日常生活美学或者生活美学,是20世纪末到21世纪初兴起的一种美学潮流。生活美学的兴起,是时代潮流变化的产物,其中哲学潮流的转变在其中扮演了重要角色。总体说来,实用主义思潮的兴起.对于生活美学起了推波助澜的作用。本文以舒斯特曼的《实用主义美学》为例,来阐明哲学思潮由相持不下的分析哲学和解构主义向实用主义的转变,以及这种转变所导致的美学的生活转向。 展开更多
关键词 实用主义思潮 生活美学 舒斯特曼 《实用主义美学》 述评 21世纪 20世纪 解构主义
The Pragmatic Maxim and Four Classical Pragmatists
作者 LiangMeng 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第9期504-509,共6页
This essay explores the issue of what makes a pragmatist. It centers on the pragmatic maxim of Charles Sanders Peirce. Although Peirce deliberately coined the word "Pragmaticism" to express his disapproval of James... This essay explores the issue of what makes a pragmatist. It centers on the pragmatic maxim of Charles Sanders Peirce. Although Peirce deliberately coined the word "Pragmaticism" to express his disapproval of James's pragmatism, his pragmatic maxim has become the touchstone of a pragmatist, so much so that, to be a pragmatist, one must endorse the pragmatic maxim, notwithstanding the fact that the pragmatic maxim is open to various interpretations, as shown in the four classical pragmatists, Peirce, James, Dewey, and Mead. Their different interpretations of the pragmatic maxim are examined successively so as to offer a panoramic view of the pragmatic maxim and its significant role in constituting a pragmatist. 展开更多
关键词 PEIRCE the pragmatic maxim pragmatist JAMES DEWEY MEAD
Future and Scientific Conception of the World without Philosophy?
作者 Mirella Fortino 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第1期33-38,共6页
Often conceived as metaphysical approach, in the XX Century, philosophy is object of a crusade antimetaphysical in the movement of Logical Positivism. I will try to demonstrate that a philosophical perspective is conc... Often conceived as metaphysical approach, in the XX Century, philosophy is object of a crusade antimetaphysical in the movement of Logical Positivism. I will try to demonstrate that a philosophical perspective is conceivable even in the scientific conception of the world elaborated by the neopositivists. I discuss this point of view with attention to the turn represented by pragmatic philosophy of Neurath, which represents a crucial passage for the future of philosophy. In this vision, the science is not conceivable without philosophy, namely without an open and pluralist scientific philosophy. The philosophy--so--is not insufficient too for the perspective of scientific conception of the world. 展开更多
Rorty's Point of Departure from Mainstream Pragmatist Approach to Epistemology
作者 Raymond N. Osei Husein Inusah 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第11期845-850,共6页
Our main focus in this paper is to try to show Rorty's point of departure from mainstream pragmatist treatment of epistemology. In his pragmatic approach to epistemology, Rorty urges that a good pragmatist should aba... Our main focus in this paper is to try to show Rorty's point of departure from mainstream pragmatist treatment of epistemology. In his pragmatic approach to epistemology, Rorty urges that a good pragmatist should abandon epistemology as a foundational and rational discipline and instead opt for conversation, the view that knowledge is an expression of judgment of a historically conditioned social group) According to Rorty, the view that we should disentangle ourselves from rigid canons of epistemology is the quest of classical pragmatism traceable to the writings of William James and John Dewey. On this showing, Rorty argues that conversationalism is consistent with mainstream or original pragmatism. Contrary to Rorty's claim we try to show, in the following pages, that his pragmatic approach to epistemology is a deviation from mainstream pragmatism. We establish that mainstream or classical pragmatists do not repudiate epistemology. 展开更多
Objectivity on Quantum Events: The Principle of Complementarity and the Rortian Perspective
作者 Nalliely Hernandez Comejo 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第4期181-190,共10页
In this writing, I reconstruct the Principle of Complementarity in Quantum Mechanics, elaborated by Niels Bohr, and the conception of objectivity implied in it (and in Bohr's writings). Then, I connect it with the ... In this writing, I reconstruct the Principle of Complementarity in Quantum Mechanics, elaborated by Niels Bohr, and the conception of objectivity implied in it (and in Bohr's writings). Then, I connect it with the epistemological pragmatism of the philosopher Richard Rorty. My aim is to reinterpret some issues of this quantum description that concern the category of objectivity from the Rortian perspective in a plausible way. This allows me to connect in a positive and a negative sense some quantum (and Bohrian) assumptions to the Rortian perspective, but mainly, it allows to reconsider the framework of scientific objects from the modern perspective to a new pragmatist and anti-essentialist point of view. 展开更多
关键词 Quantum Mechanics PRAGMATISM BOHR RORTY Complementarity postmodemity inter-subjectivity
The Tactical Mind in Soccer: The Habit of the Brazilian Squad in the 1970's World Cup
作者 Diego Frank Marques Cavalcante Eneus Trindade 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第3期189-194,共6页
This work aims at understanding the tactical action of soccer players from the point of view of Peirce's pragmatism. We will focus on the maxim of pragmatism, in which the elements of every concept enter into logical... This work aims at understanding the tactical action of soccer players from the point of view of Peirce's pragmatism. We will focus on the maxim of pragmatism, in which the elements of every concept enter into logical thinking through the doors of perception and leave through the doors of utilitarian actions. In this paper, we investigate the formation of a habit able to manage collective actions on a soccer field. The efficiency of this habit is related to collateral experience shared among soccer players: characteristics of high performance sports training. This unique experience orchestrates perceptions and reasoning, leading to efficient combination of conclusions and influences collective actions. We will analyze the concept that we call avalanche in bow-arrow applied to the 1970's Brazilian soccer team. 展开更多
Questioning to Hesitation rather than Hesitating to Question: A Pragmatic Hermeneutic Perspective on Educational Inquiry
作者 Susan T. Gardner 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2011年第5期353-359,共7页
Utilizing arguments imbedded in the pragmatist and hermeneutic traditions, the conclusion emerges that genuinely understanding opposing points of view requires a penetrating and sustained questioning process that find... Utilizing arguments imbedded in the pragmatist and hermeneutic traditions, the conclusion emerges that genuinely understanding opposing points of view requires a penetrating and sustained questioning process that finds relief only when the justificatory background material of the other nibbles at the certainty of one's own position. The implications of the edict that one ought to question to hesitation are then explored, namely, that (1) it suggests what kind of questioning is the right kind of qteestioning, (2) it suggests a redefinition of what counts as "respect for persons," and (3) it challenges the common assumption that the efficacy of communal inquiry is self-fulfilling and self-regulating, and suggests, by contrast, that facilitators ought to be far more prepared to engage in questioning to hesitation. 展开更多
关键词 understanding opposing viewpoints QUESTIONING educational enquiry certainty pragmatic hermeneutic principle
The Centurial Achievements and Problems in Ancient Chinese Literary Theory and Its Re-sinicization
作者 HU Jian-sheng ZHONG Yu-tian 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第6期669-688,共20页
The centurial study in ancient Chinese literary theory has gained certain achievements, which is embodied in the reorganization of materials, the construction of subject, and the establishment of system. However, some... The centurial study in ancient Chinese literary theory has gained certain achievements, which is embodied in the reorganization of materials, the construction of subject, and the establishment of system. However, some problems, including literary aphasia, objectified objectivism and de-contextualization, have revealed during our rethinking of Westernization, scientism and systematism, showing that we have been trapped by Western-centralism, scientism and post-colonialism. Faced with the demand from modem knowledge pattern of de-sinicization, de-contextualization and de-subjectification, we propose reconstruction strategies of re-sinicization and re-pragmatism in order to provide theoretical conception of rebuilding modem system for ancient literary theory study. 展开更多
关键词 WESTERNIZATION objectified de-contextualization re-sinicization and re-pragmatism
Rise of the Right and Regression of the Left in Latin America
作者 Fang Xufei 《Contemporary International Relations》 2018年第1期66-78,共13页
Though the turn to the right in Latin America will continue over the short term, the left has not diminished and its resurgence remains possible. The political situation in Latin America has undergone dramatic changes... Though the turn to the right in Latin America will continue over the short term, the left has not diminished and its resurgence remains possible. The political situation in Latin America has undergone dramatic changes since 2015, when an ebbing of the"pink tide"and rise of the right in several countries occurred, coupled with US support to the right.Flexible political strategies and rightists' political pragmatism are occurring as the continent's middle class expands, coupled with US support to the right. Some conditions that promote the right's revival remain operative, but for the new right regimes, addressing economic vitality, the wellbeing of the poor, corruption, and divisions from within are imminent challenges against which a left resurgence has competitive ground. 展开更多
关键词 the Left the Right Latin American politics
What Do Emotions Do? A Pragmatist Approach to the Role of Emotions in Media Events
作者 Jocelyne Arquembourg 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第8期395-403,共9页
Expressions of emotion in the media, especially in the context of news, are often criticized as promoting irrational attitudes. For supporters of this kind of criticism, rather than addressing such emotional sensitivi... Expressions of emotion in the media, especially in the context of news, are often criticized as promoting irrational attitudes. For supporters of this kind of criticism, rather than addressing such emotional sensitivity, journalism should be objective, appealing to the rationality of the public. Anger, indignation, enthusiasm, and expressions of joy or sadness should not have part in public debates. From this perspective, rationality and emotions are opposed, the former being fundamental for the constitution of the public sphere, while the latter falls into the category of inner impulses. While Kant denied any sort of rationality to emotions, Gustave Lebon attributed emotional attitudes to crowds rather than to a public. In a crowd, emotions spread like an epidemic through a kind of contagion. The present study is based on a contrasting perspective and focuses on the rationality of emotions', whether in philosophy (Nussbaum), sociology (Paperman, Aranguren 2014; Livet 2002), or psychology (Krant-Gruber). Oddly enough, these different approaches do not seem to have affected media studies where, belief in the irrationality of emotions, still dominates analyses of media coverage of natural or industrial catastrophes, wars, or terrorist attacks. Instead of considering the nature of emotions, or the question of whether they actually corrupt the objectivity of journalism and the supposed rationality of public debates, I will seek to develop a pragmatist approach to the question of what, emotions actually do. In fact, the idea of emotions spreading contagiously had been disputed since the 18th century when Adam Smith asked how a British newspaper reader could be affected by an earthquake happening in China. Suffering from a distance, says Adam Smith, is not the product of some kind of contagion. If we want to understand this sort of feeling, we have to imagine an inner moral spectator inside of every human being Oddly enough, Adam Smith considers emotions to be moral feelings. To feel horrified by the consequences of an earthquake, or to feel indignant about the death of innocent victims, are moral attitudes. In this respect, they are rational, but the feelings of indignation or horror also include bodily reactions. We scream, put our hands over our mouths; we blush, have tears in our eyes; we feel our heartbeat accelerate etc. These bodily reactions seem impulsive and entirely subjective, but to what extent can we say that they are rational or moral? 展开更多
关键词 EMOTION pragmatist approach MEDIA
Approaching Differentiated Instruction via the Attitudes and the Opinions of Greek Primary School Teachers: An Empirical Investigation
作者 loannis Fykaris Polyxeni MiLsi 《Sociology Study》 2012年第12期918-926,共9页
In the modern educational reality, as it is influenced by the social developments, the diversity of school potential is intensely highlighted. At the same time, the standardization of the teaching process appears to b... In the modern educational reality, as it is influenced by the social developments, the diversity of school potential is intensely highlighted. At the same time, the standardization of the teaching process appears to be insufficient to meet the modern instructive requirements, while it is vastly supported that differentiated teaching can sufficiently respond to the modern instructive needs. Moreover, it is pointed out that differentiated teaching is another way of thinking on the instructive work. On that basis and with a view to investigating the functionalist dimensions of differentiated teaching, a research of empiric character was attempted geared toward at the investigation of attitudes and opinions of Greek primary school teachers with regard to the differentiated teaching. The structured questionnaire was used as a research tool and the main conclusions showed not only the limited briefing of the sample teachers, with regard to the theoretical and applicable functionalism of differentiated teaching, but also the conviction that the differentiated teaching has the potential to treat students equally while functioning as a driving force for the dynamic forming of knowledge by the students themselves. 展开更多
An Utilitarianist Reading of Criminal Law
作者 Joao Paulo Orsini Martinelli 《Sociology Study》 2014年第4期348-359,共12页
Utilitarianism is the branch of philosophy that studies the usefulness of an idea. Among the possible gains and losses, the balance must be positive to reach the intended utility. Criminal law is the most repressive b... Utilitarianism is the branch of philosophy that studies the usefulness of an idea. Among the possible gains and losses, the balance must be positive to reach the intended utility. Criminal law is the most repressive branch of legal system and therefore should be applied sparingly by the state. Its usefulness should be the protection of legal interests and minimal restriction of personal liberty. The lawmaker should seek the best way to achieve this utility with the choice of the most relevant legal interests and less repressive means before appealing to the criminal law. The legal interests protected by criminal law must be the most important ones for a social life in harmony and prohibited behaviors must be injurious or dangerous to those legal interests. The Rule of Law does not authorize criminal prohibitions without a minimum limit that allows citizens to behave according to their wishes, provided that does not harm the interests of other people. This is the calculation that legislator, judge, and interpreter should seek: more protection and less restriction to citizens. 展开更多
关键词 UTILITARIANISM legal interests personal liberty PROPORTIONALITY
演奏与身体美学 被引量:1
作者 彭根发 《小演奏家》 2012年第10期1-1,共1页
本世纪初,我国美学家彭锋将美国美学家理查德·舒斯特曼的著作《实用主义美学》和《实践哲学:实用主义和哲学生活》介绍到中国,自此,身体美学开始在中国传播。身体美学是对理性的、认识论美学的颠覆,它的产生和传播也就是十几... 本世纪初,我国美学家彭锋将美国美学家理查德·舒斯特曼的著作《实用主义美学》和《实践哲学:实用主义和哲学生活》介绍到中国,自此,身体美学开始在中国传播。身体美学是对理性的、认识论美学的颠覆,它的产生和传播也就是十几年的时间。这样一门新兴的、正在成长的、尚不完美的身体美学和咱们中国的通过身体操作的演奏、演唱艺术有着不解之缘,难怪舒斯特曼进一步了解了中国古典哲学后认为中国是身体美学的故乡。 展开更多
关键词 身体美学 演奏 《实用主义美学》 中国古典哲学 实践哲学 舒斯特曼 认识论美学 演唱艺术
作者 曾乐 《探索与争鸣》 1992年第5期63-63,共1页
关键词 海德格尔 杜威 《实用主义的结论》 书评 哲学思想 美国 德国
Electron Correlations, Spin-Orbit Coupling, and Antiferromagnetic Anisotropy in Layered Perovskite Iridates Sr_2IrO_4
作者 Hao Zhou Yuan-Yuan Xu Sen Zhou 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第7期81-88,共8页
The effects of electron correlations and spin-orbit coupling on the magnetic anisotropy in the antiferromagnetically ordered 5 d perovskite iridates Sr_2IrO_4 is investigated theoretically using a microscopic model in... The effects of electron correlations and spin-orbit coupling on the magnetic anisotropy in the antiferromagnetically ordered 5 d perovskite iridates Sr_2IrO_4 is investigated theoretically using a microscopic model includes a realistic five-orbital tight-binding Hamiltonian, atomic spin-orbit coupling, and multi-orbital Hubbard interactions. Hartree-Fock approximation is applied to obtain the ground state properties with varying spin-orbit coupling and electron correlations.We demonstrate that the interplay between the atomic intraorbital Coulomb repulsion and the Hund's rule coupling leads to a remarkable variability of the resulting magnetic anisotropy at a constant nonzero spin-orbit coupling. At the same time, the preferred direction of the ordered antiferromagnetical moment remains unaltered upon changes in the strength of spin-orbit coupling. 展开更多
关键词 spin-orbit coupling antiferromagnetic anisotropy multi-orbit Hubbard model
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