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朱熹《家训》:从个人修养到民族文明 被引量:1
作者 朱守良 《安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第2期63-65,共3页
朱熹《家训》是一篇关于治家、修身、处世的家教经典文章。《家训》以朴实精辟的语言,提出了每一个人在家庭、社会中所充当的角色和应尽的伦理道德责任和义务,其内容所包含的理性光芒向世人展示了中华民族的优秀道德文明和深厚文化底蕴... 朱熹《家训》是一篇关于治家、修身、处世的家教经典文章。《家训》以朴实精辟的语言,提出了每一个人在家庭、社会中所充当的角色和应尽的伦理道德责任和义务,其内容所包含的理性光芒向世人展示了中华民族的优秀道德文明和深厚文化底蕴,今天仍有极大的借鉴价值。 展开更多
关键词 朱熹《家训》 家庭亲睦 人际和谐 重德修身
从家训文献看晚明士大夫的治家认识——以方弘静《家训》为中心 被引量:1
作者 祝虻 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期109-118,168,共11页
传统中国家训能够反映作者对于家庭治理的认知,并可被细分为治理权威、治理目标和治理方式三个层次。在受制于传统社会家庭理想的同时,家训中的治家认识还会受到文本产出时代的影响。晚明时期,中国社会发生了深刻变化,使相关认识呈现出... 传统中国家训能够反映作者对于家庭治理的认知,并可被细分为治理权威、治理目标和治理方式三个层次。在受制于传统社会家庭理想的同时,家训中的治家认识还会受到文本产出时代的影响。晚明时期,中国社会发生了深刻变化,使相关认识呈现出鲜明的时代特色。正是在此社会背景下,身为士大夫一员的方弘静撰述了《家训》,目的就是训诫子弟,以服务于改变世风。在此驱动力之下,《家训》展现出大量与当时社会变迁相关的家庭治理情形。 展开更多
关键词 晚明 《家训》 治家认识
以直报怨 以义解仇——从朱子《家训》看儒家对“仇”“怨”的态度及其启示 被引量:3
作者 冯兵 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第11期52-58,共7页
朱熹《家训》中,提出了"仇者以义解之,怨者以直解之"的告诫。其中"仇"与"怨"是人际关系中常见的矛盾现象,分属两个不同的阶段和层面。"仇"往往是"怨"的进一步发展,而与之对应的"... 朱熹《家训》中,提出了"仇者以义解之,怨者以直解之"的告诫。其中"仇"与"怨"是人际关系中常见的矛盾现象,分属两个不同的阶段和层面。"仇"往往是"怨"的进一步发展,而与之对应的"义",也是"直"的深化与升华。"以直报怨"历来被儒家视为解决怨恚心理的最合理方式,而"以义解仇",与春秋公羊学、《礼记》的"大复仇"主张及以张载"仇必和而解"为代表的朴素辩证法思想相比,则显得更加意味深长。在当今社会,朱熹的这一告诫仍有借鉴价值。 展开更多
关键词 朱熹 《家训》 以直报怨 以义解仇
以直报怨 以义解仇——从朱子《家训》看儒家对“仇”“怨”的态度及其启示
作者 冯兵 《中国儒学》 2019年第1期338-349,共12页
朱熹的《家训》中提出"仇者以义解之,怨者以直解之",其中"仇"与"怨"分属人际关系矛盾的两个不同层面。"仇"往往是"怨"的进一步发展,"义"也是"直"的深化与升华。... 朱熹的《家训》中提出"仇者以义解之,怨者以直解之",其中"仇"与"怨"分属人际关系矛盾的两个不同层面。"仇"往往是"怨"的进一步发展,"义"也是"直"的深化与升华。"以直报怨"历来都被儒家视为解决怨恚心理的最合理方式,而"以义解仇",与公羊春秋学与礼学的"大复仇"主张以及以张载"仇必和而解"为代表的朴素辩证法思想相比,则显得更加意味深长。在当今社会,朱熹的这一告诫仍有借鉴价值。 展开更多
关键词 朱熹 《家训》 以直报怨 以义解仇
作者 陆勇强 《领导科学》 北大核心 2011年第7期I0001-I0001,共1页
前段时间翻家谱,发现里面有几句家训:人前不露怯,远足不露财,内外当整洁,自奉须俭约。总觉得曾祖母就有这样的遗风,秉持了祖上的训条,日子再苦,命运再舛,也避免以悲苦之色示人。我想这既是一个世家的教备,也是一种人生训条。... 前段时间翻家谱,发现里面有几句家训:人前不露怯,远足不露财,内外当整洁,自奉须俭约。总觉得曾祖母就有这样的遗风,秉持了祖上的训条,日子再苦,命运再舛,也避免以悲苦之色示人。我想这既是一个世家的教备,也是一种人生训条。因此,我们家在给小辈起名时,也要求积极向上,家族中几个男儿,姓名中均有“强、刚、勇”等字眼。 展开更多
关键词 《家训》 杂文 杂谈 陆勇强
作者 陈振兴 《社科纵横》 2014年第10期144-147,共4页
关键词 家训 文化传承 洮州包氏 《家训韵语》
作者 朱冠明 李佳琪 《历史语言学研究》 2023年第1期233-252,共20页
《颜氏家训·风操》第34条:“尝有甲设宴席,请乙为宾;而旦于公庭见乙之子,问之曰:‘尊侯早晚顾宅?’乙子称其父已往。时以为笑。如此比例,触类慎之,不可陷于轻脱。”为何“时以为笑”,即乙子有何过失,遭时人嘲笑?这涉及对本段文字... 《颜氏家训·风操》第34条:“尝有甲设宴席,请乙为宾;而旦于公庭见乙之子,问之曰:‘尊侯早晚顾宅?’乙子称其父已往。时以为笑。如此比例,触类慎之,不可陷于轻脱。”为何“时以为笑”,即乙子有何过失,遭时人嘲笑?这涉及对本段文字的准确理解。以往分析其笑点,有人认为在“误言‘其父’”,有人认为在“不明‘早晚’”,有人认为在“‘已往’犯讳”,等等。本文认为当在乙子不明“顾宅”为“返家”义,答非所问,故贻人笑柄。 展开更多
关键词 颜氏家训 早晚 已往 顾宅
Energy Certification of Buildings Training of Experts
作者 Jasenka Bertol-Vrcek Mateo Bilus Iva Muraj 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第6期738-744,共7页
According to the Action plan of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction, the engagement of the implementation of the Directive 2002/91/EC to the Croatian legislation has to be comp... According to the Action plan of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction, the engagement of the implementation of the Directive 2002/91/EC to the Croatian legislation has to be completed in 2009. The final goal of the Directive is the achievement of energy efficiency in buildings, with emphasis on design of building and building elements, heating and cooling systems and use of renewable energy sources. The presentation of energy performances of the building should be visible in energy label that will classify the building in comparison to energy consumption and must be submitted while buying, selling or renting the building. For the realization of energy certification of the building it is required to provide training for wide number of experts. The production of professional basis is ongoing, where besides the building classification and modification or production of correspondingly technical regulations, are determining the conditions and standards for persons who should provide the certification, as well the method of providing. 展开更多
关键词 BUILDINGS energy consumption CERTIFICATION training of experts.
What do student writers benefit from pre-writing discussions?
作者 YUAN Yong-fang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第3期18-24,35,共8页
Given that speaking plays a fundamental role in writing, this paper reports on a one-year program of the training of student writers. This training program consists of three parts: a pre-training investigation over l... Given that speaking plays a fundamental role in writing, this paper reports on a one-year program of the training of student writers. This training program consists of three parts: a pre-training investigation over learners' needs and expectations, various forms of the pre-writing discussions over different stages of the program, and a post-training investigation to get the feedback from the learners. 展开更多
关键词 pre-writing discussions benefits English writing
Training and Rural Development in Some Countries of the European Union
作者 Nicola Galluzzo 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第4期461-470,共10页
The aim of this research was to value, using a multiple regression model, the role of knowledge to guarantee the development in rural areas of European Union countries over 10 years. The main question was to find out ... The aim of this research was to value, using a multiple regression model, the role of knowledge to guarantee the development in rural areas of European Union countries over 10 years. The main question was to find out relationships among some variable, as the percentage of national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) used to improve the high training, and rural development in terms of agricultural labour units. The results underlined in 2001 as an high value of rural development, in terms of working force in agriculture, was identified in some countries of European Union characterised by a low value both in high training investments and also by a low value of Human Development Index, according to the definition of The Economist. The results in 2010 pointed out an inverse correlation among the dependent variable development in rural areas and the independent variables per capita GDP and national expenditure in advanced training, in percentage of national GDP. The learning by doing and by using, the introduction of advanced training in agriculture, using Long Life Learning measures of European Union, are important to improve the development of European rural areas but, sometimes, these actions are not perceived as something of useful. 展开更多
关键词 Rural areas European Union human development index GDP long life learning.
Probabilistic Model of the Brown Rat Control
作者 Valentin Andreevich Rylnikov Natalia Pavlovna Tuchkova 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第9期745-756,共12页
We represent assessment of the rats control operator's actions, starting from the placement of rat control means (chemical, mechanical and others) in the object territory until the full its elimination and followed... We represent assessment of the rats control operator's actions, starting from the placement of rat control means (chemical, mechanical and others) in the object territory until the full its elimination and followed by assessment of the probability of rat population recovery. The probability of success is evaluated when using a combination of rat control means. We took into account changes in rat population occurring in different calendar periods of the year. The proposed calculation method can be used in training programs, as well as for the local forecast of releasing objects from rats and rats' re-settling. 展开更多
关键词 Brown rat PROBABILITY stability POPULATION DESTRUCTION recovery migration habitat.
Education and Training in Radiochemistry——The NAMP Initiative
作者 Patricia Paviet-Hartmann Mansour Akbarzadeh 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第7期1244-1249,共6页
A number of reports have indicated that a sizable percentage of the nation's experts in radiochemistry are nearing retirement age. This reality has been a concern since the 1970s, when declining numbers of radiochemi... A number of reports have indicated that a sizable percentage of the nation's experts in radiochemistry are nearing retirement age. This reality has been a concern since the 1970s, when declining numbers of radiochemists worldwide was first observed. Therefore, the NAMP (National Analytical Management Program) has organized a subcommittee focused on training and education in radiochemistry. To bolster interest and increase awareness in radiochemistry, NAMP is offering webinars developed by experts on different topics relevant to radiochemistry. This paper presents our accomplishments in developing these webinars and highlights our efforts in outreaching the national and international radiochemistry community. 展开更多
重纽在汉语方言的反映——兼论《颜氏家训》所论“奇”、“祗”之别 被引量:9
作者 梅祖麟 《方言》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期97-103,共7页
龚煌城等曾经说明重纽三等来自上古。-rj-介音,而重纽四等则来自上古。-j-介音。本文举例说明重纽三四等在汉语方言里的遗迹。(1)广州话“一[jet]”,“乙[jyt]”不同音。“一”字重纽四等,上古音。jit;“乙”字重纽三等,上古音。... 龚煌城等曾经说明重纽三等来自上古。-rj-介音,而重纽四等则来自上古。-j-介音。本文举例说明重纽三四等在汉语方言里的遗迹。(1)广州话“一[jet]”,“乙[jyt]”不同音。“一”字重纽四等,上古音。jit;“乙”字重纽三等,上古音。rjit。中古以后,由于-r-的圆唇成分,容易使得后面的元音音圆唇化。(2)“椅(倚)”字重纽三等,上古音。〈rarx(〉中古喇邑),因而苏州、宁波等吴语“椅”字音[y]。(3)处衢方言玉山“骑”字(重纽三等)音[gy],原因相同。《颜氏家训·音辞篇》说:“岐山当音为奇,江南皆呼为神祗之祗。”本文根据吴语的资料修正颜之推的说法。 展开更多
关键词 重纽 -rj-介音中古音吴语《颜氏家训》
The Restoration of Kidane Mehret Church in Sen'afe
作者 Jean-Francois Breton 《Sociology Study》 2016年第11期713-720,共8页
The Church of Kidane Mehret stands at 2,450 m above sea level, close to the village of Sen'afe, on the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Probably built in the fifteenth or sixteenth century, the church gradually b... The Church of Kidane Mehret stands at 2,450 m above sea level, close to the village of Sen'afe, on the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Probably built in the fifteenth or sixteenth century, the church gradually became a ruin in the middle of the last century. Following the intervention of the monks of this church, a restoration program was set up in 2006. With the agreement of the National Museum in Asmara and the World Monuments Fund, funding was collected together by the German Embassy, the French Embassy, and the Alliance Fran^aise of Asmara, which made it possible to restore the church, between 2006 and 2008. Teams of workmen and women were created to this end. Only traditional techniques were employed for the masonry of the walls, the wooden roofing the plastering, and the interior paintwork. This project, which conforms to the Charter of Venice, could serve as an example for similar restorations in the region and as a model for professional training. Finally, a trilingual article (English, German, and Tigrinya) was published in the Collection "Cultures et Patrimoines d'ErythrGe", 2009. 展开更多
关键词 ERITREA CHURCH wooden architecture RESTORATION Orthodox Church
作者 陆勇强 《快乐青春(经典阅读)(中学生必读)》 2011年第7期49-50,共2页
关键词 《家训》 中学生 语文学习 阅读知识
作者 陆勇强 《乡镇论坛》 2011年第15期43-43,共1页
我家祖上是当地大户人家,生意通达.在上海也有铺子。后来家道中落,到了父亲这一代,浮华被时代激流悉数带走.只余一间房、几个人。但是我的曾祖母,衣裳总是清清爽爽的,头发总是梳得齐齐的,神态总是静静的。说话的时候,总是慢条... 我家祖上是当地大户人家,生意通达.在上海也有铺子。后来家道中落,到了父亲这一代,浮华被时代激流悉数带走.只余一间房、几个人。但是我的曾祖母,衣裳总是清清爽爽的,头发总是梳得齐齐的,神态总是静静的。说话的时候,总是慢条斯理,不急也不躁。 展开更多
关键词 小说 文学作品 现代文学 《家训》
历史上最早记载《三字经》的文献——《三字经》成书于南宋中期新说 被引量:3
作者 张如安 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期82-85,共4页
南宋慈溪人桂氏《家训》中的一条记载,填补了《三字经》早期文献的空白。桂氏《家训》约成书于嘉定年间,《三字经》应成书于南宋绍熙至嘉定年间。桂氏《家训》的发现,使现知《三字经》的文献记载由明中叶一下子推进到了南宋中期,整整提... 南宋慈溪人桂氏《家训》中的一条记载,填补了《三字经》早期文献的空白。桂氏《家训》约成书于嘉定年间,《三字经》应成书于南宋绍熙至嘉定年间。桂氏《家训》的发现,使现知《三字经》的文献记载由明中叶一下子推进到了南宋中期,整整提前了近四百年,不但从根本上动摇了王、区两说的立论基础,而且在客观上证明了宁波是现知《三字经》最早的流传地区,慈溪桂氏家族最早将《三字经》列为蒙学教材用以教育子弟。 展开更多
关键词 桂氏《家训》 《三字经》 王应麟
《歧路灯》三类抄本之关系及成书考论 被引量:2
作者 王冰 《明清小说研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期198-212,共15页
署名方式不同的三类《歧路灯》抄本,其自序、回目及回末诗等都有明显不同,正文文字也有大量异文,这些不同特点反映了它们之间的演变关系。署有“题于新邑之东皋书舍”的105回本成书最早,署有“题于东皋麓树之阴时年七十有一”的各抄本,... 署名方式不同的三类《歧路灯》抄本,其自序、回目及回末诗等都有明显不同,正文文字也有大量异文,这些不同特点反映了它们之间的演变关系。署有“题于新邑之东皋书舍”的105回本成书最早,署有“题于东皋麓树之阴时年七十有一”的各抄本,是在105回本基础上不断抄写演变而来,署名“乾隆丁酉八月白露之节碧圃老人题于东皋麓树之阴”的各抄本,是在105回本基础上增补修改而成。《家训谆言》与《歧路灯》小说的创作有着密切的关系,但从形式上看《家训谆言》的有无及置于正文之前或之后,与小说成书早晚没有必然的联系,成书最早的105回本中,有的抄本将《家训谆言》置于正文之前,有的不附《家训谆言》,将《家训谆言》附于小说正文之后的吕寸田评本、晚清抄本甲、崔耘青旧藏本及浙图本,并非《歧路灯》的原初形态。 展开更多
关键词 《歧路灯》 抄本 成书过程 《家训谆言》
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