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《小品方》消渴从肾论 被引量:4
作者 马赟 章红英 《江苏中医药》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第10期103-103,共1页
《小品方》又称《经方小品》,约撰成于公元5世纪下半叶之南朝宋齐间.系陈延之从当时尚存的部帙浩大的诸家经方中择其简要精约者编撰而成。该书内容丰富.可谓唐以前的一部包罗广泛的小百科全书.在当时具有相当影响.被视为与《伤寒... 《小品方》又称《经方小品》,约撰成于公元5世纪下半叶之南朝宋齐间.系陈延之从当时尚存的部帙浩大的诸家经方中择其简要精约者编撰而成。该书内容丰富.可谓唐以前的一部包罗广泛的小百科全书.在当时具有相当影响.被视为与《伤寒论》具有同样重要意义的经典作品。同时《小品方》又是一部门径书,所谓“童幼始学治病者.亦应先习此《小品》,以为入门”,唐太医署规定《小品方》为学生必修课程。 展开更多
关键词 《小品方》 消渴 肾(中医)
试论《小品方》“邪毒致病”学说 被引量:1
作者 王欢 严世芸 朱邦贤 《上海中医药杂志》 2013年第6期16-18,共3页
在对《小品方》"毒害已伤生气"认识的基础上,解析其致病毒邪、外感时行毒邪发病、其他诸毒发病等"邪毒致病"学说,并通过对首创伤寒温疫表里双解新法、丰富邪毒动血疗法以及别开天行毒邪证治等的阐述,揭示其独特的&q... 在对《小品方》"毒害已伤生气"认识的基础上,解析其致病毒邪、外感时行毒邪发病、其他诸毒发病等"邪毒致病"学说,并通过对首创伤寒温疫表里双解新法、丰富邪毒动血疗法以及别开天行毒邪证治等的阐述,揭示其独特的"毒害"论治体系。 展开更多
关键词 《小品方》 邪毒致病 邪毒治法
论陈延之《小品方》对前代医学的传承与创新 被引量:4
作者 张如青 《上海中医药大学学报》 CAS 2007年第5期19-22,共4页
《小品方》是六朝时期的方书精品,在中国医学发展史及中外医学交流史上,起到重要的承上启下、传播普及的作用。作者陈延之对汉魏两晋时期的医术、方书认真总结、深入钻研,在传承前人学术的基础上,对外感热病、内伤杂病、妇产科证治,方... 《小品方》是六朝时期的方书精品,在中国医学发展史及中外医学交流史上,起到重要的承上启下、传播普及的作用。作者陈延之对汉魏两晋时期的医术、方书认真总结、深入钻研,在传承前人学术的基础上,对外感热病、内伤杂病、妇产科证治,方药的配制运用等有诸多创新,并深刻地影响着后世医学。陈延之善于传承,勤于实践,勇于创新的宝贵精神,给今日弘扬中医学术带来诸多反思与启迪。 展开更多
关键词 陈延之 《小品方》 传承 创新
陈延之《小品方》学术思想初探 被引量:3
作者 黄丽萍 赵宝林 吴玲燕 《甘肃中医学院学报》 2012年第1期23-26,共4页
关键词 《小品方》 学术思想 探讨
《小品方》外感热病学术思想探讨 被引量:3
作者 郑彩慧 程磐基 《中医文献杂志》 2005年第1期3-6,共4页
本文对《小品方》外感学术思想进行了探讨 ,主要有分四个方面 :1 .外感热病的学术理论 ,主要是分治伤寒、热病 ;阐发冬温证治 ;注重热毒为病及疟病证治四方面。2 .治法 ,分内治、外治二法。内治法主要有解毒、清热、寒温并用等法 ;外治... 本文对《小品方》外感学术思想进行了探讨 ,主要有分四个方面 :1 .外感热病的学术理论 ,主要是分治伤寒、热病 ;阐发冬温证治 ;注重热毒为病及疟病证治四方面。2 .治法 ,分内治、外治二法。内治法主要有解毒、清热、寒温并用等法 ;外治法分粉扑、外涂和洗浴等法。3.组方用药特点 ,重视单味药使用 ,注重药物配伍 ,随证加减变化。4 .对后世的影响 ,《小品方》有关外感热病的理论和临床实践为温病学说的建立奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 《小品方》 外感热病 学术思想 中医药疗法
《小品方》治疗咳嗽用药规律探析 被引量:2
作者 朱乐姗 张军 《中国民间疗法》 2011年第12期7-8,共2页
关键词 《小品方》 用药规律 咳嗽上气 治疗 隋唐时期 历代医家
陈延之及其《小品方》时代考 被引量:3
作者 钱超尘 《中医药文化》 2013年第6期25-27,共3页
关键词 陈延之 《小品方》 《辨伤寒》 《杂病论》
作者 丁培杰 年莉 《天津中医药》 CAS 2007年第6期499-500,共2页
从《小品方》的方剂组成、治法、剂型及煎制、临床应用等几个方面初步探讨《小品方》的方剂学成就。《小品方》组方简单,加减化裁灵活,已经初具方剂学治法体系,体现了"八法"的治疗原则,同对剂型多样,重视煎制法对方剂疗效的影... 从《小品方》的方剂组成、治法、剂型及煎制、临床应用等几个方面初步探讨《小品方》的方剂学成就。《小品方》组方简单,加减化裁灵活,已经初具方剂学治法体系,体现了"八法"的治疗原则,同对剂型多样,重视煎制法对方剂疗效的影响,临床应用广泛。 展开更多
关键词 《小品方》 剂学 成就
作者 徐喆 王兴华 《长春中医药大学学报》 2011年第2期317-318,共2页
关键词 陈延之 《小品方》 伤寒 天行 温疫 冬温
作者 邸若虹 李永健 《新中医》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第11期102-103,共2页
南北朝陈延之的《小品方》是我国医学史上极具影响的一部方书。书中不仅撷录了前代所传下来的有效经方,还广泛收集了许多民间验方,并在继承前贤的基础上敢于创新。《小品方》既有重要的史学价值,又具有较强的临床实用性,故被历代医... 南北朝陈延之的《小品方》是我国医学史上极具影响的一部方书。书中不仅撷录了前代所传下来的有效经方,还广泛收集了许多民间验方,并在继承前贤的基础上敢于创新。《小品方》既有重要的史学价值,又具有较强的临床实用性,故被历代医家所推崇。在唐代,《小品方》与《伤寒杂病论》并列,为政府规定的医家必读之书,足证其学术价值之高。然而,《小品方》原书于宋代亡佚,其内容散见于后世许多医书中。 展开更多
关键词 《小品方》 胎漏 胎动不安
《小品方》亡佚时间之我见 被引量:1
作者 张如青 《中医文献杂志》 2007年第2期44-45,共2页
学界一般认为,古代医方名著《小品方》在北宋时业已亡佚。但经研究发现,明清时期众多本草、医方、针灸及临床各科医籍均曾多少不一地引录过《小品方》的佚文,有的甚至将《小品方》明列为参考引用书目。尽管有的《小品方》佚文转引自《... 学界一般认为,古代医方名著《小品方》在北宋时业已亡佚。但经研究发现,明清时期众多本草、医方、针灸及临床各科医籍均曾多少不一地引录过《小品方》的佚文,有的甚至将《小品方》明列为参考引用书目。尽管有的《小品方》佚文转引自《外台秘要》、《新修本草》等书,但仍有为数可观的《小品方》佚文非转引自他书,而是另有所本。据此认为,《小品方》在明清时期尚存于世。 展开更多
关键词 《小品方》亡佚 佚文 明清时期
作者 赵启涵 刘宝利 《江苏中医药》 CAS 2022年第5期66-68,共3页
二加龙骨汤出自《金匮要略·血痹虚劳病脉证并治第六》[1]所载桂枝加龙骨牡蛎汤的方后注:“《小品》云:虚羸浮热汗出者,除桂,加白薇、附子各三分。故曰二加龙骨汤。”《小品》即《小品方》,又名《经方小品》,由东晋陈延之所撰,然而... 二加龙骨汤出自《金匮要略·血痹虚劳病脉证并治第六》[1]所载桂枝加龙骨牡蛎汤的方后注:“《小品》云:虚羸浮热汗出者,除桂,加白薇、附子各三分。故曰二加龙骨汤。”《小品》即《小品方》,又名《经方小品》,由东晋陈延之所撰,然而原书在宋代已佚,目前仅存高文铸的辑注本和流存于日本的《小品方》残卷[2]。二加龙骨汤亦有二加龙骨牡蛎汤、二加龙牡汤等别称,或与桂枝加龙骨牡蛎汤混称。本方原为治疗阴阳两虚的“虚劳”所设,然而方中却并未用大量滋阴补阳之品,而重在调和阴阳,发挥清上温下、固肾涩精的功效,此为精妙之处。临床见病机属阴阳失交,证属上热下寒、脾肾两虚,且伴有焦虑、失眠等神志类症状者,可应用二加龙骨汤化裁治之,疗效显著。 展开更多
关键词 二加龙骨汤 《小品方》 慢性肾炎 泌尿系统感染 多汗症 夜尿症 验案
《小品方》急症诊治特色探讨 被引量:1
作者 赵宝林 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期860-861,共2页
关键词 《小品方》 中医急症 诊治 历代医家 内科急症 外科急症 陈延之 治疗
作者 刘旎 倪胜楼 +2 位作者 张林 傅延龄 潘中艺 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第15期1479-1483,共5页
目的探析陈延之《小品方》中方药服量的控制策略与方法。方法纳入《小品方》中方名、主治病症、药物组成、方药剂量及煎服法均完整辑录的内服方剂,并运用描述性分析对所纳入的数据进行频次统计与归纳总结。结果共纳入内服方剂194首。汤... 目的探析陈延之《小品方》中方药服量的控制策略与方法。方法纳入《小品方》中方名、主治病症、药物组成、方药剂量及煎服法均完整辑录的内服方剂,并运用描述性分析对所纳入的数据进行频次统计与归纳总结。结果共纳入内服方剂194首。汤剂单次服量为30~1200 ml,以300 ml最多见,约占汤剂单次服量总频次的46.19%。散剂单次服量为0.10~15 g,以5 g最多见,约占散剂单次服量总频次的64.29%。丸剂单次服量为0.02~6 g,以2 g最多见,约占丸剂单次服量总频次的34%。服药次数为2日1服~日7服,各剂型均以日服3次最为常见,约占3种剂型日服次数总频次的68.15%。服药时间以定时服药为主,但据病情轻重、病理特点与人体生物节律等不同,有汤剂顿服、平旦服药及昼夜连服等特殊服法。结论《小品方》强调多因素综合作用下机体对于药物耐受性与敏感性的差异是决定服量轻重的关键。其通过对方药的单次服量及服药间隔时间的调整,增强了服法对于方药绝对服量的控制。 展开更多
关键词 药物服量 《小品方》 个性化治疗 精准治疗
作者 吴承艳 季丹丹 《中医文献杂志》 2013年第3期48-48,共1页
《外台秘要》(以下简称《外台》)成书于天宝十一年(公元752年),是唐代著名医学家王焘所著。整理统计发现,《外台》载有无名方3700余首,占总方剂数的53%。《外台》中无名方剂收录特点有:①博采众方,广收资料。王焘对于方剂的... 《外台秘要》(以下简称《外台》)成书于天宝十一年(公元752年),是唐代著名医学家王焘所著。整理统计发现,《外台》载有无名方3700余首,占总方剂数的53%。《外台》中无名方剂收录特点有:①博采众方,广收资料。王焘对于方剂的收载,不仅广引博采,且精挑细选,仅古方就收五、六十家之多,既有大量名家之方,如《伤寒杂病论》、《千金翼方》、《肘后救卒方》等,又收载了民间单、验方,还广引当时医家之方,如《小品方》、《集验方》、《僧深方》、《张文仲方》等。 展开更多
关键词 《外台秘要》 《伤寒杂病论》 《肘后救卒方》 《外台》 《千金翼方》 《小品方》 医学家
Genetic Diversity of Gli-1, Gli-2 and Glu-1 Alleles in Sichuan Wheat Landraces 被引量:28
作者 魏育明 郑有良 +2 位作者 刘登才 周永红 兰秀锦 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第5期496-501,共6页
Genetic diversity at Gli_1, Gli_2 and Glu_1 loci was investigated in 89 Sichuan wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) landraces by using acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (APAGE) and SDS_PAGE. In these landraces, a total... Genetic diversity at Gli_1, Gli_2 and Glu_1 loci was investigated in 89 Sichuan wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) landraces by using acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (APAGE) and SDS_PAGE. In these landraces, a total of 32 gliadin and 3 high_molecular_weight (HMW) glutenin patterns were observed. In total, 14, 15 and 5 alleles were identified at Gli_1, Gli_2 and Glu_1, respectively. At each locus, the alleles in higher frequency were Gli_A1a (89%), Gli_B1h (46%), Gli_D1a (65%), Gli_A2a (64%), Gli_B2j (45%), Gli_D2a (48%), Glu_A1c (99%), Glu_B1b (99%) and Glu_D1a (100%). The Nei's genetic variation index (H) of Sichuan wheat landraces was 0.370?6, varying from 0 to 0.708?7. The highest genetic diversity was found at Gli_B2 locus, while the lowest was found at Glu_D1. The genetic diversity at Gli loci was higher than that of Glu_1 loci among these landraces, but it was much lower than that of modern wheat cultivars. These results indicated a narrow genetic base of Sichuan wheat landraces. In this study, “Chengdu_guangtou” had the identical gliadin and HMW_glutenin patterns with “Chinese Spring”, further supporting the proposal that “Chinese Spring” is a strain of “Chengdu_guangtou”. 展开更多
关键词 wheat LANDRACE genetic diversity gliadin alleles high_molecular_weight (HMW)_glutenin alleles
《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2013年第3期35-35,共1页
陈延之,南北朝宋齐间医家。史书无传,确切的生卒年代不详。《中国医籍考》卷三十谓陈是晋初人,著有《小品方》,原书已佚,其佚方保存于《备急千金要方》、《外台秘要》、《医心方》中。值得一提的是,秦汉以来的医籍存世者应该较多,但唐... 陈延之,南北朝宋齐间医家。史书无传,确切的生卒年代不详。《中国医籍考》卷三十谓陈是晋初人,著有《小品方》,原书已佚,其佚方保存于《备急千金要方》、《外台秘要》、《医心方》中。值得一提的是,秦汉以来的医籍存世者应该较多,但唐代政府只把《伤寒论》与《小品方》两书并列为医家必修之书,足以证明《小品方》的学术价值之高和在当时的影响之深。 展开更多
关键词 陈延之 《中国医籍考》 《备急千金要方》 《小品方》 《外台秘要》 《医心方》 《伤寒论》 生卒年代
An Innovative Project of Wheat Breeding
作者 李邦发 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第12期1779-1782,1825,共5页
The objectives of wheat breeding in Sichuan and Chongqing were incon- sistent with the requirements of wheat production in 1980s. The new direction, to breed new wheat variety with high and stable yield, good quality,... The objectives of wheat breeding in Sichuan and Chongqing were incon- sistent with the requirements of wheat production in 1980s. The new direction, to breed new wheat variety with high and stable yield, good quality, resistance to dis- eases, tolerance to spike sprouting, large head, white and big grain and outstanding commercial property, was put out in this article based on the development of wheat production, market economy and the needs of people. Depending on the selection and breeding work of Mianyang Institute of Agricultural Sciences for more than 20 years, new wheat varieties Mianyang 25, Mianyang 26, Mianyang 27, Mianyang 28, Mianyang 31, Xikemai 1 and Xikemai 6 were developed successively, which made a great contribution to the wheat breeding wheat breeding and production in SJchuan and even in China and the national food security. 展开更多
关键词 WHEAT Commodity variety Breeding direction Replacement in wheat variety Food security
Correlation Analysis between Quality Characteristics and Fruit Mineral Element Contents in 'Fuji' Apples
作者 张强 李兴亮 +3 位作者 李民吉 周贝贝 张军科 魏钦平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第2期212-218,共7页
[Objective] The aims were to explore the relationship between the contents of fruit mineral elements and quality features of the 'Fuji' apple, screen major mineral elements of the fruit affecting fruit quality featu... [Objective] The aims were to explore the relationship between the contents of fruit mineral elements and quality features of the 'Fuji' apple, screen major mineral elements of the fruit affecting fruit quality features, and set up optimum proposals of fruit mineral elements for good fruit qualities, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the reasonable orchard soil and foliar fertilizer applications to increase fruit quality and reduce the physiological diseases related to the 'Fuji' apple. [Methods] The fruit mineral elements and quality indicators of 'Fuji" apples were in- vestigated and analyzed, which were collected from the 153 commercial apple or- chards of "Fuji' apple located in 51 counties. The variable importance for projection (VlP) of partial least squares regression (PLS) method was used to analyze the model effect and weight analysis impact of the fruit mineral element contents to fruit quality, screen out major factors of fruit mineral elements influencing the different fruit qualities, and set up the regression equation of the fruit qualities and major fruit mineral elements. Linear programming was used to obtain optimum proposals of the fruit mineral elements to achieve good 'Fuji' apple qualities. [Results] The mineral elements content and quality characteristics in "Fuji' apple fruit had great differences in the different produce regions in which the maximum content of nitro- gen, iron, zinc and boron in the 'Fuji' fruit were12.06, 6.17, 7.7, and 10.08 times greater than the minimum respectively, and the differences for titratable acid and the SSC/TA ratio were 2.33 and 2.16 times respectively. The correlation analysis between the fruit mineral element contents and qualities showed that the nitrogen content of fruit had a significantly negative correlation with the soluble solid content, SSC/TA ratio and red color area, while the calcium and iron contents in the fruit were in significantly positive correlation with the soluble solid content and SSC/TA ratio. The model effect and weight analysis showed that the content of nitrogen and iron in the fruit had a greater influence on the integral fruit quality, followed by phosphorus, potassium and calcium. The variable importance for projection (VlP) technology of PLS found that the mean fruit weight was primarily affected by nitro- gen, phosphorus and potassium, and the soluble solid was primarily affected by ni- trogen, calcium and iron, while the red color area was primarily affected by nitro- gen, potassium, calcium, iron and zinc. The regression equation between fruit quality and mineral element contents showed that the mean fruit weight had a greater pos- itive effect coefficient with the content of phosphorus and potassium, and a greater negative effect coefficient with the content of nitrogen in the fruit. Moreover, the sol- uble solid had the largest negative effect coefficient with nitrogen and largest posi- tive effect coefficient with calcium and iron in the fruit. [Conclusion] The maximum content of soluble solid and titratable acid were 1.5 times more than the minimum, and nitrogen, iron, zinc and boron were 6 times more than in the 'Fuji' apple fruit in the different produce regions. Therefore, it is a key technological measure to improve the overall qualities of the "Fuji' apple by decreasing the content of nitrogen, and increasing the contents of iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium in the fruit. 展开更多
关键词 "Fuji' apple Fruit mineral element Fruit quality Partial least squares regression (PLS) Optimum proposals
The Influence of Climate Change on Winter Wheat during 2012-2100 under A2 and A1B Scenarios in China 被引量:4
作者 SONG Yan-Ling CHEN De-Liang +1 位作者 LIU Yan-Ju XU Ying 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2012年第3期138-146,共9页
By assuming constant winter wheat varieties and agricultural practices in China, the influence of climate change on winter wheat is simulated using the corrected future climate projections under SRES A2 and A1B scenar... By assuming constant winter wheat varieties and agricultural practices in China, the influence of climate change on winter wheat is simulated using the corrected future climate projections under SRES A2 and A1B scenarios from 2012 to 2100, respectively. The results indicate that the growth of winter wheat would be strongly influenced by climate change in future. The average flowering and maturity dates of winter wheat would advance by 26 and 27 days under scenario A2, and by 23 and 24 days respectively under scenario A1B from 2012 to 2100. The simulated potential productivity of winter wheat shows a decrease of 14.3% and 12.5% for scenarios A2 and A1B respectively without the fertilization effect of CO2, while an increase of 1.3% and 0.6% with the fertilization effect of CO2. Additionally, for northern China, the simulated potential productivity would markedly decrease under both scenarios, independent with the fertilization effect of CO2, which indicates that the current planted winter wheat would be more vulnerable than that in southern China. The most likely reason is the current winter wheat varieties in northern China are winter varieties or strong winter varieties, which need some days of low temperature for dormancy. While in southern China, the winter wheat is spring or half winter varieties and can grow slowly during winter, thus, they would be affected slightly when winter temperature increases. The results of this study may have important implications for adaptation measures. 展开更多
关键词 climate change A2 and A1B scenarios WOFOST winter wheat China
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