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作者 刘芳 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第9期62-65,共4页
钢琴曲《山泉》是当代著名的钢琴演奏家和作曲家崔世光先生的作品,该曲创作于20世纪80年代初期,以秀丽的崂山风光为主题,展现了我国特有的山水之美。《山泉》既借鉴了西方的创作手法,又融入了民族色彩,使曲目更具魅力和感染力。本文研... 钢琴曲《山泉》是当代著名的钢琴演奏家和作曲家崔世光先生的作品,该曲创作于20世纪80年代初期,以秀丽的崂山风光为主题,展现了我国特有的山水之美。《山泉》既借鉴了西方的创作手法,又融入了民族色彩,使曲目更具魅力和感染力。本文研究《山泉》中所蕴含的民族因素、演奏手法,希望能够为更多的演奏者提供参考与帮助,进而提升演奏能力,促进民族钢琴艺术的整体发展。 展开更多
关键词 钢琴曲 《山泉》 民族色彩 现代艺术性
浅析崔世光钢琴曲《山泉》的音乐风格与演奏技法 被引量:2
作者 叶雨齐 《黄河之声》 2023年第8期47-51,共5页
崔世光是中国少有的富有创作力的钢琴家,他一生都致力于创作和推广中国的钢琴作品。崔世光在汲取中国传统文化精髓的基础上,与现代音乐创作技巧相融合,创作出一批富有中国音乐特点的钢琴作品。他把中国传统的音乐与西方音乐结合起来,并... 崔世光是中国少有的富有创作力的钢琴家,他一生都致力于创作和推广中国的钢琴作品。崔世光在汲取中国传统文化精髓的基础上,与现代音乐创作技巧相融合,创作出一批富有中国音乐特点的钢琴作品。他把中国传统的音乐与西方音乐结合起来,并以《山泉》为主要代表。本文从音乐风格、和声曲式、触键与音色、踏板运用等方面分析崔世光作品《山泉》,旨在让更多的人了解他的钢琴音乐,更好地掌握崔世光的钢琴作品。 展开更多
关键词 崔世光 《山泉》 音乐风格 演奏技法
钢琴作品《山泉》中的印象主义特征研究 被引量:1
作者 朱灵君 《黄河之声》 2023年第22期78-81,共4页
印象主义是近代音乐的一个重要流派,受到象征义文学和印象主义绘画的双重影响。我国作曲家崔世光的音乐作品《山泉》,就有显著的印象主义特征。印象主义对我国钢琴音乐作品创作的影响,体现在多个方面,包含和声与色彩运用、时间和形式处... 印象主义是近代音乐的一个重要流派,受到象征义文学和印象主义绘画的双重影响。我国作曲家崔世光的音乐作品《山泉》,就有显著的印象主义特征。印象主义对我国钢琴音乐作品创作的影响,体现在多个方面,包含和声与色彩运用、时间和形式处理、自然和情感表达。在钢琴曲《山泉》中,印象主义特征从创作和演奏两个方面得到表现。创作方面,内容题材及创作技法都展现出了印象主义的特征,创作技法的印象主义特征具体从调式音阶及和弦纵向结构得到体现。演奏方面,钢琴触键、音色表现、演奏层次、踏板控制、速度与力量控制等方面的控制,也包含了印象主义的特征。钢琴作品《山泉》对印象主义的运用,让作品更加彰显出质感和内涵。 展开更多
关键词 钢琴作品 《山泉》 印象主义 主要特征
论崔世光钢琴作品《山泉》的三维特征与“水”的形象 被引量:1
作者 杨一鸣 《黄河之声》 2023年第12期92-95,共4页
在我国钢琴音乐民族化的发展进程中,作曲家们基于本民族音乐特色,将西方音乐创作技法与中国音乐元素相结合,创作出大量独具中国风味特色的钢琴音乐作品。作为我国著名作曲家之一的崔世光,他通过运用民族和声、民族调式以及织体形式等元... 在我国钢琴音乐民族化的发展进程中,作曲家们基于本民族音乐特色,将西方音乐创作技法与中国音乐元素相结合,创作出大量独具中国风味特色的钢琴音乐作品。作为我国著名作曲家之一的崔世光,他通过运用民族和声、民族调式以及织体形式等元素的,结合中国传统音乐的表现手法,创作出大量具有中国风格的钢琴音乐作品,不仅展现了我国民族音乐的美学观及其形态,而且也使得钢琴作品更加鲜明且富极强的艺术感染力。本文以钢琴曲《山泉》为研究对象,从音乐美学观、创作方式、音乐形态三个维度进行分析,探析作品中音乐创作的理念、民族元素的运用,进而分析作品中的“水”形象。 展开更多
关键词 崔世光 《山泉》 三维特征 “水”形象
崔世光钢琴曲《山泉》民族化创作特征及演奏分析 被引量:3
作者 帅梦 《黄河之声》 2021年第22期128-130,共3页
钢琴在我国的民族化进程中,产生了很多艺术水准极高的钢琴音乐作品,也促使了很多本土钢琴作曲家的成长。崔世光作为我国著名的钢琴作曲家之一,对民族音乐元素和西方作曲技法进行了巧妙的融合,诞生了众多民族化钢琴音乐精品。其中,《山... 钢琴在我国的民族化进程中,产生了很多艺术水准极高的钢琴音乐作品,也促使了很多本土钢琴作曲家的成长。崔世光作为我国著名的钢琴作曲家之一,对民族音乐元素和西方作曲技法进行了巧妙的融合,诞生了众多民族化钢琴音乐精品。其中,《山泉》就是备受大众喜欢的一首钢琴音乐作品。在这首作品中极为生动的展现了民族化钢琴音乐深厚的文化底蕴和审美特色,彰显了民族化钢琴音乐的独特魅力。因而,在本文的研究中,以崔世光钢琴曲《山泉》的创作特征为切入点,在具体的音乐作品分析的基础上,进行了二度艺术实践分析,对这首钢琴作品演奏进行了深度的探究,呈现了钢琴曲《山泉》隽永的民族化音乐色彩。 展开更多
关键词 崔世光 《山泉》 创作特征 演奏分析
从崔世光钢琴作品《山泉》试论中国钢琴“山水乐”派 被引量:1
作者 王爽 李佳琪 《音乐大观》 2013年第1期40-41,共2页
通过对中国钢琴作品《山泉》的分析,结合"山水诗""山水乐""山水画",讨论其音乐内容及音乐内涵,同时也展现出中国钢琴作品对"水"元素创作的独特艺术魅力,以及对自然风光的深情赞美。此类印有&qu... 通过对中国钢琴作品《山泉》的分析,结合"山水诗""山水乐""山水画",讨论其音乐内容及音乐内涵,同时也展现出中国钢琴作品对"水"元素创作的独特艺术魅力,以及对自然风光的深情赞美。此类印有"山水乐派"烙印的作品,突显了中国钢琴作品的深刻艺术研究价值。 展开更多
关键词 中国钢琴作品《山泉》
崔世光《山泉》钢琴演奏技术分析 被引量:2
作者 焦奕博 《音乐大观》 2014年第9期18-19,共2页
作为我国当代为数不多的创作型钢琴家,崔世光一生致力于中国钢琴作品的创作与推广。他在吸取中国本土文化的精髓下,结合现代作曲技法,创作出了许多中国风格的钢琴曲;他巧妙地将西洋创作技法,与中国各种传统民间小调融合,创作出了许多著... 作为我国当代为数不多的创作型钢琴家,崔世光一生致力于中国钢琴作品的创作与推广。他在吸取中国本土文化的精髓下,结合现代作曲技法,创作出了许多中国风格的钢琴曲;他巧妙地将西洋创作技法,与中国各种传统民间小调融合,创作出了许多著名的钢琴音乐作品,其中《山泉》便是其中的一首代表作品。本文通过对其钢琴曲《山泉》的演奏技术分析,让更多的人了解他的钢琴音乐作品,并更好地处理崔世光钢琴音乐作品。 展开更多
关键词 崔世光《山泉》钢琴演奏技术
作者 李正宇 《新作文(小学中高年级版)》 2017年第1期25-25,共1页
随着一股潺潺的流水声,呼吸着清新的空气,亲吻着山石和嫩草,淙淙作响,汩汩而来……山泉,从山中苏醒了。听到了她那持续不断的声音,从高高的山顶上传来,“咕嘟嘟……咕嘟嘟……”澄净如练,溅玉飞珠,她神奇、灵巧的身姿顺着山涧... 随着一股潺潺的流水声,呼吸着清新的空气,亲吻着山石和嫩草,淙淙作响,汩汩而来……山泉,从山中苏醒了。听到了她那持续不断的声音,从高高的山顶上传来,“咕嘟嘟……咕嘟嘟……”澄净如练,溅玉飞珠,她神奇、灵巧的身姿顺着山涧柔顺地穿行,那声音像是一首美妙的旋律,渐渐清晰,渐渐变得响亮…… 展开更多
关键词 山泉 小学教育 语文 作文 《山泉》
作者 张立国 《读写算(小学低年级)》 2009年第12期1-1,共1页
我也要当一汪山泉。 为什幺?你看看山泉吧,看看山泉.就知道为什么了.
关键词 小学 课外阅读 阅读材料 《山泉》
Investigation on the Degradation of Natural Heritage of Singing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Spring at Dunhuang City, China 被引量:1
作者 Dong Jihong 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2007年第4期85-91,共7页
The main purpose of this study is to put forward a reasonable idea of the general protection for Singing Sand Moun- tain and Crescent Moon Spring, a rare and unique desert wonder, and of sustainable tourism developmen... The main purpose of this study is to put forward a reasonable idea of the general protection for Singing Sand Moun- tain and Crescent Moon Spring, a rare and unique desert wonder, and of sustainable tourism development based on the research on the ecological environment around. Methods of documentation, case study and comparison were employed. Finally, aiming at solving the problems of natural environment and those existing after the exploitation of Singing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Spring the author puts forward three measures: the com- prehensive treatment for Crescent Moon Spring (broadening re- sources of water and reducing expenditures, checking the de- creasing depth of Crescent Moon Spring, and improving the geo- graphical environment), the general protection envisions for Singing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Spring and establish- ing a dynamic monitoring and early-warning system of regional ecosystem. 展开更多
关键词 water level of the spring an isolated green shelter-belt a National Desert Park Dunhuang
作者 朱洪青 《小学语文》 2008年第5期62-62,共1页
1.引导学生与文本对话。要提高学生语文素养,就要引导学生学会在学习过程中全身心地进入课文所创造的意境中与文本进行对话,领会文本的深刻内涵。例如,教学《山泉流过的地方》一课,有的教师引导学生“披文入情”,让学生知其情,... 1.引导学生与文本对话。要提高学生语文素养,就要引导学生学会在学习过程中全身心地进入课文所创造的意境中与文本进行对话,领会文本的深刻内涵。例如,教学《山泉流过的地方》一课,有的教师引导学生“披文入情”,让学生知其情,明其理。学生通过与文本的深层次的对话,产生了真切的角色认同,仿佛自己就置身于大山里,发自肺腑地对文本讲行了个性化解读: 展开更多
关键词 文本对话 语文教学 《山泉流过的地方》 引导学生 组织 个性化解读 语文素养 学习过程
Landslide and Basin Self-organized Criticality in the Lushan Hot Spring Area
作者 Chien-Yuan CHEN 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期463-471,共9页
Defining a basin under a critical state (or a self-organized criticality) that has the potential to initiate landslides, debris flows, and subsequent sediment disasters, is a key issue for disaster prevention. The L... Defining a basin under a critical state (or a self-organized criticality) that has the potential to initiate landslides, debris flows, and subsequent sediment disasters, is a key issue for disaster prevention. The Lushan Hot Spring area in Nantou County, Taiwan, suffered serious sediment disasters after typhoons Sinlaku and Jangmi in aoo8, and following Typhoon Morakot in 2009. The basin's internal slope instability after the typhoons brought rain was examined using the landslide frequency-area distribution. The critical state indices attributed to landslide frequency-area distribution are discussed and the marginally unstable characteristics of the study area indicated. The landslides were interpreted from Spot 5 images before and after disastrous events. The results of the analysis show that the power-law landslide frequency-area curves in the basin for different rainfall-induced events tend to coincide with a single line. The temporal trend of the rainfall- induced landslide frequency-area distribution shows 1If noise and scale invariance. A trend exists for landslide frequency-area distribution in log-log space for larger landslides controlled by the historical maximum accumulated rainfall brought by typhoons. The unstable state of the basin, including landslides, breached dams, and debris flows, are parts of the basin's self-organizing processes. The critical state of landslide frequency-area distribution could be estimated by a critical exponent of 1.0. The distribution could be used for future estimation of the potential landslide magnitude for disaster mitigation and to identify the current state of a basin for management. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDE Debris flow Power law Self-organized criticality
Case study for investigating groundwater and the future of mountain spring discharges in Southern Italy
作者 Nazzareno DIODATO Gianni BELLOCCHI +1 位作者 Francesco FIORILLO Gerardo VENTAFRIDDA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第9期1791-1800,共10页
Groundwater extraction is used to alleviate drought in many habitats. However, widespread drought decreases spring discharge and there is a need to integrate climate change research into resource management and action... Groundwater extraction is used to alleviate drought in many habitats. However, widespread drought decreases spring discharge and there is a need to integrate climate change research into resource management and action. Accurate estimates of groundwater discharge may be valuable in improving decision support systems of hydrogeological resource exploitation. The present study performs a forecast for groundwater discharge in Aquifer?s Cervialto Mountains(southern Italy). A time series starting in 1883 was the basis for longterm predictions. An Ensemble Discharge Prediction(EDis P) was applied, and the progress of the discharge ensemble forecast was inferred with the aid of an Exponential Smoothing(ES) model initialized at different annual times. EDisP-ES hindcast model experiments were tested, and discharge plume-patterns forecast was assessed with horizon placed in the year 2044. A 46-year cycle pattern was identified by comparing simulations and observations, which is essential for the forecasting purpose. ED is P-ES performed an ensemble mean path for the coming decades that indicates a discharge regime within ± 1 standard deviation around the mean value of 4.1 m^3 s^(-1). These fluctuations are comparable with those observed in the period 1961-1980 and further back, with changepoints detectable around the years 2025 and 2035. Temporary drought conditions are expected after the year 2030. 展开更多
关键词 Caposele(Italy) Ground water Drought Ensemble forecast Exponential smoothing Spring discharge
Metallogenic origin of Sipingshan hot spring gold deposit in Hulin of Heilongjiang and its metallogenic mode
作者 HUANG Yongwei LIU Jiajun +1 位作者 QUAN Chuanshun ZHU Wenfeng 《Global Geology》 2011年第2期73-86,共14页
Sipingshan gold deposit is gold-bearing sillcalite in type. There only exist a few kinds of sulfide in the ore and it is lower in content. The gold degree is lower. Au is closely related to the Ag, Cu, Pb, As and Hg e... Sipingshan gold deposit is gold-bearing sillcalite in type. There only exist a few kinds of sulfide in the ore and it is lower in content. The gold degree is lower. Au is closely related to the Ag, Cu, Pb, As and Hg elements. The upper sillealite has Eu and Ce negative anomaly, and the lower sillealite has Eu positive anomaly, however, the hot spring cemented breccia and rhyolite porphyry have Eu negative anomaly; the S isotope component has deep-seated magmatic sulfur and terrestrial sulfate characteristic; and the Ph isotope has the character of the mixture origin of crust and mantle that is mainly dominated by Pb in the orogenic beh. The oreforming tluid temperature is 180℃-244℃ , characterized by magmatie hydrothermal and meteoric water; and the ore-forming age is 87 Ma. The deposit was formed by the metallogenic fluid in the tectonic fault zone overtlowing near the earth' s surface and leading to the metallogenic funetion and the metallogenic substar,ee deposition. 展开更多
关键词 hot spring epithermal gold deposit substanee origin metallogenic mode Sipingshan Heilongjiang
Analysis on the Development of Lushan (Xingzi) Hot Spring Health Tourism Products from the Perspective of Product Integrated Marketing
作者 Fenglian Zou Zhibin Hu 《International English Education Research》 2014年第9期88-90,共3页
Through the development of more than 60 years, the hot spring tourism industry in China will confront with a situation of "innovative competition, standard development, and secondary upgrade". In this paper, from th... Through the development of more than 60 years, the hot spring tourism industry in China will confront with a situation of "innovative competition, standard development, and secondary upgrade". In this paper, from the perspective of product integrated marketing theory, by taking Lushan (Xingzi) hot spring as an example, the authors carry out an analysis on some problems in the development of Xingzi hot spring tourism products, propose the framework and model of the integrated development of hot spring health tourism products, and also provide some suggestions for the design of Xingzi hot spring health tourism routes. 展开更多
关键词 Product Integration Health Preservation by Hot Spring Route Design
作者 王亨良 《小朋友》 2009年第7期18-18,共1页
山泉娃娃不注意安全, 从山顶放学回家时, 前呼后拥直往下冲。 我大声提醒它们:
关键词 诗歌 文学作品 《山泉》 王亨良
作者 佟希仁 《少年月刊(小学高年级)》 2010年第10期31-31,共1页
你像一个不知劳累的孩子,从幽谷的岩隙间飘来,一路蹦跳着、歌唱着,总是那样精神饱满,那样朝气蓬勃。 重重的大山好像故意设下障碍对你阻拦,使你不得不经常改变路线,时而弯弯曲曲扭动着身子躲过巨石,
关键词 《山泉》 儿童文学 童话 佟希仁
作者 水冰 《小学语文教学》 2002年第12期27-27,共1页
关键词 《山泉流过的地方》 教学设计 小学 语文阅读教学
Solutions and Multiple Solutions for p(x)-Laplacian Equations with Nonlinear Boundary Condition
作者 Zifei SHEN Chenyin QIAN 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第4期397-412,共16页
The authors study the p(x)-Laplacian equations with nonlinear boundary condi- tion. By using the variational method, under appropriate assumptions on the perturbation terms f1(x,u), f2(x,u) and h1(x), h2(x), such that... The authors study the p(x)-Laplacian equations with nonlinear boundary condi- tion. By using the variational method, under appropriate assumptions on the perturbation terms f1(x,u), f2(x,u) and h1(x), h2(x), such that the associated functional satisfies the "mountain pass lemma" and "fountain theorem" respectively, the existence and multiplicity of solutions are obtained. The discussion is based on the theory of variable exponent Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces. 展开更多
关键词 p(x)-Laplacian Nonlinear boundary condition (PS) condition Mountain pass lemma Fountain theorem
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