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作者 刘杰 史荣丽 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第S1期16-18,共3页
关键词 《岸》 时间 记忆 幸福
作者 李雪晶 《俄语学习》 2011年第4期37-39,共3页
关键词 长篇小说《岸》 时空交错的布局 细致入微的心灵剖析 对和平幸福的孜孜探求
作者 侯昌硕 《现代语文》 2024年第7期23-31,共9页
出版于2003年的《两岸现代汉语常用词典》和2012年的《两岸常用词典》中对台湾地区特有词语的标注变化,反映了台湾地区特有词语在内地的融入状况。通过对台湾地区特有词语在内地融入情况的分析,将其划分为三个层次。第一层次,台湾地区... 出版于2003年的《两岸现代汉语常用词典》和2012年的《两岸常用词典》中对台湾地区特有词语的标注变化,反映了台湾地区特有词语在内地的融入状况。通过对台湾地区特有词语在内地融入情况的分析,将其划分为三个层次。第一层次,台湾地区特有词语已经完全融入内地,成为日常使用的普通词语,其标志是这些词语被《现代汉语词典》所收录;第二层次,台湾地区特有词语的融入接近完成,但目前还未被收入《现代汉语词典》;第三层次,台湾地区特有词语的融入正在进行中。 展开更多
关键词 台湾地区特有词语 融入 内地 《两现代汉语常用词典》 《两常用词典》 《现代汉语词典》
作者 陈雅珊 黄林生 +1 位作者 郑俊鸣 关瑞明 《莆田学院学报》 2023年第2期66-73,共8页
基于图像学和文献考证的视角,分析《岸圃大观》中的园林图像呈现,归纳岸圃中山水、建筑、植物、其他4种园林要素的特征,总结出岸圃以江南文人营园的思想为主旨,因地制宜采用了本土的材料、做法和树种等,在山水构建、建筑营造和植物种植... 基于图像学和文献考证的视角,分析《岸圃大观》中的园林图像呈现,归纳岸圃中山水、建筑、植物、其他4种园林要素的特征,总结出岸圃以江南文人营园的思想为主旨,因地制宜采用了本土的材料、做法和树种等,在山水构建、建筑营造和植物种植方面体现了江南园林和闽地园林两种风格特征,在其他园林要素方面呈现出精巧与野趣两种审美倾向。 展开更多
关键词 《岸圃大观》 明代园林 闽地园林 营造特色 图像学
作者 陈国宇 《当代教育》 2009年第3期127-127,共1页
穿越了风的纪念,如浮萍般惆怅,默默地聆听海的心潮,伫立于无数个世纪的冀望,在明月下,冻结成一尊伟岸的雕塑。心缘停泊于何方?仰望无际的苍穹,白云低吟,雁儿掠过了遥远的思念,湿漉漉的一片月光就枕于失眠的夜晚。曾几何时,那... 穿越了风的纪念,如浮萍般惆怅,默默地聆听海的心潮,伫立于无数个世纪的冀望,在明月下,冻结成一尊伟岸的雕塑。心缘停泊于何方?仰望无际的苍穹,白云低吟,雁儿掠过了遥远的思念,湿漉漉的一片月光就枕于失眠的夜晚。曾几何时,那片远去的风帆划过心房的弧线,闪烁于不眠的鸥声。注目着茫茫的了孤海,举头向远方的礁岩张望, 展开更多
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《岸的冀望》
作者 陈立 《花木盆景(下半月)》 2010年第7期69-69,共1页
岸 是你宽厚的肩膀 是落寞时你温情的相拥 岸 是心想停脚的地方 是漂泊后对家的向往
关键词 盆景 艺术设计 艺术创作 《岸》
作者 聂难 《云南林业》 2011年第2期75-75,共1页
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《岸》
作者 殷小波 何山 《现代语文》 2019年第5期36-39,共4页
从字形讹变、词语生成的角度,论证了《晋书》所引袁宏《三国名臣序赞》中“墙岸”当系“墙宇”之讹。同时,根据古汉语词义发展的特点与词语构成的方式,阐述了“墙岸”一词的生成机制和构词理据。还结合“墙岸”出现的语境,发现“墙岸”... 从字形讹变、词语生成的角度,论证了《晋书》所引袁宏《三国名臣序赞》中“墙岸”当系“墙宇”之讹。同时,根据古汉语词义发展的特点与词语构成的方式,阐述了“墙岸”一词的生成机制和构词理据。还结合“墙岸”出现的语境,发现“墙岸”一词义项有三个;《汉语大词典》中,“墙岸”释义不全,应据此补订。 展开更多
关键词 墙宇 新释
作者 陈世庆 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第5期18-22,共5页
据学界研究,阜阳汉墓一号木牍存有“鲁哀公问孔子当今之时”“子曰不观高岸”两个章题。通过字形辨正,通过与《孔子家语》《说苑》所记载的孔子言辞的比较,发现这两个章题应作“鲁哀公问孔子当今之内”“子曰不观内岸”。“当今之内”... 据学界研究,阜阳汉墓一号木牍存有“鲁哀公问孔子当今之时”“子曰不观高岸”两个章题。通过字形辨正,通过与《孔子家语》《说苑》所记载的孔子言辞的比较,发现这两个章题应作“鲁哀公问孔子当今之内”“子曰不观内岸”。“当今之内”的“内”并有“房室”“朝廷”之义;“内岸”即“汭岸”,指河流弯曲处的侵蚀岸、大小河流交汇处大河的受水岸。以上发现对研究孔子的著述在西汉的流传具有比较重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 阜阳汉墓木牍章题 当今之内 当今之时 孔子家语
作者 张宏利 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期60-70,共11页
砂岸买扑制是南宋中后期明州地方政府为应对财政困境,将买扑制度引入海物采捕场域的一种新机制。地方权势之家以买扑的方式取得明州砂岸承租之权,随即以垄断之势向使用砂岸的民众征收赋税,并随意扩大征税范围,进而任意干涉地方事务,破... 砂岸买扑制是南宋中后期明州地方政府为应对财政困境,将买扑制度引入海物采捕场域的一种新机制。地方权势之家以买扑的方式取得明州砂岸承租之权,随即以垄断之势向使用砂岸的民众征收赋税,并随意扩大征税范围,进而任意干涉地方事务,破坏了明州沿海的社会秩序。为此,宋廷、明州地方政府皆有罢砂岸买扑制之举,并据此重构沿海社会秩序,但均遭到赖砂岸租维持日常用度诸司的阻扰,以及私占、承佃砂岸的既得利益集团的抗争。由砂岸买扑制引起的沿海社会秩序破坏活动,终南宋一代未能得到消除。 展开更多
关键词 南宋 明州 买扑制 沿海社会秩序
作者 王思远 《花木盆景(下半月)》 2008年第3期53-53,共1页
观赏眼前的石头,好比神游那岸芷汀兰、郁郁青青的沙洲水岸景致。顶部黄色柔软的一圈圈隆起,铭刻着每一次潮起潮落。墨绿色的石质与石肤,细腻柔润如水一般。几近玉化的石体,缓缓地流淌糟水的喘息。秋水再也滋润不了黄色的生命.岸芷... 观赏眼前的石头,好比神游那岸芷汀兰、郁郁青青的沙洲水岸景致。顶部黄色柔软的一圈圈隆起,铭刻着每一次潮起潮落。墨绿色的石质与石肤,细腻柔润如水一般。几近玉化的石体,缓缓地流淌糟水的喘息。秋水再也滋润不了黄色的生命.岸芷汀兰站立在肃穆的空气中,斑斑驳驳的浮萍静静地随波逐流…… 展开更多
关键词 观赏石 《岸芷汀兰》 乌江石 收藏 作品赏析
Characteristics,classification and ordination of riparian plant communities in the Three-Gorges areas 被引量:12
作者 江明喜 邓红兵 蔡庆华 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期111-114,163-164,共4页
Sixteen different vegetation types of grassland and shrubland were selected to study the component and diversity of plant species of riparian plant communities along main channel in the Three-Gorges areas. Species ric... Sixteen different vegetation types of grassland and shrubland were selected to study the component and diversity of plant species of riparian plant communities along main channel in the Three-Gorges areas. Species richness (s), Simpson index (D), and Shannon-Weiner index (H) were used to study the biodiversity and the hierarchical classification was carried out by the methods of TWINSPAN and DCA ordination. The results showed that the components of flora were complex and dominated by the temperate type in the riparian plant communities. Species diversity was not different between the communities, but Shannon-Weiner indexes of different layers in some grassland were significantly different. TWINSPAN and DCA indicated that riparian plant communities distributed along the gradient of moisture. 展开更多
关键词 Three-Gorges areas Riparian zone Plant community CLASSIFICATION ORDINATION TWINSPAN DCA
Feasible Rate of Tidal Flat Reclamation——Jiangsu Mud Coast as a Case Study 被引量:4
作者 王艳红 李加林 +1 位作者 王建 张忍顺 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2007年第1期66-73,共8页
Reclamation of tidal flat is one of the main ways to get a dynamic balance of the total amount of plowland. With the development of social economy and the increasing demand for plowland, the contradiction between tida... Reclamation of tidal flat is one of the main ways to get a dynamic balance of the total amount of plowland. With the development of social economy and the increasing demand for plowland, the contradiction between tidal flat reclamation and environment protection becomes more and more outstanding. However, tidal flat reclamation should also follow the dynamic balance of total amount of tidal flat amount. The paper analyzed the history of reclamation and development of Jiangsu mud coast, and calculated the feasible rates of tidal flat reclamation on different stretches respectively, and pointed out that both the economic social benefits of reclamation and the natural erosion-accretion conditions of the coasts should be taken into consideration in deciding the intensity of tidal flat reclamation, so as to satisfy demands on both reclamation and protection of tidal flat resource. 展开更多
关键词 mud coast mud flat RECLAMATION
Application of the Sediment Mathematical Modelling on Planned Project of Lingdingyang Bay 被引量:6
作者 李大鸣 李冰绯 张红萍 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2002年第4期285-290,共6页
Based on the combined hydraulic calculation for the eastern network region at the Pearl River estuary and several outlets to the Lingdingyang Bay, the sediment calculation modelling was introduced in the establishment... Based on the combined hydraulic calculation for the eastern network region at the Pearl River estuary and several outlets to the Lingdingyang Bay, the sediment calculation modelling was introduced in the establishment of the sediment mathematical model for Lingdingyang Bay and the eastern region with one and two dimensional flow calculation. Model adjustment and verification were performed in conjunction with field data. The simulated results coincide well with measured data.In addition the model is applied to predict the shore-line planning scheme of Lingdingyang Bay.The theoretical criterion is provided for the shore line plan in the model.And a new mathematical simulated method is put out to research the planning engineering concerned with one-dimensional net rivers and two-dimensional estuary. 展开更多
关键词 sediment mathematical model one and two-dimensional flow calculation Lingdingyang bay shore-line plan
Coastal Erosion Feature and Mechanism at Feiyantan in the Yellow River Delta 被引量:4
作者 陈沈良 张国安 陈小英 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2006年第1期11-21,共11页
Feiyantan was the discharge area of Diaokou River distributary of the Yellow River during the period of 1964 to 1976. The coastal erosion feature and morphological evolution at the Feiyantan coast are studied in the l... Feiyantan was the discharge area of Diaokou River distributary of the Yellow River during the period of 1964 to 1976. The coastal erosion feature and morphological evolution at the Feiyantan coast are studied in the light of the topography and section depth, and the corresponding dynamics of wave and current. Results indicate that the protruding topography left after the Diaokou River distributary was abandoned is the main cause of strong coastal erosion. Further research suggests that waves start up the sediment and the tidal current transports it, and the waves and tidal current are combined to be the dominant dynamic mechanism of coastal erosion, in which the tidal residual current takes and transports the sediment outward, thus causing the sediment to wane in the coast. 展开更多
关键词 coastal erosion WAVES tidal current Feiyantan coast Yellow River delta
Distribution pattern of rare plants along riparian zone in Shennongjia Area 被引量:4
作者 江明喜 邓红兵 蔡庆华 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期25-27,83,共3页
Due to the importance of riparian zone in maintaining and protecting regional biodiversity, increasingly more ecologists paid their attentions to riparian zone and had been aware of the important effects of riparian z... Due to the importance of riparian zone in maintaining and protecting regional biodiversity, increasingly more ecologists paid their attentions to riparian zone and had been aware of the important effects of riparian zone in basic study and practical management. In this study, 42 sampling belts (10 m?00 m) parallel to the bank of Xiangxi River at different elevations in Shennongjia Area were selected to investigate the riparian vegetation and rare plants. 14 species of rare plants were found distributing in riparian zone, accounting for 42.4% of the total rare plant species in Shennongjia Area. The main distribution range of the 14 rare plant species was the evergreen and deciduous mixed broadleaved forest at elevation of 1200-1800 m, where, species diversity of plant community was the maximum at the moderate elevation. The analysis of TWINSPAN divided the 14 rare species into 3 groups against the elevation, namely low elevation species group, moderate elevation species group, and high elevation species group. The analysis of DCA ordination showed similar results to that of TWINSPAN. In the paper, the authors discussed the reasons forming the distribution pattern of rare plant species, and pointed out that the important function of riparian zone on rare plant species protection. 展开更多
关键词 Xiangxi River Rare plant Riparian zone Distribution pattern BIODIVERSITY
Coastal Current Systems and the Movement and Expansion of Suspended Sediment from Changjiang River Estuary 被引量:5
作者 李四海 恽才兴 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2006年第1期22-33,共12页
This paper, with NOAA/AHHRR data for 2 years, discusses the expanding path and extent of suspended sediment from the Changjiang River, and the relationship between the suspended sediment expanding and coastal current ... This paper, with NOAA/AHHRR data for 2 years, discusses the expanding path and extent of suspended sediment from the Changjiang River, and the relationship between the suspended sediment expanding and coastal current systems by analyzing the thermal infrared imagery with the sediment imagery, which is acquired by correlating the atmosphere corrected AVHRR imagery with in-situ suspended sediment data. The coastal current systems affecting the sediment dispersal mainly include: the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC), the Huanghai Sea Mixed Water (HSMW), North Jiangsu near-shore current, and Zhejiang near-shore current etc. In winter, the current systems are stable. Their distribution affects the sediment from north Jiangsu expanding toward the Changjiang estuary in some degree .The front between Zhejiang coastal current and TWC blocks the expanding of sediment toward the sea. In the flood season, apart from the limitation by coastal current systems, the spatial and temporal distribution of suspended sediment is also affected by the runoff, which shows as the jet stream and fresh water. Spring and autumn are the transitional periods of the forming of expanding patterns of flood season and winter respectively. In addition, the re-suspended sediment caused by the wind wave may make the expanding range of near-shore sediment larger. 展开更多
关键词 NOAA/AVHRR Changjiang estuary suspended sediment coastal current systems
Forest resources variation along with the main rivers in typical forest re-gion of Changbai Mountain 被引量:1
作者 郝占庆 于德永 +2 位作者 林凡 熊在平 叶吉 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第2期101-106,i001,共7页
The restoration of the riparian vegetation disturbed by human activities is one of the hotspots of watershed ecology. Through interpreting the images of Remote Sensing in 1985 and 1999, the basic information of forest... The restoration of the riparian vegetation disturbed by human activities is one of the hotspots of watershed ecology. Through interpreting the images of Remote Sensing in 1985 and 1999, the basic information of forest resources of Lushuihe Forest Bureau, which is a typical forest area of Changbai Mountain, was obtained with support of GIS. By dividing Land covers of Lushuihe area into 10 types (water body, residential land, stump land, farming land, wetland, mature conifer forest, midlife conifer forest, mature broadleaf forest, midlife broadleaf forest, and man-made young forest) and dividing the riparian zone into four buffers (in turn, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 m away from the river), the changes of riparian forest resources during 1985-1999 were analyzed. The results showed that the deforestation intension has obviously decreased and the whole environment has been evidently improved, but the riparian ecosystem was still flimsy. In buffer 1, 2, 3, the area of midlife conifer forest increased largely, but the areas of other types of land covers all decreased. Midlife conifer forest had a comparatively good status in the three buffers. In buffer 4, midlife conifer forest, mature conifer forest, and mature broadleaf forest formed a forest-age rank that is helpful to stabilize the forest ecosystem and exert its functions. Area percentage of wetland decreased in buffer 1, buffer 2, and buffer 3, even in buffer 4 in which forest ecosystem rehabilitated comparatively well, so protecting and rehabilitating wetland is a very difficult task. 展开更多
关键词 Forest resources BUFFER Riparian belt Remote sensing GIS
A preliminary study on in-stream large woody debris in broadleaved and Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain, Northeast China 被引量:2
作者 邓红兵 王青春 王庆礼 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期196-200,251,共5页
This study was conducted in Erdaobaihe River passing through the broadleaved and Korean pine forest located on the north slope of Changbai Mountain. In-stream large woody debris (LWD) in two segments of the river chan... This study was conducted in Erdaobaihe River passing through the broadleaved and Korean pine forest located on the north slope of Changbai Mountain. In-stream large woody debris (LWD) in two segments of the river channel was investigated with base diameter, top diameter, length, and decay class. To study relationship between in-stream LWD and adjacent riparian forest, species of each log of LWD in segment 1 was identified, and the riparian forest was examined by setting a 32m?4 m quadrat consisting of twelve 8m?m small quadrats. The results showed that, in segment 1, in-stream LWD loading was 1.733 m3/100m or 10.83 m3hm-2, and in segment 2, it was 1.709m3/100m or 21.36 m3hm-2. In-stream LWD in decay class III and IV were accounted for a high proportion, which was different from that in the broadleaved and Korean pine forest, and the possible reason might be different decomposing velocities due to different decomposing conditions. Logs of LWD in stream and living trees in riparian forest declined as diameter increased, and it was in a reverse J-shaped distribution except logs of LWD in segment 1 in the first diameter class. Volumes of LWD in stream and living trees in riparian forest increased as diameter increased, and it was in a typical J-shaped distribution. Loading and species component of in-stream LWD were correlative to status of riparian forest to a certain extent, and there also existed difference. Comparing the correlation and difference was helpful to study on dynamic of the riparian forest. 展开更多
关键词 In-stream large woody debris Broadleaved and Korean pine forest Changbai Mountain LOADING Riparian zone
Heterogeneity in Soil Seed Banks in a Mediterranean Coastal Sand Dune 被引量:9
作者 于顺利 Marcelo STERNBERG +1 位作者 蒋高明 Pua KUTIEL 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第5期536-543,共8页
Characteristics of total soil seed banks and permanent soil seed banks in three microhabitats in a Mediterranean coastal sand dune were investigated by using natural germination method combined with physically scannin... Characteristics of total soil seed banks and permanent soil seed banks in three microhabitats in a Mediterranean coastal sand dune were investigated by using natural germination method combined with physically scanning separation method. The composition and structure of soil seed banks were analyzed between the microhabitats by using functional group method. The distribution patterns of soil seed bank were also analyzed between the microhabitats. We also analyzed the relationship between seed size and seed persistence in soil. The results show greatly spatial heterogeneity existed in soil seed bank of the Mediterranean coastal sand dune, even in the same microhabitats seed distribution was uneven. Sometimes a great difference occurred between them. Microhabitats significantly affected the distribution patterns of total soil seed banks and seed banks of the functional groups. The open area generally had the greater densities of seeds, but the seed densities under shrub and in trail were lower than that in the open area. Legumes seeds accounted for 76.0% total persistent seed banks. Annual and perennial grasses produced transient seed banks as no seeds were retrieved from the sieved soils. Seed persistence of legumes, umbeliferaes, perennial forbs, compositaes, annual forbs, crucifer decreased gradually. They were 50.1%, 45.6%, 40.6%, 6.3%, 5.6% and 0.6% respectively in the soil. There was a positive relationship between seed size and seed persistence. Bigger seeds had higher persistence, and vice versa. 展开更多
关键词 MICROHABITATS soil seed banks persistent soil seed bank spatial heterogeneity
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