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作者 刘琪 《现代语文》 2024年第3期19-26,共8页
《度人经》是东晋末年道教灵宝派的重要经典,对中古道教史和中古汉语研究具有重要价值。《度人经》版本众多,异文纷繁复杂,主要包括三类:校勘性异文、用字性异文、修辞性异文。对勘整理其异文条目,对“德”“層—嶒—■”“供养—供奉”... 《度人经》是东晋末年道教灵宝派的重要经典,对中古道教史和中古汉语研究具有重要价值。《度人经》版本众多,异文纷繁复杂,主要包括三类:校勘性异文、用字性异文、修辞性异文。对勘整理其异文条目,对“德”“層—嶒—■”“供养—供奉”等18条重要异文进行考辨,勘定异文是非,辨析异文字际关系和意义关系。在此基础上,阐述《度人经》在校勘整理与释读利用中需要注意的问题,为道经语言研究和道教文献整理提供可靠材料。 展开更多
关键词 《度人经》 异文 校勘性异文 用字性异文 修辞性异文 道教
作者 才让东智 才让南加 多杰仁青 《中国民族医药杂志》 2024年第9期61-64,共4页
《度母本草》是藏医发展史上具有重要学术价值的典籍,是藏医三大本草之一。关于《度母本草》相关的研究论文,近几年藏医学术界鲜有发表。本文运用文献对比分析、演绎推理的方式尝试对藏医典籍《度母本草》的成书年代、学术特征及后续本... 《度母本草》是藏医发展史上具有重要学术价值的典籍,是藏医三大本草之一。关于《度母本草》相关的研究论文,近几年藏医学术界鲜有发表。本文运用文献对比分析、演绎推理的方式尝试对藏医典籍《度母本草》的成书年代、学术特征及后续本草典籍的影响进行分析,提出如下观点:《度母本草》成书最终形成于公元15世纪末期,是藏医史上最具代表性的本草典籍,具有独特的学术特征。它影响了公元15世纪以后的所有藏医本草典籍,著名藏医典籍《蓝琉璃·药物的性效》和《晶珠本草》,蒙医典籍《蒙药正典》都把《度母本草》作为蓝本撰著而成。它既是藏医本草理论类的大成,也是藏医本草史上唯一媲美《晶珠本草》的典籍,在藏医发展史上占有重要地位。 展开更多
关键词 藏医经典 《度母本草》 成书时代 学术价值
我国古代早期的一部“防洪预案”——《管子·度地》的水害防治问题论述 被引量:2
作者 张伟兵 耿庆斋 《中国防汛抗旱》 2018年第3期59-61,共3页
《管子·度地》是先秦时期系统论述水害防治的一篇作品,是古代早期的一部"防洪预案"。分析了当时的社会经济背景,对其内容进行了解读,介绍其对水系和水性的认识、治水机构的设立、堤防工程的建设和维护管理等,并解释了其... 《管子·度地》是先秦时期系统论述水害防治的一篇作品,是古代早期的一部"防洪预案"。分析了当时的社会经济背景,对其内容进行了解读,介绍其对水系和水性的认识、治水机构的设立、堤防工程的建设和维护管理等,并解释了其中主要的水利理论和工程技术。 展开更多
关键词 《度地》 水害防治 堤防 水性
《度算释例》中物理知识的研究 被引量:7
作者 白欣 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》 CAS 2003年第2期188-193,共6页
关键词 清代 数学史 梅文鼎 《度算释例》 物理知识 比例规 比重 重心 力学
作者 霍雅娟 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第12期105-107,共3页
曹操诗歌无论是写政治理想,还是揭露社会矛盾,反映离乱现实,都能表现出一个政治家的博大胸怀和深刻眼光——这是他与建安时期其他诗人显著不同之处。曹操早期创作的两篇乐府诗《度关山》《对酒》,就真实地反映了一个政治家的治国理想:... 曹操诗歌无论是写政治理想,还是揭露社会矛盾,反映离乱现实,都能表现出一个政治家的博大胸怀和深刻眼光——这是他与建安时期其他诗人显著不同之处。曹操早期创作的两篇乐府诗《度关山》《对酒》,就真实地反映了一个政治家的治国理想:君明臣贤、尊民固本;严明法纪、廓清吏治;提倡仁礼、除残去秽;重视农业、轻徭薄赋;反对奢侈、倡行节约。这种政治理想和治国方略,在今天仍然具有一定的启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 曹操 《度关山》 《对酒》 图治
作者 李军 《图书与情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期142-144,F0002,F0003,共5页
董恂历经道光、咸丰、同治和光绪四朝,官至尚书。董恂勤于手记,一生著作颇丰。道光二十九年随祁寯藻赴甘肃查案,遂著有《度陇记》一书。该书详细记载了往返北京和兰州途中,地跨河北、山西、陕西和甘肃四省的山川、道里,为研究承平二百... 董恂历经道光、咸丰、同治和光绪四朝,官至尚书。董恂勤于手记,一生著作颇丰。道光二十九年随祁寯藻赴甘肃查案,遂著有《度陇记》一书。该书详细记载了往返北京和兰州途中,地跨河北、山西、陕西和甘肃四省的山川、道里,为研究承平二百多年的陕甘社会提供了第一手资料,对陕甘回民起义前后甘肃的社会状况研究具有重要价值。 展开更多
关键词 董恂 《度陇记》 版本
作者 龚灵 《丽江师范高等专科学校学报》 2016年第4期80-85,共6页
神仙是道教基本信仰“道”的形象化体现,而得道成仙是道士修行的目的和最终归宿。因此,道教十分重视神仙的塑造。自东汉以来,道教不仅创造了数量庞大、关系复杂的神灵谱系,而且对这些神灵的称谓也与众不同,显得神秘莫测。对这些神... 神仙是道教基本信仰“道”的形象化体现,而得道成仙是道士修行的目的和最终归宿。因此,道教十分重视神仙的塑造。自东汉以来,道教不仅创造了数量庞大、关系复杂的神灵谱系,而且对这些神灵的称谓也与众不同,显得神秘莫测。对这些神灵称谓词语的研究不仅是进一步认识道教的需要,也是全面研究汉语词汇的需要。 展开更多
关键词 《度人经》 神灵 统称 结构
“度”的 哲学——读李云飞的《度》
作者 王生平 《中国图书评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第2期44-45,共2页
关键词 哲学著作 研究视野 李云飞 《度
作者 马书琴 李春利 《洛阳师范学院学报》 2023年第9期49-52,共4页
“训”文体的内容从《尚书》确立时起,至《度训》《命训》《常训》成书存在一个演变过程。《度训》《命训》《常训》是政治思想家基于社会环境的变化,为统治者提供施政治民之策的需要而作,是中华文明发展到一定程度的产物。同时,《度训... “训”文体的内容从《尚书》确立时起,至《度训》《命训》《常训》成书存在一个演变过程。《度训》《命训》《常训》是政治思想家基于社会环境的变化,为统治者提供施政治民之策的需要而作,是中华文明发展到一定程度的产物。同时,《度训》《命训》《常训》中蕴含丰富的“中”思想,其中为政者治国安民时所坚持的适度原则,则深刻体现儒家的中庸之道。因而,研究《度训》《命训》《常训》“训”的内容,以及体现儒家政治伦理的“中”思想具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 《逸周书》 《度训》 《命训》 《常训》
作者 王之远 《神州》 2018年第6期36-36,共1页
关键词 《度生》 中国 当代文学 杂文
作者 陈利利 《今古文创》 2022年第12期13-15,共3页
《度》是法国当代作家米歇尔·布托尔的第四部小说,也是其最后一部小说。《度》中的主人公韦尼尔的创作探索无论是从动机、内容、方式还是叙述者的角度,都注定了失败的结局。小说主人公创作探索的失败,隐喻的不仅是作者米歇尔·... 《度》是法国当代作家米歇尔·布托尔的第四部小说,也是其最后一部小说。《度》中的主人公韦尼尔的创作探索无论是从动机、内容、方式还是叙述者的角度,都注定了失败的结局。小说主人公创作探索的失败,隐喻的不仅是作者米歇尔·布托尔小说创作的终结,更是人类在生存探索之旅中无法避免的无能为力。 展开更多
关键词 米歇尔·布托尔 《度 创作探索 生存探索
Design and implementation of low-cost geomagnetic field monitoring equipment for high-density deployment
作者 Sun Lu-Qiang Bai Xian-Fu +3 位作者 Kang Jian Zeng Ning Zhu Hong Zhang Ming-Dong 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期505-512,618,共9页
The observation of geomagnetic field variations is an important approach to studying earthquake precursors.Since 1987,the China Earthquake Administration has explored this seismomagnetic relationship.In particular,the... The observation of geomagnetic field variations is an important approach to studying earthquake precursors.Since 1987,the China Earthquake Administration has explored this seismomagnetic relationship.In particular,they studied local magnetic field anomalies over the Chinese mainland for earthquake prediction.Owing to the years of research on the seismomagnetic relationship,earthquake prediction experts have concluded that the compressive magnetic effect,tectonic magnetic effect,electric magnetic fluid effect,and other factors contribute to preearthquake magnetic anomalies.However,this involves a small magnitude of magnetic field changes.It is difficult to relate them to the abnormal changes of the extremely large magnetic field in regions with extreme earthquakes owing to the high cost of professional geomagnetic equipment,thereby limiting large-scale deployment.Moreover,it is difficult to obtain strong magnetic field changes before an earthquake.The Tianjin Earthquake Agency has developed low-cost geomagnetic field observation equipment through the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei geomagnetic equipment test project.The new system was used to test the availability of equipment and determine the findings based on big data.. 展开更多
关键词 geomagnetic field earthquake prediction low cost high density big data
Assessing the range of blasting-induced cracks in the surrounding rock of deeply buried tunnels based on the unified strength theory
作者 LI Liang CHEN Jia-jun +3 位作者 ZHAO Lian-heng HE Ke-pei HU Shi-hong LI Hua-long 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期2341-2364,共24页
Blasting-induced cracks in the rock surrounding deeply buried tunnels can result in water gushing and rock mass collapse,posing significant safety risks.However,previous theoretical studies on the range of blasting-in... Blasting-induced cracks in the rock surrounding deeply buried tunnels can result in water gushing and rock mass collapse,posing significant safety risks.However,previous theoretical studies on the range of blasting-induced cracks often ignore the impact of the in-situ stress,especially that of the intermediate principal stress.The particle displacement−crack radius relationship was established in this paper by utilizing the blasthole cavity expansion equation,and theoretical analytical formulas of the stress−displacement relationship and the crack radius were derived with unified strength theory to accurately assess the range of cracks in deep surrounding rock under a blasting load.Parameter analysis showed that the crushing zone size was positively correlated with in-situ stress,intermediate principal stress,and detonation pressure,whereas negatively correlated with Poisson ratio and decoupling coefficient.The dilatancy angle-crushing zone size relationship exhibited nonmonotonic behavior.The relationships in the crushing zone and the fracture zone exhibited opposite trends under the influence of only in-situ stress or intermediate principal stress.As the in-situ stress increased from 0 to 70 MPa,the rate of change in the crack range and the attenuation rate of the peak vibration velocity gradually slowed. 展开更多
关键词 deep drilling and blasting cracks in surrounding rock unified strength theory intermediate principle stress in-situ stress cavity expansion dilatancy characteristics
Seismic low-frequency-based calculation of reservoir fluid mobility and its applications 被引量:11
作者 陈学华 贺振华 +2 位作者 朱四新 刘伟 钟文丽 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期326-332,362,共8页
Low frequency content of seismic signals contains information related to the reservoir fluid mobility. Based on the asymptotic analysis theory of frequency-dependent reflectivity from a fluid-saturated poroelastic med... Low frequency content of seismic signals contains information related to the reservoir fluid mobility. Based on the asymptotic analysis theory of frequency-dependent reflectivity from a fluid-saturated poroelastic medium, we derive the computational implementation of reservoir fluid mobility and present the determination of optimal frequency in the implementation. We then calculate the reservoir fluid mobility using the optimal frequency instantaneous spectra at the low-frequency end of the seismic spectrum. The methodology is applied to synthetic seismic data from a permeable gas-bearing reservoir model and real land and marine seismic data. The results demonstrate that the fluid mobility shows excellent quality in imaging the gas reservoirs. It is feasible to detect the location and spatial distribution of gas reservoirs and reduce the non-uniqueness and uncertainty in fluid identification. 展开更多
关键词 fluid mobility seismic low-frequency reservoir characterization fluid identification instantaneous spectral decomposition
The influence of sea water velocity variation on seismic traveltimes,ray paths,and amplitude 被引量:9
作者 韩复兴 孙建国 王坤 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期319-325,361,362,共9页
The main factors affecting seismic exploration is the propagation velocity of seismic waves in the medium. In the past, during marine seismic data processing, the propagation velocity of sea water was generally taken ... The main factors affecting seismic exploration is the propagation velocity of seismic waves in the medium. In the past, during marine seismic data processing, the propagation velocity of sea water was generally taken as a constant 1500 m/s. However, for deep water exploration, the sound velocity varies with the season, time, location, water depth, ocean currents, and etc.. It also results in a layered velocity distribution, so there is a difference of seismic traveltime, ray paths, and amplitude, which affect the migration imaging results if sea water propagation velocity is still taken as constant for the propagation wavefield. In this paper, we will start from an empirical equation of seismic wave velocity in seawater with changes of temperature, salinity, and depth, consider the variation of their values, build a seawater velocity model, and quantitatively analyze the impact of seawater velocity variation on seismic traveltime, ray paths, and amplitude in the seawater velocity model. 展开更多
关键词 Sea water velocity TRAVELTIMES ray paths AMPLITUDE
Effects of Land Cover on Soil Temperature,Humidity and Moisture in Phoebe bournei Forest 被引量:9
作者 吴际友 陈明皋 +5 位作者 董春英 黄小飞 黄明军 程勇 刘球 吴其军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第12期2725-2729,共5页
Under the condition of high temperature, the effects of five cover patterns (clean tillage, film mulching, weed covering, branches and leaves covering and growing grass covering) on soil properties in young Phoebe b... Under the condition of high temperature, the effects of five cover patterns (clean tillage, film mulching, weed covering, branches and leaves covering and growing grass covering) on soil properties in young Phoebe boumei forest were in- vestigated. The results showed that the five cover patterns all showed significant ef- fects on soil properties in young Phoebe bournei forest under the condition of high temperature. Land cover increased land temperature in Phoebe boumei forest. Un- der the film mulching, the land temperature was increased most rapidly with the largest increment. However, weed covering, branches and leaves covering and growing grass covering decreased land temperature. Among them, growing grass covering showed the best cooling effect. The film mulching, weed covering, branch- es and leaves covering and growing grass covering all increased land humidity. The film mulching showed the best moisture-preserving effect in the early period, but in the late period, the humidity in the film mulching treatment group was lower than that in the clean tillage treatment group. Among the five mulching patterns, moisture loss in the film mulching treatment group was slowest and least, followed by those in the weed covering and branches and leaves covering treatment groups, and moisture loss in the growing grass covering treatment group was fastest and most. 展开更多
关键词 Soil management Land cover Land temperature Land humidity Soil moisture
Intra-annual Vegetation Change Characteristics in the NDVI-Ts Space:Application to Farming-Pastoral Zone in North China 被引量:6
作者 陈云浩 李晓兵 +2 位作者 史培军 窦闻 李霞 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第10期1139-1145,共7页
Land use/land cover change (LUCC) mapping and analysis using multi-temporal normalize difference vegetation index (NDVI) data have been well documented. Recent empirical studies have documented that many new methods w... Land use/land cover change (LUCC) mapping and analysis using multi-temporal normalize difference vegetation index (NDVI) data have been well documented. Recent empirical studies have documented that many new methods with high accuracy of retrieved land surface temperature ( Ts) have been developed. Thus, the combination of land surface temperature and NDVI has the greatest potential to improve the surface vegetation dynamic monitoring. In this study, the following objectives are pursued to: (1) introduce the practical method to produce the Ts, NDVI and Ts/NDVI based on remotely sensed data; (2) investigate the different retrieved result of vegetation cover information from NDVI, Ts and Ts/NDVI data sets, and analyze the intra-annual time trajectories of different vegetation cover categories in the NDVI- Ts space for farming-pastoral zone in North China, and (3) quantitative analysis the difference in using NDVI, Ts and Ts/NDVI data sets to express information based on the indices (information entropy and averaged information grads), and evaluate the relative role of Ts/NDVI data set in the discrimination of different vegetation cover categories through comparison to traditional NDVI data set. 展开更多
关键词 vegetation index land surface temperature NDVI-Ts space information entropy
一位被忽略的公安派爱国诗人——丘坦生平三考 被引量:1
作者 戴红贤 《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期64-69,共6页
丘坦是一位被忽略的公安派爱国诗人。他的《南游稿》《北游稿》是公安派早期诗歌的代表作,爱情悲剧诗《百六诗》体现了晚明性灵文学尊重普通小人物存在价值的新人文精神,军旅诗集《度辽集》抒发了丘坦赤胆忠心的爱国情操和淡然名利的闲... 丘坦是一位被忽略的公安派爱国诗人。他的《南游稿》《北游稿》是公安派早期诗歌的代表作,爱情悲剧诗《百六诗》体现了晚明性灵文学尊重普通小人物存在价值的新人文精神,军旅诗集《度辽集》抒发了丘坦赤胆忠心的爱国情操和淡然名利的闲适情怀。 展开更多
关键词 丘坦 公安派 《南游稿》 《百六诗》 《度辽集》
Preliminary Study on the Nearc-ground Spectral Characteristic of the Degraded Meadow Grassland 被引量:7
作者 娜日苏 格根图 德勒格日玛 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第6期164-167,共4页
IS1921 VF-256 type ground object spectrometer was used to extract the spectral data of the meadow grassland and bare land to obtain their refleotivity spectral characteristics. The experiment was carried out on the lo... IS1921 VF-256 type ground object spectrometer was used to extract the spectral data of the meadow grassland and bare land to obtain their refleotivity spectral characteristics. The experiment was carried out on the low mountain meadow steppe in the Saiwundu Village, Hargentai Town, West Ujumqin Banner, Xilin Gol League, Inner Mongolia. The results showed that different ground objects had different reflectances. The spectral reflectance curve of the meadow steppe plant communities had obvious characteristics of peak and valley in the visible spectrum band, and had strong reflection in the near-infrared band. The reflection curve of the bare lands in the visible spectrum band was higher than that of the meadow grassland communities while inthe near-infrared band it was lower than that of the meadow grassland communities. Under different degradation gradients, the spectral reflectivity of the meadow steppe grassland communities increased with the enhancement of the degradation gradients. Under the same degradation gradient, the Stipa grandis communities had a lower visible light reflectivity than the Artemisia frigida communities but had a higher near-infrared reflectivity than the Artemisia frigida communities; different ground objects on the meadow steppe had different spectrum characteristic, and showed a certain discrepancies with the changes of the degradation level. 展开更多
关键词 Meadow steppe Degradation gradient Remote sensing Object spectrum Spectral characteristic
Biomechanical Characteristics of Rape Stalks 被引量:6
作者 吴晓强 闫鹏 +4 位作者 王鑫 曹中华 刘春利 韩彩锐 牛应泽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第5期972-978,共7页
[Objective] To study the correlation between the biomechanical properties of rape stalks and rape stem lodging. [Method] Through axial compression tests to the stalks of 4 different rape varieties, the change rules of... [Objective] To study the correlation between the biomechanical properties of rape stalks and rape stem lodging. [Method] Through axial compression tests to the stalks of 4 different rape varieties, the change rules of maximum stem bearing ca- pacity, maximum compressive strength, elastic modulus and moment of inertia along plant height were analyzed, as well as the effect of different varieties and water contents on the biomechanical property indices of rape stalks. [Result] The maximum loads of rape stalks presented liner decrease trend along with the increase of stem height, and all reached the maximums below the height of 50 cm. The maximum stem compressive strength and elastic modulus of the 4 varieties were increased with ascending height, but in a slow rate with small change, thus the modulus of e- lasticity could be considered as unchanged. The maximum bearing capacity, maxi- mum compressive strength and elastic modulus of dry rape stalks were higher than wet stalks, indicating that the water contents of rape stalks had significant effect on their mechanical properties. According to the actual lodging situations in filed, stalks of variety No. 1 owned the worst biomechanical properties and lodging degree, while the biomechanical properties of No. 6 and F5 were better than No. 1 and No. 9, and they also had stronger lodging-resistance. [Conclusion] The study provides parameters and bases for the design of mechanized production and mechanical deep processing of crops, and can better reveal the physical natures of organisms. The methods used in this study can also be used to screen excellent crop stalks. 展开更多
关键词 Rape stalk LODGING Axial compression Plant height Biomechanical performance
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