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作者 铃木拓史 董凤伍 《滨州学院学报》 2009年第2期1-5,共5页
通过对《竹简孙子》和《魏武注孙子》一系的现行本《孙子兵法》加以比较,特别以《形篇》中"守"的解释为中心展开讨论,认为实现不战屈敌、保全本国为目的的国家战略,是符合孙武本意的。因此《孙子兵法》原本不存在"善攻者... 通过对《竹简孙子》和《魏武注孙子》一系的现行本《孙子兵法》加以比较,特别以《形篇》中"守"的解释为中心展开讨论,认为实现不战屈敌、保全本国为目的的国家战略,是符合孙武本意的。因此《孙子兵法》原本不存在"善攻者"三字,并非脱字、误字,这样文脉贯通,是《孙子兵法》本质意义上的字句。 展开更多
关键词 《孙子兵法》 《形篇》 《竹简孙子》
作者 王辉强 《人文杂志》 1980年第6期63-68,共6页
《孙子》一书的作者孙武是春秋末期新兴地主阶级的著名军事家。《孙子》这部伟大的军事理论著作,用朴素的军事唯物主义和辩证法思想总结了丰富的战争经验,论述了一般战争规律,被列为《武经七书》之首。据传全书原有八十二篇,现仅存十三... 《孙子》一书的作者孙武是春秋末期新兴地主阶级的著名军事家。《孙子》这部伟大的军事理论著作,用朴素的军事唯物主义和辩证法思想总结了丰富的战争经验,论述了一般战争规律,被列为《武经七书》之首。据传全书原有八十二篇,现仅存十三篇。其中,《形篇》、《势篇》分别对军事实力和战术作了重要论述。 展开更多
关键词 孙武 《形篇》 《孙子》 奇正 军队 军事实力 哲学思想 敌人 战略战术 战争规律
《孙子兵法·形篇》战略思维解读 被引量:1
作者 杨新 《滨州学院学报》 2010年第2期7-11,共5页
《孙子兵法·形篇》主要论述了敌我力量对比决定战争胜负的问题,提出了"先为不可胜"、"先胜而后求战"、"修道而保法"、"胜兵若以镒称铢"等实力制胜原则。孙子的这些主张,说明战略思维的本... 《孙子兵法·形篇》主要论述了敌我力量对比决定战争胜负的问题,提出了"先为不可胜"、"先胜而后求战"、"修道而保法"、"胜兵若以镒称铢"等实力制胜原则。孙子的这些主张,说明战略思维的本质就是谋先胜之道,要处理好"先胜"和"争胜"的关系;战略思维的基本模式就是通过"度、量、数、称、胜"进行系统分析;战略思维的目标取向就是虽然看似"无智名,无勇功",但却能够实现"自保而全胜";将帅要具有"见胜"和"战胜",即认识战争和指导战争的战略思维能力。 展开更多
关键词 《孙子兵法》 《形篇》 战略思维
作者 牛同 何帅 《滨州学院学报》 2015年第5期15-19,共5页
在当前乃至未来一个相当长的时期内,随着美国、日本、菲律宾等国家加紧对我南海岛屿的干涉与争夺,南海局势将不断升温。在这种形势下,制定清晰的南海军事战略,加强军事斗争准备,已经迫在眉睫。《孙子兵法·形篇》集中体现了孙子的... 在当前乃至未来一个相当长的时期内,随着美国、日本、菲律宾等国家加紧对我南海岛屿的干涉与争夺,南海局势将不断升温。在这种形势下,制定清晰的南海军事战略,加强军事斗争准备,已经迫在眉睫。《孙子兵法·形篇》集中体现了孙子的军事力量建设和运用思想,可以为制定南海军事战略、有效维护南海权益提供重要的战略指导:将"积蓄力量,等待时机"作为总的战略思想,贯彻"先为不可胜"思想,积蓄军事力量,抓住战机;贯彻"攻守"思想,将"灵活转换与运用攻防"作为总的战略指导原则。 展开更多
关键词 《孙子兵法》 《形篇》 南海 军事战略 军事实力 攻防
作者 王向清 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1996年第4期113-116,共4页
文章借鉴国内外学者有关《孙子兵法》的研究成果,提出:《孙子兵法》十三篇文章,其每一篇既是一个独立整体,篇与篇之间又保持着内在联系,前一篇是后一篇的逻辑起点,后一篇是前一篇的逻辑发展,并且整个篇序的安排恰恰体现了战争展... 文章借鉴国内外学者有关《孙子兵法》的研究成果,提出:《孙子兵法》十三篇文章,其每一篇既是一个独立整体,篇与篇之间又保持着内在联系,前一篇是后一篇的逻辑起点,后一篇是前一篇的逻辑发展,并且整个篇序的安排恰恰体现了战争展开的自然进程。 展开更多
关键词 《孙子兵法》 《形篇》 “不战而屈人之兵” 战争 避实击 自然进程 虚实 立于不败之地 战略原则 逻辑起点
《孙子兵法》的章法和语词训释 被引量:1
作者 傅朝 杨旭 《锦州师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2000年第1期98-101,共4页
关键词 《孙子兵法》 《计篇》 《形篇》 《九地篇》 章法 语词 训诂
试论《孙子兵法》以“胜”为核心的战争理论体系 被引量:4
作者 于汝波 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第6期15-23,共9页
试论《孙子兵法》以“胜”为核心的战争理论体系于汝波《孙子兵法》是世界上现存最早的战争理论。《孙子兵法》的战争理论是一个博大精深、缜密完整的体系,其核心是一个“胜”字。它以“胜”为总纲,下辖三个子纲,或者说是三个较高范... 试论《孙子兵法》以“胜”为核心的战争理论体系于汝波《孙子兵法》是世界上现存最早的战争理论。《孙子兵法》的战争理论是一个博大精深、缜密完整的体系,其核心是一个“胜”字。它以“胜”为总纲,下辖三个子纲,或者说是三个较高范畴:先胜、全胜、战胜。先胜是关于战... 展开更多
关键词 《孙子兵法》 战争理论 战争指导 致人而不致于人 “不战而屈人之兵” 《形篇》 《孙子兵法》思想 “全胜” 避实击 防御作战
孙子情报理论补遗 被引量:2
作者 彭理中 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第3期77-77,共1页
1“四知”——知彼知己不可缺少的重要内容孙子“知彼知己论”之“知”的内容,除“五事”、“七计”、“知胜有五”外,《地形篇》中提出的“四知”,是战场全局指导必知的内容。《地形篇》指出:知吾卒之可以击,而不知敌之不可击,胜之半也... 1“四知”——知彼知己不可缺少的重要内容孙子“知彼知己论”之“知”的内容,除“五事”、“七计”、“知胜有五”外,《地形篇》中提出的“四知”,是战场全局指导必知的内容。《地形篇》指出:知吾卒之可以击,而不知敌之不可击,胜之半也;知敌之可击,而不知吾卒不可击,胜之半也,知敌之可击,知吾卒可以击,而不知地形之不可以战,胜之半也。故知兵者, 动而不迷, 举而不穷。 展开更多
关键词 情报理论 “知” 判断清楚 作战指挥艺术 反侦察 政治素质 敌人 《形篇》 国际关系 兵法
《孙子兵法》唯物辩证思想刍议 被引量:1
作者 杨振溟 《贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1999年第1期87-90,共4页
《孙子兵法》是我国古代第一部系统的兵书,它比较全面深刻地阐述了战争中的战术问题,不仅有丰富的军事思想,而且包含有丰富的哲学思想。本文试就它的唯物论和辩证法思想进行一些探索。一、朴素的唯物论观点哲学上把物质第一性,意识... 《孙子兵法》是我国古代第一部系统的兵书,它比较全面深刻地阐述了战争中的战术问题,不仅有丰富的军事思想,而且包含有丰富的哲学思想。本文试就它的唯物论和辩证法思想进行一些探索。一、朴素的唯物论观点哲学上把物质第一性,意识第二性的理论称为唯物论。孙武承认军... 展开更多
关键词 《孙子兵法》 唯物辩证 《计篇》 孙武 战争 唯物论 争胜负 《形篇》 主观能动 军事活动
作者 李宏丽 《沧桑》 2002年第6期43-44,共2页
关键词 《孙子兵法》 “而”字 《形篇》 《计篇》 用法 语法功能 并列关系 偏正关系 转折关系 《九地篇》
作者 程梅花 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 1997年第3期71-75,共5页
《孙子兵法》是战国时期,齐人孙武所作。孙武凭此书得到吴王阖闾重用,为吴将兵,使吴显名诸侯,走向强盛。其中十三篇留传至今,被尊为兵书之祖。它不仅受中外军事家重视,也备受管理学界的青睐,成为许多企业家成功的管理经验的理论来源。... 《孙子兵法》是战国时期,齐人孙武所作。孙武凭此书得到吴王阖闾重用,为吴将兵,使吴显名诸侯,走向强盛。其中十三篇留传至今,被尊为兵书之祖。它不仅受中外军事家重视,也备受管理学界的青睐,成为许多企业家成功的管理经验的理论来源。《孙子兵法》本是为军事管理而作,军事管理是一项系统工程,在中国管理思想史上孙武第一次系统地阐述了这一系统工程的要素条件,基本方法和原则。其中蕴含着丰富的具有普遍意义的管理思想,对现代管理不无启迪。 展开更多
关键词 《孙子兵法》 军事管理 将帅 管理系 善之善者 系统工程 现代管理 要素条件 《形篇》 《计篇》
作者 杨在溪 《社科纵横》 1995年第1期80-81,共2页
谈孙武深谋远虑因势利导的决策思想杨在溪孙武所著《孙子兵法》是我国历史上第一部著名兵法,又是世界各国公认的最富有哲理性和发生着深远影响的兵法。在这部兵法里,所蕴含的深遂而奥秘的思想内容,博大而精深的军事学说内涵,为历代... 谈孙武深谋远虑因势利导的决策思想杨在溪孙武所著《孙子兵法》是我国历史上第一部著名兵法,又是世界各国公认的最富有哲理性和发生着深远影响的兵法。在这部兵法里,所蕴含的深遂而奥秘的思想内容,博大而精深的军事学说内涵,为历代人所仰慕。尤其是有关谋略的论述对今... 展开更多
关键词 孙武 《孙子兵法》 不战而屈人之兵 《计篇》 善之善者 决策思想 《形篇》 战争 相关要素 军事指挥
Discourse System and Intercultural Communication 被引量:1
作者 孙静 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第1期79-81,共3页
Discourse is the language in use. Discourse system is about the study of whole systems of communication. This article tries to analyze the influences of discourse system on intercultural communication from the points ... Discourse is the language in use. Discourse system is about the study of whole systems of communication. This article tries to analyze the influences of discourse system on intercultural communication from the points of ideology, socialization, forms of discourse, face systems and context. Studying intercultural communication from the point of discourse system is an innovative and effective research method, which helps to enhance the participants' cultural sensitivity and makes the communication continue. 展开更多
关键词 discourse system IDEOLOGY CONTEXT intercultural communication
作者 赵嘉 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期117-118,共2页
O. Henry is a realist and humanitarian writer. In his life, he wrote more than 300 short stories and a full-length novel. Sacrifice of Love is a typical O Henry's novel, which was formed in American society that chan... O. Henry is a realist and humanitarian writer. In his life, he wrote more than 300 short stories and a full-length novel. Sacrifice of Love is a typical O Henry's novel, which was formed in American society that changed from the rapid development ofcapitalism to the era of imperialism. During this period, the rotten social system, ruthless competition and insatiable exploitation jugulatcd and contorted human's emotions. In such a society, O. Henry, on the one hand, advocated and paid a tribute to beautiful love. on the other hand, he felt helpless and hateful to the cruel social and hard living conditions. Love itself is holy and sweet, but due to the decay of the social system, love was full of bitterness. This paper focuses on analyzing O. Henry's views of love, the reasons of formation and the expression skills. The subject of the Sacrifice of Love is: love itselfis sweet and holy, but in the capitalist society, it is destined to be a tragedy. 展开更多
关键词 sacrifice of love SWEET bitter love corrupt social system
Demythologizing the South: Cormac McCarthy's Suttree in an Intertextual Perspective
作者 Grazyna Maria Teresa Branny 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1543-1549,共7页
The article is structured around a premise of intertextuality, which is suggested not only by McCarthy's own more or less overt allusions to Faulkner's writing but also by the very name of his protagonist Suttree, w... The article is structured around a premise of intertextuality, which is suggested not only by McCarthy's own more or less overt allusions to Faulkner's writing but also by the very name of his protagonist Suttree, which is evocative of the name of perhaps the best known Faulkner villain Thomas Sutpen. This supposition in turn leads to an argument that in his 1979 novel McCarthy does indeed reverse the life story of Thomas Sutpen by making Suttree descend down the very path that Sutpen ascended a century and a half before him, i.e., from the ranks of Southern aristocracy to the scum of the earth, and in defiance of the same ideology that Sutpen went to great lengths to embrace. Thus, an intertextual and comparative approach to McCarthy's novel not only in the context of Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! but also his Light in August (cf. Joe Christmas) and The Sound and the Fury (cf. Quentin) as well as Ellen Glasgow's short story "Jordan's End" demonstrates that what Cormac McCarthy actually does in Suttree is to demythologize the South, complete with its aristocratic pretensions ("doing pretty"), dubious morality (incest) and fear of miscegenation (obsession with time and the double). Moreover, in doing so, he defamiliarizes it by reducing it to its Other (poor whites and African Americans), whose authenticity, liveliness and charitability defy the affectation, lifelessness and decadence of the aristocratic South. 展开更多
关键词 Cormac McCarthy William Faulkner the South INTERTEXTUALITY demythologization DEFAMILIARIZATION
Allegory of Dominance British Power in Rudyard Kipling's Rikki-tikki-tavi
作者 Alexandre Veloso de Abreu 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第11期687-691,共5页
In The Jungle Book (1894), Kipling's first literary work, the author uses Indian spatial reference and cultural influence to construct his narrative. The short story "Rikki-tikki-tavi" is elaborated using the str... In The Jungle Book (1894), Kipling's first literary work, the author uses Indian spatial reference and cultural influence to construct his narrative. The short story "Rikki-tikki-tavi" is elaborated using the structure of Western fables, having allegory as one of its most exploited strategies. Vladmir Propp, in Morphology of the Folktale (1929) considers that every folktale story reproduces a structure. Propp's model demonstrates Rikki-tikki-tavi's Western "frame" when the authors see how clearly and efficiently the short story fits the model of Russian Folktale. This article will analyze "Rikki-tikki-tavi" as a paradigm of this literary genre, showing how characters metaphorically represent the British domination in India during the end of the 19th century. 展开更多
Perspective and Subjectivity: The Power of Images in Northamerican Short-Story Writing
作者 Maria Rosa Burilio Gadea 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第4期249-258,共10页
The study is meant to describe the evolution of American short-story writing with patterns where visual images have become central and not peripheral for the understanding of stories. Hemingway's use of objective cor... The study is meant to describe the evolution of American short-story writing with patterns where visual images have become central and not peripheral for the understanding of stories. Hemingway's use of objective correlatives was a trace mark, and the literary editors at The New Yorker urged their writers to slow down the emphasis on movement and plot in order to recreate a certain mood which would favour the perception of objects, anecdotes, and details. The impressionistic device works very much in the same way that an advertisement would do. It is meant to persuade the audience. The apparently non-commitant vision of reality shows in fact the author's point of view. The apparent simplicity is meant for a very wide audience and its deepest meaning suggests the scope of the particular visual aids working at the deepest level of consciousness 展开更多
Inarticulateness, Power and Ethnic identity On Jorge Luis Borges' The Gospel According to Mark
作者 Du Bingyue 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第8期10-11,共2页
This paper attempts to focus on Jorge Luis Borges’ short story The Gospel according To Mark. Borges, an Argentina short storywriter and translator, whose motherland is under long-term western colonization, identifi e... This paper attempts to focus on Jorge Luis Borges’ short story The Gospel according To Mark. Borges, an Argentina short storywriter and translator, whose motherland is under long-term western colonization, identifi es himself unconsciously with the western culture. Hisworks mostly touch upon the themes of religion and philosophy. Along with post-colonialism theory’s springing up, critics began to analyze hisworks from the post-colonial perspective. The author thinks that this short story with religious implication parallels to the cultural invasion in theperiod of colonization, from powerful culture to weaker one. The author, thus, aims to use Michael Foucault’s viewpoints concerning power andknowledge to probe into the western cultural hegemony and ideological invasion refl ected in this story. Besides, the loss and construction of theethnic identity of the colonized will be discussed in details. 展开更多
关键词 Jorge Luis Borges power and knowledge inarticulateness Ethnic identity cultural hegemony.
论《孙子兵法》对中国古代军事谋略学的构建 被引量:2
作者 李兴斌 《军事历史研究》 CSSCI 1999年第4期133-144,共12页
关键词 《孙子兵法》 谋略学 古代军事 《计篇》 军事谋略 《形篇》 战争 孙武 避实击 《九地篇》
作者 杨新江 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 CSSCI 1993年第4期79-80,共2页
关键词 《孙子》 精髓论 立于不败之地 战争理论 《形篇》 《计篇》 兵书 敌人 乘敌之隙
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