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作者 李凤 王军涛 《今古文创》 2024年第37期40-42,共3页
于成龙是清初重要的封疆大吏,康熙帝玄烨曾称誉他为“天下廉吏第一”。他于顺治十八年(时年四十五岁)步入仕途,历任广西罗城知县、四川合州知州、湖广黄州府同知、湖广武昌知府、湖广黄州知府、湖广下江防道、福建按察使、福建布政使、... 于成龙是清初重要的封疆大吏,康熙帝玄烨曾称誉他为“天下廉吏第一”。他于顺治十八年(时年四十五岁)步入仕途,历任广西罗城知县、四川合州知州、湖广黄州府同知、湖广武昌知府、湖广黄州知府、湖广下江防道、福建按察使、福建布政使、直隶巡抚、两江总督等职,政绩斐然,深受士民的爱戴,给后世留下了大量的记载各地政事的公文政书。除公文写作外,于成龙在闲暇之余也喜好吟诗作对,创作了一些诗词作品,这些作品今附于政书之后,独成一卷。其中,《忍字歌》篇幅最长,有一千二百二十字。该诗作情感真挚,发人深省。 展开更多
关键词 于成龙 廉吏 《忍字歌》
贤文与做人之五 忍得一时之气 免得百日之忧——做人要忍让 被引量:1
作者 叶建华 《化工管理》 2006年第5期72-73,共2页
关键词 《忍得一时之气 免得百日之忧--做人要让》 中国 当代 杂文 叶建华
作者 郭静楠 《科教文汇》 2009年第17期269-269,共1页
"私小说"是产生于日本大正末期的一种独特的小说形式。三浦哲郎的芥川文学奖获奖作品《忍川》是一部充满"私小说"风格的短篇小说。本文将以《忍川》为例,浅谈日本"私小说"的特征,带领读者了解日本"... "私小说"是产生于日本大正末期的一种独特的小说形式。三浦哲郎的芥川文学奖获奖作品《忍川》是一部充满"私小说"风格的短篇小说。本文将以《忍川》为例,浅谈日本"私小说"的特征,带领读者了解日本"私小说"之美。 展开更多
关键词 私小说 特征 《忍川》 三浦哲郎 芥川文学奖
作者 汤继山 《中学语文教学》 北大核心 2003年第10期42-42,共1页
人教版新编高中语文教材第三册(2003年5月印刷)分为"阅读"和"写作"两大部分.第二写作单元为议论文单元,主题是"议论要有条有理".教材明确的学习重点是"一、学习并列式论证结构.二、学习递进式论证结... 人教版新编高中语文教材第三册(2003年5月印刷)分为"阅读"和"写作"两大部分.第二写作单元为议论文单元,主题是"议论要有条有理".教材明确的学习重点是"一、学习并列式论证结构.二、学习递进式论证结构."在本单元的后面,编者提供了一篇范文<忍与争>,作为学生"学习递进式论证结构"的"借鉴实例".在这篇"范文"的后面,编者作了这样的阅读点评: 展开更多
关键词 《忍与争》 议论文 新教材 编排质疑 人教版 高中 语文 教材 第三册
忍者来了 《忍者龙太郎》初体验
作者 流水时光 《数字通信》 2008年第3期78-79,共2页
关键词 《忍者龙太郎》 电脑游戏 剧情介绍 游戏规则 动作过关游戏
作者 郭小娟 《文教资料》 2009年第36期6-6,30,共2页
中华民族是一个善忍的民族。几千年的文化典籍中包含了丰富的忍文化言论。《忍经》是中国第一本关于“忍”的书,从《忍经》可以窥见中华忍文化之一斑。因而对于《忍经》的研究是必要的。但是人们对于《忍经》还很陌生.本文从各角度对... 中华民族是一个善忍的民族。几千年的文化典籍中包含了丰富的忍文化言论。《忍经》是中国第一本关于“忍”的书,从《忍经》可以窥见中华忍文化之一斑。因而对于《忍经》的研究是必要的。但是人们对于《忍经》还很陌生.本文从各角度对《忍经》的“隐形埋名”与成书缘由进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 《忍经》文化 “隐姓埋名”成书缘由
《新作文(中学教学版)》 2003年第11期24-24,共1页
关键词 《忍与争》 议论文 人教版 高中 语文 第三册 递进式论证结构 教材研究 学习重点 写作教学
作者 周海亮 《精彩》 2007年第7期28-29,共2页
关键词 中国 当代 散文 作品赏析 《忍的猜测》
作者 姜仲华 《内蒙古林业》 2011年第10期44-44,共1页
苏东坡有句名言:“人生忍痛易,忍痒难。能忍痒者,真有道之人也。”其实,痒有多种形态。有生理的痒,病理的痒,心理的痒,感情的痒……忍哪种痒,都不容易。因为挠痒是顺从人的欲望,如同“顺水行舟”;而忍痒,则是逆着人的欲望,... 苏东坡有句名言:“人生忍痛易,忍痒难。能忍痒者,真有道之人也。”其实,痒有多种形态。有生理的痒,病理的痒,心理的痒,感情的痒……忍哪种痒,都不容易。因为挠痒是顺从人的欲望,如同“顺水行舟”;而忍痒,则是逆着人的欲望,恰似“逆水行舟”。 展开更多
关键词 《忍"痒"》 随笔 杂文 杂谈
《计算机应用文摘》 2009年第1期60-60,共1页
孤儿,高手,刺客集团……,我相信只要是武侠爱好者,古龙大师的粉丝,都会觉得这些词很眼熟。正解,这就是大师的经典作品《流星·蝴蝶·剑》的故事:孤儿孟星魂,刺客首领高大姐,为了正义与爱情摧毁恶势力。同样套路的“花... 孤儿,高手,刺客集团……,我相信只要是武侠爱好者,古龙大师的粉丝,都会觉得这些词很眼熟。正解,这就是大师的经典作品《流星·蝴蝶·剑》的故事:孤儿孟星魂,刺客首领高大姐,为了正义与爱情摧毁恶势力。同样套路的“花样忍者美男刺客”电影《忍者刺客》难道是在向逝去的大师致敬么? 展开更多
关键词 电影 《忍者刺客》 韩国 艺术评论
作者 永阡墨 《中学生读写(高中)》 2007年第8期57-62,共6页
我躲在一棵大榕树上,那个穿蓝色紧身衣的人在不远的地方,大风吹,树叶的碰撞掩饰了我微弱的呼吸声,手里的星型暗器已经捏出了潮湿。忽然,飞鸟像感受到了某种危险似的,惊吓中慌乱地飞起来,在我要发喑器的那一刹那,蓝衣人的暗器更... 我躲在一棵大榕树上,那个穿蓝色紧身衣的人在不远的地方,大风吹,树叶的碰撞掩饰了我微弱的呼吸声,手里的星型暗器已经捏出了潮湿。忽然,飞鸟像感受到了某种危险似的,惊吓中慌乱地飞起来,在我要发喑器的那一刹那,蓝衣人的暗器更快地带着破风的声音朝我飞来,我一个闪身,轻巧地从树上翻转着跳到地上。背后“扑”地一声,我知道我又输了。 展开更多
关键词 中国 当代 散文 作品赏析 《忍者》
《数码设计》 2012年第3期35-35,共1页
本作是由KOEI TECMO公司制作并发行的经典动作类游戏《忍者龙剑传》系列的最新作品,游戏的基本内容以PS3版《忍者龙剑传:西格玛》为基础,活用了PSVita的新特性,加入了各种新奇的玩法。
关键词 《忍者龙剑传》 动作类游戏 PS3
Leaf epidermal characters of Lonicera japonica and Lonicera confuse and their ecology adaptation 被引量:3
作者 李强 余龙江 +3 位作者 邓艳 李为 栗茂腾 曹建华 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2期103-108,共6页
The leaf epidermis of Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb.) and Wild Honeysuckle (Lonicera confusa) in the genus of Flos Lonicerae were mainly observed by scanning electron microscopes (SEM) to study t... The leaf epidermis of Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb.) and Wild Honeysuckle (Lonicera confusa) in the genus of Flos Lonicerae were mainly observed by scanning electron microscopes (SEM) to study the characteristics of stomata, trichomes and dermal cell, etc.. The results showed that stoma exists only on the lower epidermis and its distribution is irregular, and leaf epidermis consist of epidermis cells, stoma complexes and bushy trichomes including glandular hair and non-glandular hair. On the upper epidermis, anticlinal wall caves in sinuous groove to countercheck the transpiration. Evidences from leaf morphological structures serve as another proof on drought-resistant mechanisms. Some strumaes distributing regularly are hypothesized as oxalic calcium on the lower epidermis under laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) with Fluo-3/AM, which can increase their endurance to drought stress. Therefore, the above characteristics of Flos Lonicerae can reduce the loss of water and make Japanese honeysuckle and Wild Honeysuckle adapt to the droughty environment at Karst area in southwest China. However, there is some difference of the two species. From the SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) result, it is shown that on the upper epidermis, some glandular hair regularly present along the midrib of Japanese honeysuckle, but Wild Honeysuckle has no glandular hair on the upper epidermis, which can verify the relationships of Flos Lonicerae species and provide the significance for classification of Flos Lonicerae. 展开更多
关键词 Lonicera japonica Lonicera confuse Flos Lonicerae Dermal cell STOMATA TRICHOMES Ecology adaptation
20世纪郑廷玉与其杂剧研究综述 被引量:4
作者 张大新 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2001年第2期66-71,共6页
本文对 2 0世纪尤其是 80年代以来有关元代著名喜剧作家郑廷玉的研究状况作了简要回顾 ,从中可见元杂剧研究所走过的曲折历程 ,对郑廷玉及其杂剧的认识也同样呈现出阶段性变化的特点。由社会功利性的政治与道德评判到以探究作家创作心... 本文对 2 0世纪尤其是 80年代以来有关元代著名喜剧作家郑廷玉的研究状况作了简要回顾 ,从中可见元杂剧研究所走过的曲折历程 ,对郑廷玉及其杂剧的认识也同样呈现出阶段性变化的特点。由社会功利性的政治与道德评判到以探究作家创作心理为前提 ,全面地认知郑氏杂剧所折射的时代意识和深刻而丰富的文化意蕴 ,并由单一的线型思维模式推进到多元并举的多维度、多思路的立体式探寻 ,标示着元杂剧整体到个案研究均已显现出鲜明的学术品格 。 展开更多
关键词 《看钱奴》 《后庭花》 《金凤钗》 《忍宗记》 《楚昭生》 20世纪 郑廷玉 杂剧 综述 杂剧研究
Correlation between Chinese learners' tolerance of ambiguity and their English achievement
作者 李素真 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第3期35-38,共4页
Tolerance of ambiguity, an important emotional factor, imposes vital influence on second language acquisition. In this study, questionnaires are adopted to investigate the correlation between non-English major's tole... Tolerance of ambiguity, an important emotional factor, imposes vital influence on second language acquisition. In this study, questionnaires are adopted to investigate the correlation between non-English major's tolerance of ambiguity and their English achievement. The result shows that students with different degrees of tolerance of ambiguity can be significantly different in their language performance. Based on the analysis, this article proposes some effective measures to improve the degree of tolerance of ambiguity in English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 tolerance of ambiguity English achievement CORRELATION
作者 朱学华 《广东佛教》 2000年第3期68-68,共1页
关键词 朱学华 《爱》 《忍》 《过》 中国 当代 诗歌
《数码》 2006年第4期192-192,共1页
关键词 《慕尼黑》 《芳香之旅》 《忍》 《哈利·波特与火焰杯》 电影
Separation and Purification of Macranthoidin B and Dipsacoside B from Flos Lonicerae by HP-20 and HP-SS Macroporous Resin 被引量:4
作者 卢凤来 魏欢 +3 位作者 王磊 颜小捷 陈月圆 李典鹏 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期765-768,共4页
[Objective] This study was conducted to develop a method for rapidly separating macranthoidin B and dipsacoside B from Flos Lonicerae. [Method] HP-20 and HP-SS macroporous resin were applied to separate and purify mac... [Objective] This study was conducted to develop a method for rapidly separating macranthoidin B and dipsacoside B from Flos Lonicerae. [Method] HP-20 and HP-SS macroporous resin were applied to separate and purify macranthoidin B and dipsacoside B from Flos Lonicerae. The extract of Flos Lonicerae was first loaded onto an HP-20 column to enrich saponins, which were then separated by an HP-SS macroporous resin column to get pure macranthoidin B and dipsacoside B.[Result] The optimal HP-20 purification conditions included: a concentration of sample liquid at 4.8 mg/ml, a sample volume of 2 BV, an adsorption flow rate at 1.5BV/h, an ethanol concentration for desorption at 60%, a desorption volume of 3 BV,and a desorption flow rate at 1.5 BV/h. Total saponins were then separated by an HP-SS macroporous resin column which was eluted sequentially by water, 20%ethanol, 30% ethanol, 40% ethanol and 50% ethanol. Two purified compounds were obtained in fractions eluted by 40% ethanol and 50% ethanol, respectively. The two compounds were identified as macranthoidin B and dipsacoside B by13 C and1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. [Conclusion] The combination of HP-20 and HP-SS macroporous resin could efficiently separate macranthoidin B and dipsacoside B from Flos Lonicerae. 展开更多
关键词 Flos Lonicerae Macranthoidin B Dipsacoside B HP-20 macroporous resin HP-SS macroporous resin
Verification of Mutagen Function of Zeocin in Nannochloropsis oceanica Through Transcriptome Analysis 被引量:5
作者 LIN Genmei WANG Yamei +5 位作者 GUO Li DING Haiyan HU Yongmei LIANG Sijie ZHANG Zhongyi YANG Guanpin 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期501-508,共8页
Zeocin can cause double strand breaks of DNA and thus is frequently used as a selective antibiotic of eukaryotic Sh ble transformants. In non-transformation system, Zeocin may function as a mutagen if not totally leth... Zeocin can cause double strand breaks of DNA and thus is frequently used as a selective antibiotic of eukaryotic Sh ble transformants. In non-transformation system, Zeocin may function as a mutagen if not totally lethal. To verify such function of Zeocin, we mutated Nannochloropsis oceanica by increasing the concentration of Zeocin in medium gradually, and isolated a N. oceanica strain(single cell culture) which survived Zeocin up to 10.0μg mL^(-1). The Zeocin-tolerant strain entered the exponential growth phase later and grew slower than the wild strain. Transcriptome profiling showed that the Zeocin-tolerant N. oceanica strain survived Zeocin mainly by adapting(heritable), rather than acclimating(plastic) to Zeocin. Hence mutating N. oceanica with Zeocin was approved effective. Meanwhile, the physiological characteristics of this Zeocin-tolerant strain were demonstrated. As we proposed, N. oceanica tolerated Zeocin by strengthening its protein degradation and antioxidation. The genes controlling cell division and cellular response to stimuli may also have played important roles in the reduction of growth and the tolerance to Zeocin. Our findings evidenced that Zeocin can serve as an appropriate mutagen of microalgae. Creating variations through mutation with Zeocin may help to study the genetic basis of the traits of this monoploidy and asexual microalga, as well as improve its production. 展开更多
关键词 Nannochloropsis oceanica MUTATION Zeocin tolerance TRANSCRIPTOME
Lonicerae Flos:A Review of Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities 被引量:21
作者 Yan-Ran TANG Ting ZENG +6 位作者 Han-Wen YUAN Bin LI Cai-Yun PENG Si-Cheng WANG Yu-Qing JIAN Yan QIN Wei WANG 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2018年第2期173-188,共16页
Lonicerae flos,a widely used traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),has been used for several thousand years in China.As a famous traditional Chinese herbal medicine,it was used as heat-clearing drug and alexipharmic agent... Lonicerae flos,a widely used traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),has been used for several thousand years in China.As a famous traditional Chinese herbal medicine,it was used as heat-clearing drug and alexipharmic agent and was widely cultivated in Hunan province.L.flos mainly contains biologically active compounds such as caffeic acid derivatives,essential oil,flavonoids,iridoid glycosides and terpenoids.A range of biological activities has been reported from plant extracts including anti-inflammatory,antitumor,antioxidant,antiallergy,immunomodulating and antibacterial activity.In this study,the author investigated ancient books of TCM and nowadays reports,summarized the chemical constituents,biological activity of L.flos to provide a comprehensive systematic review. 展开更多
关键词 CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicerae flos Chemical constituents Biological activity Lonicera macranthoides Lonicera cofusa
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