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作者 赵云梅 《鲁东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第5期1-8,共8页
词类标注是汉英词典编撰不可回避的问题。怀疑类词具有丰富的语义层次和复杂的语法功能,但目前缺乏基于词典怀疑类词的词类标注现状调查和深入分析。通过对5部汉语/汉英词典中怀疑类词的词类标注调查,可以发现汉英词典中怀疑类词的词类... 词类标注是汉英词典编撰不可回避的问题。怀疑类词具有丰富的语义层次和复杂的语法功能,但目前缺乏基于词典怀疑类词的词类标注现状调查和深入分析。通过对5部汉语/汉英词典中怀疑类词的词类标注调查,可以发现汉英词典中怀疑类词的词类标注分歧的原因。汉英词典中词类标注应尊重语言事实,同时词类标注应基于语料库大数据进行用法调查,并根据词类的规约化程度将其归入所属的常规词类,从而提高汉英词典编撰的质量。 展开更多
关键词 汉英词典 怀疑类词 词类标注 语料库
新见北宋《杨怀忠墓志》考 被引量:4
作者 王连龙 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期61-65,共5页
北宋《杨怀忠墓志》,近出河南巩县。墓志记载了北宋名将杨怀忠的家族世系及宦绩功业。墓志所叙杨怀忠家族直系五代,正史皆不载,志文有简传性质,可补史志之阙。墓志详述杨怀忠咸平三年(1000)参加平叛王均兵变事,与《宋史》、《续资治通... 北宋《杨怀忠墓志》,近出河南巩县。墓志记载了北宋名将杨怀忠的家族世系及宦绩功业。墓志所叙杨怀忠家族直系五代,正史皆不载,志文有简传性质,可补史志之阙。墓志详述杨怀忠咸平三年(1000)参加平叛王均兵变事,与《宋史》、《续资治通鉴长编》、《皇宋通鉴长编纪事本末》等相互参证,极具史料价值。另外,墓志为沙门书家所书,于宋代书法史研究亦多有助益。 展开更多
关键词 世系 怀 书法
怀王之约与汉承秦制 被引量:6
作者 王勇 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第2期17-21,共5页
怀王之约是在六国宗室的王位继承权获得普遍承认的背景下,以楚为盟主的反秦军约定的对战后秦国的处置方案。按照怀王之约,率先入关的刘邦本应以秦王的身份统治整个故秦之地,恢复秦统一前七国并立的局面。虽然由于项羽对怀王之约的曲解,... 怀王之约是在六国宗室的王位继承权获得普遍承认的背景下,以楚为盟主的反秦军约定的对战后秦国的处置方案。按照怀王之约,率先入关的刘邦本应以秦王的身份统治整个故秦之地,恢复秦统一前七国并立的局面。虽然由于项羽对怀王之约的曲解,刘邦只成为了汉王。但在项羽的分封体系中,汉政权建立的法理依据仍然是怀王之约,它同样是关中秦地政权的延续。所以刘邦在进入汉中后即开始逐步废除楚制, 转而行秦制。 展开更多
关键词 怀王之约 楚制 秦制
论盛宣怀与四川保路运动的发展 被引量:4
作者 王志刚 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期113-119,共7页
在铁路干线国有政策的制定和实施过程中,盛宣怀发挥了极为重要的作用。由于未能充分做好规划和准备,在盛宣怀主导下制定的相关政策存在诸多问题。面对各方的批评和反对,他采取强硬执行的态度,并运用一系列欺诈手段推进原定政策,使四川... 在铁路干线国有政策的制定和实施过程中,盛宣怀发挥了极为重要的作用。由于未能充分做好规划和准备,在盛宣怀主导下制定的相关政策存在诸多问题。面对各方的批评和反对,他采取强硬执行的态度,并运用一系列欺诈手段推进原定政策,使四川保路运动不断发展。他又力图强硬弹压川省保路运动,间接酿成了"成都血案",使经济利益问题激化成为政治问题。此后,盛宣怀继续主张采用武力弹压的办法。这不仅使清政府内部各派发生内讧,而且还动摇了清政府脆弱的统治基础。 展开更多
关键词 盛宣怀 保路运动 干线铁路国有 政治应对
徐增《怀感诗》与明末清初文坛生态 被引量:1
作者 冯莉 《北方论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期55-58,共4页
组诗《怀感诗》是徐增诗歌创作的典范,既表达徐增对平生所交友人的深切怀念之情,亦勾勒出明末清初之际,江南文人的生活状态及其文化生活,其中部分内容可以弥补史料记载缺失的不足。而《怀感诗》以组诗形式出现在清初文坛,既是诗歌自身... 组诗《怀感诗》是徐增诗歌创作的典范,既表达徐增对平生所交友人的深切怀念之情,亦勾勒出明末清初之际,江南文人的生活状态及其文化生活,其中部分内容可以弥补史料记载缺失的不足。而《怀感诗》以组诗形式出现在清初文坛,既是诗歌自身形式发展的必然结果,亦与此时期文人情感内涵的复杂丰富性、徐增本人的性情及人生经历有关。 展开更多
关键词 徐增 《怀感诗》 组诗
作者 吴春生 陈洁 《三明学院学报》 2016年第3期57-62,共6页
古汉语中的"怀"字,其义位有两个,一是心胸,二是容纳,接纳。前者为其本义,后者为其引申义,从前者到后者的机制是转喻。当后者与思想语境相结合时,则有念思、安抚、关怀、归附、接纳等几个变体;后者与空间语境相结合时,则有怀... 古汉语中的"怀"字,其义位有两个,一是心胸,二是容纳,接纳。前者为其本义,后者为其引申义,从前者到后者的机制是转喻。当后者与思想语境相结合时,则有念思、安抚、关怀、归附、接纳等几个变体;后者与空间语境相结合时,则有怀藏、包围等变体。以此来观照《论语》中的"老者安之,朋友信之,少者怀之",并结合对"怀之"以及"老者""朋友""少者"三个群体的典型特征分析,得出"少者怀之"的"怀"当为"接纳"。"少者怀之"当译为:少年人,则接纳他们。 展开更多
关键词 《论语》 少者怀 辨析
作者 沈红艳 《早期教育(家庭教育)》 北大核心 2008年第2期32-32,共1页
关键词 中国 当代 幽默 作品赏析 《怀了小宝宝》
作者 李采恩 《美术大观》 2022年第10期111-113,共3页
清代金石学家曹载奎编著的《怀米山房吉金图》中收录了一件政和礼器——嘉礼壶尊,此器底部铭文流露出宋人新意,大致可知嘉礼壶尊铭文的制作模本来源主要有三:一为宋代编著的古器物图谱《先秦古器记》《皇祐三馆古器图》《胡俛古器图》... 清代金石学家曹载奎编著的《怀米山房吉金图》中收录了一件政和礼器——嘉礼壶尊,此器底部铭文流露出宋人新意,大致可知嘉礼壶尊铭文的制作模本来源主要有三:一为宋代编著的古器物图谱《先秦古器记》《皇祐三馆古器图》《胡俛古器图》《考古图》《宣和博古图》等;二为当时所能见的三代铜器;三为宋代刊布的传抄古文的研究成果,以上三者,均在不同程度上影响了嘉礼壶尊铭文的制作。 展开更多
关键词 《怀米山房吉金图》 嘉礼壶尊 铭文
作者 崔修建 《广西教育》 2005年第03C期16-17,共2页
关键词 崔修建 《怀揣两块糖》 初中 语文 阅读欣赏 散文
作者 徐庶 《课堂内外(高中版)(A版)》 2008年第2期3-3,共1页
感恩的人,感恩的心,在春天燃放。 拿到本期杂志时,或匆匆走出校园,或正搭乘南下北上的列车归心似箭,或与父老乡亲团圆火炉聊得正欢……
关键词 中国 当代 散文 作品赏析 《怀揣感恩》
作者 彭樟清 《现代中学生(初中学习版)》 2009年第5期9-9,18,共2页
关键词 《怀橘》 阅读 语文教学 教学方法 中学
作者 苗君甫 《人事天地》 2011年第3期1-1,共1页
关键词 《怀揣梦想上路》 散文 文学 苗君甫
Evaluating the feasibility and preliminary effects of an online compassion training program for nursing students:A pilot randomized controlled trial
作者 Zhi Yang Mimi Mun Yee Tse +4 位作者 Huiting Huang Haiyun Fang Joanne Wai Yee Chung Doris Yin Kei Chong Thomas Kwok Shing Wong 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2024年第4期421-428,I0001,共9页
Objectives:This study aimed to assess the feasibility of an online compassion training program for nursing students and preliminarily investigate its effects on mindfulness,self-compassion,and stress reduction.Methods... Objectives:This study aimed to assess the feasibility of an online compassion training program for nursing students and preliminarily investigate its effects on mindfulness,self-compassion,and stress reduction.Methods:This study employed a randomized controlled trial design.Second-year students from a nursing college in Guangzhou,China,were recruited as research participants in August 2023.The intervention group participated in an 8-week online compassion training program via the WeChat platform,comprising three stages:mindfulness(weeks 1e2),self-compassion(weeks 3e5),and compassion for others(weeks 6 e8).Each stage included four activities:psychoeducation,mindfulness practice,weekly diary,and emotional support.Program feasibility was assessed through recruitment and retention rates,program engagement,and participant acceptability.Program effectiveness was measured with the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale,Self-Compassion Scale-Short Form,and Perceived Stress Scale.Results:A total of 28 students completed the study(13 in the intervention group,15 in the control group).The recruitment rate was 36.46%,with a high retention rate of 93.3%.Participants demonstrated high engagement:69.2%accessed learning materials every 1e2 days,93.3%practiced mindfulness at least weekly,with an average of 4.69 diary entries submitted per person and 23.30 WeChat interactions with instructors.Regarding acceptability,all participants expressed satisfaction with the program,with 92.4%finding it“very helpful”or“extremely helpful.”In terms of intervention effects,the intervention group showed a significant increase in mindfulness levels from pre-intervention(51.54±10.93)to postintervention(62.46±13.58)(P<0.05),while no significant change was observed in the control group.Although there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in post-intervention self-compassion and perceived stress levels,the intervention group showed positive trends:selfcompassion levels increased(35.85±8.60 vs.40.85±5.54),and perceived stress levels slightly decreased(44.77±8.65 vs.42.00±5.77).Conclusions:This pilot study demonstrated the feasibility of an online compassion training program for nursing students and suggested its potential effectiveness in enhancing mindfulness,self-compassion,and stress reduction.Despite limitations such as small sample size and lack of long-term follow-up,preliminary evidence indicates promising prospects for integrating such training into nursing education.Further research is warranted to confirm thesefindings and assess the sustained impact of this approach on nursing education and practice. 展开更多
齿轮耦合的转子-轴承系统非线性动力特性的研究 被引量:31
作者 张锁怀 李忆平 丘大谋 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第9期53-57,61,共6页
在考虑齿轮时变啮合刚度、齿侧间隙、脱齿、挤齿及齿背接触 等因素的情况下,建立了齿轮耦合的转子—滑动轴承系统的多自由度动力学模型。用数值方 法研究了该系统的质量不平衡响应,结果发现,由于齿轮时变啮合刚度的影响,随着转速的... 在考虑齿轮时变啮合刚度、齿侧间隙、脱齿、挤齿及齿背接触 等因素的情况下,建立了齿轮耦合的转子—滑动轴承系统的多自由度动力学模型。用数值方 法研究了该系统的质量不平衡响应,结果发现,由于齿轮时变啮合刚度的影响,随着转速的 增加,系统动力学响应首先由周期运动向准周期运动变化,当转速超过某一值时,系统的响应将由准周期运动发展为混沌运动;由于混沌运动,转子将沿齿轮中心线方向产生很大的变 形,脱齿、齿背接触及挤齿现象也将发生,可能导致系统产生破坏。 展开更多
关键词 齿侧间隙 时变啮合刚度 分岔 混沌 非线性动力学 齿轮耦合 转子-轴承系统
Effect of Purple Yam(Dioscorea alata L.) on Nutritional and Physiological Functions of Growing Rats 被引量:1
作者 宋曙辉 刘庞源 +3 位作者 赵霖 丛涛 李珍 王文琪 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第10期2159-2162,2201,共5页
[Objective] This study was to explore the effect of purple yam on the nutritional and physiological functions of rats.[Method] Forty SD rats were randomly divided into four groups with ten rats in each group which wer... [Objective] This study was to explore the effect of purple yam on the nutritional and physiological functions of rats.[Method] Forty SD rats were randomly divided into four groups with ten rats in each group which were reared with artificial semisynthetic feed added with 10% steamed yam powder.The four groups,the casein(CK) group which was used as the control,the purple yam(PY) group,the Tiegun yam(TY) group and common Huai yam(HY) group,were supplied with feed of equal content of energy,protein and fat.The rats were pair-fed for 56 days to observe changes of relevant nutritional and physiological indices.[Result] There were no significant differences of body weight,food conversion rate and organ indices between rats in PY group and CK group.Mean corpuscular hemoglobin in PY group was significantly lower than that in CK group;hemoglobin showed no significant difference with that in CK group;eosnophils was lower than that in CK group.Low density lipoprotein-cholesterol,total cholesterol and atherogenic index in PY group were lower than that in the other three groups;anti-atherogenic index was the highest among the four groups,while showing no significant difference;triglyceride content was lower than that in CK group.Among the antioxidant indices,the activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase were higher than that in CK group,while malondialdehyde content was lower than that in CK group.[Conclusion] Purple yam showed the trend of reducing the content of blood glucose,total cholesterol,low density lipoprotein-cholesterol,triglyceride,malondialdehyde,and raising the activity of glutathione peroxidase,superoxide dismutase and catalase,thus having certain antioxidative function. 展开更多
关键词 Purple yam(Dioscorea alata L.) Huai yam(Dioscorea opposite) Nutritional and physiological functions
《广雅》考释二条 被引量:1
作者 曹海东 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期123-125,共3页
今传本《广雅·释言》有“乡,救也”、“叠,怀也”二条,王念孙均注“未详”。王氏之后虽有学者为之疏证,似亦未达其旨。前一条中的“乡”当读为“(?)(向)”,而“救”与“求”通,二者皆有追求之义;后一条中的“怀”通“坏”,意为垮... 今传本《广雅·释言》有“乡,救也”、“叠,怀也”二条,王念孙均注“未详”。王氏之后虽有学者为之疏证,似亦未达其旨。前一条中的“乡”当读为“(?)(向)”,而“救”与“求”通,二者皆有追求之义;后一条中的“怀”通“坏”,意为垮塌、坠落,可与“叠”字同义。 展开更多
关键词 《广雅》 怀
作者 纪倩倩 王栋梁 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期133-137,共5页
在中国这个诗的国度里,诗与史的结合,年代既久远,方式也不一,呈现出咏史、怀古、咏怀和史诗等形态各异的名目。通览古今"咏史"界定诸说可以发现,古人的界定大多针对具体作品对"咏史"或"怀古"进行简单释义... 在中国这个诗的国度里,诗与史的结合,年代既久远,方式也不一,呈现出咏史、怀古、咏怀和史诗等形态各异的名目。通览古今"咏史"界定诸说可以发现,古人的界定大多针对具体作品对"咏史"或"怀古"进行简单释义,今之研究者均以"歌咏历史事件或历史人物"为咏史之最本质特征,咏史和怀古二者之间难以明辨。考察咏史诗在历史上的客观存在状态和诗人的创作实践,重新审视咏史之"史"的具体内涵和外延之后,以"历史信息载体"为触媒的众多诗歌便汇为一体,共同构成了中国古代文学中咏史这一重要诗歌类型。 展开更多
关键词 咏史 怀 历史 辨析 界定
Developmental Effects of Intraperitoneal Injection of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Rats During Pregnancy
作者 王雄清 阮期平 罗英 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期391-396,共6页
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are widespread environmental contaminants that are possible health hazards for human beings through a variety of pathways.In the present study,50 time mated pregnant rats were divided ... Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are widespread environmental contaminants that are possible health hazards for human beings through a variety of pathways.In the present study,50 time mated pregnant rats were divided into five groups and injected daily from gestational days 7 to 18 with either 2,2′,4,4′- tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB 47) or 3,3′,4,4′- tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB 77) or seseme oil (control) to evaluate the effects of these PCBs on prenatal and postnatal development.Offspring were examined for malformations of genitalia at birth and in adulthood.Body weight gains of these animals were checked every 7 days through postnatal day (PND) 119.There were no clinical signs of toxicity in the PCB-treated dams or their offspring throughout the experiment.Litter size and sex ratio of the litters were not affected.Both PCBs produced a significant increase in the females' anogenital distance,suggesting a modification of androgen responsiveness in females resulting from PCB exposure during development.Similar effects were not seen with the males.The proportion of individuals with eyes open by PND 15 was significantly reduced by both PCBs.Exposure to 1 mg/kg body weight of PCB 77 significantly reduced body weight gains in male pups from PND 35 to 119.However,no significant differences were found in body weight gains of the pups exposed to PCB 47. 展开更多
关键词 PCB Growth and development RAT
Digestive enzyme and alkaline phosphatase activities during the early stages of Silurus soldatovi development 被引量:1
作者 刘伟 张秀梅 王立波 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期627-632,共6页
To provide a theoretical basis to improve the survival and growth rate and optimize diet of sheatfish (Silurus soldatovi), the activities of certain digestive enzymes and alkaline phosphatases were investigated duri... To provide a theoretical basis to improve the survival and growth rate and optimize diet of sheatfish (Silurus soldatovi), the activities of certain digestive enzymes and alkaline phosphatases were investigated during larval development of one-ten day old individuals. Results indicated that sheatfish larva (~ three days after hatching) had high levels of alkaline protease activity, which peaked at five days old and dipped by eight days old, although the trend was generally upward. Acid protease activity at one-eight days old was low, after which it increased rapidly. Amylase activity reached the highest value at five days old, after which it began to decline. Lipase activity fluctuated markedly and showed two peaks at three-four days old and six-eight days old. Larval digestive enzyme activity and alkaline phosphatase activity were higher when fed live food than when fed an artificial diet. Throughout the early development process, alkaline protease activity was higher than acid protease, alkaline protease and amylase specific activity decreased significantly for eight-day-old transition larvae, while acid protease activity increased rapidly. These results indicate that the changes in digestive enzyme activity were relevant to digestive function conversion during fish larvae development. Alkaline phosphatase activity showed an upward trend over the first ten days of life, which indicated that the gastrointestinal function of sheatfish improved gradually. 展开更多
关键词 Silurus soldatovi Larva JUVENILE Digestive enzymes Alkaline phosphatase
作者 Lan-zhou Jiao Jun Zhao Xi-run Wan Xin-yan Liu Feng-zhi Feng Tong Ren Yang Xiang 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2008年第1期10-15,共6页
Objective To investigate the early diagnosis and treatment of cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP). Methods Clinical data of 28 patients with CSP in Peking Union Medical College Hospital from January 1994 to April 2007, i... Objective To investigate the early diagnosis and treatment of cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP). Methods Clinical data of 28 patients with CSP in Peking Union Medical College Hospital from January 1994 to April 2007, including age, interval from the last cesarean delivery to diagnosis, clinical presentation, location of the lesion, process of diagnosis and treatment, outcome, and follow-up, were retrospectively analyzed. Re, salts CSP constituted 1.05 % of all ectopic pregnancies, and the ratio of CSP to pregnancy was 1 : 1 221. The mean age of the group was 31.4 years. Twenty-six women had only one prior cesarean delivery. The interval from the last cesarean delivery to diagnosis ranged from 4 months to 15 years. The most common presenting symptoms of CSP were amenorrhoea and vaginal bleeding. Seventeen cases were misdiagnosed as early intrauterine pregnancies and 2 were misdiagnosed as gestational trophoblastic tumor. The other 9 were diagnosed definitely before treatment. The diagnosis was made based on cesarean delivery history, gynecologic examination, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The treatment of CSP included systemic or local methotrexate administration, conservative surgery, and hysterectomy. The conservative treatment was successful in 24 cases. All of the 28 women were cured through individual therapies. Conclusions CSP is rare and usually misdiagnosed as other diseases. Ultrasound is valuable for diagnosing CSP, and MRI can be used as an adjunct to ultrasound scan. Early diagnosis offers the options of conservative treatment and greatly improves the outcome of patients. Individual therapy is strongly recommended. 展开更多
关键词 cesarean scar pregnancy MISDIAGNOSIS early diagnosis individual therapy
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