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清注苏诗述略 被引量:2
作者 曾枣庄 《中国韵文学刊》 1999年第2期56-62,共7页
关键词 苏诗 《总案》 查慎行 补注 编年诗 《和陶诗》 合注 东坡诗 冯应榴 《四库全书》
苏文系年补正(续) 被引量:1
作者 周裕锴 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第3期58-66,共9页
苏文系年补正(续)周裕锴颂类十六、《鱼枕冠颂》(卷二十)《纪年录》、《总案》、《考略》均未系年。今案:此文乃元丰四年(1081)作于黄州。《三希堂石刻》有苏轼自跋《石恪画维摩赞》、《鱼枕冠颂》云:“仆在黄冈时,戏作... 苏文系年补正(续)周裕锴颂类十六、《鱼枕冠颂》(卷二十)《纪年录》、《总案》、《考略》均未系年。今案:此文乃元丰四年(1081)作于黄州。《三希堂石刻》有苏轼自跋《石恪画维摩赞》、《鱼枕冠颂》云:“仆在黄冈时,戏作此等语十数篇,渐复忘之。元三年八... 展开更多
关键词 《总案》 苏轼 《纪年录》 考略 地狱变相 阿罗汉 郭祥正 《续集》 元丰 黄州
东坡南迁词考辨 被引量:1
作者 薛瑞生 《人文杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第1期99-104,共6页
东坡南迁词考辨薛瑞生西北大学中文系东坡于哲宗绍圣元年(1094)四月南迁,先贬惠州,后贬儋州。元符三年(1100),徽宗立,始遇赦北归,建中靖国元年(1101)卒于常州。此八年间,朱祖谋编《强村丛书·东坡乐府),... 东坡南迁词考辨薛瑞生西北大学中文系东坡于哲宗绍圣元年(1094)四月南迁,先贬惠州,后贬儋州。元符三年(1100),徽宗立,始遇赦北归,建中靖国元年(1101)卒于常州。此八年间,朱祖谋编《强村丛书·东坡乐府),龙榆生撰《东坡乐府笺》,仅收编年词八首... 展开更多
关键词 《总案》 东坡词 《纪年录》 绍圣 惠州 词考 年谱 资料索引 千秋岁 《全宋词》
它山之石 可以为错——就苏词编年答保苅佳昭与曾枣庄君
作者 薛瑞生 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2002年第1期68-73,共6页
就数首苏轼词编年提出与曾枣庄、保佳昭的不同看法 ,用大量事实考证出《永遇乐·长忆别时》作于宋神宗熙宁八年 (1 0 75 )正月 ,《浣溪沙》二首 (“倾盖相逢胜白头”、“炙手无人傍屋头”)作于熙宁七年 (1 0 74)三月 ,《南歌子》... 就数首苏轼词编年提出与曾枣庄、保佳昭的不同看法 ,用大量事实考证出《永遇乐·长忆别时》作于宋神宗熙宁八年 (1 0 75 )正月 ,《浣溪沙》二首 (“倾盖相逢胜白头”、“炙手无人傍屋头”)作于熙宁七年 (1 0 74)三月 ,《南歌子》三首 (“雨暗初疑夜”、“日出西山雨”、“带酒冲山雨”)作于宋仁宗嘉八年 (1 0 63 )二月下旬至三月上旬 ,《双荷叶》词题中“湖州贾耘老小妓名双荷叶”之“双荷叶”乃两妓均以荷叶名之而非一妓姓双名荷叶 ,贾耘老也不可能娶双荷叶为妻。 展开更多
关键词 《纪年录》 《总案》 孔谱 曾枣庄 保刈佳昭 苏轼词 编年 考证 《永遇乐·长忆别时》 《南歌子》 《浣溪沙》
苏轼与黄庭坚交游考述 被引量:7
作者 杨庆存 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 1995年第4期33-37,81,共6页
苏轼与黄庭坚交游考述杨庆存苏轼与黄庭坚这两位宋代文苑巨子的友谊,始自宋神宗熙宁五年(1072),时苏轼在湖州太守孙党处见到黄庭坚诗文后叹赏称誉,熙宁十年(1077)在济南李常处又对黄氏诗文再次推许褒扬。元丰元年(10... 苏轼与黄庭坚交游考述杨庆存苏轼与黄庭坚这两位宋代文苑巨子的友谊,始自宋神宗熙宁五年(1072),时苏轼在湖州太守孙党处见到黄庭坚诗文后叹赏称誉,熙宁十年(1077)在济南李常处又对黄氏诗文再次推许褒扬。元丰元年(1078)春末夏初,苏轼接到黄庭坚投寄... 展开更多
关键词 黄庭坚 苏轼 交游考述 《山谷题跋》 东坡 苏黄 《神宗实录》 中书舍人 翰林学士 《总案》
苏轼《汲江煎茶》诗应作于惠州 被引量:1
作者 吴定球 《惠州学院学报》 1999年第3期46-48,共3页
关键词 东坡 苏轼 煎茶 惠州 杨万里 张友仁 鹤峰 直线距离 《总案》 诚斋诗话
作者 周九成 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 1990年第2期84-87,共4页
宋神宗元丰七年(公元1084)四月,苏轼贬官黄州(今湖北黄岗)。五年后,“量移汝州”(今河南临汝),沿长江舟行,途经九江(今江西九江),特意转道去辞别贬官筠州(今江西高安)的弟弟苏辙,并游览了名胜庐山。对苏轼游山赴筠的日程,历来有两种见解... 宋神宗元丰七年(公元1084)四月,苏轼贬官黄州(今湖北黄岗)。五年后,“量移汝州”(今河南临汝),沿长江舟行,途经九江(今江西九江),特意转道去辞别贬官筠州(今江西高安)的弟弟苏辙,并游览了名胜庐山。对苏轼游山赴筠的日程,历来有两种见解,一以游山为先,一以赴筠为先。这两种见解都缺乏充分考订,沿用至今,致使对这段时期苏轼活动的陈述和苏诗顺序的排列亦此亦彼,不相统一,给当时的苏轼思想和苏诗含义的理解带来影响。为此,澄清呈异的见解很有必要。 展开更多
关键词 苏轼 庐山 白塔 归宗 《总案》 汝州 山南 王文诰 圆通 苏诗
作者 周裕锴 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1996年第1期64-71,共8页
苏文系年补正周裕锴苏轼的散文是其文学成就的重要组成部分。要掌握苏拭的出处大略、立身行实,研究苏文的思想内容、艺术风格,对苏文的正确系年乃是至关重要的起点。但遗憾的是,苏拭文集历来无系统的编年本。宋人傅藻《东坡纪年录》... 苏文系年补正周裕锴苏轼的散文是其文学成就的重要组成部分。要掌握苏拭的出处大略、立身行实,研究苏文的思想内容、艺术风格,对苏文的正确系年乃是至关重要的起点。但遗憾的是,苏拭文集历来无系统的编年本。宋人傅藻《东坡纪年录》(以下简称《纪年录》)等年谱仅零星... 展开更多
关键词 《总案》 《纪年录》 考略 绍圣 《续资治通鉴长编》 墓志铭 墨君堂 苏武 熙宁 苏拭
An Assessment of China's New Round of Reform of the Fiscal and Taxation Systems
作者 高培勇 汪德华 《China Economist》 2017年第6期2-11,共10页
Based on the Decisions of the CPC Central Committee on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and the Overall Plan on Deepening Fiscal and Tax Reforms, this paper presents a systematic assessme... Based on the Decisions of the CPC Central Committee on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and the Overall Plan on Deepening Fiscal and Tax Reforms, this paper presents a systematic assessment of the progress of China's new round of fiscal and tax reforms from November 2013 to October 2016 with the following findings. Reform of the budgetary management system has yielded initial results yet remains in the preliminary stage. While progress has been made in reforming indirect taxes, the reform of direct taxes is slow and presents a major obstacle. Despite breakthroughs, the progress of public finance reforms remains slow and impedes reforms on other fronts. Fiscal and tax reforms are uneven and should be implemented in coordination. Fiscal and tax reforms should more vigorously support overall reforms. 展开更多
关键词 fiscal and tax reforms tax system budget management reform assessment modern fiscal system
Design of virtual machine tool programme technology
作者 Xinjian Xu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第3期59-61,共3页
this paper overall programme research on virtual design technology of machine tools, not only established a virtual design environment, identify reasonable options in a relatively short period of time, but also provid... this paper overall programme research on virtual design technology of machine tools, not only established a virtual design environment, identify reasonable options in a relatively short period of time, but also providing the basis for quotation, therefore reflecting a favourable measures quickly to market demand. 展开更多
关键词 MACHINE virtual design
Provably Secure General Aggregate Signcryption Scheme in the Random Oracle Model 被引量:13
作者 Qi Zhenghua Ren Xunyi Yang Geng 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第11期107-116,共10页
To reduce the size of certificate chains and the ciphertext size in secure routing protocols, a General Aggregate Signcryption Scheme (GASC) is presented. In GASC, an identity-based signcryption algorithm and an aggre... To reduce the size of certificate chains and the ciphertext size in secure routing protocols, a General Aggregate Signcryption Scheme (GASC) is presented. In GASC, an identity-based signcryption algorithm and an aggregate signature algorithm are combined in a practical and secure manner to form the general aggregate signcryption scheme's schema and concept, and a new secure, efficiently general aggregate signcryption scheme, which allows the aggregation of n distinct signcryptions by n distinct users on n distinct messages, is proposed. First, the correction of the GASC scheme is analyzed. Then, we formally prove the security of GASC in the random oracle models IND-CCA2 and EUF-CMA under the DBDHP assumption and the DLP assumption, respectively. The results show that the GASC scheme is not only secure against any probabilistic polynomial-time IND-GASC-CCA2 and EUF-GASC-CMA adversary in the random oracle models but also efficient in pairing ê computations. In addition, the GASC scheme gives an effective remedy to the key escrow problem, which is an inherent issue in IBC by splitting the private key into two parts, and reduces the communication complexity by eliminating the interaction among the senders (signers) before the signcryption generation. 展开更多
关键词 identity-based cryptography SIGNCRYPTION aggregate signature bilinear pairing
Collective Bargaining During the Crisis: The Portuguese Case
作者 Joao Dias Maria da Conceicao Cerdeira 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第6期406-414,共9页
Following a period of significant development at the end of the 1990s, with economic growth rates greater than those of the European Union, the Portuguese economy stagnated in 2002 and even declined in 2003. The curre... Following a period of significant development at the end of the 1990s, with economic growth rates greater than those of the European Union, the Portuguese economy stagnated in 2002 and even declined in 2003. The current context of international crisis has just interrupted the fragile growth trend initiated in 2004: In fact, real GDP, which increased by 1.9 percent in 2007, had a growth rate of zero in 2008 and declined by 2.9 percent in 2009. The crisis has abruptly increased the closure of companies and unemployment jumped from 7.3% in the second haft of 2008 to 10.1% in the forth quarter of 2009. Notwithstanding, social dialog was resilient to this situation of economic crisis, as shown by the number of collective agreements negotiated by the social partners, the number of workers covered by collective agreements and the observed increase in real wages. Additionally, social partners have agreed on a reform of the Labour Code. Are this data enough evidence of social concentration on crisis management? This paper will analyze this issue, giving particular attention to collective bargaining in Portugal and the crisis impact on the industrial relations system and their actors 展开更多
关键词 collective bargaining industrial relations financial crisis
Impacts of hydraulic redistribution on eco-hydrological cycles: A case study over the Amazon basin 被引量:3
作者 Yuanyuan WANG Binghao JIA Zhenghui XIE 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第9期1330-1340,共11页
Hydraulic redistribution(HR)refers to the process of soil water transport through the low-resistance pathway provided by plant roots.It has been observed in field studies and proposed to be one of the processes that e... Hydraulic redistribution(HR)refers to the process of soil water transport through the low-resistance pathway provided by plant roots.It has been observed in field studies and proposed to be one of the processes that enable plants to resist water limitations.However,most land-surface models(LSMs)currently do not include this underground root process.In this study,a HR scheme was incorporated into the Community Land Model version 4.5(CLM4.5)to investigate the effect of HR on the eco-hydrological cycle.Two paired numerical simulations(with and without the new HR scheme)were conducted for the Tapajos National Forest km83(BRSa3)site and the Amazon.Simulations for the BRSa3 site in the Amazon showed that HR during the wet season was small,<0.1 mm day^(–1),transferring water from shallow wet layers to deep dry layers at night;however,HR in the dry season was more obvious,up to 0.3 mm day^(–1),transferring water from deep wet layers to shallow dry layers at night.By incorporating HR into CLM4.5,the new model increased gross primary production(GPP)and evapotranspiration(ET)by 10%and 15%,respectively,at the BRSa3 site,partly overcoming the underestimation.For the Amazon,regional analysis also revealed that vegetation responses(including GPP and ET)to seasonal drought and the severe drought of 2005 were better captured with the HR scheme incorporated. 展开更多
关键词 Land-surface model CLM4.5 Hydraulic redistribution Gross primary production EVAPOTRANSPIRATION
Management of multiple trauma with mainly thoracic and abdominal injuries: a report of 1166 cases 被引量:5
作者 杨俊 高劲谋 +3 位作者 胡平 李昌华 赵山宏 林曦 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2009年第2期118-121,共4页
Objective: To discuss the diagnosis and treatment of multiple trauma with mainly thoracic and abdominal injuries. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on data of multiple trauma cases with mainly thoracic... Objective: To discuss the diagnosis and treatment of multiple trauma with mainly thoracic and abdominal injuries. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on data of multiple trauma cases with mainly thoracic and/or abdominal injuries. Results: Of 1166 cases, 72.3% were found with shock. The operation rates of thoracic and abdominal injuries were 14.8% (119/804) and 83.5% (710/850) respectively ( x^2=780.683, P 〈0.01). The operation rates of blunt and penetrating thoracic injuries was 6.8% (42/617) and 40.6% (76/187) respectively ( x^2=131.701, P〈0.01). The operation rates of blunt and penetrating abdominal injuries were 77.1% (434/563) and 96.1% (276/287) respectively ( x^2=50.302, P〈0.01). The operation rates of blunt thoracio-abdominal injuries were 6.8% (42/617) in thoracic region and 77.1% (434/563) in abdomen respectively (x^2=544.043, P〈0.01 ). Among the cases of abdominal injuries, 41 received arteriography embolism, with the efficacy of 95.1% (39/41). Total mortality rate was 6.1%. The mortality rates of blunt and penetrating injuries were 7.3% (62/854) and 2.9% (9/312) ( x^2=6.51, P〈0.005). The deaths were mainly due to large volume of blood loss. Conclusions: When both thoracic and abdominal injuries exist, laparotomy is frequently required rather than thoracotomy. Laparotomy is seldomly used for blunt thoracic injuries, but usually used for penetrating thoracic and abdominal injuries. Mortality rate of penetrating thoracic and abdominal injuries is markedly lower than that of blunt injuries. Surgical operation is still important for those patients with penetrating thoracic or abdominal injuries. 展开更多
关键词 Multiple trauma Thoracic injuries Abdominal injuries HEMOSTASIS Surgical procedures operative
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