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从《恶心》和《苍蝇》看存在主义的两个极端 被引量:1
作者 杨敏艳 《衡水师专学报》 2004年第1期27-29,共3页
《恶心》和《苍蝇》分别是萨特的长篇小说和戏剧的代表作,虽然都是存在主义哲学思想的文学图解,但是两部作品的基调却截然不同,一暗一明,一绝望一顽强,正好代表了萨特思想体系的两个极端。从《恶心》到《苍蝇》可以说是萨特对自身哲学... 《恶心》和《苍蝇》分别是萨特的长篇小说和戏剧的代表作,虽然都是存在主义哲学思想的文学图解,但是两部作品的基调却截然不同,一暗一明,一绝望一顽强,正好代表了萨特思想体系的两个极端。从《恶心》到《苍蝇》可以说是萨特对自身哲学思想的一次巨大超越。 展开更多
关键词 《恶心》 《苍蝇》 存在主义 萨特 长篇小说 戏剧文学 法国
作者 赵俞凌 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》 2005年第3期61-64,共4页
萨特的作品因其对自由的探求,对人性的张扬和对政治的介入而独放异彩,在“西方马克思主义”美学中具有不可替代的地位和影响。《恶心》这部日记体小说是当代存在主义文学的先声之作,其影响极为深远。文章从艺术的角度加以解读,并分析了... 萨特的作品因其对自由的探求,对人性的张扬和对政治的介入而独放异彩,在“西方马克思主义”美学中具有不可替代的地位和影响。《恶心》这部日记体小说是当代存在主义文学的先声之作,其影响极为深远。文章从艺术的角度加以解读,并分析了萨特的美学思想。 展开更多
关键词 《恶心》 存在 自由 荒诞
作者 胥维维 《外语教育研究》 2015年第3期49-52,共4页
奈保尔的小说《自由国度》和萨特的《恶心》有许多相似之处。两部小说都表现了自由即孤独的主题。在表现手法方面,两者都以镜子意象作为人审视内在自我的手段,都以"恶心"揭示人的生存本质,都通过刻画有同性恋倾向的伪人道主... 奈保尔的小说《自由国度》和萨特的《恶心》有许多相似之处。两部小说都表现了自由即孤独的主题。在表现手法方面,两者都以镜子意象作为人审视内在自我的手段,都以"恶心"揭示人的生存本质,都通过刻画有同性恋倾向的伪人道主义者阐明存在主义。以萨特的存在主义为基础,奈保尔将存在主义和其小说的后殖民性进行了有机结合。 展开更多
关键词 《自由国度》 《恶心》 存在主义 主题 表现手法
作者 唐扣兰 《常熟理工学院学报》 2007年第1期57-60,共4页
关键词 《恶心》 人的存在特性 人的存在方式
作者 胡顺琼 《集美大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第1期98-103,共6页
关键词 《恶心》 存在音乐 审美
作者 缑广飞 《六盘水师范高等专科学校学报》 2007年第2期44-47,共4页
在形式上,《恶心》与《局外人》都是主人公的自述,文学与哲学融为一体;在内容上,二者都以“世界是荒诞的”为前提和底色,都塑造了一位严肃、阴郁、痛苦的思想者形象,洛根丁和莫尔索思想的前提和出发点都是“上帝死了”。但是萨特主张自... 在形式上,《恶心》与《局外人》都是主人公的自述,文学与哲学融为一体;在内容上,二者都以“世界是荒诞的”为前提和底色,都塑造了一位严肃、阴郁、痛苦的思想者形象,洛根丁和莫尔索思想的前提和出发点都是“上帝死了”。但是萨特主张自由选择,加缪相信人无可选择,每一种人生都是空虚,改变不了最终的虚无,二人同途而殊归。 展开更多
关键词 萨特 加缪 《恶心》 《局外人》
作者 陈洁 《文教资料》 2011年第18期34-35,共2页
关键词 小说《恶心》 “存在” “反思”
作者 李灿 《时代人物》 2008年第2期70-70,37,共2页
《恶心》是萨特的一部存在主义哲理小说。萨特的存在主义是对人的生命存在意义的一种探讨和关注。小说《恶心》就揭示了对人自身意义的追问,它深刻的暗含了萨特存在主义思想"存在先于本质"以及"自由",并对人自身价... 《恶心》是萨特的一部存在主义哲理小说。萨特的存在主义是对人的生命存在意义的一种探讨和关注。小说《恶心》就揭示了对人自身意义的追问,它深刻的暗含了萨特存在主义思想"存在先于本质"以及"自由",并对人自身价值的实现进行了深深的思考。 展开更多
关键词 《恶心》 生命意义 存在 自由
作者 张鹏 《新乡学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第6期28-30,共3页
法国存在主义代表作家萨特的小说《恶心》中存在着自然与文明这样一组二元对立的研究对象,以这组二元对立为切入点解读小说,说明萨特是如何通过这组二元对立阐释他的哲学观念的。首先概括总结萨特在小说中所表达的独特的自然观,再通过... 法国存在主义代表作家萨特的小说《恶心》中存在着自然与文明这样一组二元对立的研究对象,以这组二元对立为切入点解读小说,说明萨特是如何通过这组二元对立阐释他的哲学观念的。首先概括总结萨特在小说中所表达的独特的自然观,再通过对小说主人公参观博物馆这一事件的相关段落的解读,揭示萨特眼中自然与文明的对立,最后说明萨特如何通过这组对立来表达对人是完全自由的认识的。 展开更多
关键词 《恶心》 自然 文明 二元对立
作者 卢燕 《图书馆杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期94-96,共3页
关键词 《恶心》 萨特 体验性 存在主义哲学 痛苦 人的存在 认识阶段 自我意识
萨特与《恶心》 被引量:1
作者 江智利 《重庆师专学报》 1999年第4期40-41,共2页
关键词 偶然性 存在主义 职业作家 《恶心》 萨特 小说 法国
作者 沈慧君 《兰州铁道学院学报》 2002年第5期39-42,共4页
本文以《恶心》与《墙》为剖析对象 ,阐明萨特的存在主义乃是一种体现深刻的人性省察意识的人道主义文学文本。其采用的非连续性、非逻辑性的叙述则是对过去一切小说传统的拒绝和反判。
关键词 现代文明 小说 荒诞 平夷化 《恶心》 《墙》 萨特 存在主义 文学研究 法国
论“荒诞派”的美学发展 被引量:2
作者 谭瑞生 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1995年第4期75-79,共5页
论“荒诞派”的美学发展谭瑞生荒诞派是当代西方文学的一个重要派别,曾在本世纪五、六十年代雄踞西方剧坛,显赫一时。它的出现,给传统的文学领域和戏剧舞台带来了巨大的冲击和挑战,并以其异端、怪诞的面貌迅猛地改变着欧洲乃至世界... 论“荒诞派”的美学发展谭瑞生荒诞派是当代西方文学的一个重要派别,曾在本世纪五、六十年代雄踞西方剧坛,显赫一时。它的出现,给传统的文学领域和戏剧舞台带来了巨大的冲击和挑战,并以其异端、怪诞的面貌迅猛地改变着欧洲乃至世界的传统戏剧,形成了一种新的美学观念... 展开更多
关键词 荒诞派戏剧 荒诞派文学 《恶心》 《局外人》 存在主义文学 美学 传统戏剧 荒诞的世界 荒诞性 荒诞感
萨特和他的文学创作 被引量:1
作者 王忠祥 《教师教育论坛》 1997年第6期9-10,19,共3页
关键词 存在主义的人道主义 马克思主义 存在主义哲学 资本主义 自由选择 文学创作 《恶心》 种族歧视 悲观主义 哲学思想
作者 裴钰 《社会学家茶座》 2008年第4期26-30,共5页
法国哲学教授让·吕克·南希曾经在《世界报》上撰文,说萨特是个“古往今来从未出现过的两面神:没有一个哲学家像他那样在文学海洋中游弋,也没有一个文学家像他那样大举进行哲学操练;我们无法理解,逻辑思辨和形象推演这两... 法国哲学教授让·吕克·南希曾经在《世界报》上撰文,说萨特是个“古往今来从未出现过的两面神:没有一个哲学家像他那样在文学海洋中游弋,也没有一个文学家像他那样大举进行哲学操练;我们无法理解,逻辑思辨和形象推演这两种完全不同的思维方式竟然在同一支羽毛笔下毫无妨碍地非常清晰地表现出来”。为什么这么评价萨特呢?因为萨特的小说《恶心》就是这样一本逻辑思辨和形象推演完美合一的作品。 展开更多
关键词 “色” 李敖 哲学教授 《世界报》 思维方式 《恶心》 文学家 哲学家
Role of classical conditioning in learning gastrointestinal symptoms
作者 Ursula Stockhorst Paul Enck Sibylle Klosterhalfen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第25期3430-3437,共8页
Nausea and/or vomiting are aversive gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. Nausea and vomiting manifest unconditionally alter a nauseogenic experience. However, there is correlative, quasiexperimental and experimental evid... Nausea and/or vomiting are aversive gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. Nausea and vomiting manifest unconditionally alter a nauseogenic experience. However, there is correlative, quasiexperimental and experimental evidence that nausea and vomiting can also be learned via classical (Pavlovian) conditioning and might occur in anticipation of the nauseogenic event. Classical conditioning of nausea can develop with chemotherapy in cancer patients. Initially, nausea and vomiting occur during and alter the administration of cytotoxic drugs (post-treatment nausea and vomiting) as unconditioned responses (UR). In addition, 20%-30% of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy report these side effects, despite antiemetic medication, when being re-exposed to the stimuli that usually signal the chemotherapy session and its drug infusion. These symptoms are called anticipatory nausea (AN) and/or anticipatory vomiting (ANV) and are explained by classical conditioning. Moreover, there is recent evidence for the assumption that post- chemotherapy nausea is at least partly influenced by learning. Alter summarizing the relevant assumptions of the conditioning model, revealing that a context can become a conditioned stimulus (CS), the present paper summarizes data that nausea and/or vomiting is acquired by classical conditioning and, consequently, may be alleviated by conditioning techniques. Our own research has focussed on two aspects and is emphasized here. First, a conditioned nausea model was established in healthy humans using body rotation as the nausea- inducing treatment. The validity of this motion-sickness model to examine conditioning mechanisms in the acquisition and alleviation of conditioned nausea and associated endocrine and immunological responses is summarized. Results from the rotation-induced motion sickness model showed that gender is an important moderator variable to be considered in further studies. This paper concludes with a review of the application of the demonstrated conditioning principles as interventions to ameliorate distressing AN/ANV in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, which is the second focus of our work. 展开更多
关键词 Cancer patients Classical conditioning Anticipatory nausea and vomiting Post chemotherapynausea Motion sickness CORTISOL Tumor necrosisfactor-a GENDER
Holistic Acupuncture approach to idiopathic refractory nausea,abdominal pain and bloating
作者 Ann Ouyang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第40期5360-5366,共7页
AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of a holistic acupuncture approach on nausea, pain, bloating and electrogastrogram (EGG) parameters in patients with intractable symptoms.METHODS: Twelve patients with no or mild... AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of a holistic acupuncture approach on nausea, pain, bloating and electrogastrogram (EGG) parameters in patients with intractable symptoms.METHODS: Twelve patients with no or mild nausea (those without nausea had bloating or pain) and 10 with a histool of moderate to severe nausea were referred for acupuncture. All underwent an EGG and were treated at acupuncture points PC6, SP4 and DU20. Visual analog scales (VAS) assessing severity of nausea, pain and bloating were obtained before and after acupuncture treatment. Nineteen patients received three and three patients received two treatments.RESULTS: VAS scores for nausea reflected the clinical assessment and differed significantly between mild and moderate/severe nausea groups. Acupuncture significantly improved severity of nausea in both groups with improved pre-treatment nausea between the first and third treatments in the moderate/severe nausea group. Pain scores improved with acupuncture in the mild nausea group only and bloating improved only with the first treatment in this group. Patients with bloating with VAS scores greater than 35 pre-treatment improved with acupuncture and over all VAS scores for pain improved with treatment. Acupuncture increased the power in the 2.7 to 3.5 cpm range in the EGG.CONCLUSION: In this uncontrolled clinical study, a holistic acupuncture approach significantly improved nausea in patients with refractory symptoms and increased the power in the 2,7-3,5 cpm component of the electrogastrogram, Bloating and pain VAS scores improved acutely with treatment, This study suggests that acupuncture may be effective in this refractory group of patients and further study using appropriate controls is warranted, 展开更多
关键词 ACUPUNCTURE Functional bowel disorder NAUSEA Pain Holistic medicine
Controlling malignant pericardial effusion by intrapericardial administration of recombinant mutant human tumor necrosis factor in patients with carcinoma
作者 Kaijian Lei Hua Luo Yuming lia Shengqun Ying 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2007年第5期442-443,共2页
Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of injecting recombinant mutant human tumor necrosis factor (rmhTNF) into pericardial cavity of carcinoma patients with malignant pericardial effusion. Methods: In 20 ca... Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of injecting recombinant mutant human tumor necrosis factor (rmhTNF) into pericardial cavity of carcinoma patients with malignant pericardial effusion. Methods: In 20 cases of malignant pericardial effusion, the intrapericardial catheter was inserted into pericardial cavity, and then rmhTNF of 1.5 × 107 U was infused. The infusion was repeated every 5-7 days with the total 4-6 times. If the effusion disappeared, rmhTNF was then used 2 more times and then the intrapericardial catheter was pulled out. Results: Of 20 patients, 14 were complete response (CR), 4 were partial response (PR) and 2 no change (NC). The disappearance of effusion in 6 cases lasted for more than 6 months. Conclusion: Injecting rmhTNF into pericardial cavity may be a better way to control malignant pericardial effusion and has mild side effects. 展开更多
关键词 pericardial effusion recombinant mutant human tumor necrosis factor (rmhTNF) intrapericardial catheter
Role of progressive muscle relaxation in preventing and alleviating of nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy among cancer patients: A protocol of systematic review
作者 Xu Tian Ling-Li Xu +3 位作者 Rong-Ying Tang Hui Chen Wei Xie Wei-Qing Chen 《TMR Integrative Nursing》 2019年第6期226-230,共5页
Background and aim:Progressive muscle relaxation(PMR)is one of the most common complementary and alternative therapies.Published systematic review unfolded that PMR has a positive impact on chemotherapy-induced nausea... Background and aim:Progressive muscle relaxation(PMR)is one of the most common complementary and alternative therapies.Published systematic review unfolded that PMR has a positive impact on chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting among adult cancer patients.However,the pooled findings were not reliable and valid because included trials have poor quality.It must be noted is that additional studies with good quality have been published recently.So,we design this updated systematic review to comprehensively establish the efficacy of PMR for the of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting among cancer patients.Methods:We will search PubMed,Cochrane Controlled Register of Trial(CENTRAL),Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature(CINAHL),China Biomedical Literature database(CBM),China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI),and Wanfang data to capture all potential items.Data extraction sheet will be used to extract all essential information,the Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool will be utilized to appraise the risk of bias of eligible studies.Finally,a quantitative analysis will be performed if sufficient data were obtained.In contrast,a qualitative analysis will be used to summarize the results of all included studies.Ethics and dissemination:Ethics approval and patient written informed consent will not be required because all of the analyses in the present study will be performed based on data from published studies.We will submit our systematic review and network meta-analysis to a peer reviewed scientific journal for publication. 展开更多
关键词 Cancer CHEMOTHERAPY NAUSEA VOMITING Progressive muscle relaxation
T. S. Eliot's Spiritual Journey in Designing The Cocktail Party as a Drama of Conversion
作者 Gill Kurtulus 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第6期367-376,共10页
In his quest for spiritual fulfillment, Thomas Stearns Eliot conducts a meticulous religious study which teaches him distinctive interpretations of human existence and their various functions that they are supposed to... In his quest for spiritual fulfillment, Thomas Stearns Eliot conducts a meticulous religious study which teaches him distinctive interpretations of human existence and their various functions that they are supposed to assume in the world. Eliot's personal attachment to religious knowledge and his reflections of religious studies inevitably manifest themselves in his literary works; be it his dramas or poems, mostly in the forms of philosophical and psychoanalytical analysis of his characters and the detected problems observed in their relationships. The Cocktail Party, a play starting off as a drawing-room comedy soon converts to a serious analysis of human psychology and the nature of human interactions. While engaging with these particular points, the play offers possibilities to discuss several religious allusions, though dealt with subtly. Integrated with religion, characters' attitudes towards a given situation and their final decision position them in their quest either in "hypothetical" enlightenment or in a "supposed" repetition of a vicious circle. The enforcing power behind the play is interestingly a psychiatrist, who adds dynamism and mystery to the plot and has a special task in making the play a drama of conversion. The inner conflicts of the characters which ultimately lead to a series of problems in their relationships are the main concern which causes the characters search for different solutions. Accordingly, they make their own choices to cease their inner struggles. This paper aims to explore the concept of conversion in Eliot's The Cocktail Party with references to the playwright's religious journey in his literary career. 展开更多
关键词 T. S. Eliot drama of conversion verse drama modem poetic drama BUDDHISM
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