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作者 许晓毅 《语文天地》 2010年第4期4-4,共1页
枫叶,秋风中,似火燃烧。 一、风起 “晓毅,知道这次数学考多少吗?”老师握着“伤痕累累”的试卷.用一种令我惭愧到极点的语气质问。我默然。却心知肚明。
关键词 高中 课外阅读 阅读材料 《我也是似火的枫叶》
“水极似火”论口干苦臭 被引量:6
作者 陶怡 王浩中 +2 位作者 沈宏春 邓瑞镇 严石林 《成都中医药大学学报》 2011年第4期1-2,共2页
关键词 口干苦臭 水极 病性属寒 临床实例 鉴别方法
望春玉兰—‘丹霞似火’新品种选育初报 被引量:4
作者 徐功元 徐栋 《河南林业科技》 2020年第1期9-10,共2页
关键词 ‘丹霞 望春玉兰 新品种 选育
作者 杨美林 《北方音乐》 2012年第8期144-144,共1页
关键词 《家乡的日子红 音乐 歌词 歌曲 作词理论
作者 王川 《现代语文(上旬.文学研究)》 2009年第3期83-84,共2页
人类再次面临着救赎,这关系到文明的薪火能否还能在我们的手中得以继续传递。对此,张炜的新作《芳心似火》给了我们一次沉甸甸的思索和一次意外的惊喜。拨开历史纷纭的迷雾,究竟什么是人类避免灾难、获得安宁和幸福,并得以持久发展... 人类再次面临着救赎,这关系到文明的薪火能否还能在我们的手中得以继续传递。对此,张炜的新作《芳心似火》给了我们一次沉甸甸的思索和一次意外的惊喜。拨开历史纷纭的迷雾,究竟什么是人类避免灾难、获得安宁和幸福,并得以持久发展的根本方略?张炜给出了自己的答案。 展开更多
关键词 张炜 《芳心 安静 芳心 寻根
滋阴泻火中药为主治疗女性特发性性早熟的临床分析 被引量:5
作者 陈小平 李海浪 郑意楠 《中国当代儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 2007年第3期249-250,共2页
关键词 特发性性早熟 滋阴泻中药 临床分析 促性腺激素释放激素拟 女性 儿童性早熟 首选药物
小儿抗早育1号方治疗肝郁化火型女童性早熟的疗效观察 被引量:1
作者 甘婷婷 杜春晖 屠赟 《中国中医药科技》 CAS 2022年第4期721-722,共2页
性早熟是儿童常见的内分泌疾病,女童发病率高,是男童的5~10倍[1]。由于本病儿童阶段的骨骼成熟过快而使骨骺闭合过早导致成年后身材矮小等问题,极易使患儿及家属产生焦虑、抑郁等影响心理健康[2]。目前促性腺激素释放激素类似物(GnRHa)... 性早熟是儿童常见的内分泌疾病,女童发病率高,是男童的5~10倍[1]。由于本病儿童阶段的骨骼成熟过快而使骨骺闭合过早导致成年后身材矮小等问题,极易使患儿及家属产生焦虑、抑郁等影响心理健康[2]。目前促性腺激素释放激素类似物(GnRHa)是国内外普遍应用治疗本病的药物,但该药治疗后可因卵巢功能抑制易导致成年后生育和内分泌功能受损[3],临床应用受到一定限制。 展开更多
关键词 身材矮小 促性腺激素释放激素类 女童性早熟 内分泌疾病 肝郁化 卵巢功能抑制 儿童阶段 发病率高
滋阴降火凉血汤治疗女童特发性中枢性性早熟的疗效观察 被引量:2
作者 朱蓓蕾 《中国中医药科技》 CAS 2022年第2期320-322,共3页
特发性中枢性性早熟(ICPP)为儿童性早熟的常见类型,约占92%,多见于女童,男女比例约为1∶4,其病因不明,少部分患儿有性早熟家族遗传倾向[1]。该病主要表现为性器官提早发育,身体直线生长加速,以及骨龄超前等,同时实验室检查可发现性激素... 特发性中枢性性早熟(ICPP)为儿童性早熟的常见类型,约占92%,多见于女童,男女比例约为1∶4,其病因不明,少部分患儿有性早熟家族遗传倾向[1]。该病主要表现为性器官提早发育,身体直线生长加速,以及骨龄超前等,同时实验室检查可发现性激素各项指标比同龄儿童增高,生长激素和类胰岛素生长因子-1基础水平普遍增高。针对ICPP的治疗,西医多采用促性腺激素释放激素类似物(GnRHa),比如亮丙瑞林、曲普瑞林,此类药物需要精细化、个体化治疗,对于大多数患儿安全有效,但少部分患者疗效不甚理想。中医药在治疗ICPP方面积累了丰富的经验,收效良好[2-3]。笔者于2018年11月—2020年11月采用自拟滋阴降火凉血汤,联合常规西药治疗ICPP女童43例,收效明显,现报道如下。 展开更多
关键词 特发性中枢性性早熟 滋阴降 家族遗传倾向 儿童性早熟 同龄儿童 凉血汤 促性腺激素释放激素类 个体化治疗
作者 张婷 《语文世界(中旬刊)》 2001年第5期28-28,共1页
关键词 红色 枫叶 枯叶 光穿透 自画像 四川省 地跳动 喜欢做 内心深处 面对现实
作者 本刊 《四川党的建设》 2023年第15期42-45,共4页
盛夏成都,紫薇花开,青春似火. 2023年7月28日—8月8日,第三十一届世界大学生夏季运动会在四川省成都市举行.113个国家和地区的大学生运动员跨越山海、奔赴而来,参加18个大项269个小项的比赛. 武术、柔道、射击、游泳……在一个个竞技赛... 盛夏成都,紫薇花开,青春似火. 2023年7月28日—8月8日,第三十一届世界大学生夏季运动会在四川省成都市举行.113个国家和地区的大学生运动员跨越山海、奔赴而来,参加18个大项269个小项的比赛. 武术、柔道、射击、游泳……在一个个竞技赛场上,运动员们挥洒汗水、奋勇争先,激扬风采、追逐梦想,留下奋力拼搏的最美青春身影. 展开更多
关键词 夏季运动会 大学生运动员 青春之 青春 竞技赛场 紫薇花 武术
作者 章淼滢 孙艳艳 +1 位作者 孙雯 俞建 《河南中医》 2024年第4期621-627,共7页
目前,越来越多的无创诊断技术正在运用到儿童性早熟的诊断中,基因检测技术促进了该病遗传病因诊断的发展。对于该病的治疗,西医主要通过病因治疗继发性性早熟,对于特发性外周性性早熟没有特殊治疗方案,目前,中枢性性早熟治疗首选促性腺... 目前,越来越多的无创诊断技术正在运用到儿童性早熟的诊断中,基因检测技术促进了该病遗传病因诊断的发展。对于该病的治疗,西医主要通过病因治疗继发性性早熟,对于特发性外周性性早熟没有特殊治疗方案,目前,中枢性性早熟治疗首选促性腺激素释放激素类似物(gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist, GnRHa)。中医认为,性早熟病机为阴虚火旺,肝郁化火,痰湿壅滞,治以滋阴降火、疏肝解郁或燥湿化痰,可改善症状,抑制骨龄快速增长。但目前中医药治疗性早熟的临床研究证据等级不高,缺少样本量大、严格且全面的临床研究,未来可通过开展多中心的随机对照、大样本研究以验证中医药治疗性早熟的疗效。网络药理学和中药成分动物实验研究证明了中药治疗性早熟的部分机制,但中药方剂成分复杂,多通过胃肠道吸收后起效,是否可以调节肠道菌群、产生特异性菌群,该菌群是否改变了机体中某些代谢产物水平从而发挥治疗作用尚无相关研究,今后可开展更多的相关机制研究。 展开更多
关键词 儿童性早熟 基因检测技术 促性腺激素释放激素类 阴虚旺证 肝郁化 痰湿壅滞证
Discovery of a geomorphological analog to Martian araneiforms in the Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau
作者 Shengxing Zhang Yiliang Li Wei Leng 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期1-9,I0006,共10页
Araneiforms are spider-like ground patterns that are widespread in the southern polar regions of Mars.A gas erosion process driven by the seasonal sublimation of CO_(2) ice was proposed as an explanation for their for... Araneiforms are spider-like ground patterns that are widespread in the southern polar regions of Mars.A gas erosion process driven by the seasonal sublimation of CO_(2) ice was proposed as an explanation for their formation,which cannot occur on Earth due to the high climatic temperature.In this study,we propose an alternative mechanism that attrib-utes the araneiform formation to the erosion of upwelling salt water from the subsurface,relying on the identification of the first terrestrial analog found in a playa of the Qaidam Basin on the northern Tibetan Plateau.Morphological analysis indicates that the structures in the Qaidam Basin have fractal features comparable to araneiforms on Mars.A numerical model is developed to investigate the araneiform formation driven by the water-diffusion mechanism.The simulation res-ults indicate that the water-diffusion process,under varying ground conditions,may be responsible for the diverse aranei-form morphologies observed on both Earth and Mars.Our numerical simulations also demonstrate that the orientations of the saltwater diffusion networks are controlled by pre-existing polygonal cracks,which is consistent with observations of araneiforms on Mars and Earth.Our study thus suggests that a saltwater-related origin of the araneiform is possible and has significant implications for water searches on Mars. 展开更多
关键词 araneiform landform subsurface water Qaidam Basin Mars analog fractal simulations
OSTR试验下感度分布参数的推断 被引量:1
作者 田玉斌 蔡瑞娇 +1 位作者 李国英 严楠 《爆炸与冲击》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期215-222,共8页
研究了OSTR试验数据的统计处理方法。给出了推断感度分布参数的两种方法 :条件推断与非条件推断方法。通过研究与模拟 。
关键词 OSTR法 感度试验 极大然估计 条件推断 非条件推断 炸药
Structure changes and succession dynamic of the natural secondary forest after severe fire interference 被引量:2
作者 刘滨凡 刘广菊 王志成 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期123-130,I0002,共9页
The structure and dynamic succession law of natural secondary forest after severe fire interference in recent 20 years were studied by adopting the method of deducing time series from the spatial sequence of vegetatio... The structure and dynamic succession law of natural secondary forest after severe fire interference in recent 20 years were studied by adopting the method of deducing time series from the spatial sequence of vegetation in Heihe region, Heilongjiang, China. Two typical and widely distributed forest types in the study area, namely forest type A and forest type B, were selected as study subjects. Forest type A is pure broadleaf forest or broadleaf mixed forest mainly composing of superior Betula platyphylla and Populus davidiana in the area with gradient 〈25°, while forest type B is pure forest or mixed forest composing of superior Quercus mongolica and Betula davurica in the area with gradient 〉25°. Species richness, vegetation coverage, important value, and similarity index of commtmity in different layers (Herb, shrub, small tree, and arbor layers) were investigated and analyzed for the two typical forests. The results show that after fire interference, the species richness and coverage in each layer in forest type A were higher than that in forest type B. Both for forest type A and B, with elapse of post-fire years, the species richness and coverage of herbs and shrubs showed a decline tendency, while those of arbor layer present a rising tendency. Through comparison of the important values of species in each layer and analysis of community structure changes, the dynamic process of post-fire vegetation succession for forest type A and B was separately determined. Post-fire 80 years' succession tendency of forest type A is B. platyphylla and Larix gmelinii mixed forest. Its shrub layer is mainly composed of Corylus heterophylla and Vaccinium uliginosum, and herb layer is dominated by Carex tristachya, Athyrium multidentatum, and Pyrola incarnate; whereas, the post-fire 80 years' succession of forest type B is Q. mongolica and B. davurica mixed forest. Its shrub layer is mainly composed of lespedeza bicolar and corylus heterophylla and herb layer is dominated by Carex tristachya, Asparagus densiflorus, and Hemerocallis minor. 展开更多
关键词 natural secondary forest vegetation succession fire interference burned areas species richness important value similarity index succession law.
Multimode Interference Optical Power Splitter in Proton-Exchange LiNbO_3 Waveguides
作者 马慧莲 王明华 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期137-140,共4页
The self imaging effect in graded index waveguides using annealed proton exchange (APE) technique in lithium niobate (LiNbO 3) waveguides is analyzed and simulated using the three dimensional nonparaxial beam pro... The self imaging effect in graded index waveguides using annealed proton exchange (APE) technique in lithium niobate (LiNbO 3) waveguides is analyzed and simulated using the three dimensional nonparaxial beam propagation method (BPM).On this basis,a 1×8 multimode interference (MMI) optical power splitter by APE technique in X cut LiNibO 3 with Y propagation substrate is fabricated.Measurements show that the device has realized eight powers splittings. 展开更多
关键词 MMI optical power splitter nonparaxial BPM APE LiNbO 3 waveguides
作者 周子淇 程辉 《小星星(阅读100分)(小学1-3年级)》 2010年第5期30-31,共2页
关键词 小学 作文 语文教学 《榴花红
作者 李严 《广播歌选》 2011年第9期66-66,共1页
关键词 幸福 家乡 东西南北 雪原 冰山 航行 竖着 彩笔
Controlling the effect of a distant extremely thick igneous rock in overlying strata on coal mine disasters 被引量:8
作者 WANG Liang 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第4期510-515,共6页
Based on theoretical analysis, similarity simulation tests, numerical simulation analysis and field observations, we analyzed rock collapse and rules of fraction evolution of overlying rocks and studied the rules in c... Based on theoretical analysis, similarity simulation tests, numerical simulation analysis and field observations, we analyzed rock collapse and rules of fraction evolution of overlying rocks and studied the rules in controlling the effect of an extremely thick igneous rock, found above a main mining coal seam in an area prone to coal mine disasters in the Haizi Coal Mine. The results show that this igneous rock, called a "main key stratum", will not subside nor break for a long time, causing lower fractures and bed separations not to close. The presence of igneous rock plays an important role in rock bursts, mine floods, gas outburst and surface subsidence in coal mines. By analyzing the rules in controlling the effect of this igneous rock, we provide useful references for safety and high efficiency mining in coal mines under special geological conditions. 展开更多
关键词 extremely thick igneous rock SEPARATION rock burst mine flood gas outburst surface subsidence
Dynamic characteristic analysis of whole machine tools based on Kriging model 被引量:2
作者 高相胜 张以都 +1 位作者 郜浩冬 张洪伟 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期3094-3102,共9页
In order to study the variation of machine tools’dynamic characteristics in the manufacturing space,a Kriging approximate model is proposed.Finite element method(FEM)is employed on the platform of ANSYS to establish ... In order to study the variation of machine tools’dynamic characteristics in the manufacturing space,a Kriging approximate model is proposed.Finite element method(FEM)is employed on the platform of ANSYS to establish finite element(FE)model with the dynamic characteristic of combined interface for a milling machine,which is newly designed for producing aero engine blades by a certain enterprise group in China.The stiffness and damping of combined interfaces are adjusted by using adaptive simulated annealing algorithm with the optimizing software of iSIGHT in the process of FE model update according to experimental modal analysis(EMA)results.The Kriging approximate model is established according to the finite element analysis results utilizing orthogonal design samples by taking into account of the range of configuration parameters.On the basis of the Kriging approximate model,the response surfaces between key response parameter and configuration parameters are obtained.The results indicate that configuration parameters have great effects on dynamic characteristics of machine tools,and the Kriging approximate model is an effective and rapid method for estimating dynamic characteristics of machine tools in the manufacturing space. 展开更多
关键词 machine tool dynamic characteristic INTERFACE CONFIGURATION Kriging model
《文艺理论与批评》 北大核心 2003年第4期128-128,共1页
关键词 《激情 古巴 何塞·马蒂 桑德 传记文学
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