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1900年李鸿章与佐佐友房会晤考论 被引量:5
作者 戴海斌 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期86-94,共9页
庚子年李鸿章于两广总督任上奉召北上,中途在上海期间曾与日本国会议员佐佐友房会晤。此事在近代中日关系史上颇具意义。综合利用中日文献钩沉这段历史,可知义和团事起后,李鸿章最早向日本做出了外交试探。抵沪后,他又策划派亲信杨崇伊... 庚子年李鸿章于两广总督任上奉召北上,中途在上海期间曾与日本国会议员佐佐友房会晤。此事在近代中日关系史上颇具意义。综合利用中日文献钩沉这段历史,可知义和团事起后,李鸿章最早向日本做出了外交试探。抵沪后,他又策划派亲信杨崇伊搭乘日舰代行入京,从事秘密联络。他与佐佐友房的会谈,涉及义和团事件善后及日舰护送杨崇伊北上诸多问题。作为人所共知的"亲俄派"人物,李鸿章在对日外交方面多有表现,但是其"亲俄"色彩为日所忌,沪上外交也无奈地附着了浓重的国际政治阴影,仍以无果而终。 展开更多
关键词 庚子事变 李鸿章 佐佐友 中日关系
系统功能语法对翻译《红房子》的启示 被引量:2
作者 束慧娟 《安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2003年第5期110-115,共6页
本文尝试用系统功能语法中语境、主 述位、语法隐喻和衔接、连贯等理论对汉译英习作———《红房子》进行分析 ,发现系统功能语法理论可以帮助译者更好地解决翻译中从短语。
关键词 功能 翻译 原文 译文
明清州县工房研究的几个问题 被引量:1
作者 苟德仪 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第3期1-6,共6页
工房的源头可溯至北齐的士曹,历经变迁,至明清时普遍设置。从相关文献记载看,工房在衙署中居于大堂前甬道的左或右侧。工房书吏分典吏、经书、清书名目,数量因州县事务繁简以及该房职能的变化而不同。这种基于可靠资料的实证研究,对揭... 工房的源头可溯至北齐的士曹,历经变迁,至明清时普遍设置。从相关文献记载看,工房在衙署中居于大堂前甬道的左或右侧。工房书吏分典吏、经书、清书名目,数量因州县事务繁简以及该房职能的变化而不同。这种基于可靠资料的实证研究,对揭示清代州县制度的具体运作甚有裨益。 展开更多
关键词 渊源 书吏
清代南部县衙工房的职能与具体工作 被引量:1
作者 苟德仪 唐宁 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2019年第5期1-7,共7页
从《南部档案》记载看,工房的职能随着时代的变迁而不断拓展,涉及农业、工业、商业、建筑、财政、林业、水利、消防、矿务、戒烟、劝工等方面。工房书吏的具体工作体现在兴修工程、缮写须知册、草拟词讼稿件、草拟上下往来公文、征税税... 从《南部档案》记载看,工房的职能随着时代的变迁而不断拓展,涉及农业、工业、商业、建筑、财政、林业、水利、消防、矿务、戒烟、劝工等方面。工房书吏的具体工作体现在兴修工程、缮写须知册、草拟词讼稿件、草拟上下往来公文、征税税厘、查勘绘图、收储管理档案等,这远比既有研究和官方规定复杂得多。 展开更多
关键词 南部档案 职能
房山石经题记所见幽州卢龙节度使府军将——以押牙和虞候为中心 被引量:1
作者 张秋升 姜欣玥 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第2期8-15,共8页
房山石经题记中保存了不少幽州卢龙节度使府军将的相关材料。有些见诸史载,有些为题记独有。笔者整理出题记中押牙和虞候的相关材料,并对其进行分析。题记中的随身押牙、随从押牙、衙前押牙可补史籍之缺。在为节度使祈福祝寿的刻经活动... 房山石经题记中保存了不少幽州卢龙节度使府军将的相关材料。有些见诸史载,有些为题记独有。笔者整理出题记中押牙和虞候的相关材料,并对其进行分析。题记中的随身押牙、随从押牙、衙前押牙可补史籍之缺。在为节度使祈福祝寿的刻经活动中,都押牙并不是领衔发动者,而是以节度押牙为主。题记中反映的虞候之职级大约为:都虞候——虞候、将虞候——将下虞候。"将虞候"职级应等同虞候,而低于都虞候。内衙虞候史籍未见记载,与衙前虞候相比,其职能可能更侧重核心武装内部的监督纠察。 展开更多
关键词 山石经题记 幽州卢龙节度使 押牙 虞候
“房”“屋”的方言分布与历时流变 被引量:2
作者 荆亚玲 汪化云 《浙江工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第2期212-216,共5页
岩田礼等对"房""屋"意义的阐述有些可以成立:屋大房小,存在于五经之中,魏晋之前例外不多;"古-南""今-北"大致对应,但例外较多。所谓"古今颠倒",则难以成立。"房""屋&... 岩田礼等对"房""屋"意义的阐述有些可以成立:屋大房小,存在于五经之中,魏晋之前例外不多;"古-南""今-北"大致对应,但例外较多。所谓"古今颠倒",则难以成立。"房""屋"意义的演变主要是词义的互相渗透所致,"房"始终是演变的先导:其向"房大"的演变,战国时始见端倪;魏晋以后"房""屋"的意义逐步趋同。"房子"在唐代始见,在北方可以指整体和部分,在南方多指部分;"屋子"在宋代始见,在南方曾指整体,在北方多指部分。 展开更多
关键词 意义 同步引申 时空对应
作者 何易展 《四川文理学院学报》 2017年第1期101-107,共7页
《春秋左传》定公五年载"六月,季平子行东野。还,未至,丙申,卒于房。"清代顾炎武始认为"房"通"防",然无其实指。清高士奇认为此"房"在费县附近,而杨伯峻等认为在曲阜东二十余里。然考其成说,... 《春秋左传》定公五年载"六月,季平子行东野。还,未至,丙申,卒于房。"清代顾炎武始认为"房"通"防",然无其实指。清高士奇认为此"房"在费县附近,而杨伯峻等认为在曲阜东二十余里。然考其成说,皆相舛谬,不足以互证。据《春秋左传》经、传记载及谭其骧《中国历史地图集》所录,鲁实有数防,东防至少应有三处。按《经》、《传》通例,有学者认为"鲁大夫卒其竟内,则不书地。"也有认为"大夫卒于他国则书国,卒于鲁地则书地。"诚淆然不清。清陈立、钟文烝等依纂例疑此"房"当不属于鲁之国境。然《左氏》歆所传古文经学,其立主分野之说,若以"房"、"心"应之鲁宋分野,或可为一说。《春秋地理考实》卷三认为东野及房皆近费之邑。杨伯峻《春秋左传注》认为鲁有二防,此"房"同于僖公十四年之防,其说相悖。细检诸家所注,或驳正旧说,以教正于方家。 展开更多
关键词 《春秋左传注》 定公五年 季平子
作者 王涛 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第5期8-13,共6页
卫所房科设置上,明代卫经历司之下除设有吏、户、礼、兵、刑、工六房外,还有粮房,除恩军科外,还有兵马科、马科和承发科。卫六房设有令史与典史两种吏役,令史一般设两名,典吏数目不一,两名令史分管吏户礼三房和兵刑工三房,典史则出现兼... 卫所房科设置上,明代卫经历司之下除设有吏、户、礼、兵、刑、工六房外,还有粮房,除恩军科外,还有兵马科、马科和承发科。卫六房设有令史与典史两种吏役,令史一般设两名,典吏数目不一,两名令史分管吏户礼三房和兵刑工三房,典史则出现兼领两房的情况。入清以后,经历司大规模裁撤,卫六房在史料中难得一见,但这并不意味着卫六房退出卫之行政,其在日常行政中仍发挥作用。六房设置导致的卫所行政结构类州县化,或是清人借侨州郡县之实土概念称卫所的缘由之一。 展开更多
关键词 卫所 宁番卫 实土卫所
从五星聚房与帝辛占星陶文看武王克商日 被引量:1
作者 朴大鐘 《殷都学刊》 2014年第2期1-5,共5页
帝辛占星陶文记载金星的白天出现和中国传统星座二十八宿的角宿,帝辛占星陶文证明《宋书·天文志》等的帝辛末期五星聚房记录。在夏商周断代工程报告中,中国政府对于公元前1019年9月17日五星聚房事实的确认,证明了《史记》和帝辛占... 帝辛占星陶文记载金星的白天出现和中国传统星座二十八宿的角宿,帝辛占星陶文证明《宋书·天文志》等的帝辛末期五星聚房记录。在夏商周断代工程报告中,中国政府对于公元前1019年9月17日五星聚房事实的确认,证明了《史记》和帝辛占星陶文的记录是准确的,同时也证明武王克商的甲子日为公元前1018年2月22日。 展开更多
关键词 五星聚 帝辛占星陶文 武王克商日 夏商周断代工程 箕子朝鲜
作者 孙华 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2002年第1期12-14,共3页
关键词 音义 考证
Research progress on the correlation between aqueous humor components and pathogenesis and postoperative complications in patients with different types of cataracts
作者 Liang Chen Yan Hong 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2024年第11期1681-1694,共14页
Aqueous humor provides the necessary nutrition for the lens and transports the metabolites in the eye.It was a liquid that can directly reflect the microenvironment in the eye'and it can be easily obtained during ... Aqueous humor provides the necessary nutrition for the lens and transports the metabolites in the eye.It was a liquid that can directly reflect the microenvironment in the eye'and it can be easily obtained during the operation.This review intended to analyze the components of aqueous humor in patients with different types of cataracts'so as to reflect the pathogenesis and development of the disease'evaluate the incidence of postoperative complications and provide reference value for the surgical design of sequential cataract surgery.The aqueous humor components of different types of cataracts showed different degrees of inflammation'oxidative stress and extracellular matrix remodeling.The biomarker of early neuropathy in diabetic cataract was neural cell adhesion molecule-1(NCAM1).Transforming growth factor-β(TGF-β)was the evaluation factor of disease development in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome.The relationships between postoperative complications of different types of cataracts and aqueous humor components were as follows:Macular edema after diabetic cataract surgery was associated with tumor necrosis factor-alpha;capsular contraction after high myopic cataract surgery was related to monocyte chemoattractant protein-1(MCP-1)and TGF-β2;Klotho and glutathione S-transferase P 1(GSTP1)were associated with high intraocular pressure after primary open-angle glaucoma complicated by cataract surgery;capsular contraction after retinitis pigmentosa complicated by cataract surgery was associated with matrix metalloproteinases;pro-inflammatory cytokines and fibroblast growth factor 4 in the aqueous humor of congenital cataracts were associated with posterior capsular opacification after surgery.Granulocyte colony stimulating factor 3 and MCP-1 were the main cytokines mediating the pain of the second eye in the binocular sequential cataract surgery short interval(1 wk)'while MCP-1 mediated pain in the long interval(6 wk).The second eye after binocular sequential cataract surgery had a higher level of proinflammatory factors.The components of aqueous humor in patients with different types of cataracts were related to the pathogenesis and postoperative complications of the disease.Monitoring the components of the aqueous humor could help better understand the intraocular microenvironment of different types of cataracts and provide a reference for predicting the development of the disease and implementing relevant targeted therapy. 展开更多
Genetic Polymorphism of TLR4 Gene and Correlation with Mastitis in Cattle 被引量:5
作者 王兴平 许尚忠 +2 位作者 高雪 任红艳 陈金宝 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期406-412,共7页
Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) recognizes pathogen ligands and mediates signaling to initiate innate and adaptive immune responses. In this experiment, a 316 bp and 382 bp fragments of TLR4 gene named T4CRBR1 and T4CRB... Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) recognizes pathogen ligands and mediates signaling to initiate innate and adaptive immune responses. In this experiment, a 316 bp and 382 bp fragments of TLR4 gene named T4CRBR1 and T4CRBR2, of Chinese Holstein, Sanhe cattle, and Chinese Simmental was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), respectively. The genetic polymorphisms in the three populations were detected by Single-Strand Conformational Polymorphism (SSCP) in the first locus and by digesting the fragments with restriction endonuclease Alu I in the second one. Results showed that both alleles (A and B) of two loci were found in all the three populations and the value of polymorphism information content (PIC) indicated that these were a moderate polymorphism. Statistical results of X^2 test indicated that two polymorphism sites in the three populations fitted with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P 〉 0.05). After sequencing, A-G single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was identified at nucleotide 4,525 in intron 1 of TLR4 gene and C-T SNP was identified at nucleotide 1,397 in exon 3 of TLR4 gene. Meanwhile, the effect of polymorphism of TLR4 gene on somatic cell score (SCS) was analyzed, the results indicated that the cattle with allele A in T4CRBR1 showed lower somatic cell score than that of allele B (P 〈 0.05). In short, the allele A might play an important role in mastiffs resistance in bovine. 展开更多
关键词 BOVINE TLR4 gene SSCP RFLP MASTITIS somatic cell count somatic cell score
Cancelling ore pillars in large-scale coastal gold deposit: A case study in Sanshandao gold mine, China 被引量:10
作者 刘志祥 党文刚 +1 位作者 贺显群 李地元 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第10期3046-3054,共9页
According to the actual conditions in Sanshandao Gold Mine, the cancelling ore pillars mining method was researched. Firstly, a series of tests for the physical and mechanical characteristics of rock mass were carried... According to the actual conditions in Sanshandao Gold Mine, the cancelling ore pillars mining method was researched. Firstly, a series of tests for the physical and mechanical characteristics of rock mass were carried out and a quality classification system of rock mass applied in coastal metal deposit was established. Secondly, the reasonable demarcation depth of cancelling ore pillars was simulated using the finite element method, and the simulation results show that the ore pillars can be cancelled below the level of-555 m. Thirdly, a novel layer-backfill mining method of room-pillar alternation was designed to reduce the disturbance and settlement of terrain in mining area. Engineering practice shows that the new mining method enhanced the mining output and relieved rock disturbance. Furthermore, the settlement of the roof strata was small and no disaster occurred. The new mining technology effectively controlled the deformation of the terrain, indicating that the mining of the large-scale gold coastal deposit in Sanshandao Gold Mine was achieved safely, efficiently, and with a low loss rate. 展开更多
关键词 coastal deposit rock quality evaluation numerical simulation layer-backfill mining method of room-pillar alternation monitoring system
论杜甫诗歌的混茫境界 被引量:9
作者 张志烈 《杜甫研究学刊》 2003年第1期1-7,共7页
关键词 杜甫 诗歌 混茫境界 古代文学研究 唐朝 《登楼》 艺术形家 《戏为六绝句》 《房兵曹胡马诗》
A Discovery of Anomozamites with Reproductive Organs 被引量:2
作者 郑少林 张立军 巩恩普 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第6期667-672,共6页
Anomozamites haifanggouensis (Kimura et al.) Zheng et Zhang comb. nov. is a characteristic Bennettitalean plant in Middle Jurassic flora. Only one specimen was collected from Haifanggou Formation (Middle Jurassic) in ... Anomozamites haifanggouensis (Kimura et al.) Zheng et Zhang comb. nov. is a characteristic Bennettitalean plant in Middle Jurassic flora. Only one specimen was collected from Haifanggou Formation (Middle Jurassic) in Daohugou village, Shantou town, Ningcheng County, Nei Mongol Autonomous Region, China. The stem of plant is slender and repeatedly branches as a dichasial system with a fertile shoot in the fork, forming equal and widely divergent branches, on the branches born with the fronds of Anomozamites type. Its reproductive organs consists of some microsporophylls and a few of the bracteoid small leaves (or receptacular leaves). Some scattered bracteoid leaves and microsporophylls were formerly considered by Pan as dicots. Since then, they were proposed to be a non-committal genus Pankuangia and described them as P. haifanggouensis by Kimura et al. In this study, we discover that these bracteoid small leaves and microsporophylls should be of Anomozamites. This discovery provides strong evidence for the 'Pankuangia' determination of the taxonomical position. 展开更多
关键词 Anomozamites haifanggouensis (Kimura et al.) comb. nov. reproductive organ Nei Mongol Middle Jurassic Haifanggou Formation
Influential Factors of House-purchasing Intention in Work construction Sites among Migrant Workers with a Case of Investigations on 203 Migrant Workers from Jiangxi Province 被引量:2
作者 刘文 王彦之 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第12期2881-2885,共5页
The research selected 13 factors from individual and family characters, construction site characters and work characters and analyzed the influences on the willingness of purchasing houses on construction sites with L... The research selected 13 factors from individual and family characters, construction site characters and work characters and analyzed the influences on the willingness of purchasing houses on construction sites with Logistic regression mod- el. The results showed that gender, age differences, personality, willingness on fami- ly land conversion, management of enterprises on construction sites, relatives and friends on construction lands, and Job satisfaction were approved by significant testing, but marital status, annual household income, the rate of migrant worker in a household, transportation in work city, and corporate reputation were not approved by significant testing. 展开更多
关键词 Migrant worker House-purchasing willingness in work construction sites Influential factors Logistic regression analysis Jiangxi Province
The Role of Transesophageal Echocardiography for Transcatheter Closure of Atrial Septal Defects with the Amplatzer Septal Occluder 被引量:1
作者 许迪 孔祥清 +3 位作者 杨荣 盛燕辉 曹克将 陆凤翔 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2003年第3期110-115,共6页
Objective: To evaluate of the role of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)in percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects (ASD) with the Amplatzer septal occluder. Methods:Sixty- two patients (10 to 55 years of age... Objective: To evaluate of the role of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)in percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects (ASD) with the Amplatzer septal occluder. Methods:Sixty- two patients (10 to 55 years of age) were selected for percutaneous closure of ASD bytrans-esophageal echocardiography, which was also used to monitor the procedure, to select theappropriate size of the Amplatzer device, to verify its position, and to access the immediateresults of the procedure. During the follow-up, transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) or TEE was usedto evaluate the presence and magnitude of residual shunt (RS), device position, and right cardiacchamber diameters. Results: The mean ASD diameter by TTE ([19. 1 +- 5. 8] mm) was significantlysmaller (P< 0. 001) than the stretched diameter of the ASD (25. 1 +- 6. 4) mm. There are nosignificant differences between the TEE -measured value (23. 5+_6. 2) mm and the stretched diameterof the ASD (P > 0. 05). Due to proper patient selection all procedures were successful. There wasimmediate and complete closure in 61/62 patients, only one patients had trivial residual shunt.Follow- up was performed using TTE or TEE right after operation, 1 d, 1 month, 3 months, 6 monthsand yearly thereafter. Ail, patients remain asymptomatic without any clinical or technical problems.Conclusion: With the aid of TEE, percutaneous closure of ASD can be performed successfully, safely,and effectively. 展开更多
关键词 transesophageal echocardiography atrial septal defects amplatzer septaloccluder
Ecological Carrying Capacity in Beijing Mountainous Areas——Taking Fangshan District as an Example 被引量:3
作者 穆松林 张义丰 +2 位作者 唐承财 王灵恩 刘玉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2429-2433,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to investigate ecological carrying capacity of Fangshan District in Beijing. [Method] Ecological footprint and carrying capacity of Fangshan District in 2007 and 2008 were analyzed with ecologi... [Objective] The aim was to investigate ecological carrying capacity of Fangshan District in Beijing. [Method] Ecological footprint and carrying capacity of Fangshan District in 2007 and 2008 were analyzed with ecological footprint model and the difference between ecological footprint and carrying capacity there was con- cluded. Furthermore, an assessment was made on relation between Fangshan de- velopment with local ecological carrying capacity to evaluate sustainable development of Fangshan District. [Result] Fangshan District is of lightly ecological deficit; ecologi- cal footprint per capita in 2007-2008 was deficit and tended to expand. Two meth- ods are available to reduce ecological :deficit, including reduction of ecological foot- print and increase of carrying capacity. In general, supply and demand of carrying capacity in Fangshan are better, though with some problems. It is necessary to fur- ther develop related industries to final eliminate ecological deficit in order to achieve ecological conservation-orientation and sustainable development of Fangshan District. [Conclusion] The research provides theoretical references for overall evaluation on eco- logical carrying capacity of Fangshan District. 展开更多
关键词 Mountainous areas in Beijing Ecological carrying capacity FangshanDistrict
Effects of Rhynchophylline on Guinea Pig Atria 被引量:1
作者 陈长勋 金若敏 +1 位作者 王群 张海桂 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1995年第3期142-148,共7页
本实验观察钩藤碱对豚鼠左右心房的作用。对自发节律右心房,钩藤碱具有负性变时作用,此作用在15-200μmol/L范围内呈浓度效应依赖关系。对电驱动离体左心房,钩藤碱在浓度大于200μmol/L时产生负性肌力作用。20... 本实验观察钩藤碱对豚鼠左右心房的作用。对自发节律右心房,钩藤碱具有负性变时作用,此作用在15-200μmol/L范围内呈浓度效应依赖关系。对电驱动离体左心房,钩藤碱在浓度大于200μmol/L时产生负性肌力作用。200μmol/L钩藤碱使阈刺激波宽─强度曲线上移,表明心肌兴奋性下降。钩藤碱抑制肾上腺素诱发的心肌自律性,延长功能性不应期,显著抑制正阶梯现象。上述作用对抗心律失常有益,作用原理可能同其抑制钙内流有关。 展开更多
关键词 Rhynchophylline Isolated atria EXCITABILITY Functional refractory period StaircaseReceived April 12 1994 Accepted January 10 1995
Contributions of Chinese Botanists to Plant Tissue Culture in the 20th entury 被引量:24
作者 朱至清 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第9期1075-1084,共10页
This paper looks back to the development of plant tissue culture in China in the last century. Since 1934, tissue culture studies in China has kept up with the international development in the fields. Progress has bee... This paper looks back to the development of plant tissue culture in China in the last century. Since 1934, tissue culture studies in China has kept up with the international development in the fields. Progress has been made by Chinese in nearly every branches of tissue culture, including in vitro organogenesis, shoot tip culture, anther culture, ovary culture, endosperm culture, protoplast culture as well as mass cell culture. On the basis of reviewing the articles written by Chinese on plant tissue culture, the internationally recognized contributions are specially mentioned. The applications of plant tissue culture to agriculture and industry in China are also introduced. 展开更多
关键词 Plant tissue culture ORGANOGENESIS shoot tip culture anther culture ovary culture endosperm culture protoplast culture plant mass cell culture
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