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加强教学实践环节 提高师范生教育素质──我院公共《教育学》教学综合改革尝试
作者 王富平 茹宗志 《宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 1998年第1期71-74,共4页
关键词 师范生 《教育学》教学 教育素质 教学综合改革 教学实践环节 教学方法 教学效果 教学模式 教研室 课堂教学
有理、有用、有趣──谈如何走出高师《教育学》教学的困境 被引量:2
作者 凌水明 《新余学院学报》 1999年第1期43-47,共5页
目前高师《教育学》教学虽然面临一定的困境,但只要紧紧扣住和运用好“理论联系实际”这一原则,《教育学》教学就不难走出困境。可从以下三个方面来贯彻这一原则:一、精心组织教学内容──有理;二、精心组织课堂实践──有用;三、... 目前高师《教育学》教学虽然面临一定的困境,但只要紧紧扣住和运用好“理论联系实际”这一原则,《教育学》教学就不难走出困境。可从以下三个方面来贯彻这一原则:一、精心组织教学内容──有理;二、精心组织课堂实践──有用;三、精心组织教师语言──有趣。 展开更多
关键词 《教育学》教学 困境 理论联系实际 有理 有用 有趣
作者 李芳文 《新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1989年第3期15-20,共6页
办好师范教育,必须对现在的师范生——未来的教师进行职业训练,才能培养出合格的教师。对他们的职业训练有基础知识(包括专业知识的训练);教育专业(包括教育学、心理学和各科教材教法)的训练,以及教育实习三个方面。这就要求高师十分重... 办好师范教育,必须对现在的师范生——未来的教师进行职业训练,才能培养出合格的教师。对他们的职业训练有基础知识(包括专业知识的训练);教育专业(包括教育学、心理学和各科教材教法)的训练,以及教育实习三个方面。这就要求高师十分重视《教育学》的教学,学生也一定要认真地学习《教育学》。但据说。 展开更多
关键词 《教育学》教学 中小学教师 教学过程 乐意学 教材内容 教育理论 职业训练 改进教学方法 专业思想教育 教育专业
作者 黄明皖 《广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1985年第S1期82-82,共1页
近年来,随着教育体制改革的开展,大量的教育行政干部需要进行短期的进修与培训。他们急需在教育思想、理论以及管理思想、理论方面进行学习和提高,以适应当前形势发展的需要。对这种行干班的《教育学》的教学,如何满足客观形势和学习对... 近年来,随着教育体制改革的开展,大量的教育行政干部需要进行短期的进修与培训。他们急需在教育思想、理论以及管理思想、理论方面进行学习和提高,以适应当前形势发展的需要。对这种行干班的《教育学》的教学,如何满足客观形势和学习对象的要求,确是一个值得研究的新课题,我想就这方面谈谈自己的一点体会。 展开更多
关键词 《教育学》教学 学员 各科教学 中学校长 因需施教 教育体制改革 理论联系实际 学习对象 理论方面 校长培训班
深一点 实一点 新一点 活一点——干训班《教育学》教学的体会
作者 楼滨缪 《课程.教材.教法》 1985年第6期9-13,共5页
《教育学》是教育行政干部培训班的一门主要专业课。我先后已教过六期干训班《教育学》,总的感觉是一期比一期难教。这是因为: 首先,学员对教育学要求愈来愈高。前几年,由于粉碎“四人帮”不久,刚刚恢复教育学课,学员学习这门课有新鲜... 《教育学》是教育行政干部培训班的一门主要专业课。我先后已教过六期干训班《教育学》,总的感觉是一期比一期难教。这是因为: 首先,学员对教育学要求愈来愈高。前几年,由于粉碎“四人帮”不久,刚刚恢复教育学课,学员学习这门课有新鲜感。现在,教育学书籍大量出版,教育刊物遍地开花,学员在工作岗位上通过看书学习或听讲座,已初步掌握了教育学的基础知识。 展开更多
关键词 《教育学》教学 干训班 教育学教学 学员 教学规律 启发式教学 教师的主导作用 教学方法 理论联系实际 办学指导思想
立足农村小学 改革《教育学》教学
作者 张勤 《甘肃教育》 北大核心 1995年第11期16-17,共2页
立足农村小学改革《教育学》教学靖远师范学校张勤面向农村小学,改革课堂教学结构现行中师教育学教材的基本结构为三大块,即教育原理、教育论和德育论,每一块的性质不同:有些理论性较强;有些实践性较强;另外有一部分内容比较简单... 立足农村小学改革《教育学》教学靖远师范学校张勤面向农村小学,改革课堂教学结构现行中师教育学教材的基本结构为三大块,即教育原理、教育论和德育论,每一块的性质不同:有些理论性较强;有些实践性较强;另外有一部分内容比较简单,文字浅显。对这些不同类型的内容,... 展开更多
关键词 农村小学 《教育学》教学 教学原则 复式教学 班主任工作 组织学 教育理论 教学结构 课堂结构 课堂教学改革
作者 毛俊朴 《甘肃教育》 北大核心 1995年第10期13-13,共1页
改进中师《教育学》教学的认识与尝试临洮师范学校毛俊朴教育学是中师生的专业课程之一。但这门课的教学却一直存在着理论脱离实际的问题。解决这一问题,要求师范生在校期间能对小学教材的体系、编写意图、教学重点等有一个基本了解,... 改进中师《教育学》教学的认识与尝试临洮师范学校毛俊朴教育学是中师生的专业课程之一。但这门课的教学却一直存在着理论脱离实际的问题。解决这一问题,要求师范生在校期间能对小学教材的体系、编写意图、教学重点等有一个基本了解,并能在实践中对教材内容作整体性的驾... 展开更多
关键词 《教育学》教学 教学技能训练 教学内容 中师教育学教材 课堂教学模式 教育学教学 教育理论 新大纲 教师 农村小学教育
开展行动研究 提高师专《教育学》教学质量
作者 宋秋前 《浙江海洋学院学报(人文科学版)》 1996年第4期40-42,共3页
长期来,怎样提高师专《教育学》课程的教学质量,从而为培养一支适应我国义务教育需要的具有较高素质的中学师资队伍作出应有的贡献,这一直是师范院校从事教育理论教学与研究的教师所关心的一个重要课题,也是我国师范教育课程改革的一个... 长期来,怎样提高师专《教育学》课程的教学质量,从而为培养一支适应我国义务教育需要的具有较高素质的中学师资队伍作出应有的贡献,这一直是师范院校从事教育理论教学与研究的教师所关心的一个重要课题,也是我国师范教育课程改革的一个重要方面。几年来,在学校领导的关心、支持和帮助下,我们按照师专的培养目标,遵循理论联系实际的原则,结合《教育学》课程的教学实际,拓宽视野,在中小学开展“教育行动研究”的课题研究,把成果作为课程改革的内容和方法引入《教育学》教学之中,使《教育学》教学质量逐年有了较大提高。现谈谈运用行动研究改革师专《教育学》教学的几点做法和体会。 展开更多
关键词 教育行动研究 《教育学》教学 教学质量 教育理论 课堂教学效率 师专 课堂教学实践 课程改革 教育研究 教育教学研究
作者 李琳 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2022年第8期200-202,共3页
《教育学》是师范专业学生要学习的专业课程,既能够体现专业特色,也承担着培育教师素养的功能。其主要功能在于树立学生正确的教育观念、培育热爱本职工作的感情,为日后从事相关工作奠定坚实基础,与思政教育之间具备较强的契合性和较多... 《教育学》是师范专业学生要学习的专业课程,既能够体现专业特色,也承担着培育教师素养的功能。其主要功能在于树立学生正确的教育观念、培育热爱本职工作的感情,为日后从事相关工作奠定坚实基础,与思政教育之间具备较强的契合性和较多的融合之处。教育学》课程本身具备着较多的思政元素,大大扩大了课程本身的内涵,彰显了《教育学》与思政课之间存在天然的契合之处,在强化协同育人层面有独特优势。在实践中可以从采取多元措施,精准定位课程思政实施要点、实施灵活策略,进一步拓宽课程思政的载体面积等方面做出努力。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 《教育学》教学 多元措施
作者 熊广星 冯季林 《广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1989年第4期76-84,共9页
学习兴趣是学习者对学习的一种积极的认识倾向与情绪状态,对学习有明显的促进作用。学生对学习内容有兴趣,就会注意集中,产生紧张、愉快的情绪及主动的学习意识,从而提高学习的效率。另一方面,由于教师在教学过程中使学习活动有兴趣,或... 学习兴趣是学习者对学习的一种积极的认识倾向与情绪状态,对学习有明显的促进作用。学生对学习内容有兴趣,就会注意集中,产生紧张、愉快的情绪及主动的学习意识,从而提高学习的效率。另一方面,由于教师在教学过程中使学习活动有兴趣,或学生在学习活动中加深了对学习内容和学习意义的理解,学生也会产生新的学习兴趣或提高原有的兴趣。因此,学习兴趣是在学习活动中产生的,它又是课程及教学评价的一个因素。 公共课《教育学》是师范院校课程的重要组成部分,是体现师范性特点的一个重要方面。它的设置不仅可以使师范生学到教育的基本理论、掌握教育和教学的基本规律、原则和方法,而且有助于培养和巩固师范生的专业思想、提高师范生作为未来人民教师的素质,对于全面实现师范院校的教育目标有着现实意义和长远意义。学生对《教育学》的学习兴趣,直接影响到这门课的学习效果,从而影响到教育目标的全面实现。学生对《教育学》的间接兴趣(学习目的和对学习意义的认识引起的兴趣),反映了学生对这门课的重要性的认识; 展开更多
关键词 《教育学 间接兴趣 百分比 公共课 师范生 本科 学习兴趣 直接兴趣 《教育学》教学 人民教师
“合作教育与主动学习策略”的理论构想与实验方案 被引量:4
作者 肖大柏 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第5期29-31,共3页
“合作教育与主动学习策略”的理论构想与实验方案湖北省武昌师范肖大柏一、问题的提出我任教中师的《教育学》多年,深深感到这门专业课程难教。而同学们却偏说它很好学,说只要在临考前花点工夫,就能考得七八十分。我感到难教,是因... “合作教育与主动学习策略”的理论构想与实验方案湖北省武昌师范肖大柏一、问题的提出我任教中师的《教育学》多年,深深感到这门专业课程难教。而同学们却偏说它很好学,说只要在临考前花点工夫,就能考得七八十分。我感到难教,是因为这门课总难以激起同学们的学习兴趣... 展开更多
关键词 主动学习策略 合作教育 构想与实验 教育理论 《教育学》教学 策略指导 教育观念 理论构想 教育思想 课外阅读
Systematizing Teacher Development:A Review of Foreign Language Teacher Learning
作者 Guang ZENG 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2024年第3期518-523,526,共7页
Foreign language teaching practice is developing rapidly,but research on foreign language teacher learning is currently relatively fragmented and unstructured.The book Foreign Language Teacher Learning,written by Prof... Foreign language teaching practice is developing rapidly,but research on foreign language teacher learning is currently relatively fragmented and unstructured.The book Foreign Language Teacher Learning,written by Professor Kang Yan from Capital Normal University,published in September 2022,makes a systematic introduction to foreign language teacher learning,which to some extent makes up for this shortcoming.Her book presents the lineage of foreign language teacher learning research at home and abroad,analyzes both theoretical and practical aspects,reviews the cuttingedge research results,and foresees the future development trend,painting a complete research picture for researchers in the field of foreign language teaching and teacher education as well as front-line teachers interested in foreign language teacher learning.This is an important inspiration for conducting foreign language teacher learning research in the future.And this paper makes a review of the book from aspects such as its content,major characteristics,contributions and limitations. 展开更多
关键词 foreign language teacher learning foreign language teacher education foreign language teaching teacher development
作者 田本华 《六盘水师范学院学报》 1998年第S1期24-27,共4页
“自学讨论教学模式”是教育心理学教研室的全体教师在朱国玉老师的带领下,在长期从事教学实践活动的经验基础上,经过对《教育学》教学的试点性实验、扩大性实验、验证性实验、正式实践四个阶段的总结而形成的一套完整的教学模式。这个... “自学讨论教学模式”是教育心理学教研室的全体教师在朱国玉老师的带领下,在长期从事教学实践活动的经验基础上,经过对《教育学》教学的试点性实验、扩大性实验、验证性实验、正式实践四个阶段的总结而形成的一套完整的教学模式。这个教学模式由自学——讨论——精讲——作业四个教学环节组成,以培养学生的自学能力为主要目标。 “自学讨论教学模式”确立后,在我校的《教育学》教学中显示出巨大的优越性,大幅度地提高了教学质量,受到师生的一致好评,也受到了学校领导,上级有关部门的认可,在一九九四年,获得了中国高教学会高等师范教育研究会颁发的“高等师范教育研究优秀成果二等奖”。 展开更多
关键词 自学讨论 教学模式 《教育学》教学 教师的主导作用 跨学科 推广运用 课堂讨论 教学单元 《心理学》 教学活动
The necessary humanistic embodiment in the philosophy, theory and mode of College English teaching
作者 彭元峰 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第12期1-4,共4页
Along with development of China's popular education, the embodiment of humanistic education is the natural and inevitable requirement of higher education after its transition from elite to popular education to ensure... Along with development of China's popular education, the embodiment of humanistic education is the natural and inevitable requirement of higher education after its transition from elite to popular education to ensure a good quality and a higher level. English teaching is indispensable due to the uniqueness of Chinese language and culture, and our open policy. College English teaching has become an extremely important platform, different from most other countries, to train talents. And to train talents is not only to train for the English language speakers or to be just certain technicians. This article will, from aspects of teaching philosophy, theory and mode, give a preliminary probe into the reasons why humanistic education should show itself up in all segments of college English teaching and how to show up. And it is expected to use the little to get the big. 展开更多
关键词 humanistic embodiment teaching philosophy MODE design assessment
Constructivism and bilingual education
作者 顾赤 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第8期15-18,共4页
Bilingual education is one of Chinese education directions in the 21st century. And constructivism is the educational foundation of bilingual education. This paper presents a study of teaching theory and the pattern o... Bilingual education is one of Chinese education directions in the 21st century. And constructivism is the educational foundation of bilingual education. This paper presents a study of teaching theory and the pattern of bilingual education. The current situation and the development of bilingual education are discussed as well. 展开更多
关键词 CONSTRUCTIVISM bilingual teaching education theory teaching pattern
English Forum on Medical Humanities of SMMU:An interdisciplinary innovative teaching practice 被引量:2
作者 GONG Shanshan ZHANG Yan HU Jiyue 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2013年第1期4-10,共7页
To conform to the college English teaching reform from English for General Purposes (EGP) to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in the vital transfer era, the Foreign Language Department of Second Military Medical Un... To conform to the college English teaching reform from English for General Purposes (EGP) to English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in the vital transfer era, the Foreign Language Department of Second Military Medical University (SMMU) launched an English for Medical Academic Purpose (EMAP) curriculum with English Forum on Medical Humanities (EFMH), a project-based teaching practice. Based on Rogers' learner-centered humanistic teaching approach which emphasizes students' involvement and experiences in learning, EFMH puts students and their practice in a central place. After four-year exploration and operation, the Forum has developed from a small-scaled embryo into an internationalized, standardized and professionalized event, having produced fruitful outcomes. It is expected that the success of EFMH will provide inspiring experiences and enlightenments for higher medical education in terms of academic English teaching and teachers' responsibilities to foster high-quality medical students. 展开更多
关键词 Humanistic teaching approach Medical humanity education Interdisciplinary cooperation Teaching innovation English Forum on Medical Humanity English teaching reform
Modern Pedagogy and the Ratio Studiorum 被引量:1
作者 Ziba Ahmadian 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第2期137-147,共11页
This presentation discusses the requests of modern pedagogy, and a possible bridging between the traditional teaching strategies drawn by the Ratio Studiorum of a unique and rare structure, and today's learning proce... This presentation discusses the requests of modern pedagogy, and a possible bridging between the traditional teaching strategies drawn by the Ratio Studiorum of a unique and rare structure, and today's learning process. It will argue the practical application and philosophy of education widely accepted and recognized as a part of curricular activities within the learning environments, though with no recognition of its origin. This paper aims to examine the indisputable contributions of the educational methods of the Jesuits in our time, although, the discipline has developed new fundamental, and new concepts such as self-esteem, self-awareness, and self-determination among others, 展开更多
关键词 the Ratio Studiorum Jesuits curriculum Jesuits pedagogy Jesuits self-esteem
Research on College English Teaching Model Based on Multimedia and Network 被引量:1
作者 Deyuan Zou 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第11期19-21,共3页
Based on multimedia and network environment, college English teaching mode can effectively improve the teaching environment of traditional English teaching and students, and expand the capacity of English classroom in... Based on multimedia and network environment, college English teaching mode can effectively improve the teaching environment of traditional English teaching and students, and expand the capacity of English classroom information, and enrich the students’ English culture background. Therefore, as a teacher, we should first of all make efforts to learn new knowledge and teaching methods to improve our English professional quality. Strengthening the multimedia, network technology and educational psychology research, and put themselves in the teaching position. In addition, the college English teaching model based on multimedia and network environment can cultivate students’ independent thinking, autonomous learning, analysis and problem - solving ability, and promote the high efficiency of college English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Multimedia and network environment college English teaching teaching mode
Operationalizing physical literacy through sport education 被引量:9
作者 Peter A.Hastie Tristan L.Wallhead 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期132-138,共7页
Physical literacy (PL), as embodied within physical education (PE), has been vaunted as having increasing importance as a disposition for students of all abilities to establish lifelong adherence to physical activ... Physical literacy (PL), as embodied within physical education (PE), has been vaunted as having increasing importance as a disposition for students of all abilities to establish lifelong adherence to physical activity. The purpose of this paper was to provide a discussion of how the pedagogical features of a contemporary pedagogical model, Sport Education (SE), may be used to operationalize PL in PE and what empirical evidence currently exists to validate this claim. Substantial empirical evidence exists that the attributes associated with the development of PL (Whitehead, 2010) can be operationalized in PE with the effective implementation of the model. SE has distinct pedagogical features which positively contribute to many of the dimensions of PL and can further an individuals' journey towards greater PL and having an embodied self within PE. That stated, there remains concern that the context for this embodiment remains too narrow to be viewed as a panacea for the development of lifelong physical activity. SE must be developed as a connective specialism if these PL attributes are to transform the motivation and confidence for individuals to capitalize on their innate physical potential and make a more significant contribution to the quality of life. 展开更多
关键词 Pedagogical models Physical education Physical literary Sport education
Reflections on Web-based language teaching
作者 CHENYiping 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2004年第1期43-46,共4页
Web-based education has been enjoying greater popularity because of its undeniable advantages. It has been seen as a panacea by more and more people in educational field, including language teaching. Based on the real... Web-based education has been enjoying greater popularity because of its undeniable advantages. It has been seen as a panacea by more and more people in educational field, including language teaching. Based on the realization of the great potential brought by the development of technology, some viewpoints about the relationship among technology, teaching and pedagogy are put forward: firstly, technology is a tool, not a strategy; secondly, pedagogical concerns and theory should drive the way technology is used in education, not the other way around; thirdly, what matters more than technology is how the technology is used for learning, and how it is integrated into the daily classroom scheme so that active engagement in acquisition-oriented work take place; and finally, the change of learning environment inevitably calls for parallel changes in teaching and learning procedures. Available technologies can greatly enhance both student-teacher and student-student interaction and can afford students increased opportunities for self directed learning. To be most effective, technology must be used to support well-planned curricular goals and should involve carefully designed activities providing students with meaningful educational experiences. 展开更多
关键词 Web-based teaching educational technology PEDAGOGY TEACHING
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