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作者 彭瑞敏(策划) 周建华 +5 位作者 李万峰 郭胜道 仇兆兵 卫红光 卓道琴 陶丽 《教育家》 2021年第27期21-25,共5页
教学是学校教育的核心工作,只有加强教学管理,才能提升教学成效,提高教育质量。新课改背景下,中小学教学管理面临很多问题:教育功利思想严重,重成绩轻育人;教学内容侧重知识传授,弱化学生思维能力、创新能力、批判精神等的培养;教师教... 教学是学校教育的核心工作,只有加强教学管理,才能提升教学成效,提高教育质量。新课改背景下,中小学教学管理面临很多问题:教育功利思想严重,重成绩轻育人;教学内容侧重知识传授,弱化学生思维能力、创新能力、批判精神等的培养;教师教学方法陈旧,教学手段滞后……对此,需要校长充分发挥计划、组织、协调、控制等管理职能,对教学过程各要素加以统筹,使之有序、有效运行。 展开更多
关键词 备课组长 研讨课 《教育家》 学校评价 发展性评价 五育并举 教学评价 多维度 教学效能 教学过程 学科团队 学科教师 任务包 推门听课 教师专业成长
传承红色基因,培育时代新人——《教育家》杂志线上圆桌论坛实录 被引量:1
作者 颜源(策划) 曹春梅(策划) +9 位作者 肖彦峰(策划) 石明晶 张卫东 王树林 张广荣 李元 刘伟明 牟正香 季爱红 邹俊 《教育家》 2021年第26期22-27,共6页
进入新时代,未成年人思想道德建设工作面临新挑战。在党史学习教育动员大会上,习近平总书记强调:抓好青少年学习教育,让红色基因、革命薪火代代传承。红色文化中蕴含着丰富的教育资源和道德养分,将立德树人作为教育的根本任务,必须加强... 进入新时代,未成年人思想道德建设工作面临新挑战。在党史学习教育动员大会上,习近平总书记强调:抓好青少年学习教育,让红色基因、革命薪火代代传承。红色文化中蕴含着丰富的教育资源和道德养分,将立德树人作为教育的根本任务,必须加强红色文化教育,用红色文化铸魂育人。 展开更多
关键词 红色基因 红色文化教育 《教育家》 红色教育资源 理想信念教育 时代新人 国防教育 红色资源 思政教育 红色德育
善用技术:智慧教育从理念到实践——《教育家》杂志线上圆桌论坛实录 被引量:1
作者 颜源(策划) 闫苗弟(策划) +7 位作者 刘佳伟(策划) 朱海峰 王家龙 谭中胜 杜开颜 张胜聚 刘成军 徐海龙 《教育家》 2021年第26期29-32,28,共5页
新技术推动教育向数字化、智能化、泛在化方向发展,智慧教育应运而生。以教育信息化带动教育现代化,促进教育的创新与变革,是加快我国由教育大国迈向教育强国的重要战略抉择。"智慧教育"作为新时期教育信息化发展的主线,受到... 新技术推动教育向数字化、智能化、泛在化方向发展,智慧教育应运而生。以教育信息化带动教育现代化,促进教育的创新与变革,是加快我国由教育大国迈向教育强国的重要战略抉择。"智慧教育"作为新时期教育信息化发展的主线,受到越来越多的关注。从教研到课堂再到评价,新技术改变了教育教学传统模式。智慧教育如何推进教研形态升级?智慧教育如何打造课堂教学新样态?智慧教育如何赋能中小学教育评价改革?本期《教育家》杂志线上论坛,我们邀请一线中小学校长围绕新技术带来的教育新模式展开深入探讨,呈现智慧教育的发展现状。 展开更多
关键词 智慧教育 深入推进 《教育家》 数字教材 中小学教育评价
《江苏教育研究》 2007年第2期F0004-F0004,共1页
《江苏教育研究》是江苏省教育厅主管、江苏省教科院主办。面向国内外公开出版发行的一,本综合性教育理论刊物。2007年起《江苏教育研究》编辑部在继续办好《江苏教育研究》的同时,新办《教育家》(双月刊),欢迎新老作者踊跃投稿。... 《江苏教育研究》是江苏省教育厅主管、江苏省教科院主办。面向国内外公开出版发行的一,本综合性教育理论刊物。2007年起《江苏教育研究》编辑部在继续办好《江苏教育研究》的同时,新办《教育家》(双月刊),欢迎新老作者踊跃投稿。投稿时请注意以下事项: 展开更多
关键词 《江苏教育研究》 《教育家》 投稿 备忘录 教育理论刊物 教育 出版发行 江苏省
作者 周彩丽 常艳丽 +10 位作者 王立欣 石卫东 左海荣 冯书青 林耀 孙艳丽 张恒 李玉良 黄梅平 薛燕 王铁征 《教育家》 2021年第38期33-37,32,共6页
教育学者李政涛曾表示,通往育人质量提升的路径多种多样,其中"五育融合"是当前及未来基础教育改革最重要的发展方向和路径之一。五育中,当前的教育短板在哪里?如何才能扭转五育失衡的现状?如何实现"五育融合"育人... 教育学者李政涛曾表示,通往育人质量提升的路径多种多样,其中"五育融合"是当前及未来基础教育改革最重要的发展方向和路径之一。五育中,当前的教育短板在哪里?如何才能扭转五育失衡的现状?如何实现"五育融合"育人效应的最大化?"五育并举"对教育评价体系提出了哪些新要求?本期《教育家》线上圆桌论坛,我们邀请中小学校长,围绕"五育并举融合育人"的主题,共同探讨学校五育发展新方向。 展开更多
关键词 五育并举 《教育家》 小学校长 学科融合 育人效应 育人效果 高质量发展
以学有优教,助推教育高质量发展 《教育家》杂志线上圆桌论坛实录
作者 王妍妍 彭瑞敏 闫苗弟 《教育家》 2021年第40期37-41,共5页
教育是国之大计,事关国家发展和民族未来。《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二○三五年远景目标的建议》明确了"建设高质量教育体系"的政策导向和重点要求。建设高质量教育体系,需要健全学校、家庭、... 教育是国之大计,事关国家发展和民族未来。《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二○三五年远景目标的建议》明确了"建设高质量教育体系"的政策导向和重点要求。建设高质量教育体系,需要健全学校、家庭、社会协同育人机制;衡量高质量教育体系,很大程度上要看数以千万计教师、数以亿计学生的素质能否不断提升。 展开更多
关键词 项目化学习 《教育家》 学习认知 青少年心理健康教育 秦岭中学 高质量发展 育人目标 主持人 学有所教
作者 谷珵 周少凯(图) 《教育家》 2019年第33期6-7,共2页
8月8日,《教育家》杂志在京召开学习习近平总书记致光明日报创刊70周年贺信精神座谈会。中国人民大学附属中学等部分学校校长应邀出席,光明日报社第六党工委书记邓海云主持会议。光明日报社总编辑张政在讲话中指出':为落实中共中央... 8月8日,《教育家》杂志在京召开学习习近平总书记致光明日报创刊70周年贺信精神座谈会。中国人民大学附属中学等部分学校校长应邀出席,光明日报社第六党工委书记邓海云主持会议。光明日报社总编辑张政在讲话中指出':为落实中共中央总书记、国家主席习近平在光明日报创刊70周年致信中强调的‘坚持与真理同行、与时代同步,团结、联系、引导、服务知识界’‘把广大知识分子紧紧团结在党中央周围’要求,《教育家》杂志组织召开座谈会,体现了一本国家级刊物的担当。'张政强调,教育兴则国家兴,教育强则国家强。 展开更多
关键词 光明日报 《教育家》 习近平总书记 座谈会
作者 杨春茂 《现代中小学教育》 2006年第9期77-77,共1页
关键词 国家教育 出版发行 教育智慧 国家教委 《教育家成长丛书》 中小学 教师培训教材 目标读者
蔡元培与威廉·洪堡教育思想之比较研究 被引量:8
作者 徐艳 《浙江海洋学院学报(人文科学版)》 2000年第3期27-34,共8页
关键词 蔡元培 洪堡 教育思想 比较研究 个性 群性 普通教育 专门教育 高校 改革
Changes of Wage Structures in Chinese Public and Private Sectors: 1995-2007 被引量:1
作者 Xinxin Ma 《Management Studies》 2016年第6期243-255,共13页
Using CHIP (Chinese Household Income Project Survey) data and the sample selection bias corrected wage function model, this paper estimated changes in wage structure in China by ownership types (SOEs, COEs, FEs, an... Using CHIP (Chinese Household Income Project Survey) data and the sample selection bias corrected wage function model, this paper estimated changes in wage structure in China by ownership types (SOEs, COEs, FEs, and PEs) in 1995 and 2007. The major conclusions are as follows. First, effects of education on wage levels in SOEs and FEs become greater, while education effects decrease in SOEs and PEs under economic transition periods; firm-specific human capital becomes more important in the wage determination mechanism along with market-oriented reforms in SOEs, PEs, and FEs; age effect decreases in SOEs and COEs, but it becomes greater in PEs and FEs. Second, there exist wage structure differences between sectors by wage distributions. For example, in 2007, in SOEs, education return rates are higher for the low-wage and middle-wage groups, and the effect is the highest at the 40th percentile. However in COEs and FEs, education return rates are higher for the high-wage groups, and the effect is the highest at the 70th percentile in COEs and at the 70th percentile in FEs. Tenure effects are greater in the middle-wage groups (40th-80th) in SOEs, COEs, and FEs, and age effects are greater in the low-wage groups (5th-30th) in SOEs, FEs, and PEs. 展开更多
关键词 public and private sectors wage structure human capital Chinese economic transition
WU Mi's Education and Thoughts
作者 LI Min-yan CUI Yan-qiang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第2期117-122,共6页
In China, WU Mi is a well-known poet, educator, and classical scholar. Honored as the father of the study on China's comparative literature, he was one of the earliest scholars who systematically applied the theories... In China, WU Mi is a well-known poet, educator, and classical scholar. Honored as the father of the study on China's comparative literature, he was one of the earliest scholars who systematically applied the theories of Western literature and the method of comparative literature to research A Dream in Red Mansions. In his early life, he was enlightened by the Guan school (a school of Neo-Confucianism), and later he studied in the U.S. where he was deeply influenced by Irving Babbitt's new humanistic thought. Throughout his lifetime, he advocated the thought of having a thorough knowledge of both China and the West, and devoted himself to the cultivation of "well-informed and refined" qualities. In fact, WU Mi's thoughts owes greatly to the education he received in his childhood. This paper focuses on the investigation of the study life of WU Mi so as to find out the reasons behind his achievement of having a thorough knowledge of both China and the West. 展开更多
Educational Situation: Some Preliminary Remarks on a Basic Concept of Education Studies
作者 Thomas Altfelix 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第7期634-650,共17页
When educationalists are asked to define their own academic discipline of Education Studies, they often struggle to reach a common understanding. From an epistemological point of view, this indeterminacy leads back to... When educationalists are asked to define their own academic discipline of Education Studies, they often struggle to reach a common understanding. From an epistemological point of view, this indeterminacy leads back to the complex considerations involved in establishing a basic concept of education. In this article, the author explores in a preliminary fashion the possibility of identifying the essence of education in its performativity as an occurrence in context that always precedes and supersedes our theoretical considerations of it. Education is not to be understood primarily as something conceptual (theory) but rather in terms of its significance as a situational event (reality). Educational reality thus informs educational theory and this relationship implies a knowledge-ethical surplus of the former as an inexhaustible source for the latter. 展开更多
关键词 educational theory educational studies educational situation basic concept
Design Towards a Creative Industry for the Latin American Reality
作者 Alej andra Elena Marinaro Romina Alicia Flores 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第4期242-254,共13页
The duty of educators and politicians is to find new policies and programs that should include creative industries such as designing, together with the teaching of new technologies to make it possible for a greater po... The duty of educators and politicians is to find new policies and programs that should include creative industries such as designing, together with the teaching of new technologies to make it possible for a greater portion of the population to have access to this knowledge, which will enable it to be included in the job market. This type of training also means that the language of the educators will change .We need to develop a new multilinguistic, multimedia, and multidisciplinary conception oriented towards the learning activities of the student. Our goals is to transform multimedia design into an important creative industry in our region, we created "Project Untitled" at Universidad Maimonides. This is an artistic collective undertaking that includes teachers, directors, and students of the School of Multimedia Communication and Design. The goal of this project is to cooperate with learning paradigms in order to reach the quality that a true society of knowledge needs. Education is fundamental for the development of any nation, including the "periphery countries", which can contribute a different point of view, and which, in this sense, can offer wider possibilities, precisely because these countries have the "critical distance" that, probably, core countries are short of. 展开更多
关键词 EDUCATION interactive installations interactive design EDUCATION digital art CREATIVITY human resources
Using Graded-Conversations to Enhance Language Learning and Student Collaboration
作者 Dainess Maganda 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1660-1672,共13页
Language teaching entails the use of varied methods to maximize learning. Most language educators, particularly those teaching foreign languages tend to use lesson review sheets, dialogue practice, drills on grammar, ... Language teaching entails the use of varied methods to maximize learning. Most language educators, particularly those teaching foreign languages tend to use lesson review sheets, dialogue practice, drills on grammar, audio tapes or text recordings. Educators also make use of media to enhance learning while a few language instructors use graded-conversations. Thus, this paper explores ways in which graded-conversations impact language learning. This paper shows how using graded-conversations in a Swahili language classroom enhanced language learning and encouraged students to collaborate in and outside the classroom. More specifically, the findings indicate that while graded-conversations motivated students to communicate with each other beyond classroom and use social media to help each other study, assignments shape the type and quality of students' collaboration. Implications for teaching are presented. 展开更多
关键词 CONVERSATIONS COLLABORATION language learning language teaching
Discussion of the theories of the humanization in the education and management of the college students
作者 Xue Lei 《International English Education Research》 2015年第1期14-16,共3页
In the education and management, people are the objects of the management, and also are the subjects. So in the education of the college students, how can we effectively carry on the management? In view of this probl... In the education and management, people are the objects of the management, and also are the subjects. So in the education of the college students, how can we effectively carry on the management? In view of this problem, this paper explains the profound theories with the description of the simple language from three aspects of the basic connotation of the humanization in the educational and management of the college students, the lack of the humanization in the education and management of the college students and its significance, and the thinking of the methods of the humanization in the education and management of the college students, to solve the concept of the humanization in the management, in order to provide the theoretical reference of the humanized management for the educators. 展开更多
关键词 College education education and management HUMANIZATION THINKING
Chen Youxin's Contribution to the Violin Playing and Teaching
作者 Song Lulu 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第2期181-184,共4页
Chen Youxin, a Chinese violinist and violin educator, was bom in 1913 in zhejiang Wu Xing. He is good at playing many works of Beethoven, Mozart,. In the paper, I described the process of promoting Chinese violin Chen... Chen Youxin, a Chinese violinist and violin educator, was bom in 1913 in zhejiang Wu Xing. He is good at playing many works of Beethoven, Mozart,. In the paper, I described the process of promoting Chinese violin Chen Youxin and his violin teaching ideas and teach ing methods, and the other to make a great contribution on the violin. 展开更多
Tunga penetrans A Silent Setback to Development in Kenya
作者 Simon Kiprono Ruttoh Denis Ochieng' Omondi Nafula Inviolata Wanyama 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第4期527-534,共8页
Tungiasis is an ectoparasitic skin disease caused by the penetration of the female sand flea, Tungapenetrans, into the epidermis of the host. Through an intensive literature review, poor hygiene, poverty, social negle... Tungiasis is an ectoparasitic skin disease caused by the penetration of the female sand flea, Tungapenetrans, into the epidermis of the host. Through an intensive literature review, poor hygiene, poverty, social neglect, ignorance, and poor cultural beliefs were found to promote jigger infestation in Kenya. The research revealed the vicious cycle of poverty, low educational standards, low self-esteem/stigmatization, violation of civil rights, HIV/AIDS and secondary infections as the effects of the infestation. Fumigation, on-host treatment of animals, proper hygiene, and health education are the suggested control measures. Generally, one needs to be physically, emotionally and socially sound to appropriately deliver the much needed services of national development. The jigger infestation negatively impacts on these aspects of human health, hampering the wholesome participation in nation building by both the infected and the affected. As a country, the Jigger menace is frustrating Kenya's attempts to achieve the Millennium Development Goal on poverty reduction by the year 2015, as well as reducing the pace of national development. 展开更多
关键词 Tungapenetrans jigger infestation POVERTY HYGIENE FUMIGATION national development.
Humor the Reform and Innovation of Teaching Language in Teaching
作者 Yu-ling ZHAO Zhuo ZHANG Hai-yan ZHANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期85-86,共2页
The teaching, not to try to arouse the desire of students for seeking knowledge, is just like a piece of cold iron being hammered, said American educator Mann. With humor in teaching, the desire of students for knowle... The teaching, not to try to arouse the desire of students for seeking knowledge, is just like a piece of cold iron being hammered, said American educator Mann. With humor in teaching, the desire of students for knowledge can be effectively stimulated, and also students are helped to understand and grasp what they learn. 展开更多
Educating Children in the Family Created in the Second Marriage in Today's Lithuania
作者 Kestutis Ralys 《Sociology Study》 2014年第4期291-297,共7页
Since the end of the twenty-first century, relationships in the family have been rapidly changing in Lithuania. The changes correspond to changes in the birth-rate. The former model of birth-rate which was characteriz... Since the end of the twenty-first century, relationships in the family have been rapidly changing in Lithuania. The changes correspond to changes in the birth-rate. The former model of birth-rate which was characterized by the prevalence of legitimate children, child-bearing at a younger age and which ensured a change of generations, it was replaced by a new model characterized by having illegitimate children, the postponement of child-bearing, and low birth-rate, which does not ensure a change of generations. Although love relationships, marriage, and children are still considered to be the recognized values, these changes have affected the conception of child's education in the family and the perception of child as a value. It is therefore relevant to evaluate future spouses' preparation for a modern marriage and to constantly improve it. Such preparation is usually understood as young people's readiness far their first marriage. Readiness for the second marriage and child's education in the second family are no less important though still insufficiently explored empirically and theoretically generalized. This paper explores attitudes to child's education in the second marriage. The research was conducted inquiring people who wanted to create a family or establish long-term relationships. They were members of the online dating site "Harmonious Couple". 展开更多
关键词 Modern family REMARRIAGE attitudes to children's education a choice of a potential partner in children's education
The Realization of Politeness Strategies in Children's Refusal: A Case Study of Parents' Educational Background on Children's Utterances
作者 Chusni Hadiati 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第2期137-146,共10页
Language as a means of communication is represented in two basic forms, written and spoken. Spoken is the first form mastered by language speaker, particularly children. Speech community consists of adult and children... Language as a means of communication is represented in two basic forms, written and spoken. Spoken is the first form mastered by language speaker, particularly children. Speech community consists of adult and children. In producing their utterance, children are supposed to be affected by their parents. As a result of different educational background of their parents, children may produce different utterances including refusal. Children from different parents' educational background vary their refusal. The tendency that the higher parents' educational background will result the more polite refusal produced by children is not proved. 展开更多
关键词 politeness strategy CONTEXT utterances REFUSAL CHILDREN educational background
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