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作者 刘杰 《云南教育》 2003年第2期46-46,共1页
关键词 《教育文化》 《云南教育·继续教育 栏目评析 教育文化 学校教育
作者 周延松 都湘怡 《现代语文》 2024年第6期90-95,共6页
中文和中医同属于中国文化,也存在显著的专业差异。在国际中文教育的背景下考察中医文化教学,既需要遵循国际中文教育的一般规律,还应考虑中医学的专业属性。国际中文教学中的中医文化具有不同的主题类别和呈现方式。依据《国际中文教... 中文和中医同属于中国文化,也存在显著的专业差异。在国际中文教育的背景下考察中医文化教学,既需要遵循国际中文教育的一般规律,还应考虑中医学的专业属性。国际中文教学中的中医文化具有不同的主题类别和呈现方式。依据《国际中文教育用中国文化和国情教学参考框架》,同时参照非物质文化遗产的类别划分,从中医的专业性和文化的层级性两个向度,对中医文化的知识内容与元素作出合适的定位,并且提出中医文化教学体系的构想。 展开更多
关键词 中医文化 教学体系 《国际中文教育用中国文化和国情教学参考框架》 国际中文教育
作者 奕城 《基础教育课程》 2012年第5期79-79,共1页
杰罗姆·布鲁纳的《布鲁纳教育文化观》一书,收录了他一生当中最具代表性的两部作品——《教育过程》和《教育文化》。这本由美国伊利诺大学咨询心理学博士、台湾清华大学社会学研究所宋文里教授和天津外国语大学翻译学硕士黄小鹏... 杰罗姆·布鲁纳的《布鲁纳教育文化观》一书,收录了他一生当中最具代表性的两部作品——《教育过程》和《教育文化》。这本由美国伊利诺大学咨询心理学博士、台湾清华大学社会学研究所宋文里教授和天津外国语大学翻译学硕士黄小鹏联合翻译的书籍,是一本长期从事教育研究或希望能够在教育行业有所成就的人士的必读书籍;更是一块带您从神秘的心理世界去探索教育奥妙和规律的敲门砖。 展开更多
关键词 《教育文化》 教育过程 布鲁纳 文化 外国语大学 咨询心理学 清华大学 教育行业
当代文化心理学的缘起及其教育意义——美国心理学会前主席布鲁纳《教育的文化》评述 被引量:9
作者 宋文里 《民族教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期23-29,共7页
本文在概述布鲁纳学术思想巨变的基础上,评介其对文化心理学缘起与未来走向、叙事研究方法、文化与心智关系、民俗心理学及其教育意义等基本问题的论述。最后评介了台湾学术界兴起与此有些相关的"本土心理学运动",略论其进一... 本文在概述布鲁纳学术思想巨变的基础上,评介其对文化心理学缘起与未来走向、叙事研究方法、文化与心智关系、民俗心理学及其教育意义等基本问题的论述。最后评介了台湾学术界兴起与此有些相关的"本土心理学运动",略论其进一步开展反身批判的意义。 展开更多
关键词 布鲁纳 文化心理学 《教育文化》 本土心理学 教育改革
《教育文化论坛》 2019年第6期137-140,共4页
关键词 《教育文化论坛》 主持人 来华留学生 周西成 刘黎明 王阳明 文化纵横
作者 郑旭东 王婷 陈荣 《教育科学文摘》 2016年第2期74-75,共2页
布鲁纳一生在学术上主要经历了两次重大转向:第一次转向可以称为“认知转向”,引领了心理学的认知革命;第二次转向可以称为“文化转向”,催生厂文化心理学,这两次转向均对当时及后世的教育研究产生了深刻影响。与此同时,两次转向... 布鲁纳一生在学术上主要经历了两次重大转向:第一次转向可以称为“认知转向”,引领了心理学的认知革命;第二次转向可以称为“文化转向”,催生厂文化心理学,这两次转向均对当时及后世的教育研究产生了深刻影响。与此同时,两次转向分别产生了两本在教育心理研究历史上具有里程碑意义的著作——《教育过程》与《教育文化》。 展开更多
关键词 教育技术学 学术思想 布鲁纳 文化心理学 中国 反思 文化转向” 《教育文化》
“布衣知识分子”的教育人生——刁培萼先生学术思想和精神遗产 被引量:2
作者 朱小蔓 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期5-14,共10页
刁培萼教授是一位卓有成就、富有个性的教育学专家。眼下学术圈中的许多现实,人们的疑惑与批评、坚守与挣扎、憧憬与怀想时常撞击我的心,推动我为这位素朴无华、个性执着的老师,写一点回忆和感念,它不仅是表达两年来淤积于心的哀思,更... 刁培萼教授是一位卓有成就、富有个性的教育学专家。眼下学术圈中的许多现实,人们的疑惑与批评、坚守与挣扎、憧憬与怀想时常撞击我的心,推动我为这位素朴无华、个性执着的老师,写一点回忆和感念,它不仅是表达两年来淤积于心的哀思,更是灵魂的作业。作为国内第一本《马克思主义教育哲学》《教育文化学》和《农村教育学》的著作者,他在这三个教育学分支领域的开创之功,对南师大教育学科乃至全国教育学术界均具有学科奠基的重大学术价值。他看重的是学术本有的价值,他甘愿参与建设学术共同体,他享受教书、带年轻人和做研究的无比乐趣;他别无他求,需要的就是有时间、有机会做事情;再没有什么比自由思考、从心写作、无干扰地做事让他感觉更有意义、更畅快、更高贵。《教育文化学通论》是他一生教育学术集成和最后的呼唤,也是他生命一息尚存,学术劳作不止的明证。他坚持将教育实验融贯于教育哲学研究。他的平凡一生"质本洁来还洁去"。 展开更多
关键词 刁培萼 学术思想 《马克思主义教育哲学》 《寻找发展链——教育的辩证拷问》 《教育文化学通论》
日据吉林时期的文化专制与奴化教育 被引量:3
作者 李倩 《中国边疆史地研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期123-129,共7页
日本在长期侵略中国吉林乃至东北的过程中,不仅在军事上以武力野蛮屠杀,在经济上进行疯狂掠夺,同时,为了摧毁中国人民的民族意识与抗日精神,对广大沦陷区的文教事业进行了疯狂的破坏,并强制推行奴化教育政策。日本对我国东北的文化侵略... 日本在长期侵略中国吉林乃至东北的过程中,不仅在军事上以武力野蛮屠杀,在经济上进行疯狂掠夺,同时,为了摧毁中国人民的民族意识与抗日精神,对广大沦陷区的文教事业进行了疯狂的破坏,并强制推行奴化教育政策。日本对我国东北的文化侵略是其推行“大陆政策”的重要内容,也是极其野蛮、残酷和不可忽视的。在十余年的殖民统治岁月里,日本的军事侵略、经济掠夺和政治统治,总是伴随着文化渗透和文化专制而进行的。 展开更多
关键词 日本 吉林 文化专制 奴化教育
《今日教育》 2011年第9期43-43,共1页
《布鲁纳教育文化观》 [美]布鲁纳著 宋文里.黄小鹏译 首都师范大学出版社2011年6月 收录《教育过程》和《教育文化》。前者系统阐述了“认知主义”的教育思想.主张“任何学科都能以某种智育上正确的方式有效地教授给任何发展阶... 《布鲁纳教育文化观》 [美]布鲁纳著 宋文里.黄小鹏译 首都师范大学出版社2011年6月 收录《教育过程》和《教育文化》。前者系统阐述了“认知主义”的教育思想.主张“任何学科都能以某种智育上正确的方式有效地教授给任何发展阶段的任何孩子”;后者系统阐述“文化主义”的教育思想. 展开更多
关键词 《教育文化》 上架 新书 教育思想 大学出版社 教育过程 认知主义 文化主义
《中国科技教育》 2011年第9期59-59,共1页
关键词 《教育文化》 大学出版社 读书 布鲁纳 教育过程 教育思想 认知主义 文化
Aspiring for competence in a multifaceted everyday life:A qualitative study of adult students’experiences of a blended learning master programme in Norway 被引量:1
作者 Bodil Gjestvang Sevald Høye Berit Arnesveen Bronken 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第1期71-78,I0005,共9页
Aim:To gain knowledge of how adult students experienced the first year of a blended learning master programme to better understand their learning process.Methods:A qualitative,exploratory,descriptive study based on da... Aim:To gain knowledge of how adult students experienced the first year of a blended learning master programme to better understand their learning process.Methods:A qualitative,exploratory,descriptive study based on data from two focus group interviews with students attending a blended learning Master programme.Qualitative content analysis based on Graneheim and Lundman’s procedures was applied.Findings:Our analyses revealed one main theme:aspiring for competence in a multifaceted everyday life and four main categories:acquiring professional competence,struggling to manage diverse forms of communication,demanding task juggling and confused student role.Conclusions:The participants experienced that the programme enabled them to acquire professional competence relevant to practice.Despite the challenges,the programme is recommended for prospective students who live in both urban and rural areas,who are working and also responsible for children and other family tasks. 展开更多
关键词 Adult students Blended learning Nurses Nursing education Online education Sociocultural learning
The Impact of Handicrafts on the Promotion of Cultural and Economic Development for Students of Art Education in Higher Education 被引量:1
作者 Yassir M. Mahgoub Khalid M. Alsoud 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第6期471-479,共9页
This paper studies the impact of handicrafts on the promotion of cultural and economic development for students of art education in higher education through handicrafts based on local customs and traditions. Descripti... This paper studies the impact of handicrafts on the promotion of cultural and economic development for students of art education in higher education through handicrafts based on local customs and traditions. Descriptive, analytical, and experimental methods are used in this research. The results of the study are expected to benefit from the results of this study to provide planners handicrafts in the Ministry of Education. An effective strategy can affect the teaching and learning of handicrafts, the protection of its features and its presence and identity. The study sample consists of 45 students of the third level, batch 2012-2013, from the faculty of Education at the University of Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan. The researchers to prepare topics for handicrafts depend on the use of local materials and units which are derived from the environment and represent the Artistic heritage that is shown through handicrafts (pottery, ceramics, calligraphy, decoration, carpet weaving and textile, sewing, embroidery, sculpture and engraving on wood, metal works, and printing works). The researchers focuse that the students learn the value of handicrafts in terms of economic and method of production and take advantage of it to increase the income of the individual product. The results confLrms the existence of a difference in the quality and value of handicrafts for students in both groups: the experimental and control group, which confirms that the handcrafts lead to the promotion of cultural and economic development for students of art education in higher education. The researchers are recommended to consider of this topic as a main component which enables an area for further studies to develop different strategies in the field of handicrafts, for students to recognize the importance of the handicrafts value in terms of economic and method of production and take advantage of it to increase the income of the individual product. 展开更多
What Influences Cooperative Motivation of Foreign Brides From Southeast Asian Countries in Taiwan?
作者 Chih-Chung Wang Chiu-Ping Chen 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第6期571-579,共9页
Because women in Taiwan have had more and more opportunities to receive higher education and engage in different kinds of work, they have had developed increasingly higher standards for their marriage partners. Men wh... Because women in Taiwan have had more and more opportunities to receive higher education and engage in different kinds of work, they have had developed increasingly higher standards for their marriage partners. Men who are in the lower socioeconomic working classes such as those who work in agriculture, or fishing, or who are disabled can no longer compete in local marriage market. As a result, these men have begun to look for their brides from other countries to continue the family line, do the housework, and take care of their parents-in-law. In addition to the fact that these foreign brides are often young and from rural areas, language barriers and cultural differences make it difficult for them to raise and educate their children in Taiwan. The inability of these brides often leads to a higher percentage of children who are developmentally delayed, have poor pronunciation, behavior problems, and low academic achievement. Governmental agencies and schools recognize these issues and have tried to help foreign-born mothers take better care of their children. However, there are several influential factors that can limit the cooperative motivation of these foreign-born mothers, including language barriers, parenting stresses, low socioeconomic status, and cultural limitations. Therefore, governmental agencies and related professionals must take these factors into consideration to provide comprehensive services and a better learning environment. 展开更多
关键词 foreign brides cooperation motivation IEP network theory social capital DISABILITIES
Research on the Development of Daur Ethnic Education under the Influence of Big Data 被引量:1
作者 ChuangangWu Lei Wang Jiaojiao Qu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期26-28,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the development of Daur ethnic education under the influence of big data. Life in the river valley of Daur ethnic which is a nationality has a long history, splendid culture and t... In this paper, we conduct research on the development of Daur ethnic education under the influence of big data. Life in the river valley of Daur ethnic which is a nationality has a long history, splendid culture and the national spirit of national self-confidence, the foundation of national culture has a strong self-confidence. Combining the concept of big data and data analysis technique to the Daur ethnic education will largely enhance the result of the current education pattern. The survey of the research indicated that we should pay attention to the precious data captured. 展开更多
关键词 Daur Ethnic Big Data Education Development Review and Survey.
Cultural Other-Orientation in Foreign Teachers' Constructing Professional Identity A Case Study in Tertiary Education in China
作者 REN Rui MA Jing QU Shu-yi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第6期1208-1212,共5页
Teachers' professional identity has developed into a separate research field for the past two decades, which has attracted studies on the construction, traits, and methodology. That of foreign teachers in cross-cultu... Teachers' professional identity has developed into a separate research field for the past two decades, which has attracted studies on the construction, traits, and methodology. That of foreign teachers in cross-cultural working conditions has aroused new research interests. A case study of foreign teachers in tertiary education in China has been done. An analysis is made in terms of the situation and characteristics of their constructing professional identiy on the basis of the case study 展开更多
关键词 foreign teachers cultural other-orientation professional identity
The Interaction between Culture and Space and the Experience of an Architectural Studio
作者 Sevim AteS Can 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第8期911-918,共8页
The issues of analyzing the cultural differences in architecture, and the interaction between culture and space have gained importance in many respects both in practice and in education. "Culture" and conservation o... The issues of analyzing the cultural differences in architecture, and the interaction between culture and space have gained importance in many respects both in practice and in education. "Culture" and conservation of the "cultural heritage" have a place in the conditions for the "architectural education" put forward by the UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)/UIA (International Union of Architects) Council during the 2002 meeting in Berlin. For this purpose, cultural, social, urban, environmental and architectural values and issues of architectural heritage were defined as specific subjects that should be considered in the preparation of the curriculum to build up a sense of responsibility. From this point of view, this paper aims to propose an educational process for dealing with the sense of cultural heritage and its survival in the modern world, and shares the products of the work carried out at the Project 4 Studio at Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Interior Architecture, Yeditepe University, as the studio training is the main component of architectural education. The main issue of the paper is to present some examples of the student projects and to consider the importance of design studio, which can gain knowledge about cultural and architectural heritage and develop students' skills to adopt and be respectful to traditional values. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE SPACE cultural and architectural interaction HERITAGE architectural education.
Current Situation of Cultural Conflict Between Teachers and Students in English Classes Provided by Colleges and Universities and Effective Solutions
作者 CHEN Qiang CHEN Hong-bo 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第11期823-827,共5页
At present, quality education is proceeding in full swing in China. English education provided by colleges and universities of China has gone through a series of reform and gained relatively rapid development to a cer... At present, quality education is proceeding in full swing in China. English education provided by colleges and universities of China has gone through a series of reform and gained relatively rapid development to a certain degree. English has become an international language, and most companies have listed English proficiency as an important requirement for hiring employees, which indicates that English teaching in classrooms of colleges and universities is of great importance. However, cultural conflict between teachers and students in English classes provided by colleges and universities has been gradually drawing people's attention and has an impact on quality of English teaching provided by colleges and universities. In this paper, the current situation of cultural conflict is introduced and several solutions for solving such cultural conflicts are put forward, which may be viewed as a reflection. 展开更多
Interculturality and Socio-Linguistic Identity in the Learning of English and Spanish in Mexico
作者 Gonzalez Nunez Sergio 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第9期1378-1383,共6页
In the current field of action of the pedagogy of languages, efficient, inclusive and dynamic teaching methods are needed; just this work will present the intercultural method through didactic evidences (pedagogical ... In the current field of action of the pedagogy of languages, efficient, inclusive and dynamic teaching methods are needed; just this work will present the intercultural method through didactic evidences (pedagogical sequences) that have proved their functionality in the teaching rooms of the English in a Spanish-speaking context, as is Mexico. Without forgetting that interculturality is defined according to Cassany (2016) as an ideological current that is that each language of the world is a representative tool at the service of a culture and that said culture in a society is a mental and attitudinal representation to the world where a certain society is based. Then interculturality seeks to develop intercultural skills in the users of languages (Anglo-Hispanic). 展开更多
关键词 PEDAGOGY INTERCULTURALITY didactic sequences culture intercultural skills sociolinguistic
Humanistic Principles in the Circle of European Literature Themes
作者 Gordana Pokrajac 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第8期552-563,共12页
There is the question--can we hope that humanism and erudition can redevelop nowadays? In the long history of humanistic inheritance, from ancient times till the end of the 18th century, there was obvious decadence o... There is the question--can we hope that humanism and erudition can redevelop nowadays? In the long history of humanistic inheritance, from ancient times till the end of the 18th century, there was obvious decadence of essential humanistic points. As the historial period, humanism means revival of classical culture, and as a specific culturological phenomenon, it means erudite education created by Hellens and developed by Romans, who recovered "humanitas" as global education. Italy was the first who helped humanists to contemplate on classical culture; and in post-medieval age, Italian humanists achieved a supreme measure of humanism through their "humanistic studies." We will try to point out good achievements of humanism erudite education in European culture in later epochs. Humanism leads man to turn over to world--after medieval stricture--and it becomes self-conscious revolution, what we can see in Latin literature till the 18th century. Rise of individualism, development of libraries and humanistic academies give chance to latin tradition in European literature as universal discipline, including erudite education in international corpus (Ragusa also). High-intellectual and latinized elites with humanistic state of mind develop complex spiritual inteligency with science requests in later epochs too. We will try to explain in which degree humanism, with its synthetic point of view, influences on later corpus of European literary themes and how great its actuallity is nowdays. 展开更多
关键词 HUMANISM latinism ERUDITION studia humana ITALY Ragusa encyclopedism
Research on College English Teaching Model Based on Multimedia and Network 被引量:1
作者 Deyuan Zou 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第11期19-21,共3页
Based on multimedia and network environment, college English teaching mode can effectively improve the teaching environment of traditional English teaching and students, and expand the capacity of English classroom in... Based on multimedia and network environment, college English teaching mode can effectively improve the teaching environment of traditional English teaching and students, and expand the capacity of English classroom information, and enrich the students’ English culture background. Therefore, as a teacher, we should first of all make efforts to learn new knowledge and teaching methods to improve our English professional quality. Strengthening the multimedia, network technology and educational psychology research, and put themselves in the teaching position. In addition, the college English teaching model based on multimedia and network environment can cultivate students’ independent thinking, autonomous learning, analysis and problem - solving ability, and promote the high efficiency of college English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Multimedia and network environment college English teaching teaching mode
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