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中国教育经济问题的寻解——评范先佐教授著《教育经济学》 被引量:3
作者 郭文安 叶忠 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第4期143-144,共2页
关键词 书评 范先佐 《教育经济学》 中国 教育经济
一部具有中国特色的教育经济学——评范先佐教授著《教育经济学》 被引量:1
作者 王坤庆 徐文 《中国大学教学》 CSSCI 2003年第10期41-42,共2页
教育经济学是一门新兴的边缘学科.它始于20世纪二三十年代,到20世纪60年代才初步形成较为独立的理论体系和研究方法.具有代表性的一部著作,则是1960年美国经济学家舒尔茨发表的<人力资本的投资>一书.由于它是第一部比较系统阐明... 教育经济学是一门新兴的边缘学科.它始于20世纪二三十年代,到20世纪60年代才初步形成较为独立的理论体系和研究方法.具有代表性的一部著作,则是1960年美国经济学家舒尔茨发表的<人力资本的投资>一书.由于它是第一部比较系统阐明教育经济学理论的著作,因而曾在世界范围内引起普遍关注. 展开更多
关键词 范先佐 《教育经济学》 高校 教材评介 创新意识 教材内容
作者 范先佐 《教育与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期66-66,共1页
关键词 《教育经济学》 高等教育出版社 经济学发展 中国教育 研究成果 现实实践 课题研究 研究者
作者 李梓 《中国教育学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期J0040-J0040,共1页
教育经济学是一门较为新兴的独立学科类别,具备一定的学科体系构架,由西方最先提出,而后在世界各地进行传播。随着科学技术的快速发展和进步,人们的受教育需求不断提高,从而提高了教育在经济发展中的地位,使得教育成为社会经济、生产发... 教育经济学是一门较为新兴的独立学科类别,具备一定的学科体系构架,由西方最先提出,而后在世界各地进行传播。随着科学技术的快速发展和进步,人们的受教育需求不断提高,从而提高了教育在经济发展中的地位,使得教育成为社会经济、生产发展的决定性基础,为教育经济学的产生提供了客观因素。此外,随着计量经济学的发展,剩余因子之谜也随之解开,证实教育是剩余因子的重要组成部分之一, 展开更多
关键词 《教育经济学》 计量经济学 体系构架 科学技术 教育需求 经济发展 社会经济 生产发展
国际教育经济学与学业成绩研究:缘起、路径与发现--基于专业期刊《教育经济学》2000-2015年载文的分析 被引量:1
作者 贾云鹏 刘青秀 《教育与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期89-96,共8页
对学业成绩的研究是一个跨学科行为。国内外教育经济学者也对该问题进行了多方面的探讨。本文通过对国际教育经济学专业期刊《教育经济学》2000-2015年载文的分析发现,国际教育经济学界之所以重视该问题的研究和教育经济学的学科理论、... 对学业成绩的研究是一个跨学科行为。国内外教育经济学者也对该问题进行了多方面的探讨。本文通过对国际教育经济学专业期刊《教育经济学》2000-2015年载文的分析发现,国际教育经济学界之所以重视该问题的研究和教育经济学的学科理论、研究风气、现实需求以及研究对象特点有很大关系;国际教育经济学界对学业成绩问题的研究多是利用官方数据以实证分析的方式来进行的;研究结论表明影响学生学业成绩的因素是多方面的,个人禀赋、教育资源、经济因素等都会影响学生的学业成绩。教育经济学对该问题的研究不仅验证了其它学科的研究结论,还产生了一些不同于其它学科的独特发现,这说明教育经济学参与学业成绩研究不仅是可行的还是必要的。 展开更多
关键词 学业成绩 教育经济学 《教育经济学》
作者 姚国 孙卫国 《现代教育》 2005年第8期43-46,共4页
教育经济学是教育管理专业的一门专业基础课程,是一门新兴的边缘学科,它以马克思主义经济理论和教育理论为指导,研究教育领域内的经济现象和规律,具有理论性和实践性特点,同时还具有较强的实证性。教育经济学在教育管理专业课程体... 教育经济学是教育管理专业的一门专业基础课程,是一门新兴的边缘学科,它以马克思主义经济理论和教育理论为指导,研究教育领域内的经济现象和规律,具有理论性和实践性特点,同时还具有较强的实证性。教育经济学在教育管理专业课程体系中具有重要地位,掌握教育经济学的基本原理和方法,对于正确认识教育与经济的关系,充分认识教育在国民经济中的地位和作用,提高教育管理的经济效益,促进教育与经济的良性循环,具有十分重要的意义。考生应正确认识本门课程的地位和作用, 展开更多
关键词 《教育经济学》 学习策略 试卷分析 马克思主义经济理论 地位和作用 专业基础课程 教育管理专业 专业课程体系 实践性特点 边缘学科 教育理论 经济现象 教育领域 重要地位 基本原理 国民经济 经济效益 良性循环 理论性
作者 陈红梅 《国际经济合作》 北大核心 2022年第1期F0003-F0003,共1页
对广大读者而言,教育经济学是一个既陌生又熟悉的课题。实际上,教育经济学是研究教育活动中经济学现象的学科,本质上是利用经济学原理来解析教育管理与教育活动的发展。教育经济学在我国的发展历史较短,国内的教育经济学理论研究还不普... 对广大读者而言,教育经济学是一个既陌生又熟悉的课题。实际上,教育经济学是研究教育活动中经济学现象的学科,本质上是利用经济学原理来解析教育管理与教育活动的发展。教育经济学在我国的发展历史较短,国内的教育经济学理论研究还不普遍。因此,对国内学者来说,教育经济学略显陌生。但是在国际领域,尤其是在英、德、美等西方发达国家中,教育经济学是一个经典学科,国外的研究已较为成熟,有着较为完善的理论体系和研究模型。 展开更多
关键词 教育经济学 管理与教育 经济学原理 国内学者 经典学科 理论体系 西方发达国家 《教育经济学》
作者 孙小烨 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第13期F0003-F0003,共1页
教育经济学是介于教育学、数学与经济的交叉与边缘学科,这门分支学科主要研究教育在经济与社会发展中的地位和主要作用,以及研究教育投资是否得到了有效利用、教育与经济之间的关系、表现形式与规律性、教育投资方向与肉部结构、教育... 教育经济学是介于教育学、数学与经济的交叉与边缘学科,这门分支学科主要研究教育在经济与社会发展中的地位和主要作用,以及研究教育投资是否得到了有效利用、教育与经济之间的关系、表现形式与规律性、教育投资方向与肉部结构、教育投资的经济效果和教育经济学的方法沦等内容。作为高校教育经济学专业教师,要深入教育实践第一线,通过认真调查与研究我国教育体系的现状,了解教育与经济社会发展不谐调之处,以及教育和广大人民群众要求不一致的方面,为教育经济学专业教学改革提供第一手参考资料,也为高校教育经济学专业教学理论研究提供理论支撑。 展开更多
关键词 《教育经济学》 专业教学改革 经济与社会发展 经济社会发展 教学理论研究 教育投资 高校教育 教育经济
作者 翟岁兵 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第13期F0004-F0004,共1页
教育经济学是运用经济学的原理与方法研究教育与经济之间的相互关系,以及变化发展规律,运用经济学理论研究教育领域中的资源优亿配置、投入与产出之间的规律,这是一门跨学科的综合性学科与科学。由多米尼克·J·布鲁维尔撰... 教育经济学是运用经济学的原理与方法研究教育与经济之间的相互关系,以及变化发展规律,运用经济学理论研究教育领域中的资源优亿配置、投入与产出之间的规律,这是一门跨学科的综合性学科与科学。由多米尼克·J·布鲁维尔撰写的《教育经济学》一书,为研究教育与经济学相互关系及变化规律提供了详细的理论研究基础和参考资料。 展开更多
关键词 《教育经济学》 变化规律 经济学理论研究 教育经济 投入与产出 综合性学科 教育领域 参考资料
2002年下半年高教自考全国命题考试 教育经济学试卷
《现代教育》 2003年第9期42-44,共3页
关键词 2002年 中国 高等教育自学考试 《教育经济学》 试卷
《西安财经学院学报》 CSSCI 2014年第6期F0002-F0002,共1页
殷红霞,1967年生,管理学博士,西安财经学院经济学院教授,硕士生导师。陕西省优秀教师,省级特色学科“西部区域经济与产业发展”校聘学科带头人,新加坡南洋理工大学访问学者。殷红霞教授从事一线教学和研究工作20余年,先后讲授《... 殷红霞,1967年生,管理学博士,西安财经学院经济学院教授,硕士生导师。陕西省优秀教师,省级特色学科“西部区域经济与产业发展”校聘学科带头人,新加坡南洋理工大学访问学者。殷红霞教授从事一线教学和研究工作20余年,先后讲授《宏观经济学》、《经济学说史》、《发展经济学》、《中级宏观经济学》、《教育经济学》等10余门本科和研究生专业课程。 展开更多
关键词 学科带头人 教授 省级 《宏观经济学 经济学说史》 《发展经济学 《教育经济学》 西安财经学院
《湖北教育(综合资讯)》 2012年第8期55-55,共1页
《教育经济学》 该书主要运用经济学的理论和方法,研究教育与经济的相互关系及其变化发展规律,研究教育领域中资源的优化配置和投入产出规律。全书研究重点往于教育领域中稀缺资源的筹措、分配和使用结果,并致力于寻求提高教育资源... 《教育经济学》 该书主要运用经济学的理论和方法,研究教育与经济的相互关系及其变化发展规律,研究教育领域中资源的优化配置和投入产出规律。全书研究重点往于教育领域中稀缺资源的筹措、分配和使用结果,并致力于寻求提高教育资源使用效率和效益的有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 《教育经济学》 速递 新书 资源使用效率 教育领域 稀缺资源 教育经济 投入产出
《中国科技教育》 2013年第9期5-5,共1页
关键词 杂志 《教育经济学》 概览 社区服务 志愿服务 高中生
The Impact of Handicrafts on the Promotion of Cultural and Economic Development for Students of Art Education in Higher Education 被引量:1
作者 Yassir M. Mahgoub Khalid M. Alsoud 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第6期471-479,共9页
This paper studies the impact of handicrafts on the promotion of cultural and economic development for students of art education in higher education through handicrafts based on local customs and traditions. Descripti... This paper studies the impact of handicrafts on the promotion of cultural and economic development for students of art education in higher education through handicrafts based on local customs and traditions. Descriptive, analytical, and experimental methods are used in this research. The results of the study are expected to benefit from the results of this study to provide planners handicrafts in the Ministry of Education. An effective strategy can affect the teaching and learning of handicrafts, the protection of its features and its presence and identity. The study sample consists of 45 students of the third level, batch 2012-2013, from the faculty of Education at the University of Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan. The researchers to prepare topics for handicrafts depend on the use of local materials and units which are derived from the environment and represent the Artistic heritage that is shown through handicrafts (pottery, ceramics, calligraphy, decoration, carpet weaving and textile, sewing, embroidery, sculpture and engraving on wood, metal works, and printing works). The researchers focuse that the students learn the value of handicrafts in terms of economic and method of production and take advantage of it to increase the income of the individual product. The results confLrms the existence of a difference in the quality and value of handicrafts for students in both groups: the experimental and control group, which confirms that the handcrafts lead to the promotion of cultural and economic development for students of art education in higher education. The researchers are recommended to consider of this topic as a main component which enables an area for further studies to develop different strategies in the field of handicrafts, for students to recognize the importance of the handicrafts value in terms of economic and method of production and take advantage of it to increase the income of the individual product. 展开更多
Three Models of English Education in China's Universities ——-A Historical Perspective 被引量:3
作者 TIAN Qiang, LI Jie-hong QIAO Hui 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第9期676-683,共8页
In the present paper, a comparison is made of the three formats in the history of EECU (English education in China's universities). In the first period (1904-1949), English education was conducted separately in g... In the present paper, a comparison is made of the three formats in the history of EECU (English education in China's universities). In the first period (1904-1949), English education was conducted separately in government-managed educational institutions and in institutions sponsored by church-related organizations; English education was well-knit with both general education and specialty education; and self-motivating learning was encouraged. In the second period (1950-1966), almost everything was tinted with a shady color of politics: A halt was addressed drastically to EEC (English education in China) in 1952. In the gradual recovery that started four years later, the second format was sawed and hammered, showing the following features: All non-government-mamaged institutions vanished from the stage; English was taught solely as a language or a system of verbal parts, almost deprived of all cultural loading. The third period (1978 onwards) has witnessed a barrier-free and rapid development of over three decades, resulting in the unprecedented pervasion of EECU. Yet in the third tbrmat, learners' efforts have turned wholly test-oriented, degenerating into the saddening disintegrity of learning as a process into isolated charges to the target of a test at a time; the ignorant reduction of the learning methods to "Vocabulary Booklets Plus Collections of Test Papers". Such a comparison not only provides a multi-dimensional perspective of EECU and a better understanding of it, but also offers some important experiences and lessons for the search of an effective solution to the pervasive problem of"Time-Consumingness and Low-Efficiency". 展开更多
关键词 EECU (English education in China's universities) MODEL LEARNING
Self-Regulated Reading Comprehension Strategy Selection Through Diagnostic-Prescriptive Instruction: A Case Study
作者 Kelly M. Parker 《Sociology Study》 2015年第10期768-774,共7页
This demonstration of concept applies diagnostic-prescriptive reading instruction, a methodology useo m omteu atd^u~ developmental education, toward improving reading comprehension and self-regulated comprehension str... This demonstration of concept applies diagnostic-prescriptive reading instruction, a methodology useo m omteu atd^u~ developmental education, toward improving reading comprehension and self-regulated comprehension strategy selection in Chinese postsecondary education. A single tutor, also the researcher, works closely with one Chinese university student to develop student-centered comprehension strategies that she can practice on her own. After a battery of formal and informal assessments and interviews, decoding and understanding deficiencies are identified, characterized, and discussed. Both the student and her tutor develop and execute a study plan, which was completed during the spring semester of 2010 at Sha'anxi University of Science and Technology (SUST) in Xi'an, People's Republic of China (PRC). By focusing on the subject's primary decoding deficiency, spelling, and her primary understanding deficiency, lack of background knowledge, the subject and her reading tutor are able to strategically tackle five reading comprehension goals: (1) spelling; (2) phonemic awareness; (3) noticing structural and cohesive elements; (4) comparing argumentative and evaluative texts; and (5) analyzing expository texts in business and economics. A final discussion analyzes both qualitative and quantitative data, including unexpected discoveries such as the salience of cohesion in reading comprehension and the cultural biases of standardized reading assessments. 展开更多
关键词 READING COMPREHENSION SELF-REGULATION diagnostic-prescriptive strategies
Discussions on Class Construction of Ethnic Minority Class in Universities
作者 WANG Huan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第3期222-227,共6页
English as an important international language has obtained increasing attention from Chinese educational institutions of different levels over more than three decades. Currently, in the background of social informati... English as an important international language has obtained increasing attention from Chinese educational institutions of different levels over more than three decades. Currently, in the background of social informatization and economic globalization, as an internationalized language, English is of importance to all the national people Therefore, fostering ethnic minority talents who have higher English quality is the core urgency of our high education as well. We should develop profoundly college English teaching study, summarize and explore new methods, new ideas in the realistic teaching work. However, recently, the college English teaching of ethnic minority class exists many obstacles on language teaching, textbook, examination, and so forth. This paper explores the specific reforms and connotations of ethnic minority college students' class construction by analyzing the current situation of college English teaching of ethnic minority class. Its aim is to enhance the college English teaching quality of ethnic minority class and make teaching quality get a new step in the field of college English teaching 展开更多
关键词 ethnic minority class college English teaching class construction
Market regulation and government intervention of vocational education's development
作者 Xiaozhi Fu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期118-120,共3页
Government intervention and market regulation are two important ways in the process of economic operations, effective govemment intervention and market regulation can promote development of economic. This article brie... Government intervention and market regulation are two important ways in the process of economic operations, effective govemment intervention and market regulation can promote development of economic. This article briefly summarizes economists defined the government intervention and market regulation in the history of economic. Since the founding of New China, it elaborated to defining process of government intervention and market regulation in the development China' s economic. Under the new situation, it proposed government intervention should combine market regulation to achieve sound and fast development of economic. Market regulation in the development of vocational education for the economic development is the goal of training practical talents of vocational education. This objective requires that vocational education must work closely with the needs of economics' development and service for the economics' development. Under the system of planned economy, contraction between supply of talent and needs of economic is planning to achieve indirectly through a unified government. 展开更多
关键词 Market regulation government intervention vocational education
Analysis of the ideas of the construction of the classroom teaching mode of Higher Vocational English teaching in colleges in the new period
作者 He Fang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第10期101-103,共3页
Higher vocational English teaching is a kind of education discipline which is more inclined to occupation and technology, whose basic teaching export is to lay foundation for their future employment. In terms of the s... Higher vocational English teaching is a kind of education discipline which is more inclined to occupation and technology, whose basic teaching export is to lay foundation for their future employment. In terms of the social environment of the new period, along with the continuous improvement of the national open economic environment, the society pays more attention to the wide application of the tool of the English language. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of society, to lay a more favorable foundation of knowledge for the students is an important part of English teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges in the new period. This article first analyzes the importance of English teaching reform in higher vocational education, and then analyzes the direction of curriculum reform from the angle of theory, and puts forward the concrete reform strategies. 展开更多
关键词 New era Higher Vocational English teaching teaching mode ideas of construction
Appeal of 3 + 4 Program: Good Students are Few but Growing at Secondary Vocational Schools in Shanghai
作者 XU Hui XIE Peng-yang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第6期278-283,共6页
Secondary vocational education in Shanghai continues to experiment in an attempt to find ways to solve the decline of student enrollment and adjust to rapidly changing social and economic environments. The 3 + 4 Pilo... Secondary vocational education in Shanghai continues to experiment in an attempt to find ways to solve the decline of student enrollment and adjust to rapidly changing social and economic environments. The 3 + 4 Pilot Program (three-year secondary vocational education and four-year undergraduate education) has been under experiment since 2014. It has attracted more and more academically good junior middle school graduates to secondary vocational schools with the national and local favorable policies and laws. Except the three-year’s hand-on practice, what appeals most to the junior middle school graduates is the academic transfer under the Program, a breakthrough in history of vocation education in China. However, only initiating a new program is not enough. Shanghai government should map out a long-term plan to set up promotion to increase the public awareness to change the long prevailing outdated ideology in order to add more to its appeal of the Program. There is still much work to be done before expanding the scope of the Program. 展开更多
关键词 APPEAL Pilot Program student enrollment secondary vocational schools
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