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《设计》 2004年第4期70-73,共4页
关键词 中国 台湾省 城市建筑设计 《新天地》 环境规划 建筑规划 景观规划
作者 苏佛辉 《新天地》 2011年第12期15-15,共1页
京城风来满眼春, 送来阳光和健康。 人们爱看《新天地》, 生命火花放光芒。
关键词 诗歌 文学 苏佛辉 《新天地》
作者 李世让 《新天地》 2011年第11期29-29,共1页
关键词 《新天地》 期刊 编辑部 编辑工作
作者 孙展 《新天地》 2010年第4期11-11,共1页
关键词 《新天地》 北京地区 读者 座谈会
作者 孙展 《新天地》 2019年第7期61-61,共1页
6月18日,中国文联离退休干部局和光明日报《新天地》杂志社召开工作座谈会。光明日报出版社社长潘剑凯、中国文联离退休干部局副局长麻振山、学习处处长李华、服务处处长王森、活动处副调研员何洪波、办公室主任科员张彦臣,光明日报《... 6月18日,中国文联离退休干部局和光明日报《新天地》杂志社召开工作座谈会。光明日报出版社社长潘剑凯、中国文联离退休干部局副局长麻振山、学习处处长李华、服务处处长王森、活动处副调研员何洪波、办公室主任科员张彦臣,光明日报《新天地》杂志社总编辑杨鸣旭以及各部门负责人参加了座谈会,会议由杨鸣旭同志主持。 展开更多
关键词 离退休干部 杂志社 《新天地》 座谈会
幸福晚年 法律护航 《新天地》保护老年人权益法律宣讲座谈会成功举办
作者 孙展 杜亚娜(摄影) 陈娥(摄影) 《新天地》 2019年第10期6-11,共6页
9月18日下午,由光明日报《新天地》杂志社主办的保护老年人权益法律宣讲座谈会隆重召开。为更好地维护老年人合法权益,光明日报《新天地》杂志社以庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年为契机,整合社会力量,主动承担起国家级老年媒体的社会责任... 9月18日下午,由光明日报《新天地》杂志社主办的保护老年人权益法律宣讲座谈会隆重召开。为更好地维护老年人合法权益,光明日报《新天地》杂志社以庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年为契机,整合社会力量,主动承担起国家级老年媒体的社会责任,在北京伟博律师事务所的支持下. 展开更多
关键词 老年人权益 光明日报 《新天地》 李伟民 离退休干部 老年人权益保护 中国老龄科学研究中心 以房养老 座谈会
作者 杜亚娜 《新天地》 2019年第10期26-26,共1页
8月26日下午,'庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年——《新天地》老年风采展演活动'成功举办,此次活动由光明日报《新天地》杂志主办,北京青年城社区承办,北青国际艺术学院协办。活动现场,来自北京市朝阳区来广营地区青年城社区的社... 8月26日下午,'庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年——《新天地》老年风采展演活动'成功举办,此次活动由光明日报《新天地》杂志主办,北京青年城社区承办,北青国际艺术学院协办。活动现场,来自北京市朝阳区来广营地区青年城社区的社区群众文艺团队,为观众和评委带来了17组丰富多彩的节目。表演者用舞蹈、歌唱、朗诵、太极、模特、京剧等多种形式. 展开更多
关键词 天地 中华人民共和国 《新天地》 展演活动
作者 朱世杰 《新天地》 2019年第8期19-19,共1页
我今年82岁,平时爱阅读报刊书籍。年初,外孙女向我推荐了《新天地》杂志,从此这本装帧靓丽、编采精心的杂志就每个月丰富着我的生活。'新天地小课堂'尤其生动有趣,我和老伴跟着视频就能学习。每期的主题多样,除了健康养生、生... 我今年82岁,平时爱阅读报刊书籍。年初,外孙女向我推荐了《新天地》杂志,从此这本装帧靓丽、编采精心的杂志就每个月丰富着我的生活。'新天地小课堂'尤其生动有趣,我和老伴跟着视频就能学习。每期的主题多样,除了健康养生、生活妙招外,还有二十四节气与传统节日风俗习惯介绍,观看便捷,每看一遍都有不同收获。 展开更多
关键词 天地 生动有趣 《新天地》
作者 杜亚娜 《新天地》 2019年第5期63-63,共1页
4月3日下午,由北京市东城区崇文门外街道办事处、光明日报《新天地》杂志社主办,崇外街道社区服务中心协办的'人间四月天——崇外街道清明节诗歌朗诵读书会',在崇文门街道办事处的活动大厅举行。崇文门外街道办事处副主任李海... 4月3日下午,由北京市东城区崇文门外街道办事处、光明日报《新天地》杂志社主办,崇外街道社区服务中心协办的'人间四月天——崇外街道清明节诗歌朗诵读书会',在崇文门街道办事处的活动大厅举行。崇文门外街道办事处副主任李海平、党群工作办处级调研员王俊、崇外街道服务中心副主任林毅涛,以及来自12个社区的居民代表百余人参加了本次活动。 展开更多
关键词 杂志社 崇文门外街道 《新天地》
《新天地》 2019年第5期66-66,共1页
光明日报《新天地》杂志是中共中央党报主管的全国最早一批的老年期刊,创刊至今36年。201 9年全线升级,杂志社全体成员将协同各界资源倾力打造这本'引领老人快乐生活',集'可读、可听、可视化'为一体的老年读物,以更优... 光明日报《新天地》杂志是中共中央党报主管的全国最早一批的老年期刊,创刊至今36年。201 9年全线升级,杂志社全体成员将协同各界资源倾力打造这本'引领老人快乐生活',集'可读、可听、可视化'为一体的老年读物,以更优质的内容体系丰富您的精神生活,带给您安心和快乐,敬请关注. 展开更多
关键词 杂志社 《新天地》
光明日报《新天地》杂志 引领老人快乐生活
《新天地》 2019年第6期2-2,共1页
光明日报《新天地》杂志是中共中央党报主管的全国最早一批的老年期刊,创刊至今36年。20 1 9年全线升级,杂志社全体成员将协同各界资源倾力打造这本集'可读、可听、可视化'为一体的老年读物。欢迎破季订阅邮发代号2-290官方微... 光明日报《新天地》杂志是中共中央党报主管的全国最早一批的老年期刊,创刊至今36年。20 1 9年全线升级,杂志社全体成员将协同各界资源倾力打造这本集'可读、可听、可视化'为一体的老年读物。欢迎破季订阅邮发代号2-290官方微信平台将每日发布优质文章,在平台上您可以选择'点一下,听全文'沉浸在动听旋律和真人诵读的世界里。更有每月精彩活动,参与活动获得上刊机会,还有超多好礼等着您。 展开更多
关键词 光明日报 《新天地》
作者 泓源 《新天地》 2019年第5期64-64,共1页
打开第四期《新天地》杂志,一股清新之风扑面而来。精心采编的版面,多姿多彩的文章,无论是新推出的'寻找大国孝星',还是专访'张腾岳的孝之道''永远的父亲''古画里的清明节''水兵的餐桌''... 打开第四期《新天地》杂志,一股清新之风扑面而来。精心采编的版面,多姿多彩的文章,无论是新推出的'寻找大国孝星',还是专访'张腾岳的孝之道''永远的父亲''古画里的清明节''水兵的餐桌''巧计化解婆婆的囤积癖'等好文章,都让人眼前一亮。这些文章有看头,有回味,是编者送给读者的精美文化大餐。 展开更多
关键词 《新天地》
光明日報《新天地》杂志 引领老人快乐生活
《新天地》 2019年第9期66-66,共1页
光明日报《新天地》杂志是光明日报社主管的老年领域期刊,创刊至今36年。2019年全线升级,杂志社全体成员将协同各界资源倾力打造这本集'可读、可听、可视化'为一体的老年读物。官方微信平台每日发布优质文章,在平台上您可以选择... 光明日报《新天地》杂志是光明日报社主管的老年领域期刊,创刊至今36年。2019年全线升级,杂志社全体成员将协同各界资源倾力打造这本集'可读、可听、可视化'为一体的老年读物。官方微信平台每日发布优质文章,在平台上您可以选择'点一下,听全文''扫码看视频'沉浸在真人读刊、文章内容实景呈现的世界里。更有每月精彩活动,参与活动获得上刊机会,还有超多好礼等着您。 展开更多
关键词 《新天地》
Fenlong Cultivation-the Fourth Set of Farming Methods Invented in China 被引量:18
作者 韦本辉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2045-2048,2052,共5页
The basic theory and effect of the new farming method of "Fenlong" cultivation which has been included in the main extension technology of Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China is fully illustra... The basic theory and effect of the new farming method of "Fenlong" cultivation which has been included in the main extension technology of Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China is fully illustrated for the first time, and it is the fourth set (generation) of farming modes and methods following manpower, animal and mechanical (tractor) farming. It follows the natural law to achieve soil activation, water saving, oxygen increase, warming and desalination through the active use of natural resources like soil, rainfall and solar energy, thereby promoting a new round of natural agricultural production and quality improvement and water con- servation, which has crop yield increase by 10%-30%, quality improvement of 5%, natural precipitation retaining increase by100%. The characteristics and mechanism are the use of spiral drill for one-time completion of the land preparation by drilling vertically to 30-50 cm of soil layer through high speed peeling. After instant high temperature and many fierce impacts, mechanical frictions, it could achieve the multiplication of the number of loose soil, soil physical modification and expansion of the soil nutrients, reservoirs, oxygen, microorganisms ("Four pools"). Fenlong cultivation can give birth to new farming culture and civilization, and it can achieve the physical "desalinized" transformation and utilization of saline soil. The formation of Fenlong green farming technology system makes it possible to invent the farming tools of "serf-propelled Fenlong machinery" that has got the patent, and it is the method for farmland (dry land, paddy field) Fenlong cultivation, saline-alkali soil smash-ridging cultivation and for the abundance of grass ecology on degraded grassland. The application of Fenlong "4+1" (arable, saline-alkali soil, grasslands, Sponge City+rivers) green development in China can achieve the "double safety" of food and living space. 展开更多
关键词 Fenlong cultivation The fourth set (generation) of new farming methods Activation and utilization of natural resources Improvement of production and quality Water conservation ecology
Supplementary description of a female and two newly-recorded species in the subfamily Oedemerinae(Coleoptera:Oedemeridae) from China
作者 田颖 任国栋 李强 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2015年第2期123-128,共6页
The female ofDiplectrus bistigmaeus Zhang, Ren et Ba, 2012 from Xizang was newly reported and supplementarily described. Two species of Oedemerinae were reported for the first time from China: Nacerdes (Xanthochroa... The female ofDiplectrus bistigmaeus Zhang, Ren et Ba, 2012 from Xizang was newly reported and supplementarily described. Two species of Oedemerinae were reported for the first time from China: Nacerdes (Xanthochroa) brendelli Svihla, 1987 and N. (Asiochroa) mimoncomeroides Svihla, 1998. The potential geographical distribution of these two species based on the known distribution was predicted by DIVA-GIS software. 展开更多
关键词 false blister beetles new record geographical distribution
Study on the Source Parameters of Earthquakes in the Middle Eastern Area of North Tianshan in Xinjiang 被引量:1
作者 Zhao Cuiping Xia Aiguo +1 位作者 Zheng Sihua Chen Zhangli 《Earthquake Research in China》 2005年第4期381-390,共10页
By applying the empirical Green's function method, we first proved that the source spectra in the middle eastern area of North Tianshan follow the ω^-2 Brune model, and then, on this basis, obtained the source spect... By applying the empirical Green's function method, we first proved that the source spectra in the middle eastern area of North Tianshan follow the ω^-2 Brune model, and then, on this basis, obtained the source spectra for 105 earthquakes of ML 2.5 - 5.7 in the studied area upon removing the noise, instrument, propagation and site effects in the observational seismic S waveforms. Finally, we determined the source parameters such as the seismic moment, stress drop, source dimension, etc., based on the Brune model. The results show that there is a good linear correlation between scalar seismic moment, M0, and ML, which is Log10 M0 = 1.10 ML + 17.20; The source radii range between 100- 1500m; the stress drop, 1-16MPa with a predominant range of 1 - 10MPa. The relationship of the seismic moment versus corner frequencies indicates that there may exist two source scaling, that is, when M0 〈 4×10^21 dyne. cm (equal to an ML4.0 event), stress drop is weakly dependent on M0: whereas, when M0 〉 4×10^21 dyne·cm, stress drop is independent of M0. 展开更多
关键词 North Tianshan in Xinjiang Source spectrum Source model Source parameter Source scaling
Accumulation of coal-bed gas in the Wangying-Liujia area of the Fuxin basin 被引量:2
作者 Wang Bo Jiang Bo +5 位作者 Xu Fengyin Kong Xiangwen Li Guizhong Wang Xiaoyi Chen Weiyin Geng Meng 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第1期1-6,共6页
The gas enrichment conditions in the Fuxin basin are compared to those of the Powder River basin.The coal bed depth,the gas content,the individual coal bed layer thickness,and the overall structure thickness of the Po... The gas enrichment conditions in the Fuxin basin are compared to those of the Powder River basin.The coal bed depth,the gas content,the individual coal bed layer thickness,and the overall structure thickness of the Powder River basin in the U.S.were examined.The main factors affecting gas enrichment were examined.These factors include the coal-forming environment,the gas sources,the geological structure,the presence of magmatic activity,and the local hydrology.The coal-bed gas enrichment area in the Wangying-Liujia block of the Fuxin basin is then discussed by analogy.A hydrodynamic-force/dike-plugging model based on a magma fractured bed is proposed to explain the gas enrichment in this part of the Fuxin basin.High gas production is predicted in areas having similar conditions.This work will aid future coal-bed gas exploration and development. 展开更多
关键词 High abundance Coal-bed gas MAGMA Hydrodynamic force DESORPTION Enrichment model
Relocation of the M_S≥2.0 Earthquakes in the Northern Tianshan Region, Xinjiang, Using the Double-Difference Earthquake Relocation Algorithm
作者 Wang Haitao Li Zhihai +1 位作者 Zhao Cuiping Qu Yanjun 《Earthquake Research in China》 2007年第4期388-396,共9页
We applied the double-difference earthquake rdocation algorithm to 1348 earthquakes with Ms ≥2.0 that occurred in the northern Tianshan region, Xinjiang, from April 1988 to June 2003, using a total of 28701 P- and S-... We applied the double-difference earthquake rdocation algorithm to 1348 earthquakes with Ms ≥2.0 that occurred in the northern Tianshan region, Xinjiang, from April 1988 to June 2003, using a total of 28701 P- and S-wave arrival times recorded by 32 seismic stations in Xinjiang. Aiming to obtain most of these Ms ≥ 2.0 earthquakes relocations, and considering the requirements of the DD method and the condition of data, we added the travel time data of another 437 earthquakes with 1.5 ≤ Ms 〈 2.0. Finally, we obtained the relocation results for 1253 earthquakes with Ms ≥2.0, which account for 93 % of all the 1348 earthquakes with Ms ≥ 2.0 and includes all the Ms ≥ 3.0 earthquakes. The reason for not relocating the 95 earthquakes with 2.0 ≤ Ms 〈 3.0 is analyzed in the paper. After relocation, the RMS residual decreased from 0.83s to 0.14s, the average error is 0.993 km in E-W direction, 1.10 km in N- S direction, and 1.33 km in vertical direction. The hypocenter depths are more convergent than before and distributed from 5 km to 35 kin, with 94% being from 5km to 35 kin, 68.2% from 10 km to 25 kin. The average hypocenter depth is 19 kin. 展开更多
关键词 Double difference earthquake relocation algorithm Hypocenter parameter Northern Tianshan region
Notes on the genera Anaesthetobrium Pic and Microestola Gressitt(Coleoptera:Cerambycidae:Lamiinae)
作者 Meiying LIN Siqin GE 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2020年第4期298-310,共13页
This paper deals with the genera Anaesthetobrium Pic,1923 and Microestola Gressitt,1940 belonging to the tribe Desmiphorini.Microestola Gressitt,1940 is reinstated from synonyms of Cylindilla Bates,1884.Two new synony... This paper deals with the genera Anaesthetobrium Pic,1923 and Microestola Gressitt,1940 belonging to the tribe Desmiphorini.Microestola Gressitt,1940 is reinstated from synonyms of Cylindilla Bates,1884.Two new synonyms are proposed:Eunidiopsis Breuning,1939 syn.nov.=Anaesthetobrium Pic,1923 and Mimopothyne Breuning,1956 syn.nov.=Microestola Gressitt,1940.Two new combinations are made:Anaesthetobrium bicolor(Breuning,1939)comb.nov.previously in genus Eunidiopsis Breuning,1939,and Microestola flavolineata(Breuning,1956)comb.nov.previously in genus Mimopothyne Breuning,1956. 展开更多
关键词 longhorn beetle REINSTATEMENT new synonym new combination TAXONOMY
Analysis of the Wave Velocity Ratio Anomalies in the Tianshan Region of Xinjiang
作者 Zhang Linlin Gao Chaojun 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2017年第1期39-50,共12页
Based on the seismic observation report data provided by the Xinjiang Digital Seismic Network from 2009 to 2014,we calculate the wave velocity ratio and its background value for medium and small earthquakes by using t... Based on the seismic observation report data provided by the Xinjiang Digital Seismic Network from 2009 to 2014,we calculate the wave velocity ratio and its background value for medium and small earthquakes by using the multi-station method in Tianshan,Xinjiang.This paper analyzes the variation of the wave velocity ratio disturbance value to highlight the abnormal,and also back-traces 7 moderate earthquakes at the research area.The results show that:(1)the background value of the wave velocity ratio is almost 1.70,the wave velocity ratio obviously decreases in the middle-eastern part of Tianshan and the region near the Puchang fault;(2)the wave velocity ratio disturbance value is mostly low in the epicenter before four earthquakes of M≥5.0 from 2011 to 2013 in the study area;(3)before 7 moderate strong earthquakes,the earthquake events with low value of the wave velocity ratio account for over 60% of corresponding total events near the epicenters,and the low value of the wave velocity ratio is relatively obvious before moderate earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic observation report Multi-station method The wave velocity ratio disturbance value Tianshan region
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