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作者 曹鹏 《嘉应学院学报》 2007年第5期106-108,共3页
曹魏《新律》之成,通说多归功于陈群,刘邵则无足轻重,甚至可提可不提。但据陈寿《三国志》载,《新律》的制订者却并无陈群其人,而只是刘邵与庾嶷、荀铣等。参与《新律》基础上制定《泰始律》的律学家杜预,应该看过《三国志》,却对陈寿... 曹魏《新律》之成,通说多归功于陈群,刘邵则无足轻重,甚至可提可不提。但据陈寿《三国志》载,《新律》的制订者却并无陈群其人,而只是刘邵与庾嶷、荀铣等。参与《新律》基础上制定《泰始律》的律学家杜预,应该看过《三国志》,却对陈寿关于《新律》修撰者的记载并无异议。斐松之引书二百余种,注释、补充、考订《三国志》,也未对陈说有所修正。"诏陈群、刘邵等制新律",或"令司空陈群等制订魏法"之说,则出自成书晚于《三国志》四百多年的《晋书.刑法志》,而《晋书》所存在的对史料未予认真甄别去取,"不求笃实"的缺点,在成书后即受到其当代人的批评。《新律》制订者的问题大可存疑,至少有理由强调,应该对刘邵充分重视。 展开更多
关键词 《新律》 制订 斐松之注 史料甄别去取 不求笃实
作者 《法律史译评》 2023年第1期230-256,共27页
前言众所周知,三国魏明帝时期编纂了《新律》十八篇。《晋书》卷三十《刑法志》所引《新律序略》是了解《新律》具体内容最重要的史料。《晋书》成书于唐代,但《新律序略》写于三国魏时期,其记载内容应当比较可信。《新律》继承了前代法... 前言众所周知,三国魏明帝时期编纂了《新律》十八篇。《晋书》卷三十《刑法志》所引《新律序略》是了解《新律》具体内容最重要的史料。《晋书》成书于唐代,但《新律序略》写于三国魏时期,其记载内容应当比较可信。《新律》继承了前代法律,同时又对不少地方做了修改,《新律序略》对此逐一说明。然而,除了《新律序略》以外,关于《新律》的史料并不太多,无法了解《新律》的详细内容。先前研究的对象仅集中于十八篇的具体篇名,可以说,三国曹魏时期的法制史研究目前没有明显的发展。 展开更多
关键词 曹魏时期 《新律》 刑法志 《晋书》 法制史研究 十八篇 魏明帝 出土汉简
曹魏《新律》篇目与篇次考 被引量:1
作者 龙大轩 梁健 《法学杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期98-104,共7页
曹魏立法成果,以制定《新律》为要。史家通说以为,《新律》篇目共十八篇;《新律》立法者之一刘劭所著《魏律序略》中,所载篇目则为二十二篇,两相抵牾。于是十八篇究竟有何篇目、如何排序?遂生疑窦。历代考证诸说纷纭、莫衷一是。法典篇... 曹魏立法成果,以制定《新律》为要。史家通说以为,《新律》篇目共十八篇;《新律》立法者之一刘劭所著《魏律序略》中,所载篇目则为二十二篇,两相抵牾。于是十八篇究竟有何篇目、如何排序?遂生疑窦。历代考证诸说纷纭、莫衷一是。法典篇目与次序演变,绝非单纯的数字变化,而是反映了汉魏至晋唐立法重点与立法技术的演变规律,实为法史学界研究之重点与难点。结合文献典籍与出土史料的记载,辅以传世律典篇次之编纂规律,对《魏律序略》进行"倒叙式"解读,于《新律》篇目、篇次研究得出了新观点。 展开更多
关键词 曹魏《新律》 十八篇 篇目 次序
作者 董志翹 《文献语言学》 2016年第1期111-121,共11页
《經律異相》是中國早期的佛教類書,然一直未有系統的整理本問世,臺北三民書局出版的《新譯經律異相》,以上海古籍出版社1988年影印宋《磧砂藏》本爲底本,以《大正藏》參校,選取其中230則,加以新式標點,並列有"題解、章旨、注釋、... 《經律異相》是中國早期的佛教類書,然一直未有系統的整理本問世,臺北三民書局出版的《新譯經律異相》,以上海古籍出版社1988年影印宋《磧砂藏》本爲底本,以《大正藏》參校,選取其中230則,加以新式標點,並列有"題解、章旨、注釋、語譯"等項,乃目前最爲詳細的整理本,其中不乏精審之處。但由於篇幅浩瀚,間或亦有可商,本文選取數例,略加考辨,就教於方家。 展开更多
关键词 《新譯經異相》 譯注 獻疑
作者 朱舸 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2011年第7期52-54,共3页
自《法经》至《九章律》,我国封建律典由简至繁,经历了第一次发展高潮。然而法典结构真正的体系化,实始于魏晋南北朝。经曹魏《新律》、西晋《泰始律》,及至北齐最终定律十二篇,封建律典一方面篇目得以扩充,另一方面内容则日趋完善,整... 自《法经》至《九章律》,我国封建律典由简至繁,经历了第一次发展高潮。然而法典结构真正的体系化,实始于魏晋南北朝。经曹魏《新律》、西晋《泰始律》,及至北齐最终定律十二篇,封建律典一方面篇目得以扩充,另一方面内容则日趋完善,整体篇章结构及体例得以定型,为隋唐以降各代继承。研究这一时期立法发展过程及其在法律史中的地位,于今世之治史与法学研究都会有所启迪。 展开更多
关键词 《九章律》 《新律》 《泰始律》 《北齐律》 魏晋南北朝
注释法学的“拜占庭血统”与“波伦那气质”——以《优士丁尼新律》三个版本的传播史为中心 被引量:2
作者 高仰光 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期114-126,共13页
学界通常认为,注释法学发轫于12世纪的波伦那,是现代西方法学的源头。然而,值此之时,以罗马法注释为载体的法学教育在君士坦丁堡已经存在了五百年之久,并发展出形式多样的注释体例。从《优士丁尼新律》的三个版本在意大利迭次传播的历... 学界通常认为,注释法学发轫于12世纪的波伦那,是现代西方法学的源头。然而,值此之时,以罗马法注释为载体的法学教育在君士坦丁堡已经存在了五百年之久,并发展出形式多样的注释体例。从《优士丁尼新律》的三个版本在意大利迭次传播的历史中不难发现,波伦那的注释法学与君士坦丁堡既有的法学注释活动之间存在着紧密的"连续性"。但是,从12世纪开始,波伦那在"自我认知"的过程中逐渐树立起区隔于君士坦丁堡的"西方"形象。尽管16至17世纪的学者们明确意识到注释法学有着一脉来自拜占庭的血统,但是大部分学者仍强调注释法学的"波伦那气质"。此种气质在19世纪的欧洲知识界得到了进一步的塑造。整体来看,围绕注释法学的客观历史描述与主观历史想象之间存在着相当大的矛盾。通过重现这一矛盾的形成过程,"连续性"之于当代法律史学的意义才能得到揭示。 展开更多
关键词 《新律》 注释法学 罗马法复兴 效果历史 连续性
作者 高仰光 《外国法制史研究》 2019年第1期186-216,共31页
注释法学发轫于12世纪的波伦那,是现代西方法学的源头。然而值此之时,以罗马法注释为载体的法学教育在君士坦丁堡已经存在了五百年之久,并且发展出形式多样、内容丰富的注释体例。本文认为,波伦那的注释法学与君士坦丁堡既有的法学注释... 注释法学发轫于12世纪的波伦那,是现代西方法学的源头。然而值此之时,以罗马法注释为载体的法学教育在君士坦丁堡已经存在了五百年之久,并且发展出形式多样、内容丰富的注释体例。本文认为,波伦那的注释法学与君士坦丁堡既有的法学注释活动之间存在一定的'连续性',这可以从《优士丁尼新律》的三个版本在意大利迭次传播的历史中窥得端倪;但是,波伦那在'自我认知'的过程中树立起区隔于君士坦丁堡的'西方'形象。尽管16~17世纪的学者们已经明确意识到注释法学有着一脉来自拜占庭的血统,但是大部分学者仍着力强调注释法学的'波伦那气质'。此种气质在19世纪以降的欧洲知识界得到了进一步的塑造。整体来看,围绕注释法学的客观历史描述与主观历史想象之间存在矛盾,本文旨在揭示这一矛盾及其形成的过程,进而反思'连续性'之于当代法律史学的意义。 展开更多
关键词 《新律》注释法学 罗马法复兴 效果历史 连续性
Status and behavior of the Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) in the Altun Mountain Reserve,Xinjiang
作者 张同 马鸣 +2 位作者 丁鹏 徐峰 Paul J.BUZZARD 《Chinese Birds》 2012年第3期199-205,共7页
The Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) is an endemic species of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,with its population in Xinjiang largely found in the Kunlun and Altun mountain regions.A survey of the distribution,popula... The Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) is an endemic species of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,with its population in Xinjiang largely found in the Kunlun and Altun mountain regions.A survey of the distribution,population dynamics,flock size and behavior was conducted in Altun Mountain National Natural Reserve from September to November 2011.We investigated the size and distribution of its population in this area with a sample spot survey and by direct counting.We found Black-necked Cranes on the wetlands of Wuzunxiaoer,Yusup Aleksei,Yaziquan,Qimantag,Tula Ranch and elsewhere,where we recorded 126 individual birds of the species in Yixiekepati (37° 15′-37°23′N,90°11′-90°20′E,elevation 3903 m),the largest population we have observed in this area.In the reserve,the population consists of about 180-200 birds.Combined with previous records,we conclude that more than 260 Black-necked Cranes live in Xinjiang.Cranes gathered conspicuously in the middle of October where the highest number of birds appeared on 29 October.All of the cranes had migrated out of this area by 6 November.Time budgets and diurnal behavior rhythms of Blacknecked Cranes were observed in the Yixiekepati wetland at daylight (from 06:00 to 18:00).Foraging was the most prevalent type of behavior during the autumn period,accounting for 58.9% of the diurnal time budget,followed by preening (13.2%),vigilance (9.5%),walking (8.2%),flying (3.5%),resting (3.4%),chirping (2.7%) and other types of behavior (0.6%). 展开更多
关键词 Black-necked Crane Grus nigricollis distribution population size behavior rhythm XINJIANG
The general laws of the evolution of the county governance in our country before the founding of the new China
作者 SHI Ziheng 《International English Education Research》 2018年第1期113-115,共3页
Since the Qin Dynasty started the county system to the foundation of China, "county" has been the basic unit of the centralized state in our country. Although the county-level governance mode is stable, its evolutio... Since the Qin Dynasty started the county system to the foundation of China, "county" has been the basic unit of the centralized state in our country. Although the county-level governance mode is stable, its evolution has laws to follow. Generally speaking, the rules are that the scale of the county government is small for a long time and the governmental functions in the long term are fixed. The roles of the clan organizations in the social governance are increasingly strengthened and the slow development and roles of other social organizations outside the clan organizations are increasing. 展开更多
关键词 County governance historical law
Droplets diameter distribution using maximum entropy formulation combined with a new energy-based sub-model 被引量:2
作者 Seyed Mostafa Hosseinalipour Hadiseh Karimaei Ehsan Movahednejad 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第11期1625-1630,共6页
The maximum entropy principle(MEP) is one of the first methods which have been used to predict droplet size and velocity distributions of liquid sprays. This method needs a mean droplets diameter as an input to predic... The maximum entropy principle(MEP) is one of the first methods which have been used to predict droplet size and velocity distributions of liquid sprays. This method needs a mean droplets diameter as an input to predict the droplet size distribution. This paper presents a new sub-model based on the deterministic aspects of liquid atomization process independent of the experimental data to provide the mean droplets diameter for using in the maximum entropy formulation(MEF). For this purpose, a theoretical model based on the approach of energy conservation law entitled energy-based model(EBM) is presented. Based on this approach, atomization occurs due to the kinetic energy loss. Prediction of the combined model(MEF/EBM) is in good agreement with the available experimental data. The energy-based model can be used as a fast and reliable enough model to obtain a good estimation of the mean droplets diameter of a spray and the combined model(MEF/EBM) can be used to well predict the droplet size distribution at the primary breakup. 展开更多
关键词 Mean droplets diameter Energy conservation Maximum entropy formulation (MEF) Size distribution Statistical thermodynamics Mathematical modeling
Promote the Development of Military Science and Technology Talents Civil-military Integration
作者 ZHOU Lei XIE Zhenkai DU Jiagang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第2期40-41,共2页
Flexibly in recent years, the army strategy, earnestly implement the talent of military science and technology talents of military and civilian integration type development has carried on the positive exploration and ... Flexibly in recent years, the army strategy, earnestly implement the talent of military science and technology talents of military and civilian integration type development has carried on the positive exploration and obtained certain achievements. But there are low levels, pertinence is not strong, the introduction of fewer problems, it has both idea lag, the train of thought is not open, also has the system and mechanism is not perfect, imperfect laws and regulations and so on. We should start from mastering the characteristics of civil-military integration rule, renew the idea, and actively push forward scientific and technological personnel civil-military integration to a higher level, the deeper development. 展开更多
关键词 science and technology talents construction military and civilian integration
On Modern Censorship in Public Service Broadcasting
作者 Radomír Silber 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2018年第3期162-191,共30页
The paper focuses on the manifestations, causes, and consequences of the failure of so-called public service media, especially in the field of news and journalism. Those media that, unlike private media, are funded fr... The paper focuses on the manifestations, causes, and consequences of the failure of so-called public service media, especially in the field of news and journalism. Those media that, unlike private media, are funded from public sources. The public service, which citizens are obliged to pay through taxes or direct fees, is supposed to provide quality information, to produce and to disseminate content that satisfies the democratic, cultural, and social needs of the society, with a task at hand to preserve media pluralism. The major obligation of public service media is usually for them to provide objective, validated, and balanced information for people, so they can choose freely where they stand on any given issue. However, examples of the failures of two public service media operating in the Central European Czech Republic, Czech Radio (?Ro), and Czech Television (?T), as well as the failures of the statutory control boards of these media, show that the required high quality public service prescribed by law, especially in the field of news and journalism and other programs, is not always kept. Public service media may be partisan and apply elements of modern censorship. This is a censorship that the law of the public service media does not impose and does not allow to carry out. Such censorship, which is a result of unilateral subordination of the influence of specific political parties, interest groups, and opinion streams, is reflected in information manipulation, purposeful agenda development, selection of information and information sources, spiral of silence, in the preference of some political parties, partisan, interest interpretation, and adaptation of reality in broadcasting. 展开更多
关键词 modern censorship OBJECTIVITY PARTISANSHIP public service media
The development and research of art innovation in artistic practice
作者 Li Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第7期61-63,共3页
"Innovation" is the natural law of art creation, art works, and art development, is a major issue of art theory, aesthetic theory and art practice. This paper focus on the theme of artistic innovation, analyzes the ... "Innovation" is the natural law of art creation, art works, and art development, is a major issue of art theory, aesthetic theory and art practice. This paper focus on the theme of artistic innovation, analyzes the meaning of art innovative, delves into the type and the level of value of art innovation, and proposes some Reflections on artistic innovation. 展开更多
关键词 art practice artistic innovation Development Research
Innovation of concept and system of economic law based on the sustainable development
作者 Jun ZHAO 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期4-6,共3页
Make up for deficiencies in the economic development of market mechanisms through macro-control method. Although the market plays a fundamental role in resource allocation, in other means of regulation it plays an irr... Make up for deficiencies in the economic development of market mechanisms through macro-control method. Although the market plays a fundamental role in resource allocation, in other means of regulation it plays an irreplaceable role in regulating the economy, the management of economic activities. However, by the market "invisible hand" spontaneous adjustment, there is "market failure" problem. Market self-regulation mechanisms inevitable cyclical economic fluctuations and economic crisis, the impact of a sustained and stable economic growth will lead to a waste of resources, environmental degradation is caused, but also it produces uneven regional development, causing social polarization between rich and poor, etc. Public goods such as ecological environment should be through legal means, rather than a means to implement the healthy development of the market environment. 展开更多
关键词 LAW VALUES FAIR efficiency sustainable development
Reviews of the research on water resources management system at home and abroad
作者 YAN Tai-xiang DUAN Qing-wei +1 位作者 CAO Wen-wen ZHANG Cai-xia 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第9期58-64,共7页
The reform of the system of water resource management abroad has started since the 50s of last century, it has left us a lot of experiences in many aspects with the innovation of system, such as the legal environment ... The reform of the system of water resource management abroad has started since the 50s of last century, it has left us a lot of experiences in many aspects with the innovation of system, such as the legal environment in water resources, water rights, water market theory, and the "participation" management of water resources, these experiences has been promoted in more than 40 developing countries. Based on analyzing the theory and experiences of water resources management both at home and abroad, especially the theory and experiences of agricultural water resources management, this paper puts forward the main problems waiting for further investigation in China's water resources management and provides some reference and inspiration for the innovation of the system of water resource management in China. 展开更多
关键词 water resource water resources management management system
Strong Approximation Method and the(Functional)Law of Iterated Logarithm for GI/G/1 Queue 被引量:2
作者 GUO Yongjiang HOU Xiyang 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第5期1097-1106,共10页
In this paper, a unified method based on the strong approximation(SA) of renewal process(RP) is developed for the law of the iterated logarithm(LIL) and the functional LIL(FLIL), which quantify the magnitude of the as... In this paper, a unified method based on the strong approximation(SA) of renewal process(RP) is developed for the law of the iterated logarithm(LIL) and the functional LIL(FLIL), which quantify the magnitude of the asymptotic rate of the increasing variability around the mean value of the RP in numerical and functional forms respectively. For the GI/G/1 queue, the method provides a complete analysis for both the LIL and the FLIL limits for four performance functions: The queue length, workload, busy time and idle time processes, covering three regimes divided by the traffic intensity. 展开更多
关键词 GI/G/1 queue renewal process (RP) strong approximation (SA) method the functional LIL (FLIL) the law of the iterated logarithm (LIL)
Therapeutic effect of Guijiajiao (Colla Carapacis et Plastri) on bone regeneration in rats and zebrafish 被引量:3
作者 Su Weiyang Feng Chienwei +6 位作者 Tseng Chungchih Hung Hanchun Chen Zhicheng Lee Hsinpai Jean Yenhsuan Wu Shingyi Sean Wen Zhihong 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期197-210,共14页
OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effect of Guijiajiao(Colla Carapacis et Plastri, CCP), the glue of tortoise shell, on bone regeneration in zebrafish and male Wistar rats.METHODS: In this study, we applied in vitro and in... OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effect of Guijiajiao(Colla Carapacis et Plastri, CCP), the glue of tortoise shell, on bone regeneration in zebrafish and male Wistar rats.METHODS: In this study, we applied in vitro and in vivo models, tissue section analysis, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction to assess the effects of CCP on bone repair. MG-63 cells were used in alkaline phosphatase(ALP) activity and mineralization assays. Zebrafish and male Wistar rats were used to evaluate the effects of CCP on bone repair in vivo.RESULTS: A simple preparation of CCP promoted osteogenesis in vivo and in vitro, and promoted MG-63 cell proliferation as well as ALP activity and mineralization. In addition, CCP activated Akt and extracellular signaling-regulated kinase pathways and significantly increased the expression of ossification-related genes and proteins such as runt-related transcription factor-2, osteocalcin, and osteopontin. The in vivo results revealed promotion of osteogenesis by immersing zebrafish in CCP for 72 h.An oral dose of 1.25 g/kg CCP significantly improved skull defects in rats, which was accompanied by an increase in serum ALP levels.CONCLUSION: One of the ingredients of Guilu Erxianjiao(tortoise shell and deer horn formula) pro-vides a practical alternative therapy for bone regeneration. 展开更多
关键词 Colla Carapacis et Plastri Testudinis Bone regeneration Alkaline phosphatase RAT Ze-brafish
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