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作者 赵洁 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期116-117,共2页
"旗"既是故事的叙事线索,也是文本中一个重要的隐喻。它不仅是爱墨学校存在的标志,而且已内化为一种精神。作者试图向读者吁求,在农村教育相对缺失的今天,如果有更多像爱墨这样的老师对教育事业痴心不改,对自己的信念和人格... "旗"既是故事的叙事线索,也是文本中一个重要的隐喻。它不仅是爱墨学校存在的标志,而且已内化为一种精神。作者试图向读者吁求,在农村教育相对缺失的今天,如果有更多像爱墨这样的老师对教育事业痴心不改,对自己的信念和人格执着坚守,那么,中华数千年的文化血脉就不会失传,而《旗》正是作者固守信念与人格的表现。 展开更多
关键词 小说《旗》 农村教育 坚守 精神
正蓝旗蒙古包厂的蒙古包制作工艺调查 被引量:5
作者 关晓武 李迪 《广西民族学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2006年第2期49-52,共4页
蒙古包是蒙古族等游牧民族传统的居所,经过漫长年代的发展演变,其制作技术工艺已经相当完善成熟.这里通过对内蒙古正蓝旗蒙古包厂的考察,比较全面地阐述了该厂蒙古包生产制作的技术工艺特点,指出其生产制作蒙古包的技术工艺保留了不少... 蒙古包是蒙古族等游牧民族传统的居所,经过漫长年代的发展演变,其制作技术工艺已经相当完善成熟.这里通过对内蒙古正蓝旗蒙古包厂的考察,比较全面地阐述了该厂蒙古包生产制作的技术工艺特点,指出其生产制作蒙古包的技术工艺保留了不少传统工艺的成分,是难得可贵的民族传统工艺瑰宝,需要对其加以重点保护. 展开更多
关键词 蒙古包 传统工艺 正蓝
作者 阿林娜·列别利 张俊翔 《译林》 北大核心 2007年第2期176-178,共3页
苏联时期,《旗》、《星》、《十月》、《新世界》、《民族友谊》和《我们的同时代人》等文学刊物拥有庞大的读者群,其刊发的众多文学和政论作品在构筑苏联人的精神家园、引领社会话题上起到过不小的作用,甚至还在一定程度上影响到国家... 苏联时期,《旗》、《星》、《十月》、《新世界》、《民族友谊》和《我们的同时代人》等文学刊物拥有庞大的读者群,其刊发的众多文学和政论作品在构筑苏联人的精神家园、引领社会话题上起到过不小的作用,甚至还在一定程度上影响到国家的政治气候。然而,在俄罗斯社会转型期的传媒市场上,此类刊物不但已经风光不再,而且还一再陷入停刊的窘境。2006年7月,《旗》现任主编、著名文学评论家谢尔盖·丘普里宁接受俄罗斯报业网记者阿林娜·列别利的专访,就该刊以及同类杂志的现状、文学图书的市场特点、严肃文学在市场经济条件下的生存与发展等问题发表了看法。 展开更多
关键词 文学杂志 文学期刊 俄罗斯 《旗》
补遗漏、订舛误、清疑窦——《钦定八旗通志·旗分志》按语初探 被引量:1
作者 孙静 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期81-85,共5页
按语是《钦定八旗通志·旗分志》中独具价值的重要组成部分。按语增补及订正了八旗佐领编立的时间、来源、历任管理者以及改旗、抬旗、分编、裁汰等佐领变化的相关信息,反映了乾隆时期八旗基层组织的发展态势,具有重要的文献价值与... 按语是《钦定八旗通志·旗分志》中独具价值的重要组成部分。按语增补及订正了八旗佐领编立的时间、来源、历任管理者以及改旗、抬旗、分编、裁汰等佐领变化的相关信息,反映了乾隆时期八旗基层组织的发展态势,具有重要的文献价值与研究价值。 展开更多
关键词 《钦定八通志》 按语 乾隆时期
作者 阿林娜·列别利 张俊翔 《北京文学(中篇小说月报)》 2007年第6期132-134,共3页
苏联时期,《旗》《星》《十月》《新世界》《民族友谊》和《我们的同时代人》等文学刊物拥有庞大的读者群,其刊发的众多文学和政论作品在构筑苏联人的精神家园、引领社会话题上起到过不小的作用,甚至还在一定程度上影响到国家的政治气... 苏联时期,《旗》《星》《十月》《新世界》《民族友谊》和《我们的同时代人》等文学刊物拥有庞大的读者群,其刊发的众多文学和政论作品在构筑苏联人的精神家园、引领社会话题上起到过不小的作用,甚至还在一定程度上影响到国家的政治气候。然而,在俄罗斯社会转型期的传媒市场上,此类刊物不但已经风光不再,而且还一再陷入停刊的窘境。 展开更多
关键词 文学杂志 俄罗斯 文学期刊 巴克拉诺夫 苏联时期 《旗》
作者 吴明泽 《长春师范学院学报》 2006年第3期144-146,共3页
关键词 小型回旋曲式 和声 对位 模进 西方作曲技法 艺术特色 《旗正飘飘》 合唱
《旗》导演梁明 拥抱“温暖的现实主义”
作者 薛通 《电影》 2015年第4期92-95,92+19,共4页
关键词 现实主义 《旗》 温暖 导演 执教生涯 民办教师 空心化 尴尬
《旗亭记》作者考辨 被引量:1
作者 相晓燕 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第1期47-50,140,共5页
清刻本《旗亭记》以"雅雨堂两种曲"名义刊行,卷首未署名,因此其作者归属颇具争议。勾稽史籍、文集、笔记等并深入考辨后可知《旗亭记》原为金兆燕所作,后经卢见曾润色删改。《旗亭记》在作者归属上的争议,反映了清人著作权意... 清刻本《旗亭记》以"雅雨堂两种曲"名义刊行,卷首未署名,因此其作者归属颇具争议。勾稽史籍、文集、笔记等并深入考辨后可知《旗亭记》原为金兆燕所作,后经卢见曾润色删改。《旗亭记》在作者归属上的争议,反映了清人著作权意识淡漠的普遍现象,而幕主与幕宾社会、经济地位不对等的主从关系,则是著作权发生争议的关键所在。 展开更多
关键词 著作权 《旗亭记》 《雅雨堂两种曲》 卢见曾 金兆燕 黄文旸 《曲海目》
作者 李庆霞 《滁州学院学报》 2020年第6期27-30,共4页
金兆燕是清代中叶扬州剧坛的重要作家,其戏剧代表作品是《旗亭记》。该剧根据唐代笔记小说"旗亭画壁"改编而成,叙述诗人王之涣与歌妓谢双鬟之间悲欢离合的爱情故事,既歌颂了忠孝节义的道德观念,又抒发了才人不遇的悲怆情怀,... 金兆燕是清代中叶扬州剧坛的重要作家,其戏剧代表作品是《旗亭记》。该剧根据唐代笔记小说"旗亭画壁"改编而成,叙述诗人王之涣与歌妓谢双鬟之间悲欢离合的爱情故事,既歌颂了忠孝节义的道德观念,又抒发了才人不遇的悲怆情怀,渗透着作者浓重的身世之感,在一定程度上反映了乾嘉时期文人士子的心态。在艺术上,该剧结构紧凑,戏剧性强,文辞清通流畅,是一部接近"场上之曲"的传奇作品。《旗亭记》在戏曲日益案头化、典雅化的清中叶剧坛独树一帜,不愧为清代戏曲史上的优秀作品。 展开更多
关键词 《旗亭记》 王之涣 谢双鬟 才人不遇 场上之曲
作者 曹式哲 《阴山学刊》 1991年第3期143-145,共3页
七场现代话剧《旗长,赛努》是内蒙古话剧团年初献给广大观众的一台好戏。该剧以旗长乌力吉到石镇沟村体察民情,寻求脱贫致富的良策等社会活动为贯穿线,真实生动地反映了内蒙古西部革命老区人民在党的启发教育下,克服重重阻力,树脱贫雄心... 七场现代话剧《旗长,赛努》是内蒙古话剧团年初献给广大观众的一台好戏。该剧以旗长乌力吉到石镇沟村体察民情,寻求脱贫致富的良策等社会活动为贯穿线,真实生动地反映了内蒙古西部革命老区人民在党的启发教育下,克服重重阻力,树脱贫雄心,立致富壮志的思想历程,并在人物塑造、情节结构、戏剧语言等方面,也获得了成功。 展开更多
关键词 内蒙古话剧团 《旗 赛努》 脱贫致富
作者 王方好 黄文奇 《河南工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第2期82-86,共5页
清代中期全椒戏曲家金兆燕在《旗亭记》中刻画了众多性格鲜明的女性形象。作品中的谢双鬟具有独特的性格内涵,具备"才""艳""勇"的形象特质,充满时代特色。谢双鬟既是作品构成的关键所在,又是极具内涵的... 清代中期全椒戏曲家金兆燕在《旗亭记》中刻画了众多性格鲜明的女性形象。作品中的谢双鬟具有独特的性格内涵,具备"才""艳""勇"的形象特质,充满时代特色。谢双鬟既是作品构成的关键所在,又是极具内涵的角色。 展开更多
关键词 金兆燕 《旗亭记》 女性形象 谢双鬟
作者 赵世瑜 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期96-105,共10页
“不分满汉,但问旗民”,是清史和满族史研究者耳熟能详的一句俗语。长期以来,研究者均未说明此语来自何处,因此,这句话多被理解为强调清代满汉或旗民之别的表达。然而这句俗语毕竟暗示了某种变化,这就是从强调满汉族类差异到强调旗民户... “不分满汉,但问旗民”,是清史和满族史研究者耳熟能详的一句俗语。长期以来,研究者均未说明此语来自何处,因此,这句话多被理解为强调清代满汉或旗民之别的表达。然而这句俗语毕竟暗示了某种变化,这就是从强调满汉族类差异到强调旗民户籍之别的变化,因此具有“民化”或在地化的意涵。而由“入籍”成为国家编户的“民化”或在地化过程,是从明代甚至更早时期一直延续不断的。 展开更多
关键词 “不分满汉 但问民” 族类 户籍 “民化”
Studies on the Characteristics of Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Winter Wheat Flag Leaves at Different Developing Stages 被引量:28
作者 卢庆陶 李卫华 +4 位作者 蒋高明 戈巧英 郝乃斌 孙家柱 郭仁峻 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第8期801-804,共4页
The parameters of fluorescence induction kinetics and the maximal light-saturated net CO2 assimilation rate (P-sat) of the flag leaves of four cultivars of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were compared at three di... The parameters of fluorescence induction kinetics and the maximal light-saturated net CO2 assimilation rate (P-sat) of the flag leaves of four cultivars of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were compared at three different developing stages for the first time. From the blooming stage to the milky stage, the quantum efficiency of PS II photochemistry (F-v/F-m) declined slightly only at the milk stage. The photochemical quenching co-efficient (qP), actual quantum yield of photosystem II (PS II)electron transport (Phi (PSII)) and P-sat decreased substantially (> 15%), while the non-photochemical quenching co-efficient (qN) increased significantly (> 100%). There existed a linear correlation between the Phi (PSII) and the P-sat (r = 0.918). The results indicate that with the senescence of the flag leaves of winter wheat the photosynthetic efficiency including that of the energy transport and the CO2 assimilation significantly decreased. 展开更多
关键词 winter wheat flag leave fluorescence kinetics PHOTOSYNTHESIS
Effect of Heat Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Different Green Organs of Winter Wheat During Grain-filling Stage 被引量:28
作者 徐晓玲 王志敏 张俊平 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第6期571-577,共7页
Four winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties ('JD 8', 'Jing 411','Centurk' and 'Tam 202') were used to study the effect of heat stress on photosynthetic characteristics of flag le... Four winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties ('JD 8', 'Jing 411','Centurk' and 'Tam 202') were used to study the effect of heat stress on photosynthetic characteristics of flag leaf blade, nag leaf sheath, peduncle, glume, lemma and awn during grain-filling stage. The results showed that heat acclimation during grain-filling stage increased thermotolerance of wheat with significant differences among different green organs. During heat stress, the decreases of the efficiency of primary light energy conversion (F-v/F-m) of PS II and pigment (chlorophyll and carotenoid) content were much slower in peduncle, flag leaf sheath and glume than in nag leaf blade, lemma and ann; and the percentage of decrease in net photosynthetic rate (P-n) of ear was lower than that of the nag leaf blade. The measured photosynthetic parameters (F-v/F-m, P-n and pigment content) of 'JD 8', a relatively heat tolerant variety, declined more slowly than those of the other three varieties during the whole heat stress period. 展开更多
关键词 winter wheat net photosynthetic rate chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics parameters heat tolerance
Effects of Shading on Photosynthetic Properties of Canopy and Single Leaf of Winter Wheat 被引量:2
作者 牟会荣 秦兰香 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第5期979-983,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to study on the effects of long-term low radiation on canopy apparent photosynthetic rate (CAP) and photosynthetic properties of top three leaves of winter wheat, especially the flag leaf. [M... [Objective] The aim was to study on the effects of long-term low radiation on canopy apparent photosynthetic rate (CAP) and photosynthetic properties of top three leaves of winter wheat, especially the flag leaf. [Method] Two winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L) cultivars, Yangmai 158 and Yangmai 11, which differed in low radiation resistance, were used to measure the CAP, photosynthetic rate (Pn) of the top three leaves, chlorophyll content of flag leaf and grain yield. In the test, three treatments were designed from jointing to maturity, as follows: control without shad- ing (So), S1 and S2 treatments with 22% and 33% sunshine shaded. [Result] CAP of Yangmai 158 and Yangmai 11 declined with shading. Under low radiation, Pn of flag leaf declined significantly, while no obvious effects were found on Pn of the 2nd leaf, and Pn of the 3rn leaf increased significantly, which partially compensated the decrease of Pn of the flag leaf. In addition, the compensation effect differed in shading and cultivars: compensation effect in S1 group was higher than that of S2 and effect of Yangmai 158 was higher than that of Yangmai 11. During the period of high Pn. shading decreased the content of total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, b, and a/b. [Conclusion] Under low radiation, the decrease of chlorophyll a and a/b led to substantial declining of Pn. and CAP declined accordingly, finally resulting in drop of grain yield. The research provides important theoretical basis for wheat production in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River. 展开更多
关键词 Winter wheat Low radiation CAP Flag leaf Chlorophyll content
A Non-destructive Monitoring Technique for Wheat Leaf in Field and Quantification of Geometric Phenotype for Flag Leaf
作者 孙倩 丁启朔 +2 位作者 丁为民 李毅念 潘根兴 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第5期1152-1156,F0003,共6页
[Objective] The aim was to conduct non-destructive monitoring on wheat leaf in field and discuss the method to measure geometric phenotype of flag leaf through digital image processing in order to establish relationsh... [Objective] The aim was to conduct non-destructive monitoring on wheat leaf in field and discuss the method to measure geometric phenotype of flag leaf through digital image processing in order to establish relationship between geometric pheno- type of flag leaf and N fertilizer regulation. [Method] Ningmai 13 was applied with N fertilizers in different amounts to discuss relationship among area, length, average width of flag leaf and applied N fertilizers using digital camera and digital image pro- cessing technique. [Result] Fertilizer is a main environmental factor influencing geo- metric phenotype of flag leaf, for example, area of flag leaf would enlarge four times and the length would increase from 15.87 to 25.33 cm by different N fertilizer amount. Thus, geometric phenotype of flag leaf would reflect N fertilizer amount at early stage. The highly accurate relationship between phenotype and N fertilizer is a reliable tech- nique to study on rules of wheat phenotype, N fertilizer and environmental factors. [Conclusion] The research indicated that digital image processing technique with scale label and dynamic background plates is an effective method to obtain geometric phenotype of sessile crops and crops with little leaf, providing a feasible scheme for non- destructive monitoring on growth dynamic of leaf's organs. 展开更多
关键词 Image processing Geometric phenotype N fertilizer amount Wheat flag leaf
陈鹤琴“活教育”训导原则的德育探析与启示 被引量:1
作者 顾永安 《江苏教育学院学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第6期46-49,共4页
在概述陈鹤琴“活教育”的十三条训导原则的基础上 ,探析了其中蕴含的德育原则、德育过程、德育方法 ,阐述了“活教育”
关键词 陈鹤琴 活教育 训导原则 德育工作 德育原则 德育过程 德育方法
《创造》 2008年第9期17-17,共1页
2008年10月6日,为挖掘井冈山红色文化内涵,让观众重温八十年前的峥嵘岁月,一场富有浓郁革命特征的红色经典歌舞《井冈山》在井冈山新城区拿山剧场实景试演。据介绍,《井冈山》共分为序幕《血》和《旗》、《灯》、《情》、《火》、... 2008年10月6日,为挖掘井冈山红色文化内涵,让观众重温八十年前的峥嵘岁月,一场富有浓郁革命特征的红色经典歌舞《井冈山》在井冈山新城区拿山剧场实景试演。据介绍,《井冈山》共分为序幕《血》和《旗》、《灯》、《情》、《火》、《路》五幕。 展开更多
关键词 《井冈山》 文化内涵 红色经典 新城区 《旗》 《灯》 《火》 《路》
Comprehensive Quality Assessment of Groundwater Environment in Typical Arid Grassland
作者 延文龙 郝伟罡 +2 位作者 庄健 李振刚 张生 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第3期627-629,共3页
[Objective] To comprehensively assess the groundwater quality in typical arid grassland. [Method] Based on the survey of pollution sources and analysis of onsite water quality monitoring of Darhan Muminggan United Ban... [Objective] To comprehensively assess the groundwater quality in typical arid grassland. [Method] Based on the survey of pollution sources and analysis of onsite water quality monitoring of Darhan Muminggan United Banner (Damao County) which situated in the inland river basin at the north foot of Yinshan Mountain, the Nemero index method was used to assess the groundwater quality of this area, and the causes for the pollution were also analyzed. [Result] The groundwater quality in Damao County is between poor and very poor. [Conclusion] This study laid the foun- dation for the control of groundwater pollution in Damao County. 展开更多
关键词 Arid grassland Water quality ASSESSMENT Damao County
Evaluation of Land Reclamation and Implications of Ecological Restoration for Agro-pastoral Ecotone: Case Study of Horqin Left Back Banner in China 被引量:3
作者 ZHOU Jian ZHANG Fengrong +2 位作者 XU Yan GAO Yang XIE Zhen 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期772-783,共12页
The agro-pastoral ecotone has been recognized as the main distribution area of reserved land resource for cultivation. Accordingly, clarifying this assumption, as well as concerting land reclamation and ecological res... The agro-pastoral ecotone has been recognized as the main distribution area of reserved land resource for cultivation. Accordingly, clarifying this assumption, as well as concerting land reclamation and ecological restoration, is important to ensure food security and environmental improvement in the agro-pastoral ecotone. We selected Horqin Left Back Banner(HLBB) as the subject of our case study. The landscape ecological security pattern of this area was determined using the minimum cumulative resistance model. Over-cultivation, quantity of reserved land resource for cultivation, and changes in landscape indexes before and after land use adjustment were then analyzed. Over-cultivation is a serious problem in the agro-pastoral ecotone. Reserved land resource for cultivation is less than that considered previously, and the area of reserved land resource for cultivation in HLBB only accounts for 11.50% of total uncultivated land. With regard to changes in landscape indexes, the adjusted land use pattern is effective for anti-desertification. The compensation standard for abandoned cultivated land should be improved and the comprehensive results of ‘Grain for Green' should be evaluated to further implement ecological restoration in the agro-pastoral ecotone. 展开更多
关键词 land reclamation ecological restoration minimum cumulative resistance model agro-pastoral ecotone China
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