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作者 孙功进 《河南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第6期27-31,共5页
关键词 《庄子》 《无能子》 丧我 圣人之过
作者 赵建伟 《社会科学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第4期81-84,共4页
《无能子》为晚唐无名隐士之作。在社会政治思想上 ,坚持无为 ,追求平等社会理想 ,批判圣人造作 ,谴责追逐物事、名利、富贵 ,反对战乱。在国家政治上强调无为而治、君臣平等 ;对权谋、以暴易暴持否定态度。个人政治行为上 ,强调以无为... 《无能子》为晚唐无名隐士之作。在社会政治思想上 ,坚持无为 ,追求平等社会理想 ,批判圣人造作 ,谴责追逐物事、名利、富贵 ,反对战乱。在国家政治上强调无为而治、君臣平等 ;对权谋、以暴易暴持否定态度。个人政治行为上 ,强调以无为为本 ,持“独善”、“兼济”思想 ,否定“恃己以黜人”、“废人全己”、“矜己疵物” ,倡导“达节”。“无为”、“无心”“任自然”、“齐万物”是其的政治哲学基础。 展开更多
关键词 《无能子》 社会 国家 政治思想
作者 郑浩东 《长春教育学院学报》 2015年第6期14-15,共2页
《无能子》大约成书于公元887年前后,由晚唐时期无名氏所作。其观点继承了道家老子的"无为"、"自然"和庄子的"齐物论"等思想。《无能子》中充满了批判,尤其是对君主专制社会表达了强烈的不满,作者认为君... 《无能子》大约成书于公元887年前后,由晚唐时期无名氏所作。其观点继承了道家老子的"无为"、"自然"和庄子的"齐物论"等思想。《无能子》中充满了批判,尤其是对君主专制社会表达了强烈的不满,作者认为君主和圣人给世间带来无尽的灾难和负面影响,纵然有丰功伟绩和文治武功的帝王也是如此。此书代表了晚唐时期的一种社会批判思潮。本文就《无能子》批判君主的思想展开分析,梳理其批判思路。 展开更多
关键词 《无能子》 圣人 君主 批判
作者 石心桥 《华夏文化》 2017年第3期53-54,共2页
人类社会摆脱了野蛮状态,便进入了所谓“文明”的状态。于此,人类似乎从各个角度展现了自身的魅力,世界的日新月异恰恰是拜先进的“文明”所赐。不过,文明也造就了人类走向自残、自虐的工具:等级、监狱、武器、毒品……。自从文明产生... 人类社会摆脱了野蛮状态,便进入了所谓“文明”的状态。于此,人类似乎从各个角度展现了自身的魅力,世界的日新月异恰恰是拜先进的“文明”所赐。不过,文明也造就了人类走向自残、自虐的工具:等级、监狱、武器、毒品……。自从文明产生的那一刻起,战争不仅从来就没有停止过,相反,却愈演愈烈了! 展开更多
关键词 “文明” 《无能子》 人类社会 状态 监狱
《明夷待访录》思想渊源考 被引量:2
作者 冯天瑜 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1983年第4期38-44,51,共8页
有人说,《明夷待访录》是“一部怪书”(见梁启超《中国近三百年学术史》)。这里所谓的“怪,”大约是指它发出了在那个时代看来可怪可骇的议论。封建社会历来奉皇帝为“天之子”,为“万民之主”,臣民在其面前必须三跪九叩,山呼万岁,万岁... 有人说,《明夷待访录》是“一部怪书”(见梁启超《中国近三百年学术史》)。这里所谓的“怪,”大约是指它发出了在那个时代看来可怪可骇的议论。封建社会历来奉皇帝为“天之子”,为“万民之主”,臣民在其面前必须三跪九叩,山呼万岁,万岁,万万岁,一个人身受君罚,还要咏之曰:“臣罪当诛兮!天王圣明。”然而,黄宗羲在这部书里却痛诋君王为“天下之大害”,控诉君王“屠毒天下之肝脑,离散天下之子女,以博我一人之产业”;“敲剥天下之骨髓,离散天下之子女,以奉我一人之淫乐”(《明夷待访录·原君》。 展开更多
关键词 《明夷待访录》 《无能子》 思想渊源 帝王 伯牙琴 民本主义 晏婴 民本思想 君王 《孟子》
《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1999年第4期155-156,共2页
稍具史识的人都能感觉到唐、宋文化精神的差异。在中国文化、思想史上,唐、宋思想文化的嬗变,也许是最值得研究的课题之一。人们大多认识到唐、宋文化代表着两种不同的精神,前者常被视为古典文化的巅峰,而后者则是近代文化的滥觞。... 稍具史识的人都能感觉到唐、宋文化精神的差异。在中国文化、思想史上,唐、宋思想文化的嬗变,也许是最值得研究的课题之一。人们大多认识到唐、宋文化代表着两种不同的精神,前者常被视为古典文化的巅峰,而后者则是近代文化的滥觞。然而,从中唐到北宋这几百年间文化嬗... 展开更多
关键词 道家思想 重玄学 历史转折 《无能子》 政治关怀 唐玄宗 内丹学 儒家思想 思想史 唐代前期
A new electromagnetic functional material composed of metallic hollow micro-spheres 被引量:4
作者 徐鸿飞 徐丽娜 +1 位作者 顾宁 孙忠良 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期8-11,共4页
This paper presents a new electromagnetic functional material developed byelectron-less nickel deposition technique, with a single hollow micro-sphere as the core templateand a thin nickel layer as the shell. The micr... This paper presents a new electromagnetic functional material developed byelectron-less nickel deposition technique, with a single hollow micro-sphere as the core templateand a thin nickel layer as the shell. The micrograph taken by a scanning electron microscope showsthe microstructures of the materials in detail. Scattering parameters of the waveguide sample holderfilled with the materials have been obtained over X band. The electromagnetic parameters computedfrom the measured S parameters show that the material with metallic hollow spheres has as highrelative permeability μ'_r as 19.0 with about 0.6 magnetic loss tangent over the whole bandwidth.Compared to the material with non-metallic spheres, the permeability μ'_r and the magnetic losstangent μ'_r increase greatly, while the permittivity remains lower than 1.8. 展开更多
关键词 electromagnetic functional material microwave absorbing electron-lessdeposition
Optimal Initialization of a Quantum System for an Efficient Coherent Energy Transfer
作者 Zhi-hao Gong Zhou-fei Tang +1 位作者 Jian-shu Cao Jianlan Wu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期421-432,613,共13页
For an energy transfer network, the irreversible depletion of excited electron energy occurs through either an efficient flow into an outer energy sink or an inefficient decay. With a small decay rate, the energy tran... For an energy transfer network, the irreversible depletion of excited electron energy occurs through either an efficient flow into an outer energy sink or an inefficient decay. With a small decay rate, the energy transfer efficiency is quantitatively reflected by the average life time of excitation energy before being trapped in the sink where the decay process is omitted. In the weak dissipation regime, the trapping time is analyzed within the exciton population subspace based on the secular Redfield equation. The requirement of the noise-enhanced energy transfer is obtained, where the trapping time follows an exact or approximate 1/F- scaling of the dissipation strength F. On the opposite side, optimal initial system states are conceptually constructed to suppress the 1/F-scaling of the trapping time and maximize the coherent transfer efficiency. Our theory is numerically testified in four models, including a biased two-site system, a symmetric three-site branching system, a homogeneous one- dimensional chain, and an 8-chromophore FMO protein complex. 展开更多
关键词 Noise-enhanced energy transfer Trapping-free subspace Optimal initializa-tion Quantum dissipation
Quantum Nondemolition Measurement of the Collective Motional Energy of Two Trapped Ions
作者 ZHENGShi-Biao 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第4期479-482,共4页
We propose a quantum nondemolition measurement of the collective motional energy of two trapped ions for the first time.It is based on the excitation of the two ions by two lasers with appropriate frequencies and ampl... We propose a quantum nondemolition measurement of the collective motional energy of two trapped ions for the first time.It is based on the excitation of the two ions by two lasers with appropriate frequencies and amplitudes.The scheme also provides a new possibility of preparing vibrational Fock states and laser cooling. 展开更多
关键词 quantum nondemolition measurement collective motional energy trapped ions
作者 张耀南 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期44-57,共14页
"易学"总体上持"大化"观念,"西式进化论"在其思维框架下,不过是无限运程中之一环节而已。《老子》"天下万物生于有,有生于无"之言已完整描绘出中国人特有之"大化观":"天下万物... "易学"总体上持"大化"观念,"西式进化论"在其思维框架下,不过是无限运程中之一环节而已。《老子》"天下万物生于有,有生于无"之言已完整描绘出中国人特有之"大化观":"天下万物生于有"着眼于"进化","有生于无"着眼于"循环"。《庄子》描述的"大化历程"以"种有几"为起点,以"万物皆入于机"为终点。《列子》描述的第一阶段"自太易到太始再到太素最终达于浑沦",可以"进化论"释读之;第二阶段"自一到七再到九最终复变为一",只能以"循环论"释读之。《淮南子》的所谓"生物进化观",实际只视"生物进化"为"天地循环"之一环节、一阶段:"生物进化"之前,已有三个阶段之"天地进化";"生物进化"之后,亦应还有三个阶段之"天地退化";然后一切归零,重新开始。墨子、韩非子、王充,均持"大化"思维。晚唐无名氏之哲学著作《无能子》认为不把"进化论"置于"天地未分,混沌一炁"以及"天地既位,阴阳炁交"之宇宙背景上来定位,就是讲不通的;其"自然而虫之,不自然而人之"命题的提出,不是为了高扬"进化论",而是为了贬抑"进化论",不是为了倡导"不自然",而是为了倡导"自然"。晚清以降学者对"进化论"之质疑,则至少有严复"以易化西"、章太炎"俱分进化"、宗教界驳"生物进化论"、科技史学界之争论等尝试,从另一侧面证明中土思想家所讲就是"大化论"。 展开更多
关键词 循环论 进化论 大化论 易学 道家 《无能子》 胡适 李约瑟 严复 章太炎
作者 赵俊 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 CSSCI 1999年第6期67-74,共8页
本文认为 ,晚唐时期虽然宦官专政、藩镇割据、朋党纷争 ,一派末世景象 ,但思想界却有重大收获 ,涌现出皮日休、“无能子”和罗隐“三杰”。作者论述了晚唐思想界“三杰”的经世思想 ,并提出了自己的一些观点。
关键词 皮日休 《无能子》 思想界 罗隐 《谗书》 辩证思想 反专制思想 《孟子》 藩镇割据 统治者
郑观应的道教思想 被引量:2
作者 王煜 《宗教学研究》 CSSCI 1996年第3期27-28,共2页
郑观应的道教思想王煜清末民初实业家、诗文家兼启蒙思想家郑观应(1842—1921)在《述志四十韵》说:“龟缘入梦烹,鹦为能言击。从此效金人,机密口宜闭。……愿积养生资,罗浮择片地。……结侣道同参,清净守真意。缘督以为... 郑观应的道教思想王煜清末民初实业家、诗文家兼启蒙思想家郑观应(1842—1921)在《述志四十韵》说:“龟缘入梦烹,鹦为能言击。从此效金人,机密口宜闭。……愿积养生资,罗浮择片地。……结侣道同参,清净守真意。缘督以为经(煜按:语出《庄子·养生主》),... 展开更多
关键词 郑观应 道教思想 人文主义者 罗浮山 郑氏 《无能子》 李林甫 《大同书》 终极关怀 三教合一
Possible Spectrums of 3×3 Upper Triangular Operator Matrices 被引量:7
作者 海国君 阿拉坦仓 《Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition》 CSCD 2009年第4期649-661,共13页
Let H1, H2 and H3 be infinite dimensional separable complex Hilbert spaces. We denote by M(D,V,F) a 3×3 upper triangular operator matrix acting on Hi +H2+ H3 of theform M(D,E,F)=(A D F 0 B F 0 0 C).For gi... Let H1, H2 and H3 be infinite dimensional separable complex Hilbert spaces. We denote by M(D,V,F) a 3×3 upper triangular operator matrix acting on Hi +H2+ H3 of theform M(D,E,F)=(A D F 0 B F 0 0 C).For given A ∈ B(H1), B ∈ B(H2) and C ∈ B(H3), the sets ∪D,E,F^σp(M(D,E,F)),∪D,E,F ^σr(M(D,E,F)),∪D,E,F ^σc(M(D,E,F)) and ∪D,E,F σ(M(D,E,F)) are characterized, where D ∈ B(H2,H1), E ∈B(H3, H1), F ∈ B(H3,H2) and σ(·), σp(·), σr(·), σc(·) denote the spectrum, the point spectrum, the residual spectrum and the continuous spectrum, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 3×3 upper triangular operator matrices point spectrum continuous spectrum residual spectrum spectrum.
Functionalized CVD monolayer graphene for label-free impedimetric biosensing 被引量:3
作者 Shimaa Eissa Gaston Contreras Jimenez +5 位作者 Farzaneh Mahvash Abdeladim Guermoune Chaker Tlili Thomas Szkopek Mohammed Zourob Mohamed Siaj 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1698-1709,共12页
Recent advances in large area graphene growth have led to many applications in different areas. In the present study, chemical vapor deposited (CVD) monolayer graphene supported on glass substrate electrochemical bi... Recent advances in large area graphene growth have led to many applications in different areas. In the present study, chemical vapor deposited (CVD) monolayer graphene supported on glass substrate electrochemical biosensing applications was examined as electrode material for We report a facile strategy for covalent functionalization of CVD monolayer graphene by electrochemical reduction of carboxyphenyl diazonium salt prepared in situ in acidic aqueous solution. The carboxyphenyl-modified graphene is characterized using Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and atomic force microscopy (AFM), as well as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (hIS). We also show that the number of grafted carboxyphenyl groups on the graphene surface can be controlled by the number of cyclic voltammetry (CV) scans used for electrografting. We further present the fabrication and characterization of an immunosensor based on immobilization of ovalbumin antibody on the graphene surface after the activation of the grafted carboxylic groups via EDC/NHS chemistry. The binding between the surface-immobilized antibodies and ovalbumin was then monitored using Faradaic EIS in [Fe(CN)6]^3-/4- solution. The percentage change of charge transfer resistance (Rct) after binding exhibited a linear dependence for ovalbumin concentrations ranging from 1.0 pg·mL^-1 to 100 ng·mL^-1, with a detection limit of 0.9 pg·mL^-1. Our results indicate good sensitivity of the developed functionalized CVD graphene platform, paving the way for using CVD monolayer graphene in a variety of electrochemical biosensing devices. 展开更多
关键词 CVD graphene electrochemical impedance spectroscopy Biosensor diazoniumfunctionalization
Effect of SGC on transient evolution of GWI in a Doppler broadened quasi Λ-type four-level system
作者 刘中波 仝殿民 樊锡君 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2012年第5期393-396,共4页
In this paper,we study the effect of spontaneously generated coherence(SGC) on transient evolution of gain without inversion(GWI) in a Doppler broadened quasi Λ-type four-level atomic system.It is shown that transien... In this paper,we study the effect of spontaneously generated coherence(SGC) on transient evolution of gain without inversion(GWI) in a Doppler broadened quasi Λ-type four-level atomic system.It is shown that transient evolution of GWI is very sensitive to the variation of SGC strength,and the transient maximum value and steady value of GWI both increase with SGC strength increasing.The transient and steady values of GWI with SGC are much larger than those without SGC.When Doppler broadening is present,the transient maximum value and steady value of GWI first increase and then decrease with Doppler broadening width(D) increasing,and the value of D which corresponds to the maximum transient GWI is different from that corresponding to the maximum steady GWI.The time needed for reaching the steady GWI increases with D increasing.The steady GWI,which is larger than that without Doppler broadening(D = 0),can be obtained by choosing appropriate D and SGC strength. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic materials Optoelectronic devices
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