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作者 孙程程 《音乐创作》 北大核心 2024年第3期123-135,共13页
长笛奏鸣曲《春花之舞》(1962),是高为杰先生学生时代的主要作品之一,是作曲家早期由变音体系组织音高结构的典型之作。文章对作品的整体音乐结构、音高结构、音乐材料及组织手法进行了分析,以阐述作曲家在创作中如何运用五声性音调素... 长笛奏鸣曲《春花之舞》(1962),是高为杰先生学生时代的主要作品之一,是作曲家早期由变音体系组织音高结构的典型之作。文章对作品的整体音乐结构、音高结构、音乐材料及组织手法进行了分析,以阐述作曲家在创作中如何运用五声性音调素材与变音体系技法相结合,描绘出春花之舞多彩绚丽的美妙景象。 展开更多
关键词 高为杰《春之舞》 泛调性 变音体系 民族风格旋律 意象表达
用电影透视女性情感与社会角色 访《春花开》导演刘冰鉴、制片人邓烨夫妇 被引量:2
作者 余莉 《北京电影学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期46-51,共6页
刘冰鉴、邓烨均毕业于北京电影学院。刘冰鉴,毕业于摄影系89级,邓烨,师从钟惦棐先生, 研究电影美学,曾留学瑞士修习大众传播学。刘冰鉴至今有四部作品,邓烨一直作为主创成员参与影片的创作。夫妇二人的组合共同实践着影像的人生探索。... 刘冰鉴、邓烨均毕业于北京电影学院。刘冰鉴,毕业于摄影系89级,邓烨,师从钟惦棐先生, 研究电影美学,曾留学瑞士修习大众传播学。刘冰鉴至今有四部作品,邓烨一直作为主创成员参与影片的创作。夫妇二人的组合共同实践着影像的人生探索。其国内公映和独立制作的作品在国际上都有一定的声誉。第一部作品《砚床》是21 世纪福克斯公司购买的第一部新中国影片,第二部作品《男男女女》获得了瑞士洛加诺国际电影节费比尼奖,第三部作品《哭泣的女人》获得了戛纳“一种关注”单元奖,即将公映的《春花开》受邀参加了柏林影展和香港电影节等。刘冰鉴敏感细腻,邓烨大气率直,两个人气质个性迥异,却在创作的选择上有着对女性命运的共同关注。 展开更多
关键词 女性情感 社会角色 《春开》 刘冰鉴 邓烨夫妇 女性主义 影视评论 中国
作者 曹香玲 《浙江国土资源》 2018年第5期59-59,共1页
人间四月,很多花睡了,还有的花醒着。花在不同的地方,会因时而开;人在不同的地方,会因景而醒。四月的高姥山,毫不掩饰对春天的迷恋,以一片盛开的红裙朵,在春的帛锦上酣畅而书。向着海拔1200多米的高姥山,此程可寄。只是担心嘀嗒的雨声... 人间四月,很多花睡了,还有的花醒着。花在不同的地方,会因时而开;人在不同的地方,会因景而醒。四月的高姥山,毫不掩饰对春天的迷恋,以一片盛开的红裙朵,在春的帛锦上酣畅而书。向着海拔1200多米的高姥山,此程可寄。只是担心嘀嗒的雨声是否惊扰了山上的杜鹃?她是否一夜未眠而倦容怠客呢?站在白云栖居的地方,耳膜发出了微微的声响,眼前一片敞亮,万亩杜鹃,仿佛"一夜好风吹,新花一万枝",滚动的红色。 展开更多
关键词 《春正艳》 中国 当代文学 杂文
作者 夏荀 《课堂内外(创新作文)(高中版)》 2010年第3期41-41,共1页
夜沉沉,山很静,水缠缠绵绵……夜寥落的星空弥漫着紫色的薄雾.萧索的村庄早已在寒夜里悄悄入睡。溟潆的江岸漂着几只破损的小船.渔火早在墨柳不再飘荡之前就已经熄灭。他独自一人撑着小船在风平浪静的江面上徘徊,想趁风浪未起时多... 夜沉沉,山很静,水缠缠绵绵……夜寥落的星空弥漫着紫色的薄雾.萧索的村庄早已在寒夜里悄悄入睡。溟潆的江岸漂着几只破损的小船.渔火早在墨柳不再飘荡之前就已经熄灭。他独自一人撑着小船在风平浪静的江面上徘徊,想趁风浪未起时多捕一些鱼.多收几担水草。如此寂寞而寒冷的夜不知在他身旁潜伏了多少次.只是任由黑色的江水轻轻地击拍着他破旧的船头。摇曳的小船摇晃着他的思念, 展开更多
关键词 《春 月夜》 中学 作文 夏荀
作者 筱扬 《农业考古》 北大核心 2007年第5期284-285,共2页
关键词 中国 当代 散文 作品赏析 《春亦深》
作者 佚名 《档案管理》 北大核心 2009年第4期95-95,共1页
落红若有情,化春泥兮护花。 又一个疲惫无暇的午后,腹内空空如也。而我并不着急.又有几人能在这个不安的季节如我这般安静地坐听“咕噜”的偈语?看了看时间.已静坐半天了.身边的人走了一批又换了一批.我竞都不认识。
关键词 《春落》 散文 现代文学 作者
作者 杨菊三 《浙江林业》 2010年第4期40-41,共2页
曼妙杜鹃花 春天总有打动人心的东西。杜鹃花当机立断,竟也弄出许多情绪来。
关键词 《春朵朵》 散文 杨菊三 文学
作者 周艺 《风景名胜》 2016年第4期44-49,共6页
关键词 散文 《春行·看--早 徜徉在罗平的海中》 中国 周艺
作者 左眩 白静(图) 《童话王国(原创版)》 2009年第3期2-5,共4页
关键词 小学 课外阅读 童话故事 《春吉的秘密之花》 左眩
作者 李彬 王若茜 《艺术教育》 2024年第9期163-166,共4页
古典舞作品《花之语》和《春来花自放》分别在第八届和第十三届“桃李杯”中亮相,均获得了广泛的关注与好评。文章通过对作品背景与创作、舞蹈语汇、情感表达、音乐渲染、文化与艺术价值的分析,探讨编导在创作中积极探索古典舞的可能性... 古典舞作品《花之语》和《春来花自放》分别在第八届和第十三届“桃李杯”中亮相,均获得了广泛的关注与好评。文章通过对作品背景与创作、舞蹈语汇、情感表达、音乐渲染、文化与艺术价值的分析,探讨编导在创作中积极探索古典舞的可能性所取得的成就,展现出中华优秀传统文化在当代的传承与弘扬。 展开更多
关键词 中国古典舞 之语》 《春自放》 舞蹈语汇 情感表达
Biotransformation of Gastrodin by Cell Suspension Cultures of Catharanthus roseus 被引量:9
作者 戴均贵 巩卓 +3 位作者 朱丹萌 郭洪祝 郑俊华 果德安 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第3期377-378,共2页
应用长春花 (Catharanthusroseus (L .)G .Don)悬浮细胞培养体系对天麻素进行了生物转化反应研究。经过8d培养形成一个转化产物 ,应用光谱方法鉴定转化产物的结构为对羟基苯甲醇 ,为天麻素水解后形成的甙元。
关键词 GASTRODIN BIOTRANSFORMATION cell suspension cultures Catharanthus roseus
A Benzofuranoid Neolignan from Magnolia biondii Pamp 被引量:3
作者 卢艳花 高扬 +2 位作者 王峥涛 刘建群 魏东芝 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第3期137-139,共3页
Aim Isolation and structural elucidation of the constituents from the dried flower buds of Magnolia biondii Pamp. Methods Column chromatography and TLC were used to isolate chemical constituents. Spectroscopic methods... Aim Isolation and structural elucidation of the constituents from the dried flower buds of Magnolia biondii Pamp. Methods Column chromatography and TLC were used to isolate chemical constituents. Spectroscopic methods were employed for structural elucidation. Results One benzo furanoid neolignan (licarin B) and two bisepoxy lignans (magnolin, fargesin) were isolated and identified. Conclusion Licarin B is the first reported benzofuranoid lignan from the family Magnoliaceae. 展开更多
关键词 Magnolia biondii licarin B NEOLIGNAN
Circumscriptions and Phylogenetic Relationships of Primula Sects. Auganthus and Ranunculoides: Evidence from nrDNA ITS Sequences 被引量:3
作者 郝刚 胡启明 李南淑 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第1期72-75,共4页
The circumscriptions of sections Auganthus Pax ex Balf. f. and Ranunculoides Chen et C. M. Hu in the genus Primula L. have been controversial, due to the different treatments of P. filchnerae Knuth. W... The circumscriptions of sections Auganthus Pax ex Balf. f. and Ranunculoides Chen et C. M. Hu in the genus Primula L. have been controversial, due to the different treatments of P. filchnerae Knuth. We conducted a phylogenetic analysis using sequences from the ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. All five species of these two sections and some representatives of other related sections were sampled. The ITS trees show that P. filchnerae could be convincingly placed in sect. Auganthus , together with P. sinensis Sabine ex Lindl. and P. rupestris Balf. f. et Farrer, whereas sect. Ranunculoides contains two species: P. cicutariifolia Pax and P. merrilliana Schltr. These two sections are distantly related and their association with other sections needs further studies. This study also demonstrated that ITS sequences would be a suitable marker for the reconstruction of Primula phylogeny. 展开更多
关键词 PRIMULA sect. Auganthus sect. Ranunculoides PHYLOGENY ITS PRIMULACEAE
Cell Growth and Ajmalicine Accumulation in a Full Habituated Catharanthus roseus Cell Line C_ (20)hi 被引量:2
作者 郑珍贵 周煜 +1 位作者 刘涤 胡之璧 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第10期1146-1150,共5页
A full habituated cell line C_ 20hi was screened from 2,4_D dependent line (C_ 20D) of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. The investigation involved the cell growth, ajmalicine production and enzyme activity related t... A full habituated cell line C_ 20hi was screened from 2,4_D dependent line (C_ 20D) of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. The investigation involved the cell growth, ajmalicine production and enzyme activity related to indole alkaloid biosynthesis in both cell lines. These results indicated that C_ 20hi cells grew faster than C_ 20D cells, and average ajmalicine content in C_ 20hi cells was 18.4 times more than that in C_ 20D when cultured in the production medium. In the growth medium, average ajmalicine content in C_ 20hi cells was 31.9 times more than that in C_ 20D cells, while the cell growth has no obvious difference. The comparison of enzyme activities in C_ 20hi and C_ 20D cells indicated that tryptophan decarboxylase (TDC), strictosidine synthase (SSS) and geraniol_10_dehydrogenase (G10H) activities have no close relation to ajmalicine accumulation, although the activities of these enzymes were higher when cells were cultured in the production medium than in the growth medium. The C_ 20hi cells are relatively stable in five years of culture. 展开更多
关键词 full habituated cells AJMALICINE cell culture Catharanthus roseus
Study on the Pollen Rain in Lanzhou University in Spring in 2009
作者 闫晓丽 刘艳蕊 +1 位作者 苗运法 张志高 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第6期876-878,913,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the relationship of pollen types and blooming plants,pollen fertility and meteorological factors during the falling process of pollen in the atmosphere.[Method] The falling record of... [Objective] The aim was to explore the relationship of pollen types and blooming plants,pollen fertility and meteorological factors during the falling process of pollen in the atmosphere.[Method] The falling record of pollen in Lanzhou University in spring in 2009 was obtained by 10 m platform natural falling method.The pollen falling number,duration,relationship among falling types and surrounding plants,as well as weather were discussed.[Result] Main pollen types included Populus L.,Salix,Paulownia and Platanaceae.Its pollen falling number,duration was consistent with the flowering period of corresponding plants in the garden;the classification and richness of falling of pollen was influenced by wind.The larger the wind was,the richer the variety become.There was basically no pollen from outside.The authors failed to observe the distinct changes of palynological assemblage in sandy storm weather.[Conclusion] The study could lay basis for the study of the modern progress of natural plants pollen. 展开更多
关键词 Lanzhou University SPRING Pollen rain Flowering plant Weather process
Effect of vernalization and plant growth regulators on flowering of Onithogalum ‘Chesapeake Snowflake’ 被引量:1
作者 王锦 Virginia R.Walter 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2006年第1期23-28,共6页
The effect of vernalization and two growth regulators Fascination^TM and Pro-Gibb^R on the growth, inflorescence development and flowering of Omithogalurrt Chesapeake Snowflake' was studied. Regardless of growth regu... The effect of vernalization and two growth regulators Fascination^TM and Pro-Gibb^R on the growth, inflorescence development and flowering of Omithogalurrt Chesapeake Snowflake' was studied. Regardless of growth regulator treatment, chilling bulbs for 3 weeks at 10℃ before planting accelerated flowering of the first inflorescence by 5 to 6 days, elongated floral stem length by 1.5 to 2 cm and shortened leaf length by 4 to 5 cm as compared with non-chilled bulbs. When bulbs were chilled 3 weeks at 10℃ before planting, Fascination 2% and Pro-Gibb accelerated flowering of the first inflorescence by 2 to 6 days respectively as compared with the control. When bulbs were not chilled before planting, Fascination 2% and Pro-Gibb accelerated flowering of the first inflorescence by 6 to12 days respectively as compared with the control. The lengths of the leaves and the inflorescences were not affected by PGR treatment. Higher rates of Pro-Gibb (100 mg.L^-1 and 200 mg.L^-1) and more amount of Fascination 2%(100 μL and 200 μL) can cause abortion of inflorescence. 展开更多
关键词 VERNALIZATION plant growth regulators FLOWERING Onithogalum ‘Chesapeake Snowflake'
Effects of Different Treatments on Seed Germination of Gagea nigra
作者 杨坤 曾卫军 +1 位作者 祝长青 谢青 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第5期1129-1133,共5页
According to different mechanisms of dormancy,seeds of Gagea nigra L.Z.Shue were treated with different methods so as to investigate the effects of different treatments on seed germination of G.nigra.The results showe... According to different mechanisms of dormancy,seeds of Gagea nigra L.Z.Shue were treated with different methods so as to investigate the effects of different treatments on seed germination of G.nigra.The results showed that at 4 ℃,the seeds of G.nigra began to germinate on day 32 with germination period of 80 d and germination rate of 72%;room temperature(25 ℃) and acid and alkali treatments were all unsuitable for the germination of G.nigra seeds;no significant differences were found in germination rate of G.nigra seeds among warm water(50℃),ultrasound and 200 mg/L GA_3treatments(P 0.05);seed coat-removing treatment effectively promoted the germination of G.nigra seeds(P =0.002 0.01) with germination rate of 88%;seed coat piercing + 200 mg/L GA_3 and 500 mg/L GA_3+15% H_2O_2 treatments effectively promoted the germination of G.nigra seeds with germination rates of 84% and 82%,respectively(P0.05);the germination vigor of G.nigra seeds in the seed coat piercing + 200 mg/L GA_3 treatment was highest,and it was significantly higher than those in the other treatments. 展开更多
关键词 Gagea nigra Ephemeral plants Different treatments Seed germination
作者 徐艳辉 《诗词月刊》 2016年第6期66-66,共1页
关键词 中国 当代文学 诗词 《春花》
Chemical Constituents of Pomatosace filicula 被引量:2
作者 廖志新 张华 岳建民 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第11期1378-1382,共5页
A new triterpenoid saponin, namely pomatoside A (3) 13beta, 28-epoxy-16-oleananone-3-O-[alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1 -->6)-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1 -->4)-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1 -->6)-O-beta-D-glucopyranos... A new triterpenoid saponin, namely pomatoside A (3) 13beta, 28-epoxy-16-oleananone-3-O-[alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1 -->6)-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1 -->4)-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1 -->6)-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1 -->2)]-beta-D-glucopyranoside, together with twelve known compounds, was isolated for the first time from Pomatosace filicula Maxim., a monotypic endemic plant, grown in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau of China. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analyses and chemical methods, especially 2D-NMR. 展开更多
关键词 Pomatosace filicula PRIMULACEAE pomatoside A triterpenoid saponin CERAMIDE
作者 张大勇 《金融博览》 2013年第7期82-82,共1页
桃花 用细雨沏茶 用鸟声洗脸 乡野出落佳人
关键词 诗歌 文学 文学作品 《春花》
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