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谈《柠檬》的艺术技巧 被引量:2
作者 徐磊 《日语知识》 2003年第7期28-30,共3页
一、背景 散文<柠檬>是梶井基次郎的代表作,该文描写了一位病魔缠身、穷困潦倒的学生复杂的心理活动.忧郁颓废的主人公'我'偶然被一枚金灿灿的柠檬所吸引,并从而体会到从未有过的幸福.
关键词 《柠檬》 艺术技巧 散文 梶井基次郎 文学评论 意象手法 象征手法 隐喻手法 艺术价值
作者 邓鹿鸣 《佳木斯职业学院学报》 2020年第2期192-193,共2页
关键词 《柠檬》 修辞手法 对照法
作者 余乐 《英语广场(学术研究)》 2024年第22期68-71,共4页
英国当代作家朱利安·巴恩斯在短篇小说集《柠檬桌子》中,以老年人物为主角,向读者真实地展现了衰老和死亡的11种可能。在巴恩斯笔下,衰老是自然的生命历程,面对衰老带来的困境,老年个体保持着开放的生命叙事,在维持旧有结构和对新... 英国当代作家朱利安·巴恩斯在短篇小说集《柠檬桌子》中,以老年人物为主角,向读者真实地展现了衰老和死亡的11种可能。在巴恩斯笔下,衰老是自然的生命历程,面对衰老带来的困境,老年个体保持着开放的生命叙事,在维持旧有结构和对新境遇开放之间保持平衡。此外,通过文学实践,巴恩斯旨在消解社会文化对老年的先入之见与刻板印象,打破任何有关衰老和死亡的单一构建。 展开更多
关键词 朱利安·巴恩斯 《柠檬桌子》 老年叙事
“牙买加在召唤”——《柠檬的果实》中菲斯的“家庭”危机与家族意识的觉醒 被引量:1
作者 徐彬 《山东外语教学》 北大核心 2023年第2期67-77,共11页
安德里亚·利维的小说《柠檬的果实》中,“牙买加在召唤”由菲斯父母离开英国返回牙买加的计划而起,由菲斯经历一系列英国“家庭”危机之后的牙买加寻根之旅得以回应。菲斯牙买加家族意识的觉醒随之发生,内含对牙买加人流散与杂合... 安德里亚·利维的小说《柠檬的果实》中,“牙买加在召唤”由菲斯父母离开英国返回牙买加的计划而起,由菲斯经历一系列英国“家庭”危机之后的牙买加寻根之旅得以回应。菲斯牙买加家族意识的觉醒随之发生,内含对牙买加人流散与杂合历史的认知和对本人牙买加人身份的认同。菲斯的牙买加家族意识上升至牙买加国家意识的层面,牙买加归属感成为菲斯开启新生活的动力源泉。菲斯对“牙买加在召唤”的感受与回应成为利维笔下第二代牙买加英国移民逐渐形成的以牙买加为中心的另类国族意识的缩影。 展开更多
关键词 安德里亚·利维 《柠檬的果实》 “家庭”危机 家族意识 身份认同
衰老与死亡——论朱利安·巴恩斯《柠檬桌子》的主题 被引量:1
作者 王杨 李金云 《湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第11期112-114,共3页
《柠檬桌子》是英国当代文坛三巨头之一朱利安·巴恩斯的短篇小说集。书中的主人公们正面临着衰老与死亡,而这正是文学的永恒主题,只有明鉴死亡的意义才能领悟生存的价值。本文以《美发简史》、《马茨·伊斯拉埃尔松的故事》、... 《柠檬桌子》是英国当代文坛三巨头之一朱利安·巴恩斯的短篇小说集。书中的主人公们正面临着衰老与死亡,而这正是文学的永恒主题,只有明鉴死亡的意义才能领悟生存的价值。本文以《美发简史》、《马茨·伊斯拉埃尔松的故事》、《树皮》以及《沉默》这四个短篇小说为例,分析《柠檬桌子》中衰老与死亡的主题,并揭示其现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 《柠檬桌子》 朱利安·巴恩斯 衰老 死亡
作者 朱俞仿 《电影》 2013年第1期28-29,共2页
无论导演童家瑞如伺说这是他在《芳香之旅》和《红河》之后,用商业手法拍摄的文艺片,单单看到主演立威廉、洪晓熙、金沙、谭杰希这几个名字注定了《柠檬》是一部清新范儿的小众爱情电影。尽管从12月12日的上映日期延后到今年1月12日... 无论导演童家瑞如伺说这是他在《芳香之旅》和《红河》之后,用商业手法拍摄的文艺片,单单看到主演立威廉、洪晓熙、金沙、谭杰希这几个名字注定了《柠檬》是一部清新范儿的小众爱情电影。尽管从12月12日的上映日期延后到今年1月12日,然而据说,影片未映,赞助企业早已提前收获了影片带来的收益。这不禁让人好奇,一个没有一线明星阵容和中小成本的国产影片真的能预支收益? 展开更多
关键词 《柠檬》 营销 福利 国产影片 爱情电影 赞助企业 文艺片 收益
作者 张学青 《百家作文指导(小学中高版)》 2010年第4期1-1,共1页
关键词 小学 课外阅读 阅读材料 《柠檬》
作者 吴娴 《青年记者》 2010年第22期73-74,共2页
2001年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者阿克尔洛夫在《柠檬市场》(又称《次品市场》)中提出,由于消费者和生产者之间的信息不对称,最终导致"劣币驱逐良币"的柠檬(次品)市场出现。为了降低信息的不对称性,促进市场的有效性,一定的信息传递... 2001年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者阿克尔洛夫在《柠檬市场》(又称《次品市场》)中提出,由于消费者和生产者之间的信息不对称,最终导致"劣币驱逐良币"的柠檬(次品)市场出现。为了降低信息的不对称性,促进市场的有效性,一定的信息传递是必要的。信息传递的方式多种多样,而在大众媒体做广告具有最低搜寻成本的优势。广告分为信息性广告和诱导陛广告,这里指的是信息性广告。 展开更多
关键词 柠檬市场” 广告 经典理论 诺贝尔经济学奖获得者 信息不对称 《柠檬市场》 劣币驱逐良币 信息传递
巴恩斯《柠檬桌子》的叙事艺术 被引量:1
作者 袁洋 《华北水利水电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第4期148-151,共4页
《柠檬桌子》是2011年布克奖获得者、英国后现代作家朱利安·巴恩斯的一部短篇小说集,其中收录了11个关于变老和死亡的故事。小说集的叙事艺术独具特色,其三种独特的叙事方式,即主题并置叙事、重复叙事和伴随文本叙事,强调了人们对... 《柠檬桌子》是2011年布克奖获得者、英国后现代作家朱利安·巴恩斯的一部短篇小说集,其中收录了11个关于变老和死亡的故事。小说集的叙事艺术独具特色,其三种独特的叙事方式,即主题并置叙事、重复叙事和伴随文本叙事,强调了人们对衰老和死亡的恐惧与无奈,也体现出作者对老年人的人文关怀。 展开更多
关键词 朱利安·巴恩斯 《柠檬桌子》 叙事艺术
作者 蔡体良 《戏剧之家》 2006年第3期33-33,共1页
猛一问我:“特檬黄的味道是什么?”我会被蒙住的。宛如猛一问我:“生活的感觉是什么?”在那一瞬间,我也同样会不知所措的。我在观看武汉人民艺术剧院演出的青春剧《柠檬黄的味道》中,就给我出了这样的课题。虽然是一个常识性的问... 猛一问我:“特檬黄的味道是什么?”我会被蒙住的。宛如猛一问我:“生活的感觉是什么?”在那一瞬间,我也同样会不知所措的。我在观看武汉人民艺术剧院演出的青春剧《柠檬黄的味道》中,就给我出了这样的课题。虽然是一个常识性的问题,但是要做出准确的回答,标准化的回答,是一件十分困难的事了。包括在我看完该剧后,剧中给我的回答。不过,我还是赞赏剧中年轻人的感受。我认为在这个课题上,找到过分理想化的、让人人都满意的答案,是幼稚的,也是没有必要的。 展开更多
关键词 常识性 回答 标准化 年轻人 理想化 《柠檬黄的味道》
作者 刘平 《戏剧之家》 2007年第4期102-107,共6页
该剧以米未因妈妈的误会而出走为主线,展现了一群当代中学生的真实生活和青春状态。家长与孩子的沟通、同学间的理解、师生间的情谊以及人间的真爱组成了一幅幅唯关的充满诗意而浪漫的画面,在笑声和泪水中人与人之间有了一种升华般的... 该剧以米未因妈妈的误会而出走为主线,展现了一群当代中学生的真实生活和青春状态。家长与孩子的沟通、同学间的理解、师生间的情谊以及人间的真爱组成了一幅幅唯关的充满诗意而浪漫的画面,在笑声和泪水中人与人之间有了一种升华般的理解和对人生的感悟。 展开更多
关键词 青春剧 琴弦 《柠檬黄的味道》 骄傲 当代中学生 真实生活
作者 邱建秀 《戏剧之家》 2006年第3期14-32,共19页
关键词 《柠檬黄的味道》 中国 当代 青春剧 邱建秀
作者 谢冰清 《餐饮世界》 2003年第11期57-57,共1页
关键词 谢冰清 中国 当代 散文 《柠檬可乐》
“入世”系列报道之十八 将否决权交给车主的《柠檬法》——写在3.15消费者权益保护日
作者 贾新光 《汽车与配件》 2002年第11期13-13,共1页
保护消费者权益主要运用民事法律手段,采用平等和等价补偿等办法,而不是采用惩罚的方法。在这方面国内有“消费者权益保护法”、“产品质量法”等。在汽车方面,召回制度也正在酝酿,尽管道路还相当漫长。 在国际上,除了各国普遍实行的汽... 保护消费者权益主要运用民事法律手段,采用平等和等价补偿等办法,而不是采用惩罚的方法。在这方面国内有“消费者权益保护法”、“产品质量法”等。在汽车方面,召回制度也正在酝酿,尽管道路还相当漫长。 在国际上,除了各国普遍实行的汽车召回制度来保障消费者权益之外,美国还有一项汽车保有法。这又称《柠檬法》,是商业部制定的。 柠檬是喻比一辆常出故障的车, 展开更多
关键词 汽车保有法 汽车质量 否决权 车主 《柠檬法》 消费者权益保护
Kinetics of titanium leaching with citric acid in sulfuric acid from red mud 被引量:11
作者 朱晓波 李望 管学茂 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期3139-3145,共7页
The recovery of titanium with citric acid in sulfuric acid from red mud was put forward to strengthen acid leaching efficiency.The main factors on the recovery of titanium such as citric acid addition,sulfuric acid co... The recovery of titanium with citric acid in sulfuric acid from red mud was put forward to strengthen acid leaching efficiency.The main factors on the recovery of titanium such as citric acid addition,sulfuric acid concentration,leaching temperature,time and liquid-to-solid ratio were studied.The kinetics analysis of titanium leaching from red mud was deeply investigated.The results show that the citric acid could increase the recovery of titanium and decrease the consumption of sulfuric acid.The recovery of titanium was increased from 65% to 82% and the consumption of sulfuric acid was decreased by about 30% with using 5% citric acid.The dissolution of perovskite,brookite,and hematite in red mud could easily be dissolved using citric acid.The acid leaching process was controlled by internal diffusion of shrinking core model(SCM) and the correlation coefficient was above 0.98.The apparent rate constant was increased from 0.0012 to 0.0019 with 5% citric acid at 90 °C.The apparent activation energy of titanium leaching decreased from 39.77 k J/mol to 34.61 k J/mol with 5% citric acid. 展开更多
关键词 red mud TITANIUM KINETICS citric acid acid leaching
Citric Acid Accumulation in an Alkali_tolerant Plant Puccinellia tenuiflora Under Alkaline Stress 被引量:30
作者 石德成 尹尚君 +1 位作者 杨国会 赵可夫 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第5期537-540,共4页
The accumulation of citric acid and associated correlative strain indexes were investigated in the seedlings of Puccinellia tenuiflora (Griseb.) Scribn. et Merr. stressed with 0-175 mmol/L Na 2CO 3. The results ... The accumulation of citric acid and associated correlative strain indexes were investigated in the seedlings of Puccinellia tenuiflora (Griseb.) Scribn. et Merr. stressed with 0-175 mmol/L Na 2CO 3. The results showed that the citric acid accumulation is a specific physiological respond of this plant to alkali_stress. On the contrary, the citric acid content decreased slightly in this plant stressed with 0-400 mmol/L neutral salt NaCl. The accumulation of citric acid increased with increasing strength of alkali_stress, the citric acid content increased gently when the strength was lower than 100 mmol/L Na 2CO 3, but increased obviously when the strength was higher than 100 mmol/L Na 2CO 3. The citric acid rapidly accumulated at early alkali_stress, an obvious raise can be mensurated after 4 h. About 48 h after treatment, the amount of citric acid accumulated nearly reached the maximum. In various parts of P. tenuiflora seedlings alkali_stressed for 144 h, the order of citric acid content from high to low is: old leaf, mature leaf, old leaf sheath, young leaf sheath, young stem, old stem, and young leaf. In the mature leaf, the citric acid content gradually increased with increasing strength of alkali_stress, while the citric acid content increased sharply in old leaf and sheath just for strength higher than 125 mmol/L. There was little change of citric acid content in stem, but no change in young leaf. The results of the experiment showed that citric acid was outstanding among accumulated organic acid caused by alkali_stress. The contribution of other organic acids was negligible. 展开更多
关键词 Puccinellia tenuiflora alkali_stress citric acid Na 2CO 3 organic acid
A novel and facile wet-chemical method for synthesis of silver microwires 被引量:6
作者 翟爱霞 蔡雄辉 +1 位作者 姜晓晔 范国枝 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第4期943-948,共6页
A novel and facile wet-chemical method for synthesis of silver microwires was developed.The well-defined particles were prepared by adding an iron(Ⅱ) sulfate heptahydrate solution into a silver nitrate solution con... A novel and facile wet-chemical method for synthesis of silver microwires was developed.The well-defined particles were prepared by adding an iron(Ⅱ) sulfate heptahydrate solution into a silver nitrate solution containing citric acid drop by drop at 50 °C.The resulting products were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction.It was found that the particles consisted of numerous silver microwires.The reaction temperature greatly affected the morphologies of the as-prepared particles.Both of the mean length and width of the silver microwires increased with the decrease of the concentration of silver nitrate.And the lower concentration was unfavorable for the formation of more silver microwires.Similar findings were also observed when the concentration of iron(Ⅱ) sulfate was decreased.The amount of citric acid also greatly affected the shape of the as-prepared particles.It was concluded that citric acid was the key role in the formation of silver microwires via the Oswald ripening mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 silver microwires iron(Ⅱ) sulfate heptahydrate citric acid wet-chemical method
Preparation of high active Pt/C cathode electrocatalyst for direct methanol fuel cell by citrate-stabilized method 被引量:3
作者 蒋庆来 彭忠东 +3 位作者 谢晓峰 杜柯 胡国荣 刘业翔 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第1期127-132,共6页
Platinum nanoparticles supported on carbons(Pt/C,60%,mass fraction) electrocatalysts for direct methanol fuel cell(DMFC) were prepared by citrate-stabilized method with different reductants and carbon supports.The... Platinum nanoparticles supported on carbons(Pt/C,60%,mass fraction) electrocatalysts for direct methanol fuel cell(DMFC) were prepared by citrate-stabilized method with different reductants and carbon supports.The catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD),transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and cyclic voltammetry(CV).It is found that the size of Pt nanoparticles on carbon is controllable by citrate addition and reductant optimization,and the form of carbon support has a great influence on electrocatalytic activity of catalysts.The citrate-stabilized Pt nanoparticles supported on BP2000 carbon,which was reduced by formaldehyde,exhibit the best performance with about 2 nm in diameter and 66.46 m2/g(Pt) in electrocatalytic active surface(EAS) area.Test on single DMFC with 60%(mass fraction) Pt/BP2000 as cathode electrocatalyst showed maximum power density at 78.8 mW/cm2. 展开更多
关键词 direct methanol fuel cell CATALYST PT/C CITRATE reductant carbon support
Effect of citric acid on microstructure and electrochemical characteristics of high voltage anodized alumina film formed on etched Al Foils 被引量:4
作者 班朝磊 何业东 邵鑫 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第1期133-138,共6页
Aluminum capacitor foils with a tunnel etch structure were reacted with boiling water and then anodized at 530 V in boric acid solution or boric acid+citric acid mixed solution.The microstructure and crystallinity of... Aluminum capacitor foils with a tunnel etch structure were reacted with boiling water and then anodized at 530 V in boric acid solution or boric acid+citric acid mixed solution.The microstructure and crystallinity of the resulting anodized film were examined by TEM and XRD.The special capacitance,resistance and withstanding voltage of the film were explored with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS),LCR meter and small-current charging.The results show that the high voltage anodized oxide film consists of an inner layer with high crystallinity and an outer layer with low crystallinity.However,the crystallinity of the film formed in boric acid+citric acid mixed solution is higher than that of the film formed in only boric acid solution,leading to an increase in film's field strength and special capacitance.Meanwhile,there are more defects from phase transformation in the out layer of the film formed in boric acid+citric acid mixed solution than in that of film formed in only boric acid solution,leading to a decrease in film's resistance and withstanding voltage. 展开更多
关键词 citric acid anodized oxide film Al foil Al electrolytic capacitor electrochemical performance
Electrochemical reduction process of Co(Ⅱ) in citrate solution 被引量:5
作者 刘燕 李喆珺 +1 位作者 王益成 王为 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第3期876-883,共8页
Effects of citrate concentration and pH on the electrochemical reduction process of Co(Ⅱ) were investigated by cyclic voltammetry(CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS). The results show that Co(... Effects of citrate concentration and pH on the electrochemical reduction process of Co(Ⅱ) were investigated by cyclic voltammetry(CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS). The results show that Co(Ⅱ) is reduced into two species which are free Co2+ and [Co(C6H607)] in the solution composed of 0.05 mol/L CoS04·5H2O, 0.20 mol/L Na2SO4 and 0-0.40 mol/L C6H5O7Na3·2H2O in the pH range of 3-9. The reduction behavior depends on the pH of the solution. Co(H) is mainly reduced into the form of free Co^2+ at pH 3 and into the form of [Co(C6H6O7)] at the pH range of 4-6 in citrate solution. The [Co(C6H6O7)] is first reduced to an intermediate state and then to Co°. Adsorption of the intermediate state exists on the surface of the electrode. Co(Ⅱ) is difficult to be reduced in the solution with the pH above 7, because the existing Co(Ⅱ)-citrate complex species [Co(C6H5O7)]- and [Co(C6H4O7)]2- are more difficult to be reduced than the hydrogen ion. 展开更多
关键词 Co(Ⅱ) ion electrochemical reduction process CITRATE complex species
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